.-..........—......— r ~-.».- -.~ .~- "' ‘ . V _._‘ ‘_'_< ‘ __ _ _ fr, , ,7 ,._‘.~_—._— :.—v-..._......V..e._.-,.7__._T.__..:—V....._. ,....... .‘~._....‘. .._.-.'-_-_-—u..-,.- ...... v—.e..¢— —-«‘«- -—,:--»- -‘--'». - _ I . e_. ,. ._ , ,. . _ . «_ _ . , , . _ , . --:~r.'=~...“~—‘:~‘t‘- -'*. ..-it .- - .-:1» ~'. -. A . * . i . i I V o ‘ < I ' .. . v .-. - .. 1 - . i - - ~ ‘ ' '91. C,‘ v. e s » — ~ . . .* - ~ 7. » . . TCCOLUMBIA. iussoum, shruiignaiitnovaiiaaii 1ll,l1923. A V‘ ?A‘sr7_a'1_>r—n-6?: _ ____~____ A NiiM'i§E‘ii it ~ ' - ‘. i A o A l 10,000 SEE BIG i't°'i.‘.i7.1.'"-ec'3£'3-':i.‘o'?"ti.'.l"A COMMISSION T 310963 PUTS 0' K‘ CROWN PRINCE « 0 - O 9 kl 3 * 1 mm A HOMECOMING cl °°"“"‘ « we em so. tmooonog ; ‘§’l~o’.‘$.‘3‘i.?.§£'.5’3oxlBAcK-. FRANCE i "‘ C —FINAL For cointnhie 'viei}iity°:".irn'i} 4 e ‘ -5 ';':_m . "gag" nu us‘ i’ _c 3 ’ 2’—'=...§.‘é'.‘.i’.i"' PARADE TODAY? as-,e new-z la.» in» manual IT IS “‘° "“""'“"' “""'°°" "‘ MUCH AI ARMED ‘_ T" F‘ m - . woman auflrage was that. . night .2 rooms that had not been re twoold be penned and Ie-1 i i ‘s:;‘g:"'°“""‘ """|i ':‘’’‘‘‘‘‘l'; :3‘; Said to Be Longest; ‘Ever; ,,'”,",m,,,°'L"‘5“"' ""’ b° °w'i"’d -Premier Poincare May Al-l“’ "°°“°“' W‘ 3"‘ “ “" ‘’°°“iFrench President Calls lahown that the women of Columbia . , . , - a mi '- _ . " ENTH YEAR 6.PAGE8,4'8-(‘.OLUltN.“ V 'Fu-av ~.-.4. WV‘:- 0 '~' ‘l:‘.. ,,.— .,»._§. w ‘_ ?'~'t- nu‘, ,— u .,_ — 4.: ,,,o. inert Captain; and Bristow Make Scores We '-"=~=~*=¥- mm“ in -"§R' 0‘ T’ C“.~_3’"f‘_f”““°’ ”""i,,; .,_,,_, 1“ °‘“'—-——— “""“' The H“ d mm b .m ___-._._ . -_ _ ’_ , , _ _ ‘ 3 ""' _ .= _ '-"':'_ c ive an uncon I e i - .%;o'r Vlsltmg E1even_M1sSom.1 Tues Few”, 30.1., 3...”... Oklahoma Band Cheered; ST. LOUIS. Nov. in. The steed Co-Operation Between Two German Government Sees ‘ A - - a seasonal to nil! temper-was ob-A b S tators-Man . °°°' ‘"1 """ s"'°“" °” “'1 Countriés Ma Be Im- lgzlggigostgutliye hl:me::"-"*0" ‘O :3: No Objection to -For- i e ._ overhead Plays-—Sooners Have Edge Ongmn. “N, then ,_ no and ,,_m,: Y P9“, _ Y i today cut the price of moiinepnl - , Y 4, ,,.,,.» . t , , T T. . Bengals in Punting in Today’s Game. A fin sight. . Organizations Rep- ts: Iogie one-heiifeentlzrhis ht-i Ii _ _. possible, Gen- M , nun. map“, 5.14 ., the mer Heirs Re. W p --—— ;,,.};'*;,g;,;:',,-,';‘ ;v;g,,:,‘, 23° ;,",,“;,,°,; resented. . » ¥..£..,'.’. :1’ .;.’;'"...,'.';"‘. .;‘,,.., i '. era! Belief. .,‘,’:*.:'.‘‘.;,§; 12:; .:‘.°:°.'::‘.".,.‘,‘i% tum . GAINS , MADE ON PASSES$ovei» Sunday. 3 one 0, .h,‘““""',m,,,, m,.d,, ,-,, co,‘.,,, U M ,.,__ . 8, Wu ,._f"""‘ ’ i _rowed from the city‘ hoii. vfhcn it‘... inn... ..,...T“‘**““ l ‘<4 ' 1 Hi8h"3Y'= F“? *° ¢°°d- Tiotnhire history viewed the Home-f CHICAGO. Nov. io.—aeteii .r PARIS. Nov. 10.