; .7 . fl ht-ty-Paar Sta?" law lit yr’... of 1...;-...u.:. .'l‘oporrow'a8peolslat mtaasausrensetiupusstthsssststn ‘S l . trust try the university. “"""“H‘ 3‘? l 'j' ’ u 3 Fifteen at that lsaas stars pasted SANDIICIIES . ‘ this year. About a C .3 _-“rd cg,‘ ,_ . Q * have received has from these lands is ‘ N v the past ten . 7 0" ‘“ sdd .1 The tools entranced to tha mm.‘ Imported Swim Chess 1 H sity by pltilafinpieftrsaas c argsai- pm" cu’, ‘E . are divided ar- m ’ .. 2: '°'*'... ...:.::.:: "“5““'5e pkg“ ' hurrnw from any fund and naiors are‘-hlolllil C0045?! ,. Cm! V!“ i , and Alisa rim vm::-e;imN- on‘; :1. Ice Cakes 2 ( Macsnons ; ‘M ’ ' ‘ ' . ‘ YOU .-0'’? l I W ‘ 3 y y 1; ue*.a. F. » _\ Noel./4LrflA (4)94 P35 _ . -"*-*—- _ Is paid to Inn at the rate pl 815 per . . ‘ . ft!” 57*“, ‘ ’:n.‘h"' l..’l. Chaos médtlflosrs ‘T ‘moat’ . S uttswaldt... ‘data moaach ol.‘thla.l'}m" L 3‘-“:¢c~‘tIt:.l' the Jslsrsos 5'99‘ Wall! lfllt B019. l9!‘-"flit le ‘ » - ' - llaIP“\rr:‘)l:a:l1d:l‘ SPECIAL; t Salad 5*? W ‘rs. tn-ta «-I‘:-I: ";' ‘"5’ ' ad "Noam mu .um.N'l:."a :1 ask. J ll;-an aatisnal aocrr-"m: 0-3. In . ms: ms. tut. l,,_,,_,",;',‘ ','§,j“"|‘, ‘I ",:'j""'°,__',’,_"°',',.'.'I' S llslrt rim ' l . l o -. 4- ‘ l ' .. . . '0 ' pad t l ‘ . ‘. , 1B:k‘“_ 3“ DH“, ‘ U11 Aaella Crahaat at o'clock last eveahg . a hggqggg ftuy ol Dalta Pt Epsilon. oi hladtaoe. Its». “ C. D. ""““"" . . . . 19"’ “'“' 1923' factory to the university allelals in i F n. vodka cw“. c".h7C‘I§&~. 3-.“ . . ‘ _______ rs. gen. who to vtssuag in 00.71. Clla ol the ltlllds Each‘ loaai ‘“ ’ :-“~u,..,I. ll. Small. 1-. ;v“ Val}-n. Alice -9-re. an '5' Panel Bo--c T-«Ii uh .,.,__u_ mm, m \,_,_,i Danville. IIL. x...m to return w com» rzunu. tea .t.utt.. note. sun; ts2:L ,,,,'" . ,, ‘ ,‘ 5. n“‘“,.,‘-;m..,_'.3..‘fl._, lalss. Hausa Neal. Marguerite; Tlletlelberlaltlguedsfihswereproo-t _ ‘ .5” I bhsflud‘). T a not atert sum yearsatert r, ...¢mm-Jar 'LIafi' sad art. and It... it. P. Laul. out were: Prof. it. c. . tt-sm;""'°- J’ W Q!" ‘; _..--.. . . W“ M mm Mm ,.m_ "M; ‘I-tvdrmrh-* fen hr:-4-ea. 01:1‘! «F Tl‘! Our Radio Toast « anfiuffllw in $35.31.‘ m—; ‘ Tao %ep: Kiss Dorothy Stewart, Leon ll. IAQII. a Iatea,vl"“' “"“°""_ lharl-s l.. Saunders oi Roanoke, Va... "23 ‘.5. '1" ""7 """ ' °"° ' Wu‘ _ ‘x ‘ m 6 0. lock _ i fig ~A... ‘uhcnu byte, 0””, u..’,. v"‘‘. “.y-"... 