and -.5‘ _ . . T, with!-ehlllc ¢l°'!1=Tp*1‘l*''*- “"1 ‘wine iiee'ie one of chil¢h'en‘s will fit-I1 1-¢N“|*"='P°"“‘ veloursintanvithhluebi-aided F:-a".-"9. ' I l ‘t -l. 7 I l 5 l - H ‘." . _ , T;,,.,Aj.T,.dA -.¢ _ A ‘ _g 1;. T:;., ,,T '-1T,',.T"*.:at. . “'t§':'f' T, W 4» T H _ g _ t C-1 ~ 7 ~ . I -.-:o ‘sf, 4.. ‘. . -r ,9:-.‘ - . . ‘I... .31 ._ .. . . - . rt , ,. -T-vs-, v.~l.nO~f - I‘*Co¢- 9? ‘A - . . - , ‘ ht :3 -g o.f T A ~';i ,4 T;_«.::. mssoumsn FRID YENO. :.T=:. mm, ~>" ~ ~ ~ » Tr» As. s 4 T .- ~-———~—T—--——-_- _-—-- .T A‘ - T T A - "'*""' - -:_ - , =- ‘ _f"_ x AA ' T 2 :_~jT ;T .,....T T .«"T.—' .‘ T -T TA —~T .. ~. . i>uie,iie..uevieiun rdativaaifiarah mime sine iioekr ----5T_.w _ , _ Inraoitl earBoone County in-«;T_ ___! ,'“ ,m" T _ ;<_=§g=ycr--t ::T_ 3 Ybm, Persona”-ty ‘ , - T r A T ' gvisxted‘ relatlvu in 0olambla.E4_ " ‘ A‘ " ’ . T ‘ Illchschoolauteitainadlhefreaho .,.,, AIRML-EflAm g Iman clam ‘in the basement of % 3,, ma nu. Jail Turner and ' ~1 A — ca-ibc expressed in personal Christmas ..T l._ « gm ,,,.,,. .5. “*3” '°’“’T°l ‘ml’ ‘TT'T"’T“*"W' l""*9~ lchildren of_ Columbia visited hen‘ Dicy -eziieifweet to w. n. Buc-, designed and worded by you. They will -~ I I 7°" T ‘$811358’. l N."1-{HE-38-80-12 (Or-antor you with them. Make your cards to -T".'zj °" wards B B. Rowland Jack Sam ' AA ‘mu. ' A « ' Ira. John Walla‘ Iptntl Drown ‘T 1 ‘:13- flu; Nance Pryor gf "co1gmfiq1r_l5ein¢ widow J. Wu! decd-) friends carry something of you to them. A‘‘_ f id in Xaaasa _. l'u.d._ “mic Wu mmmwd by the Emma her brother. Ii. B. Pryor over-_82,‘500. av-Saab” ‘U, ta W; E. 1 Drop around ma 4 ‘cc eumpm of ‘ii ‘W@“l mmfi%m;ma Shelledy en ‘ lar. and llra.l'.!laroldT )lountJorl:M‘cl‘l" 101 171iSniithton. an addi?. °';§.'“"‘“‘ """ ma" 7”" "° '°"‘ °'”.&'.'l <’‘> 0% lulu I - taaiaiiied their friends last semi returned home Friday from a vineltion to._Co19ia3>i- $1-25¢ . . ° ‘"’"’° . A '1. A A _ ~ - T A_,_ _. be u. . ‘. ’ _A Awere: Misses Betty_.Wade.; Mrs’. Sallie was given a‘‘.C. 35,5“; of the coi-; T _ f HEAT I8 CHEAP «An opeajgg alwllld .‘W°'mL“'d9c_.l Mrs. 3. O-_ _ T. _ Rowland. Anna Lee 'l‘oal- Tdinneg-_pax-ty Fl-ihy by friends null! e of 5‘ in 3.-ookfield ‘ _‘ _ -,-A ' A . affi.fEd"’? T_ A ’ I03. Mirth POI-Fl Hlllfile. Nancy relatives in celebration of lierTi:8°°nfa.enaTmu, we Lynn coumyi ’ ‘u .‘ .’ . I—I$-—I—-'5'. 