, gmw . . _ as i ' 333" ",;,;',";’,’,',,‘,'::,"‘,;‘,§‘,’,f,‘,‘.i’, :2. THE ops»: COLUMN lconeresenen wmue ix. Batch. " ,.'¢i..n¢e, rnothand-lby tlIl;,!l0C935ltY%A—} ‘ . V. l " Ihodfi°5¢_"“l"‘°'1'. m l‘°'n‘”dfprotectthebodynoniatterwli_at'rate, h - ple—the human e’iemenp in the -3;‘;-f_“°,'"_l:';,,,';.,_ Id better things to come. ’"WaaI .*';nn- 3‘:- surw.-y.of the Bureail of Mines :'lio'.':s j that such losses run from one-third 0'" 3- nTh‘U.'." . ~ . iaouroea of the country for unjusti- . died waste. ,, ing “guahers"-to waste oil and gas 4. $e 0!’ abandoning “’'-‘"-‘i l’‘'' Washington fray was :1 practice? The hliasourl state fair board. atl I‘ tore the normal recovery of gas and game which wouldn't need much cf- 3 lllfflllll 5!! K8118” Cit)’. formed! ' I'll I’ ' r 9, oils is obtained. is ‘pernicious to the fort. and -they began it p H g future supply of the country, which Thrown off their stride by the shock; “'l’l be held the _’, ‘J. _,_ _“. .4.‘ 0 w 01 jwahmo L .5 -.e-e~.........<...,...-..—a. - ; .¢¢;;uy primed some vc,-y gum,-esggng tenth district. Associated Advertis-.:md Willie C. Elder of be an ideal vtoritl it we could climb; ’ and interest in the question, but as ti-hf“ childmnv ‘'11 b°3"- 3-30.-_ . 110 AC!‘ rnious OOUEISHIR “Al'alr" will Be II WHEN ASKED FOR 5 ..PLEl§JGE STUDENT" 8taadlah'a ll;::nof"l‘|Iaaka¢ivi I Plogrll. The annual lihaiiiaaa,aiaa'a ' tounanieat inl. While it-remains to be seen allaai. . . ,1 handsof rocdvtflo V jtroma aohool i3IlIIDt$§tfl‘¢,gnd‘; i th 1 . in . ‘ :66‘. ?“'°!''*“'‘° "*7 “'18 ‘" ‘''''l’“?‘'‘3“ is. rtutleu’?tT5:_n_erais colic;-e,‘."" “°' '°‘l““"*°d Vllh tlié cus~:3..”s....§l.‘i " " '3 ° i’.‘''......' l - . . . . . o o . e on F191‘! For 2 cents Per Dq' 1 No Other Charges . N MISSOURI sm ; . ' ‘. ; -.~ .. 5‘ -g_ l P l T 1 - - - . .vtoms,tth Unlversi 1' ' 1’- ,nieatainflyiag,theworld.expects a,n,,d°, agwtgh .11 d;y,n”y:nd 5"" C 0 '° . . . . . . . .. flueertlei-e no , uncut «led. End: iiewairplaae that uoudey and donated their earnings? . , ,T.,, ,3, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _, ,,,,.,, ,, . , dun ; 1 3;‘. ;le built is. speaking. a to the student relief fund at Europe,l;'y'l’°'" '2; d‘:f'1:l’:i;‘:;l°:tBltl3}:leireJvdhicl; 1.. E“ 3”,‘ win We , mding ;,','_} ""9"" " l tfilittlehettertliaii the one just before,-’ D. 0”’ “ram. enmimtion ~ r 3, , _° titled “Hiawatha's Wooingf” Mary 1, - """'andaotaraat’hepliyixicalrc.-ziiltstai 8"" mg?’ ‘my mu! "De" " Kat-h¢rineC!'° 80IlWl11l‘¢8dIP°°l1l I no i-xiwAN‘r=NT ‘WS“3°°"3 its. pllotareeoaeerned. it is heliei-ed'm1£?d’;,?e;:d ,$.‘.’,,,. ..., w"..,.".,3,,,',"‘,‘§,,‘,',,‘:,,,§‘“,‘,’;'§,“’,,,‘§‘,,‘l ‘”;‘f°??“ :ent_iued “i620-1920." unis poem.. 1*» ‘; America it?