was-Iwuacnasavf \J&VTjw3ID‘.U.§l|l Q! g. _ A FEW GOOD SEASON fricxnrs ARE Avaiumiu ‘: g 1'AYLOR’8 ‘ _ sronsg ;‘ -M .. 15,.-jag ._—...—.._. .._é.._-...__.._.*.__ _ _. _ __ _, __ __ -_ ._,§,._..._.....o Q! I ~ . ‘a .. '.'.‘- . 5 - -' . .- . . .. . .. . ~« ~—« -19- . 33‘ » ‘ ‘_',.r.- _l.V_ . _ ‘ . .’ v ‘ » _ l . ‘ ‘sq A ' V I 9 H‘ ' 1 2 . ‘I . —e._T"-A.:.-.....- ...._ 1 PAGES, FORTY HCHTGOL I 8 V COLUMBIA, }!I8SOURI, Qgp ., vngcguggg 3, .; NUMBER 79~ ‘ ' ! ,:CI'N‘l''llAI.IAlA\' ll‘ ’ ‘ z ' . . . =7 + '1fiEWEA'rHE_R [SEVERAL FRO. - saw eoooe‘.ioo6u.oo;oBl\BY’S SKULL c !.,"{,':‘.‘:.',':_-_- "-‘- '-*'*-o .lvgl_t;efipm- a:w‘i:l of the loo-. thumb ‘the ....:s...ee ~ . 0-. an and indirectly. with two men who D .- . -Me much more tr-din: from w- i ‘en a 9 mg tn gov:-rnmest. o ‘manner l"|qd_ , - - . . - ‘ _ . Irnprovernent J. wdk". eamlyof flu scho(::lm£ he-lurigtna to use eosnrvarir. Ol'l Jrere in his crew; in the Unite-di T I rounding iommunidca. I .. ‘the Senate adjourned after T011)“ _ »-...,._ ('oxiiriiunity. and assistant secrc- ‘ "“' ”"“""“' "" ."“""' ‘°"""'°"“i "' Warrant 7 Sm" "W "' 19°" . . O S ciri mi.i.nc'rioi~zs ARE é i on minut-rs as - in-"c of -~r*~' “',;3;"';,;;rG:m\. Dc 3 F om-. A. a. Canon a. chairman of IJ;.'°‘.‘."§"..."‘c....'}‘”..’.;..'.‘?."’§‘;'Z"‘.'.I"..'3 r e ’ =*"“',f"“" “"‘}“",f.°" ;; '°°“"“‘i i.Ai«:is mi: Nnvsumcic ’3‘- lafmembers who had died since $116 ‘. ‘ ' '°‘ "" ‘U’ ' ta‘; ' e ' l . . ' 9 '1 "24 "2-or . . ‘ 3 “me ° '5 ° m"°"" . ‘*‘“".‘7 . I -~ -- --- . irst 4 ‘union, ugiaion. ‘ g mates or river iind harbor work were :23 ctoetsxeuief 23”“ h.Dt;n"ll:i:: ““A"t:lll..t’n n-imimm (T C. (‘Ar-nn. .Mrc~' ’PA.‘l'TERSON. K0 V . luuud ' '.’h°“‘V"‘Pl1 0f E. E. Smith» 8 Fatalities R3186 R°p°"" sh’ Th‘ "'”“" I“-‘ C‘ J “R am huh‘ f f submitted to Congress today by the- . . ' . son City. coze County. Ila-econ. ~ one Q’ his former shipmatcs. Mr. - T alien In-lncluda Taxes ago » ‘tr , or 5P°‘&’ 0 chief engineer 0‘ ‘be “.‘r L» .If°eb u ch‘"1n‘n 0‘ the c°n3l'"u' due him from Gate-ruliertt. " . . » "ed on turning lll d 11%!‘ _' of House. the 1;-Etc Gillett, meat. they include: lwt‘ tional convention committee and Dr. A om authorizinl the se-emery or sub 4. . D " . pp, over, ‘H, {ind ‘Tn- Illinois . _.__._.___ ministration can- one million don.” ‘or munun. J. D. Ellifl is also a member of the L''“r::=!'i-;;o :1 ’_:':;‘:;-o 14':-uoo owl,» . . 