0! ‘ . , _~ J. -5,. - e v - . - 7 . . _ T o e . .. i 1 Colfimbia Copy the gain larger connections than gas; “in Rug’- ouhufitg ‘u Onigitg Klemgillzetsvldar eightieth Ulffth_¢l_.I[:_ g_,__,_T, ..._soybean Giolamts Anocistion. T_his_ T . Sedalia ———- Columbia —— Newark. Ohio ‘ T S tam at or oil, and when bituminous coal‘ llldinm, ‘T: ‘ " Afieglayf‘ of Xlas, mm ‘G and D"."_m'"dn ”" The H. 12.. Chearens association is the largest of its kind ; p A ~ _ g . T . ysT ’ used. horizontal sections of ue'Euub.& A T . T « T ' a. T» ' ducted the funeral services of rs.'in the countfi. ‘ ' T» ' . A’. 'T T A ‘ulna. Carl ‘Thomas Glenn: ‘T * mm- Says Pmfeggor pipes gcoosttnt ¢l€8!|ln¢- 1, fligflotoflfl H|r'dln[Q@‘CIlOed_Hul ( 1 - Ta, . .T TT T-. .. ... -T- A- T T — - T_. T T -A show that "56 *'°*I“''‘"Y‘wnii ersieuuiey partaat heme. "iv A 1 ' - R°dh0u5e- ' 50 pencent of carbon!‘ This nah ‘ T: -:-"-——--- ~. - y afternoon. T . T . A _ , : -—— is because the was do 0°‘ '°°°‘"-‘i uieesieeeiyn Kanatsar of William‘ T Ashland — T f . A V The average use of fuel in the pa. awcntion. In shaking ¢flte3.'wood‘ C9“ ‘pent we 'e°k_,,,d‘_ _ ‘ IT . _ r T I l . home is grossly inefficient. aceord- pm wk‘ th ll 1 from abovel . Q’ Lo Fl»'8D'¢¢8 _l‘9»8_ d|Pl'_ll‘°3’l_3- _ ' ".' ' ' l " ' ' ' I if A " ’ l 5 .ing' to conclusions reached as a re- figoguniiid feta: ',‘,.:’,",o.-;, ‘O into.,;’;h h"Am°a'”' M3‘ Mull“ V9. ‘,th'l‘rellis Nichols is ill with diph-. T ' ’ T ‘ ‘_ -0 9 . - ‘ ‘ . g - ‘T A 5 salt of research by the United States uh -‘_ N 1.3“, hes; ' S‘ I A d Albert‘ eria. ___ _ T g ‘ o ~ T ‘ ' _. I, ‘ Bureau of Mines. and A with éther 3;", 3?; ,b.k§ng_pa¢.; R::”;'m°°d- "Q the Unbl‘ Tfldflirgt of hAppleton City is visit-T W A 3 data assembled by fimuel 8. yer. ‘ T um will protaegtlie - ' ti‘, 3.! 113 V88 €70» T ' A , . : T _ L w.'h ‘mineral technology of'::f:::::c;;'?betu,rci,.cu1‘fion ¢gE:n°:l""t:.D In lug’ ‘Peal twee-p""'Clarence filling! Columbia visit-; _' l _. 3 TT ‘ ~ A ' ‘ . ' : rhsonia' ii natitotion. , - - = .an, ‘mm, ' relatives are unday. _ - T A T - T " °°"°°‘ ’‘’“'‘°‘' ‘''’’° ‘é“'”"’ ‘.‘"l‘.But the really big task is gettinz 3 533;“ 3.1:; Efokcgnttal ceufill -.