A ... ‘av ' ‘l t-V3’-bo :- ,' 9 g l Point; Out the‘ Errors in:'°'*i"1‘- .' N '°’ 5 of: NDVF 5!‘? OD‘ ‘ 8*. -3 5? ..--._-..._é-.-‘.;5..fi;..§§. o . :7‘, 4-—-—--—' . . " _‘ .‘ tnore"on"tl_:ere- $ays1_?.Wonderl_-Islfhat Wei?‘ tum uh at: ?K.“9.“' S.°*M.“f’h 55°“ gm‘-56¢»-usn jaaaan lis‘oidf“nboitt"E_l0.- -the~Pr’eh1stor1c ,000.”>'I=.m tn 1'It‘w_t>pe.. ,tf 591*" Men .-tin.“-9 Heidelfi-=3 W." .- ‘fie fits- -. __.___.—'- - ° " itools“,clotbl' KNOWLEDGE -I{ECENT|i1‘he‘7¢'ot{%_m'esi‘ ‘i?'cne"Vnib't“.u"‘_ ‘r _V ‘e. _in ‘ ‘ spite ‘of ide|_ to the con- _ .. I\'eand_ ul_'l'ype’Stlll_Exlsla Current POp|1l31' ‘ The,-‘Ora-I ‘tuan.“wh‘o suc- = ' ' ' :oeedsAthe.Nennd_e.rthul1uIn. had I; . Conceptions of mm ppmpomd chin. . mm. .’ Evolution. "br£ln.'a \'tulted’fot_'ébeod. pd'I"'u ‘ " ‘_.....‘- ._ ad: {Get h.""'Ajtbougli the “W_hat Wejliuow Man," by Prof. C. . ., n . ‘ ‘UK’ first address in 8 ‘Stiles Of n0ll- ' pig-.¢¢nt of the 'p_dfiu]jfio1f_- technical addresrles on the ttefleflll % ; ‘A ’ ' -subject of e\'OlY-“Om “hich Wm {pies eminent poxitionnj in tioci Alpha" 11315 gnezro type came into Europe " :Cro-Magnon in Paleolithic times. A p - 1 use hm» ‘fossilized Nundcrtlu skull. E 15' so much.‘ ' about primitive mun.” i-aid Profess-p, _ 0,. 15113005 m the Gamma Alpha represent in ‘contemporary of the. given before Gamma fall and winter. “'l'he‘_s_\'onder.is ' so little. but that we About Priniltive | ;about . :_.\'eandc-rthulcr "is ’ ’tiiIct. A. Ellwood. “'19 ixtill exists in Europe 3 dentnlly. this type ‘generally boas-Q-“and”. fight.’ “Most "of this ‘St-uaidcrthnler in'_'l?uro page-téagp is’ ébmgffrotively re'cent.. “7’I‘0Y¢'$90'I‘ Ell Vt-r_v’ féiv human remui come foisillzed. QCCIP : ety. ‘ .A I with pre- serying ‘the face '_'bonex. has been; found in Africa. and is thought to? . P9- 608 showed slides‘ me ever been ustrutins: the sequences of tools 03- . hard to dgtt-.8Dd bone:-, and a ‘chart from the find; that we do make. but we‘ l_Jorn'.~fi“Mcn of the Old Stone Age,“ have means of checking: them. We _‘“'hlCh corre lnte_.-c the glacial ‘periods. k-now‘ of‘; oaequencc of inipleiment.-a létonvj culture and cold faunas. hu- used. of various glacial periods. Ind‘; mu‘ ."5<‘("‘- find 5 taxes or mammal- of prehistoric. extinct animal:-." Pro- ii’!!! and Plflntilifc; Ind “’hii-'71 gives fess6r' Elwood pointed out the dif- ?the approximate date: of the va- fmnwk 5,’, th, Donut," (-oncépuonp:riou»'prchlstoric men as: Pithccan- of (-,‘.°hmon_ that man is dag-ended.thn»pus l-lrcctu.