_Whi|e..lIi3heat Sorority Nun» Pliones—Offiee. 3147; 151 117006, . v'.“’° ‘’°‘‘‘’' °‘;;"‘''‘ “‘° ‘‘.‘‘‘:’t: ''‘'’‘'n Leaves &.- Louis 3:10 P. M. , Tbehlcnaiiie Dairy Farm has’ - ‘E . -47 .’:_ p ‘ ;u _" “V ‘ I ‘I 1' A. 3 . ;_ r I“ '13 pg '- ° ‘F "l' \ on a .- ‘ / ’ ‘. .. in c 3 -, "" -~":' "I ". ' ‘ . - : 3 ‘ : " -a r - 2; I 1.x - :1 I‘: at C‘. ’ ai 'k_— 5‘: ' ‘ - m an’ _ - 7 ’ 7v..#_‘:__ ._ “,5; A ‘A __j7 __ ‘__~ . . . . .. T ;( . -~ * 'u -- C . . . . t '- t'¢c'Rooi‘i -is cmsl-:0‘ “‘ ‘ A '- _ .1g§g,g-guglpl-it)lari!fle.latllioek-end _ ?KEAD. % , _ _ YS . lo! hit an ll"? 4''.” *.n°‘n'«7. “WI m"“'*-”‘ °‘ i any Stones Center Books {or Special Asalnmentai o I * ~ ow ~***"*~t ‘-'*3"""”°°“*"" » Mrs - 11 Sell g U dC i Ngw mA(;N05E n n. n. -rn.n.n»u..~n- .1 _, AroundO1d Arrow Rock Tavern Th 3°" "' 7;’; '3"; - : Y 111 39 a t _ -L — i; '0' _ «K ° t v . air a ,coinwasp onen ti 0 _-'- J . *3“ ‘‘‘,';;3‘,‘;*,;:'‘“‘,,,,‘‘',;;.,,,'’‘’;’,,‘‘‘,.“.. | » PERSONAL rreus t .,..,, .,.,, ., .,,, . ,m, M ,, ....., ., . 9. ....nf.,, .‘l,.°.fi..°;....’n2.'} t: ‘§I.‘§.°.t i s L Sim‘-he finalised hk—fi9l,Nl’,'GN'l|.38v _~__ t WW9‘! "8 Wflthamd by the statelcometers. and afterward! "std ‘° °‘°*°“ ’°' *‘.""°"“ "“5"wd""*"‘° 25° 4 0 ur O 5 — - . land that die would die . I »msnnhVict¢uial)cbbsbas~'gone heinslttltre has been theaubject oflrnake lead bullets for the Coated» full: are heme redeoora . acco_ - . ' WIS! _elR"h'flIe hoard w‘-‘3g_ W3 fa-3 -died enghn- jmflth interest since September 25.$eratcs. ‘P8 *9 11- (1 S°‘'°""'-'°' U"l"°"“3' . ll. oiinsbe!'g~F‘inds;.zi...ns,nnananhe:utensouae,.5.,M % p “ion; was officially taken over byf At the Olld Biichqohm hbggan. m will be t 8 re » —— s " -‘llafital. Be Iaallyphad hor“tm- N. ' Uaxwcll of Kansas City is t uxhteny of the American Ipainted his ecegra picture. “ e _ 3'00 _ _08¢d 0? - in Pros-less ieouditlooallir 3 “V hula. I bod ‘hue r the wodcand as the guest Revolution to be maintained andcounty Election” and “Order Nuin- rccptlofl $0011! '0? "_18!t°N It the in-X Th sed car is -ust as much 3 factor . - 3 ' 7“ During Last 310 gorooule I§|UI¢¢.5‘G'¢‘C‘“h’.;of Kin Blanche Bodaon. p erred by them. This interest her 11." There are those now ll\‘- 880811?!‘-10;! 0f’fl’T¢3ld;:‘ 3U'“n‘:gl{D- _ e u ,1 m J4 " ’~ ‘ -A -‘w_n,v.ndi gun ’ liascontened hicfly ndthefactf 'li Point U‘ U10 7i8t"'¢5 '°°’° ‘W’ “°‘ ’°°p° °' . l ' "‘.