_—LlfiJL 1 than 3 Gwen new‘ van: one i in uee.il{rel..u.....l‘.{.;” “ , C°3¢h GVWI -3931. “I9? ’°°l'I Ideal all metal weathersu-A, _. . 4 T ‘ball meuintol‘. may aft; fig ‘eludes the air, keeps window: a -{ . . . Rocheport ‘irtenea relatires in-.oeaee aty teeqaest ,tra'ln to Empone. t:ws"per1d a "g;.{;'_‘p‘;;.’;;'= ii.‘ : e. . . . -vet , g e‘. » esoea “ho 1.‘ ' - , ~ 5 flneiapete Inn for an “atlnoaphete.” _l_lm E-rl Champion of Tom 2: A program was given by ‘gt.1.?,..’,',,:{, n the co’; ‘o§.H-Mr-re Co. 904 Bro-d--y.I-In. fl ' » ‘ it-Ivtl ‘ ’ ll‘ '°"°',gt9-.ln-. .~.-‘-.N¢l'“;;‘“‘ _,'°“*"°'llm~ from Stephen: cones: in A-hlmdlcmpeese. where Henry ee.el.f-§”me"’3" ' ’ ‘ *""*w rksh Pla ers AWill'um m‘Mweaee.wdu" m°g¢ivi:l"ie°I'lefs°uu mg?‘ 1?‘:-‘k‘. w°d”°""’ "'°“*"¢- ‘ " . nenry helbcd the Collclzc of ".""'=+'-it-—’ ct- - -- "’ a i= '1 z ‘, 0!! El’ 1‘. Y - » . — '2‘ ‘ ’ l l l at 2? v ylieys to lngleinton ("Duke").haaoct.uoul : ‘‘°'‘‘'’” °‘ "‘° "SSW" ‘l’lllrl3:r-nd::"3'-v‘:l§el:>oI{t\n:le-'ill::l‘dr:lz?' E32505: ‘I't:‘ac"lle:3ecb<;ldctm ‘Mm ‘ f A ’ V . , - ' ' ' c‘ . . l ‘H ‘ V. W eff ’Su&n' ‘lid? 1313-3!’ 188‘ SIl1Il'- flvgg hm .133‘ week. ' . .‘__§»________?___ i um” ‘ . It; Baldpate at the ;-unn.rynamn.eeennegtaeie.a-.d‘ - _ _ _ _ Mr. and um. Hartford nen and Vfseuueu Cleaner Smdio ; ''’''~ ~ - ~ ‘l"° Columbia. in: roles. The characters. in order. “"- C‘ 7' C‘"’‘l‘’’°“ “‘ ""”““‘ "" y'*'~°“°“~ m°l°d"m-"° .‘”°= "T ..... ..i‘ ..‘.’.‘i.”?‘f‘.f'f‘i.°:....; 1...... Wu from l’nrm°- l~=w-- where Mr. and Mrs. rem omnn. Mr-. = 9*‘ ""’ i - Geo M C h hlch u be e - - - - ‘ ‘‘Earthqnake5;_ tires and the de- ;I_ plate 0! gelatin earned in by I y ‘Sch. 'he°m‘,"' V, ‘" Lou lax. the Mayor‘: mu "Friday" .9“ ll“ been susttutg the .last‘week Jack Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Vancourt ' .‘na‘“ 6‘ hob“ and ‘O ,,fl:?ou.hua.,_- an,“ i, "I 5,“ d,_ present y t nuourt Workshop “mi . . . . . Danglnsuneal Mrs. Paul Pipes. and Miss him-in Sgppinzton, D,-_ ",4 31,...‘ 3.,“ * “jig-apt . _t_he'l‘okio o!_the land we on.; _, _ _ p y 3 A _ . I . . _ _ ' ~ °:°"t"Stemmons left Saturday tor Shrew- p,-yo, enjoyed, H, cum,‘ md hum lertllliaatioa old . UlIl'V."3:7fl. . 7“-n Y. 1,!‘ ‘ l. _ , . «. .. . .;. .'-.~g=-7;- "l\onas Lumen. the p . at the R. 199"; 1"1J:h§!m “;:" t:'"5Pe".d ‘be “M "wk i“ "'"'i°"’ C"“"‘Q" ' Ifi 03 .3 .WU~, . .,‘‘“Q ' “ ~ ....v« .. . ' ' A A ' ' *-~ ‘V 4 "'4 N 5“‘'l'"‘'' 3- "~ -- -‘*3 9“lll¢=' ' '1" or w‘ r’' , cu " ""9 _ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M hy; ‘ annual football I .Y*.".