l oéfifii {,7} ll‘ is. a. ti: . 53, iii :iv i‘l In iii til 9% if 5.. in in in NI 0|! Ni ill “I in. . . V. .-..a.--—~,..oov-—-...— . . EEESEEBEEEEEEII??i'£-22255533-'5E!3 M oi _.L_.. 3 — 1! ll ll! l .4 7 NEXTM0 gm‘ 2; . ,, , V --"I[- .-c'>V> - , -In “~ _ L . -t~ It ~. . , - ‘ ._'nO~_ " “ ($995999?! . ,.. -.~- -' .- .l "i ‘I . ! I J J‘ l ’ . a~.i.ai.iia.i,..m1thniser,%f ’|*_;£}...i._.;.e;.fz:::.;“-;-;,» e;;-my ~ I in . .; .. cede» °* W ...=~:::~ ‘ . . H l 0 . ‘ , n 0 Nm_‘ nay’ is’-I-1'1-"¥°¢‘3=I't~i I N la{iI!s:ih:I.”-¥‘G¢tfiM§:l:° . . am _ H; '_ ; t&u‘h.-'.‘_b°.m.”. 9z:hr_and as palnfullas nu ma - "**h'°*%¢"-".'.°"A'!'l“**.?:1‘°"i-... -on... I!‘ “"°‘:.. ...i..~.%-oh-« M .”‘*~.....*?..".;‘;$:*.‘:‘...:. m’“°‘#’,"-m"d'-mag’ “.3 hmpgvable ex- :‘:°‘m°'£; '10,, as attach seconds.- of every yea:-~alial1'be a'l’“’ "'f?’°" c“"°" "‘.”"‘§" am": p_h_ot0¢flPh)' P?l“i3'3' °‘;’ n3”°.‘''‘ 9'’ ‘w .""u~ Tut Red A” ‘Ir"Paruer otco-2"-‘-"'*°fl°“°‘"°°°nd (lira. wad. apart aura day éoinhfembhtive '01; Ta’ 0‘ - =‘l‘bo_. is even cpeii . ‘M’ fistoi:y.~:to.be7observ_Ifl by “'3” _‘ om ‘n K ‘gent of snahlllk _ the andpupilsodsehools""" "W" _ °, °°"’i' ‘ ll.ostol.9Iel1¢lIU“I3¢‘1y'“*"“l" ' sale ‘ ‘to-date studiofare similar to those . anlflmljolted l>ll¢ . ‘#3 about t stews y . ‘ , t. gr-a .r ‘es en ' The Remflnus Points of iBrowns§gf°‘° n in the mm he pm: “if ‘M OM ‘nie‘v in egfly dm‘ 9.“ .°fja,.~Saturiday andfiuadsy. 4 :0‘ pi,“ 1;,-_ a. ‘lay "' I provements in recent years. the most V‘ ' beln nth iel shutter’ . ‘morass Jonas oflbswreneefn e no ‘ e M5 "3 ,“t,,m”,,hjP_‘County was called here to see ha-e:"" "f"'° » ' l‘i""v “W “"3 8"” "h° i.‘ in" When the musician has his picture. The bill, now eight years old, wasl ‘fir D‘. we" P°n°°* "m "° Cd’ taken, he desires a bit of the astheticp ’ in 'sn effort to increase the"‘2°“i “""d" "‘ '"°d ‘ fa ‘hylexprcasion of his !"'0fi'88l°" 5" hi‘. interest of school children in‘ ¢hG."’ul he’ ?d“"M°" 3"’ hm“ H’fpicture. The big business man wan history and assets of‘ their own 3093- ’ »to look the part he plays in life. One - . 1fllT=clV;“l‘°f the principil tricks of ‘Site pho-~ the law. ‘&""°°““3"3‘ em’ -"t pb , therefore. is to ‘nit out .,.¢g'..-and us. wansh of L. rim °"‘ °' , . ‘nu ithe character of the sitter. has been allowed ..d!1s 3' to die"‘P"“- « it is diiriculi to get n into a; out until now'féw";-up n C- C-.whll\'»“'u'-.‘“df"““7 '°”!studio, according to allztal photo member 9!” “'9'? *3 “ch 1 me new °t ‘Kr’ WM ..‘wartist. but women do not have to be as Missouri. Day. . .““’°"v 4°’ Whl“'°"h °f Hum’ sent. The women want good pictures There is one other holiday in the 507% 3||P‘U!- - . and give the photographer plenty of month. It is October 12, or Giltun-3 39- OM} Ulla «"03 3lMlk91' l_U(l.