'1 , w: v« ! --5“, My -I L ._r..": _ "it-591% -' H 4 a‘ ... -. ‘H. a ‘ 1 / Fri - t l‘ C" ' . * -. ' a g 7*. -_ ‘~ _ r- 4 iv-‘*‘ ~ g -'3.’ « _t - . . '- . , 2, 3-? ~ ‘ 35’ L. i ‘ ~ .-.11‘-..'-.tl ._ -.a.«‘v’ -1¢._. V 9;". .5 it."-"'¢" 9). . . ,_ r '3‘-Q-V .~o-d“-~ f ~ $0‘-' ' I. ..- .‘ ‘.‘.“"| 54-’ '1: y\“~: 1%? 0.2.-:'.‘3"N-*:“..g‘g‘.L Q -'_ . “ ') I _‘ ‘ en ‘t _ h I I ‘ V \ ’ ‘ ' _ _ l " l -0 . -' ..f’r-. --~: *9 ' “' ‘ ‘- -- ‘~ ' -A " ‘-1.364 ’ 4",’ -0 *3?’-ll 1- ' J" 5;. .. . . , _ , . ‘ ‘ " amnaannn-n" ” -....' __ _~ I I ‘N. 4;‘ 6‘ a __ 3 I ' . - 'a” . / . ‘I ' ' ’ } J . I I . f A _ 1 ' I ' ‘ - t -0 re ..- '. . . ‘ - “TC ‘ - ' _ . . nun p r -0- ; -at ’ ‘ ‘ ' . ' ' ‘3 5‘ ' ’ '" '. a '. i - l ' ' o 1 X‘ ,‘ V i . '4‘ ‘f’ ’I..f1‘ ' .32- Dior. M00 wags...‘ "- with a ‘lunar Ira. D. 1‘. Hulett of .-1,.~¢—'.-... ; - sits at ' i-'5W""' '.80i.!‘rank Tay- street. Vi” not .,..g mg, — ,_ .,.¢ Uflwtiw svsaus._went to Hannibal Mrs‘. V’ick1'97I:ln_llVa in 8:; Louis. W rust of Mm Mrs. D. T. llalatt . ls Honor Gaast at ' . - -.4‘ Mn. _D, 1’; punt Baton Shore. 1.11.. was gilest of under mum. a!tornnu‘sta‘brl-ixtvarty-gives by Mrs. I. Simon. The was 8. ton: _ via aad Ilsa "fl. ’ la» (lives fllalkhaal p _ ,_ ‘ Mas. D. L. Gribble cntertaitpd with a luncheon today at the Colonial Tea ll” and Dr. Ben I D933 ""0 dlaaerlgueau of I) I . ' tau tttsa Eleanor lialett. nu. Da- '"“' ‘ -"W l" I‘. at In. Daley A. Robnett at the Country Club last night, '4' _l3C‘l' lCI,|’IOd bum an extend- Pd visit to Caledonia and Sullivan. is *7’ " ' ‘ r. and In. I’. H. Sweeney left “" CMNKO where they will a week. I’ (593. has returned _ Inbpendence. Kan- ms City and Fayitte. ‘ll! will return fowormv from a visit with Miss Gladys Ions in lnrsluu, "5 ll” Una. l. “I Forest nrd and Gift Shop for Mrs. D. 'l‘.=l-lulett. fauilltf. 100 College avenue km 1“. Mrs. Gribble had as her gueafi: Its. ll. 1'. Htiett. Mrs. B. D. Simoh, Mrs. L. T. Balaton. Mrs: ‘Robert 3 saw. lock of Kan.-‘as City mid Hist Mary lleifner. #3)‘ lo’? g,.rsnonth's stay in Chicago. alter?‘ opp '15:5'.7I!f4Ns HAD, 1'0 WAIT FOR ___4 __ _ _, ' f V [V . The Daughters of 1812 met last night-at the home etttrs. Eugenia 3, U-,,,,,,, ,._m:“"'“'° Babb (Septey. -812 Virginia Avenue.‘ The following ”lllcers were elected‘. President. Mrs. J. I). Lawson: record- gun mg secretary. lira. E. ,\V. Crouch: corresponding secrlatary. Mrs§ 0. M. Barndxytrusurt-r. Mrs. H. $. Lar- 1,19,, The other ntliccrs of the tirgiuiizution will serve another vear. . IOOIE.--'l‘ne‘otd ‘biblical maxmi at there is nothing new under the .lI_0l|€9 more provqn by a pass- are III the works of Vitruvlus, the (T03? Ifflilhct o! the first century Christ. It appears that even the taxhneter was known to the Rnmans, together with the lift and open plumbing. Vitruvius says that .r‘§l”i’" fit. nae" ..d"Dor_ lgilofircient Rome there were cab sta- othy entertained at dinner Wednesday night. Their guests were The horse chariots were furnished Dr. and Mrs. l-2. R. Hedriclt. Hr. and “"l‘h 3 d""l“' "'hlt'h d"°PP¢‘d into 8 Mrs. W. G. Curtis, Dr. and Mrs. W. 1”" “ "““‘”- Whit!