,,,, I . -— I—¢5ia4.W1Iu1v. ' Id Irlfli lristead of visiting y(¢,.-g,--5". With _ Mia--ioui-i'is abundant iron - . BYSTKH '0I”‘K9AD8 tougns. thiL- party stopped 31 ‘in’, .-uplply In close proximity to the l ‘ '-v 1* C-«en -- ‘::"*..‘.:.?:.t*:.'." » "",’::‘:"l ”l“.""' three in Arkansas. ’ ‘n lea i min nut urin CeCl'll(': ~ V _ _ ‘l'“l"", . ' 11,, .m,“,'- mu . . d‘ in the world the iron ore deposit Southast lflsaouri pot: to shame 9.1-? W95» “C1035! ;I)"I’l5(:l.I:: "l ‘M 1”" M°""m" ".'"“" “‘ "“d the rbada of‘ the northern half of B8)’ was 189 miles by automobile. t"_l’° ‘O '. °""° lb“ "' '1" “*9 the state in the matte of improve- with foul’, drivers. a luncheon. oup- N° ,9” °P"'"’°’"‘, °‘‘‘°"~' “"9 . “cu”. ‘ . _ P“ nuuumu “op. ad . quantity can be determined and now _ . 310$! N'W{°0unlfYs baa taken a IR?-°°IIPlc of blow-outs. ‘Eleven towns !’000 mm "1. ban‘ mm“ ' d"" . up-¢_ 5-mud ant 4”.’ mung hlisnouri Ahead in Lead Production. ‘another ri rd during the trip. Missouri's lead production-om. ‘ “fling-[Eu ‘ vain‘ i{'ariIis that of every other state and‘: Y E In! I!!!’ -iairsiese‘lariiedh~- mien coun - cent. in In ‘the ptudwts on e Journalism F‘:-Id of which is obtained from the lead‘ '1';-ipegbom ' ,,._-3,-;_' 35%,,‘ of belt in St Francois Iadiaon: Q "dc trip bytoa. counties, in Soutliwe lllaaouriq €11-eduui the hlator-9;: :5 i. -lInd- -This as - Haukeoiike deposit which, it-gal Cape Gi-antoauthe \‘W:c! "'""*'5 UP to M0 zeet in thick .. rr the town i Cares that for centuries hid their - more or beautiful atalactitee and E for from 25 cents to $2.50. erthecaroni the larger the price. 1.- ro . In abort. the Ozarks are becoming a real pla ’ gaunt’ Auociation wae formed in we ' the tourist party which spqids only a l'l|'l)' night h ' ' reltlally-on motor car vaution seeker tiveiy But, one and all, they their friends Ozarlior about the corn crop. socriiiios unborn‘ ms - counties. the roads are ' from a l take "the visitor through larg- ' In the (ace carried on., the I an O Ylmuld. The (Dark Play- oraoateac andtsthen totheneat A . L’ haa -brought this type of would ‘arc telling ‘°"‘ , and year the num- , is And crop good the ‘ not worry sir much I greatlyheoefttedby ooaeretetlnt hznusandnooks zndrest, SL311 - R. t ,1-:bn,to Baht counties of Sooth- ,0 Mg" rsaoorioo-operate in main- cg 3,3, cmi,-, no ‘reached’ with For quiet rircrz. peaceful glerzs. in which ide Ozads hliasonri are toh iizgatourthrouflithics-cenic untain range . at an elevation $123. 53- “'09 "*4 Bill’ western part of the state and joined _ rtume-roux other bills of less In 1-4 1&4 d=-t=- ‘ht WP height. in-.-es this entire region . ‘‘l‘ 5the stall? were iani Ftud 1.00!’ Some 0.'l':1 2 C01: n 9 one is a limestone ca which are l?.:'» and he‘lr‘conipara- made in . 1 - ’ rliricte-an . of ti the Uniwrsity on their her of those who 1% ii the beauti- l-’ll’ 07 twat)‘-eirht 41)’!