5. . vllbrd hfl and L. ,”m ",1, “"5"”! but _ r h m. .1 3* when due. accortltll to ‘la hurssr. Iyi ;r ,,_g,, u.,.,__\....,.,',,,,,,'*,.,,,,,,°Ey-«I lb cl-u Scott. Hall. owe. e um u.nu.nt.,-*5" W" " 0” ————-—-————-~- g m’_,“°;','j‘& "' °""' "‘ ‘ S ' W W ‘Hg; n:-fr N-writs --9!’ 1 3" Y‘ ll‘ C‘. " - 2 wéuiglnu‘ "Ilia": S-"telling: E...‘ 6%..‘ L: The Dana PRC Cltlh lteld lorlaal iIti- Artns. n‘NQU_8T 10x'GnTl Sills! twenty lrattc note. 1914. lilo: Qiiurdrng’ the yyfindm ' ‘I. .0‘ ml . . trnttsnsr ,,,,,__ -0,, M M" G In ;,;_’ ;',“:f‘Scm_ __d ,.n“',,;;:,°";uaut-. bat an lor the r.u..a..; sm. Prof. it. It. Kriaraflt writ state 1923. tags. . —__.¢_-_ |.'.,g,§'fiIy t.‘lub-fglcetitsg at 3 o'clock’ -.6”. 8,‘: “kn. Hahn Pu.” ‘ ______ i ' .lbg E. Sonhart. Ioonville: San "bib. Prtaeipal Adlffll. ’ Canadian dollar, 1914. Jim); 1923.; Medium brown ‘hill’ looks but of all u lissl I-1 P f... ..4 3...... 3 ,, K”... cm__SC.4BB.4RD mo BLADE‘ on... racism; and Ralph :. rumanoc. rt. t..sm.u. ..t .\ta...’..m debaters; 30 1* ‘ """ ' 9°“"' 5"" """|"* “'- —* ‘.‘h”D.:’1h.".:" lohhlrhiciiflh L Flint III‘! Packard. lldvn Wllhlmlflows m'”‘"0Nl -—4-—-- “N M" Mm ‘hi’ M.’ ‘"1 5° "'°'“ "a V-~-~ -"“~ ‘ ‘ " " ' "' *"‘ at -1' ' 0 I I . ti. :ifih;,,,‘ ch..,’.... 1 _ E _ Scabbard and Blarle held lornal laltia- , . _ a banquet in their honor this evening at . ‘ " u Hinbr" ‘_'”"'°' _‘““° V33“ telle llohnett. ‘Lillian "C-:.ren.t:l«l: anll fr" i“ ll" kn "'0. 0‘ thflillaalsl ‘nub "'9 51113555 “n°"'“" °l S'- I-‘°""‘ the Daniel Boone latent. ll. 1. Kerner ‘ ‘ l '.\lt«..\l "’;_m' nil‘; °"' “""""" i toufssnt ,c. it. I'ma..., mt. s. lJoag- ‘_.~_,, 0 ‘ R .¥" ' ho ‘ “ tttaitl. Mrs. II. V. .\lyt-rs of Nevada. Mis- = _'..' lugktrsglf E...“ B:.d:')f "' Pearle Nlicltell Mi-.» \l.try llllflslllll and ninth. Trirnhle (Iirclr-- .\leeting with '‘'‘;‘,':_'‘"l;‘_;;: ,'‘’I‘,','’' [mix sun,“ A In ll. lluflrnan. llo College avenue. - ‘fig mm’ Du.‘n"- ‘lb.’ [hm CHM "M P 2 P'“- Illtl ‘glfi. W“ P. I l ‘ I ll‘ '.v;£?:- Du“ ‘" m.be" o‘ ' Pi Beta Phi: \liu- .\lerr_\ Tytlirtgs and Altblti t..-mttut llhux-Dinner dance at “':.pt‘;h'K‘|:::~"&'.mm.: “in U". """“"""""'- mm ' smite. Vim sum 1...». and xi... n..-. S l. A ' . ) firortiu and Flllflflllltt--To enters 'M‘::::“:‘|p‘;L P1-:3‘: L,o,,.,,t K3,... ‘ uh “ 'l"""’ . I . bauat and David Brown. Kappit .\ipha~ _\lustcale at 8 oclock at “flu PM; “It '3. W‘ mouhw 0' g dull" lmuu" __________ Kansas ( its '3‘ FldT£ill.\Il'l' MEJIBERS Phi Mu \ll-s Earns lean Brown of i lasts .41‘ on rm: - CM-ti-n Wists _ Dinnit illlblls at the lraternlty houses MP5! “I5 OM18: WI! lJ|“l""' ‘N’ T‘ _,¢§,,"’ -,,,,.".: ton and ll: 8. Rutledge. , I‘ MI CODE‘: (.Jl'0|’a uo”"c 0" .... 1, - €;_"‘Ir_‘!;?.‘.‘.‘T‘v svrgr-,cr)4""‘ "V"‘ C ,':r~::fi s'= 3.3. iiiitiaifi pg: 's\:ll amid. ltw y |>‘,.~mr .t£t:s f.lttb—- “es-ting llll I$§\' t flub~—l,uttt'lseon at luvs-tn. , ti-it Eng inspectors. ‘ nussr Cantata lnlortaal dance at I‘. .5. lllaiie, Pi Kappa idge at 2 :1!) o'clock. 0"".- ' Ban (‘hutch-All-day meeting. Perhinson Circle-.\lusica| \lr-. F. B. .\ltttnlord. H: of Los Angelcs. saflil pg Pin lltitlge in horror of Him l. 5. F. 1';-‘axles. 602 Sanlortl place- Im in Quint tl “H. lvart Ml‘D|n- its «_.u.1~ cm; nigh .. :1... am"? Daniel n- Vi.-«ting ,u 2:30..-cum .m.’w.....:. t..t.-n. Stepp. lttv-iv iltzmmv.-ll. M3 .\lary‘latul gy. and _ l I and Pi lltlll N0-Fortrtder-a',¢¢||I. -~ tour! at llrus_dtoors_.lan. As Dru Pi. hcnnrary professional at- ; 38- Lilli! and '|g Erato-rnity~—lttitiatisI and ban.-St. Louis 5 yard an-I Biatlr-—-l.un_choott at l'lar- Phoebe r llall--To lac given at t .\lpha:‘ \li«es llelen Frances Wrape oi St. Louis. bell, Emilie Bars. Mildred lzluuciier. Lu- iluhutooe and Vlary Lbolltl. :- Nlisa. Virginia Du- " 4 Vol, To-tn Wright and Perry oi Nlofie . slllli Lilli James Hulvltell oi Kansas -City and Philip .\la-her ol Caborol. Mo. ' Sigma Alpha Epsilon: .\lis_ses Lelia llatel .\lc(.1urt- ‘V a— W Naomi Ki tley. Phi Delta ltcta: Wines liltrvtt Brid- Gladys .\lt°Kirtlt-y. Do-rutlty \lsrtirt. Maude Bryant. llutlt Stinsua oi Dr. W. \l. (‘Ir-vrlaml oi Nu: Miss Louise Patkin. \liu antl l". W. Nbdermeyer. llalta Tau Delta: \liue- Virginia lull‘. Louise lloetian, Mildred (Lautpbell. Thelma (Iolernan. Dorothy Logan, .\lar_v \|p|;.'Bo'rders and Martha Williams. ' Dana Press‘. \lr. anrl \lr~. llnliett Sawyer. .\lr. and .\lrs. \lach llentnart oi Bunaeton. .\lo.. Harry .\loore and Vliss ., Agnss Anglurn of Crorton, lmaa. " SORORITIES uosrcss-i:s chat» . _ find“... g-Ont”. Mo‘ “Wm” Alf DINNER Slf.\'Dll' Ft-lgo party in honor of Mrs. lvsa Among the dinner guests at the -orurity hou e: : \lrs. F. I". \lr\'e\. .\lt’! I. 9. “rs. F. .\l. lulu! ‘& —.--.- Beta Theta Pi: Misses l.v3ic Corny» “°"“' I cille llotltgeh. lluth at-mm. t)orottt,.."0'<"1- ‘rm "Jet C E 5-WI-0 --4:‘°""' “l ‘l’'’ “"""“"' ° mtt.vr£LL..turtrr:es Louise Wright. Donald "tiglttv _g.. Fl Silk Don’tGoHome without securing colors in Silk match your Shoes afl suatnter. . We can,show you 23 different shades in ~lnclu_dittg Gotham Gold 3t1’iP¢3 -. Hosiery to Stockings ""9? t‘. .1 l- . ‘will’: .. r ' .