?!*f“f‘*“4 . . g : ' ‘ ....;.‘.., H ' I THE COLUMBIA EVI.-‘._t~Ilt~I_(f.__MIASS0I‘J“lt”lAN, 't_rr.snAv. rnnnmnv :“"“"“"" "”"""‘ ""' ""' '"“"“‘V’J"' ‘ ' ' . .A|.UlNlJB 'C0|.I COUNTY ALUMNI M ' ’ ul he -' ' - lien F. . - ~ 1 ; Iooancur . . 6.11 U - 1 I . . . A . I " I ' “PUT TAIII LI II will‘ I 0 $303 llN!:'0l:"‘8T‘D m Cum‘ “tn J h. EFT it-e':’d;nt‘M rt!M'a‘:oc:i‘I:t.::'v:‘id'm; and‘ ‘ l j 1 . j , 3 j , | —, hub hm: d Cd W M II] It "57. — v'"' l ant)! I . in " M.k'_ Paul S:-hmidt nu rlet-ted nerretanr-. L fix. I I§IT‘ cut‘. I,“ 0' flffl arrnpnen.’ wt! are carried Ag! oélfll A:¢::tI“I- u‘ The1l:.|Ir (hunfs tlunmlixlefl utimt 'N”u".r' -- -r -s - '-- I we N0 ("earance 88'. fir’. Lm’;:‘“Y ]| P“ ‘_ ' gfi on thoqi, the con; hit of "BlINt\0." CIIIQO N¢'I’I|¢l' “ll. of the lnivrntty ul .\lIé~uvun rm-t .... Jrf-' A“ “h"|" “hut Huur uurd nnl _ 1 ‘“°”“' ‘it " 'b'°'“"'*rj I ' t.‘ ‘B . Ed.“ fin ,, .. —— ("mg (13,, J.nu.fy 2,‘_ gym”, M“ ‘white Iluut ulolo--I In intro-use nu-~— 'Ii , I c“h:- 8 ' 1". . :dll‘!'."'”‘ M au *5.‘ Q.” h ‘in. flucfi ‘Tug! 7 wall be broad Ilia "rung. editor of the Canton Times gudugte-~ gnd farm... .;.,.|..,.-- _,.,,. W, Nrengk I’urm.t \lh--!o- Wheat Bread. _ _ .i..""'.....*'*‘ :‘..°'..':..' ****** ‘~13’ % "'.'..‘"~ '":‘..:‘:..'.:'.:".: ':‘::::....."“ m.."...‘:.°.1‘.':.“‘...E";:..;“'~;;.:..:.:'.<= ::':1 ';';''r.:..::‘.?:‘:.' 31.1?’ ..?.11?h1:.. “I; .. . W n . ’ K'"“ed V93“ V ' 3: a to . at t noun _ ,' . . ' . h J 3 Pan" m flummn “O ‘ ‘ f ‘ _ ' _ ' .0 Severance u ‘e .gain. ‘ ................ .. can no no. H. «mm the student noun! 1-151 1-161 1*-v 0‘ 15* 1°°"'‘’'"'' "“' -““"""',' ’ ' - . ' "7 " """ '“"' """"“"" “" n. u I ma and PING?! . . . . .. IUD t“ “I M M d" .' . Eh,||e.;‘t‘ til-th: b:';m)|.;;! .:‘I‘":":‘...'"T.';:'rfh:(_E":. I":-nnvyvl J J Volta» II.t~Jlu-o-nnlll \nIIt'nIll'm-‘til,-‘1 I:':.rrlJltr' ‘IIIVPQ . . . . . . . . . .. fl C .i."¢o W bu’ '0 .” . J '- ' ‘H 1' ‘ ' N 4" ' ' . ’n-‘“ H” ' ‘ mm‘ "I H" I "1 tal‘l Iutll oI.t\- IIJI H‘1u\t'f0'lI. - ‘ “I ' k ‘. ‘III? I II I I " I’. lb’ mm” "‘ L" -I \)II at Ir ma ll -4 l o a. ‘ ' - - - xfltiefl U.‘ iadettnu b;‘:..“,."yi.b.? .F,m.d 3?‘, :C than p‘l:yo'co be ;:Ve:I‘t":’lI "IIttn¢II’:'I wilting ar1‘I:«‘I«--n t‘«p:ult'tnnIng tlu'“|""~«°nt ML,‘ ”:_x::”,:l,:“_,." ,,,,',,‘,_“':‘._;~l“ ,1": J08! I'('('9i‘'l'd 5'" add|uonal sh'pm‘3nt- “"0”:-R..dp W; 1*“ ‘& In-ntratlon I0‘ writing by Illfmllll Bill." More rarenth haw Dr‘:-n -tnlr in 54-11”! ‘hi"‘ov 3"“’"“"3 '” 3 ul ttr'I|lItImH1t¥.I1ldlr I;tuu-r-n1»- I“ \‘l ‘hing for ‘he snappy weathvr and "'::\.' ‘ M d9lD0l0tra!tflI "P“‘ hi lb “CV00! Jul” “'d '1" u~imh Dc" ‘I"l""'I' ‘mm ‘h"'3h"- Illkvrwn mrnttmto-cl (luv t---« 'u'v- n --I I I‘pring' -"nurq before are ‘n r .' . . ' ' . . . . ' . ' . I . ' . H u; ‘got . n“ I I -~ llm W.“ . “II” N ‘ '-9"‘ " "1' IV" hr km in I I «- I) III u- .a.w-:~ \ ' c ' v 0 ‘ ream“ . . . . . . . I . . . :3“ illar um. T: the u‘:lI“aThc P“! is based on the intfttuc-9 the .V'<'h«xvlno’1l Jnurnn|:.~m‘m l'9'|'.'. «An: I.I».- 11:1:tn‘):-‘lI«-It-«-nltf:\"l.-I... \|-rl..' Selling Magézllnes kn"-ted "csts ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘- $.50: in mm on the new -°¢"“"" M" ?"""""°‘ " "0"" an: in our of the Ian" m Ame-viva ‘m 1911: and H; ‘W f-I-1 l. 3 Ph°nKeL‘i‘)§S Comvvcltl,‘ can Sweaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. pacun‘ um, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ /_ gm‘. 735 (Ito fire in the dtotllloo. "9 €099‘ IF" ‘chino. There are not ‘no man! lnurdrrt 1.lum-sevntm rm to N‘ tM.1'"" "‘ l""“ Hn.ma- luuun '1’nu- ».:- pd , ° ’ i a ‘ '5' "‘ mag m 35, [gut rhZP30“‘.Il| Ill.‘ PIIY ll 011' might suppose, how paper bnrh ttndrr +\m4-man nnntrmtmn - 'l'& - . . . - . . . ' . . . I . . . . I u :.:,':hIp lfvl, vrritinl WOT‘! ever. “If ICIIOII nllfll lrum (Itt(.'Ilg|u Tltnttflh I snlt‘nI’a TPIIFIN to-Ia mtiru Il..I'Il' .\'c“. ar'.i‘alS of Spring suiis for yonng ' ' ' ' ° ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' H ' ' . Etch word avert I and proceeds to llollyvruod and line .\ Itr mu prnm 1» IN‘ 81! III! "' 1|‘ ’ Shcep:—R¢-oeifls Id; market "N" ‘'.'.“wmo:"o' '3 ' it‘! re otuclu ulto-rr rarneul nulhrn-nt mum-\ I--r all In.- mha. "' "" "1 . . . '° ' 7" "°'"" p- u " ..~ .... .- ...-.. F0 ..' 1 .n.r .. rm ~~~~~~~~~ ------- ~-51°-12‘ ...;‘.':s...":"‘.’.:"1.r'.;:‘.:'::. - .'