~ ._t-.__i, _, .. _,_ * . ‘ \ THE coLUMBIA‘MIssoURIAN. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10, 192;. .7 _‘ tt'daha‘u health at the pI~I"HvNw¢d"ud‘;IyInnuti1nunIs.;;;‘°-UK’. T p p‘ ' V y flyfizzntlflc masss’g;srn::ndI87:; _"ljiedoctorof'eoda);also tube #19 35*” 'f‘| _,. ‘£1 l&““‘ .m‘ _—.’j::.".;8oi - A - - 7 lot I will not charge you.a cent. in P3,‘? ' 8¢"‘.“t nfldwd‘ ii-.3 -s-I-Q. iiifii may from financial dim-‘ ' iN0.thini: bctte‘ruf‘or_a bod cold than fl ‘ ' . |_ . _ . . _ ' ‘ . W -* -we -ggfm °“ ‘W’ ...,,.‘-““:,”“J,.’°“‘..... "".,~...,,c"“' ‘.'‘~- - «§‘L3,“'. 3.;'.'.‘".2‘1.?'.‘5':...a. °"“°? E. ' PROF. PETER JAMES Glnalicrlns found. *"I“"°'“-?'°*"'- 5°°°°‘,' “°°'“5-“b’f'u.‘r"‘ y’ .. Big Ilimile B.James.hndo!fit-1Ie- You are missing opportunities it €91-N-W13-ch§“i~5;_';nP':’“-“"‘:p’;}':"'_< Iusdaacriousvcssepsruneut of commerce of thcyouarenotnadu¢andVusingIlis- -‘Ladies and h 1;“. l : fig-thI_mt ‘radius ‘Cdh(I'IOB!'llIlVflt ads.~__._, _ v._.____’.'3°”“ZP - 3., O; -' ' " ‘A I .'.'V'. 3:":-'7..' i ‘ i ‘"7 ‘J. .; ;-,»_-.‘~--::r~,._. -:~,,-_.._._:§; :m.“.. --.-Tr-~:-:5:-‘.7-'~~.-.'r:r_1="r“t=*“*““">‘=‘= “" 0 -PAGE -THREE ii i ‘ °i ° J "3°1hItl-herewillbeno esti iaiwio USED 1' ‘‘‘'''i 9-‘ at l . News of Columbia Society [01 Star 5011001» 3 Landmark on its oo... ......... .....,“1‘.....‘:.’i.L W n FAB»-w't fir 1-... 1-,...... . _ , e . . "ing to Dr, J_ 3‘ wguiunmn of MC; iniv ty Activities Followed by S 1 I ‘ "' -'———-—i - DANCING LESSONS . Ba . Entli i , ' . Ste ,,e,,8 College , ,..,.....,. 0, ,., ,{,,,,,, AW ,,__ Fifty Years, Bows to Progress. . ..........,_ 3. o. 1...... ..._i .....i. P a 3 S m a n p mm ms _ P _ ‘unity hm amen“ t d‘ _ ‘teacher in the litt.e school in 188.. , rt’ °°“‘i" {mm “"9 "’°"° * . l Hpmecommg Guests ithcir alumni .g ",,‘,. "3: *0’ A little white frame building, old, The building is frame and has a‘ Doctor Williamson, who is .‘ma- minted parts of Missouri show that y , - 3-"! W“ 1503-0" -I ‘ . f u _ re nuts orhome tonight. in:’:'h¢ din? dingy. a trifle weathcrbesten, its large concrete porch. .uate of the University attended the‘"“"3' °°‘""-''Y 50?! Md 35718. P?!“ “e “am 8 Student to . M ‘ oowinga _ '_Pl'8¢ed nor, . -.' __ .1 -,_ , . ‘_ i » ' ephens Coll¢8E durinz llomeoom-Zformal Initiation will be held for yv 0? gm” ‘nd shwbbery E"._...m""..._._¢m 0"” Ah°'°..;.__...C."°“" Sun School’ mo’ win" he “.a’‘ n m’ ‘-“pf mm“ ‘nfdenu in the Umur ‘ . represent US 1" 8987911316 _ ‘.“"- I A St , _ 4 J W & Within. a single small semi-dark . .h 531 he It be tle boy. The;-e we,-(. on)‘. mght reg, sit}, and many older persons, some. . mg week-end Misses Nelle and: - - “m‘l‘° °f M“’k“9°°- 0”‘ room. lined on each side with ii row 1;“: ttww £3 m:'old “ igteg-ed u,e,,_ with an beam, up-of them alumni, were following the and sell our “Doume. 