i5_§'i§‘:”E§i”i"lTi.I'\7lli”i£ili?}liii;- * Jaeger of - -:-- <-s - . . .§ \- :- V '. ‘ ‘> 1. ‘ - . ran ooLUiiaw -: 4-," ‘ ' .~’. _.. i-"hr 3"’ " ‘ A N, nouns? once an’ "1923 A L Bum’ " lat KETASC wns. rssaaur iioaa l'l.AY8§N0lINAQ‘;lOllB mYIm gong: made st‘:-'3: Anlalahslfiafthelassrlsr. . Welfare ¢4..;..;‘n...“ c....i.., E’ J“ y _ nu. 15....» is nave Varied; : i - °h"". < ;, ‘''''‘'l”‘ ’‘'5‘‘''‘- r nthly board meet- - Och-ic- 14 3‘ . . . ()1-lstmasd at ‘mans ’Aasaal nu: oi... » ‘:‘u‘,':§,‘,5‘:';“;'°g,n':_lf‘*‘ “,‘_"°""‘“, “"‘u°' ‘gag: P-bliiezdxrz oz . ‘R “'5. u"“‘*- Thefirst seasons; otrlllilll ll IOU! " ”"'° '; was : o’ oc . ~ . Pk’ _A§ u.'.“u. his. The decoration scheme will be for a place to get a marriage license Hm, “mac.” in an commflcm Gladys Whaat‘s little Thaatar. Satnrda 3,0,3, 'I[4d¢_|' pg-ggmgd A "°‘ ‘Club rooms. One of die chief topics earriedoutinblael: andwhlte lnandaplsoetoget directed Pius. D‘. .0"? Igloo‘. .YAgns' detail. Throughout the even-lporter him to the . 3' -——--- . every .- - '11; joint . A 3&,..n.".,.,. ‘ad night, justiliod the‘ N mnuug f the saw ‘ V _ °°‘"“3 of discussion was the annual finan- ia, ‘,3... umarhit slow: intlve hssf steers 10: gauge: shown in O! P1050“ ‘U’ 9" "to 1:0 9105': 7:38! hilht R0302 WkPa:l:.-fivde ‘cw C-‘m in mm” "R ‘hen lathaatiedl Annotation of Amer-V ; yearling. steels and haifarsn of Coluhia. Wierd light-fscoop, gh. gm, ‘Wm; due, to b.;,m_pi°ce on. The mun "cur "cord". much’ ;'n‘::“':hg lcovering the month of November. at ‘Md’ flunk‘? ha. s"d'"‘:’ "‘s‘”1mw' °°'~" “'w‘5'@' “"' 18 1068. C $508 8': given at the Daniel Boone ~Tavei-nlof the evening will be the crowninginiuoufln ‘mi mt“ dug 5., did‘ i __ .. VII collfillbl fi:I¢||l3l°"'d the :1 «l||l'l___ ad ‘ 0 ¢l13o¥:.UsntItioII. 'mIl-01'! Vugby the‘ students in rhool oflof the Scoop Queen. ‘Die eormnitteenot marry negroes. 0 , - ‘CW5 mnhn‘. "V v “°¢¢"3_ 3 ‘$553 - “U-‘Ind Edollflllllllll. opened this morning. Aohas voted to make the affair in-’ --—— ———-——— i “A73 ‘-0113 w ‘I908! '-7P¢— “'9 “""fi"3' "‘ "*7 - jidfid 5! dlfliflll 01 ‘P013 5 W Vlbox has been placed in the eorrldorfformal. 1 Corn Crop Short in Pennsylvania Am“ Ifllln! H110. *9 H089-3O¢l'5l'l¢& 31 ‘ old. It VII In 000801"! If-.of Jay H. Nell Hall and anyone} among the ,,p,_.,;.] luau, Wm be The Pennsylvania crop" summary hflin‘ “ R. iisanck. :l0c ‘higher: has . 