—As a result ofZ'“ '°“'"'°“ “ "“ '“".’°‘ “’“" PAWS» N0“ 10--The German ‘ i » * ’ ' 9”‘ ’°' °°“"""“‘ "‘¢*'°“ ‘°'“'i coming parade on the downtown line prices in Illinois were reduced. refusal of the united States toideliciom calm ""1 “"°"'°"°‘- {Nation w=s_coMid<~ted so -larm- ‘ {;-I 5. -epklahoma Playing on Good Field, Makes Good P°"‘“?'~' ’°'*‘°'j"‘7 "" ‘*2 ‘°"°'* streets this morning. An estimate 2 cents . gallon. making the one. nmieioete in the proposed exoen:TmC,,3Rs.--,,EmNG Cmsgs mi: that President Muicrand today 2; ( *3 - ’ ' . ' 1”‘ mfln‘ ‘z’ p’°dp“'fi°"’ 030' placed the number of persons 14 cents. by the Standard Oil 00.. conference. Premier Poincare will’ ._.._.A-_ ’‘f'"‘_"‘°"°d 9'’ S“P'°"“j C°“"¢'ll {'7 « .‘ T of Aelzlal , fol Whlch Team Is;On° “o 66; ‘owed’ ; thronginsz the line of march at more lnd- lndependent dealers imfneo consent to the reparations commis- _G. J. Dippold of Bethany ls Elected 1\Il|0n8:n(3€f¢l15€'- This bod)’ Ni .- N0ted——“7h1ta¢Tlal'l, M1SSOl.ll'1 IS!“' pnupiufio" 0'00’ ;than 10.000. Extra police were noc- diately followed step and announced sion hearing German experts. it was‘ Aasoci tion President. MW!’ 0 ¢’Xt‘¢‘P1 ln_ CH0 01' the " . 4 ‘on. ’ ‘ct _ . . . - cssa ' ’ h d - ' h ' 1| posted . The annual conference of the As- greatest _uritcnci'- Millcrnpd him- f‘ if. In Flrst Quarter‘ : Eof lzz-)"o8l':l;l!n?'l‘: Ctlt: ?t:et'.’s.n'l”th: ‘'1 The?” cbmpany announced that ‘its: "The hearing may commence association. of Teachers \'_ocatio_naI 3011 PP!‘-'»ld°d _m°¢'W‘lI- . _ ; 7 _‘_g. " _._____.‘ .-... IN 3 parade, which is said to have been‘ price cut would be effective soon iIT;oon as Hugo Btinnes signs the in-iAgi-iculturc held in Colnfmbia lcilunrgr Fan“ object‘ to Baum A " : . ..,=* .-muouri lost to Oklahoma in a hard-fought game today“ A f the longest em given in Columbia,; all of the states that it serves. The; dustrial measure for the ltsumptiontthe laesit tilI:o‘eda$se;eI:!”f":‘;w:n:o By United Press. “cure was 13 to 0, | CI_I required forty minutes to pass the huge resources of gasoline and the; of work in the Ruhr. it was learn-;J0l11'0 V El! 81 1 b h Wh'tie t f ' ' ta d ‘loI"P!‘lco of crude oil was zivenased. after an xtra session which too ' h‘?.m!’?' 1;‘;9"'t 1:)‘-u!:m"°t° "mi. ‘fl - . -. The Tigers fou t V int y’. . ut. wit. 1 man .09 0 . .ren"’mg ‘ n ' 4 ' ' ' the lace of the Saturda)’ ’horninK p 3 ‘M y O M 3 ° . c N um ° . ll? ‘ gig’ and Fau_rot’s punttng ability impaired with an injured; _..__— A k;“*° f"§M-d'::‘f°fic.-:fN‘:‘°F';°;:‘; “"5 "9'.‘::““:°§°’:‘° gm 0‘ nub» P:"m‘:‘:e,‘.‘ .::3‘::de°h;“‘!;‘ me£ng_ _ lltgin ' "‘_':°'“'°T°“'"u:’“3;'~;_ GE“ gf . amt. were without the punch shown in recent games. ¢Herbert Hadley .18 Madei :1; §mh";'u°et:' M}, m1c.