‘ *3 ’g';”3 .‘? """ftint tilela-sin and the machine’willi,daY niéiit while attendinc church. fieeve the classroom ’ ‘nu )th:; :;‘§"{,';. §Z,,,f{§,. ,’§§‘“" "W A i . u ‘ hr?‘ . bot .' ' Miss Sallie Rhodes Batch of Iiarirlnoutied lg“ word p1°dk° wnne" at the 300th anniversary of the land-’ ‘ nibal has it-it to‘t1ie state of iiieif‘ .° “°".‘ °‘ ""3 "" °‘ ‘~'’‘'"’‘' ‘in: of the Pilgrims held in Plymouth; souri the {arm of her late father.’ 33:0" q‘3“n°M' ' , in 1920- ‘ : tori.“ 0:2" :2 :b°:h f"'°‘"'v'i A chorus of Bethany .Circlc Sirlli lt ral ' t tat‘ J ' " °“ ° °"°*l'- ;will lead in the ringing of ‘‘.,America. ’ ‘In Wu ll ¢3P9I'llnen S l_°n,,thll'|€ he hfid been Beautiful’?! Bethany . I n lace. Ha ' E. Miller, Kansas City real _U1i8’llt be Connected with the word p - 1 l m at It . C't planning and aoninx is irro'W- l;:ll.":':“;:l:H.’:¢ ;.::.l..:‘ud‘:a;:‘:h::li:n:'e‘°“at° °P°“t°r’ c Wm’ dew‘ plaza h Sud:e;:,"' mspimuon '3' ‘r .... “ f a’ C.M.Kll ti.eo.i..rc'aractoim.aa its all aver the laaltl and the fits ,,,,'°°°'j:,"“_°".,','1 jg" " ';,1‘,*'“"“°mm,,3;,‘ O§“';,,',,",fi,,.,,, ,.,,,,,,f, "3-,5_oo3, hi, ,write the Journalist‘s Creed: ". the one vlrhose bin!!!-‘ml’ tron pusiiestiee _1 ' eioe-doaot-1n'ill8.ll9°"'='~'°“"‘ '?":ot speed is attained. h‘phu._,-fly. ' they once did.‘ . - . 1 I atopialoaoaiaattauo(cca- girls will be in appropriate costume; i la thou ....r.,imt that is gpreciscly their _ i ,_ 3 ,d _th ' re W the way for ' _ ' . , consensus of ‘opinion; I? lie 9) P P3 by \t.3hingmn,gh3g where the former American l\atioualBank. among Columbia shoe repair men - Migsom-jgm, 3; prince. wishes to return ansas ty on most of the fine points of the! fog 1}... me. from his refuge in Argentine. South trade. ‘ ‘ er the direc- »’nT!!€l'lC8- . ‘ mo requelt. but purer. 1.33,, 3"-“ted in 0,3,)“, have in the profession of‘ Journ-V express the needs and hopes of peoo t-are vnll he of A to lem-rs than real ..___7.___ . allsm. I believe that the publici "6 “mum of W A'l'he. tar]: Tuvalu lleimoriid ournal is a public trust, etc. , . o ‘ 9 . l‘ _ . , S * —-————-———-———_. I 3 <-' 1-ity—ia coming intofhis 01311. "me. In-(Ir over the Inter; ca?! HARDER ON g, i 1 th . 'lndnatrla.li=m 3°93 "°‘th"° “W-‘ A \ -—-I-:——l—— ‘branch organizations at Vandaliau LOCAL R1-:P.li1it mm s1ii'i'~% .~' ° ' 1' to ~ extent .'en' n i' - ' ' - _ _ -—- ~— ‘ -- bm Zieulahd of thte mush- Editor the Mis::u:'iaan:“"LThe re- ;},5f,':i'"‘ Green’ Lmmum ‘ad 8”‘ lSh°"Sl"'""‘ T"d° D"ll"°5 "i an en 8: '1". ms are good p.;0_ port broadcast through the columns ' _...__._—. 