*A°d1’°5' 3”” “UN "1 Celum-A ‘ C V undenwod ad nmned an-wghomlheat into the room water or food is ‘pent the weebmd ‘mi ad, P", This durlnk the week-end. ; 7/ j T the country thesaine heating servicogt be hat“! in mg most din“ “d can in Gaunt V T M,.,_ 3"-my Bush and mm Ln“; . I gld be: obtained with one‘-tlialf the..e; ’ .e\ m‘nMr. The mdimry "rm Tum“, Haw’ um Loot, ml? 1:“ Hartsbiirg, - T T. '9‘ 3"" "°‘1l "5" ' 5"‘ T f 2* th children, and Iain es an we. ‘ T. ' _:A A in; of a any. ::,’§f,',,., Z30“; $51,, 30.,“ flaw 1,. Mr and Mrs M c Angeli went, ~- A A°°°"“"g 9°. T‘ J‘. Rolnmnu‘ lb”; gbgorbing surface, with the re- 3 Mon,” int )ggmhy_ Ito Rocheport Saturday to attend the ‘ ' ' ‘’'‘’''‘“°’ °‘ °""' °"“""""""‘ “ sult um combustion products so in-’, A mum and Son Banquet" was ftunmi or wmi-m H-mes. ; A v the U;:;?;ty' ‘ed‘:“tth"::°um 3 to the chimney. {given in the basement of the Chrlr " Martha Christian. who has been; .' _ ‘Q l'''‘ . "" " ‘A’ °"‘°‘ .. ces and ‘ tian Church last Friday evcailzuill... rat,uniodT to. Columbia Monday,‘ column. by "mm": ‘O the simpk Wfiei-'tmh.t fruzl-8 steam shollld lcilmore Stone acted as taastmaster. I (here she is attending Jchool. t T . . . . 9 V p . , , °{Glasspunmi:dl‘:t‘e: ::e’£qi;lh;ainsu1iM- T 7'“ ’°l’h°‘.“°’‘ elm’ °l c“m.‘“‘T‘ .31?!-,_Chlrles Will» and daughter 2 A where there is no obatructioninuch 01 the "9“'°" h°“-"°‘* °‘P°°»i‘."" . ‘cl T-f— T——-——— —r— ~~——— ‘"' _“ ‘ H” C i :5 V - o ‘u " . . of the heat in a home passes out- built to sell the construction 3 h . r aide thriigh the thin pane of glass. defective that a reasonably 8 l 42' , ' ‘ A - ’ ‘ E Professor said that room can 89€l"'°d “'91 “"7 ii T ' steam heat is cheaper the long ins! 0‘ 17°” 15 l° 2.5 9°’ "E I H S 'E l - .. km the 9' ' A 2 run than heating by hot air. It easily possible by ‘M 8 _ . . T . «T - costs more to install the equipment tight." i . . _ v. ' for steam but but use eoalgbill is "' A Having sold my farm, 1 will, at the place, twp usually ioweree a result," and Pa»: PERSONAL ITEMS f T miles south of Columbia, Missouri, on Provi- ? f°'°°' R"n'°“"' ‘ ' —— A Tdence gravel road -on A’ ‘ " ‘A s l -r's.'.““.zTe.“l.‘-5‘. 5.'&'a.‘3f.’.?‘f.2'.uTe nncT_;rt.fisT w;=;3;‘w-s =*~°vv*"=l = TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1923 : T= th sthod 'odbth cit"ii mares ,_ T - - T - T - ~ l 'ii:xl:o, iio..el:’t’3xneni:g ii:-at ll) ' James F. Green of St. Louis 'ye§- T ’~ Sell to the highest bidder the following described . - 5_ , business houses, churches. and j terdayp Mrs. Green. who I8 In ~ personal Property: . ‘ . T‘ ‘ 3:11:22: located infithe cage-ei purring hgsrimll hégén mmed to I” Fifty high grade Holstein Cows and Heifers, - town con nued ro essor . - - 2 - . T . . sting of : 2 misc. “Thecity powerhouse of wich. Ml85-- >_¢5"~"d‘y- ““°' “‘“ I cons‘ . . - 1 ; it rice is centrally located and‘ing in Columbia. . T.T 16 cows in full flow of milk. I 4 3 T " '“"“‘.""