—.e v . ' '. ff.‘ . ; * . o 0' ‘ T~ ‘ ° z T _ ‘ 7 man man: . L ‘ L '. ’ AttendcTF.'lolI If you want to buy or sell noun.» . " .n.n.nnn-y, se'm..guau:unilthinr.trr.a,1ttssou1-son w-nt-it Lrep:-eoe¢_xtat.ivo1ntationedatthOal-1 : moo wnooin Sauna ._n..o.1::*n.uo1.xso.w.o.c.o.., ‘winch “"3 men.» hvmthecoheseor eon,-cc we be win in -‘t-cede .re--%o‘?1§‘§w.ao..o..T 1 T..1;1.'."1‘i.‘i°o....1““.'£.“i ” L ‘- L’ 3‘ am’ 3”‘ W--“'~ 3°°“- 1 T '’°'‘«‘'’’'' ° "W Cl 'otg?1:mim mil "”"’"" m”°"" ‘‘“’*°¥ “'9 tmvl-fies. cups and bu» new conference and to confer mu: rrrswntrnas . 1 ...:‘!"'f‘1f;."o°'§“’é?:a."‘..o“i':.’ 1"°'“°“1'1°".““—"———“°'* T — To» mo o o. ......1.. ..... 2...... :.*~‘;:-':.':.*.;"..*'::'..r='*°°* ..: W __..__*»~ the WW‘ we -11: WT 1-=*em-o~awc= om. on mm 1 -,:-,..,.1ioowx1_l§oe¢iv¢3‘“*T'‘‘¢' ; ' ‘ ' T '— MlaaRuthBdehu-ul'thoPiBItavbour. gum, . '-"¢°» -. regapdto mjeet training ofthe . ‘ ‘ggyala Studio hono;-:3 :liuiNat Godd. '.‘_____ gym hougg lat today to apoad,the!T lflnyjtudgntg 1;“. .1,,.d,.y mdkcsifitky m?“ §v°ui‘::°’md"pefi‘¢ y.\t'ou are tmlmarlug o it Vgttflltgv gureau. '1 \ F ‘:R:o;h’8"l“.5£ 1;: Put nmglfin tea: 0 3° In‘. 311,‘ Duke 1~.yy.,’;.,,¢*.fi;,. weekend with friend:-in for next week wheni 'mbu.-.3‘- Wm »be ""00 en °“ .”° "° uhm‘ ” “‘ uh‘-. ‘ '" B l~ ‘S P“ non“, $lCh"’u"' c°n°‘e'hy e‘ ° Ramon ‘ ' gt illo. T T ... their (dead: and relatives will visit» T ' "E" “an” "at - l ‘T :‘h“" ' 10-“ 13*"-' "“"""‘°"""7'1uoon‘ toda ‘ ’ ’ " ‘ "Ethan dun-inr"I'hanks¢Mng '*’— ~- T T ‘ - Wrl' so 11 p _ inch‘r¢°. 8011.. y It Theta: . _ ~ l A - T V y "'3 PP” flrI.3°"“'°Ch°r“°ni'- - .'Pl house. Promptly at 1 o'clock. A CHRISTIAN Comm; . "’“——"“"" - ‘ ' ' - rec! on and is assisted in ' — _; T THREE nmmnns ADMIITED DANCING LBSONS Sunshine Attacy ::.‘::..o f«“».--o new s1=»»~»«T:n-"....=-t-,r:.r.:..°-*~°::.*..":; :?.- L 1 1 . * .51. o.....oo-oo mu Held‘ 3‘°”"“" W‘ D“'“.dooomod om: co.‘ aowew ‘ U " on u1o°°"‘°’°““‘ °‘“";“'“ “‘*,“"' “ Emily Price 11...... "*""""° rauooooannonozomsw road.-..I3:e 11.11 acentl ‘ozgsubs-etoxnoonau-ants» c.l “°"‘°~*.""""“-"- . 1' -15'” °”°"°t plan“ ‘ ‘ vhntliunntna. ‘DI were-Abram Ihuday-Iimlfifiaxlih talk‘ ' um "”°°“ ".°b‘"’° " ' v~°°d‘“¢ “W PW“-i ""“"‘:1.un1an pink ta oi side inciodiiql-o our: history éthypnbv '““"""' .°‘ "" 1 “"' M’ ‘ ’ ' ’ * W ‘ha numbering about 125.have'- 3 9°" °" -. * . ‘1 ' 1 were officially admitted and declared ' w’ 1 - ads f of cotlfirplece. ‘ ‘ ’l8fl_.IId In. _ _ fl - T ggtentfto mothers and rte _ o . ’ _.______ I. _‘ Fume hu“°.‘T-“ch “R-don‘. -‘edged active members’ at a flunben of me club. . Orb’, Hogn‘n'.