1 cm‘ Cl"‘"‘ “'3' 0"“ SW39 l "°°m" M O0 of :1 Lincoln (Neb.) newspaper last Aftfl‘ thin)‘-OM 3085. “WC? D-_~ - P°"~ week. in explaining the defeat of Curtis, alleged defaulting cashier of There is no Missouri are ' ton right now pointing souri-Kansas game and , losses or (2118 AND on. » boys are we we ward: was «»g.,3j';;; :'..‘1';..”.f.3i’3. ‘.?:"i:’.' .f5’.§”;f...':Z..i’°e‘.’.f ,3; ligengiral :“—...... .. ...’..e.~. § ““;':*',°" :“°,‘:,,,”::*;,,'~"'{=:,~, ,,,,,, ‘"3"?’ 1*” p”°"'°5‘l"d Em“ " have spread since the wires flashed “R w" °°"V°'m°.” ° .shoes are “all to pieces" before it t e ll!‘ 59*” Pl"-‘°‘5¢3“5'i """l"fi°“i"_"d out the news from St. Louis last Mis’°"ri,Sund‘3" S°h°°l.A”°ci'fi°” ‘during the sixty-foul‘ }'i'l"‘1‘~ 0‘ ll" Saturday. 993°" “_°d"°‘d‘5' m°""“3 ‘l "°p'3paired. existence. 10381‘-5 l13l'9 311" ll‘-‘O ““‘ That such 8 rumor is untrue lic- '!”."_ Abm" 2'00” ddegmes were shoe repair iii.-in proilucetl one pair told millions of cubic feet of gas and speaks itself plainly when a glance "N"°m' 1 of mt-ll’: shots ml were truly “die!” of ou_ due to cnreleg§ne§§;'l‘Lt the Missouri line-up at St. Loiiis £worn “to pieces.” _ ‘ad "awful pm“,-ce3_ A recemgls taken. There _is no alibi for the The girls surpass the boys in. defeat in St. lpuis. MlS.M"lufl is not wearing out heels. “Girls average trying to make one. 'l‘ha°_ the Tigers five ‘feels to one sole." said one shoemaker. “The higher the heel _.the smaller it is, and the smaller.’ ‘it is the quicker it wi.-zirs. out." Jack Blanton of Paris. president of the association. has expressed the hope that $15,000 for the Mark; we" beam a shame”! (Mi. 'l‘wain Memorial will be available “ °“°'h‘u "l the °l“°‘m( l"°d"°°d"and the ‘e ‘l istion of that fact is ' ‘\°wmb°r. 30’ the 88”‘ "mile"- -- - ’‘l’‘‘’'' v {th brth lth ll t. Whit! loss” Of Gulls m9K‘“‘“d° 'not that the players had been sent at‘ 0 e ' ° 9 “mm” are rampant in an and 0“ Pl‘°d°°- to scout games. that they were bl-inst‘ Twin shorthorri steers exhibitedl ugn, it has now come to the pointcoached in the East, that they had 1,)» sisters, 55333 mubei that something should be done to Well doped 0!’ hild l'l‘0lf'-‘-'l fmllllnlfo Purdy of llarris. h!u., won first “twp dnininz {ho lg.“ and 0;! ,.e, or any of the other sttirzcs tnzit l::2\‘c.,,..¢,,nd place hone” in the hon’ ‘ 11 spmi girls‘ club department of the 1923 Missouri lot: in St. Louis last ,\m,.,.;w,, Roy‘; Live swck.,h°‘. in‘ Saturday because of orcr-coi1fi- Kansas Cjgy Momhy. ' I .dt-rice. The Tigers felt that the Such practice as allow- ‘many girls have undertaken to do? their own cleaning. The mistake _ which most of them make '. such. .013"-5 70!’ Dc!‘ 3933"’ till’: id‘ neglecting to clean the shoe licforc? _ latter part of they apply the polish. which i:="t:lie, Preauuan ambnatiaz to: Elme as powdering the rate v.