1 3. n wmadred W‘u£1itiI.’; 39717)’ B. (“Hcinie"l Haas of Enid 0‘ doubk duh.’ duk bmw" ‘md'£ccordi‘n$: cg Miss Rub)’ Robin‘s)<'>|: te“d‘"°° °{ “l’°"‘ “"0. he 5flid- ni“°"r.i'K‘m” Aggie’ ‘me ‘we’ « n h» I ‘ i T j Jae " ' ‘Violet Pbel Eleg. Okla... arrived last night to be a ‘carted by urwcg \ teacher. formerly 05 C°l°'“bi|-- 13" C’ M" S"°°d T‘“’|‘l" T'"‘"‘- i N -0' . . -. “ear 8 “ts. Studio "- llllllmfio P‘: k , . . . D, C_ M Q . . One little boy who lives in the - as thg or Wiener. Lilli Sc nna wee ‘em’ 3“°"" “ um Pl“ D91“ Fmm we cent" of ‘he mom ' Them are "ow f°fly'{°."r palms elk - ' ' ' ‘need’ 01.‘ the l‘""‘”' country several miles from Sheri i " ._ //guy Dickmnn. cud” Long. Alba.“ Theta house. Mr. Bass formerlyrsmall coal stove throws out a fit! rolled in the school, which has £acil-p5'l)'- 530851 U100 during UM’ )'C‘m’S dun according to Prof F ' Fm Rent r 9f Ashtord. in-an sc1uchner:Mn.H. I.i‘“°"€'°";"° ""*‘'°"‘‘>' ":4 W. o ._ °’ ’3°° "“’..“?"" boon. mo of the ..I.....;i hu ‘*0’ Prime :i ea! M ,l.'yh‘,_.M;3_ L_ A_dE.mn{hJ,_kn],,, ctptein 0 the_football team in 19l7.i pegczcntfigl Zlfillginisogi jays that‘ tlie band,’ department of me (buege CO0 Dances and Parties. Era,-. _A.L.ou-ean Doro y eay.: “‘*", ' I _ escoo isconsim- {A 1t h _ ‘- ..o are 3°» L *"‘".:"=w°‘%;::.T~..’u==~ .~...§~.,’.*.;':;'.::‘:."°.;°.;*.::*..:.'°:'“::.:t .:;;.:.*;:"‘=;:2‘=;- 35443 Tie 223 “’- Jac*“:';elg; and dfurxfu around Mc- Professor Trowbridge one says i.‘ ‘ 2 ‘HIYYIIOD 50"“ ‘"5 “"“lY- luncheon at 1 o'clock next Thursday ear hp li mm or “art “f me that H‘ Deggmgen 8 fmmer Sm- Learn to it n . ’ um oad Cohort. Mr. and M11 in honor of her dauzm" M“ g’ -1 “' ° _‘ 9" 3"’ “hint: their dent in the College of Agriculture ' , W. E, Winn and rlau (8 31- am-ord F» ch f J ' . ,° ‘"""'“ ,‘f"t_h film‘ Uf11‘"- SIS!‘ now living at Albany. gave a radio . w routing; Munch; M,s_ A6 39111,“. Mtsgh \',= , " '3’ ° °fl°“°” C“3- orfi “illllnnlfifln th( scihonl ‘has party for about twelve of his friends ii 4 9 Rollins. Miss hristine Fisc er. 1. J_ Lauderdde of ‘anus Cu’ 3“ 9” "F new IR‘?-“Grille. In J‘-151 at his home on Saturday afternoon .3 ; - .W.Bet«l '. ‘- - ' one term. Tdyth- : t 1'5 _ .. ‘ o ,;4 Roadsf. Mr. and Mra:__F ” 0 95 lc1;;iin:'ol‘tr.l:’i:eia t(I)*:1t‘€.!£:l empty house ‘i’n“McB:i";‘o‘1“ 8:1; 1;“ §7mrict:ncton::‘0yK:e:1;le lrlietziys :23 Private Iaessons . vi /l Pi KG ha H08 If . . in three weeks almost half‘of them ofllissouri who are interested i ' . ‘~77 ppa )0 mm the School of Journalism last _,,,,,. be ,.m,,, he W... the L-,,i,,_,, - . " MRS JAMESON “* * .. ~ _ _ - - . - T ' sity and particularly the ° ~ ' '. Week-End Guests spnng _:_____ Tl"-' Wife“!-Teacher Association football games and who have no. mm” 20“ . W . Week d (meets at the Pi Kappa- Ruben Noble of Princeton. 