{§..;ti. line in Columbia today ranse fmmifor the United States to enter the A closed session forlthuen cl. hm: on no y .c- .::i 7 , Sonnets’ first counter came -"3 Head of Washington gunit-ereity officials and dietin—?18-2 and 1§2 cents. mcludins the 1- I co_nferwte.,it VI: indicated» Hove ed ufbe held ,.m,m,, Poimm in ,1 mm mm gt " . second quarter. Passes had Bond hit the line for 1 yard. White- University. ' ed guests. »¢¢¥"- 0")’ l|¢¢1||€ l«|¥- . 11 P''°‘'‘_‘l°d 6”‘ "" "med °°,"';F!,id”. ,0 “wt .11 might uh. put to Germany about the crown prince 1;] . ‘ponslétently. The ball was man skirted right end for a gain of Following his ‘ppcamme m the -—'-'—-—--" ferenc_e might be possible. _ .in we Homecomin‘ festwmes and demanded confirmation or den“! of . ii‘ fi|:‘Ib0Ill’i'B l¢|Tl°°Y)'- 1°°)"“‘d 5 )'8Td5- F3070‘ Sddfd 3 3'3"’ 0“ “"3 By [lulled Pro-e-.-—_j parade seated in a horse-drawn sur-:LARGE l 1-t "5 "mud mu “ 1P omcujiconcludc their personal visits before the numerous reports that he was - ‘ di’”"°““ um buck’ '9“ N95? 0" ‘ tum punt firm" ST- LOUIS. NOV-'10--Hcfbefl 5- rcy. President Strntton D. Brooks. .l"“‘‘.5 f"‘ k°°P"‘3 '0 af‘ elm’ ° »l“vin‘ Columbm ‘pi-epaiing to return. . and Bristow went over. The two. “hits-man broke through the Rune’. former govcmor of Misy occupied a seat in ‘be from of wt lthe law of the Versailles trill»? The dection of omccrs of we ufl C . P _ .... .- I . 34 . 1'” block . line for 6 yards. I-‘aurots pass to ‘anti. V,“ iuuzun ch.mcn°,. reviewing mud. on both side of _ J lwhich the United States has not roan mice on Via) to 01-In 4‘ . began to show strength Bond was grounded by. Johnson. of w.‘hin¢.mn Uninnuy god.» 0 president were gated ‘he dmm- , 9 ratified may malt _ - . ‘ation for the coming year rt-— M "NH ,,rN_ .th i . '’ °°‘°‘’°"”°'' Wlwiied followiv President. 0. J. - - . - - ‘ t . , . _ ______. , - _ - of the nu“, an as - , m»:iu.ih. hot. 10.--Priederich _ . 4 uhefinal period. and long runs 1!) IWIUPO1 W09! Ifrollfld “KM 905.“? Herbert Brookincs. president of , f um schoojs, omcc,-5 of the {L 0,, - v Poiflble 1" V19‘? lm M I B gum,‘ .,_.c,ou,.).' vi_ W“ I h . h . 1 . __t I {umnd this mun“. The 25 yuds. bnngmg ‘um 5.1] to the the Univcnny mrponuon. com. 3,‘ C and former mudcm pmidem.Audiphones the speech by pnm,“ add‘-in, hog- ppo 0 e i cm. cir to t c llohenzollerri ‘ ' ' surtedstrong, and the game‘, ‘Oklahoma 22-yard line. Whiteinan . . -. , Fund - ‘L Blflft Of B°°“"lu°3 ‘md ‘ace’ throne. rc-entered German toda'. PL _ ._ , , d _ cad th mu 2 ‘rd: d M°ul_1f_°"'°;d "P0" D0‘-*0!’ Hldlfy 919 lad‘: who returned for the liomccomingi at Mass ,3,:'.'t"'B:'t:;:'i“ “alt? ggfgpruident, G. Arney, of'Maryville. and is tmvelink by mom: to ,1?“ F it . ‘ /nsusstional. Wlnwd CONN‘: "55 1'‘ “m '3 5' '”' ' ‘€551? 