‘-ind mi” ;-an an 0‘ punucd iugjinuon meeting of the club at the 1. M. C. a .. --*-"""_‘ Dixie Lee _of Prntheraville, um” om‘, mania.’ coat"? W A. Bulldlngflastnight. Those.“-hop ‘ yin Ruby Black ‘were--married at 11:30 o'clock this we 5.51.101 ......yg..,1.,a.. person ’“§° n°}T§;:% beefifrraxated all rigleitsy ' - ‘“."tnonu ‘bthR.A.W.Pasl - . - .“ ~~ 1"‘-P""'8°‘° “‘'**''°'" '=‘'«' ' T’; 'T‘-::{0n}y ax.-3. G;-3y. guqtffgr n will b¢.l$E‘l1'?d KC FhO\\' 11181. XDt.'$' . - Ruby Black. 13130!‘ 95*“? “W-(,f ' , ' - ' are’:-eally interested in the or; J- fllll St Lo . Mr. Ilolfman. and Mrs. Obe Shem, Robert Cuebolg prod.“ of the _ _ 93‘ . Au,-porter of the . uis mother of the bride. were present‘ , T , 2-Non below: tour names are ac‘ ‘ than will 5° W‘ ’‘°‘‘‘?' ‘“°’‘.‘ “‘ " ‘The 3-ounecouple will live at Prath- “.““’°”‘ °°“"°““°‘ “‘ "*° °'“.'"° moved from th.eT1=robm-ionlist. Those gt 6 o'clock this evening at fl_s‘,m._. ‘ _ 4 u - $1.. __ last night of the oflecro of the't° ‘ta. ‘hit view‘ of an. duh T .Blherfl1¢9‘5 Wm be Mrs-_ 5- ‘V005’; Miss I-‘lora Marshall. of_ Albuquer- ~C‘"“P“’ S‘"‘d“3" s°h°°l‘5 & bd‘.i"‘_'l'lxey ares, ‘Martin and J. 7.. ,.. omdo. Dean Bessie 11-*¢h=_«1ue. N. 11.. is the «nest of Miss Eli» ’°’ ‘ >‘‘’.~‘.'‘.‘‘ 9"“ ‘9’rs°”“’ Tllalcnziola or the Philippines, and ' ' and ‘Miss Julia Sampson. abeth Agee; 1305 Wilson ‘avenue. 9°h°°‘ “-°”V““’5 "‘" ~°°“'ld""°d"Iuben Bnne of lfixico. . members of the Theta Sigma Miss Marshall was graduated from The C3mP“3 S0343? 319100] N99’-I 11,9‘,-,pe,,p house of th9.c)u;, Wm J‘ I l goal] Gamma Alpha Chi 50U!'!llll- the University last spring. She is i" “"3 D°"”-'3' M°m°"h‘ finial“ be’ be had on ' Decembcr 13 at {he ’ rs :. . 1. 9' ‘r 4‘ " 1' ' iu umritjcs and other women ‘en- nuw society edjm,-‘of the Albuquep cause of laelt of room at the church. l“yomen¢8 Gymnuium. '. p 2 ' flu in the School 01' Jolmwhsm que Evening Herald. ’§°""‘3 P‘°‘°’°’ "P"’“‘“*“¥ “*9 ———————-— L i T f A R d t W ’ ,m,1.o attend. There will be more_ \‘=m°I.1S P118588 0‘ °°“°¢¢ 33° "W IALUMNUS is JUDGE IN nun _ ea y‘ 0" ea?’ fifty present. v Dr.' and Mrs. Dudley Robnett cn- shown at the Cozy Theatcr Tu y, ...________. . -- T T . 1 -: 3?!‘ _, tertained at dinner on Tuesday cven- gfumoon in n,u-igl ghqwing, Girls Wm. Keegan Directs Cattle Exhibitsl _ _ A ~. T :. 1 1 I. -; ' ; , ... . ‘ ‘ ing. Their {means were Dr. and going to and from cluapa. President in South C_arolina. 1' ‘ ' ‘ ' — -' y_ d M c°u°,9e. ‘.gmde"t§ Mm Dudley S. Conley. Dr. and Mrs. Edxar 1). Lee talkinx to xheomdenc, William Keexan. son of Mr. and- T -_ .. . _RED SEALOONQERT AND OPERATIC ._ = . - an I W“"" 0* 2"'"". 