M1350 T C0 f'fiT'S§t'YfJ_lii:L3Q'1ift5'.KY,’3£i~ItJ.KiY_"2i);’itt23 ' '* "§{;I[gi.;f{13F ; .2:-:.-:..:':.':..'.:*'.*:.:';-.—,.... %NEWB Y P U W"W'«" '0 "W "=*'°"‘"""“""" ESABOTAGF I9“ 5 p ¢..._|., ' I .':\u.. i... so in mate. I. l ‘ '° -' ' ' arm; Anmrrs mu. " °'"'"”' '""'°'"« ‘ ‘ '~* T as (an .‘ -tttsstr .tt.3 “ - - - v r 1 EM NOW 22.,---..-. ---t, ,“"",,---=.‘.. "3. D1111-$001 R1 GAIN?‘ 3 i.....:. 5_jjdf_'y"*_g.",f__:_:‘..°:..',; CHAPEL PLANS BE trams Mom rm! "--*-t.....c;......°-* SPREADINC ALL .~ Kfififlbflf . JVEL” ‘ rabbit hast. Tbeytvere near Tura- »"l1:"'X""“ , . —----—. .. . t’ 5;‘. n ' . ' - , E . 0 v - ‘. QGCLC9. Jan. 29. A -attatottlllll Th, .",n.J d .‘ u so H l F ‘ -"""‘T t . TI-Ilsr. as ‘ ——-t " "17 iii" ' '.'L.'..°.'.'t'.‘.'.§'".i..t : ..._...’ -‘°' '*' "“""?".“‘ *""¢ "W" *- '°~a-»-'- no-.* -«i iii-3 out’-it ’-‘—.m'l‘."~ I ' ’ R [N ' 4 ‘I: ‘ I‘ new m H M Van OBI! the ECCI llfill tip 00 {Or ACli0n 0fl.M "[k‘R'm"“ monu'.'nL.d H » 0 by .d'.na'd "WT. ‘u “"ofkcrg n--‘R - -qt g h l"'r"'"d M ' '“"' nut 1" """' """' '“ '‘'°'°‘' “Y """'°'*- ;_';_-H-gq -hm - ‘too: --Id-H;-d Project —— ‘Site Owned .o.... .'...»e--»..‘.’r°".'t.'.'°'i.'.a" ”..,..J"'..'.=‘1';“':,,,,"' ,?”""“' °°{,"’,"g,fi {*3 9., lttttoglrlcfi viii): K3.-rim *~"~ . 1 F1500. Irfii. " ' l . . llavrhi shot an ‘. ' . . . *- W l"'''°°*| 5! \| - * 4” E M’ B‘ M i F’ H“ "0 in...‘ ":‘k ‘uh him 0. NOT‘ of .Ad| on |:PlN'IY I ltlllt to be “Pri.-_ En." J... rm‘... an. Rhineland “IN! at g “'_____5"“"‘* , ‘3:=-L T. . ,.,.,.. so_3e_2_21. .t.. ms‘... o. ...T.:m.:.... ‘tar , Mcflatne. ;,,i‘_,°j'.'; ',,';,'i',',,"';’,f,'.,"'; ‘;,‘,,1','.'.’2."_ ""' Q;°.*';°"lj;,j';-,.":'h“'{."_;;;'Mf°;5- Dusseldorf. OPINIONSHEAIID 0*“ '----w-- T --.=°.-°- M" -v- ~ ; ——-— - —= '""""' , ~ - . ' . . . _____ :3: '..‘ w }l“|I.hIl'l‘I..t.l|lftttlI to sell the fox lllde ‘mu. 1.9% P (';:"R:'):D.IJ)8IllCNAB1?'- U “anti. “B'l.'l;..Cl;‘o::‘|"‘“Th.t|- - .0 “won ‘ad ysnssdsy‘. Cg” mm MANY IITIIODS tram IN .‘,llliatm“"N;m€ G.l'°" st it';tT?escssn' ...t"~i°i.:'"t‘.'u:"il'a.:’-:.""l‘"d C°"'°' "I m“'d"" . . - ' ‘ '‘'''‘' - ‘ '° ' '°‘f'°' RAISING scnoot. IIONIY: ,‘ ""“°".9“§“_l°Y 50500‘ "I Ihttsn ssa Otbsea Canter .» .; It was . ~ - ' lnsurgettt.-t Wm-k 'I‘mim I2. srsslsttstion. no. 0.. yang ap, Th.“ Th“ of prev” . t R ‘ f H. ' a tot by I ttet n . orrts. __ l .l“"‘s “i “"0". 33' flfllphllbfl, - Y PW‘.Tm”-'° Ajhflgg .f‘ l wl,'0n U “'1 ““..lh.fil°' A‘.-"‘»“L Thar} Wllzt truth part gltl the plat’. "Pan. lllltl xltlllti l l o « l‘-°°- . °'” °“" ' ttecstte Sebsal llaa r-‘tutu-as ‘it ' “‘’'l‘' A call has t'Umt' 1...... the .\ta.....m"°“‘ “‘."' .“"" l'’‘'‘'‘‘''''‘’‘’‘' ‘'''‘'T''‘. P"l5t‘t*"\¢n. Elk W W .._.. ‘ I-m'....u_ p'."."‘:'T:}_':: n'n“n.c""" n"§‘a", Mad‘. T',.‘.h"‘- Ass.“-i.““n flu l.l‘f2 ‘-,tltt‘kItlH't. Eltllbflll 1000!; Pg|||' . , -._. t The lartnera in llsone County have in) and see everything.” He said that ltbir psssession l0.ltl) horses. 6.7!)’ . Vlobtlatta ol:mulea. 6.6“) milk cows. l9.6$ other itbs lsrr coined were mare caedttl to ‘cattle. t6.fl0 sheep. 661” bags. accord- . 7»: l W . a s ‘M h. 7 pm last,-Isl-|-rali-vile-i 3-5! -‘l- “W on be besaght ts iustios. E , it: A. Logan and Jewell -Moe. or the. '°' 4' Federal-Stile Crop llepnrtllj Service. ' larnters now have 9434.!!!) Fern Lhrsrlltttt; Hstl Pasntttn. RoggIind'.' h'V""‘" r''"' ‘ tiltckmatt: l’andnra. Nnnavnn t)ntrltoIt'. ‘ H." ‘nnm "W "“‘''l'" ".‘ ll‘ llope. (.aIhertne lirostnshite Sstrow, “av . Rm" ‘mud up ‘ml "Mm lb" mm" m' ine Allen; Naughttness, Virginia Cant. The rant lnl’ "lliltf Color Firm“ has l-T-to-lle. Nanavon Charlton; Otto-en ol the lltttttltmt, Fern (httrlton; the eight color "“"“"" ~ - . . llte l‘rtiverst't' ol .\lisso rt to as . the metro at :b«'.