r - 3 5 *4 LAST Enirioii” Nungenf 3 4 R STRATTON ,1). Baoors . RMALLY INAUGURATED AS ~ mic children of the state. This uni-l fiver-aity is not ‘a private institution’ Jwlioaeaffairscanbeconsiderrdfrom, lthe standpoint of its individual in-’ :31’! s P I Pflxslx nwrrso ro GIRL’S _. Manx om. iisimn ’ANcL0.FREN(fff: ...-.._.—s V‘ .- l22,1o5 SUBMIT ,| THE WEATHER HAIJIS RAID c- ‘ “"«?:*'«=Tf“;T-J::.; PLANS To BOK . _,,. FRIENDSHIP AT ESIDENT or UNIVERSITY ‘ . ltarests. ltlsaninstitution that is‘ . lof the people and for uic people. as: 1 I-TY A to D‘-can Proiect - T . . ~ 3 "W015 C PEACE AWARD CRITICAL POINT It is. indeed. the crown. the capital. Noted “Educators: grcpresentative of the Mark ‘Wain filfemorial Park Association. of per- who will be invited to attend Routes Yeggs Seeking to-Loot ’Ph°“°‘ 0P9l'3°°l' or Missouri: Fair tonight and King George Charges §Applicants Contesting for S rd‘ _th 1’ l In lusigimrcy. wi itte c nge in tem-i France Dela), $100,000 Prize Of- gof that system. its very bad; and. '}aa _the system cannot be properly t re~‘ INAUGURATED TODAY ‘ considered. as a unit. withou ‘ Ceremonies of 0 Induction. 1s 13'rii Pansioarcrl ic Procession of ing Exercises. ‘ ’ ‘stratton 1). Brooks. this-teentli«' ? of the University of lfia-{ ’ _ inducted into office this‘; with appropriate._ formal; continuing throughout the;_ .»‘i inauguration ceremonies wen. .‘ .. by many visitors. incliidin -- ' A educators representing more ' . ' universities and collegesof - The exercises began . , .‘ tthe meeting of the associati i , , l§;'fh;°m‘:':t ‘,:“‘[';’:;‘z- Banks 3-lld P069’ . 510 o'clock rngrrow morning of. fered by Noted - __~__-__-: ,-.-__,~_-,—_—_~:—-i in Reparations no. ,, ..,,,,,,h,.,, ,,,,,,m_ M ,, .,;i 0lll08- . *"“"’°°"‘ °‘ “"3 “W91 Pvoono Ton Author. BENEFIT MINSTREI. snow Solution. ‘ AT ______. e meeting will also be open clement. an essential. ahaping,.giiid- C. C. 'llALl. 1'0l\'lG_liT 1 '. —-———-— . ,,.,,_~Ti~:Li:PiioNi: WIRES Curl . . to ll per-so I A ' ‘ —.w—-- l‘'‘‘' °°I"""°‘"‘¢ 6 in -::l’Ica§ovcm:rlt't¢:0c::cet‘:w!:ie:!:).:rin MUST BE PRACTNABLE Benton School Pmn‘T.1'cociicc As--PARLIAMENT DlsS°L"E” - ‘”°" . - "““ ‘ ';or;-rkrw‘ tr-‘1'au.ii.. ‘”—" i 'i» i . ——————. l ggspoizes must be ‘i:thhl!t'Y::!l:e ;mh..B3nd1l~3 Nearly C9»Pl3't1l'€d§u.,k -r,..,;,,-, ';‘{,',h‘p,m_°" ° Committee Hopes to Be mmi°nro:hi':.- "mm :iBaldwin Savs English Ef- s ' ’ ° ' ' - u ' ‘ . . ' .-\ gvlan and motive of public education.‘ whe" 0Pe1'3lP°1‘ 3 Quick Algfihlfigi h':'“f; *o1:;*:;lIlmP;r5l5 Ready to Announce The ,,_m',j§;c-he}. Auomhon forts - Have Been * ~ ll‘ 'l"“d‘ ” til‘ “l6“‘“° 3°“ °f ‘u. Arouses lacres of laid at Florida aurroundin the Winners l)V' of Benton School will give a mine?