‘fi,m’,_ -nu. ,-".50,-ity gf gm-n_ how- bus state le!l51‘“"' dfilouw Radar “d ‘‘‘"y' we" dm' ’ever. come to please someone else Head in 1909 gun. it .551,“ bg . narguesta at-the home of Cleve West ‘ad ‘um 0“, “mini: 0,." M 50,," legalholiday,v1ith reservations. l!he9°f Hurry. Sundtsv . . ins possible. . bill provides that it shall not be oon,- ‘ 5 —————f g-————; UNIVERSITY NEWS 10 "M "W ”°°"S 80°” strued. ha 111%.. {NW5- the making. on execution o agrae- ‘ , ""‘—" N C“, raj _ , or'to interior-e wlthjiudicial‘ I _. 8"!’ ‘°"’!"°" flu" 3"" u ‘ mceedfn’ is I . Lawrence.»-‘llay, a student in the " 9'3‘ L''’''‘'7 B‘°"' ". 1 3“ ' Octnbg .Sehool of Journalism went to St. A "9' 3”“? °f b°°k3' "“‘""‘ bosazts t1iv§'hpbdayn' s-—as”wn’ a: A bouis thlsafternoon ‘on a véeek-end "°"‘r°‘l°"i ‘° hl"“""' wm be ‘dd’ ~ . . . - , ' ° '. ' it, any other’ liionth -has—there is no "59- _ ‘ ed t° we Fnbfic ubnn am ‘we rest for thetined business man or _ 3- D-_ 3111". Who his been 111890!‘- the ,,,c,g°,,_.,,h,,g ,m5.,,t_ mg pnvate schools and colleges in! - ~ Sou Mhmuxi. I n returned yester-_. .~ PEi1S6blAi. ITEMS ! - ‘._ 3 =‘ N. ‘I. Gently-is in Kansas City on‘ business. patents which make for science and art. _ n thing nan. “Our continued promising of these .boolcs sounds like the cry of ‘Wolf. Wolf,’ but we really expect the new " said Miss \Vil-‘ dur to Columbia. Jacob K. Bunn. a freshman in the _ College of Arts and science. left Co- ‘;°‘°m°= ""9 "W- lunibia for St. Joseph this morning hi“ , _ on s -end trip. He will return ““";;dd’°"°““"3’- ‘ "'$l‘t" , ° * la. a some new a Ii n - J. M. Deinjnaer went to Kirk'I1le's"_{'d'£;- W 3 ‘Cum 3. ly placed in the library. Miss Willis }'1‘9t€'Yd8Y l¢«“ilil- A “Hie, ;q_ N,_.be1",,¢i D said are being used more and more Mr. an Mrs.3'C.‘!-‘. _Simpson.went_°,- the’ Uniwfimy of Muwlhi cl.” as the people are finding out they to Kansas Cityyeataerday. - :0, 1923_ ‘In in ‘he 3mdmm.'".in_ are there. G°°"l? 3”'l‘W¢“ U19». L C¢1’.95'.ling course of the General Electric The ‘.""3° "wndmce in ‘he were in Centraiia yesterday. _comp¢,,,._ sche,,ec“dy. N. Y_ misfublic Library for September is one ’ _ . hundred or more daily. Of this num- Mrs. L. B. Euhanli went to Qen year. I," the mfiofity we highfichoo tralidv yesterday (or a visit. ‘ . -- . . - . - , students, but at least one-third is ‘° “'3! “3 ‘"33 ‘*°S‘‘'”‘*S“ l:i.':":'::.::.‘:.:°:.::;°*:::h:;:::°.:; Mr" '. ‘nu’ ' H‘ English mu students, due to the fact that many Wand the deck-era! in ‘MI‘9°fl.~' Ihoao admitted yesterday were. Mrs-‘ James Burks vent to Ksn- Harold. Baker and Eaton Adama.1Ehmb:;" .“,’ 3?: ,"’u°b’°"‘,"'°° b°f:‘u';“ ’ ‘niece diacha wen xsu.-‘tho ‘ mriugrrzzob "E . . IL! - and‘ 1! Ainfl ‘ Ralph: - I , son. Glil. Witt 10 KIDS“ C“? 164 Riehey was this moningfggfnr-‘awed’ ‘ad ma’ be “km. 1016!)‘. " and Milton Garber was discharge-d.;— . . w. J-. Rigging: of the’Carbon lpclt 3.... cum ’.““ “nu; §u°’""~“.‘ °“‘, 9”‘ ‘’;° (:0. of Chltflgo went to Klllial City Hojgrd Qmfgon ‘fig-3, 3:2?" thl if ‘:9 sctflgeztn: 3'08! )2 ._ ncy ennesy wane-adnii think ‘ - ’ J. I-‘. Anderson of thelcity water morning, Ergy Gnpln nu dighu-gedl" beau" "“-my .°1‘”“°“ department went‘ to Broéltly N Yflyégcgy-d. ‘ ‘he m""3' “ "fl" ).M’tfl.d”..‘ ‘ ' ' ! y’ Didtens. Scott..Col.cridge and others Roy Casey mmmed to Meficb; 3"“ go 95,.‘ .that are read In literature courses yesterday after a business trip to P1333 “P "I. Enlkflimmem Waco" enmpl” °f ml’ type. vommbh. lthe mun mum; ‘make, ".9 to u _ The summer, attendance is usually F. W. Leonard returned this mom-ldififlllfied N I imefilllll Which m°m° ‘Mn. ‘M '.m'“’'’ hm Aunfl’ ing from a short business trip in '5 P7930?“ 1881 Tllklll dklded *0 mm°"t up°°“t’°“' p'°"°d “ bi“ Em“ C“ ' in" aqmemn this weokind‘ month. according to Miss Willis. The Mr’. S ‘y. ‘v‘“¢hn who ha‘ mu; " .:_.__—‘:'.._.; Utunullfi for month “'85 8,03‘. ‘ ' - ' ' Try a Missourian want ad. Fiction books are probably the visiting Fred Brown. went to Shel-.. bins yesterday. .. E. R. Rodibaugh..who has been, here on business.’ returned to Gen-1 tralia yater-day. ' B. -‘E. _fi .-...--... 1'1 who has been in ‘: Boonville‘ for several days. returned to 1 1 ter. luau agar-iqsa attended the fair in Centtllih Hrs. Li ' ; Pér Bushel ‘The, crop 0f"Adl‘l‘m_¢1 cgiaoh ifihii.-than’; it ,was.last. year. Our supply will ‘last-‘for a ’ Short Time Only Quality. is excellent. Buy now at our sheds in Mcfiainc. Sweat Cida (bring your containers) gallon . . . . .. 40¢ Rivervic Or bards‘ Putts-son Bain.'_Jr.. lggr. ' L .3‘ g_ ggbmn, Supt m’°”° “P22 ‘ ll ‘ ‘ ' " ' l ' Phone ill-‘I2 . I turn:-d.tn Kansas‘ “.1. visiting 31,-, Bull: Jonathans. per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75¢ Robert H. 8411.- vky-nusident of} Cull Joniiihsns. per. bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c Halli-Baits Diltri tint is l of S day-alters business trip in COMM-’ bis. - A. O. Boyd. left Colulnbla and books. This condition it not due to‘ bad tiweatm lute ante. llisa Willis in accordance with ties. fire cents is charged on and) volume checked Speaking of the growth of the li- brary,'Ilias Willis said that it had advanced 1919 when the library was moved to its present site. there were listed °"'°"l"“' La dex. more ln ‘ '”°'l”"pi°m" ‘W150’ in”. that are listed and many more that 11 the library.” said Miss Wil nibal, Paris and other smaller citieg already have buildings of their own. We have lost the Carnegie bid. but “'0 C!!!) D0 of obtaining a building." REAL ESTATE Turgsraiis thing we are looking forward to is a building owned 0 re not “The ‘a"'- Is“ ‘ ‘fr!--_ rm’ i _. _-—--~-‘—-- _ ...-_.-—,_ -- _ - --.- - -._----a ~-: — V -‘ ' . Miss Willis grid, NflRS$ ‘an own A-,aI:I~inI~'I1"‘c_iI Columbia. were in the comma: a,doctor's.pr£iptl0t;. In each_of the four powders.‘ Veto Ui- nectcd to ‘be -taltan at t‘wo-minute. intervals, was a stanza of poetry lexplaining the purpose of the enter- .tainment. ,i'. w. c.TCi.I:.inaas TRAINEE I-‘iuasto Iii’ Rafifcd Cisena sin-. dent to Stat’: Convention. Final plans are being made for the entertainment which is to be gig- en by the student nurses ' of school of nursing of the University we at 8 o'clock!