'C° - . ‘ _‘ *_ C huh saCo!u'nt’i“ Mo. U_ ' The total collections in tho cit)‘ of . W . _ , committee. J. J. Oppenheimer is __ ‘ . ‘aka. 1 5 r . . ' . L. N " (joiumbg. go, the mung, of xonm. . . candidate. 1?. Garrett. nd "5; wail‘ °"3: u:“" chairman of the committee on p!‘ac- to can:-.el.t‘.“:file:r’r.n'at":c.! s‘tder-uru"mrt’ior?'ag‘;-1: "2 . . 3‘ . ‘“s”’°° ';:,".""": ‘:1’ C°Il":;b" "’nIR'§,'§'§{3Rg 1“ De. 3_ her are 87,094.87, according to a 5" fly’ . L: aunassee.‘ Democrat. J95: lladden. fig“ nil t ° "'3' :2 '00" tical citizenship, of which Doctor E-- ioeot. ‘Kalat. iota 0-use County. It-send. . . : °”°" "7 ° "5 ‘"° ‘° th of . mm ‘mm gm m;,’Mn'in ..,p,,,.g ‘gun by -we cggy cgflector, m . . =1; V R‘ “but”! 5. Prcum and 0 0 remove wreckage and we is use . memben R H‘ I.-mbep under suitable mm to he prccrlhed by the ' A , - Smith. lie has recently learned , , . . . ‘ . - P ' ‘"“3’- ‘ - * - - ° - Bwrrurr of 1-lav. C A III! 7' Smith's mother used to live at “ *7" ‘3''"''"‘ ll’ ‘ deaf and dumb Th“ " ' 197° °°""u°"' ‘inn the t tau‘. " ‘wag’ " For il!P"°Y1‘nient and maintenance son ‘,1 chmémlli couupmeheion A N" "' m''"' A" ""°" ‘°"“""'"- 0 ‘A ' ’ in llage avenue and that Smith "‘“1- Under the wheels of an out. penalty begins January 1. Tbe_,a¢*-p ,_ .-- !lI&= ~ - M070 01.0% - - lama 18 C 1?’ ciumosepo-axe county. Ihsxouri. for.’ em» ‘ = . . i. M‘, in “l-uhimnom. bound ulinoig cum-.1 p....n‘¢,- ports for the various collections an , . train at Galatia. nine miles north- ll ‘0ll°"F1 C030"! 9-8303. 33353733 ' west or here. at 10 o'clock this niorn- merchants’ ad valorem taxes. 8!.- ing. boosted the auto death toll to 99036: back taxes. $415.17; dot. . :1 it. requires 21% votes, a majority of the “inn”; ~ R, bet SL ' ‘he whole house’ to deck Louis ‘dd Mgfigeapzifg ‘lweenooo Iilln of the committee on the e5tab- mg a mail ear mi the fliwouri Pacihc ‘ N0‘ lishincnt cf teacher-placement bu- "3- ,s. _ iiiiio'.so3ci.'iecoii 7 ‘The second. third and 9001'”! bill‘ was aglcd. and for maintenance, new so:-an-.e .p.-mi pension ham to crust C me "8: n rte proprietor of the Columbia f ‘l d £0 7% ‘ ' A ' _ rc‘ul‘ . v 1 e u 7. per-nus: l l . - ' L: H . so as c p not an worh aid iniproicmcnt ofvthe Mis Ur. Stratum D; BN0“. prflidem nzriil ‘am; 9'1. . _ arrest as an ac- Uadilnc Shop. was on the same ship. am for um d. ‘ in souunm Iuinoimpucenu," ‘$7.50; ‘awn, "mm... . _ sour: River from Kansas City to St . . . . ftc th f 1 - Y . - ~ , , , . , ' of the University of Missouri. Will 0.» on J. (loiigr. Lax Count). iaom. Nose, a r, c act. They were both In 1‘ "’‘'‘'‘ °f “’°“‘ 51 d 3‘ J *$2,6|o.84- vehicle license‘. 