“°.§"",' "" “P” 5'-"° * 1"“; ';;-;f;,_;{'' °‘ * glu . W W *1” “- F ="=d,“3ll*=m of Columbia visited relati\°es°rll)ere',> won-us he had with a econ: mm» dvscr-rho» Bow 0! 4 ' M... e’:“..‘:.., ... ..'...".'.';.‘."..‘....°"‘.." "' "4*“€°" W‘ D'- and .M."« “-.*~ A!» during the »...ue.y.. Mr. Murphy s. -. ' )aro!‘l‘5t!rreou.-rs as titre omens’! . and in » ' T 3°" W‘-“ll '1'l=n«'Iltszmnz vmh Mr. - l - ‘~ g _ . g _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enter mun) _ , a teacher In the Missouri Bible 001-- W “bk . d ‘be ‘M Of, ‘ ‘n the hurl‘. M. C. Angel] Of Afihlilnil. ‘etc and is 6ccre‘ar}, of tho M{_tho-. ' ' _iI fit .9 was ten‘: le. For play are known to Columbia thea-3 A a dirt Student Organization. 1 ' . 31 . 9"l';:‘l‘°“ “°" ~a “av ter-goers through public perfonne I S n . .. ‘'3'. ‘‘-''¢''’ aaeealast year. “Seven Keys tn Q_ w ;»''}\_1. d K ‘ l ~—»"--"‘ -- - 4» l fiyal c. 3;, Ue‘Namara."§nd the took them out some harbor to the V Jmumu. is arm“ for mu‘ Cm R-“'3'; * '°‘“"*° ‘° ‘ll-“V” l . . . an alumnus E3PI'$ Of AIIIXIIIIJ and other! '0‘ ‘aka ‘Dd mtcnnny 0‘ Pb‘: :1. Ed Bn."'roturned t hi home Re d 1 ’ l ' 3' 3'8“. 50f“ WW0 838 D8 5) l-0 « ' ‘Whilethe play is based upon thelin Appénon Cm. Saturday 8 fl , yam‘ Jam Amok’ ofivin J of tlxelkpt ‘n “mm m me? i"°“°‘ °‘ "“ “'“° ““"° ‘W .4 pie supper was xiv-on at Hzn-den LATEST ll‘lCI'ION . ' . ‘Den 3l8tPl'|- the pen of George ll-leeaooi Weducsdlr ve ' ' ad the uggie,-gnity That was the night when so anany ‘coma i, mwmmue in "My; 5 e nuns. - - y - Mrs. Raymond Mountyoy of Goo « ~ Ito 3°Wt°8."W¢ killed by the Young‘ »,,(..,,,, . . . For 2 Cents Per Day ' ‘ ' llurnbia visited here Th rsday. . ‘The Hiasoorl gt-aduat‘a‘e°;:maix}.':en of Yokohama‘; .I'nl:>:fe¢olnl!eIec::g‘ gi ..Se‘,m :?3nt:eB:dp;u,., ‘is Mr. “d M”. P. Kusmp of Co. No other Chutes T ohn R. Nor- of Korean vootills they set in “toil lama 55,3“ r . x n 0 lmmhi‘ fished M” 1”.“ wed“ ‘ l : . ~ .. ' - P“°{°“‘°’ °f d"" Mrs. Sarah Hayme visited in ' § :l"£3"1" bu °.‘;i?.‘:_’u':° ‘"1 ’.:;,°:'{’h1‘ ‘Lg égltlllc interpretation at the Unlver- H"ubu,,_, Me, the weekend S , f N Me". '3 : e. l’ - ' ' ‘ l ‘ " ;" a meme. gone» some Komns my we-‘ts-= " _________ in l‘;- *;d‘,i§§{;a ;‘e;e§;nA;;I;;;g 0‘ Q4 .°“f'_l"_‘__f _ ""'“’_ - . h0w”1g 0 91” ’ ‘"373’ 2 . ‘ " ‘ UIHINE SEPAIATIBTB TRY : ~ - ' ‘ -. -40 3; nd. v_i‘ -i , , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baldwin of __-_ -« . _______~° . . . _ ~ : ‘:2! as d¢ntn;J{.'