We are offering $65.00 in prizes this year for the best five ears of both white and yellow 1 to , ‘service corn and for the best single ears. Bring in your 24 _ At corn—-do not miss the chance to‘get your share ‘ . Cox B;-05, , . of the melon. It costs you nothing to enter, just , Bgttgry bring your corn. ’ ‘ - st‘h°“ The date of the Jshow is Nov. 16, 17. ‘U 409.Bd O 1 ' V’ wye _ 9 . 4 R , mmm Boone County National Bank 0 i ’ ' .R. B. Price, President. Fistarss Are a Total lass. Fl BE AT 6 WOOXON WAY " Base Destroys Janoea‘s Dancing » _ 0 . ' nous: nssraorsn sr nae’ ---—-—-g- -3" . Ooo¢O""‘ __V P Alarm Tarasd at Iaiflsslatssslavelene Ieehlrllga. . ~.o_..—.-o.._...-no-ague -. ‘ 0 Q ‘ -e-er-a.§_—..—-.a—: .....—_~a......... . ...-....... ._.._-.. ___ _ V . I _ .A,_4_“. ._ ,._ .h.._.‘-_, ::,.;_“...:,.._._..'_;; _:,.“:_ ..;:-., __, .~- .» - — . . , .. . I , __. . . _ .:_ . . . . 7 p A T ... . - r_ 3, V V f .;f t _ 4; B .7; i - - THE COLUMBIA URIAN! .sA'rUimAY., NOVEMBER10! 1923.. . ‘O :1. ~ .. - . . ~_.1_ , ‘ ,_- ‘ ‘ ' ' e - . 0 i . - ~—- ‘: i , ———» '_ -i 1. "is .3‘ 0 "“"-,...,.,,.‘:‘,‘;...'g“’,'.'..:.:..."f§"“.,...°"'.... 3 Dress and Actions of. -Movie t , :"'*‘’°.A - “S. ______":’ “:m"” "°" IIAVB roiia wimzn. l,’-'=*‘°*1='|,,'‘'''I‘m='°°,''°°'' *; -_I';; ll int. i. e 001.; ‘ 3 . 1’ :_.- ‘..,.»; ,. ,. onheiiowamqltdliae. Onanend eedb _ . . rte ttraetlv.“A:.'.e:n Borders 3.—h.d-‘g lud"’“‘ -T“; A P ‘I 4 IN if,',n""§‘,."",¢,'. Stars Copl Y ea er‘G.oe- rs“ suite for early spring should be HBNNINGEYB Co-Op Store. Phone 379. author. 5 ‘‘''''''"n' """ 3-it 3 2 . . ‘ ~. ' ’ w ‘ 1 W” -‘ ~ A l “_» A ~ Keller a , asyard. I-‘anrot A few yearsagu the average rnsntwas I for wearer-uh pom :_'5‘"11;:’t:':’h:’:up1‘o?°&i 8” n"“"’ ; ised it ___...._t !Mi . is punted80yardstotheHiuond46-wualmostuhamedtobeseenwith;pktures_ln innhia.VJlIard-fldmglm-“udout_°‘_d°o th ‘mi %_ S] A. .-9., ,_ _ ,.,¢n,,._ powderonhistscc.NowheisaJ-|hard;ll;it:1ng.u:iwhoys drew tbeupu”°~.uu)|';°n¢§‘icome ‘ ____: « I . . ‘tho it. to , e D 8 n¢°n- ;‘ t - "T3 .e..................i.» ..‘*:*.f:°'..«.......""°“:..°",.°°...*.°..£."°“""' "'°.::,:"“.::..°‘:: ::...':°.:.".....°‘...;:'.';.'..." M" *';:':.. 1: «um. i , , . W1 -i 5, 3..., Hendricks rude‘. long pass toeopying fashions or» movie atarsigreatrnsnyyonngrnenof‘Colarnhla 3”“ ““"" 'P°“v ‘“ °"°"‘"- ‘ i ' “'3 qwhnwmuonn‘ Hickman which was inoornpleteuand now they criticise other boyslwearing gomhggog "N339 ‘"1831 85! - ‘ . .'“ ‘ I if the & at! k ' t‘ ‘with Ittl’ICtiV¢ 11011! ‘O!’ blllbl O! ' "1 ‘N87. ‘°‘"’d a’° um’ mum‘ "“'?