‘ - t.. 9t~.,J,v \».r I-1f__ .'-_I?’.'.! --~ -I V‘-<,. 3’ . ‘ff; ‘FL V t 9 . .',_‘_. _ ... KoaayCallansdFiataCarOwn— an &i Io Uasd For fligh- vaga. is Assistant Mini» asy'Guisrd’sDseisiaii. co-or-atlvaariuas l‘l.0.‘lIl!lfll“IullflIVld« aadrsaalattsa laraier'iao-operativestaros. tytilieaestoresshallleliesasodaad sapeniaed. ll. Lllaiaaiatradacodahillvhieli troaldragahtéthstypaaaltvaafitohe coaatrastedtoy thesiaialltatiaay De- paitiaeataiacoardaaeosriththslaeation ofthersadaadtheanoutoftraflic paniqovarlt. URIAN 'r Esniw rssnuiiw 6 1923 .._- .. --, . .-< .__ c «.1-«L: —.I——.——o- .1 ..._ . -7. _i wiiitoeotiu nmuwmu-mt* m~m".‘hm*d~ ad Illa sis paced. matures wan llt- vltlfl ia the ioepaetioa at hotels and hoaril- _ "R..." l iayrinsu-in.rt-on-mtn.n...e..na.uiupenioatee..nio‘Ls-yr!-H85-one--l-c-ted-it U ‘°' ‘°“ .ridathatIrhuaballd'n¢aadlaaa -he idoal vhssilhehotl hoardiag avell. lciatioa has a aarpha on hand. it aiay.l:- is inzpected and mi: Phat 050 ‘has alItayI—ladiea' n.“.'u. Potfiua '0' 8"‘ ‘vest in government or state bonds; llitu —-~~- -4- -7» - gm.” . 8'7"‘ C‘""' Y‘ x‘ C ‘- ,that rrhea a deceased person leaves aome Dr. W, C. Itlrldge at Manhattan.‘ stock in a building and loan association it any he tranderred by the trustees of the estate to the rightful heir. The Ilean- iirea also prmide for a raduction at from :30 cents to I) cents in the inspection tee to he A fourth hill introduced l)V D. 0. Holes which states a maximum price of Cl per square at 250 eaii be set on all Dr. W. C. Etltridgr. professor ol lieltll __ H - 3.3 . ._—é he will attead the Farm and lluine Wink V under the auspices til the kamau Nate Agricultural College. Uutit llthridge chips in the Colleae ol {grit-tilture, Ielt _ LEARN TO DANCE hill Ipflh "edleldav tin "1 “anti of tlii- ltortllng lot Waltltlltati, KJIL, where. [hr WON“ (M I.pfny¢-ynq-'3 §.ao¢i..' M UP E. E. Prttail introduced a hill in the lion." and ‘flureilas ovt “.\mbe.in-." E M“. Jmuon, Instructor i murity and state advertipe'i-nent~. use .1! ‘ e “ I "1'; """' """""“, lesson Provides For,f::"; c’k';f:‘_’_'_'.';':,°?“ ""I.““‘. L" ... ..;.....i by the t.....«.. V» ‘nu-I--an «Mn: to» me rt-tar-—. Aadatail by the heat dancers in the University. Prlvst. ' bi. Ia. Ié Istoa has tstuaad hall, Remmmld mid" who fllullli. ,.A bill. tletinina the boundaries ..£ ‘"'"" ‘ P‘""" ‘“"'l' v"“"' “'l'':‘'‘' E '5" ‘bl .9 e . ~ 1| fl Q. * W .' M0 '5 b ml D. No‘ aim Pro‘ ‘ S, M_ introduced a gaggle ‘°wn.mp' in Pub.“ Coumh |m""'u' "1 — ~--~— -— -- - .' M ‘Q’ Ipfiilhlmfflt. I i I ID. i QT kw "lurk id ‘.3, 5‘ pa,“ 5“, '5, 57 -l- ‘- -‘"'|9"°"l- "0’ P|""‘l~ ll you want to buy or sell something ' ' ' "°' - 11..