~ ‘ o i‘ (ii A‘ D&ade' antitexia. but I returned. I3-ithf. morning gnv g en“ that the Oldc'I‘uvernmi:gorie of the ihgtlie o"(S(‘)lTl‘l'll)’ Elettion" as their readirllt PUl'P05¢8 ‘"151 3<|tl1!‘3l3'.t tl ansporta-non faclhtlc” of 3' communlty m if ' * "—:""' sxulniatered it. St! tin fill! rapidly‘ fin, Nanjgn cgda of La Bale landmarks of the Santa Fe Trail. f rmer friends. November 17. ‘Mr. Severance said. ve r nc ' M [S U0 ‘1a°ver¢d_ ‘‘ afi ' 1"‘: he!‘ thfg wgek fibtrwo. ‘t 15%;: built in 183°. J0- ' O K“ Carson Diet lnting That {OT 8P9C1IEh:88lgnlncnIsh:1l3_\'e ,1 ' ‘car’ 9. g ~ , _ “Ia moot ouespeople 'oort,cauonni home convention. u-ph touston who was the tavern Th .-s K‘ C .. f'!':'.t : u‘ :«h- " P“°°‘ °" . "-""-""'° ', ‘*3 ' ' ' . ‘ wn as autom ' ‘ . t BCHBVCS Sl1PBl'StltlOIl8 the old at”! Irene’; ::.‘af'.; ‘Ira. Joe Topic! of Bowling Green. keeper. . a pioneer of sturdy inctoh P l!’:'tin:..’qm'1I'hlerc estillathe °{ 9}°‘G1?::‘_lh ‘hm’ responslhlhty to thls t: M’ oblle H - - ' ter theeure isefdbdyfif Vlfiaia visiting Mrs. J. H. Laughlin, 1300 (haraeter. The Old Tavern was the 1 ‘.—,1;- s te b b i-rel '°‘h"' "" ' ' ' e n a e used ‘cars, Hmder lTrogr$s In on the road .10 NOD70?! $17!!-'iWalnut street. % stopping place of the '49-ers as theylg ufliiskytiorzi-‘ass :‘:upin¢ton: the Marmadukcs: Kit .l1)_v“L‘:!o'.'ernrir Jnci;}o—. mobilizing mg. , 7 V 11 :d:;ceP°'hich 0&1. ¢fl‘”;¢*fimt M ‘mind Ml“ L801‘! 01 Hlklfiflfi-‘g“”°"3CW§5M;m°“ ga""i"f3Bo‘:‘d ty thousand Missouri troops to repel . R80 6 TOlll'll'lg FOl‘(l Sedan . 3 V .. . . 3 'vill hh'been ‘ 'eore.in .. ' rd‘-.,l . ' hum" ban” mu“ ”ecadh"fl“nly m. fiononto me.:3VIY_ . ' 5093 ‘9'l'“‘_ tho": wecgnolaniicces con;;t:ii;:in:hxi.lci;_: made!“ hi: stO?;p!i!'r; phuni; Anti‘. gfircfederal .01 let‘! a so hangs f Hudson Speedster 1922 Chevrolet M '-'’°.‘° 1* °'-""“" ““°‘”“ °’ i"“”‘i Ex " itflrldbi 9 P"¢""°" ‘was held here No\rembe'r8 9and10 lfiotk Was. for many years his‘ ‘ I - - ~ 1; - 1918 Dodge 1922 Ch 1 ‘ R intone Iaindaand hearts out. sub- The M, of ‘ am“, n mm‘ ‘o their hm {his mm.‘mdm_ ML . y The dmint: room of t e Old Tn\- 1921 Ford . r evro et Roads—_ M jeeta.