‘ :—‘- '~ V v. .. . . . O ‘ ‘\ ’ ‘a ' ‘ 3:42 1:7" §< ~* ‘-4 ‘-4 tr ’I== -_V.'.‘- ‘ .- I‘. ;'oneCentaWada"l)ay.- ota'adarb.ot that will enable her ‘ acbooliin Columbia 1 ‘an t t She €‘n P ha hand and typcwntlng. P on aoana }Lind_of ulfltt‘ VOTE tltll. be Of practical value to ltcr. Address Box; )4, care Missourian. 32332?‘ ~ loan! wsl~xrl~tl'1—-'ro no work. Phone 2310 Black ‘ ‘ . \\'A.\'Tl-ID —- Eiperienced boo_li-i , lzocpl-r wants place with good rm. , Not a student. Good references. Ad- mono-o - .3“ -la-uahu. ,A ‘ "Stewart. 717 Broad-, “‘?a*f0di . , 8-$5§V’0 idea. to o. ..~, , fit. _ l-IhtPl.0l'Ml-‘.NT—Boonc Counfy Lung”. 7 FOR SALE—Good Jonathan ap--ml eIl'll_ . g . orchard “.8, . my-ougit‘ University by short» ‘falls, 50 cents a bushel. Three miles ' ' of Roche.-port. Head 8. Cook; . c.25. almost general bouao- lwlth haver- ‘ FOR 8ALE—0ne small National" mah ‘ lditioa lterma. '.- -73_"' _.-?‘!'€"?p_¢vf¢’i'~ 5, l - -7 * .0 o ,, 4 ‘.- ' ‘ A .- ‘- '4 c w s " so -‘ ' . ,4 _ - , . o ' _ . ‘J’ ‘ . . ..< ' . A 4 - - I - ‘-- - V - _ c -L. — '.t.'-. a.'.- - 1 -. ‘ u . ' 0- -— . 0 '- -. ~ f , - E- I 5‘ v s‘ ". 1 - '9 . .'*' . —_."'A. - F . _‘.-.> . _- a n l ~ :- l % . . _-< . 3. o ,'r.\ mp-‘co-vs.’ r,.:~-_. ~,- ' ' v __ -_:' W‘. gs. .r.. i -, ;_-\.~.. .7‘. :1: _ ' _ .,__».- 9‘l“1l'5‘? 7.2‘-.‘ H. "....:lr.s«'v'» s-av,‘ 5,".-,> LIu..rg— ' -4.“-i’.:Q;¢\,g....__,.4“._.‘§:_ ‘ : r _ u’ ' ; I '4 . - . -..~_-*‘~~~=~~ ..‘-- ~‘— 21.1: ' - = s it refs) :16‘ * , -......¢_. _ ,. ._ p‘ . ’ u ‘ ,A"-,.A.?.-““‘.ulAl.37a"4"4.i«E-""0,-‘V.CI t__.- _.- _ ', -, ‘ .---- - aux ':---:-.--..--—::.:.:-r: ‘ ' ‘ = or“ ~ - e: . ews-~In the , -Deaneal‘Iauaa.-. , p _ v__ .» AA _ - 1 . _ D . ’ A A . > ' ‘rt’ SPRINGFIELDIS i‘"‘''’‘''‘''’’‘ s ; g ; ‘raauno 3 .. alav& - L i . ;.: ..xmu¢.B.un.. ‘ Y 1 sa.lui-of-nulls;-ya. . ow, TIGER:ME’1'[‘LE mi" ’ r‘°”"i«,ro'BE:snovNl: -e-----~- 5 i Chlcaa-o. ; - .. i .0-=!-r , _ 3 5 ‘ taamswillnevas ‘ ,aence aad;aon?ow.'.ior.. aeventy-' ' ire of fieaeveaq-aia men -« m w M it» or Iwrmszrei man was‘ - ’ 0'37 flm” aulmg-' ,~ t ' ' -_. Avltllcllp League. Sumffgo Annual Clash With , ,,.,,,.yo,,"_,,; . uiiny uiini; men Tomorrow Will l w 5; Clevehsz 4. orved. 4 - ‘ . m I 3 w . M ' 09°“ V‘“"“’~ T unionism Season. ' 5 , ‘ ' 3 °W35 Club. ‘ Those receiving. the degree werci principally from the New Englonai ' ‘LINE-UP‘ UNCERTAIN at . I T mew York ........ .. V93 55 .e8t-ates. Eight ndaed delegates Ifrom all part! ‘or on United states rope attend» _________ k E . . . . . . . . . . . 60 l v — .. . Will lchlcago .'