‘ by L°‘.l°°‘fi°"'1 °i'd°"°' in the ‘"9"’ Citizens lithe mug. in ghjch Samuel Clem“: . . ti-el show at. 8 o'clock tonight in? - :‘i’°" Eh‘ l’°m’° '“l’p°"' ‘ml °l’l‘3,". ' ‘ 'gin wu ham pm,’ ' Jan’ the Christian College auditorium‘ Allies’ é:£’e"' :’g:1;d°:'Z°,°!:‘:gi;: Br nniio: Prom” . . hinox-non 53°, of the U,,h.e,.,h). 0; 9, Um’, ,,,__f‘’‘‘‘‘’“ for the benefit of the poor childrenfh’ mud ,,"__'_—- fluted M mm. ” “mam W PliQOPS‘l’0\Vl\l, lll.: nov. 16.-.-efllsdaourl has surveyed the tract of NEW YORK CITY, NOV. 16,- of Benton School dntnct . - 1.0349034, go...-, ii;,_.m.., .. reaence of mind of Mrs. Addie. In . and has completed his lans There are at least 22.165 who con- The first part of the program 5 from the throng rc\'e,u]'|ng i ’ l ‘ ' . . . P “mwe by hm‘ " ' ‘mm’ Th’ Farrell. night opeil-xator of ; gvert it into a memorial park. sider themselves capable of i-sthb- e l:?':;‘?c‘:g|d“j;: t::‘;§;’;_': phone exchange _ . saved thil l\¢¢0I'dll1t‘t.o‘llr. Jackson. the cost lishing peace in the world. plans ; n u u is of we yomh who in‘ city frorn'an organized bandit raid will be approximately $100,000. submitted to the office of the Amer- 3p;”dl‘°' thmuxh the inhcrmndihm today. Nine yeggs. in two automo- on xocmmher 30, which i, ‘he ican Peace Award here today indi- irmics. as it is. inaceii. of the incm- bu-fig-emmd me my "h°'u" W" °“'-"‘l""“"*E"’ -“""‘“°”">’ °‘ Marl‘ °“°"' h", of the gohhd of Cunm,.s_ or of m‘ '“l3l“- “ll “:9 ‘°l°Ph°"° "“bl35v'TW:I| 8 _bI . an ex ve cam- Applicants contested for the $100.- nhc mvenigh flue inc“; had his ‘ml ““‘"°d '~° l’°“’ ‘l‘°"“{_°" °f “"3 patch will be started throughout 000 prize offered by word W. Bok ifizm ‘ad interest in an poweflion l-W; l>8nl:.;3<|l tl1;P°;-0l:¢¢- hdl!':‘(!H.ll‘l to raiae’fvnda for the pro‘; for the best practicable plan by t he ,ed d “fled. ‘ rs. a re iz t at some- pos memorial. Mr. Jackson aai which the United States. mus come" ‘n pm tlung was wrong. when ‘the 1.300.that several towns in Missourilopcrate with other nations Will be ¢ll“'0l¢-‘d W mllslcll hum-the “profound anxiety” with which 5073 ll)’ Ute Alabama ill!‘-Stfitls IInd.Britain e the continental special song numbers. The 8¢C0l'l(l:£li\lItlOfl. King George's ' part of the program will be tht-{solving Parliament was !‘t'l(l today. presentation of “Oh! Doctor." a; With blacl; face comedy. ' ‘ The special numbers to be su are as follows: “A Kiss ‘ Dark." by Bess Johnson. accom- U . , : is ‘ panied by a chorus of six Swancc The ‘peach from we mm. .1. 