' Canal was under construction. them -ver beads. representing the odd num- gum Sixth Reader, the part with all; and vocal students Without extra charge. ’ t . 12"-“‘__" .5 - 7'-.=‘i'.. . ' I I l V . -. gr’ .1 ' P ‘ ‘rP“"v'7‘§7»‘ .,. 4.-nee .“‘I“-t K " ‘ - u - U . r c,A. V . ‘ ' l ' I ggcuflarsfi ‘IQXK U ..n . egg if E i i 3 ii i’ i 3.: ii i E o; erg , ii 35. 2:: ii: i ii. i 8 E 3 i ii! all i 5. E ii 5 E ii i 5 £ 8- .. . ' ” "‘*°~i" " B-"d"‘mI' .. .. it'a np'toyou.' V _ ., . .01 llfiififlr "5"" 7 w E :‘ J. @”‘:i’*;7.?7?"':3.'E’ 7‘-‘T: mt: ""‘ "’ , _- , _. - lllltffllllfl ‘ I _ ' ‘ F,‘ .. ~‘ ‘ " ' ‘-t‘--v‘-*“‘ fig.” 3""."'-t""'-t’ ’°"'- incoming-maniacs’ at floll no ,‘,; ' ~ . .__—‘— Q‘; .":.i“.‘ ‘ .K.‘ . rag: sandwiches!--'l‘n_e_nton Times. It kn,‘ “gem” “hum bi‘ “mg .\ ' J; . . a it iuiueha . . . - 9' W11 P Tjgg . Root“ ‘ V ‘o site ‘Fe 1 i- upou its‘ co1n'pan'on ml la'll‘alniea‘t Amy and ." a teminine-;road.—Detmit Non. ilndiannpolns Stun =: 973 1' 5 Y 0“ - mm '“ ‘ ’ : ',.. .- - _ are inning "_. whererand Whit Jtieaiu tetotheflrm fgunda-‘fears’? ti” ‘he’, ‘dc.’ John’ 0“ Ii“? mm” ‘°°m‘ °’P°°i‘“y ‘"5"-‘I’-"" )uu°:0 not tie and read Mlaaourian ‘ " A . 4 " . . . “ '''’‘‘‘...,.,..,~ I 1"l'l'- “'5 "99’. gnufln death of the hmdem mo.’ At seven o'clock Yeaterda morI- A ‘ittbflfl ' ~ ~ ' Three ' '.. 7, ‘ . . ....~\ ‘‘-.;...‘a‘.. *3‘ .-3. .‘~,'-‘.- . ' . ‘ ‘ - 7' -.. ' V I _ | l m I‘. _. 4‘; ' 5: . l _, ‘V ~ '"‘“~"*“ i i i ' * i i “‘~°"'“"°"="'°"’“‘ l ;............ o. . » e e imo-collegiate Hang Out Wlll Be an p am an heproduced from camels. H p I I .50,‘ ¢w,.? R’ 3 . litany a lame duck got that’way to let fl1|'m8- Tl‘! lvflnflflt 3 “W T 7 "5" *5 ‘W4 *° “'3” mi. mad -and heartless itneins‘ y tie: it 3 brai:y.,,R‘eady for you with Soda, .Lunclies and all sorts mu, Gavan“ I’m_ 2115 to 80! Y0“ °3°’3 Jto those of no who can't get any:-— “mt “3_ ll i o _i th ll’ .pack d. ' It isn't the prize-lighting buainesa '. ¥~—¢- -U ‘ r ; i J’ was oart|euluir‘rertin°'** W Calvin Coolidge an m- ‘Dis '3 0 we W“ e ' ,i"‘”““ “'3' 1‘ i‘“’'’ ‘’‘'‘’"‘’’.’B‘'’ ii -‘.Svu)RAGK‘ ‘ L I Meet thefe anytlnteo’ §_< 2-.. ii $1. 5. E 9 1 § 4 E "' ‘e i . I*'e't7f*f'i“"-*”',-"%""=:7""" ' u.. g:=.“1\'!i'°‘ 3-” N‘ . ~ L‘ ‘M . azeonrg P. . ought to nuke good bread for hot- -‘r'f-.1, 3 ,—_-j‘, mm ‘kn ' ‘ idea on a-conaervative community.- . video; gpldentg 1,." “me, uwgn, if he-1-¢.froin sticking to the middle of the of 'Freslr Smokes, Tobacco and~Candy.. ‘ -'7 'l‘bfiElndianapolia Star. ' T," ’ ' ' " . t‘ 5 A o ‘ , . '4; - ' ' 6' ' ’ v m S . "'°"..... ‘?'