I . - -._ .. u. .H ,_ . _ .1... , . . n_. auvr 1;! ‘* .-‘ . AW’ - I i I '4"' __ - V ‘ ‘ ' 3 ""~' \"~_- 2 .« 1“ .‘ - ‘l’ ..r”j:“‘,'>‘*§‘ 7‘ ‘ .'.-l‘\{i'a‘,. oo'..‘‘ 5 I. ‘ ‘ _ - A ._;_4_ _ . » ~ v A m... . -V ‘ rr ‘ _ - J. -< ' ~--» 4- -, -_ » ., c....-.n-oc-¢o.-¢cov;Iwo..-..~....4-o—o——-.-....~.... ..... .. 4«“'—‘U49 --«.q.s...... ,.~.a¢—v ._ 4 ‘* J. A » _ t , . .. - , _ .‘ I _ , ._... .. ...'. ‘ a . ..‘.. _‘.':.""».___"A_r“!._w"‘“ d H _ . I 'a.'4.oo ~'.‘. ..a:.CeJ...'- .-. I l-I.I'y'e.;'.:¥‘.o.'o4;T_L..‘bJ¢i.,' _, 1 .' ‘I J. o . s .-- t-1:ancaLunaxauIsstman.rc..m:oNnAY,AUGUsr27,1923 . y. L? _ . - ....-.-—.—.———— m...-—.—-—-V -,-—-—~——.~ _ _ _,,__ __,,__ W ._ A 9 ,~_r ,_ . ‘T ‘ (Lb :1 A , _ _ _ ‘ ~ . -v_ _- FOOTBALL SURVEY SHOWS’ ficnl between themselves, will not Missourian. '. Q11; needy-pa" printed. pub. dc.» {or clah tofsiuur -dd ielIt.aai an 1 ' A. __ ; . ‘ I CfiA}\'(;[-jg [K ME}; , - lished and circulated in iald Boone Coun- eoataoteaer.-at ' .~ -~. _ K ‘J *1 “i __ 3 . t 74 I TORS bugélcatflclsxgates breepgrlt lacfomnilhcth. “I qqimw 5’ wamm.’ ‘mm’ M _ E H: “mks. Tm”. . . _. . s ‘ _. _ — ' _‘ ' . ’ 1 .- : I _ - . . 9 V. Ossu h ml 90 ptenl. 1’ ‘I ‘SCC D Ant“! 1‘. lm; ta _ ‘. 4- - ' «P1 . t e ., , .- - ~* . . .. . '- ‘=« -' ~ ~ - 4 » l . .. , hat men who mil try for these the last Insertion of new owe of publlc- swam”; 7 193) ~« ‘ ‘ l~~- I w¢"d‘3_"DW-"‘-‘T ‘ ""' '7" '&"llllIGl1i& belt I Wad. *1*§.'u6N°R ‘** """""’g other School‘ vim Kn" 31'' teams have been putting in hard ’~’°" "‘ "“"“""’F‘P" ‘° 5° “ ""‘ 5“ * . . ' °; ' v ‘ V‘ 0 h " ' ' ‘ "y: l" \ ‘rt, ~, . I 1 ' " P ‘S Th,” "C315 “,O‘+, this summer and ‘note than" 3” St“? 0'9 5"“ ‘II of 33“ D __ -_ ___ ._._-_____._.. ._,_,__._.__.- __ . A-. V ___;_____ ---—————- ' _ _ , _ crm ea’ court. A ‘ _ IIINIA-:"'°"'V d‘:.':.'.’._ “.3! .Good furniture, 388, water, light 1‘, of"lap'IeO'olIl'3s Higlh _ A 3,. wan”. Cunt, that. wlll ‘b;-‘getting deflnltc foot- A_t the mod: ‘ ' I ‘ S“ 7. . ‘ heat, ilrl a let-residence nee. Pam ‘vp ' on um“ '”* _ - v - _ , ball conditioning early next month. Wilma: my hand an clerk a! the canon ' ' = — hfiuij-e -. “'3 '7 American League. “I °°"'°"“"“ Pm! (Court:-rt. 1'23». __ Court of Boone on 1; Missouri and the‘ B°°“"‘°’ “ B"'d"' ‘Mmmph” ‘pa-got ‘~.'. &. I 4 _ St. IAui8' 4; 1. '7 —- There . \\'lll ‘Vin $6500 nronifi moi of laid eou Dane at oflitc ln lurn ‘ ‘K’-""'d"k" 1 FOR RENT‘ .. fltlble 535 uo[Ng5_ 13,, Aug, 27..'_.'['he Cleveland, 4; New York. 3. ""p°:.‘"t l°h‘"‘g°5 ‘“ um Carlin B. Taylor and his mother. h’ mwwt um 1J‘oa.d';’l’l!alfr‘i::u'Llc”.-3| Mm” 3108-_ 0‘ sq on gsm ,fi. . , _ Iphmnnnu, chtnpiogship "fimmmg Detroit. 5; “.uhingt°n' 4. among fl!:lea;)“;tacl;e:ea8X:1. yrs‘. Mary.E. Taxulpr. Purchased ‘lot Ant. 1v,::—-:9-5 ‘ Phone pmce 1979, ‘ ‘ W ' . r. - “'?