87.15O'M0:j*i-fit ‘ gto nominates girl for scoop;u,. g....;., of the schoo, 0, 40",“, for November shows an average‘ HENNINGBIFB 0” ‘."':§“t the m I.“ hul :-;fl!0¢il_l_lI. 87.1537-‘oi “tilt. 333°C» 4 “U7 5! lllldllfx £18: INl_Q.ue.en may. do so by placing ‘the ‘mm, new gum, Lexy, p,-may wd yield of corn of 89.) bushels an 313 3N“l'I! IIIGACCIIIC‘ ‘ ‘°‘u°"fle' P"! E ?.85; light ligihbts. $6.l.0§‘f.l5,“paek-:“O:::!:¥’h’ a‘ “:0! 'mch:igdii;lls ‘name in the box. Nominations the dun, of the 0"," “book Gnu" with .3 “finned to“! ‘mid B Strommger of the University. of mains follows: ' nomiiciaogonwzousttnbe .:5:h°:dn.bYE‘tlc): the Univenhy “mpu$' 0‘ 58'9u'82o h”hd" or wpruh AT 0‘ Av ’ ‘ P ' _. . a g ' ' ‘ ' _" ._.""h ha 5 _ ‘ 1——---_------- 'mately 8,000,000 bushels less than $3.'.4';ay of §.}.§;.i3.""$'I§:.°':. l_"“' us’ "3; ..‘L‘..‘.§.. Isaak ........ .. '‘ i:s...i’’'’'°’‘ "f"° "““_“' “'° ‘‘°'''i'‘f“°“- : ""0" ‘in e ten-year -verses Decreac is “excl ma P”! J S’ Tun.“ Tm‘ " - "*5 503‘ zzhallult Ban-k - - - - - . - - « JIIIIIIIIIII 3-13 3005311“-5 Ind P"9‘)0\_ll'nal- Old Enxlish. Johnson's and attributed to droutht of the Plot 5'3“ ..-t A P [Jeanna-s and en ‘l.@03-50,:Is¢uiIoaier ........ .. John Nardlnj[.t' mu. .n,,,d me sfoop. 1-with Bumbag, Floor ‘H 3"" wmmn L], g .A‘hwn of the Um: :m'- .3, “P001 Full”: 31°-'5@13-°°- l ,,,‘,g,‘,;.‘',‘,,,,, ,,,,,,,,S''''_'',.,.,, ,,,,,, Flu-rd on sale this morning and Hardware Co., 904 Bro.dv.».,~, phone —-———————.— . . Prof B 81 be of “Q; A ___.____. ___ .n c."_“"_ gm.” h_ may be purchgged from Jam aim. 334 dv‘ If you wane to buy or sell some- Kansas. , “"‘ " ' St Louis Cash Grain. coll pich. Jessie Landng, Isabelle Stepp. thins try It Miuouiinn want ad. IcPhail. Ruth Blue Ribbon polishes-“for Brass, «Hausman and Amelia Foster. Nickel. Silver. etc. h'ewmsn Ha.rd- ' -A¢°°''di“8 "3 300095 Simpich. ware Co., 904 Broadway. Phone 234. -chairman of the Scoop committee. . Ad“ no expense will be spared to make L w‘ P’: .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.’ Jil ‘OD]l'COf’Fo3tcr B,-uton. Jung C 1‘. LOUIS, Dec. 3.—-Com. No. 2."°"’ ,u_,,°""' °‘ - . wwhite, 89@7lc ;Dec.. 74‘lte;' July.‘ M we ¢,‘h"pu.m,mmu, um Tyhits 69971“ D°¢« 743“: MI» Lillian Fisher. of Stephens College, tooktheplaceoflisslesaeaathe Va; ‘oi For Cold Weather White I Cochran woon AND con. _ Taylor Garage . 9P~”!3”040~"C01v~~l-" If you want to buy or sell some- li ' hiown internationally as a‘ _0Ii6--N0.’ 2 white. 4,5¥@‘5*¢.3:“tell-me-a-story-lady.” N538 '!0l!" _ 05¢ 3108! elaborate - - ,.:a:...a.