.‘;_IT,I'.'II'.'.II 79 so ... . ,._,, -\.. ..... ‘ 4 .1! ‘.. Iar1’aat‘&I'ke|t! cctaayillco. &llfCnlava8t. Cbleapva Coach Briggs Works Menlfiw l Behind Canvas, Giv- nickname ing Little Infor- ___._ mation. or , " National League. 1 ___’... glleraf _“ n ' W 1- 1:22:18 VETERAN LINE-UP;."*'°°‘°llho WI-ll; 'Vattaa\on| ant” a'.s.-..... . V - . 1“ _ n . ' ‘mug! 9‘ '6°°‘-All Regulars who W1“: The nonio,waicha-solungiozlmg .59o‘~ , .534? O pose Aggregation £==¥°°.l tor -0 mar re--. not ital pprom . ‘derivation from. the fact that the .51-CI .483" .349 State. la’ that was cal the y 3.8- _ . the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. swan to oi. uuoon... "Two ye-n -sol popular movement. pct. SPRINGFIELD, uo., Sept. 2s.—A§wu in the school to churn: £55 a slant at the lineup of the Bear team L the names 50¢ ll Tlllell 01 ltl lllillllol ”, _535.which Coach A. W. Briggs will start, beclllso no one could find I suitable ' 521 against the West Tennessee Stateésllfllitutc. :50‘ 2 Normal College this afternoon gives Because _‘93fSpringflcld fans the flrst light ~.sA],E__0.e Anja-ta, K.’-.: 8t...lAula I! so (xv: Gila:-daao at Cape 31”” tuna‘; Irrav.-use llahrtatfinacou-. 9- 90"’!-Clam! Navy vs wining and Iary at Aanapnlis. ‘ Anni cat Point vs Bethany at llllann n llaullton at Willlanatown. St:-rlina Vs Coll!!!‘ la at Sterling. . l ll Piltalaufj. Stmpaaa at . hunts: lbwdola Pitt-bar: Karma! _n at Alalnvat. alarm "to cur convex -——j————..—- I_arc Than a Handful! Candidates ~ Out» For’ . . Co ‘d '“n'n'b°'h°‘:'i“d;f.LIl.sAobottofBostnn,pres'ind':£ne3 I-‘irstlauueotBloe:Ioakia1878. ._ """"' at is now the Blue Book of‘; 1‘ FOR SA new; small size; hrown;' collar. Phone 567-Red. W e e o a e a o o o o o o no t Tiger enthusiasts Will (Gt l: was bound iitfirstrealgllmpae of theficngalnin; c; L ll€‘liVlr' llllle NWT. Slit‘ 5 ll)’ 7 1-3 ll!-laction tomorrow afternoon when Yo.‘-3 _., _ _ _ _ . _ _ H 95 50 cites a oontllnedlaevcntv-3'0 P88-annual Varsity-‘Freshman gridimn-ickvepmdi *'8- G "13 °°"'P“‘»‘d Wncodtest ‘ovens ‘ Illllofit MI-‘Detroit ..... ..... .. 75 no M59300‘ 5- WG|"“* ""5" 5°°"‘““'!Ison for the University of Ills-ourl-lst Louis .......... .. 71 70 23' °l' Sid‘ It “‘ l"’br‘d'°‘. by a"; The e 'ng contest also lnoaisiwaahington . . . . . . 71 a A in good working con-5 at $60 cash; 870 time; liberal: the state seal of Missou- Jack’: Shack. J- dress Box K care of Misaouria . , J-22-24.1 ‘ -a 0 ‘Phone 17464} recn. S-MK. KETTLE WAls'Tl-‘.D--Comforters to tacliflfi] '° “lb!” "33 lltisaouriun Office. _“8jwhat they may expect at the game%0tlIeI'.Il}0)’fi» 0388‘ Ol E)'!n-‘8ll0lll¢l9l'- "$133 l"'0lit‘ “P 8¢'V1'15l|m ““’ “kn M ' "d °°“""‘,°°d Missouri in the overland runs. tensity of Kansas, to complete ar-‘gs can ~ ' mm 5--g4_ nasium. 