- ' grveoaclafoaada The the “play” nuther Agriiannas. heri- mobile. stern. mostly‘ were tdzht Ct’-‘L’! limestone caves. wh containeill unique formatio . Smallin Cave. located near Ozark. O ‘N the tile dimension! at n: at St. Janie: and contin- SOLTRI His 11.13‘ Y cms. seen by the journal- ent: who recently completed _ ~ of Southern lvlissouri and wnw‘ "odd Nzirthrfin Arltamun. it! _ .A . h > _ y are not electrically lighted and W mow ‘ (N. "’~“'-l“-"*3 largest seen. Thi- ve and has been ex- red extensively by various groups- renl t i. notable for it» feet wide and "'5 ‘M’ ”‘l’*‘° 3°“ °{ :5‘? rugged .v.-etzery. Near the center of ntroadr. of this ae-ction are iced. K‘. thio area is Rogers. loated or. high plateau. around which numer- uu! euinmer resorts are being de- . around Spnng- ._.(,i _ u. 1. b‘ '°‘d’ ‘"_ °l"‘n3". ‘3“"‘ Five mile: eat of Rogers is Mon- I { - ‘ 1 _ , °"”m“°‘ 9”’ “*3 re .\'e. a pl.:.j.'gro'.1nd of long stand- ‘ 0 cm” De.“ 9-“ "3' "."“’ “lung: ‘ “" 3”“: J0?" ng. lt is a quiet non‘: artistically ll“ “'9 ‘""‘ ’°“' 7‘ "V3 ".""‘ ”‘ Wm "”“" ' in mountain valley. oftourrata. _ h . up an wrth inane tailing: or chau. So-.xtb- ‘Mu, ,W,.i_‘._5 ._bo,md_ -I-,n,.,,) - ?l‘¢d°wh ‘na7il1:'D ) 8! Best Hie:-our; and r-ipeczally yet” an a spur of the Frixo nit lb‘ nu ‘ “mu, ” ‘"3 "1 ‘ "mt road rat: to this place. and it was "°' the Mecca in fall for for hunters who came to the _' ls. Further north is Bella Vista. One app he-.\ thie place by a road from Be-ntonrille. the county ac-at,of Ben- Springsthattlnaeerlen-ryéars . , H ..‘ _ ---«,,r~---« =-~.--r»--1---= ..::°.*.;."fl....::. mo"""wm ch, 03:: *3} ité“‘“H*"” wh. _h the bi... «,5 the inn. is reached. Tap- H - ‘.6 . ‘rt ‘ agm K s.-ring together in '.’-shape. the hilL< ‘ ' not be-danxaéd below diving boards Pl'0'(ll.lL'8S Sgn have formed the naturalhbasin 1': --9 «years as hr-“gm hm: : in One. ii‘;-3“:.2..:i“-§2?.*.E1i.§.,f.?:“§.. w :M W C“- Eva‘ “SF- . ““‘**“ tau-nae and l’l0l('l.|‘0f Vii-K8, _’ " Many of the natural wondcri- ‘of and 9.-ratio-red along the entire tide of the bluff are the four or five hun- dred summer cottages. It is here that the majority of and Texas pleasure seek- to spend their vacation!. llr. Strait-in I). llruolt.-. ' "TS ('0H'i£‘ ul-'-‘ed 797"-N500’ ¢0m’Y"’l'- President of the L'r.&i'¢r:-it)‘. bar a lk Ollkr.‘ £-{‘v‘‘ze. “‘ Running up the bluff. and along sTm:“\‘li.\"i*‘ii i.\' .\ll.\'I~ZR-\l..% the open- higb. A spring flowing from Dell. Ithlrn viewed from one and a warterfall when I-4'?!) O . ‘dc opposite ‘I is cave Joplia four year: ago to promote the “m” "' ur‘ "3 _ of the wflfiat crop. and has " "'1. “"'’d we “{°"""‘"’ "l "‘”‘ i“ ‘ll’ materially auwaaful. The "’"‘h‘ “.9 ‘,,o.,,' .34!” hi.) the mun, depth! of the use a mile ‘and 5" a “mat V _ , a half. find it is thought that only mine, Resorts are everywhere. The ten °""""h"'d °f " h” l’°"“ d countie: of Northwest Arkansas 0 _ ' mu, the eight have prod bjectx. ueed ' Dell Summer lieoort, near ric acid: ship» marble gain. in this cave, the mg. the United Still" for interior deco- isome fasci- Water. which has lmhilr of iron and coal as yet un- ** 0*)?” C-*'¢ it rwd drink‘ Missouri Has Greater ' . I irng water. , . ‘ “d The largest cave at-en. ho're'1'l:r, Vane‘-V Than Any ,0‘ ‘aha, ‘ad “"5” ‘.4 ,1 Va? Marvel Cave. near Galena. A u¢‘_ Link Otnk‘ not an") stalriay Which leads ml!» the main _______ ieau -alums: have. .''‘° 9‘ 11* m'm=- v 35" feet from Mi:-.-nuri rm .. greater '.':irit-ly -.1 pbyaggnt axcgpa h¢1pij;g‘_fgxly_g' ‘re ll” _l'”‘t "3 ll‘? 139} Sl¢‘l‘- Th!‘ {'17- cnmmcrcial rr.ir:i-rul:- than any nzhi-r packing harygnlf 1:; "‘‘l'‘‘‘”- ‘ll ’l-_l1|KYNl-99. "UPP°‘fll 10 «tote in the-.\lis:-issippi Valley and link‘, ,3-mug“ u an}, ‘hog, V334 5‘ ‘b"“5‘l9‘l!' ‘If S98” 0ld- hi‘-'¢’ IiT0- .-land» nintii zmwng the .-tater ir. finding flat" gJ{b‘bc{gu»1Lg»,-o _ ml"? “M Pl’§'-"~'l3‘- WV‘ "l the value of it» niim-rzil resource-. atop Min‘ "h'd’ '‘—’’'’‘‘'"'‘l’l‘'’‘ "*9 ‘'14 1-ll’¢'l’1)‘ according to the report of the Bu- Oldtn rent: of Geology and Slim-. at Rulla. {mm ‘*1’: The state stands first in the pro- alfia 000- duction of lead and zinc; second in river and a barytes: is one of the two chief cen- manufacturc of fire l':XPl"Yt'F> 1'18"!‘ KODC inlo brick; is an important manufacturer of lime and Portland ccrnentfliar l!O0"€!‘¢'d- nls cobalt, nicltel and tungsten; I.- inc all the most interesting 1,1 in important producer of pyrite.-., throughout rative purpo-cw and has large de- tliirougli the _ he-am:-2 of the developed. ii-. vimui7i7 clinises in His- aouili and 3 in Arkanaaa. ; co nxtltute the tow mudcnta and t n Missouri and 1241.6 r _ T"?-'l'm it (lol- ' ‘ -ll-‘fl Will! K‘a\'¢.-r-, iv-ome uf which haw- Southc-rn Miiuouri by the mining of iron ore is assured. Wu profc.» principal dz-pogii ii. 0 c School of Journalism of Francois and iron counties, recent field runs in a southweste party traveled 2.554 miles in Infill‘ form- 8 Wide ni ,0! ‘big. '1_](r_9_4 mnc_., tire field was vieurd by the by_railroad, ' and H66 miles by boat. Old)‘ hfflorrottheatau-i These ileplisits occur river 3 widg- u.‘Tfll.UT)’ in diffi-rt-nt geological for- ’ n under very different’ They are he- 5. esem- ing'rapidly developed until the last 1h 1' embedded decade ler reaoi-ta advertiae. The "l 3 l‘¢"'l"3¢':u=)'i:;.iml¢l I\'I‘t<1"§“|*‘."""".":'I4t!I>d around Clinton -inf .' L‘ V. producing the semi-rare rnct- . , 0' , .' '5" , ' ' . ‘hi " ~ " -7. - A s . fiaaafitv ;. in-....a -n-:...-.- . . v '* A - Q ‘If 3 ‘L. -r « .7 ___._.v .4. r — . ._- .‘ ! _.- --_ 1“ . , .. , _‘ I‘ . .. . o . ' - . V ~ ‘---~ —-—~ “‘--‘..--b --an-oaconxasag ...- - - .— ~« ’ \ . I , . ~ . -o.. . .- ~x 9- o--— 1 ._ __ 3 -.¢ ofi - ~-1‘--C 3-- , I c at +1. ._ T _f..':,.‘ and Arkansas Ozarks . Stand Unsurpassed in Beauty RELIGION SHOW the ridge for tire miles or more. tber. dzrrnaravinetotheheadoftbe lake is the Drive, so named be-v::.use it reaches the summit of the kills. it is about -Ill) feet above the lake. lnrpiration Point along the roadside overlooks a sheer 3% foot descent. and looks up the valley for miles. Forty miles east over a snake like :1-.:.t-.-r trail that clintbs mountains mill :5 descend directly to the val- ley climb another. is Eureka Sgirings. alled “The Switzerland of .\mr.ri:z," {cause of its natural re- st-n:'nE:..'ice ts Gene‘.-a with Lake Lu- Lt‘?'?1!' r.e.<.tlir.g in the valley below. Eur:-l;a Springs. t! ' 1:» the Ozark Uplift. with an (‘l('.'1i‘.:'Ol1 of 1,-"£0 to 2.000 feet. Here begins the White River couri- tr)’, which stretches to the north- rust in Branson. and thence into 1..--i:e Taneycomo. Mis.souri"s most popular re.-wrt headquarters in th Ozarks. llere. i l)f‘(’(:f!V‘.- wild, and the if sonii-one had _throI"n t with ("‘it't‘lt-$2‘ -hand the ridges which today ~»rnpri~e tile Ozarks. At llanatonlza. on the .\'iangua River. in a district which someday :r.a;.~ be utilized as a state part, i.- a district of exceptionally beautiful _-.4-eriery. Frr-in the side veranda of the castle. locate-d on a bluff 3!!) feet :ii.ovo- H:ihatori'o:a'.- 90-acre lake. one of nature-.< beautiful painting: is re- vealed Three bun red below. the clear waters of trout glen sup- plied by inc maninzoth spring find their way through a narrow glen. -.'.'c.' mm: cave-red :’0v.'l>;§. by; a {u.'tH;Ue old mill and empty into the laiie. pan of u'l'~.-ich is covered with fr‘o:isl‘.-Wale! moss. C-ii>iTO1. BL’H;T i ON GOOD SITE "* ‘ .\llS.'~?()1ll'l Statehouse Cup Be Seen for Many Miles. ' 3’ .‘vlr:.~uuri'~ .'.e.: state apitol at .loi.'4-r.~or: City i- a building of beau- ty. magnitude :.r~.u' importance. Of L32; Ronini. Ptenaissatwe of architecture. its beauty is. more forcibly brought out by itr§;1ni-tri- cul liner of architecture surmounted by a dome of unurual beauty and proportion-‘. Enga _ cul- urnm com-titutx: the exteriormf it.- wall.-f~. While noble. ' fluted C7)lUf.'l¥‘.‘ the exterior of Carthage gtone. The building stands upon 285 con- ' sch crete pit-rs uf varyin;,' size, i-i'h' reach in i-snlid rock at depths varying from t'e'.'ent)' to fifty fee-t-It is 437 feet lr-ng by 200 feet wide in the wings and 300 feet through the center. It l.- his feet from the floor of thcbascu merit to the tn]-inf the exterior wall. basement to the [top of the dome. ' c 3-ii-suuri River level i.- 400 feet below the apex of the dome. The huilding has four stories and a base- ment and C(t$'€l'l- approximately three acre.-. The new capital is imposing. On its commanding site, overlooking‘ the Missouri River. it can - seen for miles from any direction. It is ntuutcil on the game ground» as the tmlh capital. which was destroyed by fire on February 5, 19]]. The £'rnund~ of the capitol cover :s(-ven- teen acres. of the architect provides for tree; and other ornamental feature-.~ that will malie the building doubly al- tr:::'tivc when competed. — S Lake. . the country bills look as ‘ and 262 feet from the floor of the landscapc .-chcmc ' ADl’.{VCE.\lE\*T Oldest Church West of Mississippi Still Stands in Scott County. BONDS "Xiif VOTED New Buii2iin;«-{Are Being Constructed for Co!- leges and Rural Schools. Wonderful do-veioprneziz is taking place in educational and religious activities in various communities of Southeast and Southwest Missouri. In Scott l.'our.t;.' there are two consolidated school districts recently u '2 the Diehlstad: Consoli- dated School. a new three-story. modernly-equipped building capable of 8L‘C0!l‘l!l2Ud.':'.lf'l2 500 ctudents, and Consolidated . with rn'(-r 300 students en- througiiout Southeast Missouri. In Scott COl.l.'lI_\‘ is l(r:a'.eu the old- ;-.~: church ‘rest of the Mississippi. The old Metlxodist Church. built in the early part of the nineteenth crnlllrj-'. still stand.-'. .\'c-rvices are bi.-ltfin the bufldiiig. vrhich is lo:-;m~d only a few f1‘illt°.~ from Benton. .-\‘.-n. in Xi-'-I‘ flansburgz, Scutt County. is located a Catholic Church that is .-(~\'e-ntg.‘-fiw _';e-ars uld. was used for a ‘lalllc by the guprjl- Tau during the (‘xvii War and was pa.r’i:-.El;.’ destroyed. but was rebuilt ~u'i'ral year.-‘ after the war 1‘ present priest has be-on there for iv-‘crzty-five years. Ir. this church is hand-czirved statuary which is val- Utd highly. Many guild offers have bu-n made by Eaglvrn people‘ to M'- cure it but the print will no} can n . When the student: of the Journal- lafll Field Trip grassed one of ll)!-‘ .-mall cvvumry '.‘hl£!‘L‘l'l(S - driver pointed it out and rt-marked lliu! the pr:-.':'.'el party at Hahatonka by R. M. Sr.y- owncr of the re-.v.>n. who acted One of the I this place 1:- Q. ' V? '1 luinsas City and St. Louis markets. In order to demomtrate the Value of this industry. Mr. Snyder i!'.‘:lL‘d¢Cl cr:ni‘dad-tail salad on his menu. the trip could h.'.l'.‘¢‘ .‘s'o or. . been called a success without roast- ing care. They formed an important item in he amount of food con- sumed. Estimating that each stu- dent consumed from t..rce to eight cars at a meal. the estimate of mo nushels prohhly not far from wrong. Potatoes. fried. boiled. roasted. baked, mashed and stewed also took their place as an important article of consumption. As the potatoes ;\ .- ss.-r-.-ed varied in site. and some of ' them were mashed. it is ‘impossible 0 give more than an estimate of the amount of this food consumed. it is the unanimous opinion of the part)‘ that two Va of these, is a conservative estimate. Each Day Brought Funny Incident l-Ive-ryone on the journalism fie-ld_ trip was so busy the first two days of the trip trying to keep shirt: clean and trousers crcasc-:l that there was little time for o-.f.-.-.- fool- ishness. By the third day. however. it was proved conclusively that thiz was impossible. and the fitr. lI(‘;,.'3ll with the boarding of the boat at St. Louis. The first cvcriing :it ‘Cape GlT8l’- dcau one of the more athletic mem- bers of the class became (:"._':a[:(-d gricultural Bureau iii a friendly wrestle with a newly- formed acquaintance. The court- house lawn was the scene of the tus- sle. and it happens that there is a rtecp incline at the edge of the lawn. The two were evenly matched. After rolling over a few times they came perilously near the incline. Another puny picked himself up in the middle of the street it was’ with a feeling of disrnay--for he had lost I tooth. Several days later, members of the party were guests at a dinner. _ “K I t lensing was asked. He looked broke into lood a use. n relics can y he works of art. Neither ‘ spent motoring through the territory covered by the of the Missouri School of Journalism at- mmpanied the party through South-C , special dishvras at-rye-d to the " ll and mrcr they went. “'hen the ' c seems. in South Missouri. .co ..:r..::.* ::::.‘.“;°'1.:'§§ IN MISSOURI E . EXCEl’l‘IONA[:- Includes Such Produag ‘ as Rice, Cotton, Gin- A seng, Corn and 5.’ Sunflowers. Every Fruit Found in 3 Temperate Climate iii in T ; This state. S rersified crops of . and Northern Arkansas ‘have resulted in revelation to the ‘-- thi section. farmers throughout 1:. the counties of Se-titheart Hia- 5-ouri the fa;-men have relied upon some return on The Lu: taro yen have se!n a de- inthepriceofwbtzt a:>d,con- sesqueruly. the demand for this pro- 1 corn. cotton 3.. growing ir. neighboring fields. Taraiag Fro. Cora and ‘Uncut xardeau. Scott and tie: formerly relied upon their sta- corr. and irlieat. In years. hourever. they have turned to cotton. alfalfa. and Clo‘-'(-t. “Tier? corn cannot raised cormistently under too much dry weather. cotton can be raised successfully‘. - r: }lissiasippi. Butler. .\':\I' Had rid. Pemiseot and Dunklir. counties soled to cotton. As yet this cour.-' tr)‘ has not been touched by the boll I‘ee1'il. The sunflower is being raised to some extent in this section for conig'ercial purposes. L‘: . l P-Oittfs. ATE-. has one of the larg- Cst V actories in the United States. Benton County led the coun- ‘ kansas ties of..Ar t year in the production of ten farm products. Near Brapson. M0. in the district around Lake Taneycotno. ‘ ’ '5 tobacco. ea sraixcs AIIOLZVD Aubxi; ‘run . ' uot°.\'r.uics Their Beauty Health-Giving Q|n,Iit§3_ Si‘-‘ll!!! rise fr—oni‘nowhere. it Some of ' the-:n do not even have names, so rmnon Mountains. ‘ CROP v.-i1T.~”rT?‘_l TOBACCO IS GROWN . 2, ' « ..-.-g,-‘I-.lu_. . —.. .. I \ o ' ‘Z 0 81¢ Swings in the Ozark ' Bl“ 91¢)’ in War forth lcar. . if Cold. pure water. C‘ " Around _ many of these sivnnes health reaoms have ' (WWII up and towns are namod for ‘l’¢_‘¥"ll3l!8. for instance. Eureka Snrmcx. El Do - ' _ - . rings. l°°'3 Sulphur Springs and - . ..p : the collection of Southeast lip fildiuln Springs. aouri Teachers‘ College atca Gi. C.’ . “Was it mad by thzestar roux-am ma C if 9 3" l ' * " ;du\1vit:m um { out of unknown depths of rock intu- - -W r "" ' aw,"-', °{.“’9!|Ioutho'faca\'eandthendoI'n_~— .t:het!'lP-uufolncof the paaaageaa toioinaoineother ‘- iwere ra narrow _ - - .43, nu. form a stream named for wufitrty. _ oifboueaalon nuance Hahatonlui Spring pours oug_1.so' ‘tin student ‘ -"""' °°‘.’v°0° t-lions of wxur - dais-. . JIP the near lg dammit; the t I 36 turn around anilatart by ' ; ""‘°‘“. . Lake and below . an ‘m """‘°‘1 .- vr-—~v A ' ‘J’ U ‘ ,_ ., ' 1 A A ,.- . — » o . , _ A.l.l'hari_.uwO:t?;a!"IIIAhu‘&tuartetu. flrnfoard worflngwlthtll paofle.of@h1noI_i‘.'Dalta::7"“ -out:-r"i-euo~u:ui'¢igiia", ndalrnadfrouathe otthe i....sh-‘$9.- im-+-rl farm goon miles of (lit:-In-sat afoot of tissioopnoand thistrnn.-forrnntlon u-=,i,.,,_-,,_m',":'_ oiadewithoutany W atateor Federal government. . ;_, 4,3,. .) V.‘ I ,3 Sou. - ‘-55,. ..‘_ _‘ .:“ I I 24