‘ Satu%)'S:ve;1iin\g alt‘ the nurses’. ome. ut .'int , , *‘**"'-- , ,, street. The funds raised will be_S°":,'"{€ C”‘:''’‘''‘‘''‘ “c.“‘‘" "‘ - }Iaodoosendastudentnurse,Miss. ' ‘ ' s’°“’°" ‘at’ 5. Oma Kilby,_as delegate to the sev- mm “,0 “ms ‘O‘Olll1‘€l_“-h annual state convention of the Missouri State Nurses’ asa- ciation vghicli will be held in Spring- field. October 8. 9 and 10. The entertainment will be a bene- fit bridge with instrumental and V0- cal solos. at intervals throughout the Hand-embroidered hand- kertldefs, light refreshments and home-made sweets will be sold in help raise the funds. . According to Miss Adelaide l-‘rec-se. a-senior in the school of nursing. the .first time that ii stu- dent delegatv was sent to the state _ convention was two years into and l’‘’’‘'5'M‘' “‘ lb" that delegate was from this school. Last October, when the convention was held in Folumliia, there were eight student (ls.-It-gate-.~’ from other towns in the stati- ‘ Miss Freese said that by attend- ing these meetings the ..olfin8.fd!iIour- if --. lies town. V‘ l . >‘s~ ' . -. . _., 9 CQl0flI¢l"*Tea & Gift-Shop i . O,‘ - I ‘.-H‘- . A‘,.>; .' ‘Q-a ‘ , O_ . . . , ‘ ." * :. £?Jfur#u’: 53 ‘TIRES . Who Be -J_.u.dg'e!' _ Whit-li of us shall pass judg- Remington and ment on a map hopelessly en- ‘ C01-nhusker slaved ll)’ 3 great lO\'€? i _ Fabric The story of John Storm . . who rinounced the life of re- ggfir ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘S ligion ior the love of an actress 32% '5.’ N‘ E.‘ ' ° ' ' ' ' 16'; is the most stirring and drama- ; e. * *2 -5- ---- -- ° tic love story the world has ’ () ~ , ‘ , C d ever known. 30x3:/I N, S, S 930 thflexre is‘ the Great Picture of ' 32x3‘,/’ N. S. . . . . .. 15.60 0 V331‘- Irnportant time table . 31x4 2 N.S . . . . .. 19.50 . 32 4 N. S. . . . . .. 19.95 changes effective S8D- 33:4 N. S )o_55 »-mm mm: was ' 2; 3:.;::. ‘should obtain advance“ 33$: 3'; 3- - : 2:;-ggi . ' . _ . [2 '0 s‘ . . . . . . an ._ Infor mation from 36x4‘/2 TN. 8. . . . - . . 139-20 , 35x5 .\'.S . 38.5: Agents to avoid get- ; ting left. - - . Missouri Mama Motor Co. AG°1di_v91'i¢t\-re ~ 15 N. 7th St. Phone 363 “""°°' ~ . Also . “On the Job" “ALL WET” With A] St. John -- . .. -_,_._.>4»¢.. ___ VT—.I— -- AUGUST 14—100x3—-Tide me requested a V \’ . : . A,‘ - - V_ ‘n _ I « n 9.; ._ -The [lard Solf-Cbql otive fir-eincn know that they can getsteani up more quickly‘ witlii .-V. ‘O Locum lea shovelfuls of cool when they use Fimiacc Sise coal-—'-they kiiow_ _1l~-.it 3 results are secured with the minimum es diture of labor—tliat’s why the Bm_t'..er- . 2 contract that the railroads supply coal no ' la :3” Furnace , ' 001' V CAXTIN Furnace 8i'.ro—get'the,na.x.ini:II the whole family to tire, giving fin lumps no Order CANTINE Farnaéa Size. or if-yoapneler. '- -. ‘ . Bi: Lamp, from these progressive ,lealers.