3-3. hiking in his usual ’guage irectl ' placed on France re- lsponsibility for holding up a solu- ‘ ‘ the reparations problem. OOKS. i: ‘ii parade by the students. ' ’ formal part of t cere- . C - consisted of the program in Auditorium this stage was decorated with 8‘ of flowers and palms. the‘ being carried out in. . ‘ and white. E. Lansing Ra)’.l _ . . . . of the Executive Board of: « "University. sat directly in thcl ‘ ~ i of the double row of seats, I . ,‘ . _ riiizsini-:.\"r s'rna'rro:~' I). an I ‘not only by maintaining it within line t d ed , _, wh U‘ , , , ‘_ h_ v _ V ‘hm rad‘ but by mfimlininz it up_ a wen out. an turn in in gen ‘ ere e organization is already ac lete and preaerxe the peace of 103 3 level of such excellence ‘nd ef_ eral fire alarm. As the bell in the perfected will have a tag day in an the wo d The contest closed last tgfigienc’. “ to prompt ‘ml ‘O J-unify city hall tower started to tell, the effort to raise their quota: of the night at midnight. ' is highest ‘spinach!’ _ yeggs made their escape. but with required $100,000. There will also The committee hopes to lie rilili River Blues." Ifiss Frances Stewart;" _ -1,-at Away in South's: mfle qu"_ ways a carefully weighed statement, tctle; “In the Evening by the Moonapre Fed by the °“b‘"°t' V” "ad light." M033 wn simeuow I D)’ VISCOIIIW CIIVO. ....—_._. Lord Cllllllt‘('ll0l' o I 'l‘oll:y's ..i -oourian includes an . . no loot. A e an effort made to have the local to select the winner by JKlllUZll‘_-' 1. v- . - . .. u in 1l|<' ll0USC 07 Lords- inaudnnl nnnlon-ont of on = .5." if?‘ h°"-§°,_:§ °§“"f§’°",;o“’;f, riicy were nearly. rut on iromplsusinm men’: orsaniutlono °"' ’ *“’ . 1 Pl:l]u()r'e i§?.1'£T3’"€~;...?J' urilicl l”°m‘°' B“'d“'i“" *°'Wl<=ned- o“I=m- 5-t_our men and delayed venom hm TALK ox iosvciioriiiaiiniri" i_ “l .l'‘“''“'- sons iron: the occupied districts or I ' . hymn, ‘me, with potted while we are not apologizing forfswm do not comfitme . unimnhyv in th a brief tdlk oh the; ,Uni- and Mr, Bovey. “We have re- ..._ ‘ _ o Mirscs Matt!!! and G900" G"N'l- Germany if the Reich government ~ .0!" notion. our _ _1e an . corn. The! we hm we hhéuuon___. lhhvnyrnr and 5 amt ~ l;n§,ét,l1°$Y’;,‘.’?:,3ll..'l'g!;£_l§!l{\si.“f:r 1..-lfgfizarst .-Ofitsu: 5-. outifieates as to 531,, ,,.,.,w,,,,_ the .6.“ am. mm «haw h‘,",:_h iv ia-more to Jifiuoim than ‘ivhé body is chic“ mmpdfiu huh: ormvrlr c 3. “find; an , f e remain r 0.4‘ Be _ o ores ay. ‘d‘n‘fi1crg «of 11;, gm: (1, 1,g.,“°v,,.nmcm.mmm§nu, of “em in — ‘ha ‘id: hectionh touching backféf . . . m‘nity. ‘n accumn!.t‘on hum‘n.lDClfldQd “the workers 88 well. we . ginngng Sunday yilfillt, and C0l’l- Grant of woodhgghjfifle. ‘ogre ukgn uu oecuphed hr‘. “fined Strehcb ‘that ‘me were reserved for; ..1‘hi:i ribbon of cement. which is won umnmh ‘emnfiom 0‘ dhwward schools. be said. T0dI)Thll W our goal, tinuing or In 'suu'.