07 ‘-59 9°l‘’°l° festivities. Guests from Oklahoma M tin - . rd "'n;e criterion of vocational char- “we in Gels Saw“ it W” suhd ._. ’ . Vitillfll ¢"m’"'i°" °‘ 1°“ “""" "M d" we” u"°"‘h °" the "an pk)" D’-‘l’-‘CW-‘3 ‘Ni’ 15° °d°°‘“°““‘ . were civcn seats of honor Mm‘ 9795- ee g' -Wu!’ hr ' °°"f°n?°° -m "C0 ' acter of teachinir is that it result! zhero todu)‘. ‘Accompanied by his :3 . .g ‘N ‘with. ‘ for 5 ygrds more. hloulder fumbled 1. institution, ‘u on, the coumn. ‘Ind idem Brooks in the 8”“ me okicarea idea of a i . .-; ‘ {A crowd of nearly 10,000 wit- on the next play but recovered for.’-‘can’, ‘M om -.1. d‘ ' A d of_ ‘Ex; 6000 «I ' '1 l0Cf¢l3°d 35"“? ‘° d°'" “id adiutant. the former crown Prince 3 ' ' d l d Wh't ' Q pngenwd ‘ co-L‘ Th‘: fin“ "°"'fi°" °f the panda sons themcziecretenatdnd pa ihmned ‘n P. Williams. fed”!-I 88¢’? f°" "gr" came across the border by means of i ‘ l ‘k lnttle. T1115 hfifi been ' 5'33‘. 055"" 'em.n pr°"orfiil ‘hell’ mCmlC: b‘. 8 mgunted uniformedlth M ‘be educ‘fion’ iu his IddI’035o a pa.spon viaed by order of the F -o, bi‘-gut , homecoming, pared for'a kick from the field on; V,“ n they fluid you the Lbngler. pissed the refiewing sand ronged t _ MR5“: rm‘ ______ “Me od‘ Team“ vocational. at C;C€pti°n of the KITISCS 0klah0n'l.5 line. t0 T-he um T3 pre'j ‘t °sclock' Follo“,inx bugle‘ 39935313 1:11.‘. » -!..C mi 0‘. h to “vhcrt “‘vork out your in con- ,ma blocked the luck and'took theinmhnn. to the cunt ‘am: the honor“). comm] of the,£iOOl&1lm|Endll0n st rip a t cf an n Ban‘ rd ‘ ‘mason with the condmom in your 3.; ~ was not a vacant" seat on N“ ‘m we" M"; 2?‘y‘"3hli'"°' READS Em QUAKE University R. (). T. C.. Miss Elwyn 9123", ‘the ‘me ‘:1! .u:iphm"’.. Prof. Leonard Haaeman and ;o¢.1igy_ *3‘ — . 5’ “dd '59“ u'”°‘““ B°""" C““° 6°“ n °r “ um.“ l ‘ Bridgens. mounted and aocompanledhtm ‘den 0 By so doing you will fill" th . . ________. V“, .zPi-of. K.‘C. Sulll , of.the depart-Qthe interest of e persons with um“ Genrnw from the wcsmm .i'.‘* game was called at 2 o'clock - H8"““°“ h“ me ‘me {or 3‘ Mra- J. K. George Gives lteifsuldefs by a staff of mounted cadet officcre.f,.;w- deaf‘?! ::’”:‘::3'hl:rt of calfilmfl‘ of cnmmug‘; Vere in Boon-gwiiom you are in contact.‘ Donlt to the cum," ypan Och ‘S M" ' - 3'1"‘ “'9 °°"°"°"° bmd‘ "‘rds‘ Hammer‘ ‘M3’ 2 nu?“ 0"’ Account of Disaster. Salutes were i:i\'Cn 85 “"9 00719203-,.uw¢ 350,-; mm, by Pfgiden[;VinQ’ Wedneldlv laylns 0”‘ W ¢"'.m¢!'¢1Y Ki" 8”“?! ““““°"'°"' { Breslau. but about 200 miles from "- *1 . 3*‘ 55' 'P°¢"‘°"' "'4 '“‘‘‘l' , "“' "°"‘ P“"' 5"‘ “’“"‘""“" 1°‘. Mrs. J. ii. eorge read an ac- passed the stand. .Stratton D. Brooks and J. 5. aueh-iredment of dormant -vr-fins wlhu ‘P9’ "°°“ ‘'5' ‘N mm :?B‘’’“"- W‘ “""“‘ 3°" "°"‘ "‘“"""" l 3 I "0. ‘u ‘t’ . pnmium’ . . “"5 hurt.” the play’ Cutie W écount of the elf‘-h€l|18k¢ in 539"‘ Band Leads (‘adeis lanan. actiftt head of Oklahoma Uni-§¢°'m‘°l 930 S!!! 5098 8'!