111.. . go! the Star School plans to hold a other W8)’ $0 keel’ UP WW1 them ¢X- Any D” , A“, E"“'n‘3 ii ‘ . . “,5. house for Homecoming are;drove to Columbia from his home Tlflfiefinfl find 1! P5€-SUPP€!' 8! the “Pt by radio. LJ 0 .1; game,-th Ellison and Paul Smith yesterday to attend the homecoming MW bmldins: as soon as it is c - ‘ _ r p of Bella: HEW" D‘“'i5- Him‘ B°“vp3“m°~ ;Pl,°"~’d- fimfided. *9 "~'~'°u"" P97’ ~ _ _ C-” — 1- ‘ ‘ ' ' "W """'"’ ' _'_ 363 " ‘ 3 .S\':!‘!:l)‘lll'Ch;l:::s MW RU“! Rumsci-‘O. of Webster ill; Idlooler:’ll‘l']ll)c oeilffiohmafiozd ‘.1 Groves is the house guest of Miss Piano Be 3 w3ll'F]0wer? ‘I - 2' G”-"gt, Joe Donner. John Lynn., _ ’ ‘The Association has alrca iv his. ‘ ___ ' Byron Roberts. Carlton §unn]13nx- E;“::‘""'° C“‘l‘°"' l-"7 C°“°3° “" l’°“'°‘" "5 ‘ml 310° f°' d°°°’“t' And Repair Work ' O W -A E M LEARN TO DANCE , a Patdiell. John \\'i1- - ”"”‘*‘*:“ _. _ . _._.-_ 2; ..nd “'11 whim of the Univer’ The Rcstmount Bridge Club will ' ‘-.y' ‘ Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Heston. 0°“? 13997"! Ind Pf0fl|P1l!- ‘fl rnect at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday even- Mrs C. L. 311)’ of Oklahoma. _ er, 215 S. Glenwood avenue. in glumni who are visiting .at.the Brew ’ house are Milton Glahn. “llllilm ' Sears. George Gladding, Frank E\'— ‘Miss Jeanette Asbury of Higgins- ’ “wk. rown, Howard ville is a guest at the Pi Beta Phi Chilton, Conrad Ecltert, J. C. llar- house. ucas, -r a Si d ——-——~~ " , 9°" "" Rothwell Lefholz oi St. Louis is 11 Announcement has been icc lulnbia friends of the birth of at the home i’ 0 Phone 756 ~ For Appointments Call 1025-White. . "" Tuesday and Thursday Eve. 7 Private Lessons and 2 Hours’ Practice Dancing for 85.00. i 3 and Mrs. lioawrd Heaton of Spring- - M“ n I ,_ -7. . 1;" ifield. Ill. Mr. Ililoeaton is brake-man Taylor Muslc C00 | er a‘ 2 Chicago to St. _ uis. » .- c.-—.-¢-— - OLI) STAR SCllOOl.HOUSl£ NEAR !lcliAli\'l'l. A Y. IS TO BF. SOLD. A l.ANDXABK FOR MORE THAN HALF A CI-‘..\"l‘Ult aw IODF.lt.\' s'rIu:c1'UR£ _ WILL TAKE 11's PLACE some lls‘ ins !'Bl(‘T 75. til-:I.ow. miss nt:i:i' ltOl3ll\'- . _ ‘I- SON. TEACHER. . _ ' glare and an uneven heat which ities for seating twenty—eight. The 7! causes the children in the far cor- children are seated three at a desk.‘ to shiver. while those nearest and four at one or two of them. At the fire squirm uneasily with the one time there were sixty enrolled. rising of the temperature. The Then they sat four at a desk, and front of the room between the stove the remaining ones sat on the edge and a blackboard is one larger desk, of the platform on which the tench- piled high with books. obviously the er’s desk is located. €303}! Of l!Uth03'5l}'- 'l‘he old Star schoolhouse was Fifteen