~it1t,; -'15 6'" m.m- ' of the Piker playing. they did not AUEIISL :::::a cenmnf: :;illp:;.:c_l:s:y$;c'w'ake up to the st-riousness of the 559.000 Will be Iflfded. 310.130 of i Cut washing in" ‘ V . ‘. ' . business until the fourth quarter.‘-bl‘ ‘"‘°‘"'l~ ‘-0 be 1'07 h°T"¢ 505- 5 Men wear out shoestring: faster; of production is allotted to continue._ which was too late. . __'______. ‘ 3 um" women. . 2 “"3 P''l’8l'fl‘s izeneratiori Should N“; All for Missouri sending oightecnlB:::u rfisglzle 8".“ nulksmtgl to their superior iitrengtli. 1003‘ "P0" 5"‘ OW" “'¢'ll3"‘ 3l°"°- Thei men to Princeton to u-arm under, conduct an 9“ exhib“ '80,, nksmfifi shoe nian sa' ' < nothing ur.-1. future generations -have a claim to Bill Roper, nothing more silly has produce“ only in coflpcnfion with l usual for a man to bring in a shoe‘ the resource»: of the country. lt izalt-'ver gone the rounds of the Missouri f me and of ‘main ‘ad Saw? with five‘ or six knots tied in the, tonsistbnt to our rod’.-l duty. at \lall°>'-C°"‘“‘*"°°- « Poultry Show at Kansas City. Mia-. “';,"¥- f h .. . (.0. = lcmrt, to consider the well-being of, Missouri can beat hunsns. andisouri, De¢em},,, 11.45. 1933. ‘l 95 °: :00“ ':p"“"""g m. "' ‘ ‘u we {u,,,.m-,-ow without th coaching of Roper.‘ .___....__'._. 9 ll 1"‘? 3 “l l 9 5f"“° 35 ‘ml’ the cl 2”‘ 0 l . lThere have been other teams than B. W. Kinnaman of Caasville was I whet‘? t*lS."—33-75 =l Pall’ for l'""‘‘ _ -A—../- -.- Increasing . Niimberé--’ Help us to Help You—Usc Pre-Certified Checks F the patrons of the banks of Colum- bia arc taking advantage of the safety, convenience and assurance of- féred by the use of pre-certified checks They have found them to be a service that has no cost and that offers a maixmum amount of dependability because: _ Tlieysrequire no identification. -They have all the advantages of a checking account with‘ none of the disadvantages. . They enable the user to know at all times his balance. They offer a coin lete banking service with no additional cost. In reducing the required daily deposit balance to $50, the ‘banks of Colum- bia have sought to give further service to the students. It should be noted that in many Eastern college cities the required initial deposit is $300 and the balance much higher. - T ‘The banks of Columbia en- deavor to co-operate in every way with students. Columbia Clearing House Ass’n A Co-operative Association of the Following Banks of Columbia Boone County National Bank Conley-Myers Bank Central Bank Boone.Count_v Trust Ooiupaiiy Exchange National Bank Columbia Savings Bank (3lr'culatlnz‘I4.lh1-at-,L ;- el '~£?§§*§’i§’§..ll’§°! ?1'”§'°é..l ill3.9§"sil-3-L.ll§:§=Ql7?:illiusilltinii-:.or l"I'§" -"or, .' 9-»: out > It ‘I v,;,’- . uh -$1.