\ . ;._:...__/is p _ \ - . _,M‘ _ .. .— .. ——-._. —~—¢_—1....T _.._ _—.<-_~ ___.'-"'—'"* -o ~ A _ ' ‘ 4‘ A w A ‘:’*“—""_'.~'- I _ I .:i,__,, F" 1 5003-. egg“, of J e v . . _ . s _ ;Loc.4L REI_J;GlQ{.IS~;.. .«- In 5,5 Mmssmgx ‘WWW 939$»-.3-. ‘18§..‘:¥.‘l.‘?{*,'§ ’ . -.,o ., “it --a T . - News of Religious Orgamzatwnse .:.= ;' ~ BODIES To. WORK 1 “ __ lr~v;:-,;3,-_t,~*r,.,:;~'m-*~*-"¥°v'- °‘ “'"” " “fl ‘ l . [ ~. - é—--——— I ' Cu: ‘1 Fire of aritleterniined origin de- Th; 1g",t',“‘_.]n,..." W" ‘Qua’ "",’,°t~ °m,_m§° u:‘§g"§n‘%T‘;;*d?tl: -- ‘ ' \ e " . ~filIl°8I, -5. -'—".— o’ ' ._ .. .. ' :" versit“”' e ’°'."‘.5°.’~': 3'-We NEW Minister B€ll€V€b Ol1I'_lg PGOPIC dial: 1. tli'e"Better “got Ions train. up -dd:-an David r1i‘;"3i?.§.‘”".{i;“‘!’f‘ "‘:§§‘"'5-:°°'"r4i'3»'»'s’é.: o‘i':‘ii¢éoatu ‘ read ss§;§s_uT§,oi.2_2o¥.l“.,“‘,...°". “flog?” ~~—-—; V’ » _ dc th'e'followln¢lw the ‘ . -~- ‘~-r~~---- - , _ , . its-a-in-uvu-no ; . . . - ,'¢“i.°l1- . F‘ ‘"9 . . . .- . , . , _. ‘their aasmnientnliut y work-la, -- 3,, ‘mm ~ {~- ,_ ,. I .. » ' 3 Ax-gniti ‘ ‘ : tatgem _OI'€ l. .‘ ‘ . Th! - ' o....... ........ ...t.':'*.‘._:'.* .31 ; Should Be Given Part in Services .,;;i,,,, c‘,3;§c,,P=°'~*"_‘ 3»°.c,‘s,;;§.;,,...g1:.‘;,., ,,"‘,"*.,~;., .,:.,,,*“:,3:*‘-,*:~;*.l;§';;; ;; wggg-;, §ge,';‘;;',§*.,1;f ° as main, gm- -3- no. ..;.,.ao, oooo. ......o.o.c.~. ‘In ...!.. 4.7‘ 1.50 ‘cu ‘ 4 ' ‘ ' :. “M th . ' I of me M .. . .. woo .. .'. --. Wifltlfe 0 ‘ one ' 0 a “R t;'o.u‘"i'3‘ ‘"3’ ’°’§__.’:§°_--.f_‘.°..‘ The R¢\’- 1». W. Smith N‘-W P85’ 91° “‘°"°m°“t f°’ ‘ “cw church has im 'e W ' n er c ‘mpwefiilsirn a dense Io into which th " A boose rendezvous at l(ansas‘°°m5’ mi-9 " I A ‘.1 ‘H. all ’ ~ A‘ I I 1 ‘I aw; ii-7:7-:1; Clr¢II_lIt|_Ift-I;___,tog- or me 1-‘gm Baptist Church, already been launch ." «°’ lg“: ," “£::‘d°"- ' in-“hm of we Vi,” "3 khan‘ {City where young high‘ school .‘,m.’of"geoei-.1! t;.g_¢,.,3‘,~- ‘e’ _‘c :‘°l',i “l"°“'*‘." w.".'.‘ Ad‘ 5'5“! @- * “cb sun Isa-r. "reef; one with; pleasant smile and "Yes, I have performed a mar-f C Vffllll _ “V0? 31095118 fl»; ad . . 3 ,. ’ n mm“ drink was ‘ o ' hiograp ‘ rid ti'av,cl.;sults. -You"ane missing an ‘opp;-. 3§33‘ a cordial manner. He is not cm. iingc ceremony here," Mr. S!nithg0:20‘ oclock will be led by SyIV1ar"&kl Y- I 9 33 , v wan. uoutmm «at; m iv... K -on “E nét us. um“. rs . . . I . , ‘-5’ 5‘ mt Advertising and ciunisuon ..... .. as 3‘ ‘ed .‘ mu“ nub“ him hard .3 ed ..«n,e,.e was “main: Davis. The subiect is “What If I “flankind is only half civilitedin ‘V9393 “P bi’ lh¢ol¥’ll¢9« 53' UR 31': » . . . 