.:.‘:'.;“::.’."‘°....."“...‘“:’.. ..... *5 °;.,°-,,_"-,,;; ms:-1:, ..‘.’:':.*':.:.‘:.: .'::..“"‘::’.::°i"....“*' :::f... “"'°"~' "°."= ____' “e .16. , ‘I 2- - ‘ ‘. ’ ‘ — If every day waa Sunday we won A i . in ' co trocuon isaail oi-lad: ‘he said:.~ -*1 have faith uiomhat dad malice itepourh to hold me , . . __ eh. q 7 cl: Ii: mm” ° N vim direct the destinies of ourqfl few days’ Fmmed finance them ‘“ 5° "’”°d °' """”d ’°°" DION Star Journal. 3. gaudy,‘ 1.1”; .i._ am-t. mung,» Jrlus courageous dcclaraojto be sure! _ Fun“ h‘_‘__;_;r_d;‘_ “I M“ j t .. apparcndy la ' ? The dc“-‘gs: in the fieldjofl utgity the spirit eaflfigl‘ WHAT ;made a new will, cutie. and left you 3 393"‘ “V” of _ our I‘ is but ai ‘ i V V , _, I pooeeas."—Baltimom Boning: ,j Phon 353 abmld work to the lure G? God. ad weobdiwe tint God m.(.,._, .> Sum , Q 1 15 N, 71}; S1, . e embody concerned. Certainly. build- “'1” gnd He gives us the! Slluill!“ Night]: T ‘ ' -———.——-— ’ ., 1 ? era wold see the advantage to lh91B~n";suranCe’thIt “all things are work-1 run the Dayton Non. » It has almost gotten to the point) i , '* . . 0 0 . . if restrictions were placed on build- ing together forvgood to them thatf Every Satmday night‘ in I 'v¢ty§.‘wherc~a wife will divorce her hu- .__? '. T . '. ‘ _' ' ing in certain ‘districts. Hare and love Him, ind to them who are -the true sense otferaeatinie-tor'a clieck-,« V A ‘ _ —————-— '- I S ;- . . , 0 ;_ better houses for example. are to be ca‘led according to His purpose." rim: up proceaa inithe lives of iadiol; "“ ”'“"“' “’~“" "‘ “" « ' - g4... :, ' ‘T; ’ Y’ 2 ‘ ‘ — _ i MISSOURl.MO'l0R00. 1. P e -. ,Jt‘ '> - , . , . ———-_———-— . viduals or collectively of families.‘ hm“ lb 3 nmghborhood wk?” 0'“ The CW Of P1'i'lU“R' “'15 d,‘5"‘°"" Nd There \‘.':i< 8 time -in the history ’ in which. as in Other C3593, dis?-!'if-"63 The editor and publiaher assured . coming days wrcould so fm.“.u.d ml: School of Expression | D O O 1 r ' ~ _. _ t all-‘ll-'~'l' h°m°3 “'9 l’°i'miu°d' Jam‘ 3. in N38. and KM‘ Blllll‘ “'33 l"l"l°d’thl.~: profile when at solemn hushi ' I - B ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " " ‘ a house ‘ht built and the Owner 113! from movable type as early as l455.§(.a,m. 0," me f,m;1)..u_,u,e owing“ : « _ . ‘ ' 0w- Re T‘ tra ° , ° 7 .