-a "' .V. 9 Hi” .2. —-—--—--- vu,,,,,,. coached by Run,-.; that have elected first vice-president of the}Wl10le soles; $1.35 a pair for half l _ Pl-SAFE l’R0l'0SAl.S gum“; the Jayne“,-iwrg 1,3;-lg, C.oachIDutcl'i Belt Cattle Association ‘off 80198: 35 t‘t‘lllS to Sl for woi:ic:i'.< L NeI'ap:ipe:‘ii all over the country llcnry has a team today that knows America at theannual convention; half ‘‘'l‘'53 40 °’ °° “°f_“’ l°" ‘"9 .ng Maw proposal“ pun“ -' fun), as much fooumu as do me of the association held at, Wgshingel women's heels; and about :5 cents '-utgesfiom and ideas “Ti..c,, b)."}t_~_:1g,1ng_ If that team plays ngzxigngt ton, D. C.. Novembei-_l.5 to 17. ' for men's heels. Gil-liens whose interest mmes’l“‘""“”‘ “S “ .”1“"“’."~""""" C " The trlttlf\N! Dr. Date R. Alcx- Tm‘: "E39"? ‘5 '5' Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges lire un- kn, M‘ '11 ~ . ‘VF’? “' 3 ""3“l‘ 0‘ l-he 0”" °l ms “sou” m N" c_ under, secretary of the Kansas City E“. .6“ . RC1 - the Belt prize of £100,000 which is _______..__--- (‘tilloge of Medicine und'S'.u-get)‘ amliexcelled for P3c°n°m>' and designed to draw out “ti pt-ticlicsbieji-‘ollhll-II! STUD!-:.\'T HONORED ii.-, Ralph A, \'oigi,t, e-ac}. charged . C)’-W h t I ‘ l t - ,#.nby‘.h;ch the united state, my ' no rr-—-t2!" _d ‘ f with obtaining moiief tinder false} 9 “"9 N33)‘ 8 3'95 0 59'“ mm» «in» ow wt °‘ M-'-‘fl-fl‘. ° "*i:°"*°:. ‘1: .°'"' ‘";i':.;.:‘:. °.=::.:::::: P':"5‘"':"° ‘bet-.p°““' °f Dale G. Rogers. student in the £323,223 until) D,_.¢:,,,f,:, 1-,-‘en Cl I - o . g School of Journalism from 1914 t ,The St. Louis Globe-Democrat rc- 1916, was acclaimed president of the 4 . Shell Gasoline 13.24: a gallon at Charles 8. Clayton of Savannah3T3)’l0l' G8l'8£’.'¢'- (35-"72 3 "5 Atchison, _ __g _, Z _ Z _ __ ______, . flu“ ‘dmcating the m.(,,_.,_.nu0n of ing Clubs of the World, at the con- both form?!‘ Clerk! at the St -l05¢P1ll ’ -an - - or iii"t‘°'i.:':‘3..:':::.:.°::..i'.2..‘::'i:';:.“: ; l’.‘.’.f.‘°{§i.°.°.;...""s°..".2:" .s «~ fi°”' " '9‘! wp°"3°l'"“m°"t' 1 New Mexico, Arizona and Louisiana." ' 8. Duncan on charges of ! ll 1 0 0 ' . - .. o_ ‘ - At the Burrall Bible Class itfl1flll1l0n81 blink. 8 W0?“ E0'*"f Rogers is probably the youngestldefrauding the government through; Cffllllfilltr ind lflleflllfiollll l¢°l1l'l-E37-5 man ever elected to this position. false claims on parcel post inatter.: E if to l . 1 ~ ‘ There are going to be several features that l , " rfheae proposals ill show thought He is 29 years old. married, and has i l . : I Arrangements for the immediate’ . . . ' .1 -. . ' ' . ‘V f , , ' f ' to. their P'8°ti¢4hil.“¥- of am"°- "° "’°"- '"""“' ‘°’n..,,...e..’"°” "°"-‘ “' -$335 ‘Z...