\tcc«-are Sch»-' ‘ ”"".' """""" ”"""' "'3' '" '* t...t...t.s.» a..’.t.. t...n.-i." ... ..i.'....'.'$ Parent-Teacher-' Association have Illv '. 'h" 'h""'’'’'','' ' '“"""‘ MM devoted to the line arts and to set high "1 ‘I500’ ll“ 9 0‘ 73555"! m°"‘'7 '°' ''‘‘'fl‘'. 05‘? "I E‘ " .S"ph"“° Ftp". standards in musical endeavor. iIPf0V!'IM'lIlI in their -<-hm-I. Rm-1|» “"""" °.‘ "“’ B‘ ‘i P’ l-- ‘"“"' With this in on, mt. w. 1.. «st, WOVC ‘OI! TU‘! Illtl Ntltl lhQ.r‘ .u,p“"‘ ‘hf '"""T' ".1. un.»Ofinun.'¢a“I0plin_ gut] wtpnugl. 'Tb'Y "Ml" ‘l5 lmll lb’ '3'“ hi ' ‘'1' Fr". Dunn‘ lneudflw’ let: I" Kan-as tilt. lire-ltlent til the in” go" don.‘ea by the wom¢,,_ no-y r""5.3" ‘ml llllvll ""l'l¢'- 5'.’ “mu. 'r,...h,.,'.' s_,m.,mi"n. mmr latriga. llelen Ivan. Rat tlliter. l.or- ‘(mm ibought dye and dyed the raatt whatever E stephm“ ‘L Q §‘_“_"n.,.. all}! to tiolumbia vestrrdat to confer \\tllt*.'"' “"'"". Vtnivtia liattt. latdttte M r,um_M"” n _”,k,. r 5 corn" ‘he, dfliwd. -nu," "vb mflfl," K. (t. llarper rcpt.-.4-nted Loluntbta hm.s,D'. “nu...” Mmufm “Mm "W m.m.“t.lmr|ton. .\ltldred “Ifftfs. \trgtttta Lee ." nqrm‘ M mm’ It. tour on on brought a dozen eggs to one meeting. . ol establishing a .\hool ol \lu...~ .1 r}... and Elizabeth Jones. "rm". \‘.Ikmm m"ll3":_J|:::ln'.“'.|..:e: -.. -t. 5:. .2;-» ,g-;~ an we -1; -=«- -= .‘.."':.,::'." .:::' :.:::' '.r;:'.::"'...:. .,~..:‘. '"::;.':r.*' :2; um * \...'31::.':.'.t.:: I-g-«, - - ~ 3 nt at year the ttttnbss horses ha V ' ' . ' 4 ' " ."' '" 4 "' “ - . . ' I" rem t at ‘am full-ttlt‘fl‘tl new '°'~+:‘..".'. :.':;:'2-t'::.'t'..::.."'° °°“""’ “ "" sw"'““ ‘'°'‘ ‘'‘’’'‘’‘’° "’ '"°'°°° '3"? 3*" ' ::::::... 1., .'.:°..'":"':. :2" t.:*':.'....-“.;'...,....*“ ".~ :3.:'."':;::. ‘.'.'::. ‘::;':"..‘.f:::r': her A st-end cause oflawlenness. now Pl'e- all" '‘’“l '’‘l‘'' h" d'°"°d "filly "lxwomm ha" hm" J mun," with the -I‘-lt't‘f~‘ of. the First llatlhlfd um". l‘o.|lt mi " ‘P-Ill”. Mr “ll Hit the ~l.t"t' -ittitt \ under the ltrnltt‘ ~'mm' ‘hm. J "NW ‘N. W [ml in nu‘ wsilins. W. Strphesa believed to be so» ’“l'7u"°°° "’ ’“'2‘°'°"°' J ~«h:“tit"h M "in: ‘mi TM 'i‘“‘.t"IlM (Hum-h.p ttt't'.n‘lt".-li'l'l‘tt-r‘ ll“ "it...';'.-m'...mt '..t \tt. (tm.... lair-‘rttg \tt--‘\ltldtr:l is-“""""""" °"""'""‘ "‘ ""' "“' ““"' u-"5’ F'“Pk 3" flan‘; ‘tr man‘ in '.'ot vi", "w ‘inn. l Err“. lhluluilw. m' ' “l. "T: ‘Tb!’ ' ' ' . Vifltml ol ylttt‘h‘ll~ .tt \lt~-nttrt in the \It ll.ttl tlttrlr ul lltr tltutrttt lnmumu hall". "W |r.’m. H‘ Vumn. "‘9-.‘.h”. ".i"'’..- _\h,_ S. I ‘ Nuuird. 1 live painted the tttIttr' o ti 0 starting a mission - ‘ ‘ I‘ rnttttttl. Ram-.t\ .\ltll..n.tld tailed n .-t- than horses and total 373.000 .¢.o...t M , ' "' ’ - - , To ’hr' t ‘ lot l ‘N’ l ll . Dfhaotl “I. H ‘I ' "- Al "' l ll" " “ " I - 'l"' t-r t It t- . f“nnd are stilling to do almost anything i‘l"'m” L1“ hum". Th "flu? Pu"-tlirtiveltlttnts |.l|r'~')”l\g\':.:t.i.r-, n||[:|I:'r“s. alt: l‘l.tr‘w‘tApt.t't't[ at l';'..|:l.':tlll (lotuta llhdlx l:;'|l'l|*"|l "l'"ll|lt:t'It' in‘ lltt' l‘.lt:lVt:YQtl\ l“S"|‘ ‘ -:‘_:”_m' ' hm h | "M Mm“mm'"' lllordertogetadrinh." tie traaolthe 4. ‘ t L ‘. A MEMORIAL J: llltldtlt dfltl llfht'\_ |l|¢- Lg". ttm- t'ttlllt'!t'l'ttt’ t'llll'¢ itt tlts.tgn~emr-nt of’ all ages is fill per head as compared , . . . . . , o t&,~,“~'. h.Vr 3 chirkfn pip ‘' ah.‘ "1 .tud'.n. "fig", n‘ rfiuhfi-h. Unlll lllh It-llh-lllt-I‘. Kiln llfltlpf .’‘.km “"1"” mm Pmhihmon Md with ‘(M last year and $4 in l92l. The. - H "I. Ill’. . llmmt for lapmt School to ll»¢“‘tt:".-rt...-..t.t. ‘l‘h.- tt..u.t. .-;.t.....t and Civcn itt Memory of '-st other are .-..n...t.-mtg means t.. ..b. Jhwl "hr 0‘ ““.m"i nu!“ mu mitt. this the)". servr-‘a| lt:ll ,p::'m' (.h.u":;‘_"|\|,_ ‘|(¢-¢'|'[ufiI(“I1n. ‘Q dire.