" .’ 1,.‘ a_—\ .- . ‘ . 9' . ’ . i . *~ . no , . I N ‘H, )]'” fl '~;~'Io¢i’¢-ion 3 ‘tr - I. - _ - 5 i: - —-—- - ’ ivcx Louis scgiozu. INTSITAINED .41’ I'll f,‘4‘|'fi{§ltylId students of the art de- ’ ol the lniversity entertained 4 to 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon attain honor of_l"ranck Lo’ i 2. 5’ 3. 3: § 2 I pruala. Thewallawereliung V oaqodtiansaoddelllllivtodaced ‘-‘i-"' ,l were: Mrs. 1.8. \n- )1 Piehard. .\liss Mari- , tho faculty inenhers bpartnent. IM TAU OMEGA Nffllfl TONIGHT nuhars of Alpha Tau Oinega will farnal initiation this evening for the : Richard Cowell, St. Louis: if!-1 3 I iii :5}? " 1‘ 2 City; llale 0'Dyriie. Kansas in Noll. Centralia: J. A. Monii. Alhert lliuldy. ' ht Lsdr <’ 9 if’: auur Puss cw: To KNTIITAIN AT DINNER _ he mnhts five a dinner at 6 o'clock this even- lag is ne_,ciiiiuuy Corner in honor ..i 3 5 i 2" 5 ? 5. £ wb was Mia &ra Eliaahet lore. and Miss Stepbnson are ineinhers of the Inlet Press (Iluh and foraier a_tu- dma in the School of Journalism. ..timi.as r. im.i.tii ' ra no IQARCH 3 ‘re. Dora Bidwell of Fredonia. Kan., fie. .\fioa llowena Iidwell, to ' out. w. Keller. 1... ..i tum. City. 5 l'liVOl'Iity. He is a Ineilther of the r' fl 7539?!’ GIRLS F0 _ END KEJIPER DA.\'CI.' L ‘II. A. will chaprriin tlie _' girls to Ilaonyille today to at - 3. Q idorual dance given this even- ‘ fishy the cadet officers of Keinper Mili- ! on so-oi. itimui auui. om. Dell ‘tlllelh. Flora llaher and Ruth Cillas» . n. ‘fhey'wil| return ionorrow. . Amrican Association of Univer- I WOQI will D!!! at 3:U o'clock ,' % afternoon with Mrs. W. D. I. outfall. no Rollins street. \li». V L '. ‘£1 will review .\lay Sin- 35 hoah “Life and Death of liar- & leraa.” The nenhers of the hoard U tors will meet at 8 o'rloeh lor - ‘ tomorrow _ hosiosioihe"C0||earlIIII- NI‘ 3- I-llaahwill Vfoliassaf it . - goemilra. lawaanand %I'leaIlIwaaIl. '~ 5.: . .l. Untonhad charge‘ , . Topeka. ‘bio: lsc|_i loci-, _ union. si. tacit} iiiicoui .\i.'yei, ca...’ ii iii. Ifallat l’reoo Duh" ‘ Ir. Keller was formerly) student in l _ Acia and Alpha Delta Slgiaa lrater-'. fit h I I’ s ‘II it off?-oil. Leagacidllomen _ E 3'. ll" ' ii i E :1 ii if Voters club will A F"'' 1 to live in peace with iineladed. - E present position of Bulgaria is yearsagohuiwe eyesio the loci ‘flit.-topaytlie hyike Alien. II .are ooahle to pay will they play zeshylaekaadtakeourooul. ‘Some of you here launch the arena- Jfl - .50.. ‘ha ., 5", " ..,u.,," '3", uniof the San Jose scale in orchards. lle lflolaheviki. I say that inst as the ac- ’cusotion that the govarnoeiu had a ae- andience with the Turkish national- s at Angora proved groundless so it .1 ill he with’ this last charge. We Inean all natloin. Iussia .4 A A1‘ rm-:7 HOSPITALS | extension __ . C. E. Cartu. field worker, and P. F. Sclioweagerdt. soils ea- tension G0?‘ PAIKKI IIIQIAI. The following were admitted yesterday: Eaten “me-. lacoh Caldwell. Ouida (us. Cordon Viaard. cud,-. a'.m,. _ “UV fbnley Hunt. Ruth Dolan, Robe-n er. Dntored to Jefferson ty yederday "oodm. ..d Tan T ' rwifii Col. F. ii. Rlllhold. iii. wiiiiuu; 1-5- di_d_md' "_m'd_, ‘VI transact asi in connection wit “til. . ‘the University catalog while there. He 2.“. P'cnd:;‘.f.::l?"‘,“‘:'-l‘|n'B'Anl.'m was expected to return this afternoon. ’ " ' ‘ N e “uni _ and Thoaias Davis * O. C. M Bride lost I- ‘ may in lllec Uriivdrailvmaantlt d:P:t’)l°::r- C‘‘'"''" l‘‘" "" R“”" "W" W‘ 4“! ‘sery inspector. has rdturned from Pike thud mu nomln" County where he lectured on the control , '°°"" C0‘ -‘" I ‘ Bernita Johnson, K. J. Bouchellr, .\liia' 10"“ UIYPOOI and .\frs. W. T. Conley ' were admitted yesterday. worher, are holding closer and John F. Williams, l’niverIity publish- Wfffl {will leave shortly for Pettls County where lhe will five similar lectures and demon- lstratioiis. ‘ Earl hf. Page. extension truck crop ‘specialist of the department of hortieul-' _ ture of the University, returned from St, h""'d"‘l_ °l’l‘k"“i |‘N|’d5M 1" Phil ‘Joseph Saturday where he attended ‘kl!’ L k°"l’°'°" “l ll" P°“l")‘ D*'Pl"'i annual convefliori of the St. Josetlli Mar-a”°m' " “'5'” '5'“ '0 Pfotlut? mutt eggs and healthier chick-. | l 1 Chlekena Need Outdoor Exercise. ‘ Outdoor eaercise in impm-um in ,\- “Ax I ' '* _.--_.....-___ _ _ A .- . F. _ A .- FCOOLIDGI FOR SIIPLI ROSIE-‘on the vice-president's Il2,@-a-year. lary. TA $3. Aeeaptanee offlarhle-Palace Gift I! "2 Antharlaad in sin. - Ir Wuiiiiicrox..—\'ice-president PAC! fill “BECAUSE I Lox‘: rot" in four ads will he PH‘- Furifaure to line the insides of L‘ '3'“ 51 the Draiaaiic Club of llurii-- . flu’ ‘white elephant” llalaet. as a aanatar.‘l‘l‘L'. *5. I. Washes-iiy night. mi. 7 Lu“. iocularly called it. would coat . ....u‘at t untsdale llall. Adanisaiuti Stu. (:o0]§d‘,.. ,.i,,,,,. -pm“ (.l.p_i__.,d fomme, ‘ -and Reserved seats Slk. adv-l3.‘ house" was quite a cainpaigri ivouv up 3. Coolidge and his family live in . .___- _ __ .\lassai-Jiusetts way. hega to be eaeused plain quarters in a hotel and are per-1:‘- from the half inillion dollar inarhle pal- fectly contented. ace here which Mn. John B. Henderson. 