-' ‘I ‘mi.-tiiiiii‘ -r- l Osblla yo 5 ; ____._ itaie tn-aitarer to handle about and IL “‘-'l‘ b" ‘"’ "m “ -‘ ' ' "V -""“"“""' "N -‘W'- ' . to it Ian °""‘ "”"'- ""' "" 5" “'3 """'°" C‘"- ""- ‘** “'°"‘*_"' lirary funds. This noneyla aov handled fr 1 . >-< i ,- .- ‘Q .. *7 iflwhinfl §r‘&jd$j~':"' j“ k‘. ’*"|‘7 ‘7 "°'_"'' and rqulati-tlhythe Stfle Ioardof Edit: .t rtitrasaiihaih-attains. 11¢‘-llll-itllal-vincadvill--b=_0|i-«--ill-t -It-ML .u...‘t‘ali. .9 In and In.‘ Pshq-ripiai Saaday IN’ I0 MIR ‘-8- "'" """'V '°"°‘"4 "0' I"!-°N" " I‘. W. itiiniin latrodueed I bill which iati Its.-it In. A. A. luau. ‘—'—_——-" N-~ -t be -'4 ‘or '59 --I-"7-f-" pmitie. tlut school playgrounds shall . no.» a pull: into it ran itutie ‘R0¢,”,¢ .°‘ ‘*' '1'; "::_'!L- “M ' '°"'":.': be available to school children tiuouh-. - rddms lrldaydaaraoaa. I l“"" , '“"‘ ‘° °°'f' _otittheeatm-year. l'§Q'l'lh"wlXlb fln,[!_fifi..-.d,,hm“&hu.'.tcaua[.p::aa1::.tlieaatanohilL|t¢"0:' A.L.\leCatr|eyiiitrodaoedaaieasare hbé|asuat_DavayOanns., 5- ;,..¢..i¢§ng,' - "'°Y5'V ""vhit-hprovidesthatthepeople,-otany .3 Its’. lay Nana tiaat in Columbia» 3- 1.4.. .51) .,.¢ 5... r.|.e...,_"‘“‘5:'" :'i:'°o"'5'~‘ “°v“’°v°"° rofllfiiity amt authorise the City Conn-] to vlahllta. W.’ . ‘5"d’_ - . (‘ll ‘to (rant franchises to any public‘ . ..;.u.,..,h,i,,,.;gg,,,;,1...:mA boil: 5:: ll‘"O‘It‘¢d.t’IIJIbnll(EOt:I" nlilllly. lttherat; rarer-dmteipon lIClIln.. tslaafisaoaat Sdfij India ‘'1 9 Y 0 Y IINIOOII . . n at any time tiring term I the al 5;... ["3 5. 5,, in Q... .5, pa. land it. pi-ovidingmtor a pellet“: tram-liioe, the utility loses its traoiit-hiae .‘ ' _s. V V A ! pauaii. . rs. . . ...g_ «man 0 cadet” rad: rourhoot ‘gin. _l j ’ 1, -- - " - e ‘j’ ~";~ 1!?’ I ll Earl IIPP is reeoverltll fiat P°lIu.,date and to eo‘::’eet ap the various state ".\ltt‘ltI¢'l Kinney introduced a bill which ‘ d ' 9 ‘W l ‘ " ' .44’, ."' VG’-l‘ V41 Cd rs. arace Odom at New ...;.. oruads. A tax of 2 ceiitsoa the CHI) provides that any person can carry CID‘ ‘_~'.:.=>§- -7 iii.-etimtigutn at‘ C... 9...... -. val ' * ‘ed 'lI heh‘ll. - ~ - ~ , «. "°‘*' ; l, 3- - " aefcSkaturday.'.. ” “ b“ l S|:0lc:::.ll|Irt')'d'IIl‘l:¢‘l a hill whit-h I-"‘:wl:i'llcn' ‘t'i'erb:¢‘pa.u:-tdl|clily"t.hl:'nll:i|t:a':e . , fl ? Villa only has tested Iyl-too I-do Aieet Hunt at tint-itie was in Boclte- would pmitaiist the killing «it quail except .-rm-rd-.v ah:-moon. v ”« ' " ‘ " ‘ k:ndiw Crane aad will have the’ ",1 11,.,,,d,,-. ‘[0, [..,.1_ 11.5. 5;" .3.“ ,,,.,..;d.., am 390 .