~e_s§iw Sunday to um ganitanum It pg} ya. mum’ it y” lame‘ tad‘ _ .‘ " del tea of the various""‘d'~‘T °0MU1K'll0fl 10 Colmect '-ll? ‘ n _ The_¢ml_"‘3¢°_’ “'9 llffill f‘°l_‘°°l‘- _ °~ " " ”‘““'—‘ °"°"'“ - _° R°‘- “_‘l““' M- "3“_-" terday after certificates as to their 11;]; mdjutiog. cf how puma - °“‘ - ~ “°‘°‘ W‘ “°"“l°“‘ ‘’“‘‘l‘ 3 u v f M kin T halter of ill on i t Ch it -u e University Cadet two grunt cities of the state. mns Univenny of uissouri cflnr” it f fllV€;8ll){ o ll310';‘l!'l is worr d F“ e. . r; inn‘ urc .msh,my .hh been dug by 0;; “nu mg“ the Germhn “am” to’ ‘% uh at the cent" of the fir,-,1 througli ole;-ca counties. ten. of “ands tad”, beam“ of the “dough or t c uture. e accornp ti‘! eer a seriesho cc on ' . e Lgoyd s,mp,o,, of co-jam“. .35 how he, rupomihk for the welhn, _h.&.y in we mm, of the and-,, ohm}-i_ ate the homes of seats of and ummnghbor of tho” wh°h“e_ri1i‘ents lo! aiumversith c¢'t‘."ot R :1:-la)!-"Eh ofevtzylchflhcmpy. or spirit- Dodo, gang“ of nu-nhbm-¢_ }o¥ the popnhuon in the occhpied - ab” 9 30 oidoch a, sec. learning Missouri. the mother f . . . n;t 911150 V08 _n 0M 899973 f‘"‘- "l , ~_ _ 1 “ "' ” _ mg‘ __ _ According to Doctor Simpson. thejdigu-{ct cup; gnu Ggngumy had y ._h “ t “.h- h “as the M3330“,-i 3°" be °re’ C°m"d" the “am .dends are paid to a university by the The subjects discussed wul include f il. . dud whh hh inane" h, F“ ‘he an - nun.“ go, the hudmm-9 wcre e is . ic ‘ad the ‘udncm. of the men who’, “Mm: in students he in am 5 “as s to mlrice co continue to f- ‘flan .-yd‘! and the balcony was ill- filled late dox medicine and the esoteric cl Californian ls‘ Urging 23:0 the mastery of fear the t.h9l‘a- '°“‘i°°’ f°"°' ‘hm ° ym “'°'‘“' ‘° “"°""”°’°d of I.ewEs and Clark. is gone. lg! :11 _ d‘only a short time longer. t ' . laid th -; - - - . - ‘ . "nay ‘ Ce" an ‘go '3 an “W “““'"‘‘l5 ‘-‘v “M °h°“l when. religious meetings were he! . state has been the springboard of - - - - 9- _ . _ cc ‘mad while the W0. 1 many “imwrn expeditions. , . :(l!Ili:llun8i!‘tr(el ’i"¢!:i:tti(l’I&I€ensm:>: be, h loolcinz glass around the cunce est an, Lp:lllltCh powersuof l.l'lC'COR8C{l0ll}:‘n1lnl()l. ht “-oodhndvme‘ 5 Acdn‘ on ‘hi. ihf°,.m.,_hm_ the ‘ of robed timirca entered the; «two are proud of this state '.or vanity west of the ufiuiuipph in ‘ time. _ ’d t { th V te v e .ernP<'lI dc pallet: 3‘ t (. su - . ,.______._______ nuhithd pun lam“ ma”. thhh the 3 . . min, and the band played theithe litcraturethat it has given to Vin.” remove from “me” and ‘I-Edward A. Bll‘fiB;‘pl'('5l.e!'l o "me! 0 . Iconsrghous mg: . churn e -('l‘d\l0 car; Ecemhh nnmmwt had .:,p,.op,,_ : wtion March." First came the _world——the worl: of Mark Twain. “um” of popuhfion. . bacon light} l-!_1lV¢l'8ll)V “ Ol “1_-'»‘.~‘°“§l"’- is th D v . 1 P ...__._.. g-‘hp. LU‘-‘frh 0 bl; '"_1R “:57? SP8 .0 V . ..ud 1oo,ooo‘om mu-h.y the . '5. -‘ Ial.O. S. Wood of the R. O. T. C. whose gems will always shine. andiin ‘ ‘.fldeme”_ Consider me stmzhlifleflb’ Oil Tllen Um\¢'!‘-3") 3“ 9 ?C~};;EAG'6"- Nov 16_\_ow am‘ 1;: ‘ fie [:1 In 15 0° "1 5' "F; - new current-‘Y. to relieve unemployed 4‘ h '-mun’ uniform’ who escorted of Eugene men‘ whose ‘mule Boy “I65 of the" men ‘mi their wee“. CO‘t'%tl?°n“eEll‘h'l(l be feelin of Senator Hiram Johnson. has an- ‘ 0 a———_——~__.en I in .th° Ruhr ‘ad in u” R'h"”l‘"d‘ 3 iv % ho occupy the stage to the Blue‘ will live through the ages. .30" {or “most ‘mu a century before. . eh}: ou h “to d itsifuni- nmmced his (‘ndidacy for the Re. CIRCUIT COURT ls ADJOL-Rh-E" . . ‘I113; ‘mount '33 thought to be gut. Q , jiatlorm steps Heads of the uni- “We are proud of Pershing» Wholthe state began to give substantial‘u,m°'.‘ _..twe°.n. t C; iidmt. Bit”? “Minn nomimfion for the presh _ __._._.._. _ ' J fl. ““'#Ci H'"‘ ‘ds C H ficient for only a few days. .6 Xi: ' ' lowed. “king dthfeir c°mmandGcd our s‘l‘l1dim‘8lli"fthellGre‘tisuppon to in “d the no le” "6". ‘file-‘,"l?'3‘ear-s alto Taro Prhc: sent)‘ he‘ will make a strenuous cf- “in n“fdC.I).iest‘;letCo‘:'?s?b'3.0 sped“ e §rS¥n ? 6 cl; 0 O . Aw”. ‘O ‘.9’ Eta“ ‘ qilaas in the sections reserve or War. renter i an a o t is arctom, hm] often discounged efforthofp _ _ , ' _ . ‘defied! . h. _. _ . eam 0 in W mum rt.‘ . f ‘F 335. »our boys and girls in value to thclthose who followed them and carried §3i12on'"3)°§n°:::_ntw:sf t::d;.u:::::rn' ggnthteo 33¢‘: Execs: (3:?:cop1e_ In_ The Boone County Circuit Court 3 ’PARI& Nov. m.‘.__Pum‘u_ Poi“. . 1% gathering presented a colorful - ~ ---~ The entire audience stood -1 the Right Reverend Frederick Johnson ‘rt-ndcre the invo-; ~ . and asked that Pu-aident _Brvaks have the guidance of the _ .Siipreinc lland in the performance . ‘of his duties. and asking for peace. Ilidgood will among men. . Aher the invocation. welcome to the guests of the University. on be-I lull of the State of Missouri was. astnded by Governor Hyde. The lu- Itallation of Doctor Brooks as presl- , blunt the University of hfise0m'l., ll! E. Lansing Ray followed. Preai-_ dent Brooks then gave his inaugural‘ at the conclusion c “P” ' . After the, iiicii woi\p$de by; Lcrtuy Bu on. of; J ' Harion f A 0 “Old SID J‘: . 5 -2 5’ 3. '9. 