s~'.':'A;q7 J,‘ «tr ' '1 -he a. 3:’. V»-... .. ‘il~‘.;»—-—»m.« . e I ' .5 ‘.- 4 - - V; v ’-r‘» ~"' ‘ ‘ "“‘-"""~ _. _... .. V , , e‘ _ , ' _ _. . It.’ fl u .t ' 1-». ‘ - . an‘; : . V‘ I I 5,. .-3', -3 E‘ , i i 'i ‘v r,.‘_ ‘ ‘ ‘A I. 7 ’ I _ (V; ~_. -. ' _ *' ~ , -3%.... :4». urwmfliaiii . -» $«2i.~F>- . - nip," .-I < ‘ .4;-,“.' ‘."",‘-e.i""«_~ : ‘ = ‘ i " . E‘ “ ' - _ \ * . ' ". - ' ..x..... 3» . ‘ _. "—» 7" ‘ t .4" ‘. 3.:..'~.‘.<&.- ~‘:.’\;.'z.f‘ '. i' ‘I "' "‘ l“ " " . ‘ ‘ i L’ _ _ A ;__‘_‘§ y_‘'_,_» W‘ _.._.,,,_. .4 , ,., _ ' , ..lT.l‘l"-V il: l. ‘_‘ 0' I‘ -._.- ._ u I . 1 .v__ "VA _ ....x-*.........'..i.:“~—‘?-‘It -.~_.-I'~«_*5_~-;-__--_- ‘,‘f‘i‘.“'" '*.‘:§:.""_‘:“_’ _ ’______, ‘....--..-.- - 5---... =3- 7 . '-“""*’~”":}-_f;_'_|"“",‘,..“_"" ~ ‘ ‘-""“'e"" ‘" “ - ‘ _ i ' “ '”"'“'- '~"\‘- ‘- ' ' " ’ theaaseteaehstlencers psodaeiaclrosa lib 1»- 0ftlIcfliIt8nfi?hewastal.{cnbytrav- . . i . _F T‘ .50.“,-;..¢...yau. ‘ellersinva usinakeso cars. . . ‘ . , .. _ i ____,:.___. ' " h 'w.m’ ' ’ ‘Iv , - V - - fifia , Th Golden City Mali and ,.,raile might be to_eqaip ilvltkiwl ' ° dividual rccciving sch. to be worn ,.*r"fI.»:i'"« 3 9-.'?@"§ . 9. ' ‘._ ‘ . .V'--'i‘--s‘ peso. I» all» v‘\"‘ .«..«-1 tan‘.-.211: vs ‘ .» . ... i " ’ ta» e .' ., .‘ ‘ VA‘, I- . ‘la I ,5 _ ,- ', . ' . . ' 32' -. "W T‘ ‘ I ‘ "' ‘ % ‘A C22!" M W V ' ‘ ‘ fO?'Ifl‘8-hchool building d‘c:‘.ti‘o,VcdV_ ‘by .W‘"-:;'on can ‘and . h’. h 7 ate 0:’ v_:)"d"_nI)\n_r}l r»i»:’;h!.". ::{Yl(lQ)v nlfiitl. ‘ l ' ~ _ fii an lllt'l‘0OQ II It \'.'::.«. .ci.'t;;' 2'('iiio'..e t‘..._I‘. ll'.z an at (.1- lbln‘ ‘b '''“l''"““‘ '""‘:'3f"d‘”°° ""”‘° b'°'d°°“ b’ “db rm‘ lily. There were 330 plasterer: in non was heiniz hullt not 8 cmt uf . tn’ d'smncn' -the strike. _ $130,000. Rt*co:i.~tru' ‘.." - .l.!!'..,l Olljlds ' lt ‘ !‘ his U h roi rtiona. Work is carried the pfluny f°r ' M‘ “"”' ""0" ~ . . — - ~+ . { ) P‘); .~ it A ~ 53 is largo‘! ‘-359 "W A‘ ‘ IIIVOIVQII llllllllll NSF?“ iv‘? ll‘-“ "“ c cdpmp°d' l8ns ha do i t '“‘''“>’- M“ ‘WWW tune to lbahangs a picture of ‘the fa ous aii- Paris will win iv~.in:'risr»n. Jr., of l-‘ultoii. . r ~ , - .- . hh . l he I W t d3] y“. in watching I steamaoat on it! \<-.- nalivrv .i ll hkilkll t I-Itildl m.i .t if _ xg . Ii . t 4 ,. nu‘ “rd knock‘ with ‘ "mic! “bu o'.“‘ple"did isohfionn and Mb‘ “The aver.” emu!“ coocepuo. rhnnnl am‘rlo\:. ‘ran: born in on u? the Mississipbi with bo_\'i:l~. min i. _...:'ti;- ivl-inin, '.".‘i’mcd hm fir“ zfliflr M Boston In‘ ' K ‘Lu \ ~k' ‘M (lt- ii is In og_pofl1mItY- 1'5’ '“"" ll’ ""“1’“' 'Nbb°l°¢h8. Merci bl’ ff 9," °;"‘:d";i’“::a 'i' fl‘: :1‘ '3; feraon County. Virginia in issi. My curlonim i;-.... .. :. -.~-1! -.I‘.'>'\", ll.“i~ All ““*““B“‘ T"“"“;’-“K-‘_'-_ !“"‘_‘| ""11 Oil jizill. l~‘2—tm~‘ In 3 the human 333“ W‘ ".d° h'"“"'°" ."d'°‘h'-‘Y P0017“. 8!‘? ¢"- ‘mmy’ . ° . - n u ‘mt father moved to Clarke Count)’ ML unto‘ "V"-“ ‘'''1"‘ hi‘ ‘l-“4iT1“ \\J\“' ht’ ~ imr ’..m«i‘:~ H. l‘; i- “U”! mm" to A L‘ L“ “ ‘"0 t PC’ l Rwft‘ ‘I be baud to *0 W t"ick hands and a dirty face. rough , , , , ‘ H . .;_ .,_ ‘ U,” _, H,!_ - V ‘ - ¢ _ tail ii summer job in one of llenv,‘ \ 8 - ... it. methods. lkntlt I18. 0 must unslerntaml that dwhfl “ hm" in M‘ c¢‘__om who which adjoins Jefferson. \V'-W" 1 Wu“ ’.-'- la”-‘ -‘ ‘” ""- ‘“ “‘ ‘ r in ;:i in h.i:. E-i-on the ('3. e ‘.1 .\.:.it-ii ruled-._‘ Mm." plum. "6 WM “.0” _ . . '55“ hot state, and that poaniodilfl are dependent upon the i-egg of " . . ‘ . I ! ‘bout ivy‘-nt_-.° yeziia old. In the fall‘ \'i.it. \'0\'t'r\-(l t-uttiiue mi :1! t Br: :ul- “L EV,‘ ,__.:,__;,‘ _.._I;_\_ _, _ .._,, . '-. . _- - ' h - R h IDl_.id8 his time digdng eoa out C W ‘ _‘ _ . . Tl, (mm: (M, B‘N,,,,_ ( ,..,,... “M _ _ .' ' ‘ lilisttied fiom walking: though lllJ(l‘ § forge of-life M the t e p ...d “"11" an ,1,“ of the "W ground ‘mi ‘(mm on ‘Hike... said Q! ix». , (l.Ll Brmxn anti his gun: r~~:'\' ‘hm " h hv W Li“... HIM V'rz~;'.'.:,~. ...... _..,.r-- mi in.: ‘J. iii‘ U. A _ A -- resistance. But than are run! that-Id. vouust find markets for our Ellis Setirles. editor-in-chief of the C"-“‘ ’i"°'h‘."“'3 ".‘|‘"‘ -““‘-:"":""‘ ‘"““" *Q'.“‘,.‘.,.’."(,,(,"‘7,,,(, ,...l’c.‘,‘.,‘_1‘.W‘ mu“! i- i. ...im.. ’::~.«».v 1; - v- - — - . °- ~ ' v I ' " ‘-'> . . '--~ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ~32 : '~."..'."- 1» ' . - who can not Mk! “*0 P°°“'-““Q"fl“l Production. 'l.Dll(‘¢'l Mme “urkers Journal, here ""_"u‘ t ‘H. “H rm Wm‘ to M,‘ mm” 1... i. “M, “Id -m. .,.(_n. ‘ "'1 _, ' W ‘I ( ‘ ‘ . & u misfits, Q ' - . . i w h',‘ t --Th m‘ m_ raise an irisurrectiuii anion: the n"- ~ ‘ -' K ~ - ' ' lI{)2N'B \t".'-.l‘[u'<. iii» in t'.\lN n.~..i- ‘ and we are fl“ 33‘ Q This same rondition is prevalent " '3 ' K on’ e ‘W “I. 4c greet». iic had strong bot-king in 51-3" "W1 l1“PN'- 4.,» .— '1'. l'.'i" Lil .i:i 1." fun utr-I P“ ‘l“‘m7' .1 '.¢0untries. and with keen dm.?.‘?0t kn‘: ‘h(;‘~c,(:.:| mllncn "ie rorth The fil"il think he did ‘i. Illl"““l“ ' -r-- l‘ -ii~°:i‘a' "‘ x\ ‘mm . ,, H .‘ V 5' s. s . Q ' I U I .i .il. . . A I _ . ‘ But there In no height that cannon: for markets. disiiuter M. \._.c;‘?‘( Q :2; gainer roots “bl at was to cii-if-Jre the l'Y‘.ll¢d States Ar. I I5’. ' _ I H. . be attained by film-arise. The safest and hm nnvpr M9,, in Ont u. do" not max; at ‘:?lll'p(‘l'..-‘ Ft-rt)‘. lle had ' Ti," .14.; tigur-' is ‘ll’H' Ann-riczin * ‘ ‘ l ‘ ghggppgreatlgreat calatait): wicht mlfil method of ,,m,~,,‘. km“, the hazards ":3 min", WM” been wvriiing quite a arhllo on his “him” Are W. Jvfln‘, iifg:-i. t.in i-,ii-..-. tivu ii nuiinic-r ('2 N _" ‘I ‘ words. "H550 0“ °l‘P°’'l'f‘"“‘5' ‘t “£9” “SPURS is certainly not war nil:-r ant? their t-fit-.‘. on his nature "‘j‘h°,"" (,:hri"":h_ !;Wn_ ‘him i,.,,,, .5, _i,_;-,_ Ji,u_.,,,,. . “"“"": ‘” .;_"""”‘ ""'mAW. "tn" _“,.',‘:“. ; . " ' I ’ I 1’ :‘,' at to R.” . I‘; must be iziternnt i I .». -- and thought or why it is that he M ‘”'’f'- "9 l"‘”".‘ '1’ ‘mm "'9' ,\ _..., . ._ ,.i ~ __ l"' "-“‘ Y‘ " l"‘; ""'”"'3‘ " “"1 ‘ _ * - , . ‘ ' ,- ~,e up _ -aumrc"-""“"’"" ' ' n M mm C 0.) J.hi;i\:'n '. hart'~t'.’ste\;flK.... . Guam“ n.;[_ ' \"‘ ‘ nh .n¢‘* mum” it i‘. not a er“a:,-an a C.-ta miner ll resily is the avqwnntnnce ‘If La". wa!Lm‘_ .§ll('l!i_'o' ii j:i7.'. liaiui “lllt \; um :1: : I v . . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .‘ ' ‘ ~ ‘~31 . . u..r.c.nli_,, the coal ini..cr ll-'08 .n , . . u, -. i,,..-.. h 11 . ; . .. .. I\ .\\D ()[~ ~- .. _,--_ z _« - 18' DVQ to [11:61 the “wolves of Will‘ u.¢m¢9ed_ ;mi,,u.d pin.” hr {mm .1371. n('l"r.ew of (it-«sire ‘Washington, t‘ .‘ ‘ . _" ”.‘-'”' -"- 4- l'.: V“ l 1 — - - - ‘ ‘ - OVMW‘ 0'. Ia _ t" but to profit the business in ail centv-rii of life and nctivitr in '“'‘° °’‘‘'':"!‘''' him °‘'‘"'3 ‘‘'’“”°‘-‘' °{ ale‘. li‘\n(‘).t.':cr. .S‘m " “U l I : .‘“‘|:.. ' *— ””" .13}! 3"” ““". ‘'3 “la ‘ of this country. On those most cases in the valleys and 0n.lht! 'l‘‘'‘‘ h‘ 1"“ ‘" ‘;‘' “""‘""' °{ "°“';"‘ «Ru T ‘S ‘_"V1"‘”:.H!"V"' " ““° ‘ H v .2 I. It «;., in,‘ h'Lli.'?."'l '1 i~i.si~‘. “ ) ,, L , _. “aw d W.“ dc!‘ nd ‘non-tain ‘Lila!’ H. “Vt; in \\.}Hl‘.ir.gC I.'‘. IS l‘i.lll‘g l.'.lrz Ll F“-)T(l 3:1‘); i‘ ‘U, ‘V'_“.‘-w“:'i'.i ‘I liit. I _-i_ -')‘d"n ha-QuJ_.p ..[ ;'”i'u,g.‘-.-1.] “-_”A ‘l A y W ‘tx_ u mug” ‘I . ‘V’. of mouunds or l‘bOrnr3‘ (‘on J-"unifies cqmp0sed.of othglx fhfil \I,-flk !~((-i'\)_.U‘r<"rs err}. i. r .-«W H] t‘ :1“ .i.« .”:- I; .. (.1 M i _ I WAn‘_M_‘_'i Kn .,‘ xhln‘, 3-H,‘ “mil... (‘W “H. :r,.‘‘,‘. 11“ Nva‘ H,“ “W _na\_ 1 ' I - , .. . . . w=i.~: \'.t.iri:i i . 3'01. ~"~. -- "‘ - *'-. -' -- 1» r in .i~ . ; . . ' - , . h ‘ ‘ -‘ ‘- ‘ i‘ . ..‘m.M".“» W mmfinumt) V ‘0 ‘MOM “At the time ii.’ the cantiirc, ‘:7iowin.¢ inst \\'hl‘ri- this Vi.-i.~-._,-W... ";' '-”"—" -'1 "‘ " »‘~~"l<- =’- viii!) * < ':l‘I‘.t‘ rnwi ‘own’ I‘ -1' ‘. 71"‘. *‘ I! c'1t2‘FDt"' ‘» t.’ "Ir! 3 WAY OF THE WORIJ) . . ‘li. m‘ '1)‘ t:i<'.~t'. the coal lH!"t"Y‘ i: Brown lilli-l t"llTt'lll'l'l0d.HlY't.%(‘ll. in (hr i" Vltoiniz to l..'ul us.‘ It wifl l4° ll‘. 11"‘ _ Z “"191 -'1 -"'”"-3'- “ad. ‘ho at ‘M w _ ‘ in 1 in .‘ \.".‘l ,.(..“p‘_.‘'\. hndfil ' tux YITT.-'l/_.~ -ls‘::ll.ll‘[-\-1‘: l't'fT:‘. fll'l’ll lfillx. llflg ‘dial 7.:il.‘ lt. " vit‘)l(~t‘,;‘.. II. __i if‘ ‘- J." (H1). ‘“,'”.1 | van)" L‘ g ‘J’ [ivfi win‘ an‘! ‘, lin‘, 4 . ,‘.'\ H,“ ‘J. , ‘kc ' E -‘W , ' o . ',_, -V,” :_ h an _ ' I H _ nn )3 ',\'a:_‘ on J00’; cntii ‘Rt’ ‘ I \ .‘.i» . .'.‘;illl ‘ it Lo-lllp i. -.'.i[*~ n,.;g --v~ __,-id pi,.t._.r‘_.. {uh [- i. ‘L I ‘_ V‘, H | J‘ ‘, , P}, ‘ _ iai. fig opghnifi;?~,h ‘E ll 09 Ijdlmo t8 PY'Offc.'.s :1‘ in 1111371 ::i:.t.'" Iph\$'s’iCl:l'l, ( he )aitt.¢nc:_:a£(.“:i will wall to ram tliwn lllt‘ clout», press the l.’l'tl\'i:'J.\' .Vl(\l*£",'\ xi}... K. h;ix.- ".,.‘i H 4 “.‘,0d‘,d ‘.'(_;(1:,)‘L “WI ‘‘'T:”.' l ‘ L l‘ " ‘ ‘r ‘l 5'4 - -7“ I ll &~ ‘ll- 'B7. II A ' C ‘ "1. - - .- ' '0'-"‘-‘”‘"' '95? «W “P993 " “ "" r"'*'”"*' "“ " *3‘ *"U5 ‘I-'~“" " -I-l . i'.l; bf‘-'t‘l.'\l lwuri ‘.21 .'~i' ’-“7- ' 4°‘ ' 'i‘$‘."'- flri‘ ?Y‘21'.t‘ hi :4 i it f‘Hl. .'t.".i‘i ‘-Vii. I. ‘“ . ‘ml ha ha‘ todmnmfl.‘ t B“. h’ ‘l (O "in-.ny':~..h:>ol and is taulht by a C ‘H l‘ l ‘d ‘ d" v‘ ‘ l V l l i’ e. x - ‘ _ " , ' l ' " 1 fih ii‘ 3“'V”‘§' " Ban” ‘n 00"“ d'm‘'‘r°u3 hr‘ cunl ciimrnnv teiicher. lie 0e-1 ln .1 P"!“m‘m u“"h*-7-it" {"3 hflil 304 ['1-'FhD!1‘* Al". Maxim is iusi -1 <'7'-'I-U‘~.‘- ; -2.4-«, i-:2-'.ii:it -'-’.''.‘t''' .'‘‘.'l (':"|‘l ';c ' "‘°~43ll‘l 5‘"‘”Y H” "1" in ‘lit i.'.'ii : "ll SW". Wt . . R , . . W‘ W —’. 40’, go . _ ‘I ‘WI rouutry. an :03! “,mp_.J._y ‘.hun.h' J narrwd by 1l'I(' uni!’ li‘.u.){.S :1! \\ I.~‘.h‘.lIgli)iI. it lllil mini. There w:i! lo In‘-1'-_"' .\ -.,. .> , _.;.,__A carrf. ‘huh: "I fin”, an“ H“ 1.! U‘ :vng‘L_h~'_‘fi.nd ' “W? CM the Kokwa Q) 5| ' ‘0n1'i:uw vi "'l'l"'("‘ was’ »-Pt ‘ti ""l’s to "\6‘l tha° Np i’-i' i ~ » i - - “In ' ‘f ‘. ...v g .. u , ‘Q g I,'.53£§ l"0DI!'|ll?1y l minister, ‘ml! I3 1 e .-§Ce.n.. .uf ..til;’..|l.:‘l;“ “hen t’:‘" h.i.";.‘y‘“,pJ.h‘zc.“. "1 . Ln.‘ ».".“ilI“\V.‘.T~ tlhun '"“ Ont. _ii-_-,i ‘gr ltlr\('-‘ k ll‘-}\‘o*3 Ill! lll(l(‘ hallglllg. nut; _ ‘ ' . 0! “flan-M pd "' lIl'~.".* y a cos eoziipany '.inu-r- ‘ ‘v , ,. ‘ _ ‘ " " ' ‘ " ' ‘ _i _ ‘ -' ' _ “ , itical t R - i . ‘ . door was knocked off me liingri-s in tii.s his hour of trial am! nrute ‘ ‘ ‘ l-'j'*P‘"‘ M" 1"‘ -“h|i'P(‘d {Wm -it-1* ' , ‘ un.‘mth' I ' - . r’ - i.a,.mn Q-r:1~,.;‘,ci?f.c hfioflmyultehfcmit; Brown’: pistol cracked, and one of‘ Should he succeed in .»htn:nin.<: .i ‘”'- ‘M ‘‘'‘"’''‘‘d"' "‘il”‘-‘“‘- Tl‘°“°l Oak SWJDKS UP. (.3n~\/3.5 if ‘‘ ui''d‘‘:.;fix‘u” ‘ f "'3' _ ' l"""";;“ m brouxb, up ' ‘ the marint-~i, a little lrlslmln. fell. ''w."iki,tM7".i"\"f. r.‘.’.Wtiib“.‘" "7 .1}, (mhmg mm dmw ‘LI N ‘ ' """' """‘ "‘-“ ~‘*""“ ‘W-«-I Nth‘. . - put it’ into hflffigg ~’ . in«l lu.~:n': Ms i-inploymcnt. but this ‘“" ‘ ‘'"“'‘ _l'"'i" °"'- "' V’ caui'h' in the tl_‘.'ll.ll« ii l'”ti‘ titzi‘. l~'t'\ in» i~;n-.: i.-.n. .'lll.‘.i'l - l s. Llatkn mus Little Johnnie wiui d,m.: ',,.,,.m ¢i..:~s (‘git m--an that the Aivt-riciii: h“l" ""‘“'- '“"" “'3-‘ ' “"‘-"H 17'' ‘V 4\NlYll.'lL' i‘.ru the inn--i ~_i‘."'Y3L? lilllllkllili -f'i,ghth~g fm -_;,, \._.,J._.:,, -5”. “lb "Don auuoai '|'|odlIartl¢ - .. . . , ~ - - - _. f "lll' ir-uni th- place of the __ . __ _ . , ‘?£'hau. “.“ 5! WW of (l:'.::rcUp"I::;itdll'h”“Ih":afrlE: “villi l'::-‘l'i‘i(-55.3 no‘ a man 0‘ Omnmn“1‘l:an:il;zU:i'h:i‘nrlcd its lruartls. Ia; !°'vdHth'u " l°"‘W‘ Hm 5 (“'"'\' ‘hc ”V"m' “ “"“‘ " "' ‘‘“'l‘ ’‘ ""‘”li"i.' W - standshalorehh p'ititi'-inc} rt-tr. t 7 --ii.“ ..h"h {Ibo ii-‘ ' W0 all me‘. A be. 0". p.::eae:b(°)y_:or tdflwaz ,~,in:;.,l:i‘n,:(,,(,1::.¢,,(:lt:.,:i(;n ,i‘“ri:'(.h;.,l:lfrti:ii the (‘hark-a‘.own jail to the '‘“'o ‘"4 be a villain still" {A ‘so that?" his father ahkcti, hwpin‘ be.':_ \0.’1H‘llfl’lt“ lllnnr, and at mm-r. “"""" ”‘ " “"7? __fl””'“ M’ ’f 'l“rk (silent. “(.35. i‘ p°ll'll'UUl 3 ll‘.0fll. ..\-‘,-_i.'- ‘NW flu Qunopi will‘! 1' fplfinh wnl'l(lYl3|'l. 't“ln_-ml l‘mi~..- (hr s"a?l‘(ilii r‘.§f‘ A hnivc rcrfly. I-‘vh(:n )0” “U:(_ h“ ‘An '1” H wurk and trunk’ H1”. ’:.|.'»'i tf'i\(‘ i[Nl:l1"“~ til .'i Hill!‘ iruil - , l"*"o upon Ila iuitii wfig. ' - we catt- tlq." and W, _ A‘ ,, ,..,,,i,_ ii". ,,,,,,,i nfllxoa-n iri thv ihuii. of t‘h«. mun.‘ ' ‘ ‘ ¥ I i‘i\‘.' \txi l v " .".'. ' V . . -eh: ‘1°‘7~.....ui..i. mt...» -«- -~ “ " '= * *' '1 ‘ » Protect ‘1 our -"ngme During Hot Weather H i. l! Q n‘ ‘n 'flu K~i'l'r' W" V’ ’l"'é:':t "5 keen and iilc't iinil he I?‘ it villi.-iluli ill" “""‘ “‘“"“~' ‘l’ m‘ ‘A "t (“H M" F "' l . > u .. inns are that [g 1. not "Nb. ' '.ll’\l\'t'Y\‘(‘ of iima7.;".tz t.‘irill~= u:.il .~n‘ii~l:;:i: tl."Ztll‘.l.I tli:.' xnti my ..,\h ,.. W38 9111)’ ”1s‘.i‘2ul of ‘IX ‘('('\‘. ;‘\l~u ".\‘.n‘."i- ('h.i'.—.' “Si. ‘N’ "'vti'l "l' s ‘ ' (‘omedy." For .\’ew.. to<"ay only. lfl by . M0980 [)Ip(‘;‘ n:-5 Say thinkvr n,‘,! P‘ud‘>,h '1,”_ \(‘r‘, n“ iil". ll \‘.'i. it l.'t.‘N Ii‘. lhul liill(' lt\l'_ that modern music cannot .'~'ll1l‘.(l N". "f his [yurk keep“ hm bub. “mil an 1 (‘Hil\!( 30" HA lllv i.‘.in«~ ll‘-it , . llnisni that in o-am-done. 0», U.‘ g:hNtdtt:clchuka and that he its mind 5””, M.“-V... so an h‘. is at at] Bl;.'.'.g-1l win 'l. «in that. ’ object to. It i; pg-05.”, the ‘Ca in corn that (’l£Its§'(.ll p’.v~L‘L'i' "mm m mmim‘_' ‘ad rad’, W mwal, As far as his being: hzingeci with j_ 10 per cent more Tyree Guaranteed - Iaarcial, or 3.55"‘ ‘mdfly. °"n"“W‘_ Vblue In M‘ mm,”,(,nc... hf“. 3“. {aw ,.,,i::i lot tit g.t'*,‘i-:~i~vn_\ :13 .mi.i- and at’ A‘ Cooling Capacity -Ri‘dia‘or (‘eaner arouuiour disrupt. Russian White ntuirves. iitozit ""“‘*" ‘""‘"t' W‘ miMr~*- filth" i:"i:;"““"d""' .‘,‘',',1,.‘ mi‘, ‘:13’. . V, means 10 per cent litsures { . i -1.),” of ‘ham in“ i., thi---c 3534‘ many \\hu hold what t ey ‘"79 JU-'~ «in, mi‘ t. i. .n .u ' per etl . .- V ' H.nko' ‘ad Fccom ’ ‘Ono d.mg“au_ “N uber“ “pm-mm‘ 1.ht_y'l >:iw °.--ii -.'_!it-is hsi:‘;:'.-d, aril it \‘.'I‘i ' ll'I0l'(‘ ll'|0l0l' (‘lllr 1'lYCI.ll8fi0!I dllflllg , . .P are being supported o ' h luv» difli-rt-nt with hmiatiinri ii warn ' Ci “(W with ’ l l ' ' ' ' . ‘i V ‘ “‘ ° . hot summer days. . -. ', ‘I It ‘gt, A "»'!ill the u‘.no-re- When he wallwd us . ."Bi-oom" ' ' ' . . Qtlearlfl maflllinl. $3! dllfni. Nqve at-gm wmnfih), rest-nt ('|nDhIl|v~[lll). tho» charm. ll the ‘la. P". the Coma‘- they! an. finds" m my “M” of Uwithe i~(('PF ‘i-- won ax mime ant seem- ' l ' ’ I re . That iiii ii . ~.:-"°" ' " ‘ ‘. ' trope, but ecommh ‘.3 , M ' 'k.,,""" The ..-rm,” is One I“ U‘-“flu, ‘bout ml, ed aswpruud a.- ti peacodi. l was V Core lfltar in lhnoriea for the ' la 0 3". ram‘, mini-r that grows directly out of his ' E“ ;’“ “" '"";:'t‘i"I“.:i‘_ ‘"9 5-"S l’‘‘.f‘'"’ ? ' 8 CW . . ., a _ .1-,7) ‘at. '1 1 - I " ,~ _ -- '--.'- o ‘? ‘‘°''‘’'‘‘°'‘ ~°{ i‘:.‘.°.'. >........'°"““.‘:f.i” .’.‘.'i .5: -;.5.-- n.........‘ .';$._. ‘:1. T‘.‘’.';; . M N ii. J. GRUBBLE r»-~~- ==-» I ,. . . . t . . . ' owould hp tfivifl to ma 3. "M, prosecuting attorneys. Sulta ' = M‘,‘.‘y__‘ l coo‘ Snood. ' ~ had 1‘ d M §§ . . “M of me ‘ab ‘M. at uuwb um “W “W mm smmjm 4 W." . . w_Mm ‘_ L‘ - . > ruI'ilIll|$.‘e'nne.' . § gomhip of 11,," {,no".. any 5.00.“, that m5 fill‘ llld t‘0"n" I6‘ ~ ——- - - .- ~ -4- . 4 . .. ‘ " ’ vefy '3ri0‘"‘ ‘o ‘be ‘nine’. “*3 (l".1Tl(’5'0WTl, bu‘ “Id . iiocluded c.-ivi ' ' such. that *0 ‘elite town. and had to ' t) HIIWVS _prohIeias and questions that would - . ,bainskail'icantto;aaa_t_hu'a._to ‘''“‘m._,, _'‘'’’n‘'' . Q’... i hb_ became of utaiat _i§por\ane_a~— “mu "1 .,¢i,,,,. they areayartof his_iiu|¢.J . _. , ‘M. . A . _' . t ‘ was i... .i.... - i 4 ' _°"""'.‘ tlicuconiiicsiuitiao “ ' Ia- tharituai a . - '7. ticopitci-ii-ussesaia-issltatiiqwc iiunct - . . gioathe wesk5intaaaslInliasa.usd&staaIhsr..iait' L 90 iuiiiuritapig wiairis-civii . f ' ... 1,‘ | A c Kl“ ‘£fl»*—~.V!t~ _ -. _ _ H r a ‘ ' T ' 1 ; K. 0 g : R I ‘ ‘scum - A verifies, -‘V5.40 - ._ , ‘ , . 1 t¢'