804 llillcrest. Phone 1750. P1113’! “'llll" 0" “'1' “ld 07 “'9 “n°-fC‘’.“.°_h He'll’ u'.‘“ l'° w“_u‘° l°_“_'°al. Spectators at football practice artyrangemcnt.-i for the annual footballing‘;-nugfi a ton; gaging fin. (pf -. —-34.3. Fowler’: toc brought much com- ‘ YADMI for the fullback P0-“U°°' the only ones who catch :1 glimpse of game between the two schools. wbichl dnrrihg plays. Chicago is cxnccb - housekeeping; -11 1. a P0 FOR RENT I-‘OR RENT-—Two story house ‘on lovely lawn; gas. electricity. watcr;. modern except heat: rent very rca-V - 5()l1l.tl.llt'. (‘all at 1210 Locust St., or phone 1880-Black. ?? FOR Bl-Il\'T——-An attractive apart- -— for lane. R - A , ,_.'::r w.*__,:;‘_:__—:‘..:::‘”_.. ‘mam 5 males. . . _ furnished rooms for light houscl:cep~ Clnl‘JANlNG AND pRESSlNG_ Fowler's punts averaged better than °“" °f um l‘”'d‘5l~ l"“’ Pl““l'°"-‘- 3° ~fm- a moment when they trot aroundfleld ‘fltanksgivlng Day. ‘ng. $30 a month. 108 S. Tenth St. gr-mugging M-4 1-‘on RENT—Thrce monotony ifurnished rooms and sleeping porch boys or girls. ltl'2N'I‘—-Two desirable un dam; M1” the heaviest ‘hack ‘"1 ~thc (‘Boss-counl!‘)‘ men. and then only will be Played on the Mount'0rcad‘:ed' tousc lines smashes almost ex» . jclnsively againstthc ‘figflcs. ‘ ‘ onfor dbl:-ll sections for thew rdny in panting p \\'A.\'TED—-One hundred and tiny {ommw yards “mum 7 ““‘«htlmr:‘r:i::::‘l!idop.:‘inmlgi;;s ltloed? "W °"“' °'.' R°"""‘ mi” ”'°’""" "suits to be cleaned and pressed atl.wind' The bans were gem hmh’ ‘“"°l:¢,' K ) t°"-V l“ “'k"'l: ‘° ‘N mm .3125. Come and see me. You ma ' mg ."h° ph"°'_'3 an °mp1.e_ m.nM$"' ‘ lluvc seen me in the Philippine 13,-0 time to tackle the l‘(‘(‘0l\('l' In 5 ads or you may have seen me in t France. If you remember me then- rcmcmber me now. t- All for their u-ilyutlon.--pria-3. ‘I . . . :daily jogs from two and a half miles cts, reservation of ‘- . aum '8 0 .’u'"‘' "I. "W C°l.l°‘§° ‘to five miles. The squad strings out Missouri delegation. railroad ratcrllfll fltlllfvulw 334‘ fucks. ‘of.ArtI_ and Science. his home Is in for 3 quuw, of ,1 mile or more dur- . to Lawrence. and s ' u-ginsltell reaerucs at tin University ‘of The Tiger line is composed of dif-ixmm" Ow‘ . . ing rmml of the distance. either in schedules will be taken up, ‘ lIP¢lll'l- F8094 Vllll n V.” “'9 gm" C°”h Gw"m «bunches or singly. until the finish arrangements mule. ‘N533 dd“ "Wile l0“ ll)’ - » 1418 Rosemary Phone 820-White.