O ' ‘ V‘ 4 I {g ?'- COL '5 ~ 7"” I ' H1?‘ 3 I FRID Y MARCH ‘Al 1% I . V g-M;;,-W; - I V. I tfit ii ** ‘, ',"'I‘ Luna. YSCMMBLE FOR GOOD Ihttlll as to the relative Stew‘ “ “dink V, I W‘ I I I \ _‘ l-f . POI ‘T ‘Innis ggd lhc Xliamggfln 9,"-},¢."3,,,_ . " m -——-I. ' ~ * * I I ' ‘II t i n I - .t . “ll” OI an on T0 ' i’:-u. .c":'t'."5'.’.'. o.-"'2'-33" ALPHA IS A 1:120 am: :'m“:u:""‘lh mm W M In I ' see A ‘ . ‘ 1 ,3.‘ U.“ Hm _ ~ I __ ‘ S-In 5. one at at» a-m:It.mt,..., .......r. _ . ‘ h *1 “ _ . ______7__ I‘ I.” he . ‘i-V" ‘me 0‘ In“: W“ ally -upraling. thta tlunajfl In--kin; JO M . I 7"" "'-W‘ Wit-I -t--n--r--i In wt and» P"°tI|r muau-¢ to st.» north flt "'""" “'"‘ "" '*'""‘ ““"""'*" "" ''“'‘ for I in t9IoIIt"r(jhrta.-"'Mla:‘t"'huI‘t "',”ht“ I W I. W tltmw M II" L""“'*‘-Ht Autlwt---hum - " t. . t NI‘ r r ' held! a all too a It-utlunam In-ll “$43,.” 0; ,5, ‘mi: 50...,‘ u, :~‘_,.u:,_ I my mum" b'I°" '|" “°"" I" 'I"‘ Itttptr .ll'It'I It--t an-turral;q'_ in.“ ‘ny ll (lnr tn-mlrn u-In -hr in ,m‘m‘ m h"I(1.n" aw.‘ on “I. ni‘h‘.. lhf IDII\"0I'l\. ~I\0uI\I I'lJ\f‘ Ilbffl ‘ll lnnuulutlttvutglurclttlnwhahttd til 5;. 5,1 mm" - . l - C1. orxannt. Mil. Rnlrfl 'n_ ' h, _ . ‘Q ~ opera (‘huh Incl rumr tn lgu-_ Ii.-g .3. } V :"" ‘W37 of OH? I. Watltlflt Ioptanu anal .\lrn. \pt¢--s Fill. ..-:tsml‘«:r tlt¢m:,on.rs.N"' m "I ‘ht I"""" '““‘l"'l I*7""‘lt!t£ tn lurthn 23 Phone M ' ‘ _ _ ’ *1 '3-fl"u h*’_:h ."' ‘Ii.’ ‘E’ ":- er. violinist. PN‘Il'I'tlH:I tlw tmvtram. whkhfln .“ ‘ht nu‘. -‘hr ‘hr damn tlurinc tlw «..m~.»:t. .~ln- .l-mt rm! ‘ ""‘."""""""-' :0 e ‘ 3"‘ i‘ th Ill .lP'1eral at the organ nttuht-ta were l’l"[II'tt- "mm ht ‘ _' "I d V “"'- .‘ ,p,,‘|.M_ ‘M. ‘hr ".4 ,,, ,t,,. g,.k.,,,,,. * " I ll“. . d y P‘?! "‘ '”'.“tIlI(‘t'lI till III! (hm-vn "alto--.\Iian-m Rt‘ I ' '.1‘ln'" 'vo”'"" .0 "Ir Iurlhfrlt Ihf III4-\Pt'Vl"flI\. ~—— 2 . . V ,2. ._. 7_....z. - ,--- I _ - t . W X9 [9 ‘f. ‘J... M h '.‘ ~' in . tItm(\ OI an IlI!‘I\1‘ltI hi I ‘ -:2 t, v ""'."1‘V" ‘ r h 1“ ' ‘ . 0| . a ‘ W I-Iiltlntlftllfl Ctlncl iatm an-I can the’ , n.' ‘W "In The ~\||| ulu-tn t- at Itlllr tun mm-It [1] :82 ’ ' I 1 - “I” h-“'‘* “' Ila‘ vlfttlt. lln I009 HIFPIIBII II * I‘ lutvartl and bani It It I ’ I tn-I 6»"«v=- Me 9*-M ---«- 3"» -- --~ -~--« ..I ...s..;.. ... I... .. ....... ...'.::. I ~t-»~ ,:...;".:'..:.. ::':':...';: : ‘ . to ‘W. . fl * d . 1.5.‘ ‘I ".11." dwfifl flu.“ do in dvtftllrf played two.vmItrt lttttnllt-7. ’amI l‘ "pa". up" ,. ‘,m'fm hurl‘ but Illllfllttll) tlq:-ttgh thr -nutul am! Ihu-I h W ‘'0 W c|,.‘n_up '0‘ ‘I’ Kc‘. u.‘ "m“.uni. l(‘t‘uIll!t3ltt1‘ltt"tIlt~ ht-rt‘ plan--I Ia) “JHL ‘hm . .“J #‘‘flb|' ‘ I t~nn\c'll1t'nI-_ Inrn ~33;-I-«I ln- pt-.gum_ a . I OR!!! "gag ‘mg [,,d,;dd,.n .9 “inc ‘mum. hi. "'0' (.ono1’r: Welt:-».\Iignon (land. ‘Mn ‘ humhe" ‘wnum "Y m ;:’ar:i: tmttl th.- applaltl-J‘ »aLv- Ium ll.» mat... WC "0" N0 CuI'IlICQ .l \IIIIl‘lI Pllufl In ho-0"! ItI~ O‘§l‘~ up:-gt This Lois. ' ' ‘I &o . i’...;.......... "".'y.. a ' "I bl? ‘ ‘J ‘B’ | “i"_r_“y 0' “.”~m'L M.‘"' ‘M. :::t;ltaI:;:tt\|‘;“::‘l:JUI:' I I:'l::'-'Ittut rpen. ‘luring III.» t'.t~t put. l-ut lrullt gun at I | at‘; ' " I. . I ‘ . ' I “‘ ' I . . .‘. ' ‘ nan‘ ' ~ ‘ t-tun ti .; .- . a.“ halt. hot it In I senior." 539.” itobgun «H. I A _m-rtl ptq~Ill..- ..I «that. ha‘ lolltt mt ~:£:.-‘.::“_§::;‘.'"q;":‘:' _:{:_"‘fi“M“ It-.t~Iw-cl t~nl allofo-tlu-I n-gligtlulr. Unefm: :,a,."m::Y::m [II “:1! __x- ‘I'M ‘W: "m:? ‘ I ''"I"' I’. an ml hunt 4 In: nttlou lruttt he-tr . 3 ~ I’ «-|«| v---man almost t-._ I " ’re In” '5?‘ '3 l ."'QlI"' I3 3" “II ("IlII' m-at a-t°'n¢ a f¢'P||flet lthf 1 9"‘ "-‘t"ifll ‘I|’t~P¢'f'~" VI‘ t'II\"*I I‘? II" “I w a rntton to knock me I ma" “W "M ‘ML “W J... mam "INN. -‘ - . ' . ‘ no u ' , 3 I 3 *5 1 E ' Mt. Billings. who is a firnw-y amt.-at 5'5: $3 .— at tho‘ tlornltttn. IF ~ltiI In-“Lung tgtn-t I ‘h I. In ‘'‘?''..H. I-hi.“”T\'II ‘lg: ‘Fa. '\fI"..“n'fl| by '3" if." mub "I dIim"";In'ocltI|o- «I the ct-In-tiun \|r Iltllin . I at -In n.um‘”-Int“). t.‘InRr\‘. .'n~ it -lw u-us lmmlmu un Ln 0 . . .1 wt-«vial lttI|l’Ut‘l|tII| II N95 ._ 11"" "'8. ‘J. 0i] "Hr “P, ’ rlattltttta the lawn haul Itt‘4"1| IIlItIPfflI. Iv‘ "W "Tum "M In 4”.‘ I 8" ' In tm nunutc-A the rrntc-r scctiun ol m’w—"__ Dunn‘ "H. ‘Mmfl__ .mm\_r I '.'..;:x‘,‘kfi fin (‘,,n,.‘,._. - '."‘ ‘ . If \-t tttutr ‘tc-5.... an.’ In-int! ttultl lit that fmmpmm'm Mme" u I p um. -t~ Ilu I.aIn-tty. tr-on hItlt‘I\ there is a good h,., L“ |_"._,m,_ 'mm|m| W.‘ 4', NW" —;';w‘y,, mgufiaatr imiitattng mill. cum”! .fl_m_‘_‘ ‘i ‘I.-mm _' tmut hula) Iran am llfllr in its railttu-an-, ' . st...» trl tl... nhdr qur, ts filled. It it‘ M“ "W J , _,_"mm. M W ‘M H N H I" r PtIttI‘..'tItt0l|lI t*l1fflt'IIrUlI, Inn 6. “V. mm‘ _ -h" ‘ "I "0 0": 0.] 3...“, u,. u,,.;uh,t‘. “.5”, ‘b 1003‘ The pmgrattt has pr:-urttto-cl .'t- Iullm--: Inf!)-II\t' minutes Ihflotr the .,.;p|..,n,» Thrl “H. ' l _' H ‘ : ‘I __'_' "R. ' ' h.|*Itttttt' Jtfltlll ~ and Phttiral u If "no" nu um" “I I at. The mud. tl.n- Itutdrlt -harlu al-tnlllmwflm ‘hm.’ de P"I"""‘-"' - - ' - -- l""8'-W‘ Ikttn-. A nuntbrt of vfrnuno L all‘ ‘I III" N It I“ .‘‘-.t ‘I “II, MM. 9 ._.fl”mmH' M‘. L'“,. ..M'm‘"y. 0, . , n. . m, .,5,],._,)§,‘ .3". ,},,,“.u" d‘,."mp_ uh.‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I.t-ll-\uIIn.|£‘II haw Imnught MIIIIP orru ttun. Utlu-nu .0 ,\. t l..|'~ tm nun.» nu.-t \ .v.r.. t. . II J llO'IIfIlp"f to find:-flgkp g 4 . . t“ in " yk - “ ( -~ » In Its wraps tlutmg tlw I.:~l t---h - --l Ila. . ‘M 3'"-f’[n('\-8 Jhtl Inf qtthi air ‘_h_‘n..p rmwlr ‘b I'M ‘.4 ha. ..m.r-Mwala-cl *I[.tQ"d_ \..g ,|,,.‘,. ,_ "bl ,0‘. . N I um- . vtr mm lnzatt Nattrl T are rcmtt-nt to taatclt their t:t-ighbot-. lfluwod‘. H “n” "M A U _ ‘H "H gfi at'tiOI.. AL?! lot dn'I- hr ‘mud N 3":.ombm':m‘.)“_uin‘ ‘"3 m t»:t.lt.n.' ta... shark. cI.I~.1.mu-1: . . . . .. O?‘-+t In nttt" row. .thrrt- srhoul girls an-* ’m_”P";"u_h. M”. “W! 3|." ILM :7". . .“‘,“M!'-‘g. . tn t-y.-q y'all mp "mm Put". in . ...nk_.d'_. lf:“3l‘ll ItVttI»h..‘lt;-I ‘sh.-nr I'ttttI.tI.tf.I‘s1Iu-..||‘ wmzim ‘-1“::LI:~“"‘:‘:‘I»rr...‘...I u'..',.l| ttatt-Iattng 3|...‘ yumh aluml T.'0:m"‘ H lwkfl “Nmh. 4‘ " "M “M ‘ '9.‘ flllillllfll 'I""~"9" ,0“ N". ‘In bum M ‘'9 h" ‘ r.t at m-t « tllstllo-n tIt-"III. Iactalf _ _ ' _ ‘“|l_'"" nun ,gllltttttr tlu-mu-In-~ I-5 -.Ur-trlung 7 mm‘. x.‘ ;s 1“ ‘rum. ‘ml luittp a unity fin‘ , , tutu not g,,:,,,,, M,” ,,,._,,.,’| in “M. ,,...M,. I , my ' Prt-Iuclo--(. Slurp Mum-r. .Ila«~ltmamm.fl g..,y(‘,',,;,,,. 5,“, in "N... "n “W |m,“f ' - v 2 -,..,| gm] pIt\tnc|I ¢Kot't“totutI| «g S?" "mm!" L.“ dunrd fit“ immfi. tn.-t~._ .I't:~t .1 n.;tttml..; “I the ho tlrrlttl :“fi“““E"JfI'.I'l‘t'IIltl[.I at thr ttf[8‘l't : . "I then: prueup; A |.;|[ don.“ ,.ul,i,.§ [j\\|§ 1; _\\l' A‘; t . » en-I. It 00 -10 "COIN" I04 V‘ .50.“ I)tp'utt|.f“"".__ M ml ‘M. H“. M m‘ u at “ tats . . . . . . . . . .. an-1 mtt ul thr c-y.-ntttg paw: zttr ully N‘lntlflI.' ' |m:'|.::,'."_',-"-5, hut whirl-. tInrIOP‘ PI"l'.‘5"‘I "¢"'I'f' ‘H’ "3' mm m '0. r q" ‘I I.m.3.. .,, ,t,,. “mt ,h,.,,. H i, "0 (L D .m-Mal (. .Imut up (lnr gal has brought alnng a Iotlumr ..t' L,.,,.h,,.{. and t.,,,,,,. ,M,g,. .J"“‘ 0", “L. . ? r..d bgllll I3t‘tIu-so ll!’ sttllllltrtb ‘vngwn ‘. ‘M, 315- re T” "W M‘ m“,_h_, “W ‘nu,’ ‘mum . .\It~ Rpm-s l‘tII¢'l I . I.m.. \u~t..n; am.t|..-r ,. H", },,.u,,‘ a 1“ "W lmhm H. “W "'__i.|_J\ \"_lk"h“ g. h, 1, it in Fulton uitlrttt ‘:33 Id mt; 3.:-:'iM'i:'m ‘N Inn‘ '''I'::: «t'\ "Bus nutlzi-o; tmttl hut hat we-n _"\ht.'l’:Ii:’-'I‘l-‘I: :tft|!Il;“IlI||‘tL |....,.|,., M, hm‘ appufl mi ‘ihurdt l" "W [mm “'.’m A’:\ m‘ W” ! ‘ I‘ ' I M.‘ "'2'." "I"p'" N‘ . ‘ht-n an all tv: is hrilll utmlr anal t'u-A " "" ""3 "" I" ‘I""' “ll mwk‘ W "M I It I l ‘I I ' ‘I I If 3 am T"'""" M‘ "M" ‘mman “""I" n‘’-‘‘r‘ 1' ""1" I“ ""‘ ' d . I‘ ' Im'‘"' mu "‘.’-n.‘ I'M’. Itfll Olthltlt oI ltllrh tIl’III llltltl aml fill‘.-t "M In tuuh" lltr lulu-r I’I|0ltl'\.” 50 Int "WIL ' ‘Hunt \"\‘ Ill!‘ lltrmlltts ul lltr urrhr-Ira. it-I 3’ g m m I hr nv 'v\-slaltt" ,at:w'. Tune!) In» thtl in I Palkm‘ “I ‘W’ “im'°“"'-' ' ‘“”hm~ ""‘ """' "" '" *'H'tl'' VIM! «‘lmr~ and ..._. Stilts. to $50.”. fate as Itt'YIt .. Lia-ad pmsutr not an ’- ~.‘r.t high in thr air cm-r thr «lo-rrnl. . . lhmm 1 I ' I head heat an alt othrr rvrtrzttt-null I. 5 much. a .N m J . I luv 4':-loHt1"I‘t" the utttv r th.tt in I that I I ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “JV .-nu-tr I84 It~. throttlh me-tltvt-ut-prarl‘ ‘ . I I .. ‘; MI" 3 ‘W, h ' ‘ -- v- ' V. R I I.. “ PI I ‘I. t't'tt t. "I t - ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ t.~I'I. ‘ "4 ‘At *3", . 3",” "4," “In.” p"_"":'r_. .'.ttttr. titan l: to -t;to;l~|ltlllI\‘. that 1 lllttrlt ' ' l':.:|"|?i|“"g’ -I H \ my flttt I I \ upo ta gla--om. ..§hv- I.-mtlrs utth salt-far. figigging, an .t tlrfittitc program rut. . . fnum. ‘ 22.": um u. an. I ‘ tmn. paumg 3.. I a__,._ _,l..ng Iur u... i . ‘ ‘ ' , A I ' II!’ ll! IIOTII Ibtttlfllfll all PIt9' N,“'‘_‘ _ _ ’ ". '1'-—' ' '::...'."a_.';'.lh."“n”. I ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘"s‘r_‘_"'M tr-l vol III!‘ INN) In l‘n]tt_\, I I I q ' Slut‘? I9 .".Il3fI(‘(I ‘III h‘(lIII Il.‘l 'l\\'ll .‘\HHII ~ V d“_.:;‘_" 5_ ‘rmmm I ,_.,M,,_, in Fun" "pm '0 and N “mm mm :~ut1'n _»\\ua;m( A33 Lgch mg ‘urn: n_-vvr- . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -.“f;;-«v- (Inc tuotltltt 5. ,.,,;..m'_mg .1... _,,.,,m‘ Malt»: Bmtdmg Il...m- 10.9 | funds It has a hard ttme hultluur ll.-I cttxttntm-r,<. . V - - ~ - .. ... : I . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ . ' - . ~ w unit; No» «tn-I-ml of lultttnbta lmtrr. mm H" M“ flu‘ I. mm b’ firunwl‘ Ek.‘"'“" Sch”, Cmldnmi “at. “E BEIIJW‘ pining W!“ m_ ‘H: :23" pl t|t.. tnrtltrsltl In lm young:-r. pulntrlyg ¢- gnu t|8.Ul'e88l\te-—lIttl Ixatster \\'v tl!(I _ :| I '5 'g;.3tt¢-mi In ‘gtatlultr tl hr ha~ Immwd ‘ "fink" M "M -6”", in h of ""'”i...' “u C t l _ . . b_ l ' F tlaIt’ft~-Il‘tI rnmgnnum. ‘ _ Wllltlt.‘ (ll 8 I)U8lllt338—_Il\ll lnfitfiltl ttl ffmtlly gplmu-- 5 . ‘H ‘ ‘ i‘ ‘n i‘'...' . . . ,.. 0 . . tltllflltlhllltlll \ llflt , Jntlhnfll .-ufllpll .. I . h "I" ‘inhn-' In‘ " “V ' I ‘ . r ( ‘ 19;)” . I . .0 t l . “H” “mun 3 3 "3“"¥ ‘IV N't‘l="|'! Hf tattlr ma)‘ t‘Itt~r a Ilnrtltnal (. \Iumru. ul Brazil I-pohf mun tt-st. . I "N “'1 I‘ )1‘. ' "" n‘K“r( ‘ “‘ re “U I" Ra‘ H’ ‘.r ""‘t"‘ m II“. nr'' ""3"" "III?! In I019 n--mr lllItn¢'.\' our itlllltnr Itt- '. lItt' tIttltItr'I nl III!’ ‘W IIIIII s‘¢'ICl‘ll0l|I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'-nu K[I\fIO‘[ ikvn ‘mhl. am‘ ‘Hut "Mn" Th") ha"! The ('I0tIlQ9 are here-~[I](‘ p;|ll(‘['||:-t-éthc Pm’) ‘WI’ "“""I M" "",h """ laml i- next to the lltsho-r whrn in rt-altt\ ~.~u.l.-. ..I III-‘ Inm-r-.itv I-‘Jr man" Euphotta It-~pr--«lmitt; |’|au-r ‘tn. "lnuiir m.:-.‘; "M ‘M...’ ‘W ‘hr The New mmlc.'s'_Ihe "aluei f"'I"""'m' [°"|"'['Idu;I.'d""" "T": it is a mile wt s-t ’I'D,\- The ~in~ cut the ‘t‘Ittot‘II \o°‘ll'ftI.‘\ alto.-rttonn'_ahottt he go-I hulatttino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Irmarr |'.h'"' "T ‘|"""'k iv dhmmu “ " lulu" "“’r.VIhII'lz flu“ 1"‘ I"I*'IIll~'W'l fl"“‘ ""2"" II": :"T'v " t. ." '\ rll in the want feature. II it is brought «-graphs. lnzsutr.-~. and cu-tout» Eol his-'.\Iam-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (;0tIJ|'tI "mmnmfi "I; ' ' ""2 "I"; . l|c€'(I_.\‘ lu lllt‘l'E8St_‘ tltt lpusiness wtth an tn“-lhgq-tut Q It'll‘ ‘P""" “"‘""_" "'" "" ' " ,tn In urtr «I thr Iatut-I nunpanio-at thr in r.atiu- rotlttlt) .t~t¢I Rafael ale Ia I‘; riflll. I IIIIIILIIIIII Ilhllfiotlv No. I0. I’ado-n-u.L. ' H’ "Mr" ' d"""' I publtc, "d.|°_".".’d by M.¢'“'“"fl‘. In“ 5: ""'“§Il"" I ""*'P‘l'" '5'“ 5" l"M'fl”‘ ‘l Iblflmhia. W-tttlt fltnerica. t- c to: rec on (30t‘toV|'t’ Ito-pmdttc'ttt; tiraml. - * , ‘ """"' 3"‘ ".'”".'"' Ra’: M rorrt-t't. II II.‘ vttlr I|l‘t|IIOIt'f". it '00-! 'ItrtYt Ihuut th.- nluvltional s_\Itt' and} W -;—- - - av“ ' Pop‘-“at Dance‘ 9 hn\." 8 “'”I“I"l'r“I ‘I'““I"." (‘I nu-r u 4"‘ tt 0 I . - - . - ~ . - ' ' ° . . . . fit‘ '3.“ an ‘““‘m_. db‘ . he vrflllrtl hy ahnut three or four tratm-cl tmtumu m In- Ltml. l A I’“I”I.:I I|'IV".'|;‘°' stain"; 1"”‘5° Stage dancmg. . H;n_q' ( aw,-_ 5h"-tg and ‘\m.k“r,.m~' I . . _ .‘ . ml M.”m’_ 0"". a up" ‘ha! H nu! “L ""mm M" M“ 0‘ ‘hr tau. ‘J; Int J]! at tn~ 0 IN‘ flI\t‘[~‘tI\ w (V S‘ . _ dancing « thltt MI“) INN -17!‘ I00? IMIIIIIIV tuitflg 1, mun h",;,, M fin. ".',,m_ w .| . . ' . {High .\chool.i.~ ptrplttnt! an Itltt'It'. "'Ilto- ‘ '° )8 tam.’ ‘M,’ L.‘ I. 'i‘I'in.x H." C039! ottt Milt (I3! it St“ Ildffflilttf I.« - J1" tan."'t'l-mmlnflMIIIMI3 "II, ‘Ida’ "Id T°°I'"I‘l“' "I I""'|"“' T“I'"I"$1 ‘ml 4!" an utw-~tttto-ttt Ftrnt \ttIlt nun ' Courae of 6 2-h°ur lesson’ 1, A in .o)tI («oI“‘ft‘t nl lllr tlnitstott m an hm.‘ , a:’-r :flbul n I ‘m cflwnl N.“,m.,._-° “Nth -._ ‘H M pub uhdm‘ N-rm“. [hr mnunm‘. ‘I ‘I l o . n _ . .' ". ‘ I-i‘ ‘ ' mg‘ I . . - ,~ . . ‘ . . ' " I ; I ' .“‘uIon"Iob:Il.t:ltt‘l.t.:“IltI:“l"ro-zl‘ For ntnon an oil town bat: an arms xi.-an Pit-turn ul cities in Brazil. b ?|dtog.- 5 Imwd '" "w "'"'”' "'"',"' " Q‘"'"""' ""‘ ‘l"'"‘ "" " " ‘WW II!" Umr Wu twtr Pl'IV8te ICBSODB by I - ' - HIP. Th! ntfltnt will slut of some hit! I It into-rr-‘t. -4-In-«flit. football ttclt °t I-‘ ht II‘ wmnrfimn “I”. "N. Ilulh Iuym‘ tum” "H" "‘I“"-"5" In-v-n t‘tIllt APP°Imment- ~ I ' ° I . _ _ " - -M u ' -. ,. on" _ ,- . ‘ -" " h 1 met r utmr gt-ttrta -rt0'ttt'v' I‘ t- in o-ta--1, ' . 1» I-4 ;r--;;“ -;v-W;-, ;-s'''. ',''';'t. 1?. .'.’I..'......' ' ..."'{'..2’.I.‘. r....3’I.’3?.?'{.. .'.l'.1"..‘.'l"...':.‘iT.‘r.L.{.‘2:: :‘...'{,; --on »-an ~-ru--I» --« me M. w H _l 1 [ v’ I specnat classes for chn- ‘"'7W- 5"" ._ _ . _‘ '"‘- u gr; I ‘ ‘ . . , - ‘ —. . - _ '_ . H‘ ‘ . ‘ ' .. . . , . "II ll! homo-n‘ ‘ml-o-nirr nuttitihn “" "" M41‘ 'I'3.P~‘P" Ill“ "W" I"""‘I i'I"' \"'"I‘ “"""""""' 11"" I" ' mm. hm 't"I'mnT Ihlh [N hm“ "‘ 1'“ I Put \.ft.'u'lItr"°'tI‘t‘\l'I.I'Zn I " 'K:'|:r.tIII”v: li’ dren ‘nd ‘dun’. Alva). The RIKI" Price’ ' 4 .3 °- _ ; - - . .g- V. , , ', - «tn J) tan s tt-t m- was n--~. ' "‘ " ' « : rm‘. hum’ lmhin‘. "rum ol tt. Tho-tt ht-gum the tank el I tmlttne .tr It the «I the 'al' the I nttt-«I . altr-. j_ '‘ Phone 2303 Blxk. g ‘"5" dimfirrmd N.“ ”n,_ step» to otl aflrcs. l9I1'|'II‘t0n|t|g.Iut It‘ _ .\lr. .\I«m-ru «nut that the tent .att.r.- 1-,, 3 “___,mm, ‘M, ML I ‘d .”,,;;";,,,. g,.";,.,._ .,..-V. §t;‘tro‘¢I.ot\tt_.‘ Math:-'a at tIu- ...ttn:rs fitl'tg'rtI I'rtttlIt ftl't|v Pglfrg 4 ‘ qua: % 51 ‘N am’... 5" m'i‘ion.. ‘ 0- t . . en t I-8- mt V tttttt’ urn u nltt" mm In am On :I’tt ““ é ' ---— . - _ ~ a want. The no-In-paper that pump t't- lticlwr; U ,1 . ~--—----- '~~ . I . . : ~ e- . . 5_ _‘.. Yum‘ -|,[[fis ‘mm n.ur~, In-cull:-« tu pay. all aluau ttt Iltttl \l.'. I'..-;~ric-Ila lultl out the crhwo swstt-In ' ' I ' “‘ bk‘ -tt lhltatttltht. Ilr -an the-rr I Iltfrrt I I ‘k. § PM 0. H": I‘ 0"‘ '0" "' IITJTIF . .v:t«I'\ in Iltrif Rrammar at-hauls cl nil; , Fnda" and ’, Vt“ “ni“."i',”‘ “ "N. mg“ in. II‘ I'“"''‘ I'’‘':"" '.P'9""“" .'t."t4Iv‘< in lltt-it l.tgh -cltuul-. T ‘tLI|ltIlPtI' ‘ ' _ Salufday * .....t....,. .1" “ = '."""°.:— "' ':" "~:'.' ""7 I I t M I. ' '"'' 5" _ II". “I” "W I” V‘ ' ' ‘tzttrs t'{l‘('|\l fur thr ~tt'v‘u I.'|itI on lIu- ' . :3‘ - lI.- Fro-v-arlt. tt'I\*t'IIn1 sct't¢ no llttfltftt ran pwuttr The no--don Nut‘. H‘ Lm,,,m:"_ 11",". ‘M pupm * I-Ths"'::m";‘i ':.F:ikm' ;';|:.‘,’M.: ‘h.u.I”' ‘M brew‘ m'’ “_'d b'.I""""'“ "I ..r.- taught I-'n-rt‘: It and Iingli-lt had in lam can»;--' in the st haunt ""I'$"t;m.t': M-I: MI’ I I ""' ""' "" """""‘ '“' ‘"9" "W'- .a ‘ ad Mad.‘ ‘r'“. '. o‘“' v 3 -W III’ .‘I‘“" 7'", tI|ttt‘tI tltltt the .u'houId. C bar tltr Fuivnlity of Virginia.’ 3"“. “T SJ“) '*"""'°_ ':“.:_ d':" .\Ir. I-.~pri--ll.t suicl th.tt until‘ fin-_v an- d‘; .6; "' mm‘ .m““‘‘_» ..l,~‘",» '1' ’"“'I’"_ ‘°\I"" ?%"'I‘ I” "I lalttrn or slate-4-n st-an um Conn‘ pa-uplt‘ Ins h has an: ol the tttmtt hratttilul “M.” "‘ :"t I - nun.’ ‘ H "IN Hm “I "My H" SJ:uMa'“ Md su'"hy‘ . in mt tank,‘ an ‘M. mod thr ttntlo-ctrlltr h:umP hr]; l.tt" ‘U "H .m.;a| m.'3‘m,,._ EV," ‘"1 ‘hm. I T ‘ It-ttttttr at tltr o-‘haul is It. "_w.a»" a‘. human". I ' Palm "L """I"“‘ ‘M II” I“ ‘II I" I” I"""' I‘ .. - - “ht ‘hflrfl M ‘hhfld '.‘~.t.‘II‘hd had to hr htttlt over tug at to takv t, "-,.;o!.k. : '5 ' ‘ ' ' "'"" "I '5’ I"'P"I""“‘- The cloth:- tmm in Cnlotnhia are little- Efii ‘*5 hum‘ The natural rt-helliott again-st lulu-as .I.fl.-mat from tlmtr worn in this ‘F-ountrv. 910-12-14 Brotdway _ I _ Richard ‘-nvaua-inn. “No woman is gt»- ing to get my son?‘ The ttttttttl.'t‘u- of :t fighting nt:t:'.| Ila-« lu- «aid. The-_v arr all a Iiglnrrf wright, w--uldtt't llcltevt.-3 d m.‘ ‘P ' 0""::;n':I|"rfi.E'i:_: ‘ tadn. .'\'r\'spap~r\ "ft the httfio-t mrL~ lmtu-wt. Im'.-at--c ol the warm c mate-. ' I ' “‘ lol the ptthlir. Ill! mppmrd to lend Inn-I The natitr Itnguap--of Ilrazilgr‘ Por- ~ “cad 6‘ chain‘ M b" “in the rt-Infltt. News trial to do it~ ltl3:ll¢':t' and that «of Ctnlomhia is ‘ nish. Drama. l;(lTtlattt't'. lltt' seat that tlmt folks ltmrw. all revealed in B hel- mess' biggest. III!‘-tltlel flltlt by that III|lI_V i ‘ It won cheating in an exam»: . . _ 1 ‘or induce. the -sttttl-ttto \s'tt<, Emu:-Catt-ls ask him to n-‘ ‘ ' - . eotttllttt. -II‘ht‘ rattttot give I! "‘ \. . eqtlanatlnn. In it IPPIWIGJ; ’ mltmaa-tut. hat the alt:-matiw at loav- —_ , nr pin; thttouglt a public’ _ , .‘tIaI.'' :. lrct-ark um. --tt’s. .ampt;% The Latlored mode advances very charmmg I ideas in New Blouses in Pnngee, Crepe de C hme 1 or Soft Silks in the popular Paisley patterns. Priced $4.75 to $13.95 :j—-——z-1 %‘ NI. Wet-art; tc-M cut an l|1'tt:¢ttII. nu» ~Itl~tm a mt.-m dam. iv 5- uni Oflfy flllt ls an his hottot :.‘lblII|| hut -ltitthina any Lincl at . “I Ihlt n-n'n‘thr oln «I the IIIl|("' ' QM’ lttlw 'to’rlnt'L that night. “Atttl iflfllfilht wotln.“ lw do.-Iaml. I K‘ . , F; visitor. It-tmd the lam-ruity n t W h . 4.; - | fl|"g‘.¢ E‘ ‘.1. pnlltflflijlinfifi _ 1 e I Tymnr Potvn 3: lhr "Hmt clrmt I;‘vr In many . They rt-Ilrtl ‘crane: ll: ;I-uh. W ‘M h’ Q" 9‘. ' __. . ‘ bguu-.[ng..|g-g‘ mp_ ,5!" Illlllllfl‘ 01 lttf III I". "" V''''''' 5"‘ ‘M "'*‘‘'"t ""°"'” ...':.'.!‘." .“..'.l‘;-fs.?'°‘ " "°"‘ """" “ * Tfilored and hand-made. In hand-drawn Work. —’.I‘h!‘ I: ‘u ‘M’ m “MI ‘I: "w 0". I1‘ I. ‘.b’-nn Tr“ IIPIILLOCRS, COI01'€(I 9l"nbl'0I(IC1'y9 ITISII lace edge?‘ Rirhanl BartItr|mrtm' unhmlu-n attiut nl -urn--oral, "'ToI'ahh- David." "IIIMI-I II‘-3" -mfl mlfit’ M5"! 9'3"‘? " Ill‘! c-apmantut quite rec .' . _ M _n _ . - ' _- A, u , . 1 ‘ . huh M.‘ ___ N m_,“__ _,_ mwi W. ,,-__|_§=-.¢‘.,'__,,_jjg~_=_,_I um"-hr mo and feather stttchmg add touches of smartness hm as or I tlw r «I cum on I--- -mm ' It'll.” hr tail. ' I 3.. 3...... .; ],'}'§‘ur-'°' " IN" ""‘ l.0 these bIOUS€Sr—' . Note-«On arcount ol I-rngth ol lcatun. M tolled! Clll 51' III~""|- _ - . . -- ~.—..— I n.t.lttots l‘. _A8l(s‘ tttt: rtmn ""'_..__"'°:_'=.:. _t-;-‘o_r-un..’_;‘r;_ m .: tho * ‘ .~‘n~u| I110 HOFBH It It LICBI FOII WIN To Vote” ¢$.rw, ‘tn % ______,, I __ 4_,né_ t-,.,_. '-"’—> .. . T *O.Ifl.l0O ‘or Iltotttutlll. ""‘_ ' ' '3' --"—’ “ * An “mm ‘I ‘W. . fiahoiflvou It; ouch» _ ' a I dthowuta ‘I5 lhilvt-t~t.t) out Illinois lot the canton: lII‘)OG!.‘ tn uulrt tl’Ial,'tt in expand III ltrp _g-an" with the Nhtratihnal . llliato-oultlu-clayutaathrpl-auadr NI-we a I ' or-sat ‘I'M ‘Boo ‘Sport Skirts ....‘!."..".:.‘-."'.tty"‘n'.s."-1'3; I 2 11.. new .,.,;.., com, checks, plaids, stripes, “"" “" "" F We Need You and You pleated and plain styles-— EAT Need U3! --=::-.:-.-..<-.-..t-.*...-.-.~1--m-- I . Ilofll In Fad Alla AI IIIWIIIJIISWICK IIOQDO ‘ Ialuaadndly Illinois ‘ 2 I80 non waiting tent»: and of the ' $1.50, $2.25, $3.25 ’ J I ‘_l _ mouth. . flj ctlttnfi new at Brtlltswtck Shopa. i 1 . _ - ' anus ‘flaw - In yet I I .95 to 14.95 - , . V ' .- °"':':’°’ pk 0. m M”. $5 4 BREAD rut:I.mfiifi$'m I?I::lalr3|":'tI”;'.,'} F “It ‘ ‘H u loan on good lat-Ina. " . ‘ Of!‘ N ty port Dresses f’ ' . ° _ qvel S _ _ _ .1 _ ’ BAITERTON. ESTES ls LONG Knit Blouse and Pleated Slurt combmatton— BL:0DELY Enhmn 3.“ mm”, Cmumm‘. "0; A I Special $2250 ~14-ts N. 9 run nu , ‘V I’ ‘ . { . . I : 0 .. ' - r- ’ “ at I u _ a, I /r 3» E I