‘ bail ever)’ thou- D. A. Westfall. ii.-. and M.-.-. J. W. -‘I--"<1 stem. and that the mat was Hudson and Dr. and Mr.-z. Jon,“ tlfufod ll)’ ¢“‘“'1l.l08 the number of lla thus released. um E_ In .(_'0il(\r;)i;‘n of Lon“ »"il.3 lo St. lfillla. Bdch, Cal. and .\rl;-s. J. W. Beatty 0( 3|.*.‘,u~_ UH.’ “ho hug been ' been h French instructor in the Uni- lvldtim, Ur. and litt. ms Walnut street. lett for their homes today. Mi.-~s ‘Cleo Banltheud. of Bowling Green.» will teach in the. high sdhool at Lebanon next fall. Miss Banlthead waa graduated from the University this spring. She in .-~ member of Pi Beta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. hr and Mrs. F. A. Dalton. Miss Dee Dalton and Walter Dalton have mturned from a two weeks’ motor trip to Colorado. They visltell (‘ol- oradn Springs. hlanillosu, Pueblo. Denver. Boulder and Estes Park. Mrx. F. W. Brand. 120? street, and her son-in-law. Rltflucr, of Fort Collins. (‘olo.. ed to Mexico today to be guests vf Mrs. Brand's sister. Mrs. Ward. Paquin .l L. Mrs. P. H. Sweeney entertained three tables at bridge at the KnlLfl‘.l.‘*' oi Fulunibus Home l1.~.t night for Mrs. ll. T. llulett. who i« the go--xv ul Ml. and Mrs. ll. l'I.L1'ulctt. )I'-L J. J. Pyle and clllldrcn. 2 ‘.3 (Eliot-nwood avenue. ah Vltslllflfl in St. Joseph. From St. Joseph they Val go to Maryrillc to spend a few days. km. s. M. i:iu7i{:r'ci.t, who has lfln visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. Crfiiuhlfll. 402 College avenue. re- fined to her hunt! in Salisbury yes- ttrday. I I _.-;___.A ‘Mr. and Mrs. George Loudenbaclt ate the guests of Ir. Loudenback's l*1'0_nta. Mr. and Mrs. H. ‘il. Iouden- fitek. 506 South William flteet. ’ Ilia; Guys Tandy. 107 me. av- , entertained Miss Itaurinc Gib- Tourists! Save 12 Milfi and _‘ l'Jo'lf'ol' 'l‘rot.Ible , eleellnt condition it youcro'don- ' aiuuuw.as litre": I:!Oa.‘n. to 7 p. Q. V ‘n I - -! . . ,L- . , Miss Dorothea Burbach, who has the edd'oY tlil {owner term to accept a similar position at Mary institute in St. Louis Miss Burhach is a graduate of Washington Univer- sity in St. Louis and is a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Kl'l't‘HlI.\' (‘OMFORT A 20 per cent cash diacount on all kitchen cabinets Saturday only. Hughes 1’-‘urniture (‘o. 259-2931). adv Try a Mlbsourian wantwad. ._ cu- A v-r t’. 4.5‘. * ‘ ...n-«O-»h-it!-.u-olives-twl-‘f H . J_ H_ L. h_ verslty for the ‘t_ two y gm - rs In: P“ '0"- -family is on their way to Alamos-.i.' .L ‘um: carried an uluun ai n. It. Ott. ttaurie. anal it. John lucnhus, City where ti‘! lrst\Ir some prop!!!) Ia bl‘ for "cat-iltthue-hf fashion." a to see how badly he had been cheated. Mr. Ott tool: the jibes or his tray-s‘l.i_-,r mates good-naturally. Three Boatoa boys, whoiare ing into the wheat field! oi K-u:s.:s for the harveat. said tbs roads in southern Indiana were tlw wont that they had experienced. The roatla in Iliaaouri. accoffiltg to ;l|"m. are a hundred per cent better than those in the southern part of 'thc . ud and ntqre mud. they aaid. was all they saw there Mr. and Hrs. A. S. Roberts. baby daughter and their dog “Snowball” pulled into the camp just ht dusk. Their car carried an Arlaona license tag, but they gave their starting point as Long Beach. Calitosnu. Mr. Roberta ctiwled atiflly down to the ground. and ill! hrst thing he 'd was to search his pockets for t e “maltir 1s” of 1 good old hand-made cigarette- Brown PIP‘-‘ft. the (‘ali- fnrnia kind. were used in the process. and as B')0fl as it was lighted and go- ing well. Mr. Roberts was in the mood to talk. He told of coming through tfie Mojave Desert within sight ci Death \'al'~ey.-and through N4-edl "lt was terribly hot all the way throtigh toe desert." Mr. Ro- l;crts said. "but Needles took the cake. The thermmnetet registered l2? the dug; we were there." Near Flagatafl, they saw lncu:-Am \!!Ind- ing at the tops of many hills selling pottery. .\ir. l’..ilu-rts gave his idea of the reason for 'tl‘.l'fl1 standing at the top of the hill rather than at the bottom. lle ‘thouglit it was because the cars had to go slow and the In diaaa would have u better cl'tan;'e to\ sell their WIY‘(‘.\'. Mr. and 'Mt;~'. (H Wilson an.'l1 their three children were euatcrncrs who_wc-re going west. Mrs. Wilson Itlggéatcd that some of the news- papcr men go out along the final and get some stories. What the tourists say about everything in general might not be fit to put in the paper. she said, but some interesting things would in‘ {on I.‘ I the fact that their children were” born in stutea widely tpd £30.“ each other. The olde . ti nit-cloolh ing youult 6&0 01 about I rteoh. was lurn in Atlanta. ldar-I3: the‘! )'uultge.+ a girl of crhaps . in «sidumm. N. ., (Bd- the ball? girl in Remit-rdale, Pa. The, l'olo. Mrs. \\'ilson‘s comment on (‘o. luzabia was to the effect that it was l DR. atnrsctnzn Calrqiractor ‘ Miller Building Phone 1979 1" .l nd on many subjects, Both the parents seemed proud of} ¢__ -..'. _; Mud-» in ‘traveling? the fnttiest tavtru ln fliaaouri had teen Ir. nu-rlrm ('.~A. ('1-ldar. ‘Ills: ‘ y and Mrs. Grace, ltatts. I hall. one leaa “t' in liar naato. none oi them would have her‘ around. “mi rats?“ one of the others slain’. P-"ti all laughed at the pun. Thu-3.’ :1‘! wok‘? of the line crops thht they had 999.‘! in Missouri, and said that they were d hr hotter than in Illinois or Kansas Mr. and Mrs. C. V". Henderson. and Hr. and Mrs. l.. V. lletulersoti of L0! Atigeles came iir the camp durin} the afternoon. and according to re- ports. were tlI¢_ buaicfll person! on the gruunda. )' did everything that they could find to do. us a mat- ter of paatitne. l.aat night llw)‘ were taking life 088)’; and r.ee-med eager to get all the iltlorimition that they could about Misouri. The ynimgev couple. Hr. aad_Mrn. 1.. V. Hender- son and the eldé Mr. Henderson ex- tolled" the beauties of their native state. the tall buildings, the boule- vards. and all of the erwiabie feu- tures of Califoraia. The mother of Mr. llehdt-ram.‘ Jr. made it quite plnm that the ‘d not care to have known she came. from the state thut ralaes tine-oranges. ‘Put me down from somewhere else." she said. “l want to say that it is a real delight to get into it .-tale like Mis- sourl where one min are substantial. homes." she added. ‘A:’tt--- seeing thegray hills for years. it is it won- derful senastion to be able to walk, on Clover and smell the ~weet fresh grass." Tne party said :hey intend- ed to stay in Columbia for several da_v.~ aml enjoy the .\li~.- um V.‘(‘ll0‘l"}’ anv- rv - two-nty «.«r- and one some of them being hold.-vars 'l'r.o-_v; were ht-a'le«l in 1"-tn", t.‘i.e lnri t“ ct-pt north. . M all Ad ium brown hair .‘)I|l\S beat o in a (lolden Glint shampoo V. l m:;torv_\'tlc party in can... list night it -v--.-.¢. -to; D ‘OI 00' II’ Prlaea . Ill than lialtd Pram.’ ‘ NDIANAPOLIS, .. .a. '0 1 June 29.-The second annual Knserlean Legion es- PC.‘ say contest for school children -thloughout the country will close Oc- tote: l2, it was Innounced at Legion hosdqnrters. ’ _ It was eltimatbd by officers of the Legion that 900.000 children will compete this year; The subject for UN‘ any is‘ "Why America should prohibit all immigration for a period of five years." The children of lllr nation will compete Ly a method of elimirutinn. Cooperating with edtaational oi ficiall in every state, the Legion has {amid it possible to hlive county avid city school hoods pass on the heat com:-osltiou {win their schools and send them to the state committee. TlN.'l'0’t‘Olllf)e‘!e?ll judges will pass on the eaaaya .‘lY1'l award .~ll\'t'r and ll?“-'13!‘ Madaia iyld t’€Kll(.t'.'|i.t‘.1 of merit to winners of f:rst, setonvl and third places in each state. ‘ The best cssay of e;.« '. state will .!‘o.'i liq, lubniittell to the national W llilliil-.'l‘. wmnoaed of t-dumtora of natlonal pr0Zflll‘(‘Y‘( .- They will con- sider e..<-h essay for thought, style. -1 .“l. .1..i% 9 Mm Money to Loan Here la what you have been looking for-— 7 Per_Cent Money On Columbia Property No eoliluisaions: 15 years without renewals; liberal privi- leges at interest payment. dates. 3 per cent puvnloic on principal ever y ~ix n:or.ths.«' See us for full information. Columbia Ins. & Rental Agency 1 ‘J05 Brodwy Phone 259 1;‘; _.‘n -...a. .. - - .3’ ..-.. ioetguaiity of treatment. spelling and ‘ partisanship to determine rating of contestants. Wlea the countitteo designates 'the winners, apechl awards will he made. first to receive $750. aecond Ching, a Hawaiian youth of t‘h.m-.I?«""" W“ ,,[ .-‘u 9 _IA in-'1: '-'- a-not Youarr '-I --- " ‘- not its “IN-uluti ss. .... I3 it During: July and August. the 10:45 at‘l'\l(‘0 will be held at 10 o'clock. The Rector will be absent during July. Lay services will be heltl. the 7:30 a. in. Holy (‘om- munion Service will be omitted. Sunday School will be tliscontlmied. Unusual Opportunities for Professional Education in 1 Dentistry fine Arts .' Architecture \\.l\llll1tIll:ll l'ni-‘o-rxity. because of its uthan locltion. offers '..!lt:: uni oi-portunities for specialized education along’ ccrtuin pm. it-~.<'.nl‘iill lines. ln addition to splendid laboratories and physical 4-«uiipnit-til. lll)rIl'lt'8 containing more than a quarter of in million 'J.'l1t\‘. :.nd capable and experienced faculties. l.lll5 .\lU(ll‘lll ha- :.i. -ll.~l‘().¢.'ll all the fzicxlities of 11 large city for practical ap- :-1-t. trwn of the Ilit'Ull(‘! taught in the classroom. \l)l School of Dentistry tine year college preparatory work required. School of Architecture Special college preparatory work-not required. School of fine Arta Sp:-c:ul college preparatory work not required. ft” \ I-‘op cutuloy und full information. address G. W. Lamlte, Registrar. fad‘ e UI5- " :..JJ - ‘ po.~~'ltions. for high ::cliool.~a. FISK TEACH J. A. Devlin, Manager: i l_020 .\lcGee St. . . 1 L‘ .' _,, We lime calls to fill College. High School and Special At this timu need especially degree teachers I-‘rec enrollment. ' - a 3 I I .' ‘ 077107 7 01/0 C I HERS ans‘ AGENCY Kansas City. Mo, '...l-ad. 23 ...3 ""1.-“"lj~ '1 gggfig; T I‘ .L.b 5- _' - -v-us-J -.l‘ in ii 7‘, ' it. ‘ '> I A..‘_V‘ au 0'14; If It '9 i.‘ #1 ~ . _ . 341$.--.4nr r*.J....|}.t... .'.. J..- .’ K '.-‘O I‘ ‘ _.~_ r *7’! f Lag‘ C. All 0; C0. .U.l.A. Eat IJJI flffh "‘ " ‘z‘ 5, Q Q - \ I K’ N ' Lt! » x ., Calculus tolerates neither pen nor pencil ‘ interruption '. Calculus ‘is. n sins and jealous mistress. She is partidllarly lupatknt of.tIc pencil that intrudes~’to be shat-phaed, the lead that cfistt-acts with its wolfilbg indecision. or the. pen which nfeds constant sad filling. Ihesc are reasons why Eversharp and Wall] Pi-n ‘are favorites wltlf Aueri-a's col- ‘ .'.l‘hr eschufve Everdiarp riled tip [Rd abfilutelj ‘III. The perfect In . naked Ere-rsharpjfit the hand so eon- {ortably out the user is can-too. only or the servlor it gives ehcrcraof the pencil itself. The automatic itllutells always how much { lc‘ad“u in the barrel. Evsrsharp was the tlrst socicesafal 'b'echHIical pcacl-—aad fie {ca-,' ‘TI can't'1!e cw. / if‘ it LL ‘ u iy U-lassrafi‘ eafiaaion of Eversharp I ‘ - ‘ Wahl Pr ‘fiat all-neaalgen.-. It cannot If crack or s . fieedsber. 'f.h.‘aeaIIa which . [add the cap wlfiever wear am“ Wail Peg ‘flk. You ‘HID less often. It . _ _ ..,a-J-uupa de— sign. B313 _ . la -‘art fiver. gree- .n no: that -a-an H-l "ld5*.P'l*--~' '01:.‘-‘notes - 4 ‘&dsla’tasU.ItA."|v1'U'aC.,fl..fl§' $"‘\ . \ 4» - ' ‘ in ' fyfiyl —---4t-r* *4 A V 1 of 1 In-yv-an " in‘ ‘g ..r -2 u e ~