‘ v d t .a‘nd . no assurance that a garage or real It was not, however, until more than 503,5 fen upon the city ‘ad country‘? ‘ . the . _ . - l e ‘ p N for . ton to Un1}er5lty Stu en 8‘ ‘ taumnt or some other house or pro-ltvo handled WW 18*" *5“ “‘-° side. shoes were blackened. cook-~ r ' e . ;. Columbia Students in the Followin De artmcnts—— ~ « 'ld f 3 er dawned u n - - ‘ 1 C 0 egfi O ~ - . portions not equal to that of the, h:3w‘:"fi “g: P‘&’o‘"' I ._mul’:’e mg wa: finished‘. thehflamilfy alltar. ‘ I . . _. V 6 _ _. - ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘rte *3 was so u an woe armies .. . ~ ' i , ' e. u « . -V 5”“ 3 m""""“""""‘°‘."'“' um °‘""l¢ mud the “Public Inu-‘;lig't-nL'- nwgued mp‘ ‘me religion‘ :1. w. Fuadamc-iitnl, Moral and Religious \nlues (2) (I-'resh- ~ A , . » p _ er hc”'Z‘t:st:b°:tfi’:::ng M much-fer" in London in 1663. This S00.-hlS . for the dawn of the sabbath Dun; men mill-). set '_U H be god .' J The (.‘z0nSel°V3t0r-y Of» MUSIC MOMS’ In 0 9 " _‘ r ;to have been the pioneer of the um» gm Time 5,. , ,.c1e,,u,_.,, son of nu-‘ Sec. 1: ll 'l'..'l‘h. . : ours to arrnn . ‘ 3 , . . . . _. ‘ . " . C ' _ L—_ If one P!‘0P(‘l")’ °""“°" build’ ‘nd:l°di°‘l ‘press’ “"3 "L°"d°" Ti“}“;“""chinc. it crushes ambitions, anni-' !l0 f. w. Psychology of Religion (2). Sec. 1: 10 W. F. -_ ‘ Pnvate lessons In P1311101 "olcei st:1ln_ged. \V3}“l,_‘1‘n"u‘_u) _ then other.-: crect houses or sto!'efn0W‘}he l¢3di!‘¢"3““3' _°f "1" B”“*h'hilati-s traditions. destroy: our fond-s , 121 f. w. Comparative 84-lisrion (2). 8 T. Th. ».. V ment5'i Courses 0ff.r?d In: Al)l)r(_3c_l3t1On an“ I'I.iSt0r3 01 4'qu;‘K* 5: bufldinzrs on either side oi him. there1E"‘P."'°» ff“ ‘?“”"°§L,"T “M” drv}mIs- _Todny mueh- Of the‘: 122 r. w. Christian Ethics (2). i 1‘. Th. e . Harmon)’. Counterpoint. Cornpositxuii, Auzilysis and Musical 5; e -e we to we eew~ei$:‘ii.':...':':l".:%:.....‘;:‘:*‘::::... o.f.”’,?L".?'2’2‘§;1iI‘..i2.7‘1I?2§§."‘ii§ .1‘? “ “""“““" ‘° "° r T *‘°"“S~ 3"“ "W S°'*°°’ 1““S‘“~ ‘ right up to his property line. That 1,0‘ Th. ‘('1 . ‘ , _. _ i ‘T N n . ' ~ . _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is all fieht if both structures ==ti11:p2r' At iiiowtiooao :le'cth)c "ii:-old-iE§;'jf,‘;"“',;,§;"‘,§§;;fi,“"'°3§‘fig =: 7 r. w. Bible as Lit.erew.° “ ’‘'‘‘°'’'' 5”’ °"d “"d°°' ‘ 1 P Two-Year Course n Normal Piano Training With Su- 3 . 1 9, be 3.5.’ v - . .- ' ' . ' , M uri I‘ (2). 10 T. h. , ~ « - . . . . ' . , ‘ s ' - ' '5 re 0 s ' ' 0 - ' _ i . _ 23,. ‘,',,,‘’,"‘’,‘K":,,, ‘,5,Z",,tfi’m,d T3331,.§‘,;}';f}f§0§r"‘f;‘p:;f3if‘“°{;(_“j;§ 33:1 umuffti oiorrrilergt-2:0 ‘;°r:‘ced,_g. = n 3 ‘l'.‘\~.~, llililc as l-itera'tui;c u. Lyric, and Prophetic Ma- pervlsed Practice and Pi'actice.Teaclung... , the other burn. But in blocks oiiatatcauand these were issued Wt‘('l(- .,_.(.(.k and suneasc {mm “.o,.,.)._ In‘ ‘ terials (2). ll '1‘. Th. ‘J-1. . p ; V-J: houaemhcrc, many frame huildingsily. The paper which seems to be 3 sense it would be 3 mmggcem, _ 9 t’. W. Life and Lllérflt-l{3_€,.0f New Testament (2). Sec». I: I The Art Department '- .‘ -rtledtthh f.L' th"~ ' - ' ' 10T.'I'h.S.lI:h to'* ed. e, . . .. . .. . . . g b:o‘:‘:;:;§-°‘:'c£“;¢;‘;°:lw‘:‘;;_,gig, dm; M°‘.5;::,.', ° ,,.,,:m2-‘Th: ;‘::‘,“‘§,n‘:k 1;f,',§e";,A{'§',:"§fd_§:‘3’:: ~ Ne“. -,~,._::,,,,,,,,, 312.1,, to be ,m,,,ed_ « i This department offers in addition to individual instruction in ~ ' us, my’ éewoy mennouiy Cournnt:" fouiidcdullfircil all-bioned ioooowiiioii we have held rein-{; ' no. iiooi-ow Lonztuaire nu. 'l‘nree times Per week through , art, three courses for college credit: (1) Introduction to Art: ('2) e :"“m: :1 we Wm WM. v 32.21:: :3 “$1-mf ; live to Saturday nights. If we coigd: two semesters.’ Hours to bo_.auon2ed- _ Representatioiiand Advance Principle of Desigllz (3) Consti°uc- The guggestion of 3 building code,1p°s(.d to give “My fomigp n;.“.5‘ ::'(‘)m“ll’i'5h;:n;”;“n%°' 13:’ f“°°t h: '. 118 f. w. _Social Teachingaof Jesus (2). Sec. I: 8 T. Th. e _. tlve Art ‘ - gp ' 3’ 3’ °' Sec. II: 9 '1'. 1'5. .Sec. lllz 11 \\. F. T . 3'' could be named for residential sec-‘his readers that he would not take-me“. anknwter mks. we ,,hou1d_' , ‘:2 ""' H°b’°»‘?'. §i‘_"‘°"3' (31); 1? _T' Tlgds S; 2 See p . .“°‘'.’ ‘’‘?1’'' "’d "°°“°"‘ '"‘°'.° “ :}’°f,i,hi':,:°,,u .i:u,f;‘;.:§"0°,§;“,“‘;ff_'{W" f°“' 5"“5":‘5°:fe‘°’ §r'~’h’i‘:““ ‘° 1: 111 51'. fif'&-c.slmn do “Hmong . um'°" (‘L ' i This department has been for a number of years under the Efzzutmfiinfiemtegn mp: grilple to have sense enough to make re-‘S333 ‘:;:,a‘]l;fic.°b; it’: ‘he 50,? ' If you wish one of‘--. above courses and have conflict! 5 (lll°€Cl’.10l’l Of 3 graduate Ofllle Emerson College Of OT8t0l'§’. HOUYS Many “may it ‘ma ‘it wouldiflectiona for theme;-li'cs." This '92- idealism thetwe need mo... and mm? consult us. “'0 may be is .5 meet your requirements. will be arranged to meet the convenience-of day students. - ~ g ' '. r ~ v . .- . . . ‘ '1 -. seem. be welcomed by on who com'§'m::,°';3,?u”,°yd ,:.',‘,‘,,°,‘,l,‘,f,.;‘.‘,:,',‘f,3.f 1:.‘ ‘"3 ‘"9 F"‘°l“°’~"- * "f 0- 9- ED“ARDS- D.°*m- - Day students may also register in the regular college dcpart- , . - - - -—-—--—-- 2. . , to uabold Col'.ambi=-'3 #8~.‘le'a1ne the‘1n"tntcr of the "Spcctator."u School Ia 1-‘an. 3'" - 1-,; ‘city beaufifafnil ' ' If not so goodfirmghm that ‘U - ‘V . .. . I . _ It is an invutment in column-1 ‘ _ _ ‘yes. is * me . . -____—~_ ' g i ~—— % ~ . ‘ “ ‘ ', ~ ‘l..;,. nitre appesm-ee use -New whiehi”,,,,,‘ f,:“,‘f;,“,?§’,,,‘§“.§fl",’;‘§oi,”3,°,§;:;;1;:u;-e;;ehg;P§:kI:%:l;ea‘:;=i1nr Jokes; - . _ . _—~,;'-e ‘ . ; EDGAR D. LEE, President old’ 37 dividends inprospcrityé - . e - e l - ';",~ T ‘ ‘ .»’,:; and gull-‘lccned development. gmight In“ You ask your son, Mr. Head of at ' ~. ,_ ‘ . ‘ f :1 Phone fie " ‘ ——-———.——...—...— 4 ‘There is a lake of Epsom salt: Family, Whethéfhe W833 10 1399!’ 00 o ~ ' - , ‘t;.‘ D, 3. B .mk_y of Pu“ . no um; 3‘(,qu(._ 3.-mg), (goiumhin, The vacation for the rest of the fall and, . , -.. , _ . “ near , . ' ‘ ‘winter. 2 Ti” """°h°“’U".°°’ b'°‘,":t b;nep:inpzhi::hei:dorum:liE He'll tell you, no Siree! schools? ‘uh’ t° t _° m"“ity' °”"°”‘ing snow. The imfiltzflftd W8ie!"arcn't prisons any more, where lit-1 ‘ °°“““°“d‘“"°“' _D°°”°r Tmey 'dv°". bblea up from :1 dates! sprints tle fresh-air loving boys and girls; can-I till! 811 Tilt" do “"3 ”-m¢r‘and apparently the-lake is incaihaust-zero oooped up ma bg-.33.,-idaen mdf “We'll have 10,000 enrolled then." htjblc; The product is taken out in 1body.1‘;gg¢d. 1 Riegistration Begin’ 3 September‘ 10 isctian College‘ oboe:-ven._A loyal and sturdy growth, : four-inch sheets which are dried and 1mpw,_.ed methods hue taken the; r ;_ ' * P too, we might add. gP111"°fi“d- -drudgery out of _school for both pp-3 ‘ , , . _ I ‘ ' 3 Th it t I‘ f P 1-1) 5 gsgqpiyls and te‘cl3ers° . 1- — -——« —-~—~ -~-— A - ~ ~ ~~— v~-A H ' ' . “ ‘W .‘ . It’s great to have a day of restled ‘fiafléigent ziilatigg gfashinc \\ hy, they're Just play nowadays, thei Conservatnry of-Muslc . . W ‘ - andibe only thing lacking in a day -in the «quipuy -phi, instrument S0038?-leffi 811 M1538 diffeflnt . 1 . . . University students ma re ‘star for courses ' to get over it. consists of a knotted cord about six-'.”‘d “""‘°3 °"t ‘he “"9” i“ "h’"'f ‘V y g1 l ._.,..,_ , . I l ‘mu mm mm “minim mm,.,,d,,,8 boon L t in piano, singinggviolin, violincello, organ, flute, NATIONAL cnowm knots. These knots are divided into; Shades of Mccuffey! How we: _ ‘-‘larlpnets horn» t1‘0mb°"9o -°_x‘1X°Ph0“9a, em ' Ten years ago. when the Panama ten unequal oecfions by as many ail raced to dread the second half of’ Practice rooms are available for mstrumental 9 ti . . . 1 . ., , U11 > rda .It’.dff t. . , . . were near doubts rowed as w 1*! ;§‘f"“§;“:u‘n", ::,mT‘;?mf§°‘“{‘;';f, fa’: §,,,,';._°"§,;‘,’ ,,,',',‘, “¢m,,‘,, ',,,°‘§f,‘,e_ The hours of instruction and practice-are ar-- ii, commcnclal value. True. Roosevelt, mm mm" in we caimlgggng public schools are far ahead of the - ranged to meet the conveniences of individual 1' . 5033 it 88 8 Wk WWW" ‘~59 ‘fit; , 11,. .11;-egg buds hem-..n"leason,iwe'l1 venture to say. -1 students Ll , andthewestcoastnavalunitsinorg‘ gnu" pnset h . 4%,,» Bfltthg heal; ‘t t, d. “ . ~'l. der to double the strength of botlI'oflg:-W. from €310 1o?,ct;1:u)e;:tei:g';§ imlwe shall dtcnke aqgr;1\'emmri‘eetcakefrif- _ The f°119‘}_"m , courses be taken for aca" ll . f the, ,,,,,1,.,,,,, W,’ ,,,,,,d,,d, ,,,¢ ,i,._..._,-¢ __ __ I demic credit. istory of Music, Harmony, .Coun- H; l 5 Ho.w‘evei-, the greater reason.-forlanda are possible ' by this dcvicenl ” n the’ comtmcfion at it w” to 55'.‘-;.iwhieh was first used by the Chinese, en we hug vow“ of the Omgénghtcr by t;beJapanese and must have; .; o aroundthc Born to join Sanipsoji fir: -the battle of sontinzo in 2393.; ~ 2¥“““"°"'~“‘ '3" 9”“ ' ‘ terpoint, Public School-Music Methods, and Pub-' lic Speaking. , Each ticket. is good for six footballeegames: ' ~ Department of Business Training { . advanced-courae-whieli includes portrait and il- 5-._‘ lustration; and (3) Art Craft. . Students " - Young women who residein -Columbia may en- ,,vi7ell«GymAnas1u_m‘;'The rug {$’.}1.i?‘i;T2.‘:.’;:“..‘l‘‘lh°’§‘.iZ,‘;“.‘i.‘:‘;§€;‘““°’’““‘‘’” , ;:HeiI;e1’s.co-loos, p i For information regarding terms, etc.~, apply _ 1 P &' at if at the College office, phone 1600. . . —. np p in p p. H 3- : L, .v T ‘I ox”; '. . _t. H.‘ ! W‘ . Po '0'; $ _- Stephens College , e T199 73 Q‘ . : , , .. 5 ‘W P 4." '3' ._-.'. " ‘r At that time the transcontiilutfijl 5‘ maniho for-_iifty years did not i “ E]. bo t t d’ h be nd t_ 1 ,- railroads very much objectod»fh7it§lm°'.h¢ had _a sister met her hovel ,1 ed - “th orb,“ -5 “ ‘°s- 9“ f‘ ' ‘ tonbaseball games, and three track meets. The and memo oo.o.o»oiooo.iyio..iue:“"~:°**'°' d=r"."*W*° *.