4_ 11,, ,5‘, - wealthy Washingtonian, would make a ,,o“id be .5, 5.5.5. oi‘ 5.4 g". to 3 p"“““"" l'°"“' ' 'i°”P"“‘d°'""lup any estahliahllent that might in any <'v°|='d¢='- C--I-ii-is» man-rm in tbeluu interfere with ioeiiiicuviiia of in days when he was running for [U\fYl\()l’:"hi“. "0-,_ 4 anal later for vice-president, made conm Amepuflu of we ‘in i‘ .‘h°'i”d siderahle capital ovl of the modest home ‘ in J bi" W 5‘ 5-nod“ by sun.“ life of their candidate. This is one rea-wflfin. ch‘il,.‘n of ‘be M", ."n.‘ "’" "h-" h’ d°" M‘ "M ‘h’ "“‘" "-priations coltnittea. A cent Sixteenth street house. Othen arez‘ ,,. -_.._._.... to buy or oil so-athlngfi t believes it SER CE C Altering . The upheep of such a luxurious if you want establishment would pron‘ quite a drainltry a Missourian Want Ad. Jack Daily’s Phone 18 22 S. Ninth ‘ ,, ' . . . n 1 ‘bn M’ a a .:‘~...°~= ..... "" °':::- "W vmmsm NEWS |,.*.:: :.::::::::::..::: r 5; ~»--‘i' S°m°*h-"8 Different 3'3‘ T 0“: t'iu.N" ir“ ' llioa um Woodward left may for 2 "" ''’''"'°d " '5' '°"‘°"' ‘W rxlmi-r P3: nr lira».-viuil "av.-l ° ' i W - C‘ ' ‘eve’: - ‘film, l lllfi '5 l i v e tee’ . Apumaeois. There will he im,:‘:oC°“‘L 7. '° 5"” ' ‘°'""" "'1 MA1NLy ABOUT PEOPLE l.i.i.i: .5:u:i.;::.':.',.: .,.:.hdo0:,_ " l ‘d N , The Kat! Tisopou Circle of the (“$2 .:‘.W::§i::..gCo.: E. 7. Murphy of Cincinnati. Ohio, who “'::_'*;"*lIn ciliu in ‘the :i'..'i.ii. Every Afternoon 4:30 to 5:30 ' l‘.Mii:l:k mi. ll“-’“°c‘ ’hlPPl“I '@°l.a" I he." in (hlwbh ‘of "'0 N“ “' illunl Feb. 6. hrancknlhhriiilsySi'l'io‘:"ll": ; ll. "9 (L L Dian, nu. cfiengog um-@_ 5. "days. left yesterday afternoon for Jcffen . uh ' ‘ Jellies am. In 1- 0 Jam led the holdlngdertiliaer naetinga this weak in poo City. 2 ' At The l - “Mg; .1-id cgpgu coqnfieg, ' 0. NOB of rolllflbll went Ill ’ ’ , , , "'*"— , . _ _ M‘ 3| ' 035.1,". Q‘|Qg ' go.-L Huntadale yesterday afternoon for a short o l a -;_,I,“°,,",;_';;',;;f,_°";_',',,;;';'_*';;°*'g;,;"~_,;'; 7" u'’i..1.1;o?.'....... .. .. §.’£.°“(~.....!...:_ L H W by in '~ CURLING IRONS Colonial Tea and Gift Shop iCorner. lluhy N. Hula spoke on “Law ' .' we , in '""'m.° " ' - ' ‘ mu" "mt . “ ac . . ;En‘._n'.-cm_o- P .D. Naylor, state extension gent, ‘ Elflofl yesterday lll¢fl|00fl- ‘n. - --..-_-.._ will spend this week in Cale County en- "- 5- Boflfbflkf 07 ll? "i"Y|'0'"- ; The Calvary Service Guild will meet gaged in proinotion and extension work. llml C0|l|PI|I.\' of 5!. L005! hi‘ 5'"! 5'! 2:aoo'ii.r'.i. fierrioon .- ,,_ ., (bl biiouwi lewd--onbt . * e ~-— -— - ~.