~Iiutt ‘rd ltro/l, V. II. |'..mtm-r. tr ve t‘0lItlltttrtt_v sttrtatt II t ,t rtsror ttt tug in te bu} ‘ _ ‘ . . Having-pirtture were pointed out Jun. m inn’... 0‘ I pfllmr pmpk “Fm” in . mrmny ,”._rn",m, [n;".,_“, .2 _\h.',,,.,' "Ht. ‘8ClEN(E llAl.l. (().\ll‘.|.E'l'ED 5’ “L swphw “ hm‘ ' and ‘.90’. lfffll nundtcring 7771!!) now as corn rcdi Tb" h" ‘hm’ flmfi’ mill‘ 3'". hmk" ‘hm’ "im"""‘ °‘.N"'"' ‘:""“"" ‘ Classes Will Meet Tomorrow; um °'“" °‘ "i"‘'- H’ ‘w ll“! "9 did I n"; -‘tbglun - ‘Q 1- h P. - :to the school. / ' vocational student ill the School 0‘ Juli‘; f pi ‘ T1”. not mean to insinttate that all picturt-~ " ' m ' M’ "c '"'l or n ' Pflrkcf ‘“”u” Tl"k"l' Ulltlf“-ttvtt at hlttsttl. __ ___ __ ' tslttlr lltr Anguut |,;m..vmm-r.t |;_.,.t.|V .tlte coaaenaturv and tlt. -rltottl ol cx~ ‘ """"‘"l‘l "’"'" M" l" "*'lltl3‘lWl "”'""“"""l ‘l“"-‘I'M l\'rm=Il ln-m Vint- , In So-ptetnher. I921. Mr. "illialts died Wcém M" H. m,,".,g ‘u,.,, H... M‘ in the \largat..r K. lung Scltuol lor tLirl- ml. m - *--W-' in -"' I»-*~ 4"" In or building. The ..;...... t.t........n will in-s’-' Tukio. to»-n. -n m«-mm «I t;-mu M»t-vrh--v~--~»v- |"".‘*‘l"'l that .50..’ W". 0‘ ha i.n*‘«. hm an creased in most of the‘ counties except; ~“"'§—' " ealslettt ol the B. Y. 1 tn the east and south central sections. J . K ‘ icr-‘ion “'4' 3- ‘l l’- l ~ -ii-‘ll V." “ill moved .. ....... it‘ u..- ttrn I.b..m..n to. V Vlrlm. mi--inn-rt tor «hr lw-it-~«| Um- '4-"-‘W tmlrt |---|- Stephertn lhtlltjr classes will ln"et in? '5'" '9" "l" ‘Md. causal’ " ‘which were seriously alected Ivy dmttth. ENFORCEMENT ,"°"‘l““ll"I “W ""l'""lt to cgfl mt?‘ ha". ll‘ " ."‘ulI'_d. Vttatt Miss-ittttaf) .\ttt'tt-ty. “inn Parke-r *d~ lllttt llwtr‘ t\.t~ nu ntttvrtrtrtt tlttmre '0 l nu tltt new §t'tent'e llall tntnorrow lnr tlte M u . u ‘h’ J ‘be M I t‘l..|\~l'n t'l(t‘Pl lltugr‘ bl '9" m h; ix‘ 0' 'c:"k'm” ‘Hg M last )t‘If. The average value per head its 845 and the total value in! Missouri; ll” , . ____«____ %Couinty Prose-cutortt Reminded ‘ Prllllllllllllll I“ E,ilrl _ his name. in fffilflfltlllfi 0‘ ltli “I” “not ‘J ‘ht ‘Wu l“.-.lJ"_“‘tllf‘tl til ttt|flllpttI ll Kttltr, Japan, Jan nl lv-ntrt l'.t~lt.t .tgt--v-tn; In Lll [hr ".""" i" ll‘ l"'l""- tatll itttlltle .4 -ttite nl nllireu lor the "Mt l3. while 'l"""l"‘K ltet t...-gt..." lied lrtttts the 'lttrlt- sill tttl\..tflt't‘ tn are now being shown. Mr. Stephens“. ”‘.“s _ find’ l’ “mu do "wk .°" ‘oodllhn | Cattle other than milk cows nutnber I922 of Contttitutitttt. . - - A small ltuu-r II! rented It? tln I0‘ ltreIitll'ltl:'_al-0 ttllut-s l-or tltt- llt-an oljl“l {Wm ‘l'‘" ‘‘"”‘'l'' I T ”"“"" ‘''‘‘l W” “l"' cicty. (‘Issues have been held aIvery‘Iiornen, Dean of th- l*'.tt-ultt, lloard ol Tltrre-loartlu ml the IHIIO stlurlt .- \l...ult "' " '‘°‘''' “°‘'- _ , ‘2.oos.ooo mo... t.s9o.ooo lot’ 1"” '|'°"“"‘ ‘""" '" °‘ '5' °P""°"s.~'tot-t ‘?('b-en shipped into .\lissouri ockyards and ranges during the. Sttndli Ktnrc tlte "Willi of I9”. and th Curators and for the secretart‘. ll" 5" tilted. bl! l""" Plfllrtl. Tl!"-" 'l"i"Ul'l" ¢"'M"r- ul lltr Hld World ttlast attendance has been stead"! increasilt. The second lloor will be used lor clasaim ch.'l" "l "W "M905!" "9"" '0 ""'“‘l"'l l"'l-'“‘l- "l""'" "“"'l"'"| "‘.‘.d. ;that. bower:-‘r e‘t:ient war the Last Stands)‘ the attendant-s.w.s fIlty- rootns and still also include a small ol-l"l"' '5" '“Nl"‘l" “l ll" ""°‘"'| l" 'l"' “"“'l""l """" "'4 "“'l"- ‘ll-llfil Willi at. At ( ttlrlertl. l'rent-lt lrtwtps no-re lurtw-‘I to tear up fallen ltttrs to pr:-vrrtt Cer- ttutn ratl vmrlten trnnt tur-clung eI|trt'n\ Vllllm‘ llttttttfilt -I ll!"