..:nwe‘:;t 0;:-'ber‘edPre;;, 3 To A‘ om BEPARAn0hs Rocheport visited here last week. .. f "_. r_;...~_,._; . . y _ Pretty Slll(S '\Vltll fl0\VeI' and fur trlms l ‘ i ' “ 2 - - 5 M . Edd'~ c 1" d h'ld ° ' i ' ‘- = e 1. 1.. oe‘"“Z£:§'. 3.‘.°........"'~"‘°"..1‘.fr.‘.‘.”°‘.'.'°...°°“‘6’..s‘.2.‘. 2" I;.?.f.'.’,"‘.‘.‘.'.‘a..‘.:i.'“1I.‘.':.‘..f~"..‘“"-3 e “ a 5?" C 15:. Around " 't:l1 Halt ’ ""B“gh-t 1" "~01" and da‘7’1ey~ 1" Style" a ‘ 3-. .1... ...,i, ,..,,, R. ..,., E,,.,,.se.e... ‘A shower nun, ....g...,......, * .. e..m;..,,. um... ““ ‘r i 9 ' Those little cnjcular flary veils that you 2 F» “‘ "1 “*9” ll‘ "'°““’ ll" "7 °‘ “’° if;', ",‘j,"‘.‘:eff °“‘b‘°‘;"be-*3‘ “fl” 1 ‘B, L.,,.,,, ,.,,;_---~ 51 Ar STEPHENS COLLEGE P;-ice Table i have been looking for are here——all colors _ ; . ‘l““‘°-“l-"“”"-'*~°*""’ ‘1'"‘° ‘‘’°?‘‘'._-, ,; §" H.” ’ "“‘ ""2 3 PARIS. Dec. 3-Phillippe Millet, the‘ . ___a1qO combination colors *4 3"?» .n°"i‘ J‘ 3”?“ V” "3' or ea”: g -’were ‘man: the -Photo t. 1-. Well knowr writer rnd journalist.’ ' - v- V L . i yogohun‘, he rep!-egentd the :§j. tlung; thatdwefevu: }' ‘ass Rom _ Sunny Hr“ n1_;n!-ibefore his an“! “id amt the .l‘\tortnnhl3u:ilt‘cho}l!der ofM'I:rentor‘1" as } uquefl‘ ‘ u._ I‘. g, ‘Japan A . Barri: thereforc{W°¢ll' W16 9 en 0 ~rr:mxn~'r. LEAD xx “SI-:Vl:2.\£ xrnrs ro‘ - . ' - _ "35’ ‘"9 ‘S "3 ‘,‘'”'' ‘5‘‘‘‘’ ‘ "' ‘ tona" ' ‘ -- : ''-‘' ..‘‘l ‘‘‘e..‘‘'‘ .:r'“....°°‘;‘“‘° ‘..‘°°°....:‘.“..‘}‘:’...».:.“.*.** ‘be W cm :::.*::':";;; .':::f.:.:'z"‘;:;...‘s...'%:!3'3"r-ry""’5i»'r'l‘l1?«1i‘=°?»¥13-33133» “';f‘..‘""."‘“.""' .’.‘.“".f.‘$.”“.°“'3'.i‘.'§{.;. by ""3 “ ° ‘"3’; ' ‘ms lls‘ --emit; AND cusp" aaclcgoism as the attitude of Bavarlal 5°" 5‘ °.r ° *0 lleIdQIIIf- Lytton ‘whigh goupleuly wiped out the‘ ‘A '. . ‘_. ‘. . . were held this afternoon. Results ~ .._ .;..°"°"......*°.....'"°"":.";-"°.::'l~ PERSONAL Imus r‘«“"€‘»“==‘5«‘=‘%-5’~’ "‘°’°-o-»«i3‘..‘«**° "-’;:":: 1:“ in Si"‘f“f’ .1 . were In eg . . . ‘. 0 A .i ; 0 tea wt announce some tmc - Q bummer resort of Karuizawa. far P . :;;\7*;,*=U;g§_§l;~;{g0,?;>;=;3sgr -gig 8:3-l‘ho'°‘fi;o;“‘;§ the °u‘t‘;°;,fP°"m thewncgffi gr. the tame. the u.u.- ficened by the i .. _ ‘north of Tokio to have es-i ‘l.l‘¢ll_ HI-k¢1ll°l‘¢ Wlumed f'°mpc11:u: CRl»ZlSPl.\'.‘1'HF. muolrs wlrilbeumc. brighter they would veryl “'5' S‘ Adum '”d “’"' John ‘,,,.,,.J,,1;u,.lN- "- EV9""‘E ,« ea with a bad shaking up and Sl- 140018 5'.