-a, 500,000 years ago: from “N. am...’ and the cf"-rcgt con. ‘licideibcrg man. 275.000 years; Pilt- coption. that mnniand the apes have u"common ancestor. but cut evolutions. lava Ape-Mun Discovered in I892 ‘)''-‘11'‘*‘- are diverg- '-down man. l25.000 'thalen=, from 75,000 to 25,000 'years;| nn ' showed c- mo,‘ mi-,,,m‘.¢. ‘g.,,,,,,;.,5 ‘,,f.snch burial mounds and temples as n . V ' man yet found is the famous npe- W‘-l""C‘h€‘l'|l!('. ET!!! B - 0 next meeting: (of the or- man of Java. which is ltave apes» and man be part in" the line of debceiit. co‘veI'ed in 1892. acco no thought i.--~ 855 cubic centimetc the lnrgcstjrorillu is 600 cubic cen- the tilnctt.-rs. and that lived 3u»t after the n {bu to be. Pliocene. alpacity of ‘the petrified brain ease‘ Thu nupposed to - ed company '38)’ Ilikhl. Dr. Mary Guthrie of the H “-3, d;,..,biolo;ty department will Speak on mpufied },_\-‘‘‘The Origin of the Individual." The tot’ UNIVERSITY NEWS ’ average ‘ Bliss Annie Belle Wigbels depart- ,,t},,-opoid '5-wnizution. four weeks from Mon-' vhruninn brain is l500 cubic centime- 96 ‘hi-“ m0"\i“R 10 llpefld ill! ‘Melt-i tcrs. Judging by the the individual must have been about 5 feet. 6 tithes high. The Ilcidelberg jaw with river in . remains of‘ the niid-l’lci:-tocene I elephant, and the fossil European '59” l" 1- n '. e Piltdown man’ win- found in 1912 in u gravel-bed by a thigh-bone. fwd ll‘ . ‘l'.'~’. City. lnd.. left Columbia _ , ndcr was formerly Miss Elba ur and took her A. B. was found , I Scymo ' “remains of an ancient elephant. The "1" 1"‘ 3n.-.- Louiize lllarbut; University student. was‘ in Colunibin land. again near the 5'°’‘°'d:}'F‘‘::dififlK 519? bmihfr. Mai‘-* Lexington. F. G. Bacnder of Michgnn rs todav. erick Marhut. degree «ruin qpacity was 1,300 cubic ecn- r”‘“'b“i 3’ ‘‘ 5P‘~‘°i‘“5l-- 5" ||tII'l€u1- timcterq. The man “'8:-'« also as:so- ‘"731 °°°”°"‘i°3- w35i|lh810!1. D- C.-_ _¢-iatcd pith curly §to_n£ tools. V of the utmost importance. tviai n no of .an ancient 'clc-phnnt‘/l hnrpcncd by human handiwork. and. 1*‘: at r The Gibrnltcr skull. found in 1848. 9 is the skull of a .\'¢-and:-rthal wo-‘ man. The .\'cg1nd(-rthnl found in in deposit in man :1 cave in Parker Memorial Prnz-sin. not far from another cave were discharged this morning. u ty containing bones of the noceros. and ullter Similar discoveries of animals. woolly rhi- Thr Z “'3 3‘ . tun about twen- i ty individuals. including two nearly‘ Frank Pipes. brain capacity was about 1.400 cu- ted yesterday. bic (‘¢l)l.ln)('.'l.Pl‘.‘~. and the-.