8157.75; ' I ;j _ On ‘h¢$131vh l‘>u0l» l:g‘°(‘;o“3- I-0015. ‘ll-’00.(n0. nuke ‘n ‘ddt.¢“ other dmbims J. Whitman. Curprr Cr-sniy. 130.50: Vaasia ‘ Kinds I home andlsktaen men on board the U. S.‘S. d r'u".n d‘ r‘fiuTh°§‘” ‘£,!“?.’°n ‘ ‘mi {e.."ud malt‘. “M1 9 "'. *-~ 1 4; Glrrflttr : per. ‘“—*—~—- -o-~"~' * . . ' . -rs , c...-pee , as; s.u.ai.¢a_y'g.J ; ‘ "1 9"’ "8 Yr 5- l “W . __' H 4 A‘ ~ 5. t and not now ' iwta SUNDAY _« "“° ‘"1’ "P‘i"‘ ‘"1’ "° .*'- 3-oii”£—mn$3f .,,,,,,,,,"'5‘°"°"" ”.e,’,",,:“:';j,“;"" “"" '._5"?'.“‘*! ‘>"""’°"' 5".“ ivooai, wile of an an ".4 These collections are appcrtionodx W din a. _ .. , 3, ’ V I . V , m OI ' -t.’ c.:m,_ "mtg . $80 a . L1’. be .Ph1l1DPllc lD.dfi'!t'..'." , “'3'. vb°.o".w"':,_‘ .”. )0 ’ e. ' " A 8“ .’ . . _.____. cultural” Teaching the Public 1’:-{ruin-on. Ionltnu county. sumo; and M9‘ "3' I m°fl¢h- 1907. ‘ns ~.~fidtm;'-M”h,o-mx.m.' ck 5045:; “u, .3; {gm Ls." ;‘ “""‘.'. °°°"' "' “"' Local floileot-oas Not Yet KIIown— S:hooLs : Dean Bessie Leach Pnddy *4” “"‘“‘- °'“" ‘“‘“’- "°'°°' TALKS on HATES IV A8iAvbAMAcn c “Pd MW» ?“""'- ‘“'”‘ """’ """‘ '""‘*"‘ llilfidllwli “W 3“ f bu‘ Near East 0 . on “Some Phases of Co-o ration-” ‘"7’ 7"‘? . - 8 l " ‘ ‘ ' coll tor‘ c in-"-’\ . - - ru, . "'l""‘f ‘° R‘ 9° ' . - : o - mum) in xgxslis an ‘him mfllna one womanais dead -“""- “-"‘‘5’3 "4 °° ' ° . 1”. Bipntltinuhwadim ration Re’ 4' ‘flue Commune”. Pmfh S‘C:nTA¢l'dr:nt.)1liiectlvon “How Dan G.lP'GBd'ul"P8.l::tlDiu“um — at Johnson City near Marlon. Ill “"l"l°“' "”‘’°' C‘ V ” . $3 0 - - -— -—--— "; i ‘ ‘ ’ t , - Cab. ' . ” —--—-——-—-— . _ .' ns.I stated it was aPPl!'ent mG011_d'fwR“"' S_“’“1I3' ‘E’ '3‘? 5*’? it'll: Dobbs ono“'I1'ie Sir: of ti: I E D...“ Q p':e;..;d.:.,d: in .:,c.ddm S'“'P‘;:eT::::n ’}5“‘y"f'nku 1‘: ‘L l:|¢;i‘l.i5nB'l!'sl:l::.:eln[ hit’ mu‘ cum 0., n“.u.rnzmA. .7’-that “no good purpose can be served 0 . -~tar~'mc OI’? 8718 In 1 1‘ Tiniu”; Dr. Earl R. Bedricli on‘ - 1 ‘ ,~ on ,“Hates in Europe and Ada". cm,“ of A, 1. ‘ . ' -— ,. 3 E . b .d ~.._ _. . . . . . . P93 - T, _ efekmgdwhgnfmotor Weekly Report of County Health "’ °°”‘'“‘*‘"‘‘ . “ u.5"‘r'«.o~.3’$§ii.°.ff§l§:o.”‘i’Z‘°fl. c‘2..'i“ ~‘“;.”‘i‘."‘i..§.‘i..‘.‘"...‘-."l‘»‘."¢S§;"°§.~" —~~~— c ‘Elli? c.’