‘ B-«ttf. -.o . ment. Day phone 578. Night phone; 2024. 3126. Rl-ZNT—-4-room apartment: ‘with bath. in modern home; also? FOR lroom. hot water heat, nicely fur- Shack). Phone 1616. Inished. Phone 511 or call at 1400 -— ‘Richardson street. 304tf. u . ' n . I ‘ " ' ' : MI, ‘ rs res fcrcnt faces daily. heller and Van H ‘R’ 10“ n man from the I . th R bl ha A ‘am. By.“ bu um "uh ‘ the front fully. G. ll. Mcl)icc. (In Jack's ld £g;‘t°i:':.m ;3l::mhou€?ns%fiheh iflcld~wi ‘ a broken lmnc. For twelve r;T;:.3 n(f:(;:,-saTgl~e ‘('23-“ fl‘ll(‘tl‘l'le5;0t t:.li1flfl.l'_’I!@.fiu;“ c¢:1:m5ig up °n:..§[apa with null: -ofmthe' "0 g D.‘2.4"do“.n {int posit,-on among _ a,e‘¥°U‘3)'_ ll‘? NW" Tl?" "‘°”t°' 8 exert too much they break loose and reuse and and‘:"$"" WW“ M81 'thstoneornauq>edat','trdaawlll1laat . - - " ' ' ne Ilaiday. Ryan has-been'tl,riving RENT-First floor garugc. Phone 1280-White. r o 1: ltl-3NT—CARAGB. aui l.owry‘.\'t. Phone 179. R» ' room m cm house with garage. 104 Dorsey street. at 850. ‘ ' Seven-room modern fihouaa gc, large -lot. located on .. FGR R!-Il\"l‘—'I‘wo largo. clcnn. airy rooms facing east; T t ll0USl'35 F03 REN1 - SW9!‘-;wat:ar. These rooms arr desirable in '43; able. ha ‘—"' “i ' ore‘-~---3*-— . : coaching. and last night's in-: - _ USED CARS FOR SALE guards. Etter. “ertz. l!cAnaw and . ' . _ _ tr-arm. _ _ . _ , Esevcral others are comlleting for the ‘"5 the fin! broken bone M . As another evidence of the revival .11!!! '10!!! heat. theflhny mm who h." ‘ ward ""I‘:'(l)-"Rl“'?'fiE';lE:';‘l:2:ll:‘:‘r:l“""E::ll:‘:‘:I oulltnfixfiirgll j(ll)ro9ggc and Stnffottlt ’ -?l;f-‘;.g':pa'l1tJ.w.t’h on his um. ?dcrl)t}s:fsitl:-1 oll18lllmllll‘Tl:'llOl‘:: ‘ Wu‘; “(H °‘" ‘l 5 “'73! 9”‘? H01 R0st*nlllT_\' Lune. [Ihn%c wstchcdsci-igmmagteg but r:‘t,°a:; file aIl1'l(;b.:{e'r:'|i¢s-s.s€;mIt:Itl‘Icfl: zgfliv ,;i)l|idsp(pl:i”dl::iot':»I'ln‘idup Tahncd tl ;lllinois :Aba,'a"a.l‘dca'. No New cage, . .....‘s 3fi"u1iLe‘$a=i"»'.1 aim-n .':;::°'.::":,*. .:'°:.':;°‘l..“‘.:‘:.‘:f. :i’":‘°.::°i:::.*=.:":‘.:*“$: “ ‘horror mm d;:".:;."=:::*° 2. ‘:2: ‘I°i*:.mfi:“iélii.??-iii ‘me or .::-=* *°i~:-- « '1 ; .«-2 -ui:'.';.......... ............ ........... Pt: unfurnished; rates roason- ltiploy 'after_ 5_ o‘gl_ock.”_-__1='_;neooo,- tr-;_n,,~ , fra¥2l::'l(llrel(1l":ou’;r->had planned, it is thought, to start '::9b?EP.n.A:°‘tl;::':eth:s:n :3 3: :°a‘r.8Nte(;r.l; htl: Dawson one 626. _ -— 9tf. ——~-MISCEIJIA-NE0U—S___._ tomoi1vow's lrlllllfi mix. which earlier in aadthat the-game would be gs West Broadway, at 845. ’ Three-room house on 1608 Haas ’ ‘avenue at 820., street. ' house at 405 Mathews street. If in- tcrt-sted come and Ice it. W 2241. FOR RENBT--Iodern 8-roomg house on south side} newly decoratef ed throughout: raaiouably prieadxi Address Box J._-urn ‘Itissourianvor phone 1963-Black‘ baton 8 o'clock P in the morning_?d.l.gtc!' 5 o'clb¢k;.hQ$. in the aftelnoolty-f?.?f' ’-‘ " --911.. BLUEGRAS bl ;room 1 north of Columbia. Call 1817Ior aaei323§ II. J. Coats at Ballengcr larsa. half’. mile north of Hinton. B€.: _._—_:. "la bl . a _ .. I -1’ ',a'. . _ .,_ A . - ._« 4. Baal-' ____‘ /W.-28. - roa,,saI.s P‘ I-‘OB SALE-_--.-Ono baiamerleaa , -doable-barrel gaafiigood condition. v‘ (Call at "28’ Transfer _ 19! ».. .._._._. _..f‘if‘§8.‘!}1 3-»: 9." "p F 3' 1+. ? 8 I, . , . ,3, T Iron ssu:._one' ." MW . and two bottom ll-inch ,’ 3-‘-.88-i (hill at that ...-... .____I.; i 70 APP}? 304 Doratyglisaouri avenue. . ’ ,22-24: nous»: con 38:24!-rzirhi-roan»? roll Bi-2l\'T——One medium size lto couple at reasonable price. Rosemary Lane: Phone 1254 Black. . non BENT-—-Good cloaa to University for lady; steam h .. S‘-‘ngllty acres oi; FOB R!1l\'T——l-‘mnt room = for rent during summery.-coed with bath; hot water heat; _ T and fall. Living avatar; dz milu.‘tor ;girls. 1308 ltoss street. FDR RENT—l-‘uraiahed room ;I208}Edgewood avenue. N hfick« I-333 i R_ENT-—Rooms for light Jhouaekeeping, p sons. BENT-‘-Large hoot roe: uulttmlooi-its Patch is boys Pb '. _, G-1 demonaltratlnu-,.5¢ ' .3‘ ,p5gpg coon-I-to with truck‘-.1:,:8outlI slxuuo-ecu . . T V _ 1 with Adams, , - 1 H ‘ - - n’ 4 §§’.1’.f..'I'i?.“I...'i:‘.i2','{"':n’&.'.i.'. ‘.."°‘°...::' '.;.".*:..z.°."°:-or-v-I in - was Ms» - -»,»; ' ‘l“'“*"‘ 9°‘ 1 - -l -1- tested Cold! Dawson d t Coach zu ‘ P ' 1'“ ""“°" "'°""" "'m ""‘ , . U d DO the Field. tgmongr “ ‘ ""‘ 5 °°" ‘ f m. at A ‘l’:n° tglshh team try oataircorrents in the Phone 761-Red. “"9 ““ P an Wn ‘ putt ‘uh -ad‘m, form from theh _ —-*-“-"-—-_- 5° "*0 P ll“ W ‘new stadium on . 10th. for our first P13Y- ' ~ S n Two lllarcm-.s H-:s'l'EItDAY :out to the mutual. satisfaction of, . . , v-'h' Dow-on I-id rector-1 your «dun tor your vim-r 0'12“ - ‘line-up it will mean that e. star east. 1!. Wade lilb- . » z ' _ _ , -————— _ coaches, hard’ of Radium _ TOIDOTPOW ‘ll! ‘T1291’: 1:3!!! M ll)? 31 Will Xe‘ “I10 Ch? pllylflgu wfl C-Ollfti Hinder 0' my. ht .“ to the Mm’ W.‘ m wp‘ ‘ad ch“. _ ‘best opportunity of smut: utl Hi!