.::.:.';.... , ., . . liannersandcuttero ..... .. mm. 3.50 my ' __W‘,'m,_ ,,, M ,,,_, ,5, J. v, ANIENEY ox PROGRAM ,.,,“, W,p_,_ m ,.,_u,.,,,,, ,,,,, ..,..,,, (I ffyw.’ , ,7‘.:;-.~/~ , _ 3...: mung . .......... .. tamaotsm M“ ‘bow “Hm “wk ‘m.mm Wm A .- .A;*.” of Wm.‘ M A ‘‘‘g 1,‘ COLTIUA DIETS ILIKLY fltl tltf Hour. and III? fyffi kfpl COI|IlI-|I- u.c.‘H .‘ (‘|.'.[.“_ Ilr IInIal~ matn nnpnrtant pn-iltutt~ nu- ‘Pmfl to Pamfllny An-1. I.y4-M:-m‘:-.l:i-:e‘:I..‘ ca" '4 flu‘ -"chm _Prrvins:m. ll». .. .20 .15 .I:".- «nu 1» hr ‘WW “1*"""" "r "‘ (ion Februan 27 m um-I. I u tl--w- OHIS BIG VALUE ttlol I’...-I;-‘. lb... 13 .07 .n7~_ gm olerunn.-tratinm In the various had BRBY Cnlcxs, - — _ l.....|.. It I... d an I‘ . ' ' ___t ‘ ' :':,.t,'.."*...“;::: is :3 1.3 :...: °:::r.:..:: "‘ Phz Mu Alpha Why Buy 1 S» ' S E. ‘ I. b . ‘.5 L23 ‘So ._.——~.———————- Mu‘) In.” ‘m b‘, “.0.” ‘O’ "W '1", IIIIMNI r-lm K Ilmnua an avrrrn aw New Radiator? ' .|.::"|:l“'“'l.-::».)f‘1... 0 $0 '0 300 Th'r'.}¢':‘k"¢m'?'I’Illi|L': ‘:ki"':‘f,-0'" "fin “me 3‘ an ’ee“n‘;..on'. of.“".m ‘in .llII' ls..|tIg ~|nIuI ll’ UIIIIII) prugr-.' ‘ V W k N 0 0 ‘ rm ymtl l.«3lIt1'f 1" ‘ ” .. ..n.:.. lllr hu-hel. sm 8. . N vmelc--r v1eI1nr-- Tim van 1" '- """“" ""“ "‘,"’ " The Great Sons: Interpreter With 9 ‘ 8 ° 9" "'3 " r - tlllt u.u IlPOI1~ It. gym h N ' ' ‘ I _' P2‘ ‘bf pro”... h“ M mad.» p....;bl.- In run-, lm~I.\. Imllllt) and ugnrnut a ‘leggage ,, of Ir“ nun “I''"' 'I'‘'’'‘'"" “"3 3'18‘-'3 J""' J". ‘rm ‘ ma ‘ “Hm I ..‘”' lhf vo-nP""Ition of thtrf)' ltlul cu-tr “lair t-uI.n 1-»: In-r ratalortt II|0\\- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I }l_J.".',., N1-1.. 8l.|(1'-.-. “.'!‘.;' "J". -mafh. mm" cam“. "iv". Panic-.-. Ircordinl to Professor .\n|u'm’\ int‘, tn:m\ lm-o--In in lull rolnrn. T. ° ° .1.-aort‘t""t'}.‘|t:tt'r|r:'— \l.1~. \\tI.,- : J..h, ;"i"';“..'.'I'I‘I:’lh:.|.t.t»(t;'u:n'll:‘l1.“l:3:;‘1§i:|ll:t3 3'11 |t is the purpose of thou‘:-ulo’-my t..'..n Ofllls HATCHER'$S in ‘he Evening P0,“. :{:dl‘8t0l' CO. I am ‘lmml ' -"H. I .4 ts. \I 8.9. . J 4 -lo-t- I-It ~l'\o-ltl\ talvnlino-. anal the null! '."'""" fut. "uh. p0.“‘hr Hr Wm H.‘ Mar3h3|'o Mwur' C III 8VCI'fl mum {M :e.."" <”.m":'7.C o... ...;a .g...... "°" °' "'1'" °‘ - -**"°"~ T _~.-, :... 