‘°“ “y"d'w ° "1 y .n ooh‘ '3 ' "Wu, 1‘ ‘and all kinds. Other places‘thst are“ h I --‘At ‘°°aifu.3yu.d,m,,, on th¢‘ngxt‘Wh0 hall loyards to; Girls like to ye ‘r esernen are borers , : a a E - P .5. uneithe Missouri 88-yard line. sbobbed like Constance rnadges zone of recreation is the movie “"P'°'°“ "V "W" °“‘ "°“*' ‘W s . : r’; it’ 3.31:7 kick was: Lewis lost 2 yards on an endlor niareelled like Marlon Daviestshow. Their favorite star is their b"'id° "a1?-£"31'”dh3;°“h°t;;‘“‘ i“, K _ O V 9 i gut.‘ 3°,,d_ - n niaround play and,Oklahorna walfrhey will attend a picture show and here. ‘They etinies alfect some " e n“ t m”! I ~ d f " up :2 pr othhfz. 3. , ‘penalised 5 yards. Boulder brokegsee a certain style of earring. or of his little c '°°k "lb" b‘''°° “"9 ‘Y be‘ :0 O Stat ‘ ~ » used across the front of the house - . . 0| w‘hhk§¢g'edo1f36yar-dsout off¥lIl'0II¢ht.lrelineforan8-ylndgainfirnaybeapair of shoes, and will go‘plainly as the 12-year-old boy i ::5 hulk The y w” and b.¢k,;On a had pass from motor. lioulder’-fr-on: the show to a shop and try tg§plays circus after Sells-Floto‘ has ‘ad :;°m.’t°’ ‘file °f {he mm u ‘ _§_ “'1 wad," on the next .tg.mp1_;funibled and Oklahoma tbofikntilie ball [get a pair just deiactly like £l'IetI:l!'.beQn in town. “is m ‘ :1; "ad m;i;¢usE : ~ . ‘‘‘‘’’‘°‘' °‘‘ 5° """’ ‘° “°""‘°""'°"s...ef relncfi’ for s Yards ‘$5.78 o?utthe“boY8f tiriiiiiieifioeii . """“" °'’'‘‘ '''8‘’‘‘ should an be planted about eight; ’ xi flu named the Mn yum mg B ‘ niad yard. llendricks'd nd center rtaswell asa rnar- ‘Du “cm” " 'h°'°d 33“ W!!!-~laches deep. Peonies, which can be an the Oklahoma 25-yard line. I-Iam-i , ristow. e a f 8 rd‘ era P8 ‘iiier featured Boot Gibson as a sol- planted now. should be put near - A —— Inerthit the line forsyuds andlPl_88§0PrIcewasgood or ya. ,. wave. . . _ ‘diver in t American in ‘ LEI -—— ~ bu we to the 2‘.y.rd hue R d 1 h u M rcd h I may th€ Of bhfi ground 80 ‘hit lhfl. ' m"°"=" ‘°.°‘‘ 5' ‘Mud Pam’ “'3 Brizgtfhurdled the line for a yardiyuj "d° P en ?°.,,.dp .- 5.; 9:’ F"“°‘ °°‘ * '0 tops are just covert-d. "1 =.= ' ‘ .1. bnnctns the bull to Old» H ndfik Med am on‘: F °‘'” ‘W “‘ " Y fverrmodestnbautthemedslihehsd Crocuses etimes come up‘ . . CD17 mo horny; 44-yard ‘line I 1 ndiueue c s a sin SW5’ put!!! find prlélplol;-63"‘: En the fiigihifing and did not through the snow. They are uguguyl, ,1 US assume YOU are SO fOI'tUl'l8l£ as . ristow wt or a - ' ' . . 2 ' ' - - ‘me - P _ ° . to: B by F":isrut.m Hendricks ywas H‘-'“d“¢k3' Pu‘ ‘"5 "?°°”‘P‘“°- ‘And “If 30"‘? ¢0!'dN'°Y $10‘-ll "hi°h~'evc‘l:-. the ifilraosas mfg ltrliw nE:'h¢‘!!Im;lsb° beat‘ to have these two great p0SSeSslOnS' .a , iii touted Eartha‘: b_°°nd8-s1:>;'"8_‘e';°ih” W ;;‘;§c';'“;“by"; ,'f;‘,f'u’,‘, ,;‘;n’:f,‘;,;;‘m‘;°;"§h'f;;* ;“'¥h;;:g ugh“: the fallowigx -zeta no 5... they make delightfully pieuvf family and a reasonable share of this ’ _ , 3 2&5 inooibnlete. N P“ . W‘ “F "‘" ‘°"'"" ° "“““ E“""i"'~'5¢““ °‘ |?