-'aa'we!l as a knowledge of the know; is the "353; Whenr » es ‘I Tm. qanm Fe town wuh its 400 cm was once the scene of many av 6 . k 6 T . t ‘my in '0 [in _ ; ' . — . — 7 - ' f . . .' , , imcrry function. At these func- 111C ouring 81‘ fl"""°‘1 ha’ 7 3‘ 38k¢dh)8Cl!5¢fItU'Rti0f|W"3'ah‘9l .. ~population,is :1 fitting setting in - . . - . . I: “ind”, ""0 bu“: ‘ ‘"1" in Pl'O1¢l8i0fi. D15 ‘Chiba’! "553 I V . pioneers who were active in n~in.7‘’°"’ :1 negro ~J-‘Q ban’: to ' - ‘ “phi pm’ R" puny p°°pl°”"h° h” “It _ia'juat that. fit Odie case Il$REAI4EsTATE TRANSFERS ‘ning the West and it is much thcithe who of the rhrgmta Run and [ . . - - I‘ °6"éi‘°b°""d i‘ "mi": t° be mmeimentioued of the child with thei which to mtnbliah a shrine for theégc 8ct~t,],:;:,s data: M;:;]e kmmuffl I ow-=-~»~-«mo-~w»»m- u» «- my = ~ = » e i ma issouri 0 or ~ A of an fltmuu of the mind .3 *,_.n:_‘omhn.' po°;°nkr. ':fim.ifi°u 2,23 Jun. A.u8dtew;rt air: tokI.H¥3_ :3;:3c:snf;;:)n£te5tl!te:t:5ath(;;\£or'iI;h::ten§;-EPECP“¥..1Idmlf'lfl§ the pretty dresses . K aathe .acoordingtoDr. A. llorq e_qn‘“.th“ or Edit." no.3 wi e. t , ar ilhpbfle around we Pb“ and about of their mistresses. They were 01 u fig ‘ (fin, . V ‘mended ug! . t__u.d w . ‘ w “ml 0- 1 lllmbta. « _ . . .dressed in hoop skirts. many petti- 1- N S , h St t Pl‘ 363 - G . . . . . a patiqi V me. {I .3 V _ , C_ J_ ‘mi Loan“ 5“ C 1;. them -man) amusing stones tire, 1, ' 1' . . ,. 0 0 CV81“ 1'09 030 - .«,. ‘ School of lledneine. University ofipufimhfl . chnd__"_,v,” ad. ._ pp to . . to ‘coats, muc. crmoinc and man} ruf % _ G . lliaaaxri. in 1918. Doctor G‘ L "0' an LP” indiafiomy of ‘‘.;and Myra Hiilzer. 50 acres south ' Mum” Two Shun flex. 1 L ODCII Evenings. G ; no graduated from the Schoohwrninx to W‘ '""’ 5"“ 75*" is'‘‘'’;;oSW 32-61-11. $8.250.‘ It is 8 mm“ of hmm mm. In the ugh: of the twentieth cen- : B of Hediemine. University of Penn- mafia‘ eke ‘NC and‘ mi‘ ex] . A. Stewart and mu to C90, Cube Juckmn us he was mum” tur}' a difT(rent tablet wax placed 1,, “ iY‘'‘§hv 3"‘ 5“ "°“m‘°d W c°l“m' in life or a doctor..'H'. u’d.N‘nm° B’ Jukwm t 6' married two of John Sappington’s "" the ‘HHS M the Daughm" °f — --~ ——' "”‘— — -— “ i ” ‘ ‘ :3- W if hta for a short visit. . v 115“ Hm 570- 1. Cdllmbll. $54500. . . the American Revolution. Thiii tab- twhich 6811 "Ply 1113‘ 85 fun? 10’. - daughters After the first one died “ .. ‘ ‘V q ‘we m‘ny infeffgting e‘-Ywh.t£'er “hr of -he G. X0178)‘ Ind-‘"1’? 10 in duo Cou'r!:c 0‘ ume Clabc can‘? IL‘! ('XpY'('.\‘5(’\' lht‘ sentiment of Yl(‘11l‘- Si ii‘ d““°.' '§‘."