D a t.-. 1018 he au rho’ ltroad lump. 2l.feet pin \.:1tll ll lt‘r‘l 6 ll’\(‘l'l€I. ’ ual ‘H lr‘tl,3 lllfllffl Iflhl V H7 iv-v-t I0 inchea. ll2lH\ \\.-in ' tttmto '» int 7 tnehett. 9.4 —x-_—o o fioltltuktll Evening rim is a member of The Aaoociation ol hlanggt-rs, wh and hat for it! aira tha obifiioo of fraudul .'ll_Infl rnioleadlng clamo- ified gtlterttatng. The Coltllllbll Evening Miuourian. at well aa eve" other ntemlwr of the Asoociatioo. endeavor: to print IYIUHUI Want-ads and will appreeiato hav- tng tto attention called to aay atl- verttsement not conforming to tho ltvgltv-st otamlartla of honaly. T W’ '.""Ib° tiiseua. Ill feet: dtot. 05"‘ ttnr-he~: l‘t;‘ll jump. _5 feet 10 irtcheu. tum, . \larr1hal| ..t Kan... tztty Man “It‘.’Ill"‘ in l9l6 ht‘ put the ahot threw the dioctta _ Because in l92l he ran 7 the high lturrllel in is ‘-5 I'm ll! Int. llttzl 1'» Ill *(‘(‘Ofld‘ Ind 1 i “'ltl"ll nf Kemper Military School llv«.11t«~ 111 l‘)'.’l he won the ll!)-yard a».-—~ «v-0---e-——-¢O“"““ '1 ’ “ Newspaper (Ilauificd Advertlaing pewapaprrl throughout K CIIIUY“ tvt'I'ttitTl‘NlTY St-Z(.“t't0N rungs. if 'l'l..~ rate for regular &point type (the No salary figures were given out to data record. BABBBALL r-rtooaxtt CIIANGID om. Au" Altaaol rrae of Grail- Emu coming year, and is laying plans early. At the end of the baaeball season. Ma) 3‘. Bunker will bye made a lettfr to [our sport: while thing under the Ti- ," co|on_ He haa made three letters On acflall of tin graduation exercis- ea, the haaehll aehedule for the grade Ichooln 3 been changed. acenrdihg to Herbert BIT. win to in charge of the “pea, games will he played ac cording to the following aultodole: in trark. Bunker will complete hi.- tttiveroity at the end of rim ternt. ‘or-ary olpniaalion of Phi Beta Kappa. -..- W . . . . - . —, - : A -__.._ .“"..”.’_...;..'.J..;...._ -. — ’/ - __....._ - a.. - Sultan Lultr _ ’at tkilate d the announcement. Mr. I._‘h“.h, (;,,,,,qm~ ._ _ ~,,,,t.,,, lru Ctty~ " ‘;\rlll {each tihe l:’lr't:flItfn tenant In ‘fin p”__,,wn woa lb a aporla. an wi an it -.Vear- vl ,, W gpn,."' _ _ _ _ . . _ M _ _ __ (,...-my ‘ IE pk Rd‘ 00%. l"rll)r' Swallow" . . . .. . Dell Acqtal . ‘iv “tr recently has eiectetl athlQti"t Ellen .\fauptn . 3‘ 3 1%. ID!’ III the Xfldireetor at Eaeelaior Springs. but he did .'‘When “at lo Tttrntrf to lune" Pent! 1 -A ' bl 3&1. Coltlflhll Hill‘ -“"h""l '” "Song of tire Robin" . AM‘ I ‘ II. of KanaaoC' Norlheaal-‘all: socbiag h’ at-rvsc . ti 1.»! 'hIIfi*h 1“ "h ill!‘ l ..noun¢:un[. Q00“ .']('fl§((‘nr~ llttfll \.“l‘um‘nn w K I. 231-yard dflh. any 0] Mm’. [In] (Latin Henry nl "l.urile Afflfllfl 'lIIttll‘ it in 1] '0-5 aerondo. which also .5, Co]|¢.