°d:m°°‘ 3* “*5 959-903’ “ml”? T"“i“' B°‘t°"' 5‘ Ch'°"°' 4' ‘Harvard and Yale ' the same men-' J0-in we Park H!“ home {ddmw rausraes ncrrlca ‘:j ‘I VA"4"i"~"v"'*‘*'-r'V-0 WW‘ "*'°"""-“"‘ ~ * 1 33‘ 3t3"°t- "lag Camp at Fort Des Moinea 1a.. National League. t - ' . Frldfly 0" “'hl¢h 3 fi“€‘1'°0m ‘ ' ' ' ‘ " ‘ i . . - " 1 . ' “ ,_ t on will be ln charge, namely, Bull , . - Whereas. Dan r. Foley and Ilazgie rd Phone 2000. .W. C Belcher..30£.u,.w” held an. m v . . . , _ lungaloa will be constructed. Judge . _ _ . eoarou-igctetho '_ ~ ~ 3' , p'"’- . ' -’\°“~' \0!’k. 4: Chicago. 3- Roper at Pnnccton. Bob ‘Fisher at J A Swmm from whom the ‘M lry. husband and fur, by um: email. *‘—. .‘..-in .-..; '. _ . {fig}: ‘:_-_ ,-zoompooed of Missourians. won first piusburgb. 9. Bmoklyu. 2_ u rd d T d J . - - v - _ ‘dad of mm. dated April 1. 39:2. and re . ' ‘ - . __,_ ........_____l.‘ ' _ ____ Very desirallle. put‘ in. we meet Wm, 19 in“. ' _ ' “fin ‘“ 3 °“°5 3‘ 3100- B01 was purchased, says that he will was an fiwflngp 5...; ;;;_ 5. F‘, 3.,-, . " catnpnsr an- _" ‘ "P0 v Only 2811193 p1ll)'C'd— ‘1\'ll0ll W0 get bcyond the "bill ll‘ll'(‘(‘" star: building the houec next week Deed of Tru~t records ul loone ‘ounty '0 . _ " ‘ ‘ 'IflI!13I|$1t fidjtllflillg Oébu-7B‘u£n' “h ‘ad Troop .1: ' con}. STAVDIN F CLUBS ‘he Chflulffls in pilots be-comp more The cost complpw wili be $6500 ' Lllsm did tutbe undc-ralthcd trus: " " ‘o . a SALE-3--ooni llonob';’oloue:oied.lnr mm tad‘ wife‘ gas rd’ ‘wseduof mu frgdmtlom Mdmlm ' ‘ ' marked than in am! season for ' W W ‘°"°'***= d=*'“>~* - 4" Remade A315’ 3129 ‘ ' J ‘ . ' , ’_ "1' ","""“—" ' , * ' at:-d thC t {Boo dthst -. _:.- “Mu payment down; eathers Jud other-wane completely fut-ntshcd..:;31 utsrggu, 'c°m;:n;e.c.:n.. 0'; :1‘: American League. ' 3‘’‘“'5- J LEGAL of Ilisaour: .$’"..'.'..’. 0 M ‘n c N Speclal Orders ; :‘t- . Phage ‘am. » a)[(,f,,&l_l_-13‘1.7._‘..~.: _ Vi“ ,. , ' . . ’ ’ V .Pcrhn 3 Columbia i5 ' Tu-o I2) acres of! the South End oi the . Ch. . . Club. '\\ . Pct. P bemg . Y . . A ‘ pl wa llattallon won place with New York N) 42 8“ Watched more closely am" the other . wad ‘rev um acres or the Soutilrelt quar- 4" ‘giocfigk-‘1g'.'l-‘nu 9“ ‘era :°{:l1’ $ou:tfh‘:fit:°,; C1“-ehnd ' ' ' I . . . ‘ H 54 T506; «Institutions which have installed xnflca 0’ 57°C'm°u’335' "3'-T”"c To.°ic.T§:?°§‘l.;fIZn‘z.’xsi°::§h$ hfiaftcraess F1q'( T ' ' ‘H “stucco O . u . , ’ nun‘ gumfigf: r88 0 W88“ " , _ a . . . . . . . . . .. . 9 new uh Th‘ nu be-P ' “cu” is hm Pm ‘ ‘ the n ‘ I V c I I . n . . “'0'-y . Jo K 5000. 400 down. wutheu. and’! llltlngvwgtgr; 31; gflgg po ts; Co ny C of the Iowa D°”°" _ ° - ' ° ' - - ' ' ' ' " 59 5‘ ’52;‘.H C0 .e3 f5 N, crc)'Stuclsh-olden‘ lncetingn!‘ the ;wp!c‘u rl'.'...“Zr .f..:::Jm",, 3?] '‘‘“‘',‘§. 12,? ,,,,:,:::' lg,’ Phone .- . v - 1 - . - e - - St 8 . . . . . . . . . .. so 56 51. Bush‘-ans first scar mth the Blue - . .. ' . . . Co. Phone 272. 11°‘-th of 1817\ot:Bau’a“on “.‘s fifth with 5 pouns’ .. I ‘ _ .nd team G d f h ltd-chrport will 3 llr lhanktnr ho-..-cc ,h(.h.;n¢_ a,um,,., , c ' ~31,“ 3-,“. ~ 7 . .. .. .r._. 41.‘. j race _«E..,_J._ Cpata at Ballenger fdm. and Company “E" of the Nebraska “ Qvhmsrton - - - ~ » - . -- {:0 Mdmingside “B h’: ““,‘°"‘t_‘; ‘F ° '3';d"‘;:y‘°o‘;"S:"m_“n“'l*,“’_':r'°1;l- 3-'w~°tm- on the line r._n'.nz . desk. mm and ‘oil um“ ‘i ' _FOR SALE“! have Hinton‘ B“ B'tmuQn won sixth place with 3 I . ' ' . . ' ' ' H havc gum-emg confijrdcnce i‘:3t}:euf:,rn Th!‘ Mid mktinc Will mnvchc It 9 o‘clot|: and ha“ “hm. 5:10 ¢‘“u':,1p:::gmJ.,o¢{,-xiv". “’“"’ r ~‘-r *-A : :--—~~— ‘ gale; some splendid b8P2aim,« _ points. I ) " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ " " ‘ ‘ _ v _ ‘I a. In. for the purpose of electing u-wen And 5 ., d g , - .4 ‘ ‘ 1 mt you buy. myewen I of the !ll&_5t T. H. Lane. Cornpany uln from BO5t0n - .2... . . . . . . . . . iloif and b;(;1l'('\e :( dlu-(tors to serve-'durlng the tnntlihu year. an ‘Q5: ntgu‘ .nd go - . V Y . . ' phone 272. _31‘., J ham“ ‘Wand C0ll11'flb13o Maplcwood Mo huving scored the hatyonal Legguc, _ _ 599955333 .V ‘O t C‘ R - C"d"°*‘- '"fW""l- ll’ thereof has «led the undersigned and Welflllgv f. 7_mom ‘ hm“! “web, furnibcd . -. ' . Club. “J Pct.vh]ghe8t rank “"5 year’ but at least . . .‘RaIling-. Secrctan.-ad‘--' trustee to exercise the power granted him in .Radjatol- Repairing C‘r,.; . . , _Kl‘¢8l95t numb?’ 0! P5“'"»5- Wln be , , out of the 810” h f d d -, lF"‘*l “"‘‘?l’“‘»‘“ 5‘‘!‘l- 1’ mild d¢~'d of tru-t and sell the premise ’ . OR R1-=NT--New {-83 5w'°8- :°°d.P°nltry boast-‘for ,,.,,,,,d the i,,,,,.,-“,1 hfigh M... l\ew lork ........ .. 78 45 .al . ‘~' ° W0" "e .___.___. ,., . ., ..,.., , 9, , ., boa Burned. 3 per -: .- o v t - - . - . - - .-. -Wlllcll they havb bccn nluu ed tt oanaa or l’Ulll'lC.\TlO\' "°" "°' °' ° """'°‘" ° “' - ' ' . dwcllm;Z- 0'“ 0f the ‘belt inq3§0 339333. 8000 hm. ‘"135 01.311 Sm." trophy cup on medal day_ The Cmclnnatl . . . . . . . . . . . 4.’. 46 .610 . ‘ l x J ‘ ‘ debt. mder. Battery Cameliz-" »t._ , Jngt completed, J_ 9; c.m_,:lnnds. W’. . Goldsbcrry. Pliny winners of the various events Wm Pittsburgh . . . . . . . . .. 72 48 . umcs‘ _ , S:'':;(_°({.::::°:;:tflC°(::‘‘’,r?_:mB°;’,?,,°; ' 1 ‘_\'°'' ‘_"”:"‘1""m" "‘;°“.”‘_‘"“‘;““‘;_d"”‘ ing. _ : :5 that 923_ 305.¢{.‘578' aw‘ ‘54'Bl“k’ mght‘ G'295tf"bc awarded a gold medal for first Ch3“—38°_ - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- 55 55 -545 P°"“5~"l"“"“‘ 3"‘° 1‘-‘*3 ‘Wt “ “°“‘ Loula 12'.-xle Darnell.‘ Plaintiff. ' M. n(1imp:rlMun' "d r tu.:.':).:dn.':":n.- Used Cars Bou t and Sold?‘ '. . ' _ J I .1 _ ed ‘E d ‘t “ms . _ . _ . . _ _ _ .' .488 hcl’n3man 81 the Wheel In bhC pCl- VI. ('.':933 qgp-5‘ of [he hold f 3 na‘, ‘,1 “V _ - SALE-—\\'c_ha\‘c 850°‘ 100.; 30031 _REl\"T—;-.8-room strictly pace’ 8 8‘ ‘er m °r ‘°°;:." ‘gmouvn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5-; G3 .475 son of Lou Young. a former Rod Wain L Dam-ll. DP.'f'ndl|nl. g on .“«aturday..\‘1-mu-rnbc-r as. 12-23. l.e:u£n mt. ' or!‘ G""'m°°d' Q : listed for mac’ from 3 to 1'4; bficy hduse, 3 rooms fur_:Pl8C9. and 3 bmnm medal for 1 ‘rd Phnndélphiu 3, 79 331:and Blue player who has Succeeded The Statc at L.!'t~-.o'.;ri. to the above named hours of nine o'clock in the ‘on-noon am , .. 3' 1 "'"’>'i"“ in price {mm 31:90” Wished’. °" R°5°m‘.“y umc‘ 1o'r°9m! place. Boston . . . . . 36 81 :308 100" H9i5"13n~ The ll"-W!‘ h!1"iY1£E M5.‘-'.'.'.'.'-"§§'.? llrizfllzllhz d r /\~ -t M"! i {H-do 0.cll(;lchi in "1"-l‘xnc"-"Nah"! ml” ‘kl ‘H Cooper S E“ B _ 03,0-_ 30° “.5 if }'°_“ are thifikfifllodern house. 3 03705 Of ‘~'r°“?dv; « J H n .1 __ v_ __ ___________ __ ____~' __ icomplctod his contract with Penn \~g,‘(-gfipn |...(.:". 6¢u,h.:.’7(:.rm ::u;g,.. .(;.,‘,'cu,: s:;ui,.(,f‘.:?_r .:;l‘tf,,c":;:,.,(':3‘:,,:jb,E,o:,':; 808 Ash St‘ 5 dUZ~'mK- (—'0ll1mbl3 IB!_|\1l'81'|C9_‘$55 PE!‘ mflllah 3_V€W 5 T0001 brick '5 F M‘ ‘_ ' ° 3"“ mm " '“ ””" '0 ”" } """’ S c has transferred his uctiviticg C-tuft Of Boone (‘oun . Iniluauri. crm the mtnte at pubhc auction to the higher! hid- - --d ‘am.-ntnl Agency. 905 Broa6\vay.‘tbung‘a‘low. $60 per month. If you 30397300. 18-. first: T- 1 Lane. it to be the smartest and the best to \v,,},;nmo,, and Jefferson and “."“.' ,"" "" h" """""7" ' d 9" h" "' . .. ; 1 .; 3 1s._;-cam to buy or mm. see us. cmey:Mnv*e“°°°d- Mo» ,sec°n<%= 0- 3- ban club he has ever handled. with the ....m..... of c..,...... w...... ‘.,',:;°: ':,";;',’;7,.:i,,.;"‘;,,:;",‘,:“:‘,'3',::,r{,; ' as “ s r r - . ~—» an I ‘ ,, and Frasier, -phone 519 or 692 Black.»5“(-“bt:.|,:l«.n 3:1‘! L1 Ir"M.”t..urgr,.,:.€ “T “"3 3 525.000 bond that in- .'-‘-1 ‘I-u -.r\‘.j“ “A~. - v . .7 ' ' ~ . v 9 . . . ‘ ‘ 0 A u ' I '. :I-‘OR SALl'.—-5-room house; south pop sAL;;__A baby bumtyh in A1:lal‘lCf. I\cb.. taking; third. R 1 team to such :1 pmcrt} tn pitching. mum” season i 0 8‘ hand has ‘ljlitncilt-if;-n-ant nn the grounds 01 general in- sures you perfect lzadmt-or .r : $4.800. .\'(_-W 5'70"” muse; xood condition. cheap. Phone 1116- 3 3] gfugfitlfm "I ‘5::;:°;” P 1- From the results of thc 19-1 andtonl’. to Rvic“. W t the big mums H i_ ‘hmhn mm“ by mm mm W“ W‘ 70" 001‘ 3937- l‘:\‘t‘f| If radii!-. ‘-‘ -‘"id“3 $"~250- 7"'°°m h°“5°- Gncvn. ' -3 l. O n’ 9'' ‘rs ' " 1922 pemmm m“""' " mm“ be 3." he scheduled to do. in the immedi- lhc mad defc-ndant be an appear in on... tor 1.». wrefkfd We KIN‘ S0" 3 9 34.00", house_ 3200 down_ _ t - infill €;_fBDeS ‘Monica. second: {and good that :1 great, team can wm ate future. Penn Sum Wm begin cnurt on the ant day or the next meal" new one free. - g. '8: by month. G_r°°m house. dose K1,:-I-I-LE. FOR SALE_Twc3_y_ V sac ctt o cutrlcc. l\eb.. tool. third. without Rfcat hitch:-rs. but the n;- work under Coach Hu 0 Bad .,_ t ‘F V ' hold 13.. court . ' _ ti 0 _ . . . . n a . _ .}., ,‘- J - b . .niu§ . K ( - Oh llnuuc‘ In tho‘ (ll; 0 (lllu-‘Ill ‘On? (nah J Lu school. $4.000._ “anthers Realty .5‘-'0 88300 17011 lied-19. flew. YIGWT» 3 ‘ ' '3“ -‘ f“"~ '“ ‘“ "‘ ° 3 5 m ‘. September 1. Heisman is expected '. -mm. on Honda: October M. 192': f p I k Phone 27:. __3M_ ed_ can 55. 0,. inquire n of Maplcwood. Mo., took first; 3116- direction. .\lcGraw has that genius to huge his “hqhinmon Jnd Jeff. :0 w_m_r " W! U mm “ m o ure .1: e Copper v ~ 3fii;-mug-ign' dffice, ‘ (‘ft t00l< 8€¢0nd: 8116 P0211. third. and the igurlcs show that it is “on candidatcq 6“, on the Same dig; d.-r t thvrrm sand . m be - Ken 40 Per Cent More Cooling Capacity--40 Per Cent More Motor 1 FOR S/-.Ll-I--Onc ti the nicest Y ‘ In the 50-yard breast stroke. A. possessed by no other manager. but no“. bu ;mde;_ed them t n I ‘d __d"’ ‘"3" ’":.“'“°:“ "" r‘:l""““ Efficiency. “" ’*fl|burban homes in Columbia. 7- 59W Ghipmwt C0973 P°'1'5‘m_‘°5- R- BTJVEM 0‘! Hl3§i08- N95-o W0‘: ATHLETf&"'fi VT ‘at Cape-May September 4 fgrrfgfec 1:.-"Sn:-:r um ‘ . 1 I alum modern house on 6-acre tract: :5“ 31865-311 including the first: Lane. of Missouri. secondp _ W8 0 ‘ HER CEVT weeks of hard w k Y'1 H H ., ,u,,,,,, .,,.,,.,..d um _ ,,,,,. 5, ,,,,,,. 24 1\» 9th St. [L J. Phone 249 ...-'1 .‘.m “act South of house; my ‘ye:-ylateet. Tavern Drug Store.‘ with Hamilton of Nebraska. thlnd. — (‘R0 9 E ' ;¢,.,, and p,.inCcm,?ru'nd .8 0' M- ””"”"""’ ”‘ .""”‘ “"" “. ‘‘'°'‘. ‘'1' ".’”’ ‘ l’ " ‘T’ "1" dacretc basement: barn. chicken , « A 1753p In the 100-)'8l‘_d dasbbreast stroke. on“. 25 G5,}. gunned in pin“ ' 9' ml agr°°' “"““‘ "“"""""“"' "‘ 9"‘ "°‘“"“""‘ ""°“"“'- . ‘ ; me: all kinds of fruit. ted ' " 5- R- Bryant of Hastings. Neb_.. i»},,.,.;,-,1 }.;d.,¢.;;.,,, cm... .1 ' r-~—-- —~—~ - -—_~-. . - e . - 0. - _ --_ "*‘ -_._. _,_ _. - . ,_ ..._-- .... 7:1 state highway. Phone ‘l694- FOR SALE took first: Lane o!'.Ml8801ll'l 10014 . .\Iary\'illc. ' L ..IIack. 305-310 mother second; with Hamilton of —-—————- :, FOR SALF.—Two double rrol. \'cbraska taklng third M.-\RY\'ILLl§.——Frnm a coaching ror. s.»u.r,_m1-am~ ‘mm on {beds with springs and hurh grade _ __ Lane. other than bding the high- force of one and a class enrollment MI: St. Charles and Paris roads at cotton mattresses. Phone 185:-Red. point man, .was the only Missouri of less than twenty-five-. the ph)'5l- ;§ephezts. M0,: practically all in cul-; 304309 .'r.zln to make a winning. He took ff‘ .’°‘d‘-lcfltlgifl df‘P1}!'1qm€'m- T07 him‘ A ‘ E.-~ underlaid with coal . ._ two first and four sec (1 l . 3"" “'°‘'‘‘ - is-“""“ ‘ ‘3“" 93° 9'“. efc:'am'r.'.: three to four feet: also FOR S“*E”’F“':"'“'r°' M" . -.-»—‘_"3._p Mes College has crown into an enroll- ‘ll.l0-foot vein of firc4:ln‘)' vested ll)’ ‘tufted "9p°S"y' Sum)’ bficalfasl LEAD5 CIA-\TS T0 VICTORY mom of two and 5“? 5 at UniWr$m_bah_ first dusk For set, ga!:,hstovc].(l1>¢‘.;d(;-oom funxgehlags. John “ccnw n;-Se Genius V0‘ Womz-ll with fin. c-(l:l(‘l‘|('r'. fiwwmnxion ._.m_ J_ D. Guy_ °M _’ "~'°“' 30__.3(}’q' pomnud b‘. other M.n.gerS'_ Miss Mary Bangs was the first J die or W. A. Guy. Stephens. ___ _,__r____._,- ,' 83' L7 sud rev. ' instructor of the women's plulaical. 0 ‘ _ . « G80_8-‘H0 F02’ ‘SAL!-2—‘Bcd divan. 1 new ‘NEW YORK.-—After the gcnius‘°d“*9‘l°“ department ——. ofiicully ' ‘ ‘ . . ~P0l‘ch shade. book shelves. mattress. 0‘ l¢3d91’3h5P ht‘ 088 800*‘?! in 310 "mud ‘ “d°p8r.tm°m” in 1915' only 703 5-ALE“"B°3“t’f“l_b”°.k h°“5° bed springs. rockers, silverware ,135t three seasons, it might be {mm a few enrolled in the course as most 0! lascmanr llhfif 81111008 0 5911 ,,-(sins; "yd a few gghgr 3,-tj¢'1¢.5‘~evcn if it sounds a little unfair to ‘*5 “"3 l’_"'-‘P19 3‘ ‘hm tfmc 3"-’f°5(_’d at: week. Beaunful 8-room 3)-this boys. to say that John .\lcGraw W satiation Women mm: mm In any form of athletics in physical education. etc. SOD. _ _ . ","l°k.at reduced prices until Wcdncsd Muse hm \$\est(.)\(\)'ood: §ors'._...,.e,,ing_ 50-; 3_ 4;}, St. _,311_.can Zjnbanpennant with any kind of thong out; 7,7 :cnsy tr‘.-rrns. 'cwJ* ' A _ " a go a club. lT!0d(‘l‘n 001185310"-'3 fUTn3°°v‘. Faon‘ sALE—TW9 ‘lircifezts T0? The york Giants of 1922 From the small class of 1915, the Vfilcretc bnscnlcnt. oak‘ floors: $4.- Stu ent rooms: l sing? _ . ml11~ -. ‘ . -. , , department has reached imne 3‘ $582.50 down;_bnlan<_:e like 1_'ent,._";l'css and springs. used oril Sw i:Intb‘c°';:.’; iragghg 802:1: ropularity, During the summérnol cw B.room modem stucco bunga- months; 1 double bed; 1 9xl2_ “ll- mu club_ but it is almost “rm.” 923 u\-er‘ two hundred women en. 501153.500; $500 down« I-‘ivetroom ton rug. as new: 1 AJ_lm1“_5t‘~"',tbat they would no’: have won thc“‘°"°d the class’ lilllie. full sized cor-.crc'tc bascm¢."ntl'Y0Z2 200d l8‘“'Y1‘Tfl0W€l‘- P0009 1495‘ pennant behind any manager other T“’° “"”“""'*‘ sun“ ¢h3mPi0"5hiP w. :- -u .1 ‘ ‘ filth 5 lots; $2,250; 3250 down; $25 Grccn after 6 p. m. 309-tf. than Mcgm basketball teams have ‘come from ‘ per month. We have other places, T o , , . K0 9, ,. -th h ."_'"~‘ P035508‘ 9dl1C8ti0fl df-‘P8!'lYM‘nl .;.,..v , see us if you we ‘coking for 8 in:‘(t)aI:lcS.:'I‘.dE;;l?rn¢éht:!n;cd 6):: d(:::]; d“apidmedrpirtr‘1;ti1,t‘z‘;z.t8:.a;;:1cour:,‘;m‘_‘:_.since Muss Min-3; Maclx.-od took over .‘ c . the classes thrcc vents ago. Sev- Frasier, Rooms . . oral fast tcnnls players have been 7 Carey and k land 2 Miller Bldg. _ Phone 519 or :3 3’ ~ &.a1act:. _ -311. ; 5 FOR SAI.l~I~—ll-room house. 32.500 0 dark oak glass urged the Giants to the heights 2singlc beds. lsunitary ""h’°h "h°y “min” i“ the crifical developed and twice have college «That,S , uch. 2 burner ass plate. one bur-»“‘“"" .°‘ "‘° 1922 ”°‘"”‘"‘ "W net stars threatened big titles of . hot,"Ener own. One 501d capacity refrig-. 0'-'t5ld¢‘ the Pitdliflt.’ department. (he 5g_a1_c_ J ' o 0 cnshgenxor, 8110 Rolling 31;-99¢, phone which tactic-ians consider the most ..____._-- __ '; ‘nag _ 307-15 important, the Giants have a go You are missing opportumrlcs by team. McGraw has said he figures not reading and using Missourian ° h __ __ .. - ‘want ads. .- . _ t 0 —it’s the best cigarette I ever tasted!” -~.....L_¢to-. ,_'§nter hunt, ::_ baths. — Fifi handle. __.‘______A _ _ '.'-room home, well located. large?——''"—’** a ' "" "' “*“~~*——” . fit. $4.850. Monthly payments only ;;USED CARS FOR SALE ' C35. smalL payment do v _'“ " 1 FOR SALl£—Ford touring, I921 ;-gams, six windows, porch and‘ odel. Starter. dc-mountable rims. kitchenette if desired. Also one room 20.0d,tlres. 200d Paint. I-‘.’00d run-~with sleeping porch: close to Uni-.1‘ ‘W18 condition. Can be seen at 304 zersity. ‘Phone 567-White. —3l3.. ' Jack Daily’s i_ saavxca I wn. ‘ .6-room brick house, 1 block from’m ‘ Unircrsit '. only. $6,500. Beautiful new 10 room brick 2 house, ode block from University. ‘ Splcnd ;Norl.ll Ninth street any day after . new duplex house. 555 ,,_ m, . p_t{_ FOR RI-IN'I'—Flrst It, “ nos!‘ A1~iul;oUivn'i 0" floor .*_...——_.__. nicely fur- wmity’ fihoou dowm Nuance mum). Y Baum *o‘Nms°wmn' -W----~ . light housekecpinfi Business couple ST OR ‘STOLP':\—An BIKE?) preferred. ‘ Strictly modern, 1- class condition. Phone 966 White, C. E. Northcutt, County School Super- intendent. 3o5-g{_ Phone 13. 22 S. Ninth front. urhtmgl for acreage trac . nlshcd Ph no 51 or call at 1406 5»r m bungalow. 33.0003‘ Los1‘.__A]phn Gamma Del“ pin ‘Richardson street. 3o.1gf_' P , E w ' . TCSSID ' _‘ ' - Owner's name on bacl-;. Rt-ward. OR RI-3l\'T—-2 .. h ll d - llroo house. I block from Um-- 309-“. hath. furnished ‘or"::";“““rni"‘:ed 8f'(1"_ fi std ' .€ L0 7 Splcndild suburban house. with or- bicyde, nu, 1-ubnc Libra,-y. find, paved strcct. owner will sac-J H ‘Wu. Flynn Realty Co P “Nor 1103. - A ‘ ' FOR RENT ? FOR R}Z!\"l'—Two-story modern . .,questions will be asked for the re- _ e';t\lITl of same to Missourian Office. "°“*"—‘."r*£s!2r¢ - ~310- -c-.'...... . .1 too --_.._4,._, WANTED TO RENT .~. -0 -X—-- - —-on-—-r¢—— ..,., . ,.s: j 7 FOR REl\'T—-Two very desirable ‘ :»'/ 1, :‘ . rooms, ‘hard wood floors, hot water ‘)3 1?‘. fr’; a ’ 0 I. / heat. 90? College avcnuc. Phone 77 ,1; 1 I mm. 0,, RO_ ,‘ 9,,- 125. cannot-3 WANTED 307,“, p.../ I , , , 5 Black. ‘emu-3 °M3o3_g_ 9 Wanted to rcnltfi garage ‘for (323; -~-'-—--r-~ -- ' __ __~ __ I’ £4’-"I4 .».z4L/1[1J/ ; ‘———-——__ A , ‘r ear ' . . _, - ‘ ‘FOR RlCl\'T-—-4-room apartment Ego n c ‘ ‘‘enue.W.-t:f.l MISCELLANEOU ; _ e T, d” 9 ‘ill’. bath, in ynodefn ho - . —-—-a----—--—-----———-—---—— " ‘ ‘ ., l';'_".'-' ~. --‘l3’! ' . lnraizc. Phone 1280-White. thWA7‘;T'5D --:35’ -"3cp§;Fb°t _1&, "—-———— . _ I . out or l'.'c-room ouse wt I-‘OR Rl?.\"l‘—Furnishcd' "ls’even‘—'ga:r‘:lcgc.; any location. ' '-—.“>°m house. durina the school yunfa. care 01' Missourian. -310. When we realize thenlation at good Scmcmbcr 1. Well located. I-hone: . ‘ ' tndhawiness. ls.‘- ’ M07 “'lll1(.‘ W&h'TirD‘-BY.s¢PL'10- ‘W0 Ofllllrd to understand fly 80. many. _ Wfiwr . ma ‘ In“ ‘J; gm-ec_ upfuaraishoo roomabefof llgihtfpeople neglect theireyu untxllfitllteség Q‘-Ac '4-room‘ unfurnished L"{od&fll BEFG, care“?! Miscszttcfiagligald ggahellezltzses, $2.50. $8.31,! 33%}: bath and sleeping porch; near” , ,‘ ; V 0-310. 84.00 and $5.00. —Dr. J. W. Cline, m\'ersit:. w Realty J . — — The out Shop. , ‘ —Adv Phone " , A _ aawr —--—-—'* Don't Abuae Your Eyes dc.“ ‘pa nun. engineers, bankers. . ...',..,.' 2:; guvusqdppgdawaz ‘! '- -'1‘ a toauacess.’ n§".§"'.E .bawln¢‘£ea&aer univflnlquar " IV.‘-I" U CHIN.-I5'1“.""""' ,. I 7‘I‘w.-' 27.; ' .; --any ' A 1 ' 1 . IDDGB~N0'l'lC88 * V I -9——_______‘ _ _ . ‘__________. roa REl\'T—Urddrnlal:ed.' dc'fIra'3 * . f ’ A ‘ §¥1l‘I-lpartment; 2 rooms.“ gg-gpg;;,..:o instructors or. ACACIATDDGE. No. 602 n "’n , a; - «he-ad lnath1.80'J aomns st uei-ppér f “men dz‘-iwomcn: also ::a- A..l" a A. u. E§”£’,mh“¢u,m. . - 0. — 773-Ggaen. - —z99a;‘sugi;" Pl: ue*2é§$.w1dte. sour. m‘Bm ; .._. .. ‘.., » -- = . ‘K. .""“—*——“ _ ‘ ;_fi 0 D‘. _; Q ' iv T* room bu-tuI.ow.;..m8.3ItN'n-13 two boys.|I1'ce- _.smed communicationaf ;-V ~ 3? . 1.; ' - mm _house. 385. 15ytpom.;vell-Yfllfihhi raoauin new. 9950'" Ilueedfiy. August 21, 7:30i 4 ”" gj .‘ .2-n°h°“‘¢-m C145. 4-roam (I9. ,5; _ town and Ualvet- if’... = ' V — 50°-«L850. 4-momaonutssh am-e Bl-ck mots u1muum.w.u. Flynn Realty Co. 203-205’ Guitar; 1gg3.G,,.,_ J, 3 mac. Phone 1620 or ms. sumo .pm“"""°‘ne 8,, 3,,ck‘”'" ‘ .1. 11 Lowe. 4' 4 P01: ’BEN'l‘—Tvm !urniabedi!0;8'S;oa_tl_1§l;l:!l_pu‘}et. an 3 . .. - . . ..A. ..-It '. 47. .. . -; 039-8. one an-no E .- one out . .l_, _ ..‘_ V 4 3.. -c:ee§.“rs:i'z'a’sa'3"°""' ‘ & mwmbom; .‘?.‘.‘‘’‘3‘''‘“'9°”»°°“'°.°- ! ' r . a !-’:.~ ' I . roa Bl’-INT-Fumlahed .,..¢.~i ‘ to - ~ a Walnut St’ . L _ ca. "-'.;'5-.. two rooms and s1el!pl‘n§']Infl|,'; F08 RE'!¢‘l‘-‘Two large south‘ County (3 _ 1 3' i .» . . -- -i ~ . .--.»‘.:.-'.~~.....;§ -.:m4‘- = ‘I