‘”,;_,‘, ’§‘,°°3: ‘"ig;onder¢one. And i believe that :1-'_I“”,‘,, ",'}§,w‘g,(,,;' 1,§'£’°.f,l,_“r§‘,z ‘ggfj Mr. sappinmon and. astked for his 1*’ ““§‘“’?“".‘;’ 5"-"f "“°’;a. .. ‘pr-beta as In I)‘. so imonun doctor rho ‘on. his work. _ .. - mm") daughter “is "P, ‘Va " 5 iv)’ “'3 s con in sweet ht ' ‘D060? Glfl8b9l‘8. “hm 1500! Wllllth Twhen uked the “mc-q._fio“ wm 183- $0 33.000 deed Of trust. $4.000. u.’nck5O’ ., ' . uk h? b ' dreams of those who built the We.~t- ' . , ,, ' S4 .. remember most pleasantly. and those . i - -1‘ ' _-v ' T Ed“'”'d G°"d°" "Id Wife to Mary‘ . ' Mu Tm) C ."_r’ in em Empire and helped mould the xhxlr , ‘ eg in flu 1 m, u mm 1 bneiz-ve you 811'” ""“'°" ;and get Lb Ruuiuians. 55 feetAdh:nn;,:’n:c{E:c;:!3dn;°(:;.:,°:(_::1.{~motto of our gm: Slate." ‘ .‘- " CT accomplished most are not the soc-’ 3681 West 3' 100 feet north Ind m m, “We b -ed b, hi ‘ w A operlfiona I have coiiIpletcd,' laouth at SW corner of Ash street Kids . 7‘ 1 SR": “Z” ‘I’ ‘.3 D " -&‘&oaetaal physical work Thane’ V‘ , i :10 St. James street in Columbia. ”, C 3?; rgzw» 0C en? ,3’ “.3 3’ I. . bad wportuiity to accomplish, but‘ 281800. ‘ »t ;l°dtth;‘t’h l"P'3“;’" E. “ 1"’ " ‘S ' 0 -. ,tlieh_w.v oecuiona in which I have ‘H078’ t '———--—— .‘“- ,-h °t "," ,fol°' . ""7° f ‘ 19*" .. A Si ;hea_ able to‘eoi-rcct the frame of Bar; and Elva btusttin. .,Um0R MUS“: CLUB To *0 ‘:3 “h 2° .1 °5d"' °"h°' side’ one’: individual. or o! I group Mrs. Ambrose Johnson was abop- G“! RECITAL muokko“. °r ‘hp 9;“ a" One for. mm’ H ° T of people. concerning their real crying in Columbia 7- _ _..__ ’_?d ' :0 t 8:3 ' Sun" “me m mic Omecomlng Iuppoaed illness or illnesses. ’ sin. c. ii. ‘cox was on guest or Violin and Piano Pupil: of Mr. and “’ °' ° °°“ “'° °“‘ ‘’‘° °‘'"’’' “"5. C Believes latal Analysis lllportaltfllrs. Frank Daily. Thursday. " ‘ Mrs. Veaable to Play at '4 ~» — —---*:t~ - ~---- . . “A doctor is confronted almost’ Leland Lynea was shopping in Co- ,1 the flea-lain Home. JL'm1,1=_'3 woux ’-pf) S1-Ag-r ( B. daily with situations in which theiluuibia, Thuradiy. ' -———-- _ _ " _._____ 1‘ iaiod of the patient is concerned al-*' Howard Ilcllarg is ill_wltli chick , The 3°" Vflftble Junior ‘Music Christian Women's Board of Mi»! 0 mutnmuh .. an body_ 1 bah." 3“, POL _ Club of the blational Federation of sioms to Plan for 1924. ; M that the medical profession is turn-‘ Mrs. W._A.