3 ‘8 § O ii g? S’ =»«;' 3 Mlchlaan. the_ Missouri" while}; , 1113;. services‘ '4: tents: served. At 3:80 a review of the Uiiiversi 3.0. T. C. training corps and tr L aces: . l. D ; ‘V I ' . . . .. yearaoldattiietinieofhisdeath. . .‘ V” 1‘ Id Pam,“ Qua,‘ ‘ . ' flu hi «colleges with the state universities _,r’d‘u “ . 3.“. ‘ ‘did h an‘ inn ‘ that 1”". an‘. d. an. on f “hm” ' ‘mount’ Tho ln°¢(:m Vi“ ‘* °°“"w§°u‘*'l‘ 3° ‘“‘“°““ *5 W 'd°°'lme1:eb:'.';"henr‘eor:er'e ?I its‘-°"...;h°°?;:i” °9:“"":'nd mm”... riic. Athenaan .mm';°’d,,_,';,,,¢ "”°'"' ° ;.,i.... 5. 1.1.. w, c, ,i.,.u .g,vincs was set by National Chair- .{ i this evening with a torch-'tion ofadircctlng head fortheinsti-vhmoq am much,“ in h,,n,,.¢h¢ ‘ '3'“ 7‘ Pm! wdugfwm ,hold its regular meetint 8‘: nun, gghhom. ,,..h., gf uiunocbepoit. and one son. groan Cordell Hall as a minimum _ 7:; -procession by students tution ever confronts the board of “mum which gunman‘ than V” "h°I“:h°d'f';:ol Univu._'«7:80 tonltht ll! 3006! 105. llthflllfinmue d 3 The 1 toniorrowatggllarantae. was already Pl¢d¢EIl- .: $15! reception to the delegate! I105 control of a great university, and,dchm.h,,h,1y.,., ¢gn¢d'3m:h° dauofith Salim run”. all. 'l1iaqnastiontohedabatndia.l.hn of an ‘M -;30dwp°"_meRe'_A.N_uh“.,¢fiPlans were made at a luncheon to : fig by the gurakttrs aglld nu; noktaak of sacghraflzoaritl ever in- hm. what gums, of P", “Vow.” ma uniwni 9° Md:-‘Resolved. that the team‘ of fl*;.m°‘ wdmhawnd the h.,.4,,,.l:.;:on beincinchartt Bmialwfll}n'ih':eth¢n“i°n.1xBt. - , ea « * . should . . : H ‘rs ‘roe at_ .,»o.es. rc8P0p_s rum! ;::":£souaIi andthe firmest of fsi hdwmwucu udvanceof. hawk, hjdwshmfotuflo . ; ,‘dyhJu“r,hwumnflon to the Vloniens Gymnasium. delicate and so went y. The fire, for example, which almost ‘he mafia.“ '93." of the '0,“ coal 3 was a book ‘mud mu 8”“, ‘ --~----*—‘ {fare of the insfitution is then laid demo ha mum‘, The afirinative will be upheld lllgamm dd D“. M.“ w the ‘oh’; Sféllilwd theconvution city. g T;_« i I ;” N'l"”'‘,"";,u‘“_:_,‘‘' vhieh «we to ven-or David R irate oruic Unirarsityof Iflsaonri. lg-fh D W .. "" °‘‘‘''’'''‘'’‘ '‘’'‘'‘'‘‘° ’°“ °‘ oncoiiooicr. u.c.'iLAosiiono.r' vsiomsisiusio w. E. anions. 5 = A ’ f.'.'£“.‘if. iitngediate judgment. uno:l,,,I_,, u,,:°'f,f.,‘,“,{‘,”'m‘“,,m’", nil M“? of "=°s,,,,.,;o.i'.-iii up: it iioseci. 0.11. “IN ' 9"“ l°''‘- at no o' y on--noon onl ioiiisiioo for winisn 1!’. sound . ' L « ° v Universiu of N on: ° ° ' -‘Inga-.s-sch) Relatipa! Dr. Ell-was held by the Robert I. Graham _ 'm;tlie"Unlvu'sityaad A” Be;B‘1u°°k‘°dL' 'nieG’ Jarmcalledinaeasionwood is the third spaaherof «tugs ofJl"¢'¢l¢l.|- ‘L. .. ' _-.__‘...