\ series at three bills relating to build '35- t llertry Gardner at -Woodlaadville was-voters of any county inay petition the ' ‘lo 5‘ ‘Vt nil“? 3595943‘. 0‘ in Iafheport Frldar. ‘(.'ottttt)' (Iotat to call a imperial election ' Faih pacts at . D. -2 - 4 - 9 ,, “- j the l [Cd ,Q.‘.I'.,J._yl:a.\irltas treat to_Nev Franklin pl“; lol::q|‘I't;l’pt'Dlf“ of r ting a elucetl sea Othollerguoaotfalian aoeatthe §_E_] - git “icon. - l. ° A838 . pact with his pleats, iii. and Ila. 5.. Ioehe|:r't“n'l?h’arsday‘T'. ’ W tail"-Jisc'il.°"t.';o::r::‘t::"lu' "'°"£.'.’$§.'i’.'1 Pk" 3" . I L "- ’‘'|'''*' Tom Mathew who iniurvd 5- fact it that am ollicer of the i.~'::.Pi.ai. t.. Cl” R‘““'°“' j 1‘ W M % CW to l)? 001 Ill?! &VPfIl I. “.n[o'.“..”“. ptohibiu-0. “V. “I.” be tr ' r uavaflaaaoooutdtlie illaeaaof the 9..., cm of }tu,,¢’i,. ‘n, 5,, and "0. om". “N. ‘ha. . um i‘ . ischrollin Fr:-on Fersn-w Rocheport on‘ business Tlninday. . P. M, - ,5." 5, 1"‘, ' '‘ Fl,’ *4 Mn‘ 1' L flu.“ d..“. R” whl" ‘ml R°l"" B°"""‘“~ °‘ :rid:r it ‘llltlcil lur t,ll’e fidu;utu: :1‘; DR 3' F. ronnls " dlachepart fiat Saaday Ira. A3,“, .",,,¢,d ,5, a,,,i,.i f,“.yl“quor ad um‘ “M “ "wk "d “w CHIROPRACTOI . “'9 "4 nu‘ .5.’ win..." "l‘l"' ,tnoiiey turned over to the school liiiid. Pd.“ c"““' ‘bite of Frnklilviaa Mrs. Sidney llevnolda of Howard Coon-' _M. A. 0.n°“M" "I. R ‘_ Donmm‘ Guitar Building, Ith I Walaa. _ Ne ty was the guest ol sin. Claudia out i Saturday. ' _ i i 51‘. LOUIS, FEBRUARY 10th to 17th fl . Dd . . . _ e . TI-ill-r-Nehru II-vein-naive-‘I Thereceiptslronthc ctnimi given: . :-'5'-'7"-‘~31.-=h:'~m”:i'7'h=°d~:h:.3 '3 :3: ""°°' "°""' W" "'°""'; Theatre Including Sunday» February I I tli 588- S. . am. the aiayot at Rochopart,' ' ' ttr.-iii-are-us it-e-4:!-:....it.t.i.....t.t..i--nod-v.. Only. o . . . ........".':..":.'.:‘".‘:'...":.'.. ...., "...: .':::'°...‘:":'..; 5... .... .. .....é » Universal Building-Olive Street at Twenty-Seventh Street a "u«':"-'i«'=‘u-- -am. . mt. i'.l‘.'..."7..“.*..'5.f.".;.“‘...':'Il'i'.'.'..."?' ““' 5*‘ B C .:'..:.-'.-:.-2.:;-...*"'..’.‘c.-"'.'.'.%: °“Y ,f’mPS°“ S, L .. M .. . ‘ r, -;:-g_-_- I» ”_m __ -o -the .a...t....t..t...i. um», .' - ' ouis ~ ammotli Exposition of E1 hty-five Makes of in... « -i''1..... .... ....t.."‘-’..Z *'..':.'°'.'°.:*‘:..::..'°;...,..;.... .. \t : “ALWAYS THE WOMAN” Q n and C] d A t H 11 be d~ d d h L lot} A :n-d|ll:: 0!: : htI..n;:; The story of a courageous little American actreu. who ' O36 u Omo 1 es W1’ 18? aye an more - t -an ;i'.§U5D|’ at in at it-. um»: t :34? .i‘i'.’.cx.Cti,Yn.a...!ii.;; 3. mt... ,...i... ..,...,, .,.,..,. .5, ,,,u,.,,, ,_.,,,,,.,,, ,, 0116- a mile of Accessory EXl'tll)lts—-all In one great buildino 5'2.