5., 1-1...’... 773 an u.....:m. -‘U’. 'l' , ‘- ~". ' 'I''’‘‘ l‘'''''' m"ip"‘ mun”: lo M; II vnn vaant tn bus’ or -ell-aotucthinl. . M V“ I U 7 "’ """' ‘Kw’ q Vliuourian "ant Ado. ' w t";mlo- T.-t.t| rem-iptn, SJIXD: strum: W ‘ ‘ Show-v. "I IIJI n-rrtpls, L'.NI); utruw; - ' " ' " “ ""' *1. Int I‘ ¢In:l\:.’t"::ll (.l.\t\ PIN ffi‘ . "'«‘.."..'I' (II. 2 um.-,7.11.,; N... 3 whit-. Our Grade <1 ‘ <2» . . (9. .« ;- - .1 . .. .-; .1; . .:;:i;;_;;‘g};,{[;h;..;j;;;;1;.@:;;;g_nz?;:[s ’: '( 5. 1 I I.; , '.l',o; \-- I ulnlr, TIN: \lay. 7l‘~.; ‘ "““'~"'"' '" ’ _’"— "-1 ' JHI} 5. I . (httv-\--. 2 yrhitv, 3.’-' to %5‘- ; \'u. Tl l G [ \.IIIlc-_ 'I>I'g: \II_\. J I \\'l---It ‘Future-ct-—\lI_V, Il.l67;; Juls. ' . . i .v' SI I07‘: Vpl. I133 . d E g _ ' . '“Iu'.tl ‘RPIII ‘:0. I. Nu. L‘ n 8 . - f ‘ ' .45’ U1‘: 1.. st 15- V.._ :t, st.:tt m sI.:tt'-._.: fun. -I. 3 . WI -- II «I -.‘1'u. 2. 81.18. . . ., my : “"°¥"" ~'*°>'°m' momtart Your ECOIIOHHCZII Market . ier and run better. 1 Ford Cars for Sale Pot Plants 0”‘ wet e ‘C I Terrttory tn winch St. _m '1‘o-rm cm « Room. g T a'yIor Garage ::.-.~:..:..=:-.:.~.= -:.: |’1'1€°<| Ruth‘ '0' 0111"‘ 2 ?.';."...‘:'."'."...a ’l§I'..."‘.’£‘.' Sale. ' BERNARD I adcr Ctucuo mu rates. A"*:':;: °::::='= .. “;.;.""°':';”., 3 - e one . . ’ " ‘ " - ~ "‘ i louu ”Itt1:t,[’I'l' rates are . proximately .71: und r hat’ 0 and 68; ll) x under ‘er York rant rates 0 I'M cl.‘ 0 S l.‘ l‘...".nI!‘Y / New York rul rur- ~:\~\:§~<~§.\‘ \ \ EF! T""'°" '" "*7" T=""°'v --* -*"=*- 5-1 “'e-1|';‘10‘rl"'A‘f'“KV'1! Loon _lrct It rates are 36c ulldct Chfugo. y ::::"‘"&;;::g, ‘- tho pulatr arr IIto~ proclurtc of 1' ‘'''"'''''"‘ ‘Plrllclitl rlwl u-I-rd in the . " .r:! --I pt:-paring: local as In lrr in the r ‘ Iv v: on nl return: at. . v ,' ._‘_ . . v o‘ 0. t tamed (htcken on toast 40¢ [ °-cm: r...4 mam ' .H'~.v;.tr Cured Ham . . . . . . . .35c U , _ . _ V . . _ _ _ , _ ,,.M_, _‘.m.”.”.. mm Ribs of Be“, an J.“ 30‘ O R saymg m fronght on mcrchandnse bought m St. Louns, over other wholesale markets “wk Ham Mu‘ Apple Sauce 35¢ f you awndcr margm of profit and enables you to make lower prices to your ctstomers. _"¢'ght bulls you pay are less from St. Louns than from any other big market because the. W h " ll ‘ H I M Wm“ ‘ :)sulcssi)_ Thfi :;bov]e map graphncally shows what you save an dollars and cents from St..Lo '~ D :9 II‘ I01‘ 0 tr‘ I—- ‘ ' ’ P . I w 0 C ’ lvzu-,.ol and Inltttrr attttl rltntrr ul milk, lea _ . .,, .....g.,._ 5 - . Vast stndcs tn the dcvglopment of American goods Impoftcd good, 1.3“ 3 in 1-“cued [h'e- ~ - and A 5 - - - 3‘ - V jj x.nv- lm fc1“1,11';1cc:r1; crl:gvt:mar:::xrn£h hatvc-}t>e:.-(rim mail: an theta quantaty. and the Spnng stocks of St. [Aura I - .- 8 . . . o . ‘ this Sprin to "Sony". ins th u go d nftar e Chooses Include large shomnga from .vartous_ I S L _ E P _ _ y p_ect c new an s o rn_cr- _omplctc open stocks of pro¢:cta of dornesttc I chandtsc and prevanlnng fashtons and keep pace wtth ctgn origin are now on display. The output of ’ ' the tstanciiardsiflltutis l(t)°g'k0ttl: adfiagtage to gactoncsand trade-marked lines are also rmdy tor - p - , com ccary,wtc cs stna ncsare iatc-shim t. St.Loms"ackage ttll , , , 1» The new authentnc style Oxfords complete. - quick ,,.,fi,,c°,';,_ 9 ‘W ‘V‘-‘ Jzmmze S CO”€g3 Inn § are _now bems: Shown—smart I . . ° “Serrire ..a .s........-.... a... Mono” lofiklgg Florsheli\ms for the man 5" :‘°"" ""“‘ ’°‘' '° """" ’°''' '°’''‘''‘ """"‘ “" '° “"' '°' °" """ ‘“ w o resses m 'eepmg' with the B g M h d’ ‘ times. Priced at 1 _ 1 e1'C_ 311 181118 , renoe " " W” “ "3 1' and Retall MefChaHtS Institute‘ ' 1 and 1 1 February 6th. 7th and 8th ‘ _ ' ggpcguofngag ' ~ m¢eGect:vehoo(noderIoperattoo.Aetunlvillduc:mncw {¢;.¢.,g.,..¢ ' ‘ - huilaojettilu ' - - '. ° . H . . ; H , f M _ hbnh :$uuflh¢daIooutuad.ltmngoods._11nbosmcu“txpuaodo¢umflhovIlIlh - ls mstantly available day or night and as operated . 0810?)’ or en. - 7" . Italian. to you to the conduct of your store. \ by experienced attendants. ; _ ll-Iflyhcdh-uah¢aubay.s':.Laun'a.¢uiuatbyuns¢ta cugwfbunaa, _ . b _ _ ;.'.g.q.,.a.-,. lo‘ . £8 rand A:pd§AtIrtnoa¢CbbofrhglVuu, . . a GunoeoIIu'htluty.GuInooo8t.Lonb—ThoSotldCltyoftho(hnu'aIWc¢ .3 u unera ome . ‘ Funeral Directors and Enlnlnen I \\ ~ - .. - . . L R ~ .c H wtto caaas ' ' '5 o g I .‘ """" °""" "'°"" ""' j _ uuu-Jun. , 7 , 0 O ' L 1 ' or , , _ ‘ . . ‘ .