¢ gt Egporia was elected head 1“l'ol’tt-htnelle . llultrnantnofl the world‘ scholastic record; tic-d'..,.,,-5 at tmmtl, Tiger ciopsters ml “IV? ‘am ‘ 1"“ 3 the lflyard daah record with it) -I-condo [.44. to the belief that the athletic " ‘ " "‘f'” . his '0‘ "ll 00 '50 Nil! ‘film "W “"5 partatertt anticipates a hard seaoon t ‘wntl TELL 0" "AzlN(’ -_>__ ..:.. ‘J. A. Iilla. Loader in Class “Kicked 0 1 Ifflffll was recently elected to the national hon- 'tell investigator- ‘irtg. y l Pveu. Axum, Ohio. in football, three in l)8hetbg||’ 'nd 1..., |¢-gdff ial nu. Wplau rush at .\u ill tverntty work in the letahton hlnount 1- alleaed to hate been """h l’) ‘l‘"" "lb" "l“‘°l‘ l'‘ 'l‘“ \'l lie kiiietl. tutlat was eamute (<1 Lhtragn to'l') l’°l""‘ “l"'°“’l C"bb"d l‘"“ "H- Ruah ut of- Univeruty." “at 8.—« Allen .\l1ll\. r in l92l. ill at uh hut snail’ of llte lili- l 2 Mtrnnurt. A §t‘li0jh|I, 7” ‘ . . - == :=?z*r '~'¢=‘*'r"=‘ I :.- -.>--«~ ~ —-«'‘~ -"-" "‘ "“-1 - ‘ - _ {WWI t‘. H “ ‘I ‘ :1;:".‘ 2- .“,t- :3‘- ‘ , .- ‘ v y‘ . -. *" -W’ _ i . —' " ' i "— ‘um ' ‘ _ M ‘M’ it The N s In lhe.Ft'qld3of'Spo11 } i....""":.. '° "' "‘__“'¥“" “'°". "". ~ 1‘ Y HAS ' Lu , Iorttonvs.l.oe.llay 16 1*‘ “flu . "'1 , - r i n H . - ‘at Aflttaetara Tflht. I u .aaa-Au. a'r/trtortto i :2... B“ u" I“ 1 A ' J 1 ' . ‘ °‘ ' ’ ' vcfiv.-uteri! Tholaotraaital lthry¢Il'l"h¢|lV'. ‘i ‘ t _. '- .1 ~‘ . ' " L "V ‘ T5 Crarrt ml to leading to the at it the aadiutglau of Clrriafia Calol . . ._.--——-—-- ge ” .... ....... --t t 5 | _ _ - hoe-t,8=J5 o'clock toaiah in I5! I” lads Grover Tells of Work at . J Gina‘... ..... .. 3 . 1 --—-——-—-' pilo of Mn. Margartt Green and um Empom by N" V » r.‘ l _"'°'. - * - - - - - - ---:3 2 GJACI no U- Elsi! Prrlleta. The penis" is invited. The- , ' 1 - --—--* J“-0-n -------- -.6 6 .50! jun: nrrxr eaaoort - r 11 - M. L. Mentor. - ‘ floflall ta ao o owe. ucnl(‘\’ and Lantaster Nafiedlltdrsda ........ ......s s .30 C. ‘ E H. g’. ‘H S 3”,‘ y V \ ' H S KS.-LC. . . . . . . . . . . ..4 6 $113!! Bil! Pt-afar-o Oler of '5 "mi N. M. I M‘ " " _ Cwtn Henry of the State .‘tor-rrtal "'"”"5 " ‘"5 ' ' U-III-an-s .......... ..2 t .200 "at-slam to Thoao of “"’°' ""3" . Sch-| -t Enworim Kan-— who v-- 1 Athletes- . . ogg. 3...... ‘'"-'k- ""*- W‘ W“ >“’“'*'""‘-“*‘*.tect«t ma football coach .1 the 13.1. ” '“"_*, _ , ' ‘ M"""' P"'"". leeroity of Hiartouri yesterday. has an '5'" ‘ll’ 5'l"’l“_" "'''“"°'' °{ Cf "I 10 l\-Saaulldltth mt. U 3-5- 2. C. Clevanger. athletic director of “NW” A" F'"l" I" "7 ("mtg trtvialie record as roach. . ‘ ‘fill H‘ “I.-(‘mud car; h m h s‘ "5 %* U.'*"‘W ‘ I ‘ "°."°'d g“ i...’ l l l l i l A A l i if L""“n:.':: "Hisoouri is to he conafatulated on ‘ 1 ' ”' ‘Q B!" l . Q this fltagngag (j W n.,.§.¢, TL; - V1 "cl U maktnl such a write choice" turd lack hm’ 0" '"'l~""'.' "' '°" "'"' i" an R a'e'l"lltr Dewutop.dL::.‘tl.l"\1..m.nt" ...iC'°W 0‘ K-Mu "7i'v- vi» '1» hm &. h ‘*'lqP““"_ 1 °b"°d '“‘h."' °°“-‘hi A U1h,d,|o.1at‘tlltg aa starter in the high ttchool *5 ll-3.9» ‘ ‘#3 & .l—N'l 00“-‘hill '3‘ l“ *3‘ '..Qp“n‘"'n‘'.'.”' ’ A M ‘M5,, trark meet laot week “(Lwtrt Henry N f0¢'=“:I:"70a. ‘ \,,,",,,,‘,iy.,y,_,y._,,., .- one of the itrteot te11...... 1 knmv; I ' ‘if “' ' ‘F. lute": has accepted the new ofire f , ‘ ‘ N,‘ I u,.,. pm , _fine sportsman. a good coach. a gentle if ~¢ ‘7 f*' 2 ‘L’ Cm ‘amine his duties at the lit “kw” n:;.(,:“;|,.;l,.‘”i t ,,,,,_‘,,., l V n In He ia one of the heat coaches in ‘‘''‘‘:;l'7 of the fall Ieneater in Srptetni . ..Aummn- (;,_,m.,,..j, this part of the eountrv and on- til the woo t po vau ‘ ‘ ' heat liked men in the ltustneosf Mr. Cmaer werit on to tell of hi- rerord at Emporta. With pour material and NM fllcb of what there wax. he has ‘turned "out came wonderful teams. at Em po . His team played the Kama .Aggiee and held them In a 7? tie la-at ‘sear.’ Erttporia has lost unit lltree gamec at Ernpnria since llenrt earne ' ‘Ilia teams have reputation ‘playing smart football." ‘L (inner rut‘ ltillltfd. “And lfter all. the bent rrtterinrt oi the tuccese of a coach in what it»- IIINI think of him. Ask some of them ‘'what they think of Henry. They tmr ship lhat ‘man over there, and any one of the bnya that has worked Illtrier lien- 'rv would om df hie hand if he asked ‘him to. “I know personally that he has lteen Hinttdemt an head l-mthall and." he continued. “thio comttderatton wart given lienr) mthout any solicitation on ltio put and without his knowledge l "lust the other day l heard a prorat- nertt nportaman remark that there were flan voachee II the Kanoaa (Innfereme 'that belonged either in the .\liu-nun \al lev or in the Big Ten. and Henry was 111"‘ Of Ill? fin." STR§'G'S GIVE LL'N("HEON ‘Hat Rollo Front Overta of - the New Bakery. A demon-trat. III of modern breatl mak mg was given for the business men of folalthia at a lllll(‘ltl'.tn aertetl lw htrrlge liaken at l2 o'rlt~‘k today A xeaturr of the lam. lteurt was rolls arhftl ht-t frum lite tnenl of the net» ltakert th aee me Il)0I;l it at once. "eath- ward trill he paid for return of atone to'ing porch fut lmtt-_ T13 ‘De ]_ W, ".d-lit] of the l nttrralh alto-ti :‘-lnkealty (‘o l’hone 272 214.216 cecn‘. lettelty Store. 0 5.1.1111 Ninth'Ph«me 2043. 1213-2175:: huttmaster. '.q".¢t‘ Azl-C-lf""'_“"" . i If J. l‘. “tench of the fiommet FOB §ALE.—Lot on ‘eat Broadway . , I-OR RF-57 l',',m mom" mmk';h:‘.l (‘l8l'1l lUll lulm l \l.\ftrllen of the and Edaewood. Apply W. A. Ceerv.. l.O$T——'ar hlother pm.‘ return to ct-pt heat. - 35’ “‘”‘l "mu" . 3: Lmr_t't lluh. I ll. ‘Mun-ll. repreoenttng lllln Locust street. Phone’ lB“ Ihitefllls Ufl‘V¢fIlU- '2'Q‘:”“"" ‘J. ‘.1 the grocer’: and All--nan lnhnton nl the FOR RENT FOR RENT--Furniahed Phone $2 FOR RENT-Hvtwrooal l?"‘“'|"“ near University. available dtrrlll "'3' get; gay be rented next year if &- rttrfil. Price rear-oaaltlt-. l‘otta¢-soron at Phone 6|-Lfireert. D2“ FOR SALE—-l'\esh letaey cow. R. U. Kitahail. 3 Price aveaae. OINTP. a-tutl Ml!" ll one cent a word a day. Q. :‘?“no'f:& r.1,)l'."? \"?:f;" '":h(:; Tavern DIIC QUE rooms, cheap 1209 i’aqutn, l’bom~ l2rth. lite rrttl! I ‘Old lfll Ill dayo. FN lb glow ' i l I I . ‘ ta,_,_,., “R, md f0{ white apaoe the rate ' FOR SALE‘ gewtng maclttne motor. “tutu AND R00- » is .1114-rding to rpace uaed on the some F0“ RE\T I_.um“Iml “"__m‘-I fttn any machine, makea oeyrtng ear-v; __ inn‘ “ ‘ham ~ apartment on aecond floor. 27 Allen “film” my [c.”n.M(' “mm R00“ AND BOARD‘ ("F07 lid‘ _ plooe. half block from Red Larnpu: ta‘ ‘ b“3Td ‘W 5.07% UPVWI _‘“ ""n’" P fi E. large airy roomo. two bedroom.-. “fl P“ Fifi dipidt Naalallfa Candy. one :’dL Shaky’ ‘ _* {——- month from June I to Sept l lhoua .. ha. i.‘ ,.,d.,,‘_ _ _ ‘_ .' I’ I'A.‘\Tl';l)—Pap:'aogTdta do: lg Mrs. Proctor. 614 red. fur appo1I;t9nIc‘:I:‘. 1-"an 115.1 IfDCILLANH)LS lurk at J): a to. 895000 e “ \—\TED l“"“ ''°''‘ “’ 'h'.p'“‘ FOR KENT-Seven-rooln house all?‘ , I N .o l‘*“’~"“”" "'P"' "" "‘hi'h‘_ w°°¢’able for two familieo. Modern. aoath - W You are your eyes and money hy [ turning Will (‘all for and '& M ‘W7 "fin. ztanfi A h.'«m‘ ym" fie. “I he"_‘ i lv: _ pltttrlr 97" green. -- —fi htttlt -tr-rt‘. Pav- M21521? F0:.;iD~ A hunch of keys at Balanced for married couples or for bfivt‘ Alto may real two rooms fut light hotne- keeptng l’hone‘ 691‘ blark. 7118 Mary nd_ l“2ll-2l5 FOR RENT-2 rootaa suitable for our dartto or light housekeeping. Phone tm D196d FUR iti»iNT— 11..om. fur tmt. N.‘ .N—!.‘ C."-. p"{um”_ A" Turner. l'lume 1895 green. 609 M19611 "”.—.n .49" hdudin‘ ‘he "'7 FUR NIVNT Light ltouae k"'l""K . _ FOB SALE-—Vooe and Soon upright FOR BENT-Ftarntsthed tvto rool g.’ 6.‘ 5. b“ "- *1} \t |ii.it\ ttA,\T1>;t>—1amed1ste1y. w apartment for light housekeeping. JD; “mm cdhut can and rilecto same in both ‘ tlltatr; l50Ul‘''"'' 53‘ \l-mun. L; “"‘ * ‘*“ J1 l. aunt-1» ti.-mung and like work. l’hon¢' A 133$ 3 Estate 1 1, J FUR RENT~ Deliglifully cool for FOR IlE.VT——l"'urrt'tabed roorna for FOR SALE A variety -ltngseveralloto udho lame. .....ttt .14.. 01.000 tltlill; t how -. netted tn ptrtn. on pa rat. rsrnt: rott slu-: Olt natal, ‘ of good property for aale. ll-1 \ ‘ “Ill ' Cuitar Buildifi, 'hQe 17¢. 1” Bl)“ \ew Plflhl-I008 (‘W and infill. 8250 darilt.‘ eleven-mod ho&i ‘ oath aide lull); rte. tour-at haua.‘ ' -1-1 aoaao-wot aura nsah ants: all aaéaruuutrr. In V-- e -tuner M 02.0011. -mall payment tlovl: aevaa-rood .. fivgvfl, W P“. flé i297. fwd ‘..“.‘. 7‘, “in ‘net gab.‘ -'h‘;t-r rim» to lntveraity. lair lot 35¢.” .., , _ ~. - ,m"1.g]o_ “ ‘H3 zlm wwm ttuoo. north ‘cl . . . - ‘ -$ 'o.....-1.......,u.sou. 13.; . to J y -0"» ‘"5 "'3. ma l£NT—ltasns for 1.". .1. in «1 1.1;-ts. ttmttm Realty (:a,iI_¢-I-I _-ti-tr. Ito 7-to his 5,, ,....,. mt oaaaa floor. 712 1.2 15...... 2:2 ztgma Ibo. ' u~.....,g ......._ ran. zrstt fi. ‘ ‘ FOR .\’.\l..E—-New eiglrhroan Grid!‘ ; roa rtt:t~rr.—o;tsnt.t..t room and _I¢ra brick hon... nah throjatx‘ "7 l‘'''‘''l """‘T2l;2 "i|a§ta9h-n- rtdl 't~ ' ;..£ 7!‘ "- "I? C-flllll strtrtlt .rrtotler:'l::l C? U‘ m‘’' B”. ‘An’: M nu-7%‘ ‘p 1“. “no anal lrtivenity. 37$ '1 *.;._ A11. II-arnottmttto ail‘h&U*’j"——--—+ 3.4 ' - 5., 55,, law: Man: and tatsudm ‘flu; nétagts t lion“: hv7"iku--mi A‘|JH£-t """u-::l‘roa anrr r aloaty . OI . L Q i - - ‘ - Ia 5"-C-a . 1“ ,,.,.. ,,.__...............u..._.-i tptqssasa--. Ebeiafld taunt ltl “ ‘Uh """.i*-1; osr Scull! Jtaraaaa. Llhcal rt’ FOI KENT-Study room trih loop POI lENT—Io3 for girlo or —r-‘ Rt tarj. (lvtb made one minute talk-. A . 3 0" [hr 't|g[tpf\' of l\YPJfl-mlhlllfl Wl~ ll ll. Bet-(‘lit-t of the l"lr1-‘h mart Vent (0 Strrttgs flak:-it uiil he open tn ti- ttrt.\ ltttm .l l‘) t.n(ll 9 if) tilflhth illi- evening. ORDER (DIV Pl Bl.ltIAT|H.\ 427.822 -~ . / .- . t A‘. I/ondodutaov plan forAuon- cans to tour Eurooa at gallop vtnoe Get a Harley-Davtdaorr nan or * vtth xatgho -Davlthoa hIaaorCos K In -woos. when: S. & 8. Eclipse Collar Attached Shirts- $1.50 Compare . <*%% ‘S __ -._ ‘_ Dance Recital Stephens College Auditorium Saturday. May 12. 8 p. in. Under Auspices of ('urtain li2lll%t'l'.~«‘ Admission 50¢ . E"l°‘l thirst- The great thing is—you get so much for no little when you- Dflnk Delicious and Refreshing M21621? aisbed hone. June 1. Sept 1. Samoa light hotaaekeeping; 2 on‘ heat Ioor. 2 4.30 p. In. fif it " "rates. Mn. W’. H. Stone, Phone 57'! ‘on oeoood, 1% South 6th St. Phooflfl ~. ‘Wits. Bible--1|-Ilt ”3"-3*“*- __. "t.ooislt'is-as.'l.tt.Pasoat13arssa. ' rott nail"?-ruaittttca tun.-ti t-on RENT—-Ono-hIge'1t"roa¢.« 5- l‘ “W s‘‘''‘‘'’' .‘ -tZ"Daaflay. “ILL J!!! saiaflle for three flbt iufi ‘¢‘laaeIIa41.1‘;g-1-|,o9cgu.,ua,LI.LA.l.1 1. ' ‘$7 hum‘ Pk.” lm vlieifl If- uhlrtlgalar Iad aatl - . , . ‘ya 88 VRN1'!D—Tttree I -roo- part» A ‘ _ " . I ....»..... ............ ::..:::... .:...... "°" “”“»...'“'*::_-;-_~_-_-«,-,-3- -v,, no »- — 713. """"""""""”""l7"'°""”*aac-.13-°9tavt.1t-. tm1.'r.r.c.t1.t- I. ‘ ;1.uirrsslstl.cueofMsgIo-riII- ‘ ‘ c_u_.u.~,.‘3‘ Mabel ‘Columbia Theatre T Tonight Only.’ e-Her-eiaa story thatltaothattttil ttacwn as “heart interest.” whlelti--0 me-I-I7 Unusual Opportunities for Professional Education in ‘Dentistry Fine Arts Architecture W'a.slrtngl-in lvmrerlitv, becatiae of its urban lncattort. offers unusual opportunities for apectaltaed edurauon along certain pofeaannal line- in atldmon In 9-pleaded lahoratorteo and physical equipment. lfbrarieo oontatnina More than a quarter of a million volameo. and eapahla and aapeneoced focultieo. the atodent lilo at hia diopoaal all the faailmro of a large city for the prarttral application of the theorlea taught to the via-sroortt School of Derttlatry fine year college preparatory work required. School of Architecture 5p-cial college preparatory worh not requietl. School of Fine Art: bpecial college preparatory work not requietl. For catalog and full irtforatatimt. addreoo C. W. Lantke, Regmrsr. Bantu’ ‘ I1 . . . ....... . ».-- O i iv Don't Forget Your Radiator