PAGE PIVI L:___ L ' UVOHIBI, Ma.)v [fin Have Jllnrr?" “Children ¥..... .1 You’lI . ..... - 7 I See Sflcceed C°'“° 1“ ‘"“‘ G“ 3 §§‘?£‘.'3.i"££. Ezguld ' Bananas Peaches In gettlttg the must Of; pleasure out of your ¢~B00T,ER_00» ”"'“‘l!¢~“* "l“'“8 celohr;:ti«~:1 if you buy l‘""°"“' Apricot‘ lnclude Fruit with your good Volt!‘ li1'em)1'ks from A ‘ _ ' time July 4th. ‘ . _ And haven miniature balloon J. E. Gluasple 1""? 5"‘ nsmbolimn the 900- ascension and a lot of noise in lT'l'll\"€l'3“y Fruit Pure - ('(). ple of the l ruled States. How “He “peratmn (V,0_ Swyeet ' do _\ou thinli he's going to celebrate the 4th? S ’ mu he dz.-mu. any lurid or A noble and wear a [lulu ex- _ ~ pre:..~mm‘.' “ill he merely [rm 3 ‘V.’ S ) and bear it? Or. do you think T ;_\_‘-T._e.____' Ce men the «em to in. feeling! with a jump for joy and I Um‘ i”::u'.«.-.- i-ll".-Iwrgs in """'.‘ 3"’-" .1 1}“. 3”“. H3‘ ‘-Uh; -ddén‘ Each of these actions can he pictured by axsembling the (lil- Ph(HI(‘ ft)!‘ “he” Nmmmg ‘hm Jul-V connected parts of l'ncle Sam ‘)0.-nongtration ]tl1~ Piini. [,:u~.«h_ ,»\l§(\ ~~-nlluhn in each ad on thin Salaulx. Vniuto lhipe m"_""‘ U" "um dnfin‘ - (‘ream ‘ V’ 'l hat means a - . Kodak Celftml With You Dairy ilcrful anm\er:-tlrllll‘-r1‘l2ll'1ll‘ (l4'alt"ls ll‘. _ .>~, lint |'alm~' (lull Ilrealila-lw —( lu~~-\la|unu Sernce Auto Accesssoru-so Among: on: heat oflcznxgs [O(lll‘.' are r : 3 2 Uprll at 6;!“ n m 3"”; T”?! I‘ —;_-_:3 Silk! (‘nrd $'_fHo’..'; in .___; l!emen1|verAl"Ie«l (lurk:-u llmnrt .\'n:vrl.i‘~ .'lUk7l“.- Tut-'~— 3 “.33 5"-‘-1"‘: (‘Did 3‘-37.'.‘3 ‘ HEN N l«lGER’S 1 I o Phone 622 811} Broadway ' I H MS M’ssouri Motor Co Celebrate Every Day _ _ 1 You will have g'oo(l reason j ~ ‘ to celebrate daily if you t ' make a purchase from this 7- ----- -7: Comprehensive showing of K’/’,‘ he summer shirts. Patterns to J please__\'our taste——tailored to suit your good Judg- ment. Y $2 on “F G ld” _ ,. . - _ I)ozi-ns of summery ties 0 4 Y M, {H . "“‘*-~--‘--"'""”'" lmve 'ust been received_ w r . . °" '° , tan use am... part of rncie Sam to ‘ J The [99 (Tum “'‘T‘'‘ 7”‘ ""*” "‘“”"”""‘°" "“""" ”"' ““‘“"“ “' "”" WI‘ . . ’ Cnollfll drink or dainty Ilflllth. ()'ut.-door lfrlllc IITVUQ his ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘ V taught. Al. l.te| th. ool Ufitl l0"'Y‘v W ll l'”"‘ ' \ Good Time to l'.\er_\one on This JUl\ tth V S M” y t C " n g “l-‘me llalnerrlnsherv” Phone 360 x - ° Zip, Bang, _ Hoo-ray! Keep up the spirit and ash "1'heG|or‘nu7ounh"nduy ofehlllhoodjoyu. Cduhr-an thednythilyurwiththe 4 “noIie:t"o(I:rtwurb— ./ Fiirurc We 7 Out . . ’’’ ‘"3 t’ * Electncal Equipment C Hupmoblle vve service .. Uncle Sun‘: Best 4 Cylinder Car. Re"'3’"'De"°"'B°9Ch W‘ "‘ °" """" °""""' Connecticut 55" “"""""' EI¢dT5¢ilE¢IfliP|||¢l|1 /wcinuunuudlyl-rt--1‘!-nv"-I-ttd-v-rrtthc Cook Bros. Motor Co. " -o--«-.--s----"--.-—---vr--m-~ 7-9'N. rm St. Phone 773 ‘ COX BROS; ml ‘ . For e r nil» Tires Wilbnl Buttaien ‘* 1 ._ A ‘ r , 4,. . , :.‘—~' A 1 \ . ' . I . ‘ 5- ‘V - A , ‘ _ . ' , “.4: _.._AE___-_...___vl_k_;e:--4;x-_ A e - -T A4 T T ,____ T t l- 4 ';is'.;‘. A 5 g A; JTT-“L Ansafizi