-le. an in- LA discussion 80¢! With ‘€“°""°° ° ;u;e scene of the recent moan:-chist T I8 '°°m*"8‘Y ":ib';°‘;’;‘r' ;’3cm§?;:i::i:‘_:“;.'::er:T§:u';_°Fby c. Reifsnider. president of st. Th, U,,...c,,i.,. gm, in .,,,m,,,,,_,,.,,,.,_ an um .,..,.,u.,.g,eeet which attacks and kills fruit practical details. ;.,,,,i,;,,,,_ - mchine was respo °: ' , . . P5355‘ . . tug ‘at .' . lad overthc Tigers whcmference in the last play and an‘ pun" U"i"'°”m' i" T°k'°' ‘F ‘ formed thc second seztion of the spirit o friendly ‘rival?!’ that exists§‘*'°3| 5}’ ¢Xt1‘l¢t"|l *0 “P from; ‘Reallearning musts vii €*_ Dutch news attend in Amster- - 9 I - o ' ‘Ave 'e"er“‘ ' v , . . ti f the “omens Auxiliary _ _J - . 13 henna, a, “,0 “book, 15.; the bark. 'pe.rieI¢I- “NW "° . dam made public today a message i ,; “’.i‘"°"’°d‘7"‘m° wdgd‘ ok1'h°mn "".m an °" h“ l°3'i:;eeth::1‘I-3(i;isc0PC1 Church Yesterday. gmmdethe scp0tnatt‘:)!i"(s.o“rcct<‘::‘l)p on the «Plhtfonu 5!! It i‘ . mm“ mm“ um °""‘l"’t“‘°u°“ 5"“ bl“ npflamlc from the Hague. ofiicially an:munc- in“ endficb 1.. c Cuue went m for whnemuh !|“°m°°“~ Fdlgecarix canfe the . " V. Stklll. former student 5114.‘!-3? I003 by the "lied eyefimust come {W9 " ‘t is we tisirslnz that the crown ' had.-.d . : . _ tB‘h&'.nfUl'II%DOdt1h8hle‘ Bristow advanced the ball 5' ‘The R“ d ¢."&n% '4“ " . » , be. new.‘ .-”_ Q‘;-,“.r,,e.§‘_g,g tree an undet'_standin¢4_if iustync 0 t-iddd to depart .“c:..°bum5n' an, L; i o°m''u'd.".n‘°fau 8” lyndt Bowl“ Yuk t°l'V0@°d YD aodalsf A 3013‘ a cadet officer.‘ Thcra-f‘ in Kansas City: la“ ii {"3" I “M93099 ¢0fl5'll- 3353"! V‘ 3'" ' 'om‘d?w' -consent of the German lrovcmmentl if . . . k 1 was given by the Auxiliary and imam‘ 5,10“ were bom by a “act 3"; 1.-_ .(-got .M,.n) gqdwn; cb¢,.i“1'he only way to protect the tree islahould give him :5.'“"“';g “rm”; e eve of the anniversary 0 ' i wuplcud for ‘ gm" of 7‘ on mg on 37.y”d ‘mm Bond hm e ‘the 5! HITS"! 001111. It 1 °'¢l°¢k~ ' f d tier 1 Brewer athletic director and!!!’ Ullflflfll W“! I SW03: 80l0ti°".¢XP¢fl'3°°‘ °‘ ‘ 7”’ 1 -the armistice which ended the war. . i -. ‘ ‘ through the line for 2 yards. Faurot. Abom-‘ people present color squad. Iioth in antfyedu‘: M",-in E 0-as an n of‘ the-'5,” the use is dormant. durinzrwho has not hadtralnlnz in achoo. md um mcmbc” of the nohcmoh V ‘ - "attempted only on;.- pass We;Ilfith!’0d|lKh the line for 8 yards i"‘°°" "“ .aI't1llcr)' Units “B1”-‘ “‘P1'¢3°M 9 Public .ee éommi . n. ‘which gm: gm gnucg an be kiuedpwe annot do this with general in» ‘cm “mm, mm “fie, Fflcdcrkh ‘V i the Out half, it being ncom— an rs: own. , Sn" Oklahoma's Ball as Quarter Ends e- - their full numbers in the parade. . . . am up cf 3. . ,. w. - _. ,me”glf°:i‘:::‘lufn°m’v:‘°rqm_ . Following the R.’ 0. T. c.. Pros. The giant electricaltheithgc ‘:::h‘:."fn"§{:wm ‘;°nd.