-$3.°3y SC? :::har?lltar?dl 1' V all 883' 3‘ 'P''.‘‘‘~'“l~ 1' “°t'll:fi?;:k:1g::c:.h:,;‘h 0.5”‘ at ‘;10::_-5 along Salt 1 r at Florida. Mo. as’ .l is! doubtful that a ‘rone all, be able W,’ emu“, Md Tu,” and View ll site for the. roposed Mark Twain _ 5 submit a plan .that hringgpnddém of the gum; Diwmch. Memorial Park, weremade by the? ghoul, gomplgu -gggcggs, Tfiig would , a up‘. d,my_ executive committee of the St. Louis: H former iiewsboy of Springfield. gnicaof u-mt-Muk Tran: Memonal‘ .1] §ammfi”d' no” Bonn “awed Dmry Conan’ ar ssocia ion » dlsputeahy arhltr-flan. Whether 0l’.‘l)¢f0!‘e‘COl’Wg to the University of A “I f ,1 f d! 3: nit a workable pl :1 is retina. see.-Jiinouri. diphjhifif‘ :p‘i’de;f‘k °.‘ °‘'‘’’ '.‘" ‘ 5+ ever, Mr. Bok’s ollter is .._zloing a’ His younger brother. ‘I’. Page jg,-,~_.(.n_ ,1] school, mm hoe been ‘ great deal of good in that it is bring-’ 1'8. associated ‘also with the ordered closed indefinitely by the: ' ' about thought: by the American . R°"“’G°“° 3‘l"¢l’0Sln8 88e=l¢)' at board of education and city physi- nl‘ ~Boasto ttended h ‘ ‘ ' ' Pfioirle coneei-nine the question of oi. - J “- ‘ ‘ ° 5°"°°1 °f claim Public tathennzs of any sort natewar-ahdaebtl N .. mm. impom , oln'nali::n.i‘inql‘9x1)i6nand.t1:1t't;;e lc’:u¢‘!l(i;;-:u;:oh1i‘l;ivt:dt.*e"‘I‘el:‘ 3:; :11 gel ; will make this a big success: , ' .. . ‘ ‘ n C , 3 ' _ ‘ ’ ' - 'tzee of investigation and research 1 last few days and one death has oc- rtirisc A i-nobaassivg: liar ,,, _ . . ~ y s. , , , mo 03..., ,,,,.,. ,,,,,,,,, .55; n,ing§,§,'3.;p;opf;’.:‘f‘b’9‘T';“;d'::: ,,‘‘~‘‘fi,ceP°l.lfl°“"°‘l- __ I ll 1. A big, peppy song service will start the ball 3 tea progressive ai ‘New York at the Corsicana convenel R°°°"l‘ 3‘ K333“ C“! P0l1¢¢._.l ‘C - 3 I‘011l,.ng. ’ ' - ' if advances that;u.°"° ' ‘h“dqu‘."’e" ‘hm’ '1'“ .fi“y'°"’ " . C- l ' . mm m: 9 L... 10",, G,,,,m,,,m __.,_'hurgier.ee and thirty-two'holdupsj}1 2. Miss Elberta Kagy, Stephens College in- nbnitirpla . iie,"m Ha‘; ,,'°';‘;,',‘f l nzyiieiu ones. tI.::)e:eic'.lx:;l ‘ structor in violin, will give a violin number. a it! hwhlch'- ~- é,,’,,, ' -b itiiid hilt cued 21 J V ‘ - - wititzstltide the§;n":(‘3§1‘ii.'§.§:.°fwh;,;,',',°'7,~,‘§,,"‘§;“f',' 1? 01: ototiizm ' C-gum 1:, $9.4 : 3. Bruce Todd, well known Cplumbla singer, l-his blood vessclsweniainz stall’ of the Dallas’News."h “gt” di“"°"d‘~ “"9? °li W111 Smg “R0595 of Plcatdy . ,{"°",',,,'”;:_,'°s,,,,‘,',l:f.i.:.:&..{'i.’"v°.':,"°" "’°"°' '°' ‘M C°" $57,000. ‘ h"dml .4. Maynard Durham, University men's presi- mm 1.... i,.¢k.; 5.33., ,_ ."'—‘-— ..dent_, will five a report of his trip to the Iwonder liow theyi _°°l"i'.:_:im 1“ '8” son1'rh:ifrteetingu‘,adtI§l!!ll‘l$Dt;.ifie:l