-Ill’ ltt tttrttttl lltt'tl’ it The number of bones in. Missouri, has been decreasing for several years. with """.. " ..r‘ soft. a scarf tttat tlte whole taltric ut; ltg. ? '5’ it h in dsnpr rea dhreapect ol the law.” '33: ll» I-tn-ntvt tlu ~tlt|.tltttl|. ll" .tl|-ttlmtt ul }ttltt|tt‘ this (I|\r'fIrd l"‘"' ll" “UN in lltr \r;tt l.a-st ll) s|'fl| ‘ti ll|I|N'Nll'l_ Ilia-lt ttl flrntg in-flggq-[Q V!‘ in It :‘rtt ~—«r_-::-_-=" aalittnt. became pr ‘l’. l. in the tall of that year. and tbs-T ‘vrttetl his best energies to the enterprise uhruttgltout the '4l'l|00l year. E;-;l'i"tt!;tt. blirst time. tl tlte ‘wt [til at’! O ufih °""' ""P°"""""' ‘°' "*""‘°'°'°'ps.t on. rt» .-m..t..- dmttth in the ‘.:'l::“:dIl'OI'¢t‘IK"h mtit calla? .l‘iemh "Eu"! lehuk comm" hu hu"‘.'J.Ir';“ths:i:"t.T't.1.\J.'.l-an. 29.—~“l’.n-rt one . . . t 'stoc J-‘art sndTt‘l: Iartaers are‘ of you M, 3,5". the oath ot other to "mun. to in con “um” "Incl sqtport the constitution ol Misuturi and 9" ha i’ “ mm’ in‘. n '“ kn. that ol the l'nited States." said (imernor lwsasgresd ttponsa an orgntaatisn which lnsald bed desalopthc stnseoilieqtonst tlte p--lire, uuumltttg ll til the latter nttmenl. Somlmentlle won ‘.0. "U. .0 A‘,." rttnttet-up cttp lot this tottrttamertt. . ‘mute, ‘I’. ‘ll. anly mm the cup lot the spring ._ ‘ . l .\l . B H r n- " ’]""" "‘“- i__'m V’ “M E" u Itssrttsorran. Jan. 29.~—Ton-. ol ggil D. R. brott won the rltalllpioni-hip can (''m”““"' A''""'"' "W" W "'n ‘-nlation cup. This ts awarded to the .'“'u'"_ Em'”p'." "" "M ‘M’ '"""' llvrstm who ltavinl lost his lirst match. lb‘ "H. "mm" ‘"9 -.'“"d. “H” "" ’Nl3|! 07 ‘U 9553!‘ E and the totl art I the th . . . t‘ . R I gra phtt d b t" lr laculty beta and a rest M“ '9' ditt- : Hrs. Mattie P. Boswell, vict~pI'eaidentl:::y “me 5, :. Euisii’ Arthur H. ‘Hyde tn hta address at tul- ‘SE ".'."‘p|.f lPt"‘m I:t.IIrhar£'.“’nt;wm3:_':.c. 1;.’ Wm“. "‘;_:'r mi". no“ ‘ml '_\|§.. Putter, ultontas the daughter ol tutlt slttttrn, fat the W. C. ‘I’. 1. also advocated the jgwmaom rm ,9". ("Juana-"to thtttydtro wtln‘r1'Ittn'g‘ attorn:£vI.*‘ um ‘I on , “a “it”. ‘ad _ Y‘. H_ p.,g.t, or r,,|.,.5;._ .. ‘wt... h "V" ' A'**Z tssos . s- " . ‘ ~ ' ' « "' . lpfipmd 'e‘...__..__....._.. Sh” “ ‘b “h d‘. a he midi % gull .I:t‘l:gn:l the ‘count? Ralph IE}: ‘is saperintonfittt. ‘ll’ ‘ B ,4‘‘':: "'.‘‘?“° '1”! &h‘° llvssunttnt Jan, 20. lien.-it and Del- thsvingta great total value this year than .. . 0,, .,.d,,.,, .,,; R_ (;_ rt ,_ at .5, People, a Stephens College publication.‘ - -- 8'" "' , ""”°"' " _ ’ ' suns today |-run In am-..t all Ce:-nut; aounrtt trons us flltl on-«neon The --eon to" ‘M "9' ~ - E r t b .t.. ( llt .. . o ' _ !tn l‘l2l. The increase is the to tnore ‘hm.‘hom'm.m"o'. ‘dug. (.1... An". wing,‘ or .5, 0.4,, will be tn the tower rootn. ' §:'J'.'“:?|""" '(‘?h r:h"'m gr" “ .c'n':i‘.'“‘:’n «.fl'u-tala in the ltlttttr-land who refuted to f'fli ‘ICC’ Ff!‘-w “III: httuhn‘ “DEL hnowm‘ ha." '00‘ uni‘ “The Eilhteertth Amendment is a Gill’. “l""'3 Rm“ l"l'|lfi- 0' ll" >500!" Th’ hm“, "."n.m‘ ‘huh “H b ‘art’. A.t Tohuio she was at the head nl "r”‘n".' ‘hf .u”mm.' 0' u." "my 0‘ ‘ i | ‘."u. "'&—. '.'a' wanna" WW“ ht-tn mm ltart ol the (‘on-titttttott°" eorttinucd tlte 3m" "h"; “"3, Peppc" 0‘ fly “me all,“ hm "alt plml“ l'n\d""ll“'" N" of the’ tl m stir science delilftment ol the n"‘up.mm' Ml "'""' ‘" “'51”? ‘ml , g ' ' _ . . _ . . . _ . ‘ ‘ _ 7 " ' (4,, ., _ .‘,., It"-‘W-'---“°'--'*‘***° wt» to» at ea--rat n-nu. ms ""’.r‘.;i".°°..:I’".”..J."“':i..".'r".‘£’:?.‘i.”o.I.3tt-~~-~- "--«I aw s- In» -tun --"- °'--- and *'-- I:-I-~ .-'~«~ -n °' 'tt:_::'3_°t- F"' . .\........ r. s........ ..,. r.,... she "m m ~ W ‘:, W. h. I. flu“-' .. ." it ' 30"‘ 3'90"‘: ‘'39 ‘Cd’! dlfllfid 5?’ ‘i.