-man about 5 feet. 4 inches high. Scientists Search Cave: of Euro . Virginia Jones, 1 stu Boone Co in animnls, awoke the scientific world to the importance. was made in the caves G rent search ’ of Europe. The skcdcton of in youth who died . at about 16 years of age. and the? practically perfect‘ skeleton of _‘a; that time The f wag lauriedngrith _Wcnpon.< in his‘ lllllds the existence of an '—.~-—v7v. .» 1-‘-._F‘, A,-,V _ . . u, - . iPinno.1‘iininigr T And nepanivork Phone 756 ...u_ '5.‘ . . vuncement -of make a _more'prosperous‘clty. . . Rigid inspection of city: proper-I v Done I-Iixpertly and Prouptlyfi 11! Taylor 4 #348. up. in former ‘ Miss . I 1rr**rHi=: HUSPITATLET \\'n_vne‘(‘rumley and Karin .13.-,;- ‘ \-.'n~‘ Son were discharged }'(':f,.1?-.~--ad I This man: iptttti'nl;'prot¢_-ctionuboth I -The zoontinuunce 2 _Iocg-. _ other in;_.;-.;- to thc _ Of l.hlfi-_'.)‘.. .’ . A , J‘, ‘o’O ' o 0‘ \ . . , - 4 ‘ J " -.- 4....-r5.‘--In-is;-qua-. -_ . . ‘~ ‘ . .. . .4 .-:—...v-...._-._. I . .,g - .. "(.1 - ‘ If-,”-._i;T .‘ _-";'_?' ._.",.": 7 ' ' - ’ ,7,‘ -1?:-q‘-_"'T~”. . ». it . . » e t . :.~‘;= = ~923’ w ‘ea * _'; ; - - ._, - ..-" ‘L if ‘ '3 K * * ;--wu.‘ -.__._'_.‘:‘-I-;_..._.-_._._-:’_. ..I._.Z ._ 1.. M;:... ‘I . , ;.. '; E.'.‘.''i:.?t.‘',_.L.' "' . A " M. o my .. b .. .W."!'!'. f§!€!{M.i9§°fi9f.G9I9m- .n<_.m.nce.._t.lI9t. *!:§..li8Y° ‘V9.4.-40°» W-.°“““-5 9'”. rm ° -4153 .3“‘1 B99? .“.‘°“.?~.“.’ Mi.39°.3.3 W’-i‘-ll-,‘-""‘.7“"-’-“" E‘-"'t-““‘3 G°“’“S 3"‘! "}“°”'9‘.’;' T. zation can “deliver §on.u;e goollsfwnd -at the some yDres'se§,,.w1I1ch added to .011: large and compete stoc 3;; will go amount time give better values, wctake this‘ opportunity to an- 9 y ‘I 4 L : . 33:3 3 3 ,9."-1 '5. .3.’ _ ~2=":‘-Z Z _:~f.§ 5:5- aaiiiiia. E ' g Go ‘ s ' Enchanting evening gowns that s kle}? . ‘_ ' and gleam with rich oriental colors. me ‘ " are sashed or boutfant. others straight and slim. They are delicately trimmed. ’ and their beauty lies in their " ' -- , .. , .plieit_v. The romancc- and pleasure con-_’_[_' ;_‘ ; _' V‘ , " . . ~r ' .. . . -_ I, veyed through these gowns wi_ll1i>'e,long".;';‘-. ‘ ' -_ -. Z ' "‘ A. 4' .3 -V ‘ . ’-‘ ut.t.he 11"‘ _.‘..-4. L..:-‘fl‘ F not-on I-5.3.4 tutu.-. ....:;. "....:.r‘.n’.‘i 3%.... Special . . . . . . . . . .$9.75 $24.75 Values ' D Muteriu_l.~ of all-vsool. lioin-t Tv;ill.- and Chnrmeusc Satin. bruid. trimmed in unique panels, slcc-.'¢-s and flare skirts. Special . . . . . . . . . .$l6.-75 $29.75 Values .\ll-wool. Poirot Twills. Silk Churnzcusc. Satin-back Crepe nnrl (‘nnton Crepe; trimmed in braid, button and embroid- ’ Special . . . . . . . ._.si9l.