‘°"Y, ‘D ""°*‘“"° ax: wntbe sbo:nw'ltli nu ‘$12 ?nedul:'!;.cinth.s with tiieiri t world 5 gods‘ How can the latter protected i ' _ M, Iiassari Pants Out of Bonnds_ ;"§‘,“3;.‘°bii3i:J;'§.ii'§§ '§"i'.'il",',‘,'§,‘," 3”‘ '’’,;,‘’‘‘,,,'§,‘’ 3,‘; "“‘°‘}lmed-ii-» Mi-onri mbdnls -nd.Amer- wonderful variety co are‘. * for the benefit of the former? ; . A; - _, Bristow punted 40 yards to Mt»: .. . . ,1‘ "3 '°’“ ° °"" ° Jew Lesion nu‘-do medals pinned to plants that will make a vivid setting’ ' ‘ wt ‘urn 18_y”d um‘ pm”, ,.e_~souris ll-yard line. Bristow wen ,u,,,,_. trouser. con” 1, .5“, jggtnhdr vat. ‘ad modem’ mud“, by‘, home l . M4 W ' t of 05 C93“? 1°’ 3 Y“'d5- "id fifihas far as the silk turban: on the.‘ - n °' my ' '- A 3 " a~co and an mm is on an down and the quarter ended there ‘gm; h,.d,_ that tun‘ ‘ = " nu: rt ' 't 0 ‘s 2 ° . . °, « - - - ——f .' ~'t-‘ 1- . 3 . .'i.‘T"i"i"if.....i-.":§-§.ni une‘.""§rmow: . re‘ "*“°°"..°- °“-5°” 13' 8m "wide" <=°"=°r- .i..5’.L‘§ u.."’2"‘....i.i" io“i°e.“..‘i‘}'iv“" TODAY'S MARKETS ‘~ ‘ ii-’t ‘ i"‘“' A ‘gm on “cue for 3 fink acngfiicherson went in for Palermo at An cmpioyc of on. of the 10“; f The eat- , _ of 1; ‘,5 .1 1¢fg'“1¢ 5025015“! 07 31¢ 100791 ¢l“"‘°Y- theaters who has worked at the em °‘m"' mn "um '"’ 1 As Your Executol-J1‘!-ustee ,- V tum 6: hbrdlgd thzulirie for' F°'"'u‘ Q°""" itheltefi {OT it" 3'88" “Y3 be h“ en‘ -yam: mm were hag“ um‘ St Louis Cash Grain ' ‘''P° 1! O 0 ' 81! ill? “"9 ‘watched thester- oers and noted the 'w°'m“ D ‘ ’ “°d‘’- United Press. . ' has 4.. Ida. r blirig the ball and_ “°'“_’"°h ‘='_°“9 “W” 1 _ s . th "““' ‘’'°‘' ' _ . . . . , _!., “£58,, ,;‘,f‘,,,,,,_ The M, W for s ys_rds.bnns'1§1s the ban to the effects of different iiiewe and pic.,‘'~;‘h " °:‘b‘_f- W‘ 'PP"°,""!' ‘" W s1‘. LOUIS. l\ov. l0.—-Corn—l\o.‘ this company will, in the event of your death ,:; W“ ’- on the Missouri 16-yard line.-“yfitid line. Hfnd!"IC(k)3k‘I%ded “Y_‘l$,tures on them. lie believes onel:’nu:u°°in Ca ‘my °°“m 2 mixed. 81.05: July. 7495c; Dec.‘ k h 1 E ’ ‘ :§ ?'I'| ti - :0" 1' 39*‘ 1387- 3 Om! 11 écan almost invariably decide which _ 77 c. i e Se m ' ' ‘ '= g . 6 Warner ;‘er:‘i‘riéo;'C;sft(l:.. Mud” 3,,“ T, M, ,,,, M, 0,, ,,,, ,,,,,, pm, is my Wm.’ “mite by we-,t,.,, £1‘ sot yourgffiwhe ‘said. o.._,__i.v.. 2 white. 45§§@46c; i.v.,_~ ta e up t tt e ent o your a airs, and their ,3 I ‘ annm . . t play on owns. - ‘merely watching the little character- _“3 093? 1' 0 111! 3 white, N%@45c; Dec. 43'.-Sc. ' ' all ll 3 '°'',,,:’- w?,,',hd' ,,1,‘,°','f,l",f,k,.'d,p?§,,; Fauhtigt 900;“! 4:; rugs :1: -:h:- Jistics of that person, his habits and pmuretsho: whwfitle crowd‘!-. Wheat (future)-—Dec. $1.045: contmuous management for the benefit of your ' was -- - ' ff0hW "83 °“'“ W _‘ ° Y!dress, and then see which star he U18 0“ M 70“ I99 ml“? 