¢8l¢l' Mrs. Ilichael J. Price, 7_ Price pr./«:5 11:»: mar or _u§nr “whn the ’ t" «and Mr. and Mrs. T. Vi. Grogow: Sc terpiece 0 f . I ; wgjfig-ugh won: af 1; ;aveuue, spent the weekend with her ‘. W‘ ' .“w . 5'' ‘°‘’‘°*, . u. 7 "1 1} ""‘- 5‘Y3lreturned home after a few days rat n ,» 1 . J}? :0! all the Ilium:-inns who went intents in'Chi.cazo. _M; ‘Mun 0”” ."‘"'"' " ”°* ‘n”‘°““ ‘° ‘"‘d‘—"" {visit at the collate. Classics A $2 50 ‘book ‘ . l . the qaaka and fire Morris1 ‘Miss Vlftlnia Chevalier. 103 Players on Wedm-sda3.~ and Thurs-"‘u"d' we need ml’ ‘°°k " lb’ "“l’§ Ml" 30“! 1-891709. 8 Kffldl-1031' fl , ' ‘ l 3: 4 lflarria, recently returned to Colum-.\Vaugh4stn-ct. is her sister. day nights at the Columbia Theater.lt’9 "Q ml“ me but" ‘am "' °".’°“' 1 V8933?‘ CONE?!‘ “’h“ l5 “'0” kll°“‘ll lll I 0', ‘:'/ > ,’bia is -pehaps the one who got it Ml“ Llltile 012781181‘ of Moberly. is full of life. quick action that ac- juon ‘mu d be °"1" b"'“"'°°“ 3°13“-"m .c-onncction with child welfare work. $1.28 1 _ ’ _ Alleta French. who has been ccmpanfes ghosts. subterrancanflmd Ge"mm"' am’ not bgtween ‘h°l‘l'l“ bl’ 81 lllt’ <‘0”€i~’t' 07‘ -lliml9l)' , On 3819 81 .‘ ‘-.-1-ugly"... Adm-a.¢.» 1,.na;.¢,.vie.inn¢ A 151' at Ste. ' - _ . . . - l“,“‘"°"‘>'° P8“ °‘ ll“ French fro"-.,;17 and 18. Miss Lathrop is an inter- , _ than, had my olfia, and whgrefphena College has returned to her ;u":‘ _ ggnationally known spcaker. 2 John Ion-is, Eddie Smith and Rine- home in llminsburz. . 3 s°°°"‘“-"3 ll‘ ”?"° °‘ “"‘-“""l°"*“ ‘ _ . . . ’ “ Etter worked. burned shortly. Dr- D. 1?» Kinxery returned from ‘° 9“ ‘°'‘‘‘’‘.”'' “ ‘°°'“-‘ lb“ ‘hes """ D°“““ S“°"“' °"""d."' 0" "' STORE N‘ 1% _‘“u_ .c"n,o.dwk in an evenin‘. ‘s’t_.Lou3.yau,.d., ‘net ‘ weekend; Rhine separatists want to be exempt {your Dodge car. Taylor Garage. . _ .—i_ 2 ‘_Horrie and theothers had worked at Visit during which be new the st: from reparation payments. which Is! Adv, .9431 . ._ . the ‘ ‘ what they _I»oms-Notre ‘ 9'’ ‘he "‘°'° ""1311" when _"'° NIL ; _—_——— if _ W _ . i could through the afternoon. a I Miss Rose Rosenthal has returned« E“ 3”‘ ‘he m‘"‘° 3°P“bllC_‘.’°l1ld: v - - - U ha been a, ‘he lmpcrul Univufiey | how Lmn Creek when ‘he den“ include the Ruhr. which remains the‘? .- aaélng to use their radio for mes- cred an address before the Camden. °hi.