-'3-_"*-'~ "it-*-°'*'-'5“-3? Gr-«'3 " mm B""“" ‘W’ ——lor one admission price 3 ms.,-igm B. A , , ~ H “,__c;.,.,',,,‘:'__._‘_,_,,___,,,,.s"§;;-,_«,«-;fl-;_e e‘-;'-57-h HAROLD ufgyn COMEDY iggest utomobile Show Ever Held in the West : :£:~°T..'“_;“'”¢;:n':':*'“» ' Do wnpngsmy ONLY ~ Reduced Railroad Rates from all points in . i,,,.',:.,,.-,._u:_ ::.,,.,,j",.,.,c:m,:t ‘WW Pflwfnmd “ck H0“ Missouri and parts of Illinois. Ask your Agent. i i.....,...... .., ""‘ "j ., M, “on THE HIGH SEAS” E-.:~...-;; ,...°-n...,: . - " .=.. Mb ‘”' ‘ Information foureau, rfcstaurant and fully equipped ii..'it'a' ta... George an ..i om-buikgarden seed in Re-built Tyvewrtters rest rooms or out-o -town visitors. All cars to .ii'.‘1"‘2~." 'ti‘"iit.‘.".2's£3.'7 T ilirflffit “um” " h"° n.....i a".:l'.?.iI'nso .,. the door. Music by three orchestras every after- : ll|LR,':.d f0l'CEo!l$}'i‘:gd en?‘-‘°‘| R°ml:S:hT:’Ro;stsb|es noon and evening. Bring your family. itaiaziza-an-..i‘:.i.1o... 11... u ‘ Willltltc Seed Co. i “" .’I',.,"',.'.':.,‘t',‘,,,’_.‘,,"-"'°’~ 3 A‘ :4 it, 3.; pt... 43-, 31,; “M 76., mt; % UNDER AUSPICES or 6 ‘ * St. . Louis Automobile Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Association fl Admission 50 cents (including war tax) Open daily from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. r ' High Grade , . ”"“"°°°' i.... ITS sr. LOUIS’ ‘GREATEST St-l0\V—EV£RYBODY LET’S co . 1 i 4% an 2 13 N pt... 2 i ‘ ' 5 °- “ 1°“ at s. 9th. Don t Waste Money C () A L t H O {I , a . _ to ' ~—~—«—- « - ‘ On a New Radiator BlaokfootCoaland Mercantile ~ 1 Let u. tmn . ' Company A‘ lryree are In eleciirally equipped to nine Boone (‘mints tog] ' ,5, .0". ' M nodern tray. It's cutting nachliie eaahles coal to he lptadlitetl rapitllyl L d Need Us. . iuuan-itriai - ,,,_”___‘_ 1 ofPursLakeCopper --u-to-tut-. 3 V‘ ' ' ' T“ '‘‘''a7 lfilnd It e i 3 .- ,. . X i , 3"‘ '3' 330- ‘C1050. lllhlaoflls. tnntaaoa. ; ' i It is surprisingwhatwecan do with a darnnged radiator. ~11» 40-04 and amount m” N‘ ‘mum w "um I'M‘; I te...h“'.. ...':.""'....:‘."°"'-"""°“"""'"° . °--*- 8-iv--w- M-n % . ...'-.......----=-'-v-"M l . ' Lfintfiilthfl ' J K Udcflc’ .3 ”" “'1 "'°."" lftatcr value and iiatiulactmn iitl . y . B_A'l'l'ER‘l‘0N,Wl'E8&LONG 3 ...u.....t;..t..t...t1'.'.‘.‘.t,..'.:.""‘“""‘ . -vet ' . ..,_'___,‘,_,°°_m ‘ -o - ' 9 -l orget to call The Blacldou trial 1' ' . fl. - W10. 3 I r ' H J Canpaay {or service. It is ihaumhiy ,,,,'_.m:u. “J 1 i‘ ' I Plsaslflfli-an 12:13, ' ' . v.arntair.wii.i..i....3,,,,,_. . . " Undvay 2‘ 8‘. A PIIOIIO 249 ’ 5 t e 9 experience in coal _¢iiiiit~,.. ’ ‘ l V . ' n. t.