‘.l92l ‘ ' l l 0' W" l" d": M“ l" "'l‘’'"' ll" l"" ‘.,f ‘M hm‘ 3"” Mllmrd “El. V was to hate become dean of the lnter- " '.V"‘"‘ ""“ hmsalol corrupt polkiea.Tlte;5", mu hm‘. 0“ M 3}‘, mo{ .3 |() m" ' . - i - nod .‘ You cannot enforce one part of the (Lion dl" " W ‘hill’ 0‘ lb‘ ’P"“"l '““"‘- Vd'"0min.'b"n.| rjl,||,‘,. ., fun" in l‘.-t.t.~.. Jan 2‘). —l’rsrtu-ally rm tele- .."'h. '5‘ -.‘ 5%“. u.'._ ‘dork “fled” Dani“. The emifit . Oldaatstlll hltas tncre .m|mon ma Mflcfl "mm" mm tn". The wotnut ol the adult class are or- ‘ -1 “nth 0‘ M“ ye", graph wires were in ..,m.tm,. 39.“, n H ‘esnslaoe the H t& th li- - t - "0" ml‘ ' ye." 9”“ ’ m i o t e ‘s’: tn Amer l"""d "’ ‘Mk’ """"V l‘" 'l‘' “"'l‘ °l 1 ~ e —- “"3" 'l"‘ ''"“'|'\. N‘ - "" root was blasts belore tt was dtscovered ‘‘''l) W" l ' 'l‘‘' P'"''" "' ' . . ~ hi 5 I lalrU"~lhat ll‘ 5 I men-‘ - - . - - Iflumhcm P." 0‘ me “me 'M" “R ica is the t-nlorcemertt out all Inn and ll” 'l"l"l- I’? '“""" "l """l'° 7"” ’“l" ' A - vanl-F TROPHIBS ON IHSPLAY “ "‘ tn... 1,.’ ‘. ‘ "din jhCt[lIl)0fI.Il|d students ltrtnl ta tl't¢'cortt crop was better. The farmers rtms °' . ', . H u M V... P", and ,.,',m,, 0"," “.,-"m,,_ ' _ _. . -. ‘ Th. above dtrpatm, together with a - 3 5': ‘N ' “ :;hosvc mm-I II»! of the -mile P"°',own 43oo.ooo_ hogs valued at u2.t99.ouo. ""A""'.’ ""‘;“.' " ‘I’ J" " "“ Bmm . __. .. , —~-«A _ Six Cass Art Prints for Unfit?! (mm! Nun diltuttrlt lrt-tn ism. «sat :. - N. I ‘ "Ln C H . II P"! ‘W0 “'9 l'°"‘°- Tl” “'9 V" P” ‘L W B ‘ V’ -c~- --—~ ‘ '.;":""'|"|;:"' 3"" Th; m 9“ ' "88 P",l“‘§R 10 ETUDY Iiedured Expenttt-~ and (yreutt-r (‘lob Tournaments. ms the German telegraph uprtatura hltl J H “ E‘ - ‘bablt caused the bttfrtlfll Otll ol the - [J88 o OIINATID To prflue .. '. mnq I P ‘-4 - AT (0l‘bMB‘A vslvlgs-'»’Y Rt‘\‘('llUt'.' Bfltlg ll “OM It Tl” "ll" ltvartletl the winner ol the offered to return In truth. indicates a i; &u“‘tx'b M1“ ‘lltse. The entire tool was destroyed and‘ 38 M'N'8T'‘ To 'w'D3-V i". ll" ’‘°‘'‘'‘'" '' '“ "cu" ""°p""'"'" ”*‘—‘ v .., tnlttrnbta tountry Cllls golf tournament general strike ttl tclegrattlt operators in 5| F“ U‘ '53 C''3'‘''l'‘'- +45, to‘... N" or .5. rm... t... .t...... ' --—- ‘between the state antl county nlltects. ' Alter Csnnletlag ller Work There. From $243,0(l0,lKl0 ' { 1022 MW ‘”m_-d "M ‘I, hm‘ div ‘hr RM" mm“ “ t ‘ Sncceeds Ira Nelson Harris lle- - 1 |.| J 4 l 33...“... - ‘rm 3.; to 9. - - " . ' ‘ . ' """' '"""""""' d I» Aikfi M mttuififll '3'". ‘ W ‘ IA‘ Short Itl.(lI'I"t|f-1 were .I!0.Il'lItt -I\ It If I) III " ‘-Md r ' ‘M phyfll m ‘hr umdufi‘ 0‘ ‘hr Bmuhuy ‘mt dfwqopmfim. m ‘hr "rub ‘mwmqi l"'“"‘ m‘ ‘ On account of weak water Pfessutet .‘.“— “—————-h ' .. Jsamfl ltmntrl Dl.T‘llLt’l:rht"tltt-‘til \~'"‘H"‘. ll" 39 Tlw -«MI-t \lIutttttrt store. There are -it WP‘ ‘W l|¢'li0I" ham’ been llrliltu -in-‘e Sun- . . ,, d. V. 0”“ h M ttpretlte’ .00! ant . . . t - .“ _ ._. , ,., M .t t .. I |, .| .- 1.. p... . ..t h .‘ the , E --H -1-: 1-“ '.i.'.:ti".t.. ...' i.i'.i'.°'i'..".’i.'." t..','.. ....t Kali "-s~~ci3'~- J--- 29.-.-Pre-Mm R-hm ""--- ---"W" """'"‘-‘i""""- ...l'.i t ’.'I‘'.''.' P"""." 7"Cr" "nit" llt.t°'ltl~t‘.Ilh\t":r'£ltlt"l‘l .','$i.'i'..‘»t ."t..’.i....f '..,....I.'".'I.'.I...... .'...i'i..t'.""'r"t'.'."'iZ't'. "' "°'""?3 - c- H traanarslsnabtdhgthatt ~ ‘hr ‘flu, m ‘k. hon.“ llardittg today nominated llsbcr: ‘ottd Ruby bl. llttlert nl cttllllltltldt tt;t- pres» M. mt: ht?! .'tt'l':‘ff\|I';‘0‘od.;Il!‘t‘l.l:| t ndmm’ W 02 mimun dunn‘ ‘mm In “mm” ‘" "V ‘,h.mpi"n.Mp Mn‘. (,ONGBl88' CRGBD T0 ACT C ’ liulnn. ". '“ jijlhl ‘be; Mr. Boaartb earned fl.KI) ltIIIl’al\(‘f'|B“..' "'lfd_ ""l'“'" "ad." 0‘ ‘up’. H" u H“. mfl-mu. lorlt. where -he ivill do tltaduatr ttorlt rarltet estimate of 27.5 n.tl.’u-n dollar‘. ll. ‘l. Barnett is awarded the t'l'tIflt- 0” 'l‘u0|.BAN 3'TU“T'0x "' ""“"| " ""4. it» house. but no insarancs on at» W 5*‘ "'"""" ',° 5"""'“' "‘°:‘:;"“ COUNTY’ t’l't’ll.8 All! To at home .a~.m.n...-._ at foluxnbia limo-r. Pm..t.... Hardin! '"""”"""' ""'«~ m a tl’""\Dl'il’ rut». I-utnr -an thr H" "M- Tons or Itstt rm. tum guts. message to the lourtlt regular budget tneettng. read in \ It?‘-l,N'\tIlt‘fll t an-ltdur. lit-dutttun int and tn- rrettstng rest-rttte crtrnlttttecl tn tlo-crease the amount ol tlte d-elirtl. he -tttd. U-nxtalv ulattrtg the t-altittet ufirtaln and ltttreatt ltettd~ for saving III mtlltnrt tlulltr-, Volt. llgnlmg urged the tuntttttmttre ttl ttxfll The loan on the Istml--ow-1'“ :“°""“ """'*. "“”"’ ""'. . wttm: MEMORIAL ESSAYS on. .8’... |.|“ ‘ml’ impale.“ m “V "—"'—‘ .\lts.- Palmer has been a missionary cltplontattc so-rtrtce lot the last twenty. 1-euhen wm sg-lect Composition of in hp.” rm, ‘he h“ W ’t.",_ “,.,.h, t'~0 yeO"s .l"""5 "' Pu": Rm,” 5.0 w.'“ °“ ' ‘" mg in tiltristyv i te at Osaka. Alter 1"] B'|"."" Ar'"mn.' "'9 ‘vb’: finishing her work at tlolumhta loiter- ‘Ml’ ‘ml F'"'°" H‘ V“ In". m ‘L , . ."' . .-tl\. she vttll teach at the Margaret K (.ltarlt-s In. Northrutt. -upcrtntendent nl , ~ . Lung .\thottl. in Tuhtn. Osllnols rd ll:-one touttts. has arranged M“. Pflm" i‘ . Ifimrm M (Mum contents. ll" at to about s2.os_o. _ | V This is the second titae .\lr. Iosartlt _ltaa lost his home by lire. LIBRARY E ‘um’ °'7vi'rttt~tnsnl assatsg nu; Open All Day ass f'\[N'f'ltlIlllf"‘ uts. To succeed Bliss as third-auistartt sec- on Sal‘! Altar} . ‘E iretary ol state. the PrealdOlt[‘pominat.~.l with the lnivrrsity om.-tat. tor l3$")tt.KJm' “M i_ ‘ Math" ‘J "L and “H Pmmnw In "W hm” mm "W 92 mmmn ‘_.m_ n," "M mnnhfl in . _"mw_ pouring in on tttt-rnltrrs nl ltmgrnas lu- Tl" """'fi."‘ C°l'"'h“ ‘T; ' h"'‘l.l. Butler ‘rtght ol Wyoatlng, who was ture-ul lo-vie llall. Tltewe will be tlt~llIlt- “ " rum” ‘I “N, ‘Huh “N. d N . m” M ‘iwd H” M, "W “.1. gm,” ,.,,m‘,,m.,t “r ‘it ,t,,,.,. ‘gm hm, 437' ''l'”'“’ "‘ lb V‘ 'y‘"'' ' if lserretafi to the Atneriran tltlftltittn at ttted t even ‘(ltusl in ll--one ('nttrttt. ' ' ' I ' ‘ E ' ' " ‘h ' l l l ‘ ‘ t ‘ - A ‘.‘‘'''‘“'''‘t “‘’"l 'l"' l"‘"‘lr""" "l | , , , . . _ " . ' .. , P . |, H. H 5 t I st the lust match. l'. U. lleartng tron ‘ V 'l"' l"'l'"" """'V "' l'""' """ "' "l‘"'l' the arms conference. fur an «-1-» «tn the ml-trim "\ “'~""' mm . W" "M W“ a ‘bu ” H’ W" Ellie runnervult rhamttinn t-on-..Istt.m nip. ""'l‘ "l ‘l‘'‘‘‘‘''‘'’‘''' ''''l """"l’"' """"" "d" "l 'l“" ‘M3 on the l*'.uNtN'au -ttu.~mtm. tound their desks piled high with letters. This oh tttttts interest ad the we-rs gate 4 tre- ‘PLANT t'i~ist5i€rTot~t ti-ttttovtrtt -t.»1..1..t'.... -umuvm no huts"--. itltc library is open all day and in the evening, including Saturday night and Sunday alternooo. according to Miss Le loultlt \t.......-..t," t., ......at- taluns F.--tr 0!-‘I-‘ICI.-tl. T0 ttt:'7(§iio HERE lish tstarh in the «lath and eighth gnu G. —————- - _ 5-‘... ,"‘.|,_., .3 m _,r,_,., "W 5", ,._,a,_ National Commander of Legion Will Visit Missouri Next Month. "' °-.—'°"'—" . I. (i. "If7tI sum the cup awarded to ?°”T‘°"T°w" ‘nun’ “E” ,Ihc vtinnrt ..t m.to A. ____... MlNlMl'M-W.AG_B-‘llll.|..- ihtlss (‘sea Clay and B0! II. lind- HAS (‘OIIQIITTBE llEARl?\'G l ,‘ " not In etrttetl Sf” Ittfll‘. tttttl null tl l" - be '5 h’ Venerday. t second §ttIlt:la'y cl _.*(_”.';::‘(,?."{sf:..'.‘d..T l tlr cottttty superintendent ht-lure “arult Alum tlwslex, national crttnmattder nl pg“, P9,‘... [Iggy ,\f‘u.ae||tn.V I’““‘“'“‘.‘ ‘ . l"ll"'* >lW't lltill lltr ‘t‘0Ut‘Il|'Y l‘ “L-"' ‘h'd.k‘ ‘"‘'"'°'' '5' “"'h"“'' “u. D". l.’ 0 6‘ P "N 30 The Points to be 4°.-n~ttlt-rctl when the \mt-rirau lA'Kttst‘l. will start lmut. I-‘or thcxflo|aIl‘O——SflI00l Hi" i. .""y.'- ‘W "'.. '”"" 'l“’l‘l"'l "" ’l" PAN‘ 359* l. E.‘ l "‘ H" l'‘'‘'&* "J “’'‘'-'"'‘‘|''‘' "I '"' Roy “com”, "who" 0‘ Rlitmwln ‘ e«a\ is selected are mminring prttl'tl~ .\list-tv.tri, Kansas and Nebraska some la'.'...‘. t '75"... '9" U."*h"‘Y~ should he lolluwed. senators sdsocst-' ‘'9 "“ ‘rmdsrs. Satttrdoy night nine people ahllere Ilarried at 3 o't‘l0€k 3‘l|‘"'l-“ [ ‘hr 'n“______m at . m,.m,,,-“| ,.,,,,,,,.,... little in February. according to intornta- ‘ The .\lissottri Association of Nursery ing s us-moo» and po-ltiw r--or-e, -a--tt U‘“°d§tI-aded the library. litre of when were "Pllifll 5'! ll’? R"-_ wt P"l" “' l:n __'m" ‘Th.-mt ,,”,,,,.,..,,,,t ,,u,..». tton received in John r.-wllltllllfl, l'ni- " ‘ """'-' r"' 29 M t H. tnett tndorsed the flfmtlll appropriation as calling an lttl0"l'rtllutanl vmstonttc ‘& .'|i'°'d"‘~ ' the hunt 9‘ .“"‘"' Th" ‘N’. t titrl " . l ""“l" P“l’l"l"'t ‘ml ’°l"" '~ Tm!’ luluun‘ U“. "L mt: ‘film Plant ittitlertton on the Vnisersttt t‘onletetu'e. haw rr't‘r'ttte'd a ttre|uIlJI’f- 5"; l"¢‘'‘l’'‘'l 5? 5"” M-"Y ."l"l""' .'"'I M l ' aditttant ot llr-then Cfilliants post ot l’'"''’''' '""''*d ' mmmm" ‘mu budget. at its annual tneeting in Kansas more at tnstl law-rm! -Ifll sumo. Tlwse thts alterrtrwstt on the pr--pm-etl minimum T . and h._l_..sr‘t.a.\'tstt llsrsl go R°7’ -"m'l"" C. ll. 8.‘ T0 llF.B.A'l'l'I tlti- city. I (it! 'l‘|tttr-day night. - «tutu-se out a--ti-m In the» MN?"- '‘'‘r '3" "" “"' S‘ N’ ‘P’: 2‘. “°''';’ ““"'; ‘;;"'(:;""} "l “,""'__":,' L”. 1. ‘Tu ]‘ ‘ I I. 4 no I...» out ..rt'..~a.t. hm taken l:“'-R '""""Vm‘v';':";:;";;'i_"'Q_:d_4 Prol. u-ossot ttsu--sn. status.» at m;:~1h::s:'-i~'|v"ar -wt-t iv-wm uh» v-~--rt 5|" 5"“ "l'5‘l"*I - - 5" ° 3 ~ "" - ~ ' L 9 " "" i " '"' ' ‘ "" '1'" °" ‘ " ~trt’*~ touartl hating Ct-tttrnattder 0!-T-let " ., t itlte entontlllltfl "'P""""“ 0‘ 'l" l['''‘' " ' ' ""5" '”""" ' l stenais ne t“ ' he I .\l hi. 1. lltttt tt. Control at Coal Mines. '_ ‘_ - . . . g - L Ttmter ot kanau tttt. Senator I. , , _ ‘ . t _ _ be its agrtcsllta e - *9“ " t""' " ' ""‘ " " "" ‘ *' ‘ '“"""' """" *" " "‘ "““""‘" :2 int» ntllaineri the pe..,......t to-.s!""""€""“' "" 9"" ''''V''‘'‘''' “" "" 8ANlv0~llD ttttt-(ntr l-'A\'0ltA.lIrl "07 3"’ ll‘ 3'0 ‘hY‘s H‘ '5‘ 5"‘ km‘ '3'’. '.‘ .‘ nodnlmfh Th’ dcbfiin‘ “am "‘ ‘hr (iulumbu The nstltlttf (Lt-urtty solute. ‘Forty’ and _ ,~ _ M _ wooing. year. In Qty this glterqson. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson will make their lujgh School t-tll meet the tram nl lart- “rim... V‘ Miss “aft? Allies ol the Mlsarttnt ‘I Aw‘. J'.“" u‘ .tlltttt|ol ht It'll!" and the ltr-l sturrl . ’ . g ' . rl eo ‘tar rod y , , . . Tttg'I' A iat' rd N - N 7nenber or the .\|isI¢¢'l 0""-"'l """‘ll'°"" °" ‘ l"" ""' “""“"'° mil’ ""5"" l"’l’"“" "' _ to truth l:smn u«Tlirisl- . ‘""""' "‘."""°" “"""""* "M lsett. or the“o.‘rlt¢::tsnrt .- . (‘aaflrnsl tilsas ‘ t ...._.....——-———-——s- Th, ‘ub‘".‘ M "R. ,t,.h.h. ',_ »[;,..,,|"-,1-_ . . ‘ _. . - that -trtttlat lttlls had lire‘?! Illilliflll l’! ll‘? . . N!- PLll‘;' non“ '0' c'ApgL l The \etr-ran. touortl of (nlutnbta b l _. h ' ' M M is a branch, discussed the problem ol 0' '34 «- ''‘”‘’''-'''_—‘ ill.“ ll" Nl"“"'|l (-'*"""""‘"“"" ‘l"’"M "'," still he asked to extend an invitation lor ’“l'"'""' ‘Mn’. ‘N ‘T I E.‘ : . W 3734*"! 53""? 59¢‘ ‘ ‘“mw"“' ‘." ”“" ‘flank!’ t TO IQ COG” CDVUC. Caflflltllt 0‘ LI’ - and ollfiate the coal mines.” (‘o-lurnbta "L Onk‘ W ‘Em Co“--‘U’ M 5'5"" some measures to turn ates t . ‘nu th .”‘‘.I *.d.“'.' "pa 0. “V m'm,M.w' M E T‘ 3... ’ ‘Tm ttstt. 5F‘! *7‘! "3 '° ‘3 u ‘a will defend the alltrtnatise. of ‘" ta." .,"‘,°, .5’, want“. P""" ““‘“"' '0' .'".'d . “Id.” q‘.. .‘ lord. ledetatl judge at Kneaville. Teas. .I'nlt‘snthts % togatthusnuand ._._i. t 1,, W. ,.»..-3.... rtetum. one unit \lo- ,5,” in ,5. 6,, . ltr-. ‘M-llr ll-‘tart 0‘ the ‘win’ v ,, ‘I. ,5. - U H, m ta be asssoists tactics at the Usitsd . Pals-ingthe M I g y , g _ tag. has It be tusttfi rt , tttrs ‘ III. ' . t at. rwit aiornts. -0‘ ~ ~*---* ‘ Um - ' ‘ - '00 utts tssotssts-sift-,,,,.,,, ..,L...,... yes-iberlyastdlte he ttrtt '1 lead! («ts-ittntolddtlt-tn--r~.,,,,_._ suns um ordessd glbe date hssshsl tar ll! 5 'h.,‘,..‘., .3 fl.¢¢.|,.. ll... artd'f;lnmbia had the neigntisc and won in each COLLXB GIRLS T0 IWISTII stty [or such a neacnre tn \l.:otart I'D‘ w ___i____,__{"_- 10” Yananinsaslv by the Saute tndkisn .'n "4 g.‘.g‘eossty intirnary bare. lls is 000034‘ 0"’ 53...; ‘not, hiss Tissl see. the ttsestioa being the s.arn-- as " “""n n ' said that gtfls war ring In t City or N3 13] [[13 .3 5 5.....m.. ‘.14., g * ‘ltttlndah lfilllllfhlfl. ‘ ‘j .5. fipgj ldizin «zoning debate with Paris. I-an...’ B‘n"::.‘c.iI- ‘t 35 all 5 a T I1; :1. .1 E w“. . 1_..'r be n:,mi‘::tl::.:ruh;lsly tstll H; . ___.___-_ _ _. .- tea J3] . rs Pt In W W oi‘ truer] .. I: nearly ’assss Inch ts Inns I. c. PsssI- _'*:”t""";'.':_‘_’;'_'_'“‘,,,‘._ ,_,,, Ianoru ott. rtrttt FAILS Christian Calltfl’ orI- on «one ..t.t rt... t..u...'...... had this t... "' 9' "‘ ''‘'‘'.'h '...m it s. belies-ct. ’ '" h§'‘.'Ilha‘U$l‘I“h """—" ..lsroottrseai»n the flibleC0llPlv|5I’Iutthepsess-sttttne. s""&_"‘("4"."""""""" Ssstord.scltsselrt‘eadul(.ttiellcs-. ¢ll.|l'|’5Ii|‘iIa|hIIII0hlI¢l- ‘tiasenl Kahssa Csaltttsu today -5 tstalenrsttn-tst5al- '~ W ‘ W * “ l Ftlllf-rt? lid?!" ‘El? flle ‘ I“ W ‘ "‘ . ' TKO TI“. I "'Uhll'7 C‘ rtsusaos-ttssus-s-.|s-IIII-aasnact-ritt.11clllI """"""“ """- °""""" ;rsIIedlsstseOeI|¢V.|"‘l"""l‘"'"I.alIorstaIedOflthsHtas_nnril"edera-iT~""" '_"m""l"ensternTennessse lltasanaisnbytlte ii-as-II-s-ItI|--ll-|I""" ~ ;|“g‘,"‘m';"“,__ ,,__11,,,.,_,,, ;..?t-st-tuosstsasao.-.ttst._.....-m ,_,.,,.......t..tst..so«torts¢“"""""""*"‘f"""'~ {‘.‘§eaatetrt'llfil‘lthrlasstarattt-ysatbs ‘theKassss(ltglsbu.ns;Ian.sussr4&llfiUsOutsnhts0Iah_ ,.&‘oac‘-‘-'&c."l‘.'.'_“I'beJiIlssenrehi:ll|fI:;|tIInII|:..tbel.‘d*._._’“n. tttstat:Las|rssnssr¢tahsnsce5.,,,.,g,.,5,,,._ 10- -04 nabs! ''''I‘'- t """ 'u‘'‘ 3 ;. - .t..‘m- -M-U‘ """" ' Inns. its 4 Nsds- ‘ ”"*"”“"’ % “~*~““y«j'1§& &bI'II|f7''' ‘ . ‘ _ ‘ lorctfilahsulaldflvfl. fiufjflpifim-l ..a|..gh..g'pt;fi&taa?lhtud$tuafltnctctCasnaetstsdst~ Tleseldhsnscssssstllsasl. lestroillirélseslahtttsrhc wu.¢swItt'lI“'7""‘ 1.0-sttsalsaa-tttrssdssnb baa ‘ , its-tssta-ststsslsatswss-tssso”t..a.n...sse.ttts. ssnvs..1'5'II|i|i-|||I“1IH|i|INI|0\‘1-' t.s....is.t:.t.-ts.-.ss..r....s.3tt..-tstt up-to-use-_r-t 'Prsl.l.L'IvsaehIlllQdI|7='bsQTbnrIls1trsotheEqsCs#l ‘sIln&Nifl$.i&iOls$rnIssalfls“1sw‘.ht.f$althjd‘C|.keen!‘ cats-Ha lists! its an eaanaas tsschsstsnsr gt-illdismtl hall setsra neat Taarsasq essatsg 1 its-_,||..,u.|_ .5... t. .5...‘ . .'. ‘figfiggigpahjtnantoI‘...f.tfi,.¢hsns!:ta.&q>"rhp.llss-s.Caha.isssssil!IIIl|5'tsittss-nssssssstslaltessusstaeasststsrttts ltstlsrIbe7IslIY.I.CA.Istbe' Allillhosrattsa tssonttsass. ttra-as-o ‘ '~ ‘ * |L ” .“Castalbjsuessltisss"&s—ars&.asdIn.I.‘l'.Aaan-nielsTtttsefitiliifilti-Ill-'IIilbsssIl'r|I"Il|"|l‘I - .satbr>4t.;.,...h..4..,....¢.y..¢t. I istsqsllsl tats ssssst. assssha ts lss-. as-s-I . . . -- ‘$1.-*"'* - I the danclfl-s. Jllsné tcscasslytheshtbnltsstbuaasa. isJhl,''Ths‘l'ItC;X.'’ * 1.. . 'llsat"I|I¢-'¢I|"Ul-IusssttstIs‘ss.ssasssasslsrIIIlir« sri-dash » ~"'.""|"""' “"' """"""""' - " ""' gx _ "V _ E E ° _ t ' .1 . J. . ' t . if “'2 " s l . 29- '. . " L; """ “‘ '/l ‘ ‘-3’ 3 n l l 5 at 1 Q 2- "