°k°" mu‘ the 3°16“ ‘*3’ °f "kl ~A ‘ sages to the United States if such County Teachers’ Association. l . l _ 0 4- .-a thitg were possible. I met Mar-i Miss Bertha Ferguson, librarian “Th” ha ‘_’- “"3 Rhllll‘ “P373553 , ‘ . x if I'll. Smith and several other news. at the Junior College in K8118“ City. swmt to °b“"‘ f°." u'°"‘°°"'°‘ Wm‘: ’ ‘ 2 piper men in front of the roaring spent the Thanksgiving holidays‘ ’F””°° "‘d B°1V'“_"‘ “"9 l‘¢lll5°dl I | - furnace which had been the Advar- ;visiting friends in Columbia. may '.‘° 9"” l° "*9 R‘l°h~ p : Coal Oil Heaters é_ ‘ tiaer shortly before oek. and ‘Ferguson was formerly employed by ~told aa ‘was still the State Historical Society, located nd as it would robably here, as a cataloger. ‘ AT THE HOSPITALS I Boone County Glenn. '_l‘urner‘ S. Gordon was admittedl ng. tar Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ‘ Parker loletnorial’ . ;,.i::.F:.“.‘::.$.°.t‘..‘:“.§‘.f:‘f;.’.‘:.’ i.‘.?.;.°.‘,’;y of a Lifetnne way. Phone 234. adv. shortly. ; ere. open; in the Will be offered you next Monday, December 10, to buy an extra good, well located suburban tract f of land at your own price as the Bradford place ‘ 1 -«G033 . I-ll Reid dmtted M .l . - — u i ' Viromo!(‘3olurn’b‘ia have visitedothg-.1‘: The folS>oI¥in'guw:re llischayrzetdrgzv-l’ of 400 aCr95a_l0c3ted m1l‘eS Columblav V ._ and ‘fill all ted to know tlutluerdnyz Doss Richerson. James M. will be sold Wll'.l'l0lll’. reserve or bybid of any kind ‘ 3,-.. - to the highest bidder. It will be divided into tracts of 20 acres and up and sold in a way that you can take as much as you wish. The terms 4 d..» 3 _ i will be so easy that anyone can buy. ‘If you are 13$ and elaeee up efi" 1i3'£h;lel’ fig REAL ESTATE TRANS”-'5 _,,,m by‘ interested in any of this land I would like to have ' - . a final there. _ They would CLINTON rannocx nuns run‘ he lea ~lhe Buddhist Temple stood through 4 Curry ma L¢1. Wfllig]n30n_ Mu--3 [Q59 - ' 'j0t'le “'0” and Elizabeth Dietrich" "1 '18 18|Vlll¢ 70? Y0l'-’0lI8ml. lllld were admitted this morning. Reid ‘ “ 8.9516 0171438 1 5139011. Ind 80 1 “lied Cox was discharged this morning. ': . llorrls, Smith, and the United Press l ' o and than if ' . . ~e\', 0“ ma hm" mg L 1 P. to A" n sch be uknm ROLE W um,“ “Y8 To ‘ _ _ _ _ J‘ W _' you talk it over with me as I want to‘sell the land . ‘ tea let in.. ‘pm of lot ?t°6n'wee:woou add “co i”§l§":»"‘'" ' i " m tracts to Sun you’ - T <1 l F“"5."’n m'l"°'*llllllblI» 32.000. ” manna At“-Dl*)i(lEC.:ltC“l'(l!l:':l Bf clifiua? :1 must ltaveibeen _an unusual‘ Ancen Pgync ;'1'.t~.fl: ROLE IN --umoo ANI3 saxp," AND. 0 n . .. . . . ~ llllllln j,,,"..a,.'; lntthe r 1 inclnd *23J' w xiwlpb tw Muse‘ ' V 8' ‘ti: d‘ A pt‘ X“: °f 1“; 6"9'13' "00’ mun xx rnr. -~..