', “ ooaoooeooeeaoapiooooobooonoooooooemo Nchstttstu it-ass-mitt. ligihingsaretobeeuctedataCrid-' dforflflg. I at|oaI.ahodllrwnIonqtsettoheheldat6:!)o'clock thoIahrValloyhronhleandthodofoot‘5"C%:';’L"“'°l'22" '5' °""°' "'bT*"-"hl..°"“"°‘; More thonltwo hundred of the city's ihemvimand proamthighprices.:.... isentmoit willhepresentat , #K‘&!$°¥E""7 ‘[3. E t ofNe-llllia dl::t.Tr,arrangcments for whichare -' s """"’- ""°'°'" ‘bei haridlodhySi DeltaChimen's ‘H1 1 '3.‘ T. .“ bil'''* ‘‘ ' hm "‘b'l'l“ “flu” mi .e'ssioiial joumalztni: fflttrltilylin the .‘l“~"-kn.-'T.b~"".ssrs5-U-fl°°"""‘fl'“.“d‘lU.inruo. Thane stellar lights. which iwfihtflh~'h'.'~7;agdsOaamsa&mforcrow'seggshaswill includodo choice of the leaders [Xhgoaaaofnmobbmprm:-.“...hhu.u"“._.ntkmolamongtliesttideotssntlprofeasersoftlie , -[:,,§.-«aim as well as,tlie merchants from ready whsof lb Uehrfialmlrand in the “ on eo nabs“ -T . '1‘ ’ oeoooooooeoh‘ ‘ , ‘ _ _ . > -25 ‘:‘.\‘,.*:"I‘v‘ ;:;' "" 5"‘ "5 3"" """" """‘ 000000 oaeooeoooo - ldo t w'll be given an opporttwiitv of comments set loose they art-lto'h"eaor“sotnel simling lmt burlenques of i X & ojy as will. ‘.‘u.‘ “* ‘O, mac '1.‘ :thr.-moelves yesented at this alair. ia_'@&hiposrums- rensmnhsiltm. bhhnlswyeen. . -"*""' 1*“ I" “'- ..._ %. M _-' it EVENIN insso N '3 MARCH 3 1923 s- L---S "--SS“ 5 S‘ It ‘ tToBeMost ",”,“', _,,___,,_,|..ronix oinwontn ||Gl’ldll'0 B3-M1119 , W ,.,’,,m mu... : ;Notable Social Event of Year ;; journalists and it is espoated to be one of the liveliest parties of the year. It is strictly a formal alair with only a nomi- nal charge made for tickets. It is for "men only" and is unique in that what_ takes place is never divulged by those present; the program having printed on it that “women are always present. report- era never," meaning that nothing in said that would not be repeated even if wom- en were allowed to attend and that report- ers never gain admittance to the banquet hall. There will be 3(1) invitations sent out this year. Several notable journalists and famous ’ Sigma Delta (Zlii alumni will be invited here for the event, including President mm- .-f.. I.“ h “I twuty yomlo. ouvenm public is cordially invited to attend all rv rm. Christian Bible School at exercises Mrs. C. a solo. accompanied by \frs. (i. Snood. Morning Worship at I015. lkir :ct-ed the supvlih . _ subject of Reverend llaushaltet'a -c-'- received notifications 0‘ ll!” ¢l"lY- ~pr-nding Our mon is "Speaking of . The special mu-. Money For Perfume." sic will be an anthem. "The Lord Is My ‘ """ Shepherd” by the quartet and a violin! solo. “Moditation." from Thais by Mrs.a Agnes Filler. Evening Worship at ?:30.l Tb. aohject of the evening sermon is Can Cotama Buddha Do Furl The quartet will sing two an-; " and ' l ‘ What lndia?" ..¢o_lagaiabavooocapantsinits at 9:& The in solo- ices and to make use of the Rcadifll conditiuo in lb commercial . cultural worldt ill." l0 I3 l”"”"" domaiidfornewcars. Manyofthemoo-l tifacturers have a Ozll. At the tipflllnlltlie disposal of their entire output so A. Stevirison will sing rising prices‘ aillflini ‘ M. demand thla lO'llC 34 rtdvmssahhsts'rotonismHhmau ihcshismmlaeesismsnst. . i i T lklutlflhamdboowarodtholaporml "-I0-¢0°°‘*-'-°-'°'°""8""' ’and on that lt'is an lflnisosimol speck. "" ‘° "" *ll*""7 ""’l"l"‘ ’"’b' H...’ d .. '.. '." h .'.“ 'h.ll_c-ms to which, the bill was passed hi.u"'¢-.b." ‘tttOlll€I'lOI*,.|I$l!fatIl0'llDp¢' jtliat some serious consideration will be TTWYTG (‘Mill “*3 “Ch 5! |’Nl5°- giveti—and only reasonable to expect that vsv wolset. -Iistvosll a-II --I-‘Mm awhile noise». will invent a I|‘itt -an never be accepted in other than going cattle to tofi'U.Daleth. 3!!!!-l opiritafpdiawhich itisnow be- ( . Owing to the limited amount of guests, ‘considerable weight must be attached to in man before he is invited to attend. invi- tations are to be in the form of a news day relating some of the most important it-vents of last year's ffiivities. l The dinner will be novel in its t-n- lteflattitnent, but will follow the general ‘line of other gridiron dinners which are lanuual ntfairs iii the big newspaper cen- ltcrn of the East. In Washington, I). C.. it hf. 3CD D‘ i’ 1' 55‘ '°_hltoh it up to Co radio and End out what , 5... ya-deed, For It is hardly econonii- its always the ll‘¢'|l¢' of one of the must ii-atterwhmhoekhslooohwonldhoar prohtahleafltfifl. ‘lhsss whoop-t s---t-it-o--tote-s--I-v--o‘ hettercaoethathtefth0hop.onIr'lsl lorthemerdsrofhlofafimdmother. wtiopleedetlrforurcy onthegrouiid thathewasaaerphso. resota ltal|reodnnd"orehoooeCommis- sion. declared in a recent. speech_tliat. Lodthewsterwayeahtodthieyoar. 12.- m.&hoshelsot‘ontioapotaisesis the Northwest have found their way iomsrket. SoethAmerica wanted pota-A toos,yetthoeomofroilway transporta- lion. and its inodepocy. cut the Ameri- l Stayed mug at home. fearing the wenth- ' "in 3" “mum,” ,. W, m“, hi‘h“_, ,In-'rt'l.~ -W‘ Inmtr sllrr ~In--tli-1'.’ l . canfarmerolfromthemarket. Attlief samhtbo.CahaaadSoath America im- rortodpotatoeefrom Norway! Thisioonlysome0aampleofthecheap- nrssofoceantrsnspoflatlon. ‘Die tooceaawaterwayislnevitablo. It had lied he built Qiekly. so. that the former of the Middle West Ia7‘I0t be without markets and a reasonable profit for his labor. Now. everybody hold your breath. Toneaowyoommhnvotodigyoorway oatofthehotmetboughthomow! Asciontiicoapsnditiop bpes shortly toloomotbflofhdso. Whstluck deyoumpooethoaerpentwillliavet Somopreoocionseliildweorsbootsbe- torehseaowearpaots. Auqeorderelict iecmitly found in a guitar in Chicago] iaoalyllyoaloold. . IIEIJIIWHON Cotteaiobooomhgamoroaodmore important adeuharal usher in .\fis- -otiriovoryvyoor. lftheestimntesofli. A.l.oganssd.leweltltsyesoitliet-‘eii- eral-Stats crop repartlngsorvice that plneeelinoonefs cotton production at 325.@acresial923lnoorrect.tlisncot- tonsillhoeomstheifthfsrmproduetiu theordmdimpoaIaneebIiooouri.And ifcotton I‘|ll_hooo|dotthooatlmated prtoooiaseasoss-ssitinigiseo eeedoatoaadwheatiavafneandbecome‘ thethird.inthostaseinvolne., Intmthollissooricotienciopfi mifiacnmwhich yielded 1491!!)- I-ales. Thiswassoldaroundzscents I‘ pond-ferlbuaadhnobroodnabooi t:iass.stiot.ts-pi-go man nottinclndo the cotton seed oil predat- tlon whiehloplnced atflflflfifor N3. Thoeearonowalioet7mcottoii soedcrmhingmilhdiatrihmodaloogtlio tottonholt. Iodngomemimnteonthel isnvelnsttenihetfioewsnerop in‘ its-o-rtnstnoyteush,-sttsi.too.ooo -all-t-s-Isl:-ttt.:5o.osot.u.i-tioii.‘ Planters in stat-on iii.-ut.§ nhromfiofearooIh'ou.aa'apr- i*xoisrlytsusnsieasiIishenoesvi1,thes thosoothrnasteghmnevmalootod, theiroatson. Thnsthoyhnvehooaplocrd' tsiostswnsissuiusstsugrat.’ e llalhqabuawcegone all these European diplomats are fussing’.-.1], sham. ' soosd tirtliish that one would kill a crow for the pahry sum of 10 cent- lwhile the uiunihcent sum of 50 cents is A F3“. l""‘l('-' h‘ “‘°°"'°d,'withiii reach of the prudent one who is “Ill i5‘ ‘:35’ ‘ 3 |""°"‘ ""°“' willing to corral h'm crows, raise them «weeds is it out -00-" 0° ‘W5 and sell their egg! by the dotfn. With / l‘5'l‘ 5° '5'‘ 0° ‘ll’ l°'9l‘h ‘"5’ °' '5' l the illustrious example before us of what 0- 7- '- til Tdlhltl, .‘\lIl_ a --i|iltHltttIri'. llti~ been 4 -~t ii .I.- I.i- hlav Qutrn .i: l.tittlrtivi.-ml loll:-gr titt- year. The “inttttirlli \lilil.iry :\«‘a«lv"iiy .2 l.t-vtngton lin« ii ftr~l tlau trurk sqzial In (‘nlrr In lliv mt-rt t-f llir ,\li~~is'.iri .;f.llf (Ionferemt-. f‘Uf'i\sP“tlIfi|ll of .ill tli-- railr.-a-l- tt'(---2 of the Mississippi into four rig.intn- -vs- terns ugs prnposi-il \i-cslertl.n' t-i the ln terstatc t,.tmmerce (.--mmission. nit‘ '-lIi-l('t‘-l- Hf llvlitun lllyli Silt ml in St. J-N-pli are lnutitliing a lagging rampaitzn to r:ii«- ntom-s in send tLeir A blll-l in a West Virginia mine re ' mle cently killed one man. bia did no damage - - tug obumimriit of the Lord's Supper; Junior lip- stroet and llroad vi .l_\. basketball team .to (olumlit, for the tournament this month. A copy of a newspaper almost K iv-its old was fminil in the basement of 'li-- home of Phil \lv-rryman. of St. lo- tcpli. The name‘ of the paper is The ‘New England Journal. and it wa- pith- li-lied ‘in Boston by and T. (Zn-en. Suiituel Kncclaxiil A AT THE CHURCHES Wilkes Boulevard Methodist Sunday stliool at 9:30 o't'loik; m0lll- worship at ll o'clock with Idt'l'3- worth League at 2:30 ollock; cu-ning 'or‘f\lf't' at 7:30 o'clock, l Presbyterian Sunday’ school and all -pt-- ial class?‘- M 9:30 oclorh; aiming \sorsli.p at l0:45, sermon liy I've Pastor; evening service friim T to 9 p. m , l-ipit‘, "hlgn ti l lroe Agency. l’ravt'r mm-tiii; at I..lll o't ltsrli “rtlrirwilay Mining. ’ Masons to Hear Dr. John Pickard. llr. .lHllfl l’it Lard will ~pr-ah on "(3i'ot;.r- “ashingtc n, lllt‘ hluu-n. and lllt‘ Wasltiiigton National .\lcrrinri.'il" If g_ mt-t-ting of the liiiu-r~itv .\l;isonic ('luh at. 7:30 o'clock We-tlne~ul.iv niglit in Kcai-in ll.'|ll. The meeting will be open ‘to Puff)‘ .\|a.~ter .\Ia:'on izi tlir l nl\t'f~ll\. (‘ongrcgationiil 7 At l0'4.'i J. iiioriiitiy vu-rvit-o and tlisrti-ssion met-ting. "Allie Kind of lliiirtth Vfr Vt-t-tl" will lie the siihgecl. fill into-re-It-d arr ivititt-tl. .\lt-ettrig at ll. hf. l . A. htttlitciritim. ;‘\l Ilir niev-ling oi the (~Ai[|gfO‘“flIi(s||]l (‘lab at it p. to. Prof. W. .l. lfttrner, . the litimtliicc laiigiiige dqurtmpm .,[ tlw liiiwr-ily, will .iilrt:ut the club on ."l.oyalty." "I Evangelical Lutheran Stintlay school and Bible class .1 10 a. In. Service begins at ll a. in. Text of sermon: Luke l9:l-l0. The services are held at the Vfaccahee Hall. Eighth hlsilnh are wel- come. A meeting of the council will he held next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Albert (Q. Bernthal. ll)? Runs otrr-e|_ is paslor. Phone I929-green. this nature to be given by the liiivcr-ity eti jtiufllllliltt. elllsily llflcee that are particeltlv metropoli- roof enough Faithful Guide." for the Living Link. Dr. Jennie Fleming. will be taken at both the morning and evening services. Junior ll-||l"¢‘K‘ll and Christian Entieaviir Vfeetingn 62!). id-w service llarding. Ring Lardner, lrvin S. (Lohh. tliarles (2. lions and lliivid Lawrence-. .\ number of big newspaper men from lsiuis, Kansas tits‘ and St. Jose-pli, as \sr'll as oevffll from other places out of the ntue. will alrau lit‘ asked In Him!‘ here for the occasion. eveaiinl 3‘ 75~w- A""""“l’lV '”""l"‘ "{ Ward .‘\. Nell. iltintir til llte Sdhlifll of ill!‘ "0flhPfl.‘ (i-0l"||'ll F'l‘l3V l"'3l""l"‘ jmafnglism litliltlitlg ltere vvllirlt bears the!" 1| ".“l°ck' name of his father. lav H. Nell. will: -—"'—’—““‘""""‘ probably be one of the tlIlt’f speakers at "‘E“' TOURISTS AP"KAR {hp bgnqur|_ "an! yoga gr.-rntly f .1) l I «rd. of l - ' clnctet nnti na yrei eiit Sigma lel Bu‘ Good 8".‘ Co.“‘,”n. ta (Ihi. _ Dean Walter W illiarns. dean of the (“"39 "'3'! 09.5“! ff" Lu“ and Prices Rise. School of .l0|lTflJllr-lfl and honorary grand president of Sigma Delta (fhi, will send special invitations to several of these mit- Dcspite the fact that there are mim- emus indications of approaching .-prititg. motor tourists have not vet zippeart-tl in (Iolumbia. act-ortltog to the local it-Iflv" worship at ll a. m. Worm-n's he-tlcratit-ii owners antl portal-tr-. The roads and lliib at 3 p. in. ii. Y I‘. l . .it 6:30 p. liigliw-in are in fair tomlttmll. Ill?» SM. Spetial evt-iiing vvor~liip at Trill p.'_uiitl .2t.~ rt-;itl\ to he traveled met \~liv'.i Illlr‘ Vlllttlrfllltul hits the owners of ll.t' j.- III. III. llHllt;tliH|ll'4. ll will lit‘ ntll\ J illnfl llfll". nllfll“ Ill llieir t-liiniuti. if the prev-til wrath"! ildlr‘ '~tiit-l;i\ tziutntiig »i-:\t.~t-- at tliv--«vii-li'toti~ tontiiiur until lolurtiliia will ll.ip:i~t (lit:rtli will ltd‘ ll’.'ltl .il l'l:L'-5 lllr‘ pa-tor will t|la‘lsu' .i ltiit-l coiniiiiintota, I.ilk alter whit ll there will lie the lt't't‘|l lllln of no-is rm-nilu-r~. full--.u-.l ln lilo‘ oh I ~'f\.ll" -' vi the l"|‘l“ .\up|u-r. ’. ll ll. ll li-~ l'I -liurgrl --l |iio- \iint.l.i\ Nliiml at 9:54.‘ hosting l't---pli-'~ §Pf\l(‘r'\ will he .ii .i lll. l \t'vt°r.tni I‘ l~ J . 'llit -i-rmon at llw ct--nitix ‘t'.'y|it'w .1! ,... ._"i‘l ti Ill ‘sill lit‘ "'\iiil Ute: ll uh I“()R[hr-yitude-n|iirp.'tif..ll!-' \ ctmtissl iiitttxitit-it to 1lo--- \ l"..\l S (illl-ft\.ll~ ~ ll .<'I'~ i~ ('\ll'l|tlltl In all. ' ._ l - l7 black tlegrcr-— '- First (‘hurch of (‘liri.-tt. Scientist. l'tr-t flliuftll of l liiist. .\. ietiti~', ll-Illl-I -t'rvtti-- in the hirgiixia liuiltling r'\r'l‘-l ‘tin-i.iv morning ill lU:l."i. Thr -ubyrtl. nl llie le~-on sfflltfltl for \liirth -l t-' American Ia-ail Pencil (Lo. III) llsfth Ase flirt-t Jv‘~ti~.' The We-tlnr-«l.iy en-tiitig Ir‘-lll'l|"l'l\ inc-rliiig liegit.- at right -i't*lm‘lt Tlir lit-ailing rootn. in t'-ic \irgini.i llUlltlll|;.{.j .. opcn from 3 to 3 daily, cur-pt Sui.- tl£\.‘i and lt-gal holidays. The Sunday "lloly .\pirit.i Wcdaeailav ‘ T I trondof the market and-the com- liag of warmer weather and are airme- wm. .59 ‘anal prospects for better lug slowly but steadily in price. W. H. Reed And Son Still Ill. {"3 W. ll. TlOd and son. Harold. are ill d 'with influenza at their home at 4|’: South Fifth rtreet. Mr. Reed i- driver indicate that the _ of a University delivery truck. mmmor will ea- Coliimbia dealers have U you want to buy or sell Mimflliin‘ Gasoline oil and tires are following t:y-Missourian "ant Ml!- __ _ -- 3-. _.- Congregational Service 10:45 it. m., at Y. M. C. A. General Discussion Subject, “My Idea of the Church” If interested. come - .. -.o A Churchless Touin Would you live in a town that hail n0 churcheii. Would you care to raise it fiimily in such a community? The Church is the const ructive force in any tbmmunity. The staritlartls of our life, the conception we have of right iiiitl wrong. the very foundation of our chai'acto.-r may be traced to the influence of the church: this iti- fiuencc may have been cast. (lirt-t'tly on us or triinsimittcd to us through our parents. ()iil_v as the church is supportt-tl. and AT- TENDICI). will the proper ideals and stand- ards be stamped on future generations. Are you treating the church right? llo you atti-nil your Sllll(lti)' school '.’ You are lll\'llt.‘tl to Dean Walter Williams’ Bible Class Cozy Tlzmtcr, 9:30 a. m. Topic March 4: “Render Therefore” [l“lllO‘lIll‘nO‘h\_" other in place and time. cation. Himself through Christ. THE BIBLE "All .\'cripturc 1- given lt\ itupitali-on of (Ind. and is profit- Ulilt' ftlf dt)t'llll‘.0’. fill Yfptutil, lint tt|f[V’(l]l|"_ fur in-lfllfllltln in \r‘1iillil Tlllllillw HE Bible contains a great variety of different compositiona embracing sixty-six smaller volumes comprising historical nar- ratives, laws, ordinance, poetry, doctrine, moral and religious precepts written by different persons widely separated from each More than 1,500 years elapsed while the au- thors of these productions were engaged in writing them. Even in a literary aspect the Sacred Scriptures form the most remarkable book the world has ever seen. The wisest and best of men have borne wit- ness to their efficacy as an instrument of enlightenment and purifi- It reveals the character of God, and nature and condition of man and the end for which he was created. arable connection between sin and misery, the principles on which the Ruler of the Universe is governing the world, and His revelation of Wherever the Bible has been received, its ef- fects are such as no other book has ever produced. Character and conduct are altered, elevated and purified. It supplies the most pow- ei-fttl motives to honesty, industry and social integrity. The Word of God fills up the measure of our wants, directs, con- trols, sustains and comforts through all conditions in life. Select a Church and Then Support It for pm i b mi I Ihioi The opportunity ii rare that Columbia. B"“'” “mm . ‘Rh olddflmtwayo. TlieR ..l.L.Ca . ho _‘33 1&3 .3 EU -.3‘ 3“ bl And my: are filed with tears." -'7 “"9” ‘ Pl‘? “Ill 03 '00 played confined To his l|0lI:.‘o&l 'Parkh.t:ve!fi(:"e. H $ ydh B Th 5 h A-l|ot # I-fht. Itimlhh "::.":¢u'¢ |0ffl‘l.ndIf for several days. with influenza, will oc- 0. '"'-""*""*."'-°-'“'-'-'!"e" "' '' ''‘°'‘ ‘-"'“ E--I -a--as-at -he ' Jiiii i'.'..'i'.i'iit.""" i.'t"'.'..‘ii';".‘i'i..:'ii.'3.'. .i.‘!“¢....|agoagsarom'lsr;D.I. Iooovm'aPromihmo.,nhy'isitthst'~enlyososaseaqsadoCo- » ..gi.,,,g.g,;,;,,;,,d_1-h, ' ‘ ma“ l&H‘'‘ “'35 3' iffllfllllllv? sermon topic for Subday night will be." . : there me many wb:noattracted “He Tlist llelievyth Shall Never Die.” *|'I¢¢U""'i'I'P|-0-Ii-i yschoolatl0_a.m. it-istsg, - ‘ 1 . . . .\ ‘arm . _ ‘l -s 3 u ’ By Your Attendance 3 In It deals with the insep-