desks and ,(.ms_ and 3 built where it is through the cour- stove constitute the whole of the 93‘? Of 3475- Oflhcuuo “°“' "9-"d' furniture. nor nr decorations 3'18’ if! Texas. Who M5 l”~‘Y'ml“°d 9"‘ plentiful. On one side. between two 395001 10 Slflnd 03 l_I0l' P709911)’ ‘N’ of the four windows supplying light fill)’ }"331”S- The 5”‘? "0’ ‘he “°“' to we ,.0om_ hangs an 015 map of building. however, was condemned Missouri. On the other 5' am] PU"-‘based b)‘ the R5001 board. een the remaining windows, a . portrait of General Pershing tellsi triotism of the mack of sheet atithe Phi Beta Pi house this of %'(‘9k~8!ld. ‘ i ‘A’ " A .C.3e.'orge Mo St. Louis is visiting at the Kappa Sigma house this week-end. EBATHTUBS ARE SCARCE I-‘OR COLUMBIA ROOMERS Between 50 and 75 Per cent ol Roaming Boases Are Not Ade- : Cape Girardeau I Silteston. Z V f i To Give Recital at ' Christidic-College * mad Georse gjracital for . V ‘ ‘Ct’ Christian ego, _ y Um bO‘I8Il8$Qd by ' Kiss Tcs8W,."i53(obli;)r'..'{ . _in _ ‘""“'5' E°‘”W°d- ‘"51"’ _ - ‘“‘.‘~"'9.l“‘.°‘ Inmm Someone must take a bath at 2:- Nnil. .. he '.1¢'fl‘.’F'.°‘n‘nv:icl; 15 o'clock in the morning. eolipaning r._ 9 program_ ' :3 - :. _ . .' v‘+‘b"”i.i’.1..h:‘?'&°":s..n. be; most Americans every, nnnrinn 25os."2.'1h. is and it inorning. One boys’ morning housei .’ w ‘fénm ' ‘umnnf: in Columbia has one bathtub for! Qp .., . . . . . . . .. . ' -- - =~:--- W ~~~~~ so-»~ 23;: .:.°:.*::;;; .‘.f..°:::'.:;::.: . ., . .-...- Saint Sun-"requires fifteen minutes. someone is ‘*'-rD‘l::oou*“tVc2iai‘ 3- - ' . Q .... i.i'IT.. -‘°"‘3 "° "‘“"‘l ‘°."“". “ 2"5.“' ""' or decorating. Flainly it is an ‘old- .. _ 1._c,u,u,_,_k, or someone e se is going to miss an] fashioned country q.hOO,h“u‘_e 8 o‘c-lick class. I-‘i re it 10 ; Th‘ ' ' ’ ' E. a I Other guests are . pd Phi Mu Alpha, 17th Annual Concert Series -' ’ 1 o.-- __ ,- Henry F.-'3 . B. Williston. .vil_!.~¢_Iu two piano! 'hmofl*ow Coll .4’ X-‘ 1 Reserve Monday Afternoon and Nigh; ‘*7 For real enjoyment. for musical pro- Dtaco I5": - .1 1'5...’ .. ’ o-no grains that will delight you by their ., 2": Syrnphou Value ti-on “Eula! _ 3;" spgnglud Banner '. .. I-‘mach Scott hr)‘ Kl-3 Out 3 ' has stood for fifty years. . P —~———-—- -Fourse . N 3‘ . - slicer charm and artistry of presenta- I , - - _ the old {star schoolhouse of District A ; D7'- and Mrs: Ou}:ri°'?u3“?sb1:'xa:_1t)’sfn::ie(f n°’t1dw°rk,75, half a mile out of .\lcI3:iir.e. its _ . . ‘ Will Give Dinner .m,,,,. this condition is 3; :xm_°,::'§.io;-.- or so.-oico nrv ll(‘Zly.'}, ended. Lion. The 17th annual concert series . :however, for close beside it work-_ - Dr. and Mrs. Dudley COD]?