_ yo .- . rrw -1-.::-’~;:»:I:fi~=~'r:-»3,h.:@1:4~ji ~.1.-_:~-.-_y4an~.7<;...« -~ _ ’ . . . ._ ' ." ~. a I. . " ' i‘ - I « - . . _ I l " . I _' ‘ ‘ dltbo‘ , ‘till! {all for the-1lrst:l!l01‘8’ltEPOB1'ED'IN lJR%DEl§' ' ’ ' ' from*tlie‘Ilnlvcrsi : * ' - "'.uaeupioyri I-‘ve . . . ‘-'. » . , i , .,o , , ‘ . . -i.o' ' " ,‘;‘_. 1; - g ; - -~ - .. ‘ ‘ - ' ;« .'._ '- q A _’ ; ., v ; _. '§ . . . _ V -‘ - ‘ . .. . 2 K .' ._:;I'.Y‘“ . . II - - E I‘ 9 Elma--M ‘M’; _ plano"de-"J1 ¢,,...,.,a;‘ ~-~.-5,_.~,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ d . lid! “W” ' ..d_1his'g-radaate work last spring. *‘¢m°- Killed. | . * Iu'_‘tlle‘dewth1cnt_ of‘ rug-u~1ite,‘“’ I ; . . . 1-Prof. l;;k:u:g!undi;~ ‘mug {in d ' ' , ;(!DlIfII3 III . ‘ . ...wg:,».,.e,,; »~,rTr(l‘fr‘y3: if Mrs. Ernest’ ""v'J§I._a--. o-ham been ‘fat-c5‘_'lml many \'vc1!;e not able tp dis‘; the fields of graphic:-_ methods. Ire; 1 are a‘ few mm? rooms--m’ W91ch Han ‘int - . _ .‘.ism,m_ he, Emu.’ M-M Bunch‘, -tingmah between t e mportan an quency. axerages, uspcrsions an ’ . ' 0 g "a mu wmbm “ applied to mm, ' Dormitory for women. Apply at the Dormitory. , , g ; -tatimcx 1 _.= .0 ac leve Agricultural T . signed ‘to cover the fields of all the elements of soil. physical geography ‘non-important,‘ between the essen- -tials and non-essentials. We at- tempted to su-engthen the aces and. met with great success. "University men. as a rule. do not ggmu Aipha Emijong 31¢;-ton3!iodrick.' for the last man): returned Benedict, Charles Rea, Claude wil-gvcfterday to her home in Madison. liams, Charles Jones.aDavid Finis)‘. *“15- Jamer. llarriugton, John Lucas. Bu-. . prices is a course de-; - ——..——— P1 The Martha Trltublc Cir-‘la of the h C , ,. --.-—- -.- - -..-‘..._....—. __.¢.-. -...-o...---5 .g.. .. . -4----—-t-.» .,-...-4~.....,- —-.—~ .. ford King, Shannon White. Julph Jones of Kansas City; Baptist Church will meet o'clock Friday afternoon at the of Mrs. Jacob Sellingcr. 1305 Bass I e V m _V illinm Drake and \ex-non To. p ,m_emm. Flmrles Anderson of Independence; x;n,.o{ carthagc; Samuel Parting- ton and W. H. Winn of Springfield; and I-‘erris Van Meter of Alma. Si a Chi: Herbert Jones. Wil- liam Cur-tin, William Bird. Edward M . Cleveland. 0.; Leon liarbauxh 07 Joplin; Richard Grabiel of Fayette- 'ville. Ark; Harold Dale of St. Louis; and Arthur Cogliaer of Omaha. l\'cb. - Phi Gamma Delta: James Doaough. William Noel. Mc- erry llathers. » Jétvell; Clatanoss of Kan-._ ' as City; Julian Payne of Kirlzwood; _ Richard Kinmoath of Joplin; Tom and Jack Wright of St. Louis; Dan I-‘oruey and George Radford of Llo- berly; William Maple of hlaryville; "Frank Wharto of Columbia; Jim Jarvis eet Delta Tau Delta: Arthur Bums- bach. Wilbur Moore. Emmet Stuber of St. Joseph: Edward Wathan of ‘Kansas City; Paul Crumbley of St. Paul. Minn; Russell Jordan of Kan- sas City; and Charles Daniels of Independence. _ Sigma Nu: Dave Carter of Neva- da; Beeler Esliridge of Springfield; James Gittengcr of Liberty; Jo- Weblrtnr Groves; ‘William I-‘rieday of Nevada; Herschel Page of Kingston Springs. 'l'enn.; Mervin Howard of Joplin. ; Alpha Gamma Rho: Lyman Clark of Savannah; and Robert Turner of Neosho. Alpha Tau Omega: lllilliam Dutch- Thornberg of St. Loui . Francis Eaily and Raymond Shelladoy of Ceatralia; Ray Cowden of Columbia; of Marshall. Texas. . Kappa Alpha: Audrey Gauldin of Slater: Gordon Lowe. liallie grass. and Al Smith of Oklahoma City. Ol;la.: N. '1‘. Davis of Aurora; Dennis Johnson - of Warrcnsburg; John Reed of Bolivar; Frcdcricktown: John Warren lloldenville. Okla.; Buford of .1-Ellington _KIppa lsigmu: -Hurley Kayler, Wan-en Ware. Robert Becker. Rob- ert Closscr. Allan_liills. and Fred- erick Reed of 'Kansas City: Harry Jackson of St. Joseph; Gordon Rose- becry of Neosho; Edgar Lindcmney. ox rgmond Cole of Sodalia: Keith Bas- of 0'Pallon, lll.: Raymond Killer of Chillioothe: and George Klopper of Cameron Pl Alpha: Wellsvillc; Okla.; A. J. Cox of Eldo- . min 8 ' .‘ 7. ii”; . 11 and Louis Vandiveri Springs; and Bud Turner of Farber- l{an.: Edward hlackey of er of Monterosc. Colo.; Alvin Mar-~ gens. Earl Edgington. and George . William McPhail and C. H. Kpxwell‘ Snod-A , John Batten _ ton‘ of St. Louis; John C. Whltner of “ and Gnovcr C. ; ‘Paul Fuller of pnpgs; Karl Preston of Chat-1' Mrs. B. F. llofiman and daughter. Domthy who have been 2- guests of Carl llolfmaa in St. Louis for z: week. returned last l\'Zl‘ll. Guests ‘at the Alpha Chi Omega house are: Miss‘ Frances Whitmore f of Lincoln. !\'eb.. and bliss Ruth Fer- ris of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. John T. John.<.on,', who have been the guests of Mr. and ‘Mrs. M. L. Lipscomb. Jr.. returned’ to their home in St. Louis Monday. PERSONAL ITEMS‘ l Curtis Painter of Greenfield has" retumed to continue his studies in ‘the University. . J. F. McVey went to St." Louis, ' He will re- H. W. Ella and family left yester- .day for ~Jell'erson City and Poplar Bluff vghere they will visit friends. Miss Virginialieno of Fulton has ;arrived to enter the University. Miss "Reno waslformerly a student in Stephens College. LABOR Fianna LOSES CASE" ‘Must Serve I-‘ivc Months in Jail for Refusal to Testify. '8)’ United rma. ‘ ; CHICAGO, Sept. l2.—Mlcl1ael* <“Umbrella Mike") Boyle. Chicago’ labor leader. must serve his five months’ jail sentence for refusal to? testify before the grand jury prob-_ ing alleged ‘‘fixing‘' of the jury: :which' acquitted, Governor Leaf Small, it was ‘ruledhere by Judge? .'I‘homas,J. Lynch in circuit court. ‘ . at 3 wield as great an influence in the home world as they should.” said Doctor “I believe this is because nalities have not been dc-l vcloped sufficiently. They have the. » i Charters. their perso } 9; r, -9 “ii/iezzz iwezl.r and economical conditions which influence thcpriees of ‘ farm products. Prof. W. 1.. will take the work of Prof. O llowells as assistant professor , .. - ___.1..-. .___ _ -O .- av Glladto seelyoul back. Come :4 around to headquarters and - get intothe swing of the old college life. The place that everyone is glad to en- ter and no one_is glad to leave. Good things to eat, nice things to hear and J immie’s there to greet you. \ \/ 1 J7immie’s College Inn A C 1 ' -“The Place Full of Smiles.” will 7 wen of The-I Loretta PUMP should blend ml. the Acostume in trimness ofdesign .and harmony of color.‘ Th‘e Q Loretta, a log cabin suede, with a trim; a pump that has such dis- tlnction in its three-eyelet tie- Louis heel attractiveness.~—Y‘ou vn'll find it pleasing. $11: . FaI1ion’s~‘,Footyrea1~' Broadway at Eighth beautiful shade of Pasely ‘kid to L —Q OC‘U ~C --~¢... ieudividulfility in dress ‘ That individuality which we all strive for—-you’ll find it quite simple _ to achieve in one of these charming new frocks from Peggy Paige. Authoritatively styled, cleverly con- ceived, youhave never seen dresses so irresistibly smart. And you can select one of these en- chanting frocks now, while it is new —just a bit in advance of the season- with the assurance that it will remain good, all season long. Whether it's a party frock, an ‘elabo- rate evening gown, something simple foi-the street, or a fashionable frock for afternoon wear, you’llfind it here. New chappy coats received todayzl more expected tomorrow, also a com- plete showing of sport and dressy coats, tailored suits, sport skirts and dressy blouses. &‘J B .,_ , Broadway At lllth St. . ._.-..—'q—-o» - o - --.¢-._. -.-. .... . -. _:-.....—-—._...——-._.- ..._..._-—a-o- —~——o—.....__....———.- ‘:1 ":“*"""1;i _ ll'.31\W{ ll‘ ‘ ! “-. o . -1 Iultlll ' nun‘ ~ g.‘_.,'. 4- 4 I l l . IIIIHHIIIIlllllllllllfllllllllll .- ‘ _I_’ . . . . . - __ r A Q. is ,3, ‘ fi ll 1 H I n .4!‘ "llllll oh I ____——-T-:c:¢:— :—~..- - 4- -. .j— ' 4 IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 , , . . .. ‘V V '4; 5.. .'o ~\- ‘ IIVIIIIIIIIIIIOIIPII '2 .'..-to .g i. -6 ,, o......—- .1 » “Quality 1 - Wi.fl.‘.°‘.1.t' Extravagance” a_.'f 4 ‘.4’. \ s‘? C Eon. rHiJl3r:S1§A Y3; i i A fSpeci'ul‘FtzIItui'e" of theFirst fiAnnv:i1;1ersa S ' $ " '.".‘l. l- 3 If Z '1‘ Unusaialiy Singer; styles-— Autliuitic I-‘alrtaoles-—t|I'¢)' incldde styles fasliioned-- in the Lg‘-.. L _. .. r, _ g g. 1 912 Broadway ryflale _ 0 ~ \ x‘: 1-: '3. an rt; on.‘ I . 2' ~ ‘"’‘''''‘‘9‘-‘.'-''’ "-'1.f.'-'lfi"fl4é ?.n‘;::‘.-4*-:}-1' "n_"‘ ‘- a --—qg-u--. on ...--._.-..o— .~ . .4 llllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll _ ' ‘ ' “ P -way tl'ie”"forc1nost,‘3Il¢‘3. . .- V ., _.. talla-s‘— have developed. ‘flies’ . area . ‘ - 1 ' ......u.v belted. bnttolihs bot!--eenu, _ a1id5slde. ' i ue'a‘pla‘idtaad plain“ _ ‘v . . .. tlfully-tailored andfiliaadsonelr trin- uied. I Richard Yogt of Jefl’crson City; , Vernon Johnson of Butler; Levi Car. 3, : oeaof L n; Clare Curt:-ight of Par- 5. ‘., il:~Barol Weldon) (:1 St. Joseph; - Herbert Hayden of _ Appleton City; “Wiley fa!-‘arouse or _Burlington‘ -. _4..-.... A cordial invitation is extended to fashion- a’..'.y clad women to visit this store and view the new Shoe Styles for Fall and Winter. ,_ They are beautiful and vary aecording-to- the taste one expresses in choosing modish footwmr. While some styles are pictured here, there are scores of . others at our store V -. - A. IOIIIIIIVIOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIOIIIIHIQIIOII u ’ ' 5 v , 4 .. :- -p{.',ao. I A V o 8 . . n . V‘ n ' ‘ . ‘ I .. . Ill‘IIIHHHHIllIl""l"llloH'HIllllIIlI|l"lllllll I -_...u__- .4 - _. ‘ 4 0 1 IIltltootIIIIIIIIIIOIIlllllllllllllitlvvoiluux1| L‘ ' .1 .. - - g _. .g:- . ‘ _> ff m A ‘ I ‘ ‘ V IHHIHII I.DvO ‘ ’ An "'3x"..:. - 4 - . . . " 'Rc1§erve'a‘iiii1'i'aeé""for 7 y.!tmrf‘irstweek’ssueals ’. ._,._ - _ ~.~ ..;- .... I . \ . ‘ ‘ ' . a 3-‘: - ,. 4 ..,: g‘ .. _; . 3- 5: ,~ 5'‘ lltlifll tiImommismuuvlnonnms lmummmnmu rs .- -o ._ ‘, o .e', cr"_ ,1. .1‘: 7"} ’ ' 9."! ""'lu awaiting your selection. We greet the Uni- versity and College women this Fall with more wonderful styles and values than we _ have ever shown'before. ' . ..‘ A ' . A ' ‘ . 1 . .-V ,‘ -" I , .. - - ‘ll “'5 -4 ;- --.p-”- ~ '1. '- ’» "‘ -~ I I '4- I ~ " . - - . . ‘ 5 ,. .»..- , . . ‘.. . _ . -. . , , -- - . , ..=<.lBft-3-.*.'.r.§.¢' . _» --. - _ ‘ - ‘ — ‘ -> ._ .'.. . ’ o ..q ‘ N.’ . _ ‘- -jet .; -- . - 1.‘ ' -. "" ”‘ , , . ‘ . _‘ ‘ “.. ‘- -o 5' . ' { . , ' ‘ - an a_ ., - -- .v s . ; -.-, . ‘Z I «. ' IIIIIIUII QT _ Innmmlll|llWll||llll|ll|"llllllllllllllllllll nounuuutllnnniunnlnnnun . . , - .‘.‘- ‘ or .' ‘ ' ’ . ‘ ' \ 4 V ; . , ‘ \. Iliuonnlvtllll i........._...._._...._...._.. _. - .-. . -._-__-.__-._..........s_.._. - ____....._. . . Otqlqous ‘ In ‘ . engine runs" Also an I-ateIIsiveSbowii|g:of'_ .' 3 a 1--. 1 $69.75 . .3; - X - 31:". ' \ - 4"- _u ',;?.-.:':‘:3:."£:'£:~ l