~'"'“ n:; ‘CKENs»g;lhfl:d:c%3c1 i£:tl);l:‘d ‘.;.3nn:-Ié p! A -?1he jau hounds took the field Castle was thrown for a 3-yardiwred with the dumni “cord”. ‘inc, ldulf B"°°k3 _‘"‘d ‘:5 “pp°"i';_ :7 ;:;d‘n:or:'ed can I “Y fa“, uljoinin‘ ‘gnu, ‘M! it has (19.03? his home. « : J} Iietwee ha! d 11'! if mm 1 -- 1!‘ 3’ ' - 0" 3“ “"1 ‘“‘°““dl4 ‘clock ftern : W'l-i m ‘ mrnggc ."“n if a M "31." ' "strayed many trees. au:0!'di!1K t°:0|i ct Missionary Society vwm He made the trip to the mainland . 1.3: l r of"?-he 2‘-’e°.’i..t‘e"». liihx flown ' >\‘l'iil’.:lf£ advanced the ball 3llia(i)n R._‘rv’;oedie, 7:’ w.i‘t’.°I', ii. i °‘ °°‘°"_"°"°“- 1"5T§°"“"= "°e'3 §‘g;3‘"§.°“ :,.“‘{,'fbi'ifu:f.,,’;fl,3: tffllnotesm Human. The den-rt-3 ‘Send 'l‘liaakstl"illl_l’|’¢'9"‘~ . ;by boat at 4:30 o'clock this morn- f. :‘ ‘the field in a combination of let-' yards. I-‘aurot puritcd 55 yards Outlfogllef mm. Wyn," J," M_ E_' the cIfl'|I2_¢. the PY°~‘|_ 9"} 355"” ‘”°“ dd “shad by .lment has been working on a new} The missionary society 07 9"’ ing. and then proceeded by automo- » - ii that spelled the word “Brooks." of bounds.‘ Oklahoma took the ballyposgm-_'o._;; gang”, Mn, 3, 1,, xi §h"5_‘dP:°° "*1 “W ’;":;’T"l"3 3”": :2” 13' J‘ | ‘cw?’-stm bulb. "wlspray called lubfiutins 09 °"“’l’ Olivct Church has decided to send;.bi|e driven by a chauffeur and fol- H ” ents were made thll on her OWN ‘_.Z0-yard line. :5, s, fling, W. G. Rule, Julia Price,’ ‘"'" °_‘pp ‘;";° ° ‘ ’‘‘:°° ‘9 T: from time to time ‘.u.;w;°,.,d-esion. and is starting a drive for the‘. coop of chickens to the Ofvhfllf ;lowed by another car with lugtlxc ;. ‘Hr-nernitir vrinnins the PM 1°’ broke throu h the line‘Merrill 1:. Otis, r. P‘. Nesbitt, E. 0. '“‘° ”‘”°" . .‘‘°’‘‘ "°’.‘. .“"?°‘ .. In A ' a¢°'““>' °‘ W W“ W‘ “"'“°’- iliome in st. i.on_i.. for Thanknzi" and extra su0lmc- ~ , liammcrt 8 h V t * flares were set off. As the atlas . . dwflltfid 1100” “'33 3°“ (0, 3 ).m.ds_ Bfisw‘. W” foxedlwinans, Harry E. Itidinga. Mrs. M. V ‘‘d' “Ed ‘f?’ '““:h“f trfict ':““m3;é_:w“ dnwins to ‘ do“. 0 numb“, ' ' SPBcmD'im. This was decided at ting‘? Before departing the crown prince 1' ' pm‘ The Dd“ Gunm‘ '°r°:' out of bounds after advancing tl'ie1E-. 053. 5- M. Bflddefi 31- 5- 1-3“-5‘ ' page on 0:1" at S ' tin the of the“ at h we {om of ‘ ‘hm;JbhlOR OOL ‘in: Thursday afternoon at e 9 .sent an open letter to the P0l’“l3°° V 3 ion the prize for the best deco- ban 18 yards to the nkhhomn “_fm9,.¢' L E. 6,.uu,ouu_ A. V. cession came oa rcprcsen 2 . e I 1 . _ _ . . ‘of Mrs. W. P. D!!!”