- .. larger thdn acocnasi t. ‘ . s" , , . ForSale’By y Dalton Coal Co. i " 3? ,l’‘I---e..lN1 A , 13.25, P ._ g , ,- . ‘sist- llhed: Only by Luniaghi Coal Cotllpally,-SL A s ' '- ‘ . ¢--‘ -‘ I . I u‘ 7 ' ‘ _ ‘ -"-;._._._> .2 5 y - _'. ‘;.__ > .1 ‘kg-,"..~v_..,', _. ’_ _‘ " _ p O _ ‘o _. _’- *~ _ - - . A - ” -., , _, : :,,.i-i - = h t.«..-4:‘: “ I‘ ' ..'.V ‘‘ . . - ' v v . ._ -i¢_ :- . . ‘ _ V . _ , _ t 6 ' I .V<" I ‘I I ° - ‘ ‘ . I "_ V.‘ V ‘i W . 1 . ~'-‘ *..-''.‘‘e -* ‘‘Na‘?W.:-.V3.~.. . ' - ..= ' . - . - _. « '- - - r _ " "I. - "' . _ ,.._‘ -- ' __‘_ _.-,.-.‘ __ ._ , ‘.-...< ,. ‘ for women ‘interested in leadership ‘ tending to do social work. Those in-. ‘. L up as early as? - “. C. A. office. lt,f will be Yl(‘l‘('S§€U')’ to limit the course: ; to thirty girls." i .2’: *;—''.v:' 2-s'v‘2-"grey-y ;- Unix’-‘Idea ‘of Piano“ " ; Service’ .’ I D -3.....- Is to help you own just the type of instrument you ‘want at a price that aiiords you fullest value for your expen- diture. We have a Piano for every home-—for every need ...for every taste. Regardless of your selection you are bound to save. F0r.here ev- ery instrument is priced rig . .».. ;_\W!> l -.\L.- ___- is \ fix Make Your Clothes n Do Duty! ll ELICATE ‘fabrics last longer when Even the proper care in the laundry-— that means no harmfulwashing {fow- ders. They must be laundered in pure, soft , water. That is the “Dorn-Cloney Way.” Years of experience are back of the service we of- fer. When your 1 drycomes to us it is washed in pure, so water witlipure soap. It returns to you clean-, fresh and sanitary. Clothes laundered the “Darn-Cloney Way” do double duty—tliey wear longer. ~ A Dorn-Cloney ~ . ‘ Laundry & Dry Cle"5n'i‘ii"g'iCo. New Underwood Typewriters For Rent Let us demonstrate the Remington Portable Typewriter —the world's best portable. ' National Typists Association Reading Typewriter Exchange, Agents. 804 Hillcrest Phone 1750 --4 . V TURNE‘R’S - CLEANlNG—PR'ESSING-—REPAlRING Ladies’ Work a Specialty _ ' Phone 1799 - Thilo Building Hitt and Broarlwa ‘ We Call For and Deliver ARCH TURNER. Prop. . -, e - ~- Experience Only lg teaches a lot of the things that a to know in order to pro- ‘ duoeailourtliatisdiifere and. . lttakee.-apex-aonh] ow]. ~ edgeofjustwbattouseandho w to use it_to produce ,a_ flour thatvis gltshndinaly ‘ super-ior—a flour ch as.H'-P. for instance. ~ We fact that we have bun seventy-three yarn imtiie ‘ A atfilains how we have learned to . ‘tliisbetxeitio .. ll!‘ ..‘-...~.I -nw:Ir_ czzinimnne’ « . / » - ...i‘-’ 2 ,, I '. ‘$“‘_1' ‘57 "9‘-Milli”? V‘ -43,‘ .;;asI*““51§i I‘ _ ‘J ‘ I-‘ 3 g. "7 . ’\ ‘ ' ' k-—..,.g , . "" a:—.., -9-“ ‘toss.-.i.v-ru.-. ‘v’. . . _ ‘_' -V---....r .‘. . ‘I: I-' ’_ . ' ‘ . :2‘. - .. .- ‘V’; ‘ > ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ ‘an. .0. &_' . . . . » . . I - _ . A