lirllilgl y_i_iéri§i?i. 5:! ‘iézisé Fain’ about fill: ofthe tahenby Mary. taken by Walter Dal- ton and Virginia Mr-Alener, who are try- hasgrowninthegardo.strayintothe cave of tb witch. With their help the witch that her wart say be washed away with tears. Having said his say, be dis- appears within the cauldron. roo ltarrt roa ‘runs The witch now tries to cry. but each tiaie she is DOC to doing so site becornos . and so cannot by and else Mr. Babb has yet done. deal of the drarnatic arm of i lost by its ending with a usnplet that is of doubtful value and 5-D! particularly mnvincing. MB: ”arshe's Ieaible voice gave col- naisrus of the druna. _ of th satisfaction of these && Dd M'm»McAle¢er were splendid can and in annneiation. al- evifitly htl lhtle crunching and gsstue. As a whole. the of "Th Wynn’. Wart" was one. and the children in the audience, wha Os play was over. could . .—1f‘ - '.'-'4’ P . < ‘-. I . a‘\",_ ‘ - a .' . '19‘ - . ..i"¥" "T": ‘l".v¢"" ‘ — ‘ J» V. 4?’? I 'Q:T‘jtV -. _,:?.,‘,,‘ . ,,~_,.‘_.€-'1‘ —v. '1. :61?‘ ~‘.? n.“ .r, . i ‘;...g.‘ Is, ‘I , . . ' t o_- " i’ 7.;--5 .' ,' ’ ' ’-. 9 '5 J .-4- -A %.':7 >3‘ ‘Tl: "4' T ’ ‘, ‘ . hr =.' o‘ ‘s A ‘ I ggfb ‘._‘-. 4 .'1{“-' ..- m '_.w . : ‘ _ .._ . 4 , 9,,’ ‘V, R‘ ' " -J V‘ ’ O ‘.5 . ‘ V‘ ' ,l.i".“'. "1 "1 .. i. ‘ f O ' ‘ '.-4 l - i \ . Y . I I ‘ - s v i J. H. Crews is ill at her Mtssauri street. I Rollins street. are visiting in Mrs. Mitchell Todd. 1115 Wilson at- and her dlialler, Virginia. sped he weekend with Mr. in St. 37$ l (1 H. Miller of in Alpha 1'... open‘ ow spent the week-eml with his par-‘ iC..$ ill 3. lflllil. l Miss Gertrude Shearer of Fnlurnbia Mrs. Phoebe Conrad. ,wr-ek-end at her borne in .lf‘erson Cit!-i "returned to (Tolutrtbia this morning. Mrs. Ernrna Rubens and Mrs. (I. R. lthe University. was a ‘Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Nichols. day after a visit with her Trunk Bennson. at Asst 'W'lliau M ' f St. Lou’ "- ’- “- """' ""‘ ""' ""'°’ :""gu'ests of u°::.a° Mrs. r. P... Ctlenshaw. others cused front the full!!- audlauwashafht-sther.Iu.'.! ilast. Job Snsfianfkrln Huoherson audaydahrusswuttsfblfb Tlrsrularsish ‘ Lllollawaywent to Colunhia Man&ytnassidCapSulIoninHltingi uanpaonhhfarn. i ‘hsnbunavantandllisfanilyaad ft; ’ywerethr.-guests. atC.B.CoatiSnnday. " of: here a few days last week as a guest of .6. Anpll. uh, o...¢, step)... a stldent at, weekend guest of: I Miss Ella Nichols returned home Sun-» sister‘. M34 erdan, Flo. - _\(,._ C, 15.; and children and Mrs. are the‘ Esaniinatisns wet!’ 85*‘ “"0487 0‘ the High Sehdol. The seniors and all‘ who hsve tnade S grades WC" €8- _. _ l Huntsdale (fap Saturn of ( ilutnbia was 1"" "" business _Frida_\ . Inl' gone to St. Louis to visit her sum. ' X0 “dumb” A .l. B. Redmond made a business trip. wfli...-pdav. y s_ Moore was in Columbia a few jig). last week on business. 1 Jack Burks and family nimrwl 510048! Drown. who have been visiting Mrs. (Z. l in the farm which he recently lxixgcht. W. Mt-Cee. have returned to their hotnel in Fzntralia. Mrs. B. A. Bach and daughter have re» Bath and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Srarrett left ‘for Hannibal yesterday to attend the state‘ ‘aseenibly of the Rebekah Lodge. They will return Thursday. Dr. A. W. Taylor of Indiana. preached at the ffhridian (htrrcli night on “General (‘onditiont in rope," left today for his home. last ~ ing. Mr. and “L T. E. Montgosucry. whoi \frs. have been visiting their daughter Fran, ces, a student in Stephens College. have reamed to their home in Tulsa. (Ila. ’ l I Mr. and Mrs. Foss Marti-ll have re- ‘turned to their borne in Murphy!-b-Iron Ill. They have been visiting their dangli- . (er Alice, who is attending Stephens (Lol-l Miss Frances Martin left yesterday to athnd the «rate aasenihly of the Rebekah Lqflge at Hannibal. While there she will take the degree of cltivalry and the as- srflble degree. She will return to Lot lenibia early next week. . ' Employes of Poole I Creber Jnr-oiled a picnic given yesterday at Jeflerson; Cltv for employes of the farm's t~1or'fL there. The picnic was in honor of ].~’ \I, (lrhet. one of the roprietors. whoj ‘is moving to (olurnbia with his farnily._ REAL Es-ran: Trmtsrttns l . I l 5 .I. P. and balls M. Brown to J. 0.1 .i-rid Brooksie Niclnls. part lots l7 and; ‘l8. .Vortltt'rtt addition. fbltllfiil. $'l.fIX).t 3 L M. and Snrnh E. Payton to Lcwisl and Catherine (L Schneider. part of lots‘ 35 and S, ['niversity addition. Colon-_l ihia, I23”. l I you want to buy or sell sotuethlngl d A I _..l| try a Missourian want a . CANBUS TAXI CO. l i ' ' (Denna Wild) it is Iht story of the school bully Ill) 8 s.,'& lsgnbgtornakealittle boy who be-‘ ui"d_c..|” lieves in fairies swear that there are no, fairies. The Fairy King is a thousand V v years old and has bard a new joke.‘ ‘ ‘W "9 ‘ l''"U''°4 !¢|"- T59 DR. BUBSCHER , fuel, as a jde fit is undeterntnad whcthsripoathsking.thefool.thehal-i C”""'|¢“' . ly, or the helievcl to make the hing‘, ma" ‘duh. H I the bully to belt! in u” the Directory? Call us before ‘ you wish i 2 P .. " i . .*-~ '90 _ Is your name or listed nor- reetly in the Telephone nirectoiit Do you need additional listings in closlngdateforthestunnterissueof 'thsDtrectory. Utllcltangesruttstbe , n*tiyuay,1sube'cuearorinthe ‘ 'nextDi'eetss‘y. ' Telephone Co. Mny l5 for any made as this is the Thg (nun bnanl ttrtlffftl Ill!‘ Ol"‘Y'l| I .trawed Tliun-day to keep down the dust. J, R. hfelloway and family were guests ' hole 5' Sh L°'|l"- ""3 ..[ um Sun Odor: in (loliiubiafiunday. _ have been visiting at the horne of P. If. \lr. and .\Irs. Torn Poe annollllfl‘ ll‘? lllllill of an 8-poulll 503- b“"‘ s'“u"l~'l- A. A. Barnes. also it Wnfllinil 8 ‘l"'“' ‘man Ville. II» liotne user the week-vnd. guy nmk. at Luliirriiiia was here user ‘hi. .h¢- ‘Q-fk-ffltf gs a gur-I of his tt'lll.i\'°.'. annott"' T ‘fr. and \Ir-. llill linlN'.'t¢ l‘.u- ihe birth of a iialiy purl Tlzurnll) *"""' _ “an H..|d.-n uf \f.|ili-um \i-iitctl J, Vt. tllay Jfltl lulm -"r---dim- ll" '04 i week. \[n_ Alsop of New Franklin was the .\Ir. and Mrs. John Snodgraas. Mr. and .\frs. Torn Daly front (‘olutn a were guests Sunday evening of Mrs. ll.1l»'.~ slllff. Mrs. John Snodgra-. \!r. and Mrs. James Furgerson frorn_ Ka':-us ( itv were the guests of .\fr. and . r.~. \. \'. Furiterson for a few days last . Irv it. . ' .\frs. \fary llolden and children of? Madison and Er-till Snodgrass of Ala-T barns. were guests of Miss Frances Fur gcrsott. Thursday. \fr. and .\frs. W. B. llern have sold their stock of goods and household fur niture. They moved to (Lolunibia where they will open a grocery store. \fr. snd .\frs. John Dew and family of («alumina wert» guests of Mrs. Albert Thornton Wednesday. The Deys hau- just returned from a trip to .\'eutrici-’ Springs, Ark. 1 l’.1ul ll. Naylor. extension assistant pm ' f f hr ll ' s' f .\ '. e‘ V. Furgersun visited Alex firm" 0 l "W" H, 0 "Wind “V Miss Helen Areritt. who spent the nu". ruff the weekend. lecture on agriculture at the regularl neeting of the (Ioinnunity (jluh. ‘ed-‘ nesday evening. Mrs. Kate who finished her‘ term of school Friday, returned to l‘.r‘| home in Fulton ‘ednesday. She was ac‘ mmpanied by Miss llildra-d llarne- Elli. Min Frances lloyee. two of her pupils. .\fr. and .\lr-.’ J. M. (Ilay had as their dinner gut-its Sunday: Mr. and .\lrs. Roy lft.l(i'Is)n of Roche-port; Mrs. Ray H0ldt"l and children. \lr. and Mrs. lirnniit Snml grgu of fatlllfltbla. and Lttllll Snutfflfls of Alabama. I ’ STEPIIENS Cou.r:cr. Norm .\l.\- l.uc'lle lfur‘\ net‘! to 5'1. lnui~( . spc nd the weekend . .\ll\e llirie llunliatn went to St. L:-ui-' to spend l week-end. Preside , James M. Wood returned Faturday from St. Louis. ~ (TE: NOT same for you at th I Valuable Income Property at Auction Believing that I can use the money I have in ' the property to a good a I will on to attend this sale. To holders of Victory Bonds All Victory Bonds will be due May 20, and we will be glad to take care of Exchange National Bank Columbia, Mo. Monday, May 21 sell to the highest bidder my two-story and base- ment building, located on the southwest corner ' of Walnut and Seventh street. I The lot has an east front of 71 1-2 feet on Sev- enth street and a depth of 16) feet on Walnut street. The building will make a fine garage or three good store rooms, and is now and should always bring a large income on the investment, but 88 stated I need the money I have in it and will sell to the last bidder Without Atty Reserpe Sale will take place at 1:80 ofclock on the ground. If Y0u want ILgood investment you will not fail RoyCreed,0wiivar 'J.A.Ste|'Vart.8alesMgr.antlAnetioneer. 4 ICE! \T is bank. V- . -._ _.,-.a— ...¢....... . - dvantagc in my business ‘\ \ Mr. and Mrs. Ennitt Snodgrss ofi - V o it At. Shted'MbotIrl.CountyofBoone,n: l‘ ‘5‘ Ck“ C‘’'" “‘ ''°‘l°' l’°‘°'° and sixteen (116) feet; which said astlni lass tern. Mattie Rlchardsol. Ptlina McCowen and Harvey MeCowen, plaintiffs, vs. The unknown assignees of “re. Bonnie B. Chandler, deceased; and Ruth \fnn- roe. formerly Chandler: liuhv llal|en- ger. formerly Chandler, and (L. (I. (fhlltdlct, d-femlanl.-. THE 5T\TE (if .\fl>\'()l"il. to flu‘ above narned unknown ss~i;.vm-es of \l.. Bonnie B. (llllfltllff, tlr-cc;-4-ti; at-.d liulli .\fonror. non-in-idenl dcf--ndunt licrr.-i. (}Rl'LETl.\'(Z: You are hervhv nutifiul that an an lion has been romrnen-«cl again-t you lit the (Iircuit (Court of ‘litblillr t nu7‘.l\, .\l.~- souri. affecting the title to the fullumng descrtlxul lunvl anal lt"l"|lltYll- lung‘ 9.- iog and situate in Bmrir f-'tlnl\_ \l... DR. 0'BRYAN l Chiropractor Eleventh Year llere Elvira Building —~—.~_. l'liane 35.3‘ l lsonri. to-wl: lat ;now city. of Cslsdila. fronting ssuh Q‘ Lyons Street efity (N) feet and IC- ning hark north one hundrfl saventy-in H76) feettoanalla-yandhrhgalufl frontage on said alley of ans hnndlud. is returnable the fird day If the I¢3t_ regular term this mart to be held It the Court House in the City of Cofunhia. ll--one tiousty, Misaoouri, on Monday. June I8. 1933. when and where you rnay appear and answer or otherwise defend -ut ll .irti-m: otherwise plaintiff's petition mll lie taken as confessed and judgrncnt. v--nilrrrtl accordingly, A true copy of the record: “l'l‘\'l\S my hand as clerk of tht l irI'uil ( -turf ul llnonr County-_ Mi,-nuuri, and ill!‘ 9-I‘.'ll of said court. llunc gt 9].. llrc in (olumbia. hfissottri, lllls Sth dny of \l.t_\_ l‘)‘_‘3, '~Hx' Jim. T. "Afllls, CLLIK. \lrllainr' 5 Clark. Briggs. Allis. for Plffg 'l'lf‘."l puhlisliul ‘lay 7; lino] inn:-njon June 6) I For special care of I f ll.tRIm'n<)I) FLUORS and window wa-lain; l’lmne l6|0. l 4__.. 1/ANN D e is at your haberdasher’s now The VAN IIEUSHN Cut scasonably low, front and back, gracefully thcnccdsofyourSpringwardrobc. Fifty Cents (L L‘ VAN HEUSEN the Worfrfi smzaaa COLLAR Ll rwuarsiowrsoouoiunos O 1225 aaoapwsr. new you 'VU..UU'.UU""9U'U.U.OUUVVVUU‘ ‘Bravo ort OUUOUOUvovO9owu.o Ask to see VAN (IRA!-‘T-— aristocrat of all shirts, for it has the VAN Ill-;l.JSl-ZN Collar attached. Cut low Sod-a Niutwfiy-sail -(271 tscatisrsustussssttstsfi. on Radio Sets an “ Supplies Our Entire Stock om-redi at Cost and Below. Radio Sets 25 to 50 percent off Crosley 1-tube set, now $1 l.00= Cr-osley 2-tube set, now $19.50- Crosley 3—tube set, now $32.50 And others accordingly ‘In-rr rvT- Radio Supplies 25 to 40 percent off w 1), 11 tubes, now . . . . Head phones, now . . . . . . 31.50 B Batteries, now . . . . . . . .$l.00 -' Transformers, now . . . . . $1.00 ad I’ E ‘I i- ' fl lW"""I"W' T Many other items, including all J kinds of Tubes, Adapters. ('<‘n- ,_“ densers, Plugs, Jacks, So_cl_