‘ and men are unusually light Tunis? “mm an d in; - B“. ‘ad “ WANTED-—Univrersity man wants‘ souri’s footbi-ll team before the all-1,1.“ . ‘I ‘: -13...‘, mun“ m the he‘ mp.‘ '5'“ 33?‘: V _.u‘.d“"‘.nk"d u‘ room mate in attractively furnished t-on ll‘-‘Ill!-8- 75¢" ll“ 9° ‘‘ ' SCI! llflml ;opening round of the University ten-E ‘.333, 5." to b_ ,._,k,,,,‘-‘% W! l - _u”. 5 But‘: at 165, and Moulder weighs only 145 nis tournament yesterday and only ‘within a football game. it has fin’. v . ' T ‘ ' ' >--- 9---~~~.t. t:- .‘ *" I Fowler Bond nd RENT--One 5-room apart- , ;v5§f'g,.J~Tf,;,,5',5§y. at th; ,1 3_ - DRAMATC ABTIS CLUB--Re-. __, , W ,_ ,,_ an one room apartment on ednad”. , ocmba rth wintbws in quiet. Will rent to men or 1502 with six hom . r lien room; southern exposure; home of '30! I ENC?» deal to Rllltor {lat low; '— g 1’ '1; run 1 t¢d;«l-he Bflltll 319"“ ‘'5 °° ll‘ ' ‘two matcheswere played. Ilobbdlf; mdheu. 3.3"“, 23“ pminic ‘mrloin "5"?! TIN Wllldl Sl-"¢“l'°‘ ‘ll°“' Thgutesm that ‘will start tomor- defeated Lips, 6-0, 8-0, and Park: .a- ‘In up.‘ three blocks from Broadway. Ad- "lilo 01 course. llllf Illllllll, °P‘3¢'lmw’s conflict‘ againstthe-f_realnncn do-{ecu-d Cat-dwell 0.3, 6.0. , ‘pm dun 30, Y. are m,”ufim_ 1“-;_. with the freshmen is not :0"!!! W5‘ will be an all-letter team, with the The tennis courts were put in‘- -‘—————7 —J‘ '5’“°l.‘l ‘"9 75*“ ‘Vm 5'’ exception of, Whiteman, of last-shape’ his morning, and are now THE FARR and Home Sav- ‘interesting things develop as _ g ‘ - ‘ wlio vi 5 y‘! ment play. ings and Loan Association is ready the coach will start, what degree: ' to b ‘i ’ ' other book positionajfivcadditional tennis courts. which _.....__.....___ 5 .. elp you own property. Talk to, impenctrability the heavy line has (mg, 1,, Band Fvwlunlu-e to be located south of Bothwd] SIGMA Clll TBA! WIN‘! O-8.“ ’ . . siae room 415 iiitt street. P one 5(5- H23-24 : i i at I . .»q'll—lIa- fl- me about a loan. Mrs. D. J. Weath-. perfected and what smoothness *3 _ _ mu era, agent. Phone 272.‘ 904-A Broad-$1 speed of offensive action the hath-3 ‘ 5; ganja" win .Gymnaaium. are being , beat oust-’_They will beready for uaeia W-24. t field has reached. the .vetera_n;te-n days ' ‘ c likdy; ay- at I I‘. Another lnterestillt thing with-an an-tho 805. College avenue, . A. ‘ E ‘ Shtad oommunicatiousi. . . l 0 ‘. 211.‘ C mm..o... {non for boys. 1 ave. nope 918-Whitai i, , 'r.utt_.; £3 ..m,,l~~ - »m3,,,,,;nsv1sawa'rao ooaI.oo.§ ow“. * on-Ill-Vol--Inst. Chllflsarlb. halt]: