‘__'w""§‘7'I')T"i;?"""3__:T"r‘:-‘* -, _ . -~ . -I‘ F I’: 4‘ 7‘ i N, .5 ‘ ,’<_ . '. . I .' ' __ ‘ 7 _,.,_ 2‘. — ‘ gli * ‘I‘.’,'..1 ,.f£v ~, " - p ' ‘ - 1 .. .5.‘ _ _* *~ ’ - * ......o~‘~\.-_--»-.- ~- - 1' V . _ -' _, r ‘H .5 - .. _ - -oiipduai ‘.¢"“fly submitted to tlu p.~..,.z. i. . g " “Xtk Hymn of a voting contest in 4 ‘ l « ..E’--''‘’ M lack 1...: mom ms «»r we .’ _ ~ ' ‘ . “ V .._ '. ‘ 0' Q39 39 v ’ . “Sm wopk. ‘ D f . . ‘ i ‘ ’ ' I ‘dun an 0.. d h ' aivertba fiaet of cannon» Adeline.” "Df!!e'." '5"?! '0 543*‘ I66 Men have Signed P. I i“? F I ‘ ' . . - - factors Inheiint 0!! WW‘ Il"1'¢ ""7‘-w - "' 0' 0" U ited to Old viriitnay" “Thorn.-‘a a long. With 156 men numb :§‘,'- ; —..x- -3 _ ‘ ' . ‘nu “ h an 5. an that advertising will be moat bent ity Iiflifl “M3303 “'59 F ,, “M 8'9“ n°‘cn_‘m_ “mm” mum”), Ca . {C5 .r 1‘ ' - ,4 ‘W, ‘ 1 l .!‘a:ial under such eooditiona. 'Statea to whom questionnaire-a hid ', ,, ,,. ’ . H. “ P" . .‘ - iaraaderd. ‘lidnaremanyvaya , w ‘ ggggug, Ive tlfcw vacancies .i.. «- « ‘- One of the flnent assets any solic- been sutanitted by the comnflttee to ll 0 CG ,, , . ' ' . - -‘ , that a can service , . . ‘ he Work! on the Railroad, ‘Liza memory. the enroHmait- . - _ ~ .—...—-- - our of advertising slid‘:-.can possess dcfuilllle VH8: are conaldfltld t IR _ ' , . , - i 9 to any account that he in handling. . . . . ‘ ed J " “caloinlila the Gem of the year has-on-eechd that of “E4 bl .H_ S, M¢Cgul¢y, 21, M u or ,8 R in be I! to be honest in his dOIllF.S?3 with heat aonca 0! American orgin on an. " -v H ‘M 75 r am am_”’. _ ' .' 9 . ‘nvfl '-' '1. y ' his advertisers. To be sure. look in eotfitlity tlfllill. Ocean, “Sweet G!'1I¢V5'~'V¢- .5)’ P’ '( T ‘"3 ‘ i ' “JQui'$ Paa'tiai'in : Says if.0ne Gan Sell Ads, If he is 5'43"‘ "‘ """" "‘ am the interests of the vapor from The ma ioiinr ”°°°‘ """‘ “‘“"'” ”"'"°" mm B" L ' C ' ‘ . H“ v T H3 can 89“ Any‘ “entry. :33! Ha aerneat ‘hi-:xia‘i:: '5'" 1°“ d"“" 3'00? PI)’ t‘he<'k. bu "Aiaeri¢.' the .Benutih1l" «time. This hat. Hr. Clark said. '5" 5° ’ "3 : ' i s. ” of “fin, ‘tut tbc er,-‘ad boy ‘‘ ‘bi. Ct “P9 “me bok ‘"97 "59 Cd‘ ‘ ."_‘ v. _d __ _.___ , 1-; - r,_.-...='o"!-'1» ~ --* “""‘ ‘ - ~ ”0l¥0|!1- ' g ° office flta Pooh. to the itore on '"°’;"5 "gems" ‘yd '°"“"°' 7 I Y’ ' ‘ l ' ----—---3-- - l : ——_..* tiaie and that they are returned to D‘'’''' "‘ °".°‘"y" "°""3" ‘"d ”‘° 4 ——-— ‘ A‘ - I de - - .aquare deal in all your business - I [W A—-——o-—- M t_ :2: transacilinns aznd )1rur‘ l“9WIP(l, But‘ ' ' V ' ' t “jg , - fin ' . _ cesa, vril can _\' come your way. * - Given ‘O GlI% 3 Souve- , CHIS flfllt sonnl . saodatiori \\ the advrrtia ____ _ _ - _g - y ‘ - ‘t’ u ' 1 ' ‘Any Onellan G0 Stale ' d . t t "“"t‘;“‘;"-t°°"“=-‘*'*'~*'- TO FIND iiosr l'0|’l'l..\R saw; 1 ~ ,3‘! _ w } . - — an in ores areo er acorn zn av.-r. -. .. wm"'.m-' —-B('Stt£!'IaO Send ice. n dealing with 1: small American Music Supervltor-u Will ‘ ' - ' l‘ I("‘-In’. it D wine to prepare «opj; Decide 5) Voting ('ontt.-st. H '?‘U . “am as NV :1 35903‘ mclgd l-"'~‘ ‘Ml’-I‘; Clcvclaml. .“om:s written in the . ——-—- _ ‘ " '7" l" V” m'- “m 'b°'°- olden days continue to land in popu- 'o “)1!!! paaluon in llanehlma ' .0 Henry 1f°."“’ .°c‘“'°¥"B' J' a. mi I97‘<’3" 5‘ l'W‘h" NP” 34“ lamv according to Ki-mwth S‘ (‘Ink ”Il'Id IGKNK" 00‘ ‘ “'9 5°05’ ‘I’ ha “nu.” uh ‘fir? on stirs the one for whom You work it "'v Y ls *' "’ i ‘ . ~ — . I jloblena of 1: advertising _‘ . , Of 5"‘ 0" o - "TWA?! M UN’ (Om- ; b ‘n M “ b . I I‘ PO! al'l,3 '3” h Clip ad mitm on ['90 fig-'5' _\UV~.g5 ‘-ho a(l_ ‘ “Iade~in-laiichiuia” Banquet. I-s ‘ " " °" .‘ "“"“"’-"“"" "l-l ininediawl! run so the IdVcI‘- ' ' " ’ ‘ - ' he Missourian. He is “ ' —--—-....._..-- ..... xnflishod for that oceaa-x ' d."‘_y 7"’; ‘d . .fl t f, { ':.~..-.- and use the old worn out ex- ‘ ion by men Journals in Dairew ""‘ °“ ‘ ~' "°""“" ’ ‘ ‘ ‘’ ;iri-.Si0lI, “Yon ran an. ..i in the Sure .\lilic! ‘ Dairea Shbhll. Kfiflflgl 1:0. . flu‘ D'””' _"_:'3' hluni: paper; let me run it in mine." ' Aiapchuriu Daily New. IN‘ 0" - -~~- . ., ; - d -,._. " 'iditinmI might be such that th- P‘°' ""7"" Ni‘hi"i‘.M Shi."bun' “flabby” Giilc-y. H-your-old \'lu— n,:°,?,',";,':v,:d:;'?}a£;.,?n,, 4! \- nuld do no good in your ipaporf, ‘ The ('nll(‘_I!c girls; eat 4 }{-V°"° Sh!mp°' 8.“ Tflwnx Imp?“ linint wézli :1 tom eh-M whose play- of gonderfui ¢xp”',.m-9, and laat "F ‘ht’-'9' |"|8.V_ be several other I'o:n- Forty-{W0 pug‘ Wx" d we in‘ p[‘..Qd {’fi)f_ \V_ H, Pummc-or, 1,.” not th‘. km“ .1‘ _n1 job. A“) «ans. Th" thing to do is to start “'u‘crmc|on f P'W"°°""" by ‘ ‘bu’ Hum!‘ urufeseor i-mi-n'..u. of music. this Q." that can 59]! uqspnwr ,,dv,_.,., ;.'«-ur llllhtil worlfiinit llnilx rrefmri: 8030 C II B80008“! 33: 5°‘ _ ' k_ . 4 h-, .-.i:m- ifolx com! or your c |(‘|ll, ;;:\rl d Initial I (NI! ‘Ell 07 lM¢Y'.‘-"W ‘Tee __ _ _. _ _‘_______ ___ mnv chances out of ten you mll 3-—‘.‘ll ‘ an _ I "‘°'."b‘ ‘ad cg"- -‘HA- w b W‘ I. W - 4, g that this new spapa-r traininfz will fit ""- 5! m“"°”"“5 1fi9""_P°‘"l0T| 1” "'1' U‘ ‘—'l"'~”~‘ "’ "WW ' ‘ ‘H “ulna one We-ll for an) other llnv of work Should Be Honest With (flicnt.-. ' . . ° "'T::“,.:::.,'t°:::... ..... ..... .‘1.".°..‘.i."';..i$.::3f"‘2§..“::..“;'“,;f,;‘,f um -M T“ "“.."'*:"* Where" WM That is the art the Standard 0*‘ ‘ , . l _ , . o _ ..A !l!~i.'l * wi 'our men‘ OI it. I— ' - * o ' tonne»-s: -;;°i-lu;1,,:‘r;=ov*,t,:“#!. :3; ,§;;','z ‘,1f:";,..i_2:?;’,,‘“:?,:.“;.:::‘..:ft: ;:i_. W,’ .,... ......,.. ..... ..... Company (In ana).pla s in your do- "Th! ‘Manchurian Banquet‘ to ho c 7 ‘l H ' \l" __ : ‘N H_ .H_'__ ‘ “-1- V 1 ;| ‘ N H Ah”. .1‘ . til n("(l month to ailvo-rtiiw nevi-.' ‘ _ . ‘ ° ' proulnfi in ‘be S“t(-S 0‘ .\:'rt.l (n!‘ll:lt‘&'Jt:t!r: ‘flirt I ‘tr-l i'l:'Iii:3'i' :0 n\...'1x\’"; "10: .'t.‘::'1. 't‘ili1(‘lt:!hl!.<(f must‘ ;'|(:|':'ti- P4.“ ""“'l“ {"7 bl‘: 9109" 0": 33"~'A‘» J ( k 5 Me’ Auoria under the auspice‘ of Dr. ' _j _ ‘A W’ ’ " “ ‘ ‘w '_n‘ ,- ,., , , ,, , g; 1. . - ink or siunv advertising. Try to - _ “ldtcr wilu‘m" 0‘ am Sthml of flultm l\"‘U.:t ’|l‘>‘7\‘.0rI1E\.\‘.‘l.!~:_ ' l-«ilk "..!l :t‘lr‘?!1}::1£:'ti'\'.i'T(tiglflfntlfxlwhiIP‘Ar;::!ll:: ""'~ 1 ii }"Hlr ;;,gW_nm(_r mm 8 "tn 0! COUTSC. . o' o f°U,’:":i”;‘n_';;‘:k§r:{{?::rr °.{nt“:r; alwa_\'!. '.ll£ 7‘ _ H prepared in an almost undue hurry. h" "’ "‘" “" _,‘_ -' ,‘ .r U n‘ Special Sakl June 2 .; . . ‘W 3“-aitn , , , . ,_ .,. ..,l . '1 i a D8)’ still serve no live nt least u but °- Mr ;I* v-I‘? .‘ '1 “" -" V "5-C1) n( J‘ U‘ ‘'.‘l’ ‘’\t- ‘ll . ‘ 0 ' ~ - ' ' ' H "'1. V‘ ' I K H ‘ 1 0 * ' .. -ouch men of how mu. Mar«:.‘ui:"a '~ A - ”' -'' ‘ . 1. 1 on ‘N ewSifl8er S‘ew- ‘1 4’ 32.2" §“ *0 $l ‘VI 25' = and inner Nolltolia stand it Present. mg ‘[31’ CL ‘HM. ' ' H‘. .'. A H..." A K :9 ' ') 0 V 4"” '> ' ° ) $4 ' n "It. uiy he added that all the nth- “T‘-- ‘“ *‘—''- ’~*"‘* "‘“~‘ "‘- ""‘~ . . 9- er Win‘ in s°‘“h .“~n_ war! ri rune hi‘ ' “ ' "-‘”"""‘ ‘.'. r -4;) Se . _ I -new and Chinese. join us in pre- ”‘ '. ’.""’,“. .‘. 10 St. Phone 2066 ' V congratulations upon the "‘ "‘ ‘ , ". ,7‘ ll‘ ‘"1’ I austlcious function. cspoczally upon '4 1 ‘I : fl 1.‘ M PM J Red. A O ,, the sprint that has actuated its pro- ‘ ' _ _ _ e m e aso e .» nation. to Doctor Wilhanis and all ;»,,.},-.. l1:'.Hl;F. ('-vl mu . .°"_'.fi:3 '.. the rest who wil take part therein. _t;.m,-, ,- .,,,1)_ v .r .'ul‘.'. A - "The translation work being whol- ' - _ _ ' lr done by I Jan-nme. any mutiln- l¥r*"i.+- 1' r» .- - ‘W _I~' "-' "-' . . - ' ‘ . tions or Enzliiih. that may be found .x'a-.~..-_r.i; ;~ “."A}\ nsk IS the m%t emclent the most :_ herein. might be passed over." ' ’ ' ’ . r. K.....: Shi’i}i,ibun(_(it; s...m.> economical asoline you can buy— , " Win ulz no in apanc.-ac) ' ‘ - u........... um, ye... regardless 0 price. _ - (in English.) ' ,, Manchou Pao (in Chinese) ° ' ' u........ Nichinichi Shimbun It starts more easily; it gives your ,' (in Japanese) ' ° ° V ' if... s.....,.., .... ;.,.........,. June Bnde car a quicker et-away, a snappier, , litlllf Jihpao (in Chinese) ' ° , D.;,..,,, ,.,,,.x., W _ smoother acce eration; ter sus- r . mm cov““ausnT‘.§% . Electrical * tamed pulling power; the °.' I8 PRAISE!) BY Cl BN8 - ' ' ' .-- G,-{,8 your engine 1S ca ble of developing, . _)len Who lfnew and Honor Iiai o ,,-A .;.'._...&c........ .., That Last and the most es per gallon. I] Wk. -1 ‘ iv “A man who en!” ed the I ' ‘\- ._ .,. _ _ . ‘ _ , , . m "mum “at” )“'m,?..'cwa‘ the ‘:5 .l‘)(»l'L'Ul3ltil':».}L!:l|4g(h;r\hl¢tl‘£;;)llI)::L\{;:?§‘:1:;rr: "(Pl:;\nt;‘l J '- I an I an 1 h _ A ,3“-(-L-pets, i 3 '.. . .\, °. ' L 54? ., ' - 3);, .pok:'?: °ho::‘,n.,{ ‘_;.,:,;},"|\(: Floor l.;iv~i;a.~. Elixviz \"i£.wlll!l3f .\lw:hiiics. Armstrong < 4 IS my .7 ofixf goof ' ‘ 4' ' ‘ ‘CC . . ' i ;g ff‘3*‘m"h§I3;_ y__¢;;_|_y'_m;-_» . “bk °'~~ D you duse Red _ own you. know—-if . 5 000 ~ ‘ ’ ' J ... noon. ‘ . u W ;. - E " 5- °*'-*-=-**- '- -vim’ Platt’s Electric Shop ' 50- t "S9 ‘t’ ‘t mday and ’'°“ 15.1 vi-2-iv--L he -it “We --at we - y ' W111 be convinced. * 7 this “ham to N or last re- Phone 829 17 south Ninth I 1 . l V ._...._fi , A . ° ‘- l g. l For Eoorioniall Transportation “ - . r ‘ ’ " av ' ‘ V ' I *1 See‘ I--~=-~w>--m--w~«»~ Buy Red Crown : ;;, ‘ l Fort Shclbyolua you 0 . in 1 —.- _ bcation.envuunIneat.ocnn aerna.Fort ‘ . ‘ . _ _ \_ 73 Chevrolet , y‘. win. the pellr 1 - At the following Standard Oil Service Qdion: :5 . otbndnauaan. aadiannbpcda. { i I‘, _ :‘4 .5_ ‘a ' ' ; Shdhy inclideamanyuuaomir 39 I inch arucvuia than dfiua ad .s. l church in advance 0! your artival. . ' , i I Ice Water in Every Rue: , C‘ Q TO! 31%-A compartment built hi the ' I ha» bculnrotfi rllihhon tiqhaaad ,. i p clochiaaiohopuau-al.aI:.. v ‘ l . bfltvuaiaanabnnnauranndduat 2. ‘ _ a $1110: dwar- " ' &okfi& audio ‘' It ' s . _ a. Qplndaae the unuuflad ’-. 5 d ’ . ""“--‘-§s'-’."»»'5r-""""‘ '"7:1.’l‘2i' aw‘ " fi\' ‘ h, .