{..,‘ia the gurat of Marion Alley at the the home. Miss Kellertasn is s of Martin ll. Kriewaldt. debate hill pre.-irle. This is the int gnnugl tlcbater-‘ banquet to be held at Mia-, «ouri. and it is the first titne that .\l's lure been awarded the debaters. l stern at 2:45 o'clock yflsrday A A smoker was heldlalter tlto ial-50"’ tiation. Associate ssetuhers’trlto were inl- l.ieut. Arthur ll. Wilson. neu- flters were President J. C. limes. Prof. L M. Dcloe and Joseph Sirnpklt. ' ‘l'heneuhersoltheGatnnaPlti Beta’ sorority entertained at‘tea from 4 to 6 o'clock Saturday lor students of Ste- pheas and Christian Colleges. About ftl- R I T ' , nd ~ty invitations were issued. "Pp! . fawn.“ for the .\l. S. l". Debating Society and the .‘ll|1‘IIl'II.D¢bOll|t[ Prof. \l. ll. Krievsaldt. debate coach. will intake the address oi the evening. FARM UURBAUS CONVKNB. Delegate: from Over State Meet in Jalarsoa City. The county far. bureaus of Missouri are holding a conference in Jeflerson (Tits. The executive cotntnitte and bttsi-~ new agent of each county lartn bureau is attending. The delegates from Boone County are T. ll. Douglass ol .\leBaine. Clyde llenshaw ol Asltland and Will hlorrland of Deer Park. WEDDING .4N.\'0l/NCED ‘ The lfllflllfl‘ i Miss llplq Corswell . oi. Shreveport, L:.. to Wilhala .\lathtVfI; “n P" “aha”: 0; L” ‘lnrlc "wk pl." Apt“ ‘ u arrived in Columbia . tu ay to I .\lrs _ “‘“.e‘,. 5. . got.‘ dude.‘ i. m 0l'MfI. and her the lniverslty and . number 4 the not-."",°'° -“"‘ “""‘ °“"'°' " "“ P‘ '’'‘‘j ta Delta Delta sorority. Hi’. Mathews is, '”°' _______ 8 hi auf Ul|l- cm. 8' N. an. “M h.‘ M '_"" " ‘employed on the Japan Advertiser in tl.PlIt cm OMEGA ;Tokio..J-in -i-cc |-i- s~-_hmi°h- -0104 in, {(553.5/yn cugsrg recently trora London and I! expected to 11». amt.» .t the Alpha cm Onega ; arrive an Austin -00-- -rroritv entertained. several-out-ol-totrrt '—"_—' - - - ' Al 1‘ Omega held I I ama- ,;uests over the weekend. They VCR: ‘hm gens’ ‘O’ 1.6‘ ny.:":: CI.“-_' -‘“" *4“"""" ‘-""" " “"°”“ "“' r his. rise Kneihsrt ol Maiden and Keith AIIDCUI cf“... 0‘ M0850, “ 0‘ Coluubu. ..\iiss Esther Pyle and Min. Mary Cill- _______ Z Nias Louise Tolten oi the Phi Mu house ‘mart of Inciuvood, the guests of .\lias*' .\gaes Thuucr. frsturaed today lrout Kansas ‘Sty vlhctt . ‘ ---— . ‘.5.-t... rtvisiting .\liss Kat rlnc on» .\ltss Dototltv Warren of Setlalta. 1750! ti.‘ .“ €29!“ d.”