-75 fl in the memory of the woman ow_1nng_ ,; ,; . one. ' oi _.- “#3 Exquisite Materials. Changeable ' I. j pflu,‘°ae, o S. V ' |“"£ ; v . . Georgette Canton:-v "3 ‘y’ ., ., 7 Ovcrdrape of Tuffeu‘1'Bochc‘\'elvet~ Umve ‘hi -'’'3_. '*‘?_,v‘ - ‘ ’\ (‘xeorgétte Crepe Chxfrineuse _: '1. “ch “,4 ', sum Cloth Chenlle Chiffons _ 2 _ 3_m,.,,, ,, I} —.'llar\'elous}l‘rimmings— 3 ,. ,, , ’‘‘‘°‘'wu'‘3 ‘ 2‘ .5’? 51 Iii {’ Flowers ' Ornaments . .*:‘:.-. ’” '4’ ' i . City’ ' ‘. 3 ll’ ‘-1*..'¢’;'/ Braids Plcatintzs _ . _ - - ‘V ‘ 3! ' 4'3“ A. ”"5.‘ Ribbons Bandings - LI ‘/3? - ",1 Luxurious Beading Bead-z and Ribl on - « - ‘ ' '~ - Au” ‘km ,;3:%. Q! J G W,,,.,,..,.,,: " Sensational Purchase. of new A-- =7’5il§¥7'-1-'5 .-4’ Evening Dresses $39.75 -‘ - a. ii. ‘ -- . ' mm" “an.-.2 W-~ .~“-.a . ' ~ t . nary C9“ 9 l‘. ,4 .~f,-,p_.-3'1 Special-8l9.75 my . ' ..-c._1:.c.‘x.2lL‘_§'.’. J For evening wear. Made in many ehurm- 1”‘. get ) - V._. .4-.'.' ‘-'g23,~L;." ins: desrixrns and many beautiful mntcri- g mg G.) / ~ -1 “_ ails. In many pretty shade.-. L'v_‘U’*“)o’ Poul Wfil / K\ = _ *"’ llnm Inn: ' - - $12.00 Values ” " Ge°'¢*= 9 Evening Dresses to-$55.00 for ’ 39.7. . p I this group you will find all the new materials and sliudc:-. (i0\\‘llr made bylcnding New York designers. $49.75-Evening Gowns of fine quality values‘ to $79 ‘ Q ' A - ‘ ' Including the \‘.er_\' best Marion Dresses. bought at unusual, 4 S‘ G E 0 price concessions. ~’r-‘v-!_'s..~.-j.*7f:~:-z ;, O This showing and sale is made possible-through this store’s recent change of ownership ,and"£i‘_filia- tion with the Lawson-Parks Stores, giving-us great- er buyingpower and allowing us to present this sale 8' :2 2" E 5 at a great saving to the women of Columbia and $39.75 Vames - y the it Boone County‘ ; ' _ This group includes mutt-rinls of Poirct - '_-j ‘ ' 4 ' ' ' T ' Twills. Canton Crepes. Satin-back Crepes of ._g. _ _ ‘t _ ' " " . , * ’ wry high u ' The workmanship and F" .-,‘;g,'---..»‘ I fabric‘ of the \en best. richly trimmed in ' -. - ° beads. buttons, braid and embroidery. ' 4 ‘Special .... $29.75 1 - T ~ . » «,- $55.00 values. ‘ Coats to Coatsto i Materials of Canton Crepe. Cllltl'lllL‘U>t', .'-oft - Woolen; and'au.woo1 Poiret Twill.-3. at-uuu- fully tailoiild and finished in all the new trimmings. - ' -py_-Special ...;s39.75~ - $55.00 '_ --$79.50 ‘ You will be ‘impressed -- $39.75 All the new Autumn In this group you will :-1.yl_es in Bolivia.»-. These coats in $29.75 repre- sent our first group of the three groups we are featuring. They conu- in plain and fur trim- med. Thc collnr.