_grow'a'8. added ” A be’ 01 El'°''- “'9 3'3"‘- Basement Jesse Hall “lnthaoection ted e. to gggyg-,u.¢qmluynyunln-a rt-at . ' ‘ “Stilt 13- flrat part of the aoaam. thousand five hundred delegates. tight gpriccaat, every 50an¢l"‘£°:d¢lf1-0-5-ti1tcthowht.—mctthJIretod‘gllnt1:c I‘ ‘ eauaedopeningaeaaiono eann moc- :§’f;.: $3952..» . tng-;or,~nae British Association for gn - ' t1ymanytheAdvanoementofSeicoce._ ateartssaeuocsauou la un-anger reigh fgafthe fields. douhted1!theworld'szl'catast acien-‘go pi tifici S ' to cram. ahoutone- Threehundrod YOUR STORE B ‘av’ } (.2:-i. caaw mo rxsssscaas . or waacxan smr swan nuecppveaael ‘a 117: Loss-—Sllrer. um! I: Ualthl ‘Pam. . 1‘ SAN FRANCISCO. Sent. 1:."- ' the rescue at we ot uurtncn ecu upon San Miguel Island: Silver and gold bullion to the re-' rted value of more than a million. dollars was taken from the steamer; ‘ before she went down. I _ If you want to any or sell some- ‘-ajipllcatlon of Any nemhér of the British aaao- thint. try’: Liiaaourian Want Ad. ‘, _ _' N, ,. The ’. ,. u I I t *4 I J -. v _ - t Senator Conti. the Italian I for-as aa -i.-,'~‘;g{:§,.‘_._':rt.*v.. Just 6 Years Old 0 0'‘. Ho Ea O-OP Greets you, iiellow students, with a friendly desire to get »acquaz"nted and a big supply of needed things. uy Text Books Here! , ..._ --__- - . _. -..___¢. STUDENT MANAGEMENT Basement Jesse Hall ° The South Side , e Postoffice 0 Sub-station is here! Bring _ .. . I . Pacluirges, Laundry: All Maifto the * lace Arranged for Your Convenience t ‘YT he Co-Op , ‘And When You Purchase, Remember- It Is Your Store , Your Enterprise, and. It Is to Your Interest to Save the Purchase Slips, and Collect Your Divi- dends——l2i Per Cent Paid on Last Year’s Purchase Slips- SL3 's‘~.?..3..\.\ I M Illtci 9*!‘ Ifvhn -:6 C. IN Ni #49. M at gr.- . 94'»; M -ii Stationery’ p , Jewelry, cud. "cuts, peat ts, ,andM Little‘ Fountain Pens-—Pencils——iDrawing Setse i 5 If Stationery Everything ;!°:e'.°d by the student in writing and art supplies. ' and others) in every desir- able style. Paper for class work. l 0" ’~¢ ~", ‘ / _. ' L A‘ - _‘ Note Books (leather hound t Athletic Goods» _._..._.._ _1.- , Yes, Shoes! A V Co-Op Athletic Goods Line. I Selected ‘for. the students here to exactly meet their require- ments. ‘They are of the best of makes and quality—and besides carrying profit-sharing slips these goods are marked at the . lowest of prices. Gym Shoes, Army Shoes, Other Shoes for sports. Come in and get familiar with the . ,0 1 Of. Y ‘r \. . _' ‘ V_.' .. x . Books i , Fiction Text Books-—Literature-— Te Books for All Depart- 7m of the University- Both new and used. You cary get all the books you need ‘ 7 here at the lowest prices they can be handled for- and if you have forgotten ‘the exact title of the book, just give us a tip or the title of the course. — Dividend Purchase Slips, to be sure. Service This store is founded on the of rendering complete satisfactions to students. You need only to take ad- Vantage of this service to be of this. ; Typewriters .For‘ Rent-.—For Sale ' agents for the Rem- . _ A ‘Portable—-the effi- tgsturdy and convenient Y machine. I-4', at the Ct),-‘op -- Your V 0 .,‘ .‘‘,V ‘I. _ -., --.5‘; . _ V -__ o, ‘ ‘.“. . ’ ._, -. ‘ 1-v-_ _‘..‘,’_ ‘..,'.:_: ~ ~:*-:-a;-..;=:-- 1:3.-.~‘-..*£‘.-_. P .."“ ” I‘ ,. ‘ an . . 7‘ _".> ’ .3 f‘--.._.- .'.‘,£-3-3 1 . I9 . . _ ‘_ “ ._‘.' '.-_ e o_ _ J .. ‘ ' "' - ’ fiii _'wooi> M'n"coaL man 1* ‘ Wood and Coal for Sale. . : , ‘lay quantit-ykyru want. ""°°‘ 1“? ‘T HARRIS a oo.,-pm wutrua 1 1 Phone -1971 b 4 Hart Sch er &Marx Many Fall Styles I All are correct in Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes. It's ‘. . no trouble to ather a lot of new styles; the woods are full of the £5 and ing ‘ that’s different. And that’s where WE are different. All our styles ; are authentic and in perfect taste. ’ Great Values $25 to $50 High School Suits, Extra Trousers $22.50 to $30.00 Boys’ Suits, Extra Knickers, $8.50 to $20 All the new shapes and colors in Stetson and Thorough- bred Hats and Pep Caps. One Price Cash Clothiers. Higbee & Hockadayl Clothing Co. The Home of Hart, Schaffncr 8; Marx Clothes for 30 Years. Will Be Needed by .\lany Students. This advertisement is to tell you {hat there is a superior and complete _,._~"‘- Optical Service right here in Columbia. Expert Grinding of Lenses (Correct Examination of Eyes FREE) Remember all work is done in this shop and is guaranteed to be ' Exactly Right. _ ' Any_stylc of frame is here in stock. This complete service means quicker service and the personal attention and facilities to make every job exactly n . Bring your Broken Lenses here—any lens ground. If you have a prescrip- tion for glasses bring it and get your glasses right away. when you need em. ' I have on hand a complete line of parts for making quick repairs. I o .-IL, Om‘ Gillnsvfe Drug_S@‘e—Eu0'a1I‘cc on Eighth St. ._.- HELEN a. on! . Violin Soloist and .~ Pupil or Eugene o ‘~'“~ Boston, 11;‘. t to gather new styles that are correct . " 4 - 5 :-c :1: 2 9-903 "1 ‘.""‘!"‘.$ 21".’ ,,. 0}-p-pa 63':-0a -Ir " ~.'-"'- I v_.‘-I‘.'3. ~___":.-‘. Dr. R. A. Walters, optometrist