-’_}' Wm However, bathroom facilities in Co» n re bundh 3 new gchoonmum entertain at dinner this evening at rmmbi, "9 ]jm§ged_ mu" u“ tmdate -bguadin giodcled af: m Country Chab m ho-nor 0‘ their Many houses now in use as mom- 2 let the best arranredg rural school- house. tugs?» M138 Mlmel Smith Of lng houses were designed primarilv=hbug(_s Of ‘the State’. The ha‘!f_cen- opens with the St. Louis Symphony Or- "I certainly am. In the world {or you. thiupz" I'd do anything Yes. any- - : chestra at this time. with an added at- Oth nyts will be Miss Rather as omesldarlif tlihm0mbo:ac’ilift1)fR'i turv old structure will be sold in- D0fi0=- r - Bf gut‘! . . "~ ‘ . ’ ‘WCTC pro?! 0 OF C nu!“ T In C .' . 7 _. . .- --A" rk‘ ‘_ rate "1 0|‘. hlck . . e o . c inc Conley. M!“ Vlrtlma Hunt» family. When four or five times ::;:d‘f P°5-“”l°- °" ‘T mi» N“ "“ um; ::i;i’.'.trgio pcncilyou i°.o"r‘r°o«ea traction of Michel Gusikoif, violin vir- ' , ll t. D0419)’ Mllldo Sfllfmd 00310)’ “Nd that number of persons live in the Charles Branch. ‘house. it is o-fight wonder that there The new building: will l1«'{‘~'¢ a Ca- D tuso, and Max Steindel, ‘cellist. in a Mrs Ralphul-C‘-lfaltfiflkins entertained ‘is 3 mficie" .' "godly M abnlfi ii“). ‘’“‘“'5 ' « - I T 1; gt ,‘ . main room wi we npproxinia e '. . ,. , informally at tea yesuirdfayh age? h(,u2ogn;pahiih ?::\,(,°::or:‘:h:°" am‘;'o"z'v_ ,m.,,,y,,;;x {cu .m,,,,(.. and won. concerto for \l0llll and uoloncello. lou ~ 0000 70!’ UN-' 8'-|P¢3"'l3°"3 0 C m‘ ' ‘ will be separate cloiil: rooms for '91“? Hdllill SCb°"bli ""1 Mr‘ Fm‘ the boys. the [:l:'ilS.Ll£l'ltl the teacher.‘ owe yourself the opportunity these con- ' om‘ '3' ' ' . ' many of them holding only fifty The 0” d°“l‘l° 95 '5 """ Aomng we were: -Mm}? M gallons of water. This means that . ‘ha nudgofifxlu slid‘? ‘mm!’ after two or three baths have been llulldlllilo ‘md lh““’ "‘ Mi" “"7 “"3" ""1 Mml Agnes taken it is necessary to wait for the "CW Slntlt‘ d05li5- . _ _ _ w°°d’ I. water in the tank to heat, not taking ""1399 b‘I1‘°““5° “W b“‘ld‘_"‘~' ‘’ 5”‘ 58?‘ 01 “*9 Alph‘ ‘V-chi mm 9°C°u.m the mommg-houSe pen l1d‘ui'loc(>)d1in:l‘ better hentinfi U’ 0 certs offer. If you have not already -White & Cochran WOOD AND COAL 303 Oak St. bought your tickets. you should do .307 The at ‘fizrity win give a dinner ewho empties the hot water tank each -.- ....s..- .¢_.< .g...-- EARLY MONDAY MORNING. Room 212-13 Exchange Bank Building Telephone 1569 .....,.. University Auditorium ‘.3 -___._.. ..---___ ..._e._ . . -__--..--we-—. -—~! ' g ' For Kind and Courteous Treatment : O l J I) I K “ Du‘ thesadhour,call2308. f Feed? 1 It isn't the easiest thing in the world to obtain reliable feed these days. In fact, many new ¢“3}°‘ mere of ours tell us the)"Ve_t"°d J for a long, long time to obtain the . . quality we are puttinx in” 0“? DO call some of us up! WILL SUPPLY YOU. RED-RING _ feed. We deliver. or YOUR GROCER BOONT: COUNTY MHHNG {'1' ELEVATOR ('0 4 P on; ,. flI:Tilil7Ul';,‘\‘1 \neiniInIIrf.’vl'1fi MH nnnns Omega . - h -d _ , , - - ' he bu}, _ . arrangements than were in t c Ol ph 1222 B1 ck. : :lEh3c€ir°gciloc?