~i.,n. - hm 3 "h"'°° ‘5“~e@‘5*°5 Ticket! for forty childtgn one in the history of the school. An- thing try a Missourian want ad. mm” 1222 Buck’ - - - f 1, ummu- booahtand siren away by _o _ . ,‘__A__y__‘ C - ‘ ’''‘’-''‘’ __ _ __,_ f ,_ . . * 1 *‘j,',’,’,c,,"""‘.,°,,"‘°," A§,,§,,.,“_ ,,";,,., J $1»-:0, —- sLo7ss:,n.:_s The on Omega sorority. xx- _ 4 i W ‘o * ~ - -n I _. ‘._ .g__ I '1, ‘an: 1 .. .. . .~........ ». -m on ad 3.. me P180 zmeamegimeaeeoegze - ~.«: = swam « s i bought ticketswh will be given 3‘ A 6213 A 1 .1 . ‘ presen 7_ Call 1 Ste hens College. C. .1. ‘Wheat (red)—-No. i. si.isei.i . 0“, O we ’;_;ni“.n5ty of mu- ho. 2, 8l.15@l.l6; ho. 8, 8l.1l@‘away at ‘later performances. Dunkel of 1.18; No. 4, 81.09. ccording to Ira. Basel Newman. A T " Wheat (ha:-dl—h'o. 2. $1.19; No. and Miss Christine Spencer. the play‘ , "A 3. 81.06. was ‘successful enough to permit‘ ‘ - ———————- «-—~— others to be given during the year-A .)I' M V A ‘ WANT GARDNER PRESIDENT The next phy will be presented1 — ‘ ' . ‘ —-——}— around Christmas time. The - " , . P70 . D’-"'"'”° &m°"'~ 1‘ 8‘ "°"" gram will include two one-act plays, Start Campaign for Nomination. ' souri and prof. Otto Washington. The southwestern section will meet next year at lows State Cel- ._.A.m..——- is story and music. : Saper. . . . O 3 W *=' W "W “ "'° W a ’§2"‘°’ °°’°2"°.....' F'.';"‘l"°.f.‘....§.’:x..’.‘.'..‘Z"r‘1-°.‘..s...”‘.i"l?;.. §’?’1‘......... .. ‘ . 1 A ‘a me The“ meeting “I1 be ‘t. d:te ff): Ch? Dfmocratic nomination Wisconsin University Benjamin. , - ‘tended by two or three thousand _ _ , ' . I e ucordin‘ ‘O p,0f¢.,,,,, Red- for President by the Democratic Llebfl Ind 01118?! 81’! V751‘!!! "id; 4 ‘ < Editorial Association in st. Louisi\;i written‘ l‘>l1IlYL:'*1.b¢ pmuiuced; . T‘-_; ‘At the luncheon which was given Jhe nwfimafhd t S ‘amt? . ° ° - ‘ h nu Epsilon’ .n‘{li:o)n“ m:t:);- ;)eym)c!-gt" etjc Coax-guts“ b: k ”_~_——-J ‘H ‘V W”w——~r4K :77 w - s . , , , , , . “yhnt 8 Dar‘ t:urni.ture l mum”: §L:’t:3rmurge‘y.ssmactoii‘ofisotoasi‘:finstructed to vote for his nomlna- lNSURANCB—PAllll LOANS. 3 The custom among fammes 0f 8'»lVm8' 3 J01!“ gift t0 the hm“? 15 $"0“" I133’? ""‘.’:'l“' “““"-‘t'"""°"‘ . . no and on Proreswr . ."°.' "..':'..":"... ':..':"..:'.'.::"::: E - . 1 . "W 9. "8 4 ‘ Me, .3 npmsenung the ,0‘.-,,,,. This "solution “,5 unmim°u,). :_':'u_‘__‘ “n h‘ _ '_h_ E mg. lll0l'€ DOD“ 81' CVCTY 3831‘. hours of eisurc an " and Prof. Paul R. Rider of W_ashiflK- adopted by about fifty editors who no I"lraI I-In Ce. assess coin: ‘ ’ “CV93 °“- ,1 :;W‘f:t*i:‘"'*>' *5 "'P'”°"“"‘ ""‘ ::cen:;dt;:e5m°°°::- ‘f-:d:rm;';_: "“‘ i Home is never complete. There is always something to add, some- \ . _ ' ...__.w_ - .. ~*...... ....- _— I . . 17 .\m.uoxs ox STATE nmuzs fgjd If‘ P“ mue‘;".‘;.';e‘Gmn; _ thing of beauty, something of comfort. » : S n» C.’ 5.5 3“; supporters say that the selection of 0 9 G . . ‘ . N‘ 3;‘: 3.-,,..,:',.,,,°;4. '3 d:1e_gsu-5 ffargrable to cuaxger will Jack S - If your family hasn't followed this custom, begin this Chrisf- ; h - - de, 0 vsate a t among outsi e can- . _ _ _ m::‘;e'_:”°f§ “th: °§.';‘.‘,"°°,§'i:‘,f,.,_.. didstcs for the presidency in Mis- SERVICE mas, pool the family finances and buy the home a Christmas pres- .= 3 ; - ' by S "1 ._ souri and will prevent the probable .- . . . . , . §§o"l~Ti‘$f§ o.."T.l§-.°.$.§' ..}f...".{-‘.’..»eZ’.. reopening or pans wounds incurred Cleaning ~. cut On this page you will find many sift suggestions. .:-.-.--.=.-'->-.- .2 her 24. min: 1,083.70 miles of durir_zs_the fish! om ‘ht _L°I8f“° Pressing . ‘ 5 ‘(aged ,3 ma 1,o63,o1_ males of of hations in 1920 Il'Id.I'h!t’li fig- _ Aherin , ' ‘ - 4 I I ,.....' —. r surfaced . The vialue of the uredhlagrgley in this electfn of 1922 , K . a we “,1” "mt ‘u Chfiflmas selections tip,‘ __ ._ - , ded rthroads' 1 ed t$7.— in I‘ ic nator.ames .R.eed.an - __ _ A" r . gl.t‘l‘.,u:-.:2d the sursiil.-‘.2: roitds at nail-leaguer, was re-elu-ted to the Phone 13 22 be made now. Upon reqt‘.~:st we will [ ‘--os$n.si*,s32s6s. L’ iu.-d sum Se u.-. ' , . , , i gm, "M n, W, omm, " g _V "“ T y by Ag y_ y _ ho! dun.» purchase made tor delm.-r.~ 1» ‘placed at !.07I3'§’:.$Y\c rfepogt « H just before Christmas. 1 W -==d*“"= *'°W°" ° ‘ " : lesion shows that the ‘amount. , E ederal a‘ request on we " ' . y completed is 7.1 .,, “.1 ,h,_ . We Hold No Clearance Sales : ai.n.ouut received by the state $3.510,- 9 Once a Melodeon 3"" c 0 _ fl Now a Spinit Desk r "V p ' _ _ The fpinit Desk of today um‘ I Old En8.“3h' Johnson's and now every I i‘ i‘...= nnct !:ll'}' hack to the melodeon 7' Butcher’s Floor _ wax. Newman _ _ O '3 of Colonial days. What more ((3., . v Hardware (2.. 904 B!‘0ad\'»‘:|}'. Phone one is thlnklng of the .3. ‘exam. or eleirnnt gm could one 5-. *' 234. Adv. en “_hen IVS hlllflglne for a home. - Theytv. ‘ . t ______,__.__, _ . . . -'9 time of pleasure t be daivo _ - ' o PRESENT 1t’s Well to a Thirty Below Zero ca from 5:. They are fwriced from “’ 2 - . It doesn't have to et as cold - For Private = u‘ t t R . " - “P 1 _ sa . - - d _ 1 _ DANCING LESSONS look out for the Fu- fy ,,u‘f,d,(,‘§ ,_'f3 {j",,§:_‘ $3 “_‘.3f°‘_ Th Ad “H : Phone I573 m ‘toad book. How convenient then e - up 9 .- EU"! P75“ 7.93"“ i tufe. to have a little Book Table next Gate Leg Table I -i J _ to your chair. Give one to the M017)’ indeed will be the Cbrist- ‘ '-"'."" ” '”" '9"""" ‘ home for Christmas, mas for her who gets a Droplaaf é - ‘ 1‘; ‘ F ( _ $8.00 up (iatcleg Table. It conforms itself A , MONEY FUUND ' Servlng ‘O “'8” space just as. favorably as ‘A ( semng old nmumu Xmas is going to come ‘and go—but what about % lnformally A Choice Po - it does to a chair arm. This on K g 392 ‘Win Cd] I January—Febi'uary—-and when March steps in like a ‘ Without a Teacart in the home. S! ts‘e‘s_sswn’ in mahogany or walnut. escellento __ c COM. 00. ;, U0“ and the M1 Weather starts to show its teeth? % andmge nltzflnl :01’: Hoinc comforts are greatly add- s-115:5“ ‘ma ‘M fmhhflt 3.’ 2 ' la the O'coat you are buying this week going to melt the“. “.0 moms be fuerdosuouu ‘° _l')' “W P03"-“l0” 07 I 5980- 00 up I '-ll t . l’°f°'° ‘M °"°"'i “"3 m durinc ow’. holidays. when folks “.“" slmtinil ud°i:::lf“he Bob ‘ . l« Exaétlywhat you need is a Be‘in- , , , 3, . .5 d - - f U _ “C98 0 _II _9!» an two with . . . ' _ a i “when Pqruu. .r’pe'fiut. I‘ This is an appeal to the men who need Coats to get ‘ i-fttrln.‘ :::il:'"‘h&:ny°:‘;i":8 utmost dignity.« .._, Of , 1 c . z A them now before Santa Claus takes over your moncy— ‘ ' This one in a brown maho an‘ A Lg . 1 us give yous demonstration. The and to bu "am kind of 1.‘ ' uu , . and styles from . M f , . 3 5 ge III) . . ‘ co-op Store. ram 379. Author- “'3, you ’ ‘*‘"” ’ ‘ "°"‘ “W m°'"~'>' Martha Washington $22.50 up ,",,..,_.,.° .,‘.'",° "°{‘,"""‘,‘ ‘fi"°° Hm‘: - sin that will out-I-he ‘ ised Remington Service. ' . Se . C b. t ho“: 1:. ~ rom c am y to the all others. It will not only_lflq. E w 0 ______. _,_, Here are the fine Quality costs, at Prices that make wlng a Inc An Unuflld ‘ . $65 cheer into the home on Chnnm” i. h _ a cheap cost an expensive proposition. Tm!" Amcria" i" d"“i“" is W" Telephone Set '00 up [Tm 0" ever’: om" by of we .0 1 Qliee am use a. 5:00 an « _ Martha Washington sewing Cabi- For the home that needs a Tele- ’°‘" B“""'°’ ""°‘ ‘" "°"‘ 2‘ . Piuneaoaij ones .3: Aprpoinuns-nt .‘ Come In-R0 Chlflrf 10!‘ ¢0mP|!’i$0h-Mid that is net. And what woman wouldn't phone Set. this one will be "most Smoker “I? § f 93- $3. Cl-“.3 ‘LID3 “’h<"«i “'0 ‘'''"1l- 5'00 N3 do if 3'00 V*‘il1- r m prefer this 6” to ‘U when with irelcoene Not because it is prac- Give Dad a Smoker stand for '1 ‘ um“, 3.3“... 3.. . . _ .t . od. . Y tics! and comfortable but because Christmas and you'll have no trou- A Convenient I’ _ ‘ “5 ‘ ”"°""" °'_*‘°"5“~ ‘“"'°“'i Socletyi Stein and Laflgllam A '”:r;°ln:::£e3:.:_:_:’::d “::”;:r;_ it is tlrlilltlfllll whcznhen ble kconveirtiflg him into a tidy Thiagcahir though made to go lg 3’ __ ‘_ '__Z_ A V i 0"‘? 9 W1 H “Y ¢. 91' ""0 933 0'. 91150)’ it and you'll with t e Colonial Secretary ‘r V , O’O03t8 0055?-H0105?‘ it be in clot ea or furniture. lany enjoy the absence of ashes on your adgpz iuelf to any group of fur-‘V ' DR. J. B. COLE ' . A useful gift for any woman. :1 others from T. . T mm". R k W,’ oflaopfih t0 lovely gift for a home. T. Ill) $2.00 up ‘ .si|:ned in brain mahogany. it . ( Exchange Nan Baal: Bldg. 1 ' ‘ '°°-"W °"""“‘““”““°“°'° SAYING MERRY HRISTMAS t o “ . .5‘ ‘ , y , - O l O ' 1 ' ' ' 6’ ~ 0 In a ome oflvlngcwcy ‘ «v 7 0 7‘ - v-* . . V , = ~. . - :..-2 .2 i - I . '“ l V l 3' o ' " - u Always the Right Price ; - . ' fig * 3* h « 4 . — ‘ - - I ' ‘: ~ ; ° ' 9"‘ ° ' ' - : . i. ° - , ~- ; e u f _ - y (.15 2-: y ‘ ‘ ' ~ 1 ' ’- : '. '. ‘bl 8 . _» 4:"! '-‘\§‘\".’ . ‘e. ' xi ., ‘ ‘ 1 I , , z:' 2- ' ; u ‘x . : . ‘ _ _ - ‘ - p j Are You Wise? - ~ ' x,-; _. , 1 H: i '5‘;'u'I'l““¢‘,u“‘°°l"'§“’°'l'll3f¢3°f0D!0IIrradiator ‘E A. 'i .4: ‘ ; 3 l ' o ' I 1 ' ‘ I ' ’ . ’ ,1 . . O . man Count the number that stag‘. during Lh¢"inf,3 L‘ '_‘._'_____;y_ _ __ 4.‘ - a > V 8- § . i‘ L !-“’ K '.,{. '_ Q T i - a, .. ‘Wane means muons wear is taking place ln- , -' J .luIi.;LIJl-.l . ' =, ‘ sidethemotorduetoesoesaive heal. No wonder.the ’ ”" ”“_ '.- l ; ‘T y‘ o motor neiwir ahopsbeare overflowing in the spring. g . ‘-_ ' 1., . E ;' your: then next 1-1 nun ’ . - ' ‘ ' Phone ‘WW ififint with a defective an — h’ .* " ‘ " E ' - i. ll ' » ' ‘I . ._ I i 0" Y0!!!’ ' " r ' ‘ "‘ .4 ‘ . . Remy, Bosch‘ . A in, ,,,,o,,_ “M. E - ‘Iv as =aliiu] . . n. " .__ A . Ir charlie-for cleaning is nominal. _' "_. , got ' ~ T . i _ A ‘Y are free. ; " " ‘,1 - A ' 5 ‘I ‘ I . ‘ I’ ‘ . . ‘ .17 . lg‘ II *2. . ’sii'«r.sissi. ; —w":t"s1