.'fi2‘°."i‘.. ”€£"'"‘ ‘.12 ‘’‘§ The .;“o:.T.:: A and cot» bu» c3r'§'53=§'eiz~r«n mm to -n <=°--I-M 9*“ 9:’ 8° ‘’‘‘’‘'‘‘’‘°" ’’'°'''“' '.‘”°“""".°'" H. H. lilmks. who is treasurer of the H 5:.“ on‘ '‘s m foo‘ bio 'on' Part)’ Leader 3355 D9910‘ the cim tig St ‘lire : Cmcm 20° ella it ie a inst the on v or Cl» 1'-Jinn party was struck by a‘ The weekly report of Dr- W- A- ‘-',‘rnhe”°°". ‘°'."°r$’w'Hwl”°h am no‘ local Neat East Relief’ fund. The '1-,:¢.h;‘,,':, ,,§’ c Language,--; crats Are all for Tax “id. ..-I-'h:"di”::n:‘m :;n‘,r,e3;w::_: lnmbi.'_ Ptppefizd from .3 Cinugt Wabash train at Hills Crossing, near:hlorrls. county health commissioner. ‘; “we-‘n ° ‘mu V“ “ exact amount collected is not yet 1' J i --3 h boo; tod.~ ' Conn d,_.¢§,io,, he", 5, be; bend Staunton. Ill. Seven others ware.to the State Health Department for , ‘.u1fo,.t,.° nuom, Pro. . T. Qunr es. on lg Sc . 5 is based on the hatred that . H8 1, red ‘u k ‘h ed fouruw‘ O‘ m h_ i7 . k-"0"-'1 b'~‘°‘“’‘° 59"“ 07 the °l“"'¢h°5 Course of Study in Musk”; Prof. C. UCUOTL the Arabs hold for the Jews." in the Kansas City Court of Appeals 3 llflifly 1115“ ~' . l _"°° “V f .19 ----—~--—-- Mr. Edwards said that the Arabs today. City Attorney Howard F. A 4-year-old girl died at Centralla, ‘-3910 "Id "'9 513:‘ ° ""3 “- .. glut: um‘ £9‘ mémben '9" and Sunday school classes have not L 9 «Aug t‘ i th p b. . lf?.l.}“"' i'.' ‘M H°‘”° ‘Pd Sen.“ “med in. their °°mfib"fi°““' The lic DeaneM‘f:'G.n hieealcuon ""€ré°‘ lPf"“' , , com se nine-tenths of the popula- Major and W. M. Dinwiddie. who lll.. from injuries received when hit"l'_hls la a decrease tom the seven 3 -P‘ °“ '°°°"t °°c‘:t:'i:)' tint P"~"¥b5"°”‘" Chumh ll” 5°‘ ”'_d° “Present Tendencies in School Ad» J r;l;:o:9T02\' D°°‘h';'—S°‘"“°r,tion of Palestine, while the Jews was city attorney when the case by an automobile. _ gdipbtharla cases reported pre- ‘the hdgonies next Sunday as Coldcn Rule Day 111- ministration"; Prof. J. V. Anltcncy 1°?” }:"’‘;;‘e “S °, °‘"’" ‘1°°" coinposc only one-tenth of the popu- was originally filed. are defendmz An 11-year-old boy was fatallyfflfml ‘*5 o“l5'_ “"° ‘ '."""'“‘"‘.“‘ ' °. " _ . . { stead of observmi: it yesterday as will lead a round-table discussion on 9‘ °” ‘E ‘ '3 ’“°°"'‘’° °‘“"“" ‘°-lotion. the city. injured near his home at Bcuevine.tr.¢vof*oer 23. at which they will ob- and vary in who came to -no-dfwfflmnt *° ‘W - ¢.*“*°';;f '°‘ljj"=.“'“"“"'__ J inner life endurablo in the noose, . “!.,Pf9¢!'