-c ‘nu- Bcaver. Vintku rel find any type of cont you could possibly pre- Such high grade mntcriul.~' tn» Pollyanna. l-‘ushono and Vcldettc. Beautiful styles. rich linings. Superb fur. _trimmin;:s of natural fer. with the superior qunl-- ' ity oftliese fine coats. , Exquisite materials deep pile and soft, silky --lustre. And such ' standing features as un- usual slceiféh. inodish ailhoitettes and stnitrtly fldwcrodbottoms. Lux- urious--fur odlcrs of of’ out- - in I ‘ $89.00 Dresses " in this group you will find dl‘c.~‘..~c.~' for ev- :.ory_ occasionggliiincr, nftcrnoon-and ‘ :5t!'¥t. i'l"he. materials are very fine Woolon's"a‘nd’ ' .' , ‘ _ .ifihqnilc.,,1'3rctSc:. beautifully ‘.rimmed_.und, '- . -fashioned. .. ' V ‘ :'i[ «5.."'.'l _o . "..'.' of v '- ' ' _» .' l 0 I I ' ‘ " .. .-, . Special $69.75 _--t.-go - .3 “wide range of models‘ squirm. mum squir- 'fg°",,‘_"’c,,',“’,f..‘£“j‘;§,‘j,"“,',’n".‘j, .. . and prices -in the new 41:] .-and Manchurian ‘,m‘,..1 3qu;,‘,.d‘7_t‘.‘m up, { i __ .. - ‘- fall colors. ‘ Beaver. pa] to ,.w_ _. p values - Special £359.75 ‘ Z ;‘ f ‘ . .i. - ._ V ‘ ‘ , ’ . _.._-__' I4‘'-‘*‘-‘ ‘ _ A more wonderful collection of coats would be hard to-con- cetxje. They are the type of garment shown -in~the;mout*c:rt:lt1’sivc _ gzfmgff N. . .4‘: Flat C!_¢’{\c. (j.-we back satin. €ict1_u1_x:i:¢_lc‘. ttigtlljnttisti-V ‘(-3ll‘lb!'0i(lCl’(‘d bcnds,‘ct,c. gnd go 3-3 ., .-‘:_sfpe'ci.a1. .. ;. . . . .. $49.75 . ‘ ‘. ' . .< ‘ $‘3‘‘'°"‘‘‘.'‘ "-0 *'i°“.".T. §ft!=l5 .4‘*2°I‘.=~h.I.5~ih¥ tirm-uitod amt: for the purchasi- Special $29.75‘ Special $39.75. shopsuthe masterpieces of coatma ‘ wli'o'Drodilce.¢u’—tiient8 ta: - » t ueh great 11 ' “me 3 .‘‘‘“‘“i ‘*3 ‘ ' ‘ mot’ . 9.918 of the highest type. Themataerials are’ the deep, 'aoft’ll1xur— iiuch i:lctii,:m;nts 'roilquhhtiii:-'-;orchaois'-tliatiiiwe-.bour;hi‘§’;Tooé‘: ;fked’and offend ' lguue materials that have made the new Autumn and Winter w'o‘tth‘.'-' This “ "'on"’contoiiii"ci'on‘tions‘;.fro‘l.zi'.Amei'lca's ‘moi: nr:ct::lil:of“h'dr" 1 i ‘ i T i ' T t d. t. o . . . ‘- , ‘- . . _,.., . . 7 _ estznera.‘ “"" "‘ i .....°.:.:...'::§3:. R-°*= '-W --d -~ - - ,‘.’.'i.2'..'f‘-‘.““';”’°.."?‘-‘-‘..'1"". -°--W------= ----- -; 1;- , . . ,. . s . , I‘ ,1 ‘ . . _ _ . _ . . ._ t - ' 4‘ '~..- - 7 I-i",- ' -.* “ - - _ , ._ . ’ ~ . _.,_.;,- , .-. .. ' o , 34. l.-" ' ‘ .,t r 5.4 . 24 ,, “ -2- ’ » ~ : ‘ ’ » ~ . - -- '.o '' r 'x‘‘‘:- 4- 0 "’* -‘S’ -"7 .4 51 l ‘ "-‘ ~ -.' ‘.4 ‘ 3-= ' .“~ ;.' \ ‘ A... _.,; .. ,- . -t--' -.--‘-‘~:‘. - - . _. , .