9 .. , , _ , _ """“ """"""" ":3 ‘at viork ls;-nniiiig furniture and lrrnny about that first ceremony. I;1?on't Care?"dJunior GC0nfl¢8'° ‘ i"l~¢mll5°”3l "°1‘“°’“mP’~ W“ ‘flluntff nine ‘t a part." in an ‘pan- “"'- *~~'*’“‘ _ - - ‘ ‘- err-v-_' :<--~.-.~,--.- ' -r~~=‘"‘- Socfity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V ‘ ‘ . V. " ‘V . . , -ton ‘t O9 ock. A olden J“- hm “ ‘. the “‘k ormen . ' ‘ soup «hanging pJc.u!‘c$ in a r.uv harm, .hall ncier forget it. It occurred‘ ' _ _ _ is Vile. , . _ p Y """"“" “ .. rtsbl hi.f 5 'th 5 td - {Sept be‘ dpbllee Rlllyol’ Qbristianchunches.in‘;the churches of the worldtointro-1 . . . "i"""_ . ' '1' _-, ~- ' ' ' ' " cm 'msNsi>oiriwrio.\' . :§§.°‘§f.'I.£o°‘1.“.I.i°....IZ.‘.i‘i.’ fl‘. o.‘-‘.. 32.» .f}’..‘.’.- .o.o§i”...'oo.':.'é.1«uow-rd. c-n-mo ma scoot.» ; duce oo incarnations! uuuoo. I mm” W, -gynmgugnggmgg . - . . 7 ~ ~- . to l troduce am‘ I m ac. ‘ here, and let mi? 583' um‘ I d°“'l in” ‘vm be hem ‘t "heichm.ch'M°n° ‘he principle. ovum‘) h"” s “ " " P0 ' i i irocvfiiumbganopex-gang.’ e.\lc:. Sriiith takes his woik l‘.':rc think that couple I married was any;d‘5'- . i -rm, chmmu .99.,“ U, n.,,.;$°dn°,‘d‘y 3’: F'1.°8dy(aE'edogdBe‘:.2,; ' . . e - : . “‘- ,__,_v. £'2°v-ms wt» .*°'2°:“.:..*';° *"** ifs. ;*:3:::::;: :t;°.:f:.:°*:.:;‘: :*":.:'.3..“'3.:: .:.s:.::l m”“‘“»-z am we we iv °°w-'- ~"~--"‘”‘”raune do or ma-éeer«e~ e l o on is do no «-v«omo . ‘ laI‘l!i‘0.¢h0m-nd ¢'<*rrni0n.\'. at least I Wunftfgnnffi $3,“ 02$’ 2:, at mditthofimeeting recently to the 'discusslon‘,dm.:,'d f:?:,:;:_,,1).a::_?:u1t'3n); - r.-~ in live in the outskirts of the cit)‘ &S'ing to Columbia," Mr. Smith liecan. too nervous to make out the cert:-L - of wofld xglgflonghin D;-_ R, J, an old Va" ANPS d nt t h 1- 0 r; i _ V‘ rd ! ‘V O riuin of Stephens College. The Ste-1 , . .MI1'¢€lln¢ GNICG. 12 Y o 3 _ . 11 g H well as for those who cannot afl'ord§“‘l'he plan was to use mi 0» 0 tea 1 correc y. . s . pm” Bible Cl.“ will meet in thellterner was the principle speaker at*¢°|md ‘um’, wednfldu. ‘M; w,._ o tu ~ d ‘ _ ~ , r . M. M, .1 . co; b » , _ y . 0 n , . twenty cen mes as n ue to . to hire a taxicab tor non-ememteflfl’ ’°h°l“”h‘I’ ‘ml fwd’ ".“°‘ ‘ ~ ' . .° um "‘ fi".°’. he '""d‘ church auditorium. W. L. Nelson 1”” “‘”l"‘¢ ‘ml '°'“ “'9 l'"'° ‘h°lsentenced to two years in the peni- ‘ . — - - — . - rstnbllnt‘ in the city. ‘ hm ‘' .