0 , *““.:“:.:;.+°.*:*..:*:;‘;°.:- :3.‘ 3:: '°:..”"**».......$"';*:' <-:*::~ °~§.w,;.,a~*:2.., W Vera, V’ ma an pa _ ~ o- . m omewe _ ._ . ' ., — as n_ 3,. - 1 , - T T o ; o 1 M dafistian Couege Jentef-_ ‘V011 !i0l&€fld0m. . \The picture’. we].-e mt Jh_ F_ . “W ) In 3 ‘ -. m ttgfhwalu am?! ohust\'<)et:'tl'1mn‘Slint‘.li Mr’ and Mn’ Roscoe Ch”"b°" &£!ll:? j §eede of th:.cxhib.its of‘A)'rshirc« ancd Hugh . lulu“ T G-;.& I: ' L " I °'. ‘ 3 . ofKansas.Citywillbcguestsntthe ' , ‘. . ' ‘ ' (Mann-Fne:lberg' )3Viol'nSdo " - ' . H. . T , I . _ _ rt 1, f _ tn stems. A w .- . _ , street-_ ‘1'hfN‘“":r°;c hsfm 1'; Beta Theta P1 house um week-end. ft °t;f"A""n9';m:“;_,°"c,u§ T M was graduated from the School - T . . - - Our entue stock of Ready-to-Wear and M11- C‘ other Lstudents in Christian Chmnben is the "ion "1 Mi“ ‘meeting Wednesday afternoon at the lot Agriculture of the University in G;"‘D"'°' (Diflefldofo G3 “u I2 1“ ' 0 ° ' ° ' r 'fl‘0°”‘3' ‘ad ‘he U"iv°rSiz’:'. who were II:3ht:m';hhtR‘Pni8ol?. chapemn of .m,e~: home of Mrs. R. R. Tbflmlflon. She ' 1920 and specialized in dairy hut“ . (G°.") Vi°n“5°‘° - ;' lnery are Included In this Clearance Sale‘ from Cuudgan, _ 9 E “ °‘T’"‘ _ pf ‘.'3.‘_l: :‘r~ead “The” Whirligig of H10" nnd,bandry. He is navy connected with i SA : Ernuns - — ' * 1. . T _ . A ' other guests were Mrs. Robert‘ C. B. Anderson of Urbana. lll.. is’ I D“'“'°~ _ - . the‘!-‘lorence extension station of the . _ T : I . , .L‘. T The ll'Ilp0l't3DC8 Of tllls sale Co‘.lIlll0l b9 ap- Donefi uamyd 1-ogm._ (‘31v,,, 8 “.m_,k_cnd ‘men at we phi Kappa Twenty tinted ‘maria. the result ‘United States department of agri- 0hSavIIl.l'lnrMe ClnrletT.TllhIIInn} I . -0- . . . . ;,,..,,n1..o Marjorie Jones. and W... how, or experiments in dyeing, whiclyculture. _ Be'l'boaW'lhMc cImles‘r.1'1nmnn ‘ml " Wpre-cxated without seeing the merchandise. Only H” San. next were made by Miss Graee"'Mitchell,1 ’ -1 Miss Cannic Quinn his returned to instructor in the physical tnininxiu Y°° "3-“‘{“"3;;’TA"§P°““".“Y ' “CH7 V°C“- 8 Personal visit to the various sections can con- " ma .(‘olumbia after an absence of four Tdepartnteut, will be used by the dam. .1 ’ YOU I1‘? 00 N3 "18 13309?!“ . , [g Ah’. G“... Rd“ No M‘! wand!“ . _ gm Dmmwnance lweeks. . She has been visiting with jing ‘classes. ' "Went MI» T -- “MM Mi, wen“, film?! lo vey the comprehensive variety of stocks. l 1 . . T o ~—o 1 :1- J~...__—; to-blown:-rooayoo , ll‘: wsi§§o:Ex:: p . ' MONEIE “ .lamesll9l73 10 The thoroughly dependable quality, of Ready- nae a o 0c 0 Se||in ggzjn , Thgg Sgnghme’ , - ,- , ‘ -t-their chapter house. 500 Phone 393 Willacall You o1.1o':'c':uow1.oo1rooi1.-o1.:' M,ll:1'B""}1s17s 1o ’m’W"‘” ‘md "““°"al3’ ‘“‘d the 9"“ “"‘a“' 1 g::,°,2°:.',,, be. Mm-0,.ie H,“ KLAS8 COM. 00. H.585!-v I tages which the sale holds for you, awaits your 5- ’°’"“° “°°““d“-"' D°'°’:”"T T - DANCE 3550395 l i visit to this store. E“""°“‘ Am ""‘°“ i- ' " ” '1 oui=.o1.aoooa1.ooo—I=oxno1 (From --1t......;..- To . W5“ °*mPb°“». ‘?°'°*~.">'. 5 won. & Cochran .; * wad") ArtlurGibBsandHisGang ‘ . fluuygggmb’ nfinonelxg‘ l woop AND (3051, . %|ectna—Ile£ey For Trot (l~‘..,on“Rnnnin' "ls 1. ' ary era, nna - 1 3 __ 1 ; , » ry_| Sykes, Margaret Gibson and ' 303 Oak St. _ 1 “'34 l W" G‘55”"‘3‘5*G‘¢! Pngg ALL REMNANTS . *--7 r ‘ . 0-‘ ~ - * ‘ ‘ Ingaret Frances Mares. . Phone 1222 Black. . m&*@w.hmd“ "In N , ' S " ToGu'e Reception 1 TT T» T TT__T! ' mo-acne-awe‘) ‘ 11-er-«:13-'1-rs - T; utuumford Home T H vs mm, wgm, - su..sous.1.—1=oo'r1u T Gtber-Davis0rch .1 Dean and Mrs. B. Mumford A Rquind “ u an 5"! 3&4“ T7“ n'°v-'3.'*3l“"5 1. " m‘£"t’0‘6’(,‘f‘:‘l"¢3)’c“'(°’t‘°:‘n‘°:;°::' ‘hfgzt? A ngxxngcnk-8 I ’ I 1“ ““"‘5""" ' l"‘."""" " '*"‘:""" "'3 ' " 5 - - T—T~- «~——T —-—~~-=--~ ..T-. -. 7 . - Icon in honor of the members of the 3 313 B"°‘d"‘3' lldty of the College of Atricul-E’ to will receive with Dean and In. Mumford. The wives of the 5680! the departments of the Uni- uuity will assist in entertaining. il Exactlywhatyou needlaanenr j ington Portable Typewriter. Let us give you a deinonxtration. The ‘ . Co-Op Store, Hione 879. Autbor- T lzod Remington Service. j ‘ “;:':::;.. .4 $2.50 to $5.00 ; D Q NEE VVE"LL T Privéte bfi Appointment Only A A . HE kind that will stand the rough wear. We "’'3- H’. H. St07lC H03 4 l have put forth an unusual effort yfi i i W V. __ i _ i. (W W 1 u i ‘- H uh '_ , l"f°7‘m01 P0113! L ' to select shoes for boys and school children ‘ ' = T“ D” .T , "‘°“' ‘"3 M E I W. 8. Stone. 310 Rosemary that will wear and fit the growing feet properly. or ’ ' ‘ ’ ' ; lane. entertained 1: following _ _ . ‘ Mill Tuesday afternoon in honor good 2-bladed knife Will be given FREE With ;:__,k_ __k_ _ , * _ __ , (Hrs. Madison Hart and Mrs. Wil- _ in Boww: each D811‘ of boys shoes Saturday, November In. Hartley Banks, Mrs. D. D.- lou. Mrs. G. D. Edwards. Miss 24th. V Laura Moos, Mrs. R. K. Watkins. In.W. L. Do:-gun, ‘Mrs. A. H. Shcp- l Mil, His: Juliette Moss and Mrs.3 I-rr P. Thomson. ' Eutertajizs With 10 O'clock Luncheon. . 1 _. 1 . Uh. R. F. B1.-dford, Stewart road, 7 Plltutained at early luncheon at 10 Mock this morning. , : Hrs. Bedford's guests were: Mrs.; I . -Seeuaicriaa-znharg-ainsandliatyouriarnuwitbux. We .. have inquiries for {arms every day. We can trade your {arm L for city property and other property in western or southern ' l . states. We are agent for Equitable Joint Stock Land Bank. Q‘he 5 -'3 ideal farm loan. Come in and tall: it over. Just Received 4 A new shipment of silk hats, oom- bination of satin E. A. BTROUT FAR! AGENCY. INC. Largest Real fitate Organization in the World ' Shoe Repairs Promptly Turned Out. w_ E Pxhtuunufi coumm. F“ -°.‘.‘.':**;:::f- fir: .‘;‘:.'..".'.:'.:-'.‘. i ‘ L and metal ocloth "°°" mg’, “; “K, g;,‘‘“* '‘''‘‘‘‘‘'‘'= T "=——- ~ '1 "o 1 ~~ A o — T’ with fur trims, oo1..1.1... ' 1111....’ .1 .' -@ 2 IE9 Hats that reflect “. _ ___ Lflrw _ 3, ..:...:__.:._«~____) A Tl every authentic style ‘ « .__ 3 . - ‘ ‘ ’ V l —dress hats. dance, ii a ;;_, _.,(_‘,'._,_ ___ _ ‘T _ November Apparel 0 Sale 3 ....:S j You Me mm 2 . ‘ ' Iv ‘ -V . ._ A T; .. _T. - §;; 1 spo mo e.s. T Offers Coats, Suits,‘ Dresses,’ Furs, Slorts, etc. *5 ;'gg;:?;°$_‘;_‘;,° :_éP§_:*;3;,,*;°g;§g; = ‘ - T’ T T ‘ ' ' W 5 V ofherreputationasacook. . % M D0 look theg; 9"<=r:->'°°'" find them 88 '~‘"“*‘"8~ 3“ ‘”°"““"‘g “ ‘"" oo?.?;'f ogogodihalcied nooda. ii: ‘ L“ 5’ T. ’ Coats at $19.75. $23.50. $26.50. $29.50. '“ "°“ ’’”“‘’”°‘ ] 1 mm how -killed you my be» . - p ‘ . OFF cawthavgoodluckunless : =5‘ 1 $3350’, $3750’ $4350, $4950, $5950, $5950 oSPECIAL—ALL VELVET HA:T—v-’-VS A A x go“, it 133;’: why it u and s 1 m’ M1mnery' '°"*'""° °*‘°"< 2 Dresses .at $16.75, $19.75, $23.50, ranha‘ .98 , .. p. j, $26.50,$29.50, $33.50, andzup. L ’ I T ' * ' R : ' 4' ’ T 1 L E‘ 3 Furs at about one-half their real , 7” . T T., L ,? ' 1 —: “duh A Sw tors tabout thirdofi. . .. T r-I-no. l .; : ea 8 030?’. ~ l ~ ’ Cleaning. ,1 ,F¢l’fl"“. T . in Tasman: 3’ TT 1 _ ;, _ 1” -o.'~-v up . 0 ,.$:. ,1; .‘.‘..“_*.§,.-.. .o- . - u T T . K . .- " g - .... ,, T..‘,:_.V_‘.-... ‘~..._‘.’_‘ .:... .7 _. _- _,~,.- “ ‘. _~ A». ..o—\-.9.» p as _ I. ‘l. L ‘L V t’ 5,‘: _ .- . . . . _ . '... , ,‘ '.. _ ‘ ‘ - j . 4 . , -. 3 ~. ' "' "-“ "E,-_,_ 4--‘*'y’__‘ 9. ' ~ - .1 T T . T - -' . .. o. 2 «. - - o ‘~ "A :2 .- 3.. . .~ . T ~ T . 1: _ : ~." «4 T‘ ' .7! W." --5‘ 1‘ K- . .‘ 3‘ -- ,.. - _ .-..‘ T‘ p - ‘ . - . -' .3; - .T. ;-;4,\. L .-L . '-d:...¢.-- .v;*_. -_- -, e~_.. . ._- _‘._ _* - :T-‘: '_ ‘ ‘’.._ ~.~ A’ -. -_-.~.__.‘-- -T._— 95?.’-_-‘J; 3-,‘fi\'.~‘£'C3“4.-r--_ ' =..-*«. *‘ “4‘A‘AI‘.>4 " if ‘c .: - .‘!r~ .Te.‘.1=.'T~-:3.-._‘+...-. .‘~*T*;:°~.L. T. .~...:o‘2§». -__T T .... ... .. .~.aT~T—~.-.:r~ :.~'.Iv!-re‘ .*.~»fi+ ~ ‘- . ~ ~‘-“ "— ~-‘ ‘ - war‘.