ll L L- ' fella: In rpace u-til on ID! .. 1‘: ,. .. la. ...i51;gq9wr:i ‘it ~ . .,‘, g '3 -t ..< .. ' i ‘ 1. 1‘d‘:"' J . I_ ~ ' 0 ‘ ' . I ‘ MW :1: ‘J ' .i.-*. L 4 - 11' ‘ 3.7 mm aauiliatterda air - - , Class Secaal. Gave .'I.\em J-¢-su-¢—- Qar ‘ . ....".;..§:. e... hy' 4 Team ‘ I ~ still maintaind the lead in . "fi inter-(‘ity Golf '1' ' ' '* nfbefi Ivflaltd PIC. ' / Nnw YOBK._Jtaie 9.--one ball twntimbcr‘ ‘of’: §_ playntaaynetmakeateaaitmtone ican.bsaak team‘; '. thattHssea- where the erday. a A llsler 000 by‘ IR t ‘at; lauis Browns _ 1 ed mosey _ln pennant race . W. "3": '';‘‘:.*.'.::,*:.':.z. .2: ~-.«---«'‘‘"'-- mm -» -- ._$Ialia ‘ii 3;“. mum‘m.m- Wm b. first baseman. Browns look lik-c #5‘, ° J.‘ (“yr an ordinary baseball club. with nine ‘t “in ' M _ _ - ___,__ _ ,. rs’ on thedfleld stopping g|cIlAltD8 Dl-ZF'I.AT8'.B|tl'GNAN ted la gain at Fulton . fitch taall. crowded.‘ in still in the cellar position. halls. With Slater in the line-up .- .. st year they lost the pennant ‘um and llic;a.r.ds Win Doubles n,,by.,,ou_ v ill T°°'“’ .’““N" , It isn't so much S‘ ler's til?" 1 W153‘-3[_’ON' "' rum" powers that the Bnowiis need. lfmiie U'W‘"‘lY' \"‘"“ \"“.‘*‘ m°“"hiwas battlag around .419 and steal- J Yon‘-M ”°‘*' “"" °""° ' soiiaaes tor them this year. it ‘rough the fourth roiindi of the Eng- ‘would 5”’. .‘ com...’ But W. “N I-h mini‘ °‘."'“l"""-"“"‘-' Y"""“"- ,uiuiiai hasard of his absence that is B! "9517 d‘''''“°d J‘ "' " doi more to keep them down. fiW"‘ '“"' “"' “"' """ 8"‘ ' Willi sister. they are confident; without him. they know they ha_ven't Aftcr the first set, Richards had (flags enlircl;.' his own 11 and with ma driving and back ‘hand may’ ‘averwhelaied the 1'‘ men. Iolln Mallory. American cham- fign, defeated Hrs. I-‘Akinton, 6-4. ml «.0 Qt a dame. in their failure-lies one of the most tragic incidents of hard-luck ll In the absence of Sisler it has been ml ' \_u_'nmw ‘emlen "6 m the veteran Walter Gerber that gives _ "- _' “ H "mid mund “nu the old lafield its warpedcenccptipn '9') mm H.‘ " 0 of pep. They used to say it was Ger- '’‘l‘ M" ‘men’ defudn‘ her '9' her who was the right side of the "3-_ .‘ diamond and Sisler the left. ':'“‘;l:)’h('_'.’:’."' la” A|':‘°‘::“;’oL_'tt,; But it's sort of hand to be both pond. lle defcated_P. D. Spencer dd" “ °“c___._°___________ , with ease, 6-1. 6-0. and 6-4. _ VACATION NEEDS rrancis T. Hunter and Vincent ’ Tents. cots. camp'stools, trunks. 1' ' la . L A ," ‘ us is tsabiiié IN 'ooi.iiTnaow:%i.a' Venous ' c ‘ ; 'a%q_cs or status v - i‘"‘i'i' 'virgiiorasnnr Mi-vets-rt ..|. an~icsina.\atlanne City. N. J. tine . e‘ field of constants narrowed to t.Vfl7l7: tnig down _die Atlantic" short distance ; the scam! and chfrd rounds or “(National marbles championships shrtcd yesterday. Sam Schneibr of St. Louis, who says his ‘Cone’ day and night, and l’ seems to get better by'it.’beat Vir- gil Hammann of Denver, 3 out of -l. Virgil carried a packet Bible his mother had given him all through the match; bet-avaihd hill nothing against the oomtalitly improving pegging of the St. Louis lad. Other results were: Creed Lail. Portland. beat Joe Padilla, Loa An- geha. 3 out of 4: Alton Dame.‘ Wash- ington. Beat James Bert-rlin, Phila- delphia, 3 out of 4; Pate. Chicago. the one colored boy left in the tour- nament, beat Roy Bocorcelski. Cleve- land. 8 out of 5; Curtis Damell Houston. beat Ray Smith, Memphis. 3 straight; Lloyd Williamson. Taco- ma. beat John Naves, Satwranlcnto, 3 out of 5; Marvin Tllfor, i-Ivansvflle, beat Charles Citva. Des Moines, 3 straight: Harlin McCoy. Columbus, beat Isadore I-‘reed. Akron. 3 out of 5; Eugene Lowell, Allentown. beat Dave Lanham. Cincinnati, 3 straight; Morris Goldfarb. Fort Worth. beat Eider Reik, Covington, Kentucky, 3 out of 4. hi ended the second ‘i A,__, l mi M i ' ng’ lnvltingly a M . Lafontan. ners in the second competing for sec tional championships. Sam Schneider, "the lllllltt tile!- ciple." kept up l'll.'-l V~".f!."l.".,’,' streak. and beat .\iarvin Tilfor «if ii\iui..'.'illi- fikhard.-t defeated Barrett milk Evans grips, etc. at special prices. |iugh.._.. round. out of :3. for the 4 (‘Y l"..l ~.t;ii.-~ lgfie doubles, 6-‘.5, 6-ll, and 7-5. Furniture (‘o. 2510-‘.260. adv. The third round began with win- championship, iiugt-r.~ 1.4-.t.-ll_ Al * I ,- "/ / /. /,’ » P / , —~-—--- _.. I l/./ V///’ I ‘VJ // .'l .1 r i- I r / / I I ,/ ’ / / D > 1 . I . t i--.. (-f/luau. sag-“.~i‘—-;-‘iv 090 6 ’ I * ' 1‘-*0 . -‘ fl : ‘ ‘ 9". ‘-’ 7 ' ’ V, 9' l l - //‘\J I . \ ‘ W} 3 ll wt. Q I’. 9" ‘ ._. ' ll - ts Y" . ‘ ‘ . «,6, " J v’-- :‘ any: 9"‘ I ‘ l? C‘ e .V_ _ 1 _ ~ V_______J,Q“ _"‘9 __ '_ a_ 0 ~ ‘ so ‘flu; ‘ ~—- .. '-1:ni‘f'1Y-171' " m room strictly modern house. four block. from ljniversity. 84.6%; 8500 1 balance like rent. Aim). - one building lot on Ross , one on .\'tcwui‘t road which the o\\l‘.t‘l' will sacrifice fm quick sale. 0Pl‘()BT|'.\'lTY 5ft1‘0N RATE“ 5 rate for regular it-plat type «the ' ._. 'i\o- (‘alumina Iiaaourian I‘ a mom. "m ”‘r._\ and Frasier. Room_._ B? of The ' Aaa--uatiun iif News . Chaaiiied Advirtiaini. Ianagwv-. 2- Mill‘-‘T BldR- “hon” ‘bu’ 07 "in-," little lo-riding new-5-auers thrwigth [}Iucl.'_ ---'3" Q! the cunntr, an-l has for ita aim the , ___,__,-- . __. -__,-..-...- -...__._ dhilllllun of frnv tile-nl I ll Bl PId- 3'. ii"i.’.'i.'.'.'J'...“".‘T"..""i".. :.".'rrmi"-'3. SAL!-L ..~a-u-ii rooln. strictly mode-rii of the Aaaorialion. endeavors hr bllnL'al"W3 l0"‘t"‘l in 608 ('0"l")' unit only tvrthful Waniaea and w Av.-. Living room with grain; din- wfllall having in attention called V $0 adrertisomflt not i--ialorlniag to lb fiheat standards of honesty. EMPLOYMBNT 'iA.\rTI-Ii)--»Papering to do; good wit at 30c a roll. Telephrme 1596. mg room. kitchen. kitchenette. two bed rooms. hath. two screened in porches on t floor. Oak floors. Hot wifter heat. Garage: lot large enough for another house. For fur- ther information see Garey & Fra- sier. Agent!-. Phone 519 or “in-+‘r_i. :1-.‘.;.......i.‘ .;..‘.... mm: or «e an war at 53;; of children. by student. Address box §dd'°"' _ ' ' 0. fire of Missourian. 260-261. FOR RENT Bl.Ui'IGRASS—l'Iighty acres of blue grass for rent during summer and fall. Living water; six miles north of Polumbia. Call see 8. J. Coats at Ballenger farm. half mile north of Hinton. FOR RENT—A well located house on South side. unfurnished or part furnished. in splendid condition: has new furnace. The property must be ecen to be appreciated. Phone 344. S-242tf. WANTl'ID-—-Pupils in expression. Excellent training. whether you can- to S1-come ll reader. or to appear at Our before audiences in other Also grzidc pupils to “Experienced (‘are (‘olumbia Missou- R260-262 _.- .-.-.--- VIANTI-Iii A \V'IF‘l'I~JMust be ‘good housekeeper. good-natured and Vifi a fondness for country life. For full details see Harry (‘srey in ‘Craahin’ Tnru" at the (‘osy Theater 'ff_{"“‘_“““"""' , _, 26°38‘ roa RI-IN‘l‘——A nice cool apart- LONELY BACHI-‘.LOR-—Wants to mom. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. meet a companionablc woman. Must Possession July 1. Phone t - I . m Hm';"(5':,"_‘;?",‘,', ..C,__Mn.Tm.. 1-‘on BBNT—Furnished apart- _ . _ ment, Dumas Apartment for ‘H: ‘as; Low Thu" why "Ed fin} summer. Phone 983-Red. it-246tf. “r?iiiTtE.\'1'-b?i:"Jr7ii} 'sZ}n}§- Hitt and , insurance ' and Rental Agency. 905 Broadway --263 WI-ZALTHY ssrwh 0W.\'[-ZR wants a wife. Must erat'e and a home maker. from Harry Carey in Thru". at the Cosy heater today and 3'""‘*‘Y- . - ’°"'2°‘ roit RI-2NT-—Cool four-room un- w CAN-‘swig-}{ 131$}-1- furnished apartment convenient to pg A_\~1-ED by . “My, own" wi... campus and town for 835 per month. can't. Happy home and thcr in- for July and August. 805 Elm. ducemcnt.-i For complete details 0-53“- see Barry (‘at-ey in °‘(‘raahin’ Thru" at the (‘osy Theater. 260-261 GIRLS. SINGLE ljsnias AND WlDOWS——Roiicli owner wants a wife who can cook. .-4-w, wash dishes and keep the home in order. .‘ Harry Carey in “( rusllin Thru" It‘ the Culy Theater today and Salli!’ (by. 2 -201 T0 MISSES WHO W()Ui.l) BE-. COUPE MRS.-—-A comfortable home is oflered by a rancher who is sick us‘ ‘d ‘T of hchclorhood. Full details can Log1~_.A'yg.g in harried by seeing Harry (‘arey in°3_ c_ ‘.0 t: W. "()Qhin’ Thru” at the Cosy Thea- ter today and Saturday. 260-281 FOR RES l‘—Two rooms kitchenette. also garage. 51? S. 6th street. Piiorie W259-261. ._¢o-- I081‘-A Ch for return to I . ‘ Aflttf LOST-A gold cu! button with the initial A. finder please call ieii ymi initials 2...... nu. and Broadway. Joe and Wllldlflf St. Phone’ 133 -~%. g “T” REAL LOST-lower part of p _ifoun- . . taln ‘pen,’ an‘ or ndr ' V5186! FOR SALE-7-room modern brick find" ’h‘.. "an to .“_ ml at I n"l'hl ha’ "in sourian or call ills. Beurtl 50%} Locatadononcolt-heprinci ‘Fl streets. Large lot. We V 3 Q sot. w. N.Goldasberr1, izseii. Natl. ws'r—-a pockets-‘as as the L Bldg. Day flsoae 676! aitU,'K.OT.tI& Columbia I (M-Ilach. 0-‘ no. Con‘ "idafi and I 1% “-tfhadafkeyalew nofietid FDR 8ALB—l0-room atrlfi. ‘.3... modern houae.3bloclafrom)tfl-:¢.,.‘,”.‘.‘ ."‘“ IO! section; oak floirs. paved 9"‘. 37.50; eat! terms. 8ix- LOST—— l 7 -foldonsu-easel ‘ I ‘ll (vl(‘1’n. north side of ('oiumbiti. containing riuifie Ira L. Johnston on lodge rc- ceipts and paper nioiiey and checks. Suitable reward for return to the .\iis-«iuriun ofilce. -'_m0.'_’6‘_‘ roa SALE Pl) it S A I. F. -Lawn mower. in good condition; cheap. Phone l."ili-l- ——‘.’.63 FOR SALF.———Cream colored wick- er baby buggy. Two wheeled. Phone 1181-Green. ——2i’ilt1. I-‘UR SALE -—New St-aff Bros. piano. Pllice reaaonsble oni e'asy terms I’ 9 «(B6 A200—27l FUR SALE~—3 year old Jersey cow and 6 months old heifer calf. About eighty Leghorn hens, very cheap. J. B. iiocker. Phone l$ll2- White. H359-261 FOR SALE -Small block of stock in White agle Dairy to This is one of the t dividend paying stock in (‘olum pfice $117.50 a share. Write T r Ebersole, Fulton. Mo. inquire White Eagle Dairy Co. 265-260 FOR SALE--Library table. chairs, dresser and da bed in good condition. Phone 850-White, after 5 p. m —-252tf. I-‘OR SALE——Brown walnut din- ing room set: bed. davcnport, Vic- tro rugs Call Beasley Apt. No. 9. P-2~lTtf. FUR SALE;--One quart icy-hot vacuum bottle. absolutely new, nev- er used. price 32.76. Address R. care of Mislourian. D360-261 Coty's Perfumes. New shipment ll odors including the Tax.-in Drug Store. 17 All sises-——a very latest. 5tf ‘USED. CARS roe SALE FOR SALE--New Ford . Coupe. (lnly two months old. Equipped with motor-meter, extra tire, tQlii and lock wheel. Has been drive/n 800 or ‘.900 miles. Call 2230-W1iite or 724. (‘-261 WANTED TO RENT WANTED«_ To lease by Septem- ber 1. 5-7 room house. Call 1977- (ireen. 260-262. . ment with private bath. Sezitembe 1. By a faculty Qiember. Three-' in family. Phone 1595. 8260-tf. WANTED —~- Small iahed A union 3 3”‘ apartment or two or three unfur- nishad rooms. Permanent; for young Actress com. no children. 1»: L , of Missourian. U259 f. soon up some FOB I883--Ieamewfieewitb oet board. phone all-Gmaa. as-an soon AND ao.utn—iu ' ' rate at 1&6 Walnut. Phoae POI Dem, ans: sut'suae-sly.‘ J-sacs; , yosssiirr-re.-nry iiuinii-l ‘reams tar Isles. Pleas llll-G. :1 p . -fi- 90- r-‘O-‘Q’ I 2 FOR FOR Ri‘:.\'T-—~Rn(~:iis f \ married couples. Tl.» it. t ~. i.- Phone 810. li..'lZ.tf —’ FUR i::tr:i l".."_tti r mm- from 315 to 318. ll lard 36.uU. 7l'J Hitt istret 2. 2.58:: -1-‘Olt“Rl~‘..\_‘T ‘\'..~-s»... - i....m for couple or two in-in-< for .'-Lllli.'Ylf‘r ‘ term. Near 'L'i;iv¢r.~i'.f. iizti ciifi-‘..-rizi. 608 Sanford Plucr \\'-J4‘-if. FOR Ri'T.\"l' Two l:.r;:i- ',"(>-Ii \")fYl- TOTT-llblt‘ l‘()EB$sl-E"ér 3% S%"zET . I —-—— A VVAI2lVER‘B1?O§‘. PI runs ———-- - Wesley Barry 66 l « - Heroes of the Street” There are thrills a-plenty. laugliter. pathos and beautiful romance. Also “Education” A Lloyd Hamilton Comedy. Get Ready For the Fourth Tell your physics prof. that this cap defies gravity HAVING cream cape have an uncanny habit gravity. That’s why the William Hinged Cap n here is so remarkable. You can't per- suade it to roll down a drain pipe. it refuses to go near the bdhroom floor. In brief, it defies all previous laws the belnvbr of shaving cream caps. Williams’ Shsv' Cream, in the same way, upsets all traditions of all, it exceeds every knowaspeedlimitiorso ingtlic beard. You an at our face ready for shaving in less time with ' than with any shaving cream you cvcr used.’ 'l‘hcflrststeDinthis directianisabriglrt fireslistrawl-lat. S. & B. Quality Straws and Pensions $1.50 to $6.50 ... .4—_ —- Q-.. - thing. try a Hisaeurlan Want Ad. ; _scwhafifdvak ' is and hbw it h_'c in make ‘ *-.'i-smveaior-Hr. V" [A 1* ..‘:.'?.';.':°?.:*.“.u*r‘”..:.“*"“""*'"*°“°°' ' i-cc.-rich care C--''’‘ '°:f~r:'.""I'l - vhisliw-Ii-.=-’si.m-33$ '.' ".:'.“..‘.‘.:S'5' ia‘beflercoQ'ina-and ' '4 1 lllorc Tcaafltlleseadvntages . _ olerastart dfimfrto-marrow.