‘ ‘° ‘ ‘"3’-’ Miss Fl'~f"°"°° Will“ M‘ C°“;:" . 10 cows to freshen about January 1. t» " “'1 :3 :‘fl$“fiu:’{,n”,f"‘ °: W ‘Z: §:;°‘§:rk"°‘“”d"' °" ' AT 23 heifers, ranging in age from 2 to 18 ‘ ‘T W8? ' . ; * " T ‘ ‘ - . S 0f ‘ll? 90'" 5093- The ll-elm 55} Miss Minnie Forbis of Centralia; Il'lOIltll8 . g p This 0"” of 3 most ‘m.‘di‘.e sdcction of NW). ln-these two sliowinizs axe to be found dresses ? W 9'9 l"'n‘li"¢‘ V’ “Lil \'l8ll5n8 ll" 5”’ °’“' C‘ E‘ ‘"d. T’ Also my herd T ‘ A l Blue Ttiootine dresses comes at anxopportune so‘: e\'¢!!')' 0°C8-9°" and 0“'_3‘-‘ ill“ “"3 “"""'_°’ ‘lu 1 mum °‘ 1"!’ imulwed K D" B‘ F F°'bi' in Cohmfib chad” ' A COWS are C118 fl'OI'l'l 550 that 1 ’ Tl time for the uvoman who desires new apparel for f§nd- Pl‘-'3-‘~“’° l" P0>‘Se5Smiz. The gfffilfinfl at I ’ , . 1 9 0 ~ . I . '. . - - - - . ' ‘ '5 ! - f ' ' ' . T M. 'J:T‘:TT" T‘T.T“°fT’;TTTfTT‘T‘:::'.'”'.°:‘T T ....:".A.. T.°.T‘;"..’%.e T;‘T‘TT«.T -«T3». was owned by t.h° Mcéme Dairy 00- The 5.50 A T “":"::'.';:":..:;.§‘::*:.':::..$**;:.:;.*'°‘;:..;°.;: :..:" ‘ eieee enough to permit it. ‘Ere east visiting Mrs. .1. H. Freeman. Mn. Q g head was the pickTof. Minnesota and Wiscdtznsmf. 4 ! mi and a number “M flomés Mm] M0,,‘ 0, bmdcd 0, m,,,,,,ed in fur. The mend t° mo“ "in: we be“ is ‘ at e M°°"°" "’°th°r‘ ' * Sale St 8. in. QYIIS 38 klIOWI| on y 0 l " ' - h T The line is an appealing varietv. in a number of styles, :’ “me u if they ‘med fnnmcfl but 3'' ‘ma M”' W‘ C‘ Grigsb" re. : l ‘V C ’ ‘ . 7 ' ’ ‘ - R doth ‘dds an attnctmc mm ‘o sue . ‘so ‘ fabric" and colors Values UP to $40 a special 3 they are relieved of all such bother tgj-had 1. Way, Colo., yesterday al'- ‘A H , . . i dresses were formerly $80 and are now selling: -- _ ~- - _ -_ - ‘. as fixing the furnace and cal'f!l38°ter vidting George iiiiier. uni “ Dinner by ladies of Bethel Church. , lor—-.. ., ,T. « ., “‘“ “'11- All '*'°Y'"°°¢ *0 4° “ “'9? W 'tsb>"= br°*h°r- l T . T. Jacobs, Auctioneer Alex Bradford Clerk ‘} « ‘V ' " L.Wl8ll heat iautgdturn onkzhe sst::mt.