‘°"g chain °{ “,rm'-ngoinnccol ‘S 3. bmiymit spin‘ of y°“th will give a ten-minute talk. Prof. i‘°bj°°t' ~ 't¢M5lY)'- ‘ "~'-‘ .7"-t‘h'e*1nfluence Of- the hfe ofi « . S of mega m ciumgmg m).min , an “(re tint you see in no other_ P13“ Roy Ivan Johnson will then take’ Sunday School classes have dis» ‘I ~-———-4 t. further-advance Of C.lVll1- '; C°l‘“"l’i‘ “*6” ‘ chap mu" here I am. perfeetlycouvinced that I of its size, you can feel it in the ch", - . . ed d diam“ ‘ A ‘ggolinc war gimilu to that . - ~~ _ 13“? l3‘lmP°3'tnl°"- Thu‘ ‘"3 °u‘""have doncethc right thing. ;:-.?i- and we let" catch the-'spi1'it of facet 9. tihifilgh.-fihoo‘ ‘mtiphwm '5;-“"1 ‘"5153: The B::..1?‘;ri'3;iwhic}; took p1.ce in Cglumbig .¢v-' ' , ..dS “P0” adllallce ox 1, °“‘°‘» '“'““’~" "“‘“ °"‘“*“"“" ?""‘°“- ""*““' *" C.°‘"'“"‘“- “ "°‘?"‘~’° °°"' i""”"‘" ‘ . lcouesig. iioroin; woei':l1?l:l§e¢i’hsuii:iCl)ar:i iiamwiiicifniu Jessie Bun-.ii'ml weeks «to» is now 8°‘!!! 0" in. Chfiwam - The 3dV3’l°e 0f ‘*9’ ' I have maintained either bus or trol- tcgka splen‘du:.0f‘i1er1dp(i':»;-qdoiiig ti'o:>£l N33: :r:9!:1ltS“t,t) éltallh th¢xe1sp¢i‘rit 0'1; 110,45 ,. m_ ponowing the fintém. menu, ‘inn . .'¢fiu'o{ um, fultoa.1oGasoltiane hasugonct (awn Jay tianity upon the st]-engthgn.‘ xv amon_ »i 1-, '..‘.i- ii it. . . am] . 0 oesn 1 , . . _ . '. on 8 9 8 - - -J - - ' ~ - V . - - ky.n‘;ne:&v‘n"RM for this kind ,,{'of work that I like. It was ‘.31.; :how his 26 years except in knowl- ‘:;§:::o:n:?geddel.ivere “I,-ch“- 1:; u:.§,;°t:§m§::n:{u?:r;:'g¢ '31:}: tltiisuand S? cciIt.sg‘in barrel lots. of the churches? The» m6 at‘. twwfold It Wm vision of great and lit!‘-l‘t‘;‘.."il‘:l‘.‘.‘ edge and bearing. lie was uated,‘F00u.d Gentlemen-» Mrs R on; in," i, thinking dang mi, 1;", :Farmcrs are taking advantage of mg Of the C1',ll1rCh.e3 d€.P€,,I1dS 119011 ."oo‘'‘’’°o.o 5-3 oi .2: ::,°:‘;.‘.*:::;f‘::::..:;::::*=..;;:; .‘s;’.:t:.t.‘°2‘;:.'.‘:; ““*r.‘:.":“ ."‘;="<"-;° mm on a sac. «vane mm -o. moo... o oo..;..o.:w- new we on.»-mi ms or us as individuals The entire. 1_i7°pei . ' km ,0, midmm pm,o,,_,,. an j~ ‘ ~ ‘A -‘ - ° ~ - “ 9° °¢*°3 °°°[0.Israel.” The anthem by the choirgcliurches have paid pgrticulsr at- "‘““"¢ “ ‘° ""-'“ “""' ‘°’ ’‘’‘“"~ . of- the world lies at the’ feet of-every~ lessen the tendency 10 Confie-WOW}; ” ’ " “S ' ' “ ‘win he “Love Divine". by 3°“-h'i‘°"“°“ t'° i“l'°"“fi°““ "°1“i§““ me‘ and 11311955 We l.h§' I t- full responsibility resting’ upon us a_s_. Iskiff. The theme of the pastofslduring the last year, There 35 Governor Arthur ‘L Hyde late. “C '3” lb‘ U"l"°”h5‘ campus. ‘"d we‘ sermon will be “Christ or.War‘!" . . ._ . , _ _ . beenasundaywhenthere. . d (9, , .. . d’°““°w*" dmmd‘ ‘M ii mu fur" ’S°’“°’ ‘md I"“'"“°dl3l-0 3- Y» P- U- éhas not been a sermon on interna- 2,; Q; individuals and we 888111118 0111'" 1'02 ‘ "uh "°h°'P mum O‘ tnmporia. ~ Wm be “t 6:19 9' "‘?"E‘3°“’ MOM‘ ’°1l‘5°°3 in 50"“ ¢l“"'°h~ House of Representatives and Sen? portionate share Of this r'esponSib' . y' " um hr ‘n’ which Wm mun ‘mi ' ymg wmship begins at 7:30 AP’ "‘-v Women’: iaissionsfl’ locieties..un- ate road committees and the Senate ‘ cannot advance I I ‘h A", ‘creased activity of business. 7116 P8810!’ Will Preach a football [ionm ‘Dd uumuics ".3 no‘. “nay” ‘wad ‘dviwn, find committee’ A m°t°l'b“5 “"9 “'°“ld "°‘~ “.i“i sermon‘ The. mufic win b° "‘ in: international feeling and are which was called for next Monday a , , _ " expected, be a competition to the: Fh”‘° °‘ U""'°"’f§’_"“d"“‘5- oending their etforts more thanever to 'I‘i.u.-sday. 'I‘he.inee't'ing is called 4 America vifasj founded by religious "many taxicab concerns in the cit)’-1 Conflemh-om,_ zbéfofe the f 1DU'r¢>ddIIIib0!.1, to discuss the ldVl8lblllt)'l0I.¢]ll‘l;I;l: ., people and every chapter of Aypen- It would supplement theta‘ to pr:-1 1 Church school at 9:45 o'clock. |fn‘w“,“:fi;’,,:,‘ ,,‘::,°"g,,.°},,,,:3?.,,..i 1ai:o.:o?;£§1u;uthi.-otiitfitte $:Ide:‘P¢8>;l'am. can history shows the church actively- Vidc l-l'|08P°l'l3ll°“ t0 We ‘' °, ‘Prof. Herman Schlundt of the chem-' In “ct. ‘ll faith-M unniuuons » .- I at work hand "1 hand with an Amer, . cannot afford to hire a taxicab and; who would be forced to walk other-‘ M ‘ I . is m roaco1'ri~:‘1~.'2 the late war art was {or—. . listry department of the University ii" Commhi‘ seem to. be working * «or-s.—» _—~. _ _. ican institutions‘ we I L sens must support and strengthen the church-if we do not want to see civiliza- tion deca . The responsibility is an _ individua one which we cannot ‘pass’ Sgwice worship “ 11 o'clock‘ The ‘ toward the abolishment of this D‘ .“fog of suspicion. hatred and ill m will.” iFear." Miss Mary Frances Piatt‘ . bi . I o . , : l . , -. ~ 4'» 9 . 0‘! " :l‘;‘‘:'':' ‘i; ‘fa duu:°y::“.:;. iiitog. DThcre will be a special ;M0'EORIS‘IS on WAY SOUTH C ‘ onto the state or any other mstitutiori. ‘ _ ice ay prayer, _' ..____—-.-— I , '~ ’ ” V v V "“-‘ .",'.'i .‘. ‘‘'.‘q _ when the shells pierced the walls! _ . . .. . in '4; u I Billings, Mont. Pass _ . A of the cathedrals, when flying soon‘; ._ ..R2,~i';°im‘}f'°.i.‘,§f1j‘,' Buff? fi‘,§‘‘be”‘§‘e‘je 5' n iiooeoogscounoia. . _ . Nwembet 15' 1923 The church may have its taulta, but ' memento‘ shattered the stained?