‘uu1)*:>ifi‘tfl’:::nl€J:‘i\l1\-E-Ix?i:il)y Edd trciitlhcfitggw building will be supplied. liov;-ex-gr. . one 3 .‘_-_= ; of okuhom; They are 'irginia U": I8 95 "M 9 1! ._. -__ . - . ..—— — - - — — - — «. L 1-M-1«°"="° K"°"~'* W! “““3°""° '"““ ‘5.“°' °'’'‘‘ .°‘. "‘° ’°°"‘"“ Rudolph Ganz. Conductor . » . 30¢ okhhom. gnd Missouri col- housels in Colurgibia. :1-cbingt adc- ’- i g "3 W1" 59 used 1“ d°°°"‘“°“- goniqffepfimntgiing ;‘0':§::" See us for farm bargains and list your farms with us. We . . - I .- 3»; Jir. and Mrs. H. M. Reese. Dumas and pncuumy ‘" of the building, have inquiries {or {arms every day. We can trade your farm ‘ ~ =-‘ Mltrttiicnts. will e!1l»¢::ll"d_“ 7 now under construction are bein for city property and other pioperty in western or southern . .'"_ 3‘ o'clock this eveninz W3 ‘ "W" perly equipped. Old houses also - - - 5 k L, d 3 k. Th Q J ‘-. 5 in honor of Dr. D. 11- D011¢Y °f 5'" bang remodeled and new bath-' sums’ “Q in agent (0,! Bqmmble.J°mt we n an e - ' - A ‘ ‘ 4. Louis. Other guests will be Dr. and Irooms being added I ideal farm loan. Come in and talk it over. . . . . ,5 , . . , Xx-s.W_(;,M nl-,D.and Mrs.-l-l .—-_———-——————- , T ' W. Hudson ant! )!rs.f-l..eslie Green. Try Missourian Want Ads. l . 3. _-5 -. , .- 1 . - T ! E.A.STROL7'I‘ FARM AGENCYJNC. I I I I ' . Largest Real Estate Organization in the World ‘ - ' 3 ' O G . W. B. PALMER REALTY COMPANY if 3 E -.. .'(' ... ,.,.. V ii|'J'.*‘.:\'I'ua7O U08 Fergusoci_iM& White New and Up-to-Date Funeral Home. 17 North Sixth St. . .. ~.vt----q;g-.rr'1€'3'V!~ryf-gQyvp-q~vrv---—9r*e\n-1oIaflmm . - . I ' . - . . .. -.,“,.,...,,-....,.,..~...... .-.1-on ..o..u.. ..-.~ \P—-ovnfil ' AFTERNOON 3:15 EVENING 8:15 Buy Your Seats Early Monday Morning ‘ W Beserved Seats $2.00 Unreserved $1.00 4 ‘ ° V‘ 1. '‘ awn‘. . ._ Tay1or’s -—and— ~ Missouri Store‘ . PhiMuAlpha.l7thAnnualConeertSeries L ~ « _ — 1 I I _‘\ _ i Auto Laundry and Simonizing Stati -. Cars Washed, Polished and Simonizedg g Cars Called for and Delivered. P ‘ ALL WORKAGUARANTEED. g is North {misc , % _iPho:ic+.. . _ _ ..., ....— .,.. ---7 . . -.‘"- " ‘:5. '-N-':''. --‘-"'1" r'- ‘ ..< "bk .V ,_.. I “‘ ~:3~. 1. o .C «. -"‘~.‘.'-1.IT‘fi.7'!'.'.‘-.'!"."?.'.‘-7.?’ . . . . —! «“' » ~ ; ~ ‘:2.’--«.-:av1y.-:.r - .' ma‘, . 1 ..oO_A.. .; .. J .: .."‘!.'€',T."‘I . -. . _., . g - ; .—. o .. ‘ -.. 3" " ‘ ‘-’ ’- "' '- . -"". -!:n.aA3'+-»: . - -- ’ - ox-v cw-_-,-,—,—.--—.-rv .v:~. -.- ~- ~ .r» . _' -. _ :,'.' ' .-‘>' f. '» N ""..-'_ .' 1-.‘ .‘ . 7-’: U L ‘i'- -r 7’-'-"-‘<3 " r - ‘ ""'""" ' v “-‘.-"'~"*.*-' *‘”‘.‘’2.=...~ -- -- = — - «~ - ~ 4- — — * . -<-