1° )1 -, 81.04%. ' ' .' ' K" 2 1 Smith hofififldfltg Pflrdlis trying to mimic. He says the tie actions that were in the picture. abut (i-ed)—No. 1. 81.13; No. 2, . fam11y' “"11 bl lng to thls the accumulated “W “med tt0 0 D80 W W‘ . “ml * teahounds mimic Valentino, Mqreno.'You will see Constance Talmsdge' ‘$1.11 1.12; N . 5. $1.05. : - - 31- !! fin: d£";“r;f'&:d6_‘;:;t§;:°:1::fibrokcn field and ran 35 yards for a ‘nd 3;,” of mu type, while those flippsncy. Norina's deep thoughtful» “mg: (her-¢;))_No_ 5, 3133, €XD€I'l€l'lC€ Of many men, In day *4 inert got a yard as tackle, eaaingo“°°°“d°“'n» but the 91!? “I called; who like the hard-riding, hard-bib look, Milton Sill's grim . _ O J . . . . .»‘:;.- l- . . . ti-t .., mm W‘, on the wt PM ,,,,,,;ii.ei and Oklahoma penalia .tirig type mimic Tom Mix. I-loot tion. Toni mire alert activenesa , . mattei s, and the facilities and responsibility of Pi , t web ‘I. mm“ ‘or . 3_y".d ,o“_»yai-ds for offside ' _ fGihsori, Dustin Farnurn and othcrs‘Why, you will even see Larry Se-I . . , , , worl ~,, .3» » M, by; It was Oklshounss ban uh thy like them. . ~nion's silliness and Charlie ‘Chap-. a long-established trust institution. tort n Wagner behind the goal line and ‘hel“i”°““ “‘7". 1"‘°- B"“°‘”. “Last summer.” he says. “there lin's walk.” I i surv #'..°dtheb‘u4y”d'.whcnth pass of8yardstoH_endrickswas ._ __ 1 ..,.e f . - - complete. Hammett hit the line for j’*'“"——"*‘"'f’—“ ‘ ’ ' . . , eviiei t '“"°°‘°¢ '°- ”“'°“" °' h lte Whtc ' tG SR1!" cilfthei-‘red’ t flung‘ 6' :1 B ’ tow found the line for a yard ‘B(f!‘I’;np:'I8. good! bttfg ‘aims th: Etc-‘l'i‘oo‘l),.wi’ll speak on. it in i ‘;8ufi¥5a.°f me fir" h.u_Kick- andriisrst down. Hainuicrt failed to f Tigers nothing. Bond’: pass to the subject, “Building for f . . b it - . r, 1' "uh"? 0:: {O30 "gut: gain ii the Tiger 25-yard line. Whiteman was broken up by Cap- Church's Modern Program": the. ”' Send 01 Oul 00 et on Safeguarding Your 0 . one or ya 0 - . _, _ . , ll - . . _ ‘ i ,-,_, , “'°“",,;’,‘3,,?‘;,‘,;',,f,’§‘,“g'§‘.f.’."i’.‘;‘i‘i£'$‘.f5 2'...‘-i‘.$‘y',“‘i§’.T..3’".:'.‘-’;'L'£. “‘(',‘,,I,’f,',‘,‘,',’,';‘ W, ,.,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, §i°..‘...’.'.. ‘.m.°“‘°i2 '23.‘. °‘.’is‘2‘.’2 ‘"33 4 Made by Fam1ly’s Future.” which We are sure you will 3?,‘ f 1 "8 rd‘, 0”“ 3 f 130 ling the ball from Johnson and car- ~ on their own 39_yu.d um, H.m_ proposed building; and Harvey Ren-l ,, . . _ . ' s0‘. '= Eat do',n'(:m3“‘”‘;rfi varying the ball.2 yards. Bond broke men mt the line for 2 yu.d8_ H”P_ fr-_o, Sunday school superintendent! VI find lTlfOl mmg and \'a]l13:bl€. “an i Oklahoma 8. I-‘unibles; lilissouri 1.