-olv-run asap." ruin‘ 0 arms. on an g J.,c.creeey-and vn{cto'I‘heodorc'w .. ..,. .. l . , ., men 1...}. . lm iI..:st.r.rI-:0 matte 03355 0‘ . ' GT9 T. Martin and wife pt. of SW pt Lot LAST YILAR. 5 é 4: . , the tack gare them the best E5 cu-11-_,'. Add__-c¢1u,,,b;,_ 351009 AIS‘. .w;:_.2‘.i/us mu.z.owr.i.1. zucmg, o 7_ food she ooullfind tn the badly tom; Gordon Edward and wife to J. C. '"“'l““'°.”‘ . ‘MK ”“",‘-‘"9 "°"""°! .. ' . 2. - up , . "*3 Whllt’ -they {Gibbs and wife E. 150 feet of pt 11 1§;’,§fi§;§i7..‘,§.,l,7§‘*,,{‘}'(fi,“",;§‘;,{'};§?’- e'"'-. '‘ ‘ ‘baud the_smmd of dyiuml l'€"Il|‘A 10:34 Columbia Sub. or Farm cl ' '“ ' ‘ ' 3 ' ‘"5 1:69” '33}? R881’: ‘Horne Sav. $7,600. pua:~as:rvra_v.~. screams and revolver; . e _ nearertwny use. enemies ‘: .-—--——-——— ‘.«h«_»::. ' ' .~ : mine I134 Vllat we all feared. W9 "l" “W )'0ll lll0ll8)' On tires.» Tho :~t»_.l)' is zzbcut. William llnllo- l Adv. 79-81 vu-ll Mzzgcc. the novelist, who Sale at 2 o’clock on the farm. ’ I J. A. Stevsgirt, Sales Mgr. 7 o ____L_¢ I ' '!.tr_*~g-.:..rr+vw;‘-.s>r_ f A’ 3. .‘ I. Fhings‘ You Bake Yin‘- self ~ ' you wish to be especially good, for every woman is naturally proud of her reputation as a cook. ' 3 Of course. oldiw’-~' V -4: «-4 A.-_ - -"4 - ”"*' ‘rm-~--— he-. 1,.-, --— “"""‘—“'"** , ._..__. «._._4 - 4 ee-.m....eno. . up. i 3 a 7 boftherey _ till «:1 an -. .’ .’ . - A . . done “nine flour 18 the pnme re. '.1;og51o. at and Smith had 'l . we employ an (apart nu. ‘gr '-llllslto of road baked goods. N0 .“*°%.rl'°u-ensnlzovrortwo be- InWestMount a matter how skilled you may be. 3 E c 2 3 o»c—a-rap».-...'r—.p -sh -94A-at - ' n" ._ I. " - A - '»..«s-rv.-r.=--.--r«=«-w-1It-'~rw~v'- . .. _ __.. II|l¢fll¢l¢|I¢~'0°|"lfl- ‘V0050. . you can't have good luck unless i " Seven-Room Colonial »noplaoetogoforfood,soitwaaai . .3 _...,g.;,..,_e ,..... a, 1.... 0...; the hour is right. That's why it = meal my house bnrne¢l..and« ' ‘ Brick House really pays to for H-P Flour. (_ _ _ ‘supplies too, Ivorywoodwork, hardwood floors, spacious firéplace, lafge living room, sleeping porch, ‘ living. porch, tile bath room, tile Illld garage, variety of shrubs, vines, _ lot Easy terms- Shown bi‘irip'6‘munent." ‘ Phone