__ ‘ ~ ‘°"'°'""" - II=f'l°¢""°““"5n"' said opportunities‘! snatch Logan 'h"lIl¢C¢|I‘- . year in fsesiss or Sunday ahsr- an alaht. lllian -Pater ' ' ° l°‘-'"”'"°"°'°l""'"‘°”"'di°"5°lP‘““*"“‘“““'““'ll°‘-"‘*‘hit-ca:iIss.utsciooocoo°ilaincs:es* A. oiiiicuoiuaeisi-s‘”° » ‘d nooonéiusic which Gaoageusano(LahaIfllI.II..waa_madea_ it-0l'el.oM1880\tl'l Tliani-n,,.,,.,;.,,.,.....i,.....;.,...in uh, . .3. up». night. aoaionwas . _ . ..__ be ~ hiIvls0I008l¢ll3'”l'¢ °°' ls'odI",lntha than‘ undughupgnmuau Vugdulrmaaof the rligisassissahgbytsaasfer. G.C.qIIIbC-‘. ifs rnandMules.8ays i"““h&‘-‘flu’ 0‘ Ill I 5. ‘ llsr.l"iail.liehs_nead.LaonS.PicIneiia Governor. on udvgagm ii ti. . A-our mush srohfiiss tvaIaiI|Il.‘inaitI am no V 5‘ bdn" "dual A l''’«‘‘. ‘ .- "Fun ‘ . adjourned late yesterday afternoon until Friday. November 30, when it will hear the case of the Columbia Two Quarters. The Columbia Xcwpiea took the lead in today's game with Jefferzohn City, when-. in the early part of e in .n",fl,,to second quarter. Bum '°°‘*"°“ ' 'Baldwin's speech the British 'J°“°"°‘" Ci.“ Pam °" N‘ °‘"' House of Commons last night say- ‘m”y’y"d hm‘ ‘Ml "ad ‘evenly ing that the entents was heir-~ yards down the side of the field broken up 1,’ the h! ‘In It . ‘care today in the Chamber of Depu- ties Fran was a ‘em and willing to maintain the entente with Great Britain. His’ declara was in litical associates pointed future’ l°" “3 dewlopmem “om ' 1°C C ' : of the state. but now it is education. timate po . paragraph of Johnson 5 "Missouri was known during theajege to ii great educational institu- . . . h .‘ fl. ‘ '_ th. _Civil.\\'ar as a Southern state. ltfltion. Kreater than the 'dreams‘of its :,h';a'i':u:3e°:e:$o:r::y ftfiniigfs. ;Mcmle§m' issued in“ night. sped“ Rad Diudct against Wm in neither of the South. the lsorthgfoundei-3, Consider, in psi-ticu r. , .6 I I 10 k for me “In tho” sums when the vote . - the East nor the West. It contrib- l the work of those men who in re-Zmslnd .°f "1 l u. ' . ° h _ fimfennce the “we liam T. Johnson. Frank Prather and utcd men to both the federation andceng 5-an with ‘he hid of hhch, d,_._?U"l"9Y5ll}' °‘ 5_h”°“" “ndfl t c m” °‘pr°”l. defi ed ' d h Clarence Fisher. judges of the confederacy lvoted faculties with the support of ‘"id‘:‘§; O‘ Pr”'d‘° to EC?‘ .c;nub§di$l‘f::s}‘h,l :"_t'ici‘;‘u_ in .3: County Court. .. - . ~' .. - v - ' J -. ' - - , "359" 9 5l’l"ll“‘ "3' ‘c u“ e ' " , . ‘ . . . This will be the second hearing of . Missouri pa.cnts_ meat to this in ‘.succe.$6l\E. CU|"l°"5- ‘“d‘mth v.m lies all forms of life in the common- presidential prcferentlll Pl'"“"l95~ ,3 use, which “ha (0,. an ‘Ref’, titution for the direction- and .n~ ; cg-gggjng aid from the state growing .. . 