‘"“'°‘_‘3h “'9 1”“ f°’ 25 3""d‘- ‘d’ inert added 2 yards on the next ‘mu f,P°‘k °"' 0"’ Fi“‘°°i‘l '1 sun _‘ okhhom. L vancing the ball to the Oklahoma p1‘)._ Briflow-3 ‘Pym W” mocked Plans. .f . “T. I * 1‘|gig-d Quarter "9‘3""d l‘f"~'- by Keller and in a series of four Those in‘ Chlflf °f ‘he fin: ‘Hie an kicked ofl 80 yards -; -‘”'“°"“" 6°” B“"_ fumbles which followed Oklahoma groups of 103 workers each who: ' . ° Ind ‘ bind Ilssouri's sts. Missouri '8 Mg:i“d°’F"“‘t“:':‘;3h&)h":‘8';f :°I‘_"-regained teh ball on their own 20- will meet with their assistants att » “K . “Ok the N“ on her own 20_y.rd. ya s. auto 0 e ro _ o 3-‘rd line. p’°3"““ 3 need for ext‘, Is fast becotning 3 ' _ cord liiie, and Bond went on tackle for , 3 Yiufi‘ ‘"d_fl’“ d°"°“' wh“""}‘“ Bristow went through for 10 week are: Grant Muse, Sr.. Ardiur ' e ‘ TI 2 yards. I-‘aunot puiited 3 r went ‘bad! "WP “"3 3‘m°- “kin! .yards and the game ended there Wilkins, R. O W. W. l.Anip- f . first ‘. the gut". ‘5_yud “M nap“; i Rags!‘ am yuan OR “cue with thetgall in Ok;a0homr:l'slposs?- kin, and Sterling Smith Stunts and. ‘ popular 58 81' Or den tif Brtf . , 'sionon eir mi - '. '- b fbo and rls$ - ‘- .4 -. th: 13,", for . ,.u.¢ Bond's pass to Faurot was inooni- nu mo,-.,_., M;,:ou,.§ 0_’gu.h:,',:, 1;;_ be ym ° t u: again‘! 25‘: Member Of American Bankers A88(X3i8h0n '53 ‘ qon ‘ ‘‘‘*'‘*~*'' 9”‘ ‘"°°'°*"°‘°‘ ““"°‘ “““°"“‘“"..i.”‘i‘.‘~ ‘°- "°.‘£.“ INsTuLfc 'E i‘ W ’ » 0 e P ** *5“ ~ lisnddch’ attempted pass was W '~'°°<‘ ‘°' ‘° 7‘ - “"0”. ° ‘ . ‘ , . ————————— .; Ask Your Me;-chant . ' if . . ‘b’ “rot. Brutow ball to the Oklahoma 26-yard line. FOR REGRO FLND lSSL*ED If you wgnt, to buy or gl] gong.‘ _ I ‘W 2o.y"d' out of bound, “,1 Xvfiitelnlti. went oi!’ celixier for. it cmwdn to—'-—-Rflu “SM” '0' Com_ hing try a Missourian want ad. "_ ,_i . W if; mm took the hall on her own 20- ::;d°‘etBe°"dh’i’i£:::n_t° 3; ‘an m' mun“, C45,“, [kfim , ’.‘__ _ _fi__ ,_ _ —' -— - - _-_ V __g '33’ . yard line. I-‘aurot punted 20 yards 5 _Pd -I on we whimmufs xo,.,mb,, z5_ l 325 to Johnson, who returned the ball 5" 5 0* 8 , __ . l _ t.-_ his 15 yards to Missouri's 80-yard line.‘;P“5 ‘° °"d ‘dd°d 8 3'"_d‘v b”“3' Final instructions are to be given .« 3?. min l Balnert Ilakes Touchdown ‘:_’‘K “W '3" ‘° °u‘h°““° 18‘5'"d next week to the groups of workers 3 s t , 0 ii 0011! 3 Bristnw’s pass to J hnson was "‘°- making up the financial orgsnir.a- All changes , in telephone , <50! good for 5 yards Hendr-ick's pass Flurot Went thrbuirh the line for tion of the drive to be conducted by directory listings Iaast ‘be | ‘ . .5 0 G‘ = to Johnson was good for 20 yai-ds,._a yard. but failed to make down the negroes of Columbia for a Com- . given in by Nor. 15. 