‘ ibaied at the Congregational 3....‘ "We prefer to dgour tmvelmz an: COLUMBIA _ LE- we cannot change the situation tor the 3 windows. works of centuries were. dents‘ Club at 6:45 o’clock. nor- ‘.*“-‘ ‘“"‘°’ '."°“““' “*6 5201"‘ 0 C0 better by standing oiftiie outsidein the 1 lost. . ' garet Wolcott of Stephens coiiege}“"- “"‘° ‘"3’ ‘:"" .“"“". "°“‘. ' "» am} “-59 of crm-c',s'm ' tlgis wt‘, .« r “d virtini‘ -Ihylol. will uphold the through Columbia this morning on ' _ _ , «:5 igithv ~d ' d Cr P ‘their way to Tampa, . _ . A ' ‘ 1 ,t'- : ; I am‘; J;neB;)dsha“.":?x? spefigdizfij‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harlan live in Bill- ' "““""‘— .. 3 the boy‘. jings, Mont. it rntitrch nicer. -- ‘I _ . . '3 - - ,3 is at"lunne _ng ewarm . meetings "0 held .m Low” gmonthi and ' to South in the cold‘ . . . . amontbs. They are traveling in a ‘ 5 1 ‘ —————- i . . K Cg]; ,¢1osed car which is equipped With! Itwas a crime, we said, to tar. dointhegrestestworiuoisrtthstl the world has known. It is not at matter of a few months for replac-; V. Ting these wondrous sights. The? ‘ men have gone long ago who saw”; the vision and made the ‘beautiful; works that have made many Euro- pean cities famous. 1 Early this month another in-' church ‘will be better fitted to meet ~ ' problems thrust upon it. ‘ ~” ' Dean Walter Williams’ Bible I ‘ lCozyTlwdm. ii 9'-30.-4-1.6:. . 7‘ .__—..._4-~.- take hold with a ‘helping hand that the - ~ ‘I; The services at Calva'ry“'churchll-‘"0 1033? h¢“*°"3~ AV3“¢°m°““§ . tomorrow are to be .5 follotpg; 730 -,are such that the car accommodates: . For 2 Cents -Per Day ,o’clock. Holy Communion; 9:30 two small cots and a small camp No other Chm-ges \ o'clock Sunday school; 10:45 o'clock. =‘°"¢- “W *5“ i‘ ‘1"‘°“ 3 "‘i“i"'i ‘ Topic Nov.11 ‘stance showed itself when the fa: ‘morning pray“ and R _ turc home. The tourists have passed mous old Kaiser Hall at Aix-la-I I The student's class (iiieet with ‘hT°“8'h "'0 5'33‘ .'“°“' “°'"‘5 °" “Cd FGCQ to Shine” Chapelle was battered in the fight-_ lbfsgtearo aét the psérlish Ahoige 91°33’ V“? ‘"03" M°““““‘- ; Cipculfiting Library -. ‘ ’ ' in between the Scparatists and the; 3 = 0'60‘: - e was er at e -""""- ' " ' ' ‘ ‘ i . Police there. Eight frescoes. ranked7 -'*‘—“""’ “" ‘''‘ o . 110:“ o'clock ‘.°“'i°°.wi.“ be the R"' I Try Human“ Want Ad‘. I ——> ‘ ‘ " ' " """ ' “ ““"- IIDOII‘ thc finfifit examples of pIll'lt- ‘' L RC‘ _ !‘I"1'!!E}: “rah-“E.Y 53!?" v‘.‘ ‘A ~.