‘ Dudl ,was a gueetymlmc '5“ (W? I lmlstclle It_thc The Christian \\'omen's Board of A In t‘ "an ad mm, to ob, an‘1,.,;,:of mm, (;‘_ ‘[1, can y_ thtlllle Of Dr. Ind Dirt. 1. L. Mefltlm. ' Missions will betin rally work Mon-I so s ‘of the mental ¢,-audition of the pa-, Miss Ath Young ‘vlllted lra.'39“ Ed€¢V'0°d SVGYIIIC. It 3230.day for the fiftieth anniversary of ca nut. and is taking more and thou.-‘,Betty Lynes in-Columbla.1\ieadar. ‘°°’°°“ ‘°"'°"“"_ ‘“°"'°°"- their first missionary work. Thi:' be . stuck in the advantage of tnowing’ llr. and Ira. Ttimtaa of 8h:':’Pl‘°€|‘lm ‘"1159 ls f0"0W!_l3 _ ‘annivereary, which will ‘hold in VI the patient's mind. his mental ti-aita.Columbia spent Suohy with Ii-a.E s°"‘.u";_£'-(ii-re.-‘;£_‘-4. ----- " "'*"' ‘October. 1927. is known as the’ and n !L.- codhiaattitnde. Of course.if aman‘_A.mMcH£rg,. Butt 6 H’ ‘ {much of Wee Folk .......... ..c.ynor G°‘d°“ -7“l’“°°~ . bmaksbislegliehastobave it; rs. . an eeflfillclt Ji sec 1- There has bocnntain_boscirt'- n reloetied. no" matter what frame of guests of Hrs. '!'oin“Stu!l _8un- lg; t;h"r:_:::-. - - . - . ~ .- Bilbro vvislt twenty-four poin‘ts incllissourti’ ac 3‘: " mind he is in-optimistic or self-‘dire _ . _ f ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' """"“la this team will present the pres? ...... .; ;..~..:'.....= ~::.**.::=:..*=:.~;.::;:; ego: 'r:.....'*~*:.*:..:.*t--~~ «« ‘:~....“°‘»‘-: Sm rrrr wt» ‘rt an --«» -2-is « awn; »- t 3: . . - - 3 . _ V_ rerupon pioinen to the women of Columbia. h o ‘to The same applies, offdlii tn l A’ p h 1611-: ‘mu h.".n....;A.h;;(.1.... iimeuon_11-,;, gum is cgmposed of rep,-..* Orange and C 0C0‘ 3'. course. to every other form of actoall 7- - BIS!‘ “Mm Vel . ‘st-ntativcs from Howard, Cellaway, “ injury. or of cont-xiovs diseases. org‘! 136* km’. now ,‘ °'''''' ‘--,,;,'.;;'‘,;;(';‘_;;_'1;,'_;,;,*'' R°"'°°“.and Boone counties. Their slogan 13“ L 13151.1 g,-0351;; wing on . . ouug farm. {levels of the Goblin: . . . . . . . annoy‘-is the same as the Golden Jubilee an th *0" I M i’ m- d The business meeting of the°'5“-4' - A - ~ - - - - - --; - - - ‘ - ~ A -- 9"?!‘-Wt" slogan: 500 new societies, $0.000 .' W -t that a gieeat many p:t°iei;‘ts do‘ n<‘i:.j“"‘h°"","’d ‘m°"‘ °‘ "'0 G"_,_ _____ H Gumrlnew members. $UW”0 ‘5l1h"(‘° “I” be kn°' fwlut is ‘cw‘ny ‘he n.0ub‘c._C0!l'll't‘ll.lt|lty ' )' WIS held ' 3,.¢.u..,,. Lu,” gum. ‘Rum Eklfl, 50.®0 new Wdfld 50 h e, -~ «-«mt new»-v-= to be «m~*.°:°::~:.'*-' ....:...w-.....* W *‘°~:..:*i*~—~ -- v.-.~:.~.;«t-.....-.—t—~~'--i-~~'.;.:."“m~ ...... .,. ...... .. * ‘ ° w vine.-d,-am, and then they must be - - - = ,,,,_‘,,,,,, .;,,,,,,_,,,_ . on ,_ 1. mm: - at t 0' in tiutetlniotonly phyalcally,butwith‘"'- W in 6- 3- Our. "Mr. and‘ . _____ W’ '2“ 7, Christian Church Monday at noon K‘. the ain of throwing them into that H‘”' R‘ P’ n§d° ”" '"dn"' 1' Jim“ W Heme.» "hr" “and in the afternoon also. The g ’,,_h.mfl. “math “wad umlgfd Willfiea, gnm; :arcl: .............. Poldini 1 speakers will be: Mix. Anna ' ;,, disease which is most conducive to’ ’ din" “uh ‘V m 0 5 .9 ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' '3 ' ’ ' " "“m'"""'S°°“ C‘“"°" Of Pafifi. "Mm: Miss D .- p _ ‘ u . . ‘Daisy June Trout. Mrs Anna At- 0 C] "Air-eat many people place their W“. 0' 8114-.al’fl.:-id uni-n.;.;.}."”‘SM'" water. ‘Mrs. J. 8. lachman and; T ; own ailments at a much greater dc» G E Th. ’ I :Ali'. 09- 00 .. H-ch. George W. Muck-ley of New York. ° ' ‘tree or seriousness than they ac-‘hen’ nanfmhh '” :.‘:;::"Nf:" “ -- ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ - 3‘? Missouri has chosen three insti-: A in -. '- tually are. it is (human trait, im-f -W L T .""" '2 Col .,,..,,- ,',,,,,,,,,,'"'jj"jjj;;jjj;j;s,,_u';'fnf, tutions to which to donate her , - - n< ‘ inan ture, to ize ’ ,bi. ' m am" n¢:y"Joi.n.on ‘Golden Jubilee contribution-—Xcw . in gay. ‘.,1{_._m-1 ‘of “me peony, 9,9,-cf Frulk'"'dJ‘§_ ucm””’_' ’‘ ‘ ,'G=Iaaa sane ............ .. 1‘-ehnlunki‘York Communitf House. Asruescn-‘ THE THAI - " or is _ inc easier, nothing more we of ms "mi" °:n3 0 r''”‘‘ T""‘“‘°"'“,llentes Church in Mexico. and South-' . I .. ‘ _ _ . _ ' i ' . :1 _ A‘ flealui-able. Then. again, there are.,u"L8"'AI' Bud‘ pat“ " « ,3.‘ gm,“ ',,4,_ o,_ ,,_,,.o_ , ern Christian Institution in }'id- for 1 r m C _. .' . if T - i d‘ mnygwlio do not realize the aerious_- E T' E‘ ‘u G 0 8. ' llendel-eoI:n,wards, Miss. ' " M‘ m .1 am-, 0, him-y_ .,,d1md 50;‘ Roy Jepflfibdiatlou (lgorw'giaa.c.8‘ulteI ..TorJcse-ii; -—————— _ .. Vi are hard to comfigice of tliefact. and'fu_wn hm, 'Ffid‘ 10"”, “,5 :22: “,3,” A ‘ . ‘ _ _‘ n_ch- You are missing an opportunity ' ‘ _: in most cases, if as re not con-: chfl“ Bimhh, ‘wand. r ;xni¢in. of the Robby Home ._ s¢i..,’.......