‘r, ‘W s ' . L §._..- 1 § § -i'NewsofColu'_ ' 1 Set-iet!e£ta’a £95396‘ flletoeea9udl2e'¢bek. DELTA TAU DELTA TO GIVE l",0RM.4L DANCE — The at the a Tau Delta lraternity will entertain th a formic age. toiiiorrow evening at: the ettapser The guests will ll: Mites Vlrghh Raid, Maxine Lhriatophar. ‘ilk Millan. flab Wyatt. Dorothy Steviiall. Etha- pgh Ewes. \virginia Swain. Elbbetlr . Daretbu Ma . . '. . Bruce. 3.3, Beulah Ellis, Mr. and MD. Lani imam Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. .., Harry C. McCray, and A. C. Ellet Ilium J I- 5,‘. El 2’ iiiiiiii 553;; F Sniitli. t Leonard , John Knighhi . Belt Steiner» and W. H. Leaval. l «hos-rsu will - Miss Am§ Batitngartaer. Dean and Mrs. E‘ B. Main-' N. and Mrs. E. L Morgan. Prol.‘ and Mrs. A. C. ygidale, Dr. and Mrs. Herman Schlandt and Prof. Hora :e Ma- I gt Kgnsasi (iiiy. Tang J. Beaumont Jr., ior. .ad I’. S. Hillard of St. Joseph: Elmer Wbitson and William ('-ea"? Cl St. Innis. “id Kirby Walkeeol Butler. The chaperons will be: Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Curtis. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Ritchie." ,\i;_ ‘ad Mn. I S. Williams. Mrs. Fanny llemphill, Mrs. Mary E. '.'.'ruitt and Mrs. J. 5. Blake. FR trr.iwri' iisbfonomrr lII.\.‘\I.'R Cl.'E.~‘TS l'f2‘3'i"£RD:lY Among those it . c. c. lolutvci ENTERTAINS AT Flo‘ Mrs. C. C. Bowling. Mons boulevard. entertained at tea from 3 to 5 o'clock this as ' 3' Mrs. Agnes Filler. violinist. gave several I musical numbers Mrs Frank Rollins received with Mrs. t_3@ling. In, E, W_ sggplu-n,_ M”. J_ Delta llelta \nHtf|l\. t‘tl\ "50 ‘'0'’ I59“ 31 Ill? C.'.leaea. Mn. laido; bod, ‘M, M". Q trunes-r-. tllttl cltapcron. \lttr~. Kate lilock, Sun. ‘mt. w. .\i.T Mikeaell and Albert Sydney Lehr ol Jefferson Qty. ‘ nuts, 1. r. THORNTON to 0 act . HONOR BR! marrow ernoo Gray and Miss Elizabeth Harris. The guests will be: Misses Gray, Harris, Virginia Harris. Elizabeth Estes. Jean Logan. Mildred Harper cl Fort ' Ark. Alice Sims, Jeanette As- Iaura (.lark, . Mn. R. H. Cray, \lra. Frank liar-_ fir. Mrs. Frank Rollins. Mrs. M. F. _ Sylvester and Mrs. .\lilton Dusall. Rl7D0I.PII G 4.\Z H0:\'(lR Cl EST {T SI PPER Misti l’ilva Plank. chaperon t-I llIt' l’i Beta Phi sorority eiitertaiittid with a -oi» per at ll:3U o'clock la-t night at the lieta Phi house Ill‘ honor ol Rudolplt Cant. director o‘. the N. Luuiro Symtilu-its Orchestra. Sweet peas and liglited can tielabras decorated the table. The other guests were: President J. (7. Jones; 3. li. Macmillen. manager ol the N. luuis. Symphony Orchestra. anal members ul the sorority. I.\'I"0RlIll. 7I'..-l ."4Tl RU ll .47 MI\S lIIITI.(7".\' .\Ir-. “L lltibbins and \lt.~~ ‘cl-lie .. "hitlms mu! v-titertatn with an itiIor- mal tea ltt lioiior -it mt-inhch «II lllt' ll:-lta alumnae. pa- t,....,,,.;. "id mrorily homes yeaterdgy L, Mm" P.-"med n the “M, in u". from 3 In 3 ..~.-lock Saturday afternoon evening were: . Phi Canima Delta: Mrs F. A. Day oll leririgton. and Mines Mare Wiggins. Martha .\laupm. (llara °right. Lelie Wood. Isabelle Stepp. Maxine Chriao-- plier, \ertion Helmet and Edward Rays- ter. Phi Delta Theta: Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Fleming of Sprindield. 810., Misc Alice Barnett and Miss Virginia Wlsetton. Gamma Phi Beti: Miss Mae tar. in». Alpha Their Itobsst isber, dining room. and . Ediaabath Estes, Helen Mitchell, Frances‘ Misses Frances Hunt. l Tlitchell, Elizabeth Harris. Laura Ste- the dining rooai. Those who assisted in the living room were: Mrs. Sidney Stephens. Mrs. Dudley llobnett. Mrs. Dan (3. Stine. Mrs. Barton; Robnett. Mrs. D. S. Conley. Mrs. C. I". Diggs. Mrs. Sidney llollins. Mrs. Berry .\lc.\l¢-ster, Mrs T. K. Catron. Mrs. m- niett Smith. Mrs. James Garth. Mrs. Frank Dearing, Mrs. Guy L Noyes. and Mrs. .\. F. Kulilman. 1t lltt‘ lioiiir ot \lt.-- “liitlms. Kl‘) \ it;'.tit- IJ I\ t'l|llt'. DR tit mc tRT.\”(.l.l 1: I '’‘''~''“ 9"‘ “°'‘'''''7 5°'‘‘''‘' "“"°“ "‘ mimics 51‘. Lot Is (.'Ull.h The llfflfltlll“ \tls (Ilub will t-tilt-rt.iiii Illll an inlormrl tea from 4 to ti o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of Pres- irlcnt and Mrs. J. l'. Jones. llt honor ol lllt‘flIlN‘l’I ol the St. Louis Artist~' (iuild. All members ol the Dramatic \rt~t I lub are invited. Sr! in ( I.l H.Il.I.s‘(—l .§7st.‘.s (JHILU PImBL£.iI THE OLUMBIA .. -—._.__..._...c:- W. Frear, I318 sWilson athnue. The general theme of the program. planned by Mrs. L. S. Backus. centered on the child problem. Mrs. Backus discussed the Me ol the chlid Irorn inlancy to the eurly teens. Mn-. Sam T. Bratton dis- cussed the school problem aml .\lr-. A. ‘ J. Durant talked on thc problems «it re-, ligmus education. Mrs. J. D. (look of Poplar Blull is spending the week with her daughter. Min lluth Iiouk, at the \lpli.i Gamma Delta ltullse. ~ .\lr-. PPIYV lliggs ol I."llllIllfl on a luncheon guest \v'Ilt"rIld\ Lit lltt‘ tlplia (Chi Omega home. “is. \Iar\ \lin- \l.lr\ll kill lie 3 din t.t'r guest at the Uph; l lit Um:-xii liousc tonight. - \t at l..| house ll. lliggs .liltt' diiincr ',:tic.st~ at tliv last o-vetting mrc: \lr-. l'crr\ and llJftIltl \: tit-rt. \lr- l’err\ ll Dix.-~ --I l riitralm ~pt-nt xv--tenlay vwh \li~- lulu llult'li.ir-l .i! tltc \carta liou-0. \Ir-. “lit! Hruce went to ‘t l.otiI- \e-- ti-rd.i\ for .i not met lltr \\""h'4‘Il‘l ialllt iclatiie-. Medium brovm hair looks best of al. 1ltr°l’ I (itiltlen (ilttil nltalllptiti. itdl .\()Tl(lE (IF .\.\.\I .\L SCIIUOI. liI.li(IT| ' In compliance with '~l‘(‘llIin ll2'il, lic- \l-wtl Statutes of \ltsoouri. l9l‘l. nitice is hereby given to the qualified voters til the School lltllrict ol Columbia. in the tlounty ol Boone and State ol Mis- souri. that the annual hfltntil election) will lie held in .\Iltl tlt~ltl!‘l on Tl l'i.‘llA\. Al'lill. 3. i923. and that the l-»lloming propoutitins will be submitted: lll To elect two directors to serve lot the period ol three years. I29 To increase the annual rate ol taxation ‘which is allowed by law to he lorty cents on the 8l0l) valuationl liIty- live (55! cents on the 3100 valuation for -cliool purposes. Said election will he held in conjunc- tion with the city election ol the city oI EVENING MISSOURIKN T -_.._¢a ._—¢_o... _ HTJRSDAY MARCH “me ituhes and clerks. Voters livlngl outside said city will vote in that wardi OI said city to which they would be at.‘ tsclied if the ward lines of said city? were produced in straight lines through-l said district to the boundaries‘, thereol. ' llone by order ol the Board ol Educa- tion of the School District ol Columbia. Missouri. the 26th day of February. I923.‘ r. L. 3006 3 I I Secretary. Board of Education. _ hole: The levy proposed above is the same that has been voted the past two‘ tears and will not cauae the payment gt‘ any additional school taxes. except in cases tshere the valuation ol property has been raise . I r. L aoccs, ’ Secretary. l lFinal insertion April 2.) I 23rd Annual MILITARY BALL 9:30 Tomorrow Night Ohla BlEhValue Baby icks are guaranteed to live. Ohls pure blood stock lainous as layers are still being sold at utility prices. Twelve popular breeds——easy to raise, husky. healthy and vigorous. Write today for tree catalog show- ing uiany breeds in full colors. Ohla Hatcheries t th rd It - TICKETS si)on etlitit rilinmistalclziblliil Otcii:-L claim its value to all. Prices are There are a few left just as atractively low as gar- for the merits are attractive in appear- Pre-Easter Sale In Full Sway! This special selling empha- sizes ready-to-wear that will give refreshing spring touches ance and quality. This event rticularly stresses Wra s, uits, Dresses, Afternoon Pr and Evening Gowns that spring reveals the need of. Dress Up for Easter at a Big Saving Every Garment in Our Ready-to-Wear Section Is Selling at a Liberal Discount. Visit This Store and Get Your Share of These Extra Special Values. St-PPER T1135-Djqy yucfir , The llouselu-eper's Studs (Iluli metitiolumbia. Missouri. at the same polling Mgulull, Miggoun, mud" D.nk_I.. Comeiiu n . Johavjfrfk -nu; (lop;-'I£RHE'4[)_" ‘this afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. places and under the direction of the am", “.55.. Mubgm Wm“. '}|.d.og_ ' All" the performance oi “The Copper-1 ?j- _ _ __ _ __ _ EVE Bin“. "who". Glen D...,,,,: vim.‘ lead" Tuesday evening. members of the nude". 1-hon“ Mcaflde‘ Robe" um cast and a few other guests were enter: "4 p,o{_ A_ (;_ uni". . tained with a supper at Harris.‘ Stiortf See Delta Gamma: Edwin Shannon, Sher- “lb "9" 35"“ 53' P"°‘- w- "- -“lk°9"ll go -I ie, V _ on 3,, at". and those who took parts in the l . . (.$.a:dnern;tt..rlh‘t‘:'llerb:?Wbel'er. launl Thole at the tables were: .\lis:-s”Dor- J . I S M cud" mg L _g_ Bm'nin‘_ othy Sutton. Elwyn Bridgens, (Latherine ( H ._.______. Ware. Mary Hattoii. Barbara Reavis. lte-" for tl .. ‘V ‘ ' . 1 Q7‘ T 9 Qt ‘ ° ' ° ' ' ' ° mg _.,.,.,m,- ,,,,,a 9 41,,‘ ':,'§";,,,f,; ,§’_‘,,',,,. 3;‘, 'gm‘;;;‘f_ Sanitary Plumbing and Scientific Heating Tlietneiabers ftlieAllsaCanuaaIthoiAdollisLa . D I N (.l . lraternity will eriltertain wpith their annual Bolt: l;aul J‘:’nes. (fanrty .‘ll.tll:)‘lelt’.‘ (ila.d- 23 North Pltolte W6 l 'I Is' 0 0 evei sot’ ' ' .'eee rit- '.'I 'I'i.T."o..l’aZ'."'ia..'l.'..'l"ri.l".°..T' ' " ""'.l."»o.':lZl"n'1Zi:Z'.,"ii"?E.§';Lilli}...; 910-12-14 Broadway The 800" '5" 5'1 -‘I11 1- Rest». ":53 Lark-oetl. Albert Leomgjd. Qbcrtj gr ___ _ _ _g g._ 7;. ._ ‘ ‘ - : ~ 9 . | . . * I HALL THEATRE I A 599%‘ Fea‘“““‘g °‘ The Spring Raina Will Soon Be Here ~ I 0 Wh tpreparef themb havi t- ‘ - tractivg annod durable asodhalt ahinigle apriliged“? . S‘ Tl“"'3d3ys F"d3y and Saturday S 0 r p g ~ See us for estimates. . i: Morris Co. The same production aareccntly shown at l1l’l5‘0Pt:t'Sl‘|lng . . In North Ninth street . Phone 2164 '“‘°‘‘"’ “ ”"“‘"‘ “" “’ "' Most Inexpenswely Priced E -l -1 *‘“ ‘r ———"’ T T‘ ' 1 The Dresses - 1 “elm Ye’ Fashioned of Canton Crepe, ’ how Easter Fashionswe show are deei tied by artists w 0 take pride in their work, for women who take ride in their New arrivals in Coats and Dresses every day. See our windows for new sweaters and scarfs. 7 LEARN TO DANCE airsaissiisalsl - 2 Instructor _ am fiaflhfm tto coined COME EARLY \ Lona wt.» In so-int. ma. Greed On account of the length of _tliia- picture. he own. . ycane COME EARLY * itstiaee 30c—Evenlng 30c. 40c 81.19 value. bargain price. . .. 31.39 value. bargain price. . .. Flat Crepe, Elizabeth Crepe, Silk and Wool Ratine. $10.75 to $59.50 Twill Cord, in tan and blue colors. Tailored and three-piece styles. $39.75 to $79.50 Friday Bargains Cotton Ratine 81.00 value. bargain price... .. Roshanara Crepe. - Priced E 5a The Suits Fashioned of Covert Cloth and v1 41.._1u Sizes 16 to 44. Priced —c———.—_ ...__._. .... -.:...—-goai. Japanese Crepe In beautiful Japanese patterns. kimonoe. Bargain price. per yard suitable for ..........I 59 1.19 85: I I I I O O O O -O§0. 7 3'3 I'iTT‘tV¢ fiTTTt" u‘Ji‘To From the Maker to the Wearer Yv‘ar—x"% 4