. ,~ rvus a guest at tile Alpha Delta Pt ltottsa ______. . iuver weekend. was the guest ol honor at- M5,. Mu-y Stort¢_ ol Kansas City, ;|Iasbeen the guest of the Pi Beta Phi‘ iiuncheon Saturday at the Iroadasore lan. The other guests were: Nil! itggme, and Miss Jean Logan, returned 10 ;her hole today. llarhara Iayen. Miss Wiailrod Wutlserusa and .\I' ill .\I Clalta. -——— .. Ill een ae_ ra it I w,,|..md guests at the Kappa us...-. Clad?! rum. that ‘run. he ....,. ..,...,i, w. Gale. :1." Luth-, cille Todd-and Lilian Young of Hardin ' flurry Arthur. Herbert . ' ‘ (Tullege were the guests ol Katlto ' fgm-l, all ol St. Louis. cnne \an No) of Stephens (hllear 0'9?’ --"-‘,"," , f ‘h’ “'¢.t_'nd. ‘ct! M. 0‘ ."l!. ‘I3 ‘RQWII: u...J1..-u Tau Epsilon ootoritv of Ste-_-*0‘ *4‘ ''’'‘°'‘'-' °‘ ""“'* """ ‘. plteas Culley. Try a hliuottrian Want Ad. ..¢.p —wT.__ i’ E ; —- - -~— 1 Puhhc . g . from their hope in Siewartaville to art?“ KN. T597 I6 ; We Need ‘You and You % Need Us! ‘Saturday and Sunday _, v- -.r - —v -_¢—. ' We writs fire. tornado. automobile. insurance. * W. G. Says-— furnish all kinds or bonds. Plenty of 5% money to ' logn on good farms. Nothing it more drosdlul than to be old. dependent upon others and not wanted. Carr)‘ adeqasto New York Life III‘ this will never be your lot. Oltieo tn Esehangr link INI- Phsns 573 BATTERTON. ESTES & LONG Exchange Bank Building Columbia, Mo. .. ._._......._.o—-:2—o———>$C*‘*“‘ ' price. 1 $65.00 Our Most Exclusive Fancy Suits and Coats The opportunity of the springtime is here. and it's yours. Thoao of you who love really beautiful clothes can secure. during this spacial sllflng the season's smartest models at prices much under their regular selling some are copies of imported Parisian models-others the fashions .dapted by America’: foremost designers. M :I.-r‘::=- At Special Prices.’ 1 $79.00 $55.00 $44.00 '' A Story of Tom llix’s Horse. P The wonderful vperfornsnes of the remarkable “ . "l‘ony"isathiagnottoltemissed. Form i . Q X 1>utIiAsh1?tewi anti Aaop’sF'ah|ss .« r 9 an.‘ .« TI 3 R ~.. .i , , " -.. "..J'l~‘-r-‘o~ At Daniel Boone Tavern Firstsanisrnaliinninsoarsaatl nlaehesas *.;;;.;. ..,.*...'” 7‘ .,.. ,..,...._;...'......iZ‘.f..':"""“ ”'"'”” ' D " ’ ‘D " T "‘" g t Special atuatisa given to ‘ : c-«»-,‘f“'s,'§«’~*’~ ,_ s~.-.:.':.‘:;*..:":.+°..;.=:s:.-"- s F r 1- Z :i - 1 3 5 :. For o . *{ For cupping university careers ‘ 3 ! Date for the lucky day and this super, unmissable event. I Torn Mix ~ ’ u y ll in u l r l t . 6 “Just Tony’? ' ‘ -.1.v¢—~r..‘_x Y’. '65-: