9 F .i' I I? l 2" 1 i 1 i...a lss1*O!%hashasto|lIl '-‘W nos:-s-nss.ssousotlwslcstssy —-v-- "'“"*:eej'hne¢valnHseerltrIat1- I'llA9IlQlI.1'UlAL¢Il'|'|-"‘.'=III_{UHI\Ianas°l!|'|3*-|"l“ “l'hsseis'sothiII¢ Nlcailltllssml ttiseitissnshlsinaction. peat’ nses."aau I"""“l‘°"' Noeastnasltccasafl topass nest lsfrlls Outlook for M! ‘ruglttlyosoesootpslssaonottlus ’thut.hsestahIhhmeatofltss¢|$,..¢¢_ conned eulIfFfio¢l&Il|l||‘5"l“»p7hlkeflnisaIssschaneatentthat 0¢¢"°"‘*‘l"'I.'*"""""""lsl$PsnlIkaIlI|rvaanoIonser sun. and raaaallablv oontssslnstsis that values-ad teach &hlUfO."hml&ll‘IC§0f¢“'f.'“H“".:..'_k'up.g-- stsloaoatlsobvioa-totho-o'Hl,....1 ' sootoslttlusstososun hsvestudiedthef eetadtiom'hkhh-“h..~op.,,,d.ou,,m_1-5,, ‘or this country. it is true, not only “.6 ,5, mm, “M kn ,,,,,., bed DOE lhan study which occurred there is 19¢! all thellvuefthddmastsn. Thoir hich lasted until 1012. There has ciyigg. gduaugn, and health depart- the usual reaction followlns I,snents tackle practiul problems in- hoonl. The ‘I'D!!! are siftillistead of connling time in makim rnnn the high cost of llvinrand that-lslaorsto progrums for the year. kW 9”“ °'"'°d f°' fun p~d“°“‘ Women's clubs most certainly hi‘ "Milk" l" Cuud. ‘"5 need their year books and their so- Pl"'I"d ”'°‘{"""" l'“° p°ml"‘ Th’ cial gatherings. even their st-wily '3"""' F‘"7' 0' P"‘"‘ bees and their conversational {WU- sent thisty-six members out of for-."’._ 1..." b no ""0" ‘by women . .’ ‘O lll ll! %‘ Oman“ for ‘um pun)0._ “" 75.’ ‘N’ V""" ""'°“"”' °"' es. in smaller groups. 811 this city rid 0" 5°“ °'°°"°"~ .club or Raleigh. with its stem 1... The famine element in Eumpe. slstence upon the co-ordination or Tb Review of Reviews for July. its departments and the state, enun- tslll Ill “ill 350'“! I VIP“ lCld""ty, and local departments of 1,11‘ C] to pass from the Illlul of mCf91'9y.g'yn9n[' ix; .9 exp;-flf-nt exunlple lllfll lll'0"'|’- 0" l'~"“"“' of what women t-vt-rywherc can ac- Iif |)0Vfl'f|-ll lllldl0|"lo 10 ii.‘ 0' cosuplifi for civic bt-ttt-rm!-llt. if independent Pf0PflPC0l'I- I8 "Vtluy are solidly organised on 11 France, in Denmark. in 3witaer- ,g..,o¢,-‘fie _b.,.§._ l""'" Wm‘ ll” b""“* "9 hm’ When a club asks tglslsitt-, ct?sn- Fl“ '3" °’ W ‘W’! "'3' ”',ty, and local otlicials to make “u'- lh" "mu", mm” ”“'lspeeches to there. not occasionally fusion. There will soon be felt in but comumly. md no, on "H, “won, Europe the necessity feeagriqltural 0‘ cm.-“Mp. bu, upon mp,” of ¢<'“¢'“°" "'4 ' "'9" vital concern, that clubylilte the «me- '"""~l'°" °' ‘""“"‘- st Ilalaigh. is bound to be a live s"'“ u” bun" °‘ me commufiu‘ wire, instead of just roll call’. ap- "l° '’h°°'7 "' Rmd‘ "’ '”“°fi"“°' pointment of committees, anti re- ; rudiments. the land holdhg by peasants. The Review says. “Taking Rudia as a whole. it is a vast congerles of - agricultural neighborhoods.” Many‘ peasants in Russia. shiee the revo- lution. have becole snldl farmers. and are ready to t to retain their panesdsas. “duh” " One of the greatest debates of all Inbject of Nlilrations. Perhaps , Shelby, Iont.. would like to promote i ‘rt. - The chaotic conditions of the ag- ricultural situation all over the" world at Irst seem to indicate that‘ farming is in a bad way. But a_ A field mass held in a St. Louis truc interpretation is that these C0|Il|l-!4ll°¢'l¢ 50348)’ ‘'35 ||"4‘“d'~‘d unfavorable conditions are indiea- 5! 4-.” P335!’- thlts of a period of transition by ‘ boy 1 “u‘".fi in . ,wimmmg which the farm and the farmer sne pa; in g‘... cm, when 11.... hood mains to a far more satisfactory hit that or another boy after msltiug position within the state. . I dive. . . . School children in St. Louis were A "fled " . um "kn ‘O taken to see the cutting of an acn- "“° '° '9" 0'“ 5' ‘"n M“ "i of oats with a binder drawn by is anything that agrees with him. u.¢w,_ __,_._ A man pushing a wheelbarrow 'NDU8Tm‘L Honaas from Philadsl hia to San Francisco A new schedule of wofhlfll 590" on a $6,000 is: has passed through went into effect at the plant of thI“S[_ 1,,-..j._ - - A. Nash Colnpany, manufacturers of men’s clothing. in Cincinnati. last lolulay. , M‘ 'l\s offlclala of the company at the‘ K" semi-annual meeting last Tuefiay, —————— 3'57.‘ 91 Q. i A filer was held up by a‘ma.~k- .1 5’ A35‘, N-5. waidut “god ha it in his room in a ltansas N 5'.’ for . ..'.u_hou' and |'0bb0d 0' 8 ‘M50 five-day week and a lniniuunl wage ‘mo vb’ ,____-_ . of fifty cents an hour for th‘ 1.!” Slate and tile roofers in St. Louis. women employed at the plant. ‘who have been on strike since July ‘l‘hls plan is a new sort of pioneer‘ 1- N W WW3 when (ranted venture in the industrial fields. it,"-5° W 5°“ 5 P''°'''“‘ 53' ‘ "'°°C‘m°' '1 W9‘ St. Louis has sixteen policewomen, '3“ “ll 30'' 0' 3 V0000 Wkione of whom is a negro. They are are specialised job. who. now considered indispensa.bh- by the ase w‘ infas skilled laborers, sigh.‘ chiefs of departments. A man from De Soto was bitten by a tire horse in St. Louis while watch- a tire at Seventeenth and Mar- streets. “H a‘ Five mysterious murders occur- _ 9 '59 '95’ lfldllllflo 3°¢°"“°: nor motive is yet known. :?"‘o.t::.:““”"° ‘flu are‘ to’ A break in a Wdtft main in St. , Sociologists tell us that the lat¢g‘;°"‘:"'d:"‘:°“‘1”'m'c','."”'°°‘”,“"t-“;';": nun‘ “" ht‘ '"'°" “'l°"‘“‘-stl'ast eai-s had to h:nde‘it‘)u.r:-d u the constant concentrated effort re-‘ ._.__._ ' qulnotl of lstlsstrlsl eodtoss ortos Stone conical -all be limited to make wesaen unfit for the week otll P70309005 000 100% Ind M9111 .¢___-» ' o asslstslnlsgssousoosonst-tags-°""I ‘°‘*"‘” °“"""°"“¥“"“' fanny ' 1 I i i 3 is l *1 E. : . . I. 3. 3 ii“ -.. ... I a t o . . ‘I ‘.g . ‘mt... . 3.. '5 oafi-.Asa}¢ .<.o.. §amu,lb9et *, ' . . . . 141-4 ‘ 0 ~ -'-,4“ ' .- . I .1. l ' ax > f’ \.'y “Fh5?fi!i ‘lb. ‘ : ‘ _ -. ,-5-1 ‘Kit’ I w e- . Q". 1..--«. , ‘Q? 1 _ ~::»~“"-“e'v'-7133.‘ ’ . V ,4’-. 1-~,,.$,-.5-Q:-st, -. =.“"..Y .1 ,1 » ‘ . “" 1:’ i . I‘ i‘ l‘ -' h I‘ '7 ‘ vi .. '0 ' ‘ ii 'p 0 ‘ i V' H .' I v_ _{ _’ y ‘ , - \ o I §' 3 I’ X 3 9 5- 3 :1 3 5 nultrsnsts lcs CRELI _‘m,,,,,,,, ,...1.t.ons sou prsc 1 3"’ 33 tia.-s of railroads -goveHIintt UN‘ ' - -' ~’ ' 7- . Attend the ice cream suvlar for transportation af anthracite. time t9 g0 to Hal 1 lb ‘ our Fl y Cent his. Qaturdsy evening, July 14. Ev- transportation of both cargo and ‘ensure invlted.—-adv. btnlhsr Tryailsaourlmtwantad. I .. r'* v " . -. - - r ‘- ‘ . 9 . . ' " - 1 ; ‘that the interstate CouIaeceeCors- dassd by_th_e eennnssion ‘ aulrslbsion tnvestfiatswhetlserrstes in end. Thhzactionis the . ' , ' ofanthuciteara taksaoalherepurtoftho 30" 3' “"59" ‘’ transportation of anthracite from '- ‘Products! sat-who alvara of“ all parts of the United States and Canada. 3 4 ' ' ' , - ' of J I . K . \ -, | . g _ s , . . o - ' A .""'°"‘9"- isepnrstsaldtol andths tie -talus‘ "17. ‘ W “ W” ‘M . or A If (‘sailfish- _;1;:_T_,,_.,:.:, . . _ .. . -.-.-.-.-.-.- - .r---'-'-'-'- M , t recouaendstions 1 _ ' Whcn 12 O~’c1i>c A .‘ e,“; .5 a : .3-_ yatsrday ordered a ‘. ‘ I of Prunes in ",..pin¢ investigation into the ‘ ;,'_ points in Pennsylvania to >7 .; Comes-- And with it lunch time, then 1' is also file eommissten ordered the inves- “" ‘"""“'“"’" '”' "W" "" noonday menu is most attractive. The foods are well cooked and sea-' soned. The atmosphere iscollgenial r\ eaal to tldewater and lake 1% coal commission’ recommended The most loyal good ‘wishes of Punch. and the rest oi us. go wlutf the Dulce of York. it. A? F. and his bride. who were married recently.. 4-- __.. ..¢_. ‘.2- - _......__--,- .._, .. n: ._.... ——.- - -___..¢— fore the great war. But the Frame; of l‘Jl-t--18 was another 1-‘rance——a. republlc like ourselves and one batt-' WHAT OTHERS SAY rmln up nnltla-in Sua. time would be one between Premier, Poincare and (Xancellor (‘Inn on the . ling for life against a military dd-, potism that unchecked might have‘ disastrously changed tlle face of the. Amt-ricaps served Ilfld" world. And it was 11 France that: General Geurasd. Many “W Rlinlww Di‘ that would have blotted her oi? ti‘ Vltlloll. Hplflldlll gldry lllld VI’ map of ngtjong not ‘id comg Q0 lvf. lhmrvd out its blood in a cum-‘ht-r front without. Of all who mi "1"" l""’¢'"l Will‘ ill‘-I1 0' "W -"‘°U"”l ('tlllllllUl| cause with her it is not im- l"|‘t‘N'h Afmio and *"‘t‘UlI!l I ‘P5|’il“' modest to say that we were least ul liaison between the two countries 3,-(“god by M.|f-jng"-¢,g_ gym; '1. auch an binds us to no other. um"-i[,u(¢.d moo: potgmj.||y gt up We can never regard France in critical hour to the final victory. If quite the same way as we did be- Lafayette was a knight errant in our ._ 9 on 9 ca.- Annual Settlement of B. C. Hunt. Treasurer of the Columbia School District, for the Year Ending June 30, 1923. To balances on hand, July 1, 19%: General gllntl ..$ 6,102.87 Sinki ' Inter- estgund .... . 27,161.24 .Bl_lilding Fund .. 72,709.07 . 1 /Total. Balances, Toamt. from M. G. Proctor, Collector, Gen’l. Fund. . . . To amt. from M. G. Proctor, Collector, & Int. Fund . . To amt. publlc funds and R. R ta’ $100,033.13 ' 108,155.20 i 22,770.10 . x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1,047.70 To amt. tuition from non- resident pupils . . . . . . . . . . To amt. interest on tleposfts, General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . To amt. interest on deposits, Building Fund . . . . . . . . . . To amt. Douglass School cafe- teria . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . To amt. kommenccment re- ceipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.44 To amt. student fees and de- posits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 431.11 To amt. rent of buildings .. 1,715.75 To amt. misc. refunds, premi- ums, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,713.78 1,417.52 1,705.71 166.08 Total . . . . . . . . . . $270,999.82 By amt. teachers’ warrants pal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By amt. paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y amt. Building Fund war- rants paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By amt. bonds redeemed. . . . By amt. interest coupons and . exchange paid . . . . . By balance. Sinking and In- terest Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By balance, General Fund. . . By balance, Building Fund. . S 86,164.86 48,069.38‘ 25,0001!) $270,999.82 $276,999.82 Balances on iland, July 1, 1923: Sinkinl-5 & n r- est und .....$13,177.57 Building Fund II 233121.20 5 tal balance -. on hand ....860,Z£.49 ' We. fills undersigned, President of the Board of ucation hfl :.hlt:tA:1hdit.in‘;‘oCon:‘1‘§tti¢ of Oeftif e a ve 0, statement of the Treasurer of the Columbia now on tile in the otlleal Dfi8tthl'H.ssthesoafln.ead ° ‘W _ ofEducsti , Witneuoitr ands, t.his9t.h dayotJulg?'19a,y , , -r. w. NIEDERHEYER, ,. I ' . - i - t ‘ (‘ . E ARD8, 3 . lenbws Auditing Attest: ‘F. Secretary. /' ' l v_j Land at Auction at the farm. sell to the highest biddc. the 85 acres now belonging to the C. L. Ballard estate and known as the old Sappington farm. Tesnls unusually any. Made known on day of sale. Sale at 2:30 p. m.. at the farm. ‘t . .2- . ..--- ...-. a and the SCl'\'lC€ is well regulated. It ~ costs no more for either of these. H e o e as ~ -.o Inordertocloseaneatate.lwillon Sat I y July 14 Excellent Food—~Rapid, Efficient Service HARRIS’ li- ”3 ~‘ - ‘ J. A. Stewart Sale Manager and Auctioneer. ‘ . .. ' 593.19 1 39,713.31 1 11,753.83‘ (it-ncrul Guuraud in France. mar‘! ,b..rt- ht-rut-If ht-roit-ally airainst o&’ E . dled under hiln. - . - - - . _ - ..-._ 23..-- ‘ ...:-m..— t. : T T :oy:0: a. Q ——-j-e-G-mm ___ —......____ _.,..:_. ...-._ To .lt mans an lnsufiicicnt oil film between all metal surfaces. and a consequent $$$%$$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$S& uf RE you sinning against your c:1_r, by using a thinned out motor oil? i so, stop now before thc_ bcarlllg surfaces are worn and cut. An oil of poor y and wrong vlscoslty thlns out very quickly in summer. - Thinncd out_ motor oil means short life to the bearings and frequent renewal. ofipowcr. Follow the; chart. Ilse larine Matte in Five Grades One of these zrsdt-s—the ole specified-isxah riht la’ your Car._ E_lP¢flmr:nt means ri Don't tamper with the deficg lubrication system of your mac ne. Use Polxine. and fie sale at mnxtnium mileage d truest ecoaeflv 5)’ dnimse your Ilulor 03 every 500 mics and g with Palatine. - You will be delifited to find that Polsrine lessens carbon deposit- leesens power waste — cuts can of cleaning valves and spat-plugs- ssves cylinders to longer ltle. ' T chek have co-operflad with N“. , as isscienti . Thatiswh Polntsklstsosoalsulunng oil lorevepry frictional surface undersilsledisnical and thermal cea- ‘ ohris '3 ad! deoil ' l is? tilt“ _ c e in eromcru ssdecudexcluavelyor Delnandior Polarineis ’ sre£niingthstPlari ‘the’ oil. Over!) . gallons of Polarineowerzcsxld in 10 Middle Wfa W i‘- ‘T?éTii"“ ’ ‘gs .‘ .