1923, in ° . ' E: in" iirincius the ball to hlissour-i's 5,and Oklahoma took the ball on her riiunity Center. The eempeign to 2 order to iacladed ia the e 4 ‘ fit -' line. Bristow made a yard oil’ OM! 16-)ard line. raise $35,000 will be held from _, next telephone directory. . ; , ‘ tackle Baminert found a hole good Bfilww W991 through the line for November 8 to 25. There are to be p g y 30 Lug“ 3 §’:$'.?;,u}:,-Mtg: :22. to MoulderB:b:°:anpi¥“:acdk‘g girth: 5l‘.zAt‘.‘t,hle;crii‘ieetings each night this i: l K N 0 “ “G° ' gohnson fumbled the hall on the try j-Oklahoma 32-yard line. coming week t ree topics will be ‘ P CO’ I ' P be 1, f. T R - or a point, but he picked up the Wh'i~°"““' Piss to I-‘aurot was stressed by the following speakers: 1 Winter months bringan increased rium r 0 Ires _ " ball and ran across the l line for r ' 11 f‘ {i htin is hardest. ‘ "I" ice extra point. Scoieggissouri o 1 P “N — L “ en "e K 3 ~ - ‘ - ""' V gym... 13, _ ' _ You owe it to your family to , ‘f ‘Y'~‘= Walsh kicked on 55 yards to Bi-is-0, ; 2 _ GET FULLY INSURED - fl|,';iu--- ~ gj :2: tow, returned 14 yards. to o . i , in a reliable company _,/ ‘. g to 1 hmthrouxii‘ °‘r’;¥‘§"mi.""°'. 1 ROLLINS & ROLLINS. INSURANCE F i day ‘a ‘5 yum u’ ui"°“n' 35”"'d 0 ‘- Boone County National Bank Bldg Phone 1600 V B It E cm‘ . K‘ - u e T ‘“"’ "“"‘°" "“ ""9 ' " :1‘ g SMITH-CATRON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - v- ,5, yard loss. Bond failed to gain l . . t . ‘.-2 ruin‘ “mad ,0 “rd. to Johnna’ ’ 1 201-2 Exc..:.;:ge National Bank Bldg. Phone 27 ‘ to ' who was downed in his tracks by t. O J’ R‘ Souuanvuln & C0‘ ‘ -"5 W" 1;,“ - ; 413 Exchange National Bank Bldg. Phone 13! '",iIillu.,,m - l ‘ .5“; the iii-re’:-re Ball on 20-Yard [Jae , 3 i STANDARD INSURANCE AGENCY - -n!'.}.~,-,*,||l.|:§|,|,',';.’...'I> - Lot .3 11.35;“; wggt gg “gm, for 4, ‘i Boone County National Bank Bldg. e 2000 s “N ' 3 b T l MCDONNELL BROS” REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE i l i 2:; ' " h d I 208-lo Guitar Bldg. one 246 Green _ ,3 3 vem er 3 urs 3)’ 3 I ‘ J. P. GANT. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE i _ ,;.; . _ th 1 _ te f 1 , 312-ll Guitar Bldg. Phone 923 4 _______ . is e c osin a or 5, COLUMBIA ixsuaanicz It RENTAL AGENCY ._.——_—;—_“""‘— .:.g 9.. . A "pub" Mn’ ‘nae °°‘!' g . llsden Building. Down 8 Phone 259 -71: Q31 55,: egg. furnace size. for iinnie- entries to our W. W. Tao" A .«m.m.._ :.. m........ -.m.. ‘ft, we Gilt! d¢1iN3‘1. 90? 25 Cant! P61‘ § Central Bank bobby Phone 743 P W rum bushel.- Phone 891 or call at . , ____ ______ , A A. _ ,_ ________,_ ____ Z _ _ __ III on i mun ' F en :13“; ::::su'rie ow‘ ionir ice res sraa sagas: sag” " nu ............ . .,,,.,,,,,, ,,_,,,,,,,,, um Ch!-k Implemuu Co. sieririe Widunlcuht ta secure-« ' m . ‘ t D’. use .2 .:=s;..2i§'i9.i°i'_t l’$8i'_.i‘i3.-i§’i......i [$958