-pit’ you are not reading Missourian‘ ’ 0 vioced, they will not take atflicientsknd 0, mm mm st hm ;.h:$‘lm Barry is... .. ........... ..i's.i........n Want Ads. phone 1300 for 7 ,,‘ care of themselves in the aboenee of '; 3°“"'4 3¢""="°'= *'*° °°=*°'- We we °‘ W *°""°'id'§'n. men. Ballenger ;. vi‘ -.4 l,.,L2.".'.'.." .f.“':£.‘“ ¢.'.'.;;.;;;‘.“':::"' 212:?’ -i " ' : ‘yours "‘°§'.'i§i-"I n“°. "'5 1 . ‘ 31 7 ‘“'|'°"“°" "'3 ‘° "° ‘°‘""’ "“°"“ ,her aunt, Mrs. Marvin nongim oil ‘‘°“‘‘' ’°''" MONEY pony” STARTING DECEMBER 2 - L: 3 women. while the latter class is com- mnnudde am ‘at , lborthoy Hart .2. the piano) _ _ . “DI th M , “,0 . _ J‘ posed mostly of men. But either at- The 'h.’fl . . ‘ The club is the only junior music senmg 0“ MIC.-311133 0 er a’ ' . . in this neighborhood is , ~ . . , Wm Cd] 9” - “f tltude is the wrong one. _ _ docking whoa‘ for time of club of. the National Federation in Phone 892 have more, N , . _ . Patient Qocld Kaow Condition ‘run . :Colum‘bia. It iafoi-incd by the violin l KLASS %M. (x)_ i - -‘ 11”.“ Sleepi"gCa,.3u,W¢“,co‘“R‘”,," “The average patient should know; The u L? Rdrod . I t .and piano pupils of _Mr. and Mrs.| . ______n A “m “M h ‘M mm" "uh himinx the depotutnd ti--‘George venue’ : —— Thelflorldanisth nl lidthrough ‘A A °" just how serious it is. idonozbe, ' C ———-————— M -i" '+-ii ‘----W" :,~._. .. --.-- --. . °° Y” r. i l in ‘’°'' ‘" '-'“°°“’_"3"“3 " P“‘°"‘ ‘°‘ E. J. Jesse..wbo has eontructed‘."““'3*'-VTTIES SURPASS on. W. s. Dentin ; .. __——i ' “ A " " ‘ *" -"“‘ " I‘ think he will recover sooner or more ‘O l . IN LONG DISTANCE CA‘ LS th. is‘ M -v } M _ v, aythetiledor the drainage; ‘ . ma . mli’ tramto _ o. _v _ * . 9”"? W“ 1"-' “"33 "in "° "."‘»committee will finiah his work t ~ -~—--—-- i u’'"' 3 ‘° 5 5’ """"""" ’- -- - -~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ “ ‘and It is obvious to at that‘ °'Il'hl Delta Tl-eta Ludo than Forty. 9 911-A Broadway . 1 1 ‘NV '>. ' mg. fie" , it is actuallyaoornot—as has lieen"‘up".'d"°°‘.fl°‘d‘ °‘i°°m‘.°‘’3°|? . bu-31-“-£i— A ‘ ~ ._ lr& :- ‘ t deg] ‘[3011 the , lam Gr‘!!! C°’ of 8‘ ms "83 SOC!!! t0 ‘iflfl iu horne- ' ‘ ‘ ’ "" H" ' ’ 0 E . W '- M- "°‘ ‘ th week. l- o *A#---— Arrivcslackaanvillc 8.10 EM. .. quack: in the past-—is one of the in B “-1 ivdtlmr mm the number‘ s 3 . . e _ e H dangenwhlch moderaacieoee mused ". '39“! "°;:of long distance. calls . each A fray F P tM-flier y: it _;_ » by ‘ Wvmflg” .