‘ —*z I __ I —- ‘*5 " —' I ‘W ‘Pia W _* #4 I U "V; I I ‘ _ ing. were ruined. A celebrated por-‘ '1 B t H ‘ - ' - - .1 15,; one .llt‘3’.!' os on. e ii an _ at: of Ocshndegrnwmlg “U: rid Be- iiiounfiiiiroiifiguiiiiiois:::gmii;i..;.g ford scholarship and. but for his de- p‘“‘h h°“'°- .- I , W y. R e °ne— Univei-.ltin for ‘walk. with ‘all ‘the churches in Co- ‘nigmondjtuleg of Life ;1 the r~egu-f ' 4 ’ um! ‘ fled of an neuwype plan” which he has prepared iiiinsi-ll’. l-.in:lnzi. \§ orking together, I be-‘ 1"» service, of the presbyterunl ‘wand the worm nut ‘print The “I shall give to my c‘nurcl: and H‘>’1\"t;‘\:(‘fCflfl make the intiuencepl’ chum), at 10,45 ovdock sand“, . the people of (‘olumlnu my n~.o.~.t " 18.10.: c.t more in the University gchgol win Sm“ pmmpuy u 9.30 'ph"“' ‘inch tuve “may _b°°" earnest endeavor and I'm l'iU}lln;': to “W1 in WI‘ .lUY1l0!' C0n9S!95- We can o'clock “ ' 1 p‘"'°h"°d' ‘re wwble °f m'ki“K make good. I am all (‘llillLl.l.'l5‘!l‘i "3“‘*'*" 3 "°1ll~'l0“S 3tm°5Ph°3'° 53‘! 3! At 5.. M - ‘ nonstop flights of 2.000 miles. while and my desire is, to make um chm.c~“ 1-c—sp(~ct for religion which will re- lthe Ch'Eigfiar' Yates Ty)" Wm l.ud‘ HE Sunday School is very often the first step. in’ a_ child's, spir- . 1 _ itual vision. » The influences of the. Sunday School far ._ 1: reachying a_nd important. The child who early in life I J the longest over-water “hop” will enthusiastic also. i "l b“°l~°l' 5310015. belle? ‘tu- not be more than 1.000 miles. ‘ “Just now two out.-tmitiinir oi» dthmx-and hmike C‘(.)!umbi‘ ‘ better The f‘ll*l)' **°- ‘C‘.1§‘.’o"."..’oo‘o".‘£.'l33.’i'.o..°.".‘.’-§fi"‘£. '1‘ o 333?" U CHES . ion‘.-or the .’2'looo“I.'3§”o3"..?ii§'o'o'Z’ “i935 0f the Principles of a Christian life which f_0l_l0W hm t.h.¥°“$'h 1 - ‘ o . . '9 I Q‘ - “ . . . "1 . p . 0 " Z “'““d ""3 d‘m°'““°“‘ °f um “°“° with each other, where tlu-_v have Broadway Methodist. ‘mu Pflcsune ‘nd.H9w""m" ' his adult hfe- The chfld through the ' j , fir ‘O0-11?‘! con‘ Qllnlacl, {U Sunda)' school d 1 a ' p. . 0 I e tr-coon is threatened by the mom make it a consecrated _m.....ooo.oa,.. .,~...,.... 7.. U,,i..,,,i,, ,,,,;,,.,, ‘°" “‘ °‘ ‘’‘'’‘° ‘‘°”'°°* ': 1 in a way that could not be broughtto him through his liomehfe. Here, around the world. . ‘serving God and their ft-‘Jotlf mun. C1355 Wm mefl Mm the Univebz C'h,.§,fi,n Saw" it _ . _ _ , - ., . _ 301111. D01 1111188. are the units of; “Second. to znteres‘. the student sity women's class to hear Prof. W.; First Church of Christ, Scientist,‘ I lt IS that the flrst Seeds ar€ SQWH lllles. measurement now. Thcreisaahift-‘ ‘ take them into the church J. Burner of the Spanish depa:-i,.}will bold servi es in the Virginia‘ i I :~--'‘ « .’. ’nz:'-'5.’ n.‘ -u ' 7-it-‘fin.-ants. some of them entering the ministry. ‘ ; in “go between the two. hm we althdugh they may ‘n;-.ve left their meat of the University. Prof. Buildlnl fit 103 5 0'¢l0¢lK‘ 500589,! ‘I ‘ d€Vel0p. ‘ - - '< 4 - ‘ 1-4 - -« . ~ ..... . .. 3 «now on mm -o to -we .::.f:*..:‘.::::;.:: .1 ."**:.:"* ::*“°'=' *1“ ‘i'o"’°°‘ .2‘ ‘’‘.°.« ‘“'* o ‘ ’ ~ -- e - _ * ‘ _ : ' f'_ > t- e pa men or ape;-t g 1 f son-sermon or ovem r ' h . - , or :'u‘‘';f‘"‘::;;Vh:;';u:“:b';°“ .: to ‘so interest them o. relimous ivorl; to. mm mm M 2,“; ° ‘” -°’p~oo..o and Fallen Man." I "1 Children may for a time be members of a Sunday School classand . 1,: , ;- 1 “no til“: 1., - ‘ '1 lb“ 3'5"‘ 9*‘? 9° l‘°"‘° “*9!” 93"’ The moraine service of worshipi The W°d"°3d8}' "$3308 ‘C¢8ll°i . i ‘ - - o ‘ - 9 ll 5‘ °°___3_'°;__!_____ clip ‘the work where they It-av: gill bit held at 10:40 o’¢lo¢k, '11,¢f%¢:ny matting begins at 8 o'cIock.i away but that lnfluenfiels _ ,.« ~i ; , , . (-v. anvin 'r_ now win Rubi c Sun y school. for students ' ' I A ‘ * " ' » ° " " ’ I «~ J. ‘ Bacall“; ON Tag STBETS Since coming to Coluinba Hr n “The S ' p 3 " ' . ° ° . . . . ' ‘ z . . ‘ , s = -- . «» » writ or Conquest. 'And.\md¢r the ace or 20 rem. begins 1 r em In tlieirtravels thro. h hf Many, timesthe teachings of- I e F: ». : Th’ plgnufmufi P"bh:‘“‘:‘:h": alone: Yb: starte‘-gethe unusual Prue-;B;.‘naiab slew a lion in a pit in time-at e resdinx room. alto in ' ’ ' ' ' ' H - I ‘I e. i ' fl ‘.4 ' ‘ ‘Ti = H l u I *'-" ’. :9 I T. . 0 0 ‘ l A 0.99 ~ . ~ - Bu-1d- . ' _ ' ' .J ‘ A p - 2 ‘*‘°“°"........o........"°H............ :’..*:.::.....‘::.‘-.2?‘ “" "' "“‘ ;*““:.. Sunday $¢b°9l.heVeb¢°“ the me“ S°‘“°1¢'*‘¥*m°“9*'d"°me“.mh"e 6 ‘.~‘._ high), gommgnggue, 1;. gpige ggservices. All the evening services 'Epworth League meets at 6:30.198!‘ h°“d3Y3- 75¢ DUN“. bill ° ° . I the {act that Columbia has fenvjgfim the serm;m isrhconducted by %'clocIl):.‘ There will be an Amiis?¢°I‘dil"Y lDV:ted t;‘akttend all % ‘In hie when Ways - - -. . . . bug in «m; e toting pcop c. c on y part cc y program-and Otto C -:services an to e use of at ' ' ° ' ' ' ' _» ' I n gtonfimuwgor the pastor takes is delivering the ford will be theleader. I ‘tn? melding room. - t A ~ . 1:113 1n.5DlT13l8a up: and. Influences of ‘um isermon. At the evening service at 7235i .._...-. l ‘ ' ' ' "3: "';:;x“:flff".m;‘s::“y im“'I‘liis is \'ond<.-riul training for 3; c1°¢b1‘=’o£oc}_K H5: will preach on_' service. ir:";:l’;"’;‘t ‘M Y ii‘? gener3_t}°.n33 . Th3 mfluenoe Of the . “k”: e rouns ‘d M 9 e - w ‘ - ‘ - -. _ unfit’: wgeoywa the com-‘smith, “it 3;... ti...“ '.'f,‘,,;,.,..,.'., the World." by ’i1.oon .Beghie_ “3‘;'3‘;{h:lfh“d~-nd Bale; school putsoa stamp upon the ch1ld:vzh_i,ch eanmnever-be removed.» The I.‘ .. rim befltlrs on themnd spiritual uplift and mak- W330!‘ 0‘ “TV'lt‘e-bom Hen." “Souls y . ' sluice’ bum’ ' i ." ' ‘ e i ' I H . ‘ . _; street oi? either people who dontgem moo;-flung“ interested in oi: i!'imAuiction." and “Otlier_8beep." ;f°:";’u°‘,;°:‘;ulD'1;h;6t;=‘rLt1;f tgie‘ sandy School, is made possible through the church by the se1f¢sacrific- - Columbia orelse plain, arch. on W." he added. e mseimioo-ormoctmeni-cs ,,. ...;¢..,., '1'|;e’3¢"y ‘M 4 I’ ‘ ‘ . . V '. I it ' » .. — . . ~ . . . ~ - . bert C.; . V ‘ . ; 2: 'i.‘.“"" ......o.. "" "‘°’." .2? "'*‘ °**=:'.‘.‘.’.?°.’:..'....' "....,°"‘i:‘o..“‘.:: .‘:‘:".';.‘:.."‘§:' 2§2:::.“‘..f.";.°’o.o’ "‘:.°'.‘..°;“.:..‘”"o.oo..“ “ .o..-..-o.o. 211 om... ......~ o. o who are d..9.V0t1F.1$ their time talents to develonins. .. s res or nguuusu-j ‘- _ , ' _ , 4 A , " * z - ‘ ,‘ *, . e . — . ilidbp "ll '. mint terested. You would be surprised dawns upon them of what “**' ~""o~-— 3 11vES_ . __ _— ‘. _ .1 I ,. . , ._-‘gj ‘°"°’°"‘ ‘£6 ""::.how well these young people do ‘N93 the)’ know. and. in aseuse. do~ (;u_§.&,_« -1-»- v .. V --... - - .-L o vonldtske - hei part; amo .~ ’ ”'* ‘ - _ . - :2 ‘ii; - p ._ . t r _Itmsybethemeansot_ w i:°¥£:seswill!l;egln‘a‘t'th;)?‘i;ec‘:‘ . _ A I. 3. " . |opro---&nd‘theworidtods)'neads more men‘ C‘fl'fi“" ' ‘dock ' ' c‘ : - - ‘i : -.3 , . _ .- . ‘» __ muexh‘ 9m.d°& o tomorrowiaornlng. .. . i .7’ d.‘ a’ in ‘J’ °mm'" who ‘u. mm“ ‘edema aid’ hm‘ 511: worshiiioattlozts °o'eloclI-'or'n:" ‘row. and . *- we we °~«-:.‘::.':.':'.;.;.‘.‘:o“:“'.::;.*:..‘:°..*:*::‘t.;,- o..”“.‘.‘:§“ M. -. me i- meet» -n w.,.... .. cg. 3...,,;:eoa every Sunday. ; i mnqurm°m“:gm.s§°§,,.°1r-31%” Sswerszia District as . , “V9 501* ‘-0 hlfcia and well- Omega,” by suing-_ .3;-u_~.§_..:_._ I” up ‘ . .A \ ‘_;_t-,a : , ‘ fig.) . !'. —_i - .. -. ‘ 1 _ _. _;. .,. . . . 9 - < ' - ' -- I - ~.-'. _. -- .. ‘« > . ' - ' ' ‘-~ . I ~'-‘~. ‘ . . ; L1,.‘ _.,-ac...‘ s¢.»9L y__, 7‘ __. . 5 ...,.'. ,1 , ‘.'__‘._‘:| ' -- ' JJ as x ‘ I 91:: -1:"---~ ~¢-- : . .v~ * -.—-.2 . - 1'.‘ g M " -'5‘ V .5‘'"'''‘ -”£‘.-"V :~~.,*|'-.‘.-* .E..‘ -' ;;.*-