¢$8i"¢ WNW" 0‘ "_“’-°" '°‘'‘‘"”"‘’ t° (:’°l“"‘b“ "mt ""‘° [n,m, it wouid be pougbie to iuue serve the “White Chijstinas," nowfrhaiiksgiving at Christian Collgeqthat the court erred in gi at p II-gnmfinu 3_ 503903 |Ll.}s of the state's development. ‘ ‘III!’ were seated WW6 "I ‘-"’° 'E"?.°°"" "‘“’"°“- "'3 '°“ 0°‘ Tmm mu, m, million, in ;,.,,,d,._ .1- coming increasingly into popularityrno cnem were present. . ;tIff’- iMt1'“°°°“' ‘° fa ———-— that weclaiin lilnias our very own." 59*“ F5" 0" 9*? R¢P"h“°‘“ 3”“ h."l'bm:h§‘ Scpmmber ‘nuke ‘ p°.'tbougti the law permitted more, He Cathay." According to the legend,’ Tho brief repast was 1ollowed.hy;Wl|¢l'¢b7 l-he J00’ '33 ml "'1" Former‘ Proprietor of Gordon Cafe _ pad“ '33 the cfihty-clglitli L’ Faucne. ‘ho ho1¢ we aim: Nwithy Uipd:-wood &h Under- iuid sate ‘huh “ flu dbpoui of Cathwa-v According to the legendfithe following progurn of old-thne,to rt d5:}:,,e"u: in‘ an; is in lloapltal. of r ‘ powers in this 118" 5'-'!1'i"" ' ""5" °'' 9 °"°9'.‘p °"' ”» ' ' ufi" ' th 1' (htha hroutllt white ngs: “Old Folks at Rome,” “Carryv¢°" . mu "ct . T rner S. i. '. . ataifaction, was absent because of!“ 38¢“ 1" 39"“! Am¢1"°‘- , ‘3:e-m.m,T,§:::n.wn¢e:e¢2.o:.'m::::: blrethldeaoyplgifots to thgir kins beallaelge Back to Old Virginia." “ ‘ p,:5tu'! so as to allow it to conipetisata.u_" Gordon Cue. is Noah “In” __~_,______ __ ’ . '.‘ , E ; After spending ten in P" ' v . - - on u .the parasite for the society. love and - I -y_ 1?, [$.13 .‘ 173.1], lien. , . dgargea and other expenses. Govcr- of his honorable life. It is a Christ- Kentucky Baba. All Tlllflllll . . street. is ill at the Boone Coasts‘! - . g - South America he embarked for , . . , . . - . . an ax . W W 3., ‘1 ‘g comfort of their son. instead of. u,-_ “.1 315, 1_ 17, fgggtar, who h members were OWN‘: in Cub‘ .1‘ W” on the Wyue them nor Hyde is still considering Cllllflgjllls of giving rather than rccciv ts a day“; u‘;t,.‘,,,¢n3y we 1“. of hi‘ “wig” 1 {:58 ' . um ii ‘ 30mm Idlwmed ‘‘ 1 :‘‘’'that ‘his shi is special session of the legislature ing. * ’ ’ "33"" 33 " ' i I10“! I -"”°""g 5. . z p was «wrecked. After, , he. _ M ____________________ fmimn support, until he had IN! « ' , ‘Z ‘ ' ml { I h h 3”“ "~"°'“'°' “‘°”'“"’ "‘ ‘ The Sunday school children. who‘ A1‘ 'l'BXA8'lU.* i orit . 