°' ;lisscl;I)‘e}l(:ieJaue St;-1; ‘ R A A -_ ’ . T & ' I ‘ IQ! ll I ll *phen3 , Wtfl 033 l. ’ ’ 3 . T \ T rem‘:-”" -«T to -om or we vr-Mr-mm mom mm win «pew T Ambrose F. -Estes T - . :2 T ‘ alty buildings, although the “exhaust T‘u,¢ weekend with her parents, Mr. -_ ’ T . . . T T . ; . ' T 5: " steam furnished by the U vers ty.,,,,d Mn, 1‘, L1, Langmuir. A _ l’ . . , Power Plant is not sufiicient to belt 1 J. E. Hathman left here yeslerdlb‘ _ T, T_ TT ,T_ -,_ WT- _ _ M ° ' . t F k ‘ all the buildinn. . ffor Lawrence, Kan. where he will T I S S Wl 1 07’ "The business houses on Broad- see an football game and inspect‘ - i, . T ‘'13. a:nCdZhristlar: $i¢ baled ll‘ l-bl‘ Miss Zoa Hall. superintendent of : ‘ H I the N y R ‘C l‘ W A l l ‘- this special offer are selling in .::Glistening Silver H TTTTTTTTTT s“fi°n muad °f beiug °" the out °u°"di“g ‘ll’ Sui‘! wemlm Cod’ l . ll - enabled to make this price through skirts of town," concluded Mr. Rod- (9,-ence here, went home this morn- A e ‘ ft‘ the purchase of these Speclllmi bong‘ mg‘ I ) V‘ th larl 11' an opportunity in buying a lim- 399°" 79"‘ 50" W 337'’ F39‘ T Mia: B. V. Dobbs, professor of in- ‘l ‘me!’ at "e reg“ 3’ ‘B me some Vtry helpful him‘ °“ £33‘ dustrial arts in the University, went‘ I up to $135 an ‘included in am itcd number. The coats are} of nserva' ' e T‘ da dd h - T T : A ' . . co rt sting. aviieyer of Sm“ hf” kn ‘E £hia$t§es1t_:ee:ch:'n to fiuzccsatmt ‘ tl to th ;. Thmbxmng off". The” com! black lustmsis with grey {as V A Jmmmoniisubmitled w ti’: U' Sélshe Wm be bad Sand” Ladd i E ‘ grea‘ y e en-” are of black lustrosia‘ cloth silk W" "'4 "W-' ‘ ll" °“°°‘ ' ' l’ ’'‘‘“'I . Bureau of iiics. t says 1 --,nos 1 Mrs. Ed!" ‘“‘°hi’°n' on E’ A H ' ii , T_ 1. » ,. .. . 1 ‘ - l ‘ . ' ' . . s o 9 ° . ' ET. '1 houwizfit |;:r;¢ct::t“;":‘he Mn;’:‘::?l;h;:rb:§:‘::re 313.1”; :31“; ‘L. J0Ym€Dt Pf any crepe-lined With black fox trim.‘ 1 as ‘tell as man) othcrdis 1 13,121 I l fud l’ “’°d 1" "‘l5i“3 “"3 ’°°"‘ ‘°m' M0079» and ll?!‘ “"0 "l°°°5- 1573- , and particularly Wheni Cape and other attractive effects. ~’ tinctive louch¢5- Th" Tl,“"k5l~""‘ VTT. C‘ T. psratiire from 60 to 70 degree Fab-fD. Edwards and Mrs. J. E. I-‘sin - l . r _ V , . _‘ _ rt‘ M: l T nuhelt 300888 1'30 lit‘ kept fi‘_’¢‘,borii. went home this morning. 1 _ the meal marks Such an1 A special ate 1 ‘"3 l"''°°" I , o ’ ;“ ente: ‘°" “W “""’ “"" 1 . .. TE.—n";"T......... A ' Li $7 50 A we . to -—that ‘is. kept at sixt)'-‘ '1 I _l'!’ 0 ‘C . 31° - 1 - ° _T '2 7 :3; d'§;{,{,, ,0 ,-l,,,,.{;gi.. dam..