5 ncl d‘ Cal'f min, and cheerfully .. . ‘ , , spiration that it gives to the funda- 3 out of their efiorts, have trans-. w°,,Utni'vcnifie5 ‘ad World Reumom iacqiielficgc to this results... native writ of mandamu.. ac,-on ape hug, cattle; ;t.‘°m_ h mnntals of life and citizenship an Eformed a provincial institution into;ship5.. ‘ms the meme 0‘ lm “dress _ ____.____T_ NON Y tempted for the extra Point L Paine." ch“! Fthhceos coma- in welcoming our new prfifildfinlqhllggle ofdnational standifng. Coafldfiftby Dr. A. no“ Huh former Fresh STA1 I-‘OR INAL UBA SA P‘ 1 ;l)l01(‘!;! iififiup. ‘mg; to al- fcel sure that our judgment in t is e a ministration o . . -.d 1 th U - -h . 1 Mgssom-i_ M D“ De, ‘ . i y 1' our years 0 ,com- direction is right. "Jesse. when the standards of admis- . ml‘; sp';';:’°:; 5“: ‘Tomb of French . ea h Jcfl’_ci|'sot;)f‘lfY ‘man eflort in the war. _ _ "We lire proud and happy to wel- sion were raised and the building of the “howl and state universiues A 9' th i “"5"” wecnm" - } , .Scl1l.l.!l.lX&fl'e!', lc . . . . . . . .. e, ne: -cw. “hr” not “L and oh, hum. come the delegates of other cduca-iaccre ‘ted high schools in the ‘state. in foreign countries ‘mi their re - ht ggngnhugfugtion cerémoniu ihi ....___._ . l$:::::&'?‘ ‘ ' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' " “l"J°'d°nat our side. But. France has given fi°"“l ms-l'it"fi°"s m mi” i"sm‘ufi°n'lt'§emby promoted; {he 'dm'm5u".tions to the education; institutions we Univenit). Ahdimfihm ‘hi, Sister of For]-net convict wen‘ c ' " " " ' ‘in; evidefice of patience and modera- “'l'l°l‘ “'9 "hl"k "‘°‘““‘ 5° much "°‘n.°° °{ Dr’ A'.R°“ H311’ When sundhof-America.” Knowledge it 00‘ PW’ morning were Senator Paul DIIPIIY. T A . t -BoYd.rK O . . . . . . . . . . I . “It Schulte ‘ion’ be __.____....._.'‘M' um um“ Sm" °f Amenmn Ends‘ 31” £31? diyclil "‘§"°".i".'i‘.’;?n‘nn-I "°" “‘“‘°“"~ 5"‘ 5" "“"’.“‘ editor of the Petit Parisien. and his 35“ 95 gams ..ioncs'. rt ii. Hotter‘ R l S !f?::l‘l)' ciilcarged ooh Z.;'f.;.2i‘ or-itiif°"‘;'; °°°‘°’ Hi" ““" "‘ °'°""“ -885°‘-M Tli‘; ‘°F:’°c§“‘°’ ""’ per. W313)?!» esonoicr. re ........ .. n. 8chuba'tlSTs ‘ ‘ ' ' ' is . . 0 n p‘ ‘ ':""—""-"" I o e s o g ¢ a a a . o Q e ea ' - . i ‘ 1;: d:lno(':“;J0'l'lh:s President John C. Futrhll. Uni- '.‘.§if°§‘xm “'9 5°l'°°' ‘” A u'oxmiLAMI;3iA CITY xi - 16 “I§v°°d' M’ n’ """" "uh 3' nu" DR. S D BROOKSé---my -one '-a or no-5. ’”l1‘° it W-:::n .. .... come. -» .......... rw-. — J o o s 1 - hm, cl it 3 “The Ufl_W¢!'8lt)' In _8"'?“ “'9' over‘ 0: 1301:0118 "9 ’ . Grant,fh . . . . . . . . ..fb C. Irwin (c)_ . -.:_...._.— lujd ‘tggmfijn 1° hawrmig‘ ."tt::h_-opened his address with a short demlc procession and hear as many K¢"l0€kz 30 ll“! 8_Pfl‘