- _ rs. E. Steshenys, ‘7W ?f0Vld('ll:"t" horlticilllturneurrfwlhel Ticah" rt: DP:-m -\l.f- Br°""b".; "'°" 5:‘) (‘P9 Jotm L. Putt,‘ . (Odd. ‘tug-"ed [you g buginegg [pip [o (lkgfi Ifdfflll. bill ii llI.llIhlI.[ Ol DOVll|[ to (:0-' u... H. A. t.n...,’{i’o’o n........ — __§";',_;";','; ’;"_§;,";d°f,i;},“;”;"{;_;,": {',',:',‘:,‘;',_,“,’_";:',,';;:,f";1".,f,',,';,""i "“" "" Electric Shop a . . e led 2:4$'eboh lff ~. .0 ...m. . i ' :i‘ma't.b|" “ohuu-t is a ternoon_:x...s visiting in Columbia for a few C C ‘ N [7 M. M E 1 .\liss Gertrude Brink left today for her L "I449". ""¢"|*3°l llllllll 539' l"“sTlA~ OLLE('E OTES E To Reduce lion» in Kansas City. where she will bsudmnsn. left today for Jefferson and , . . . _ ” ' - l gpg-nd ggvergl dgyg, 3. Francois fotlflllfl 10 do pig Cllhll Old M‘. Ne‘. ‘en 0' Cl"“.'_ i ' _{,,,,,, ,,_c,,,,*fq;,,;‘;_ M”, c,,,,,,_ ""\';"‘_' ’Ej,'i‘:;";._°_‘_’"D"°' "°':o'_”c . 35:?‘ '5' °°'""d " h"l'°" "' Pm"; D,-_ gnadm. & : These are not old or used records. For the balance of . 2.," am," :..:d'v;..i..;. ;...i...".... ,,;,,,,;,,,, .,,,,,,,,, .5" 5, in c.,,,,,,,, Ed £'llcn_ ii.E:i._e:i‘:..i(i'i|:;y ('.ri.;::‘r:, fiuggdgq , this week you can get these records or Inn" rue!!! - )' at I e arm our. (ounty this week holding a clothing """ "‘_ " ' "_ "' i 50¢ h -~ -- ~~—— _. [weekend In Jefferson cu,-. clm-up-gggg eac . The League of Woinan Voters will en. ~ H” k_,_ we 'um'bn nth’ , _...____....._.... I ~. -..- - .,. * -_° _~ ' Ii‘ lii-k'ds‘ ltecht‘ , . n"',:_'.:“3‘J’°é’;‘n:;¢'fn:_“°“ ' .. doing aupervlatott mt this week u.l,_:,'," '°"° h-:'"p.'.';'l.‘.’. ' Whillc ‘Wheat! 1.4, .iu..,...,-u. i. ......i...._ This includes all the latest orchestra and dance records. . ________ ' Butler. CI” CM‘ B',c.d. M ’. ‘ d s. h ‘h ‘ ..'cl::i §:IIol'row“' Smlimmmb .'.Z".'..."".:,'.I‘.‘.' c“l'l...:l. c.;.i..'i"§1’2'..u..°'"" uuuii hos» You'd .mm-. "'5 °'“" '5" ""~ 5"‘ L°'“° l“ ‘M M" um“! .\lrs. M. .\f. Jones. ISM Rosa staeet. l’lfl3yed from eating have a dam an fiat own._ bob . ll Str-e.ng’s Purina Whole Wheat read. You are their Pat little man’ add an new - Stephens ege getting the real honest to ness flavor found , dn . . . - ' ' i in Purina Whole Wheat our, which is milled - P555 W ‘ha! Uh!‘ 3 - - - and {lo from the whole wheat berm J many other things you'd never expect. -—fi T HEIBEUS , In addition to the loaf of Kleen Maid Q - "C3318 A. . which you will want tomorrow, order a 1 loaf of Streng’s Purina Whole Wheat. _ _ Bread. ' i - Adsiuaaioii' ' 50 Cents ‘ : Sold By All Grocers! ., - i‘ _, 3 W / J.’-‘Do 03-"..- A : - ‘ ‘ ' .2a&.'.‘._.!.0.o..0.a.£!...- -