- The infantry eegimenoor the an _ occasion as Thanksgiv ‘ _ $ 0 ,;_ (. wmwm ",3, dhcomfmrg or my an. n O. T. C. will give a special demaiii-i _ _ _ .. _ E. T Sam ger to halth. seem: the how *E*'="°" 0‘ mfmtw we-was on ,°T ~ mg. Snowy linen can 1 T =___ lower is the easiest way rifle range next Tuesday. The public _ , ; - T - AT T temneutnre . . . . . . i ' 3', I‘, 113 in . . ' _ _ : . tosave fuel.’ adiriseahi Wye ' vitcd This will be the final only be had when It '18‘ ' T at 1 "Hie room air in most houses is formation of the corps for the yeah: ' ‘ p ._ . T'«_ I 1 - S A laundered with care, in; . 4, , § " '.- TA .' SOft water, and’; This display of ext-nemely‘attr-active and serviceable coats includes stile! in l_>°“l A “['il;"_ ‘ .: - 3 T. _ . . . A . " _~ IT twin ma Mum. dual, The colors are‘-black and bnorrn and the trim is emphasized E,-T «' Tigers Will 15 11-(med so that each; 3 ’ and made smart by ahlaek foa collar. nieee are specials at-— Tr I Feast‘ on detafl in the d ' E T1 . 9 75 T ": 7. : . l I . ' _ _ . . . . - . I J . I I‘ _ . l p .' , . -. 9 - T C 1 _ J , Jarllawk each bit of fliexfaficl ‘l . 2 ' o o ' l ‘ 2...; “"‘A_‘ 3' _’ T 0 0- .To ., . ‘ _ ‘ A ‘ . . T ~ 3 T . .- 'l‘lianksgivms stands out. T'1'his Jhshng Fall Milluiery Speuul Offers r:: T Tspeflill 30!’ T . F 3 T g _ 1 l , ; . ‘ T | T_._ -._A.' ‘.2 3 ‘ Tit’)? '3" l' ' ‘K’ feature Ifiaplayat clearance AT grown-up coat in iustrosia , _ I our ' , A ' 1 I ‘ accurate d8SCI'1DtlOl'l Of? 7: '‘ Tc‘! ' 9 l Flees of fail and wintu niil- clptli like our .wumen’a special. ‘ Ax‘ A . K T .. . Q ‘ _ ; : . 7 - ' .4 ‘ {I hm Silo‘?! ill this "0 ' . \"l."-- TClii'istmas Greeting Cards 1 T the Dom-Cloney serylce‘; e A we me. ~ .. .:~w~ 3.0 we mm \ T ‘ ‘ i T T . A T ' which are small shapes. are A beautiful iiaie lady’s special ‘ ' T ‘ ' that you should take and-l A if velvet: eeveomr and felts -z—— T You T _ g ' ., . T . T _ l ‘Huey ana'trimmed in feather!‘ A C C "um _ T .T T -T T , vantage of» before; T T T 9 T. T Thanksgiving. we also: Days Left : . . ‘ ".' - - ' ' "-' ‘-"A"« . l° 3°” "°°d'T collarsandcuffa. ‘Host attrac- ..i.i .....T...T;; .T.i... ' “AW” was *“"°*"“A“"“ ‘.%".:.;*-'....."‘*:.*!° .TTTT.'A “:31” i T 44'',’ _T oi - §honcthej_:fii‘ Ti. _ ' A T _T _ ;_ "‘ ff‘. _ ;;~g_ T _;_ _‘themornitig:" Cal_l_1_;§4_Q - 2 . - ' - T , '. . “ .-. Jr ' I . '.-,g~.*-‘.'="'.-5-.3 3;." ti -7-? ;--.,:.i- 2-T~.f\"—~ ;‘.l . .-,,‘. *-5‘. ‘-‘~.-_*.‘.', 1.5 ~'->.?'-.?__~_i<_.' 2A.-“A-a*"s-2:4".v’=.‘1,m‘.AE"-C '?,"j"’.‘.-‘.1’?-.;1‘~‘_.A’_A‘ '_..__ _- __,T V "T ._, _n V, -,.j .. c'_ .--.T‘-_' I V . _ \__~. . . ‘ _~. ,_- . .‘.v-f. -,. -_4.- - e-5”‘ 5,’; zr~