-y Tb‘ '°“°_t3' ,of Wieringcn expressing his regret ; 3’ 'ard line llnmmert added 4 yards. - . o . ~ . ~ broadcast over the radio. Lo 1 h_ . ' ' A W °"“*‘°""‘ "‘“"‘ "‘”°"°" ’ff ta hi’ Hammert hit the linelN°"¢°mb- S-mat! Bond. C. 8. Kanen F°""*"‘ “‘""" °l‘° 5°"°°‘.°‘."°‘"(; }“‘ “'J“, mm Cm. : D“ F H ‘Dd Pm, He, .hiiee mod. and will help the churc ‘them. eeeordins to n dispatch from . " the held the came Rice gormno “in. and the mane‘, , D_ gg.°,'~e_ Edith culfiu nalism. from which was distribute rom e n . . Tladel . ! to “in ween“ ‘mount. : Amsmrdun “dun 1 6 ,_ . . . ' , . . . ' “ d X ;" B ll Bbl iman Schlundt returned from St, mini any ,1‘; ______ ; ' ..Io€rliI“:Inl’:; 0nw:'ohl¢:ln am ended with the an in okhhomvs Kl;it:t:ln:(‘l,n.S..J!'ii,idI::; ‘.!:ene(li’8n‘e‘nyt!<"8thcr8.Uf’!'O3nc A08‘: ‘TO ATTEND STATE MEETING‘ Louis this morning where they} have: in :l‘V¢*‘ 5!’ am Tllwlzier Dutch [June to Pfgygnt Reg.” . : fil holding it platform on which I pogxciifi?n‘::,::fi_?%d'0H‘hom. 0 lceorge L, Willigmg. C, B_ Lynmi that drew the approval of the crowd . ‘Q A I O a | . J Mr-- “W " ”"'°""'“‘ °°""‘“’}"°‘“ '°‘"“ " “’°"“’°" ° "‘°'iiuniiton. hint. J. L. Lyneo. Mrs..m1:3lN%()"I:l~.'N - l0—Thc Dutch .. ' liter. The whole thing was‘ second Qumn jug-3, , 3, fignnon, Lug (3, Ilogieg-'1 represented the Sooner-ville trolle)‘. too Woman of Di-Itri 1.3:??? §°"§l'¢ James'Reid. and hire. dosieb 'l)‘a‘iil:s.,{—foni‘n min-i.tn‘r"h” fumed to the 7. ' ' 57-1 lift? Pie“? °7 buck . :W- W- 3|’0V7I6o DUIM LYON. WI!’-~ ""3 3k’9P°' ‘"‘d the “'h°‘° ‘"3"’ °f Mrs. Martin Wise. P!“ De!“ Phil . lttee. remained Two mum ‘do. ‘en ‘nu 5 “council of ambassadors that Holland I. _ _ ‘ « Bristow puntcd 45 itpds to . ‘rick Benedict‘ W. R R0“. Am“ MA dissatisfied patrons. house. will “we wmotmw nix“ go,-‘chairman of etiomni . Edith gntmh. ,_MOUldCT. who returned “I0 bl“ ‘;P.yne' many Gen ' , p . . tale to prevent the departure . ; ‘ P, 13,! College Girls Take Part . “is when ‘he ‘em ‘tfgndlin St D003 will’ W 5° ‘t "1" The present were. hlrs.."“.‘"‘.‘ . O Germ“ . 8 . P iiissouai _ . yards. Faurot punted 25 yards °t.‘if>!Tm.m”.. W. w_ nun“. 1:” M, Rich-’ The w, A. A.. the 'M women and 3:“!-0‘nd region.‘ meetings 9‘! ;mu£“ur;fionud. :“:::N$ 3. L Ly,,¢,_ flags; Pglizgeufihr um U-x)i'.y' ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' " ‘L 1:-Wm‘ '”n‘t°‘«"" Wm’. "(owed °ut- f""" 0”” wiu°5" C‘ W‘ “”'‘l"-: M ""°m°"" ""m"'"" ‘Mme! the, democratic women to be held thii, )lcG'll llnlverllt pat Montreal M“. Tamer ii“ 0? E. Whittle :The reply was in answer to a note ................................. ' 1.. Kennett‘ b°“"d’. °" gmsoun‘ .3o°""”d 1m°"C- 9- ”‘“h¢“'5- Hui‘ Wuluo Mil?’ 3 "9" 5”" °f ""° 9‘”‘d°° Th‘: c°m' week. . ‘ 7 CON‘ R°3°"‘v '3' ‘ J Reiddfmm the council Wlntinl out that E. ; . . . . . . . c. 8mlth- Ici the M18500?! tum 1081318 20 Y‘“'d5tgaret G. hlcAnaw. James H. Me-' mcrcc Club. Christian and Stephens rs. Mord Lynes. “No "ll" in lo . . . . . . . . . . . rs. Palermo on the exchange of punts. !Canada. )5 , - ‘ . tint 01 the - um}, th . ‘ {ted M J A Ievil results might follow the return - : . . ' W. ' .L , _ ‘ed’. On Meade)’. 