1-’ this last reason. ’ i‘ " ‘- "' ‘" 0‘ 435 W‘-5°" Pm“ ;BQ'Zo.L'§. crorm: ' in"-'"=*‘ 0‘ “W ‘Na Na‘ 'Y'W"- will ‘have received "their own slits-FEW "°"°"3 1 3.: :3. *° *" '‘‘°“°'‘' 3" °°"'°" "“ '’°‘'' ‘" m ‘''’‘'-m' Columbia. Both air; and tin. Pen. “' “'3 Home {OH-Y-5" mi°“l"'lfew cuts and bruises. According to§p-039 cubs ovq pnglnmq-rat the Sundayinoraing session. will Byrd of Ingest: lakes chum “at a! ‘mum, .'u,d.d uni“, an 1.“ ya, — l _ub.wflu" WM“ *’“°°°“'m'-‘d i” Gm"! 3"’ "°l_ll_g‘.“his Iorlper partner in the ‘_ ‘ .bri white gifts to the evenlnt 4833‘ 339‘ c""- j ,.pd ive. ' H Gordon ‘ ‘|“°“"1‘ V“. P'’”“‘‘- . lbiiaineu. llr. Douglass will return to‘Will Only Say He Talkatl MM“ celebration. 7 Students attsntllnt the UlIl'a!'lF“7r — -'-"""""""’ ‘ ‘_3 M call diowed that 417 of the 485 ;c¢|uw[afi. fin about three weeks. ‘ Ilusde Shoals. ‘ -———-——-.~———— ‘ fP08'l‘IIAN BUSY A1‘ CHRISTIAN h . ~ .‘ I ,_: w:-‘eivpi'e_a¢nt~ fr tuUmln EMmDs‘B' cm‘ ';'-.-;————......._ YBAPHST Pllhln OVER 8I8.00C.not:al|,?lad “shave automobiles -won." Gm.“ 3&1,‘ 3.'.¢,;lie has been In diargs of the Con ufsdnot “L “d. ‘u Fm“: -- "'5' °M1“"°“° 3" 3,..¢.dera-nlingpasaedhythevboardof 3.”; .doaCa1e. _ . Mann, '0‘, ‘puke’. Willi.’ Jew . ..e—.... at an all .‘Ford _on President‘ oolidge‘ way Church . nu“, flndflul rs. Kari entered the ‘apasker- D’ umE",’:_:_" ;w;,g ' Foam:-V” tog: ‘ A mm of “8n'°i'h12't72t-uh.d“”"‘”Iand residents of Austin. students.’ “vary 'l'|Ia.n|tl¢lv‘l boaas ‘ m WAS HIhlG_TON. Dec. 3.-The 18.-Em, by ‘ .r’ fwnnl over “ _&~*m me P’ van .000,00dtautoniobile owners of the]. pad "3 5,313“ .1,"t_u.,.¢1,'dn Chuck’ "1 » - . °3'°“l “°“' country will demand of this Con-Jshnb . 9,33,; Mi” alum of ‘he ._ - " [gran irciiioval of the war_tax onéu, -, '. .'.‘;n;'m ha 5 A ‘ ’, ff!“ 0 . § 9 ?. §' I! § 5 t, . 11. Mark Twain Memorial Society. _".; . \ . E o E! 5‘ E 5 la. §‘ i E 35 E 5 E In T -_ '*. E ii: i 5 Id —wa ’ ' o iii 5% _i?$i 5 E ii 2 ii i ii 5?. E38! ii g gt‘ i ii 5. _- i 5 E i is F ‘S. ‘E 9 ’”"““'.'""'”“' P:=i:w£:o?a:.dWl!wr.oY A -Go 1 Tennessee. ram m. - “5 'b, —; T s,,;"""""""""’,,,,,.,.,,,, “ .mo=nl=-I"-of lo R-ins! 01.1%-oi! ¢°*‘..e.e': M ‘-3 imam’ 1;. Rev. Ila!-via r; Fa-§ll>!'!t°u‘”“""" or ‘a-ociutio ‘This ta i e V |: . l.5‘PK¢ - I p ti‘:Browneo!Wh&o‘n-,' mm " ~- ted Coovmof» 8-‘ .»,‘..7 a candidate ‘of Pro-.' ' ' ‘ {hlflbllctllle ' -_ fit. . 5 E’ ‘ 2’ méxcrox, Dec.-' s.--'ine¥’“''’ . on pg: s) _o. ‘ ‘ . . V ‘V ' g 2;! ii 5. E- i S E s 3 § ‘ ‘ .. : . ' - ‘ . . ., \~‘ -‘ l .. . .- n I “ -' ~ . ‘ - ., t i ._f‘ ‘ D i". 4 ’ - . . . - - ’ '.