' -3 """.f' . . 5* ‘ ‘'5 “mp "- ""*'. l , ¥S‘‘.,‘\~~uw 1-’ 'V'''''" “hi VAT. v ' ' ' “\"T' 4 " "“" '~ 9 ;«'j5MV .1; A. "5" T1 7’ s _ ,i,T..1{‘ -_ ' . t . 3£_%f.' _ ' > ‘ fit.‘ . , e = * w- . 1, or AP 9 A A _ p f----- -'-- ‘ ‘ T ‘ciwacit\cirtci.its ‘to user ' .. — p . wad sees in sun “mp mew, mm _ - ‘Hall Murder Mystery Is Retold .",'.£.".‘l'.1"...""'r.. ‘:..."‘ “"' ‘*’**' "’°""" "~'"'m . ,. ' .- . * due I L” ‘f 3 ; . I''‘''' h “""h I u New Pralset Q In ~. r r . e , irigisaarysuistiaarrisay. i. b M U - ‘Wt 4|-'--5~|-07.-MINI , teas saiira. la.I‘ aka a arise ‘to riooits . The van.“ _Mmn mm 0, Y . . JOllI'Il3llSI'l'l past. to give vsnt to am" C siaaiathih . _ it ' T: i §* 3'" 1 '£“"' ‘"3 to.’ :“B:' gag,“-fzk fig" raggoozm-l _"m" I" ll“ "L"°"'f0| by Der-p were-a°t IP Yet. so 1 hhd to sit on the The wrench”; P . ' '_‘' ' A 1% had: hwlh has of dlnbctisn her 11' B . 3.". cm.’ ch‘. vmjxfl ;50".'.*";:- issue fdaorstep and later help dress Ira. active in polities sad ‘for the first tiaie M. .[ pm‘. """m .1s.¢aalraiiarhiagiisldisus» aura sash tar soars as hsshs Ior:,..... with sin. .\I. J. Green at n...n.a. P3‘ Lea". "N":-lhszv-hi->‘r: ‘but each officid rt-fersed use to soineone A-‘dc.’ kt“. 1-. nut else. ‘l he-l a path worn front the do-‘ 11,, “"5,” wan...“ pm,’ Amflian "‘‘'l'"'’ ‘’'l'‘''' V’ 'l“' “f ll” d"'"“ ‘V’ Legion, will meet in its club rooms at tnrney. to the jail and back again. After: 7,39 .,'c|,,c|,. ..,,,;‘y,._ 0530,, U; W. Rm Mm,‘ nqmwom M “E l I . . . along this l’ has bacn vqfih Wabash ’ The Wabash railroad by "a I spent in Brunswick, N. 1.. on the fa- lrnotss Hall-Mills inurrler case. As I cstne. in the office one Monday morning the .Uiit.-uploynent. poor busineo conditions...‘ 0. 5 gag j, “fig .5; gm 5,,‘ “nd ., gwindku VlII!lhtlIIfiIl¢hIIll'¢IdyIlKC.$d" "ad ‘..u.' I“ l ___y____ to heal’ our criticisl of it. Then he “ck .‘ . .m‘lw I 1" ‘u. '0" om‘ Luther .\l. W.'lson. former state deputy,. . . '_ ?°al °l °'"°"'n‘“'°" '" "u" °l bu." P08" Of 590“ II‘ D3330 0|‘ C°°Yl¢lwas cleared of the charge of fraud cu’ duo‘ “Rd at w “k ‘be “Hi” volume!“ to M5 if Alffitl €03 “GP; -nu, huh”. an of .5, mum, M.“ ' Elm.‘ ' "mg I“, h‘ ‘dam’, V ° gtrsitl for New Brunswifik and get an out of European affairs. or whether we‘ | I . . . l 5004!! Cnllfffisii-fiiia_il iii Sedalia In, .'interview with Mrs. Ha . will not H forced into IE Belt III?" “.9” condmon” "la '‘ "vs l Ah" ‘u' "'9" "3 ‘G. 5.“. ¢“l.d"' I b”” dl“°'"l'N|Pfl lN’(‘I""‘ °l l°' l'""l‘- "Deliver ice at the back door. or take "ml"! '0 0103"“ """'.‘°'“' 5" fl" '0'"--tsry (Tluli will entertain the inetnbrru fifty li\Qs for a . it set-mcvl tr me. and Wlilifla fwm l0‘This is the second of the "civic club million doll.rr- actor-dfwr. until .'l..”l0 o'clock. I finally got in to seci.5‘M," , V Lou-.5 ' w . m and got . talk with lzer —with in? ‘ ' ' lawyer standing by listening to every’ " """'“‘i wiirrl she i-Ilfl. She had deeoraiq-(I ha‘ lf'll window with rfllgjna made from g l l ' the lat lf it islwe" udcnwod “mm” mdmom M" i, elm" ‘of ‘mun. 0' ht "kn" ‘H ‘aryville will liav‘e_:.rural school ex "Wm! H“. mm ‘mm ‘he Mk") hm r n gingham apr n and 5 d i‘ - W ‘W =- ' °°°- c... ' I s I . - .‘ . .. - . . ." aid.‘ “" °- °‘°"‘"""r - -‘» dubdul th“ '2 an kt.’ “u. be ublhfl "7 I‘. "l’°l' f‘ Jab.“ ' readers dlwonfllg ta hoeha pemtael) lnbtt Satuiditl .\ine st-hools have em “At” ll.” be ' ’ l ' ' -hc cooked her lirother's dinner for him if ‘ h“ u‘ kn" u"'."d.»ll|¢|’ 0'! l°¢ll|N¢'s~ 359? "W “"”"'.that for which they are searching-—iio ttred. t "“ "*"‘“"“‘ ‘l ' ‘”" "" "' on a little slow‘ lfl on. of the cells. It ‘ ¢ 9”“ ‘ l against war. . . . _ L , » , ‘ P99.‘ l° 3 “'"‘”' 'l""""' n‘“b - response that the boob arouses In the flli-liillllllt on the fittv. ntli str:-rt t at line ket lllll im luv or ha are» not t'Vt'f| ' ‘ ‘ N _ y - [ rd he i ' . p _ ' l"" ' - ‘F 0 » polite and t-ourti~uu:- an l she wa so - ‘ . : v‘ atursl! toe rat-aus penis 'I;c.iald also aid at [Wat deal by r-atlllfol-:".‘j¢‘. ~fol’ for1)..li.t-t- so-ars. . i..oth|.ru.h, J.“ W hut ‘ ‘_i3m_r ‘ha: 4* W" am”. Offlcerb of the Rotary, Wu] ll!’ L9|l‘|“- "9 f'”'“Y ‘'3'’ ll " - - .. ' . ' . ''' " . . . A week later l was ~till in New Brutiso _- , 4 M Wm M i .1. . 5' '-I "=4-L in... by was of esatlPl' ‘Pilgrim’. t-«mum H»-«to mm-«I -1»-II smut: A_, R "W '" ""‘ "M ‘ nsi s it can taadc . . ' ' - . - 1 s‘ - - , - . o ‘- -' I fl [lug grmcfly in not a pangrra or a . .. ’ ' - tltirtt-niltv liq-lit‘.i\~ a \I‘flf to rni-tuber. "f V ‘ ‘ , r .‘ll.|ftlr‘f\ ltavrnl been my \pr(‘|.'|\'_ l — L ‘huge '0 “E pufw”. Lo", 0"“ iawmimion O‘ Nanak mndmom bu ‘ Pf0flYt‘;u.n .“'lo'o':f;0W"hf:l’ Jillrl ‘hr N hm“ wh.:,__m_. .“'l‘.hfil.|a. ltssilltliill h. but I ha lnt .~e n ”"m‘h‘ ‘mi "F ‘hr ._'“q"M' um“ MUSIC bu‘, . '0 he camendd bl N‘ “at”. ndljua a simple question of giving the plub-*' | y u . at . “. hf.“ Irene flllltiltti ha; been elected 55' '1‘ ll” ‘I'll’ 0‘ ‘ll’ "1""? WW’ ‘hm "V will m "K d.) 5 ‘Mk’ l l fairness in his - nest Itteneit. “If; : Ta” . '1" l ."“l‘ “ dolsnperinlrritlenl of schools of Dam-ga was found murdered with the choir lead “°‘"‘ “""" " '°"""‘ __ ___ _ _-___ __ A__‘_ ‘A train. with a bunch of clippiiigs and _ mid’ I K0011 f-'t|l0f stur_V. and both she in my. [conservative and thereby prevent thest,'iaore'. no less. It all depenfi upon the’ D5,.‘ \,,_h,_r,".I["K;";. Cm, ha. [rm mm, Mun”, "p,m,, mun,’ and ‘H “mm” W" W” imflaunl H i 'lie~the facts. if these suggestions of the’ A’"l“‘.’ hr ””' “flu” an“? . are carried out. and there is; let plan. or suggest ‘alterations in the present‘ one. I would favor it.” One time l was sent to one of the‘. - r,, hotels to find out about a big hazar thatl was lit-ing given thr-re. The woman I. talkeil to, who was on the committee.‘ didn't head the “social register" bccauael ‘ll lb’ “ll” 3''" h‘*’ ‘m “'‘h- A‘ (.ottnt_v by a lirv,-e rt;.i,urit\. dmdm. ‘R ma '0' u. ‘pun 0‘. .dw_m: Arhor Dav \-h:’silI—¢-0'-tterl in Ft. lnuis W7“ P¢'|’l'|P'*. '9 "5' d“""""l "v hy tho planting of fill nieniorial trees l’! a did lh fogg buying; of “Link the Ctiltl Nat ft-urt of lloltfil. In of his church. She was the clevero-_-1 lprrsun at «wading reporters l have ever seen. "hen she came to the courthouse -he used a liaseuient entrance. and left with a bodyguard of detective-. wearing no reason to see why they should nor. the. it will probably lessen the evils of , This attitude is scaly a welcome no lieffrontliat oftaaiiyofthe foreign prassioas. statesnea who visit us. lle ape:-ificall)‘ iiidorses the Washington pacts as iinportaat steps. but warns that, BEIWEEN COLUMNS they do not affect three of the moat" —aahaiarines. air forces and land forces [aperience is the belt preacher--but iaiportant and terrible sins of warfare '3... .3 g, “Q, through use as-f.|o||a_ out .""i'M_'. 1...“. av" C...’ . “rand ‘nth ha‘ JMHMWI Nu“ m dfihp "W photographers (‘ritlltll|1 take her picture. 'Period in our intellectual iournfv. wh.-n . ml" """" ” 3 l'lN*U"' ‘INC!!!- '''‘l‘‘ P''‘‘’‘‘‘ °' ‘‘°‘’'''’ ""‘ "°‘iwoacn.* The nor; as a story had all_ the hr:ve flalle of adventuring had gone ’(‘(I‘lIilf the mine slowly burning cniber. kindling beneath. so the book but mi? . porarily lost its savor. All the iaore Thu’ Kan-a~ .f"ti‘ Tl‘:-artl of Pulilir The sutxitional agriculture instructor at '03,; but ‘u .1." M‘ y" R“, M ,.. “ll‘YVlll' llish N-liool reported natty ac- but she gave out no interviews. ctznplishrnent- for the last year. so .at....... in st. um». and three l0Jfll|lDtl‘('w near that city were ordergl her name begins with one of the last‘ lo llcrs of the alphabet, but she does the-, nrcticully. She sat in a red plush chair’ on the lislcony of the ballroom. white hair rnajesqically tnarcellcd. diamonds glistening. pcarls shining. ‘ ‘Too? 0"? “And the dance." she said. oh. so kind- :,_.,,_ a heavy hlack veil so that the army of Sedforca deaCtiHfl¢°V¢Y‘nC0|l'§ll| Ilathesnatics.C . tniatry.Zoology.M Philosophy. Sociologv etc.. given lnquhs apptiedoo peeaetitootteasprocnn She finally giro out a typewritten stat» h°'a.ediu am“ an’ be «merit and answered quc.~tion- wltit it wen- 'put to her liy a delegation of it-port--r-. slot‘! lfll ttlrurtrus rm cast; The intert-~ting part of the assignment _Do You Need Extra Co ~ m==rm«vfmt«.:ae.... 'was the nuinlier of reporter on t - state light of yourmtgroublcs and the The _"uhington Conference Iarhed aw.‘ ‘in be ,5, 5,"|m.,_ ‘"'f'_hn “My lb ‘hf “'9' "mud. The Kansas City judge who says a assiitluig the road on which the ligyptian. -u ya, ,5, 1", M M, dd, ,,,.;,,1, Grecian Qt! lloraan civilintiohs were referred to his “blind side.” h". T V You may lead a hritle._—to the altar. but. Our distinguished guest was over- you cannot Inahe her drink in her hus- joycd .5... the President reeotnrncnded'l"“r' ms-es t’-"0-‘W ‘_ . that we participate in the "arid Courtf The difference between poise and" '0' "hi"? Chfll" “ " how‘ .54., ,1... L,,..,,_._ ii, .,.-, am _..,.,gi.,avta'rdupois is about twohnntlred pounds, lnwiltingly. we arrive face to fuel‘, , ' - _______. ‘ _ _ 0 \(‘lllI|l lllstittlitin ‘nth fur lhgl gec- .“u 5. hm, of 3}... an“ 9,4." 5, me 8...". A‘... with the conviction that readers must now . "',n‘ "Pk", [nc“,m‘[|,_| A 6 h '0‘ "III. allowed to forage far afield. There 11" “um l.h;':‘;:-—"—{—-S.‘ hm‘. Cu...‘ he has hirnself worked out a plan for‘ All “'0'” ‘z’ ;':;.'e must enter into their reading a -temp ol ; '3, “un mu "W WM’ and bury cm!“ world dissrraauetit. England is said to: A ¢'l|“5¢"itY- Of )0! and of freadoai. ’l'he?3vi .\fissouri any '~llll be saved. if no ,,,',¢‘.- ...,i. .1 1.3.. ,_,.i;.;..n,_ ii. ..,,p individual seeht-r should find in eaeh,|||°"' ‘Mt’ N-mf_g M l he «is just as to sue Geruaiiy ' , 5°05 |°.1'fl|5|l ill" WW0‘ lit‘ I999»-I Alexandr-r Rull'l'lsam. vice-president of .‘. h ‘w h . _ "of. u “id. “A m. ppuhllh M:’*OUfl l’.a(‘lflf' llflllftllll Illtl diff!‘- ’ . l ” A-"k.' l A N "‘n' "'u""" ’ tor of the lloatnsenl llank. is near death thinks Russia jould cone h. and could; if she applied properly.“ ‘ lfe seena to be animated with a thor- ‘" hr 6'0"‘! by g-cd'{Jl J" t sl0IY.Ifld "U Cfllllldfi 1*’ 02d ll) ‘fl '"'""' an " '°'°°'°‘ '5' ‘him The s'.i...t. rtiiirird ltasdv‘i(tnally coir. -.'.'r"'2.";. pen“. 0' d""°'”'M’ ‘hen ‘" dmrm" letetl atrattgetnt-ms for the purchase 'of"for ahswt fod QUICK. There were all and the unfathomable depths of signillfifty new l0L"lTtI|li\¢'\ lnr l3.fKn.fXm. ‘least 000 hundred refiners from the ** metropolitan dailies t‘~~w tliul tlbe. and sane d the .\cw Yuk papers ?had five and six nien ' several; ‘ on the story. . Most of the tilie tlkfl hrr‘ Wu men‘ from our paper. besides rnyself, and sl-_ ways one. The other Philadelphia aft-' vtnoon paper had the same nuiber t reporters. Some of the afternoon papers_ had it cotnhinr. and the New York morn- ing tnen had one man who acted as city editor and gave out assignments as he would on a regular newspaper. At the end of the first day. I unsus- peetingly telephoned the office to know if I sltotlltl come in. and I shall never forget the reply-"When we want you back in the office. we will send for you. .\lis.~ Tltolltllft.” I filed my first story the next snorti- kuwr in mi. mid’ in cumime “all \nti-toxin lmm|lltild'-lit: for diPl|t%’ia l plicify. ila lleltllfttl spiritual int-rv-st. lvlunona Nhuul ‘.h'M“.” U, N. Inn‘, 1 ‘ l‘PiIariia. Pr0’o'_"““ a book for children rmvmmrn-I-I in Dr. V 4'. War-Irvift. The Vcirtliws-sv \l.t--flllfhslllf‘ Tear-lain’ Qullt-gr .it \larvnl|«- will be the renter w- Cake Eater -model of 1900 . dude and dandy 3'.“ "cud M. flu". B. awn“ bclat his home in St. Louis. out for nevr ideas. aiore valu-, .-._ flu, ,.,,,,.._ in 5.3.5,,” ., 5,; S. R. hit and to!. \t. §t.t_\ttin have appthntevl liv the _lacks~.n fuunty He was then. but you recognise the type. -Atgyészeorvage . . 1 . . her-rt “3l‘l7 "l°"dl7 ‘ma’ “’'"d ‘'9 .3‘! ‘I T3 F793"? u h‘ I... "nee bu." Wand lfgourt to make at maul -urvrv .iml rntv out int alrotit 2 u'tloik for the first edition. . . ll! '83! "1' CQ lb ll I0 113 “C ‘ 13 .3.‘ i'-l"'c"c‘b‘‘ ‘. “kn” .9 l'h"' ‘H "'‘''a program for lvcltr-r rustle In the county. and when | ‘O. up . kw ‘mun In,’ hu‘ He ‘n ha. . 3”, t ‘:?””."""’:°:"i::":‘°" ‘juvenile literature in one most. all the’ A dam)" ‘W {N “wfl" ‘M whom’ my fir-t i.~‘|.-gram of congratulation from 4 300k lit! degree With honors lll. . ‘ ———-—— ‘duh h“''“"''' if‘ ‘"‘°“'"' The """,iniurit-s was hli-d by Frank W. llrulchler. "W H” N "lit ‘F 5030103)’- V N Am _ There umuly two things that can do..“",.., peng‘ in ujndu‘ 11,,.,,,;.";,m 9,, ,m M N_ hmi,‘ ‘mi [rank The imrhing hours for the. afternoon A be Fair-inlnded are : “ 3! dhaga to a wotaati's reputation‘ . ' - '(.. ‘alts. Irhirlrnl of the hrst National l"'l"" “""' "'”'"’ l'""‘ 6 3'‘ ll" . ' ‘etc at enmigh‘ "'75 "H" “V lfaee, the print requidte is that resders- l - » - - - I _ . gm gage-3, Thane ago two pea, . pink morning until I. 2 or 3 oclrick the nest cvolvd ml” mm‘ on 'l"'u ' K“ n“‘l" °'3"“"' ‘"3 -——— should have access to a selection an m,,,.,,,,, i 3,, . .- g 5, . I _ 1 ’ _.__. __ 1:. ant I taittesnent o I wh'ch mde we , here? Colunbia has little of the CH3 “"7 3 W33 $59.77*’ ' k." l""‘- T hm.‘ mu .nd ‘duh.’ Detectives are seeking Graham Polk thing kept you going. The first editions 8 ' .' L which the Klan spokeainea My they will; 'I|alever else you may say about ii_ . .like___ my rid. huh to ‘*0 "wit mm tI"E.:1t‘rl'!tsi'i' 'Tprl"fllKs. II-‘lit; (l‘of|lif‘!||t'(l' to the the}; l'liila'd:lphi'a.| papers rtélfl: H3. CVCTI W time t0 I , , . . - I1-ti to-.l’lts n('.Ilt0'l’e evv.-._r ua\v(‘ sin, a ' eradicate. ~ Wnifi“. k‘ ed...“ ‘d fl "°‘ ' u”, ‘lnlfidiscoverics in the land of‘, high advcri- (‘|lI|)l4".\e~.l in clrrh. tli.it he had etnlieulrld mil1‘tlll" 'lt:ike:l ‘all your.:w"n J on the ,' ro racial or religisustrouhles. Why bk 5”. .3” 5,, .5,‘ 5., (,,,..n .03 Q... m.‘_ ‘ ( !lt98 of it... throw mlit!r'\. sllffl and their the other afternoon pa- hcyclc, .nd on S.h",d‘y nights ha ,. h_e here? . . _ p ‘to coats to th aid of their ball I081.‘ , ‘nM" n‘ m’;':‘k‘i"-J“ mm" 5‘ mo [KT to‘ nrfalfnll had a . N '” good enou'h to bring plenum .A "(rm u''‘".“b'' 5! Kansas of-o ‘Ike: are fl” thlilllllsl llltgttagea lltp I L 'liliri«l men who hay, bfftl train.-all in a ‘» d." :-;;r:m'hl':n;o.l;; _ into AltOl.ltct"a “£9 by CW3’ flcials idrows why. Every Iian wholtha world. but aiost people think the only I wish my g infght serve as isrytnan. Ft. lirui. -lmp lie-fnnging 3.. um \|5..o.,,g . " . . ' P”. h ssT _ - is , , . In . . . _ investigation, but he failed to get any t0 l. C CD was «he rum no no. or on the“ ""5 '*°°""I ‘°r'** '*°"" ‘'8'’ °"° "‘ - .' 5°‘! W." "'. " ‘~""W"' ‘W W "'~-" M" '~' “M n... ....i .i.. .....y .. out .i.. ~o..... - . . oraallitfl _'Haifl_' “. sends CI to the. |.‘." ________ T ‘The “gr” 0' bk-an {mu nun“ "W‘hlttlll;‘l)l'l:"intliiw':;:tl“:ti:r'lfliissiigeshcr "bl lltmlcr my.-.it-ry of the last century-"2 To crowd “I an‘ huo four snort bu" kmk~ "d ‘b "‘ at ‘he use-_ M to the la‘ ‘hp... exclaimed’ Pk“, by ‘he lifiu‘. mu“ um’, bmi ' _‘_ ___ ‘ (.Ll.\l; TRIAL tlffsilfic Would .um.m¢. for Pan’... 1' C‘. be .9". an fink‘ aflwfl. as darted fall!!!‘ 2% ' "I. _ A ; Mrs. Abbi.» l.‘. Nrmotly of _\[.exico,' .\lo.,‘ l criverctl the “Cline trial" in another‘ . ‘ ML m a M . mm s. . in-sins i-an-. - “ -.-‘——— l“"" """"' ‘l’ """" ''‘‘‘t W" °"°iL'.'.'.{{.l'.°'.Tr°~"ri.°.”.'."'t'-'.'..i'.l '1'.’ §l".?..°.'.'Il.'ia'.'.l; 11$ '.'.'a.'.l°‘r'..’".L'.".':.°t'.'. 'l.'t"°....""..".’.'.'.' ~ "'5" "W-' ‘R 59°» 5" ‘V’ “‘'’v : . . r Inrrssreu--. ~ "°""-: . ».o 4 f I - ' hon lieiowoaders ~' 3".‘ (v’3“‘. Vlu 5"” hd °$' 1 "HI ' I» h‘ .'_h N.‘ n ,A '3"... hey '0.“ an‘ M. he."-In Kansas (,lt_v. She is also preai&f oflfhe was not very cordial to re- H ' at “jg” ’ ‘h T lthe district federation. which includes porters and he had a particular an-r - - - " flfsau ‘bl u." U.“ ' "l" "f. ‘M’ t -‘ Am] n..:;.ggg|d [cog our gm. gun-yj_.\lissouri. Oklahoma. Arkansas. and Lsuis- aion to anyone entering or leaving the. my mu .- - “I ‘H m_"'"”°"_" ‘°°"- ..., . ;talta poi. rim court . . _ Western. longsinoe. faded. while his books are .; ....- our “"" is '’-:;.~~+'~ -3 --~ --it-« ~'-~. .. .... ...,. .:*~-........ .. ...... n (_,--»;_-3-ed -- «r»~__;,-3;; »-»- may -tmoe-In-acne-u nmnrercn-as ya.“ 5 .h_'_ mi.‘ eh” _ ll . to _ , r, I .,ity every town in Southern hliasoari hair. :2; M. ."°'"m.h0Isc.u.' “L 0' wio.,.m' . put too inuch thought into the selee- _ . . ’ third Isl V. 0.0 and hose. '1 . "land district where vast areas of fine W 5-,’ fi..of|l§.g...d we link ° '5‘ . 5 Q.'gHfiy~u‘Lgghfiqkd‘~ -,3.‘ lwoadorthea iflheiiig free IIfldfl|QT"'_ ‘ad. ‘Md. 5." ha tggwl to.“ toQ:'I.:l0VoI‘I“ in II. .(_ i;‘$%hfll;N'u'::’ "'“"bd"““""throughdraiaage.byconeroteraatlsas‘., ''.d. ",4 3.,” ‘gm, .5, ,,,d::' ’ - ‘ Q ht h‘ “do. ad flwresultofagreatroadproiect now ander’,,u ...,..,,d.,',.,5efl..h n . gguqpgfig fig. 2 an ‘ lluauagodaneairtbroqliaresrdoor. \ ‘ atti.« ‘nan-at-a its a lad ' ‘ ~"“"" -«andthenhad torusialluownd the W‘ 5*‘ ’ ’ ;'_____ ' ' l - fin‘; 7 ‘tn ' u ." 1‘:i|'|';dm my a'°b."ieauahohs to fl to the basement en» ‘-' ' ‘ .’ l . . . ‘.9 [M a w, w . “~*';"r—3G-Hrdfl 'fi.antlwinhan eye ed guru; 5. .33?‘ ~ .'ltrasice.&d.whaal|I|tlI|h9 |¢l¢IT|P5i ' - _ -= vussrststisss in «- allleoald -rt ~- g . o. . . autsraa aralp.nteiaIei.uh-,m’-""6, mp... as-ans A seem . x . ' ‘sew ""'-‘-""""""“"‘-r M ’ rs‘ --r-I--I-m-at ‘*"'G 4 . hllatnllflll useihaitaoslthsuwasepulshatlqi ""l—°"' “it l''''‘'''‘ 0”’ _ . P - J‘. ' "fihlsslstlseuvathstbl -s'lhs New Republic’ ihe'asu¢.wlttle " 2'» ~- _ ‘ . -5: . an ._ . h ths h.’ - 1“. ‘ S‘ ‘Di’. bn-aJUbUI‘unlIl0I'..‘.I||vOl. . nu ‘-min vlkvklllflfifi '. ' "astIs.hatsaswlat "hafln. ‘Insist. ;ssths‘:¢e_‘ h&st"’ssa_fisslvfilm.llvsu.:stl. waazahelstfi - .. . _ \ azsdhsusdifl ZQJ , If ‘INC? 9&0. Chsshlll-'j‘l~'fili Of hails! isles-5 . issue ‘up - _ ysahalanbafsqaruyi ‘ t ._ _. a qrsssiaasstheaiursuaara‘;irai'..t;.i:.....a.'¢,...‘t 1;..i.,.;..,.,.,,,,.,,”,.,,,,,, ‘fly ,AM_’_m&'.7;. g -1--—----s «WI - s 4 _.«--tin-e an--H-est»:-o‘ ‘ 1 s . i ' . : 7 -