3 "‘°° While in St. . _¢) ""3 Ifrs. I-‘rank Thomson, rs. . .1 . A hl‘ - - - - - ' - - - - - - "‘* ‘°"": Hammer!‘ Went 0“ ‘Mild? {OY 3§gundd:th, C. A. (glenghzlgxbelos Tclgaefifiutdgics‘ircirEh:e§chr:dlr:l'e:Lu" D°“'°°“a° 8”“ Comminee "m be the Junior Collzie of Visitation. 919 Page, Mrs. W. P. Dysart. Jr.. Mrs. Of the ‘Owl’? bu’ '~° “"3 G°"“‘"‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Levin - . . held t the American Annex Hotel.‘ red Hun , . J - D -1..iu;mne_ .5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘_ u,,.".,,,‘,, yards. Hnmrnert was thrown for a.;o)m,_ were well represented by seieral ‘ . Junior College the Sac V, 1 Meliarg. Hrs osic ai ) I’ . 1. _ _ _ _ _ I , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , _ _, 3.. pond 2_ yard loss by McAnI%'. Hem-i -—-——-—————-— ' ‘none, that received the applause of - 0.“ 1l‘u°:::gfin:;d ggdpzdum Ind 9" ' Chflnhn Sd'l_l“.d £17‘ L‘ 3' w°‘'n°l;',bn?:t° Jag! Germany N0;--6998“ V I5 - . ~ - - . - - - - - - 15- :"'°""‘ rnert's pass to J0l'mS0fl VII in-{OFFICE OF DEAN IS MOVED. the crowd. Following the Oklahoma. 3:: of ubmufi 1°“ Nebmh. once Junior itors‘were llra.'Laura . , ;n, unugi re... _ V e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. whhaltfl lcte W h‘v_' 3 ‘ I U Q C Grover. Wash; comp ' -: . . . . -:-——-—-—- Whitfle and Mrs. 3171'. ggfiuw fiov 10,.—Gei-many secs .2 _ ~ —"'—'—’ Tclubs of the University. Christian md K. . Wm be he1d’oKLAnO“A ‘nnnxfi 8301- J A . - _E‘:, 1.-_ paw‘ ,__m_ in, mm ,.,,m, ,..m, he, ,,,,,, ,._.;i:. ii. fidw§i¢l;hN§w at_508 Sonthira Oklahoma nsas cm“, _ Macon. ‘no "non why the former crown nd Stephens colleges, came the ‘t the saga Hotel NI‘! . Xoons of 4 ' p : ‘ . .. - , _ ° ’ , C.“ Beuflg -"""""—' ‘prince should be prevented {T0771 Te’ : 41 3. i ’ mm". on J’ A. mm’ ' ucgooner Pass Makes 20 Yards D“'‘ G’ D" Ed""d' h“ m°'°di 3:. fm: ;heencIl"j0ntl;u:(::l'ldofOl9k81;‘|Ch‘Pm‘n an ‘ad “#5812 glimudahhaidgraufi Trap. spmul‘ TRAUFS TONIGKT-7turni to this country. and has so i 1 . so-en win rint Toes Bowlcs prepared for a kick from 301*’ "ck *0 the collect residence; PM” M, Kim, the ok1,,,,,,,,,; Blair of Wuhinswn. - . ,._ ___....._—— 9 "3 . . unites on Wabash at 8:80 P. If.-On Katy Lnotilied the Allies. . ' I ‘ ; - o , f the Missouri Bibl College, 508 _ . pected-to.attend these meetlnflt . [5 C117,‘ N . 10.—H.; . . It. Be l l to an Entcnte in