@¢_ 1;.-015., g-075.”; i, 3,, m,,.!io.f3"fe :"““'_ .r.'3|3|§lI¢¢v.ternity hid &‘!‘t!flt):_ilI8d last month‘, ° : \ - » ooooad -oealaflcono """-°’ ' ‘°'’‘‘'’ ‘° "“ “’° ""'*"'*iaen.ine ' ‘to join wife ?,,.,-,,..n°""°' ;:'°'"°"°f§g;9",,,,,,""’ My Planmg Mm %aervation, club and dinltu can; ‘u y‘\ _ after that aoeuratdy discerning lt.= V ’ C 33837 _ V '8Y8~L gum, flan, 3 ‘ _ . . ~ ‘ah A 3,‘ “,3” in cm," dhumnlzffl 1:151! In.8t&’Louls when $5971 Phi Delta tool: thelead by , ~ dggwgngqwoogn, _ from the actual truth are ineacus-1 °~md'_ .’ . "'2 . - !!‘IVi11Zg’rtYQll8.l!i8d8l:i[‘<I!0flth.i Doen first class wood worth‘ . -...a_;...-. A 4!‘ A44’ * 1"."""9 W’ 1 ING.€3flPtPfl‘|lP¢l1IV¢I‘YI'Il'¢3, . . _. _,~ °5¢“"| “¢‘m¢'¢¢°fl MW?’ oldfuraitorerepalredaodiv 1 "' ‘ II III!) ' V. ; -* men vA'r.CHR‘t8'!!uU CdLl.SGl-§1.l.*F°‘“‘z°“B°“T‘“"“’d"‘“‘1 runs!-at ' ‘ ‘C ’ “"‘°3'3“"3-3'-P¢"N5.'1l/T‘!!! ' ""“. ‘ ; ’'~'‘°'neuoradeemrto:e1lthe ti-null _' l., - o. .- t'entr-five-”dSiaIn- Gtip :2.’ : ....r" A “ " '4 .‘,".,'..,.....,.,,, G" o : ‘laaotaseaayaattaia sound." - . -4-. f‘;.“‘ -,3:--3“5~-“-‘ “Rh 5 E l "" . ’ ”' ¢..g¢..d,,,_' ‘ junuumae p|uIklan.“Porhelecon-5.u.‘a“‘dt'1:l‘;f';;fF-91‘; , fIit_wxt.y1threa.* M . Valetandlnaad. ' » yutadaeiiaeynn """1'.I;"‘a’.’..'.‘.‘.‘.‘;"‘°"'..,,...‘,'3i Hm 1 I~-8éid7of;r ‘ Iaorlecghxeai. '11: ryiuinber 3.: ..-1.3323: V “in 'm°°d‘ .,....'..,.u.;, 3. ...... en. in -ri-ttira—hclliIiqt_st§ir.~),liiion.- gvyootnrinecnpninnd Gamma Phi ~—~-',--3-1 Palman tfir-lrdimonrd hwnfeelinssand "“"3°**"**"'!'°'°'5-34.!-e-3-to mt 0 6°" *0 *‘°'°" ‘ ‘ Pasacnzera only. Reaervatian now ayaipathien. there been placed in ¢lN;va’::gw._ - '.' “°:'|d|.auu{mme‘1.(‘.pp. mph. Thu,‘ A _ ~—~ A , . _ ‘ . - ._ . rouuunmgi. itwas cruel and ea- my % A ,«;~Ie'llo.IaI1. I am dying to....';.; ;hé\f’lwEcl]Y0UoPb;l:l:el"IIt§§3vmj Nan‘ "ml" . 'dmut‘u”°'m.”‘dHh° H.’ 111..-g..¢.% 9.5.1”. . n°;..,,,,' win cm‘mh‘,'. iI'hkh you cannotberoaeued? 7 ‘fioflnanmy ‘ra.P.‘.V. l.!a!'l!Iow’;zII§1.h$ek H¢'&&lul‘hIw'aato be oblate’ Ifyouareiicrvou.-nsnfferinaz from _' , » ‘- ,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,’,,'f,,,,’ ,,,,,,,,,,, rand ..g. '1 an ‘ Ihiirh p maze: as " A ...numi “no use o:.‘.&....,;. ‘_Ir..lelia B.-Bentaad ;t?mch you 5-410“ M’ ° °" - t atalra halt}! "'35 ‘ ° .1 . u ‘ _ F‘. Wedneadny until Saturday. 3571363-ti‘! 1111880893 "'5 5'9‘ '''!ie¢bctor