*”“'° ‘’'°: + :v f *3, ° ‘ ~ . S’."°SS training’ -n E - 5 2:“ - . . « new competitor. ‘But they °' ”°;';““‘*;fn‘pr§§§blg"°g; - slit; l‘ -? h:Se‘8*1_1d1€6 I1e%_‘~C0u1‘8e8 1}} buslrgssegrflh? ,_ average cost per contest to the season ticket tum“, no mm B. The “me, y. W .1 mg vebeen orgamzed and W1 1 be o_ er t s 3, , _ o _ _ , ‘W R _O was _ ‘ . mm ‘win 8“ Fnnddw’ 8 Watt . p .e ,m_.the:department will be open 1 g holder is 31- cents. Admission to all-contests .::c:°.....'***'i...;..i“°* . :....me ‘*.f.‘.'°.*..:’.’.f‘°°§i°.'”"...“.f’i‘::.“.‘i‘$? °°" riigim°“° ,. . W¢m1d.5e$14-50ifDaidatthegates.-'Footbe1l . "l""’°"“‘ “'° " °'.‘-"'~’e“°"“,,,,,',", ,.,.."“"’ l,'2“,’,,,f.’i§s A ArtDepal-tment ‘9 «Y admissionsalonewouldbe $800 P--e-cw ‘1"’-:“".'t"-"’«.L»b°'."". i... ...o..‘' .- W . ~ r ; t . “ = » ° - . *- —- :_‘iu:n.pa:idl:.{he ow: ";':I..i‘i -lo .'1‘_he following cenrees In ‘art may betaken : -gun“? *0!‘ ‘P9 in‘ “M” lung. and outoiqglusu take careof I ,3 . for academic credit: (1). Introduction to Art, g ’ ...°‘:r.:r.:?%- ‘ . .:‘:.. :::.::..*:: ,1 1 web meludeseeamme in meeuzns. de- s ' T c the con ‘Tl-S t . thc‘_At tliccnd of no one was: ' ‘l L signs’ Re!”-esentanon’ an . ‘- .,:4.“,)ghna ‘.5 hurt. _ _ e \, " * ‘ So lrgoea. the , run of the day’: ; ‘ n¢'I’I..tlIo notice of tbev :1 ' houiothathaveaot.liiI¢._=to do with Will flona ‘tics. A’ -v 8‘ -, ._ I‘ '. . .._ \ ..--.—¢_-....-—:—c—— 41¢.-an-as-o ca.-.-:a—._—o—oo~_._4 -_ -:2..- ?,,'_.‘,,.nd gxpggigion, so‘ {jug e .u.. record: while doing it. : of the nation crow that-thel m7 i‘ ll‘ 3“ ‘“V’E H .V~'hk-ll ten in” “P” am °°”.“""l, i"°u‘l"“ P“; ago thc‘,::o§,er of ‘gm P“, ham ' t -‘ I ‘ ' 9;’ ._______ heanicecream sup-? . 5: .. ', ts '. " I n ' o ‘ - "V ' ‘ Rofluvell " ~ P um’ . Q . ’ 2» ' ‘ 0 - it 71+ 1' ..- . . . c ._' ' ‘ ’ ‘ " '._I:, .‘ '1 K . l 1 ‘ I ‘ l . s ' :‘- r ’» . l 3 ‘I . _‘- e ,_-_' . . . I _.._‘~ ', ‘I . _ _ .. .. ‘ I . ‘ '. ‘ , ‘mob I‘ - . .r ' .-3 " ‘-3.. ' 4 ‘ ._ _,..o , :3. -. ' rl er. -5-; -; ire; :.~-‘.; . V _ orr__.‘a_9_-_ _',-_ Q Q -_ ~ _ ._ ray‘, ' " _o_; . r v‘ _‘ . ~ gr‘ ,-- A - , , v‘..,'-,.. ,!.',.o . .g‘ ~ .04.? . i . - , '- ‘ A’ ' ‘ " '‘ ~ s- ' 1 ~ -. -_ ‘ 4 ‘ I .» ‘ . . . — , . t , . . _ -. . . ,. , ., , ' ‘ r O ‘ “ k 7 . ’ ..u.._‘, ‘ to " V. I 4 H ... I ‘-2 . _ e ._ V * - ,, . _. . _ v _- -i ‘ g . “ ‘ __ _ __ .._.\ 4 l _;.,. -’ ‘I " ~. g} g A _ a .. J ‘ __ - __ 1 V, _.. ,I_ - - ,1 e. ‘ \ . _. I \ _1o\;i . ,_.‘ - ‘ H- ‘ _ I . av '