1. ii“ pmn bid. El G“¢—- «'4 3 -p-....-..7 —: .5 4‘ &t a Word a Day.’ ciniséiivl ~--IX!‘ I go ADS Ilalnasrtlsnatorseswssd. fl g tnber of The A . . ,! winch A _ throughout the caantf! fig for its aim the elimhatlaa ’ [raadulrnt and misleading clus- :. advertising. The Colllhfi flfllygging Missourian as well as every ti‘).-r member of the Association. ggggson to print only truthful '.,.;...i, and will appreciue hav- ‘Q its attention called to any ad- MW] not conforming to the . *5"; standards of honesty. FOR SALE ’ . ..._‘, V ‘tins. 3-in. frame. N8. Phone 1250- l tf [Oil SAl.E--Pure bred H pupa. Price 37-50 I red. [Putt .~'.\LF.~-A good piano. at a bar- hh. May be seen at 1611 University as. For particulars write to Mrs. L [L Teubaa, l9l0 Franklin Av¢.. Lex- hton. .\fo. Tl“ ‘ FOR SALE -1. W. York‘ B. flat cor- tjat with case. Practical‘ new. good Ehargain. Call Carter. Y. M. C. A. ll3-ll8 “era at $5 each. also two females at him cast. was green. coo Turner. .0 ‘F’ FOB SAUE--6-room strictly modern M full siae hase_mt-nt. extra large lot, “Di side fear blofis from University. mi, is.-mini. north sis us I garage. ‘Owner ‘leaving town. ‘QM. Cary It Frazier. Phone 519. ~ - tistts ::°--._,.__._- -; .‘_:.’T:T_:.‘.-- last. asrsra Poll pats NB SALE--Beautiful bout. corner 0 it-sass.-ease and swim Road. is jflarge hall, 2 baths. Modern. 5!! ‘crifice it Ioltl immediately. See Persons. 50? Stewart roll, or So. yinth St. P126 ' FOB SAl.E—-Canary birds. Two good. 35.0 a month. isdAdvat& guts llossmm-y. lssdha ' Phone I254 White. lnitf houdaapiq .'rssm.alssmoms lsr man stadrsts. Prices reasonable. I39 College. Phone sis White. l03tf FOB BENT—-Two nicely fttrniahd ‘ems. FOB BENT—Two large pa aishod or aafurniahed FOB SALE--Ranger Bieycig, 1. A4 Windsor. Phone 836-white. altar January I. for men. 510 5 Phone NI White. NON FOB RENT-Pleasant rootns for men. Vice Taraer. Phone ms. M10“! prsgo.$w at 439 Matt '00‘! FOR BENT-—-Two rooms for girls; with or without sleeping porch. llalf- block from Jesse Hall. to snow. Phone “tom °91'Cm- 707 Gentry. K10-ttf PUB BENT—To boys. two very de- is F’ ‘ . I.-....,...r =~ ‘ "'"§Ei:K BIAIR-Ii1D grtbifnsiiixc AGGIE SCALP; i Game by Decisive Victory Over Missouri's Old Jinx. _-g. «Be@hf'oraFcwM ButWasSoonT Pimes. inutq, orn to son on lsom-court the Tigers last snight defeated the Karma Aggiea 4| .'I1seAggieswsrethefirsttoscare whoa Poval. their captain, made a goal from a difficult angle. The Tigers had. .troIIbla in getting started in the first three or four minutes. but after Cap-1 .taia Browa'mg opened with his sensation- al dribbling aad floor work the team got down to work and a different brand of basketball was seen trol then on until the final whistle sounded. The game turned from a hard tumle to one of ease Captain Browning was the mar of the evening. scoring twelve points and dent- and offensive work. "heat at also shared in these honors. ' iag ten points to t tally and Bunker sis. Bunker play a well-balanced game al gh he has out-tipped at ce in by utnold, the towering center A the Aggies. ’ Hays was a bright light in the Tiger gjnhje ",0... '“h hfidw noon um * defense last nigla. Although bucking s 5.. nm 5.; Q); c.u,‘,_ pk,“ stronger man than himself. 22:. P92tf room. Close in, at l'nirersity entrance. Phone 2245. ‘ FOB BENT-—Nicely furnished front FOB BENT-—Rootns for girls at 719 Gentry. Board for girls Iflll boys. Phone 343 Green. Mrs. J. I’. (Ilatterliuclt. 120 front room. campus. A . 1839. and at them every minute of the game and ed many giea might have made Bumo for the Aggie-a, did tlseir work well. Both played I sood defensive tune from the =ffIlI nu-moos fr _ . d ‘ho ed b_l_ bflltlthe Tigers tonight at Rotltwcll Gymna- is-ne at am! .- v I -"7 t" 9' lsitllll. FOR KENT---‘loot desirable corner I uP_.PllY' W“ """'_P°l"‘9 l°' ll‘? ‘°P' ington Pikers at St. Louis la-t nigln and One block frtimlluhl '55- Hi‘ 35"“? 3' 3 °°"““'"' were defeated 25 to 24 in one ti the C“! C“l“'l"° -‘°'l"‘- 327- P““-" Pdtrd ll" Ania '0 hep lbifasteel (lines either team has had this Ml07ti ball in it it territory a great many; beginning. Doolan, who oprned ‘ ‘times. 7°“ “-’"""°"° M" in “"1"! The Aggies played I different style pt. Business women preferred. Phone Ql%t.f FOB R£N'l'—Farnisbod t’;fl in mod- orn home, close to Universiq and town. _Phone 10”-black or call at hb St. ~ _ 31!) Dlfitf FOR B£NT—-Modern room near Uni- verslty for young men or married eon- ple. Phone ll%—Blaek. FOB‘ IENT—At Pemherson Hall. setaeum '1‘? SALE on llENT—-ls acres with than house. barns. two poultry houses. . Close in on W. Broadway. Call ' ll6-ll? 1‘ WANTED TO RE.\'T-Garage for’ is car, near Stewart Road and Hicks lvmat} Phone I857-green. ‘. "am-iiiifit; sci} T-'AN'lT'ZD—A large first floor unfur- fid room with closet. hone 2.377- ‘ _ Lllfitf \ mp" '0' .‘,‘''-l-'’ -'s 1" APARTHENT FOR RENT ——I'our’ for promotfon. Good type of men ratlur thllilsilllaadbathallhardwaadlosts. y ;2 Lucas Way. Beady Feb!-ry lat. at Missouri Store. Lll5tf I B£NT——Garags at ON Collage. ' float llll rod. lptf i i BENT-Garage at “I Conley. 9l&hita. ‘ Nfif ‘I hosss sa ssmsrl at and ‘ Ona 7-roam _/ K , amrr , lust and water furnished. Lower Apt.,'call am e p. is. sin... Williams. . '°‘.° on N. -watttssis. can 919 aha’ 1' 5" Call taso. Hllflf; “"" iof game from fense was lme in getting started. A five man offense against the short-pass quick 3 uyle slowed up the Tiger game in the first three minutes. .0. The score at the end of the half wlas l6 to ll in favor of Missouri. The Ag- gies had made several baskets from the field hilt had not shown a winning style of attack after the first few minutes. _ The Aggies meet the "ashington Lini- tot. “t b." ‘u “cad ' versity five in St Louis tonight “la” 626' J89“ rut: srvutsn FOR RENT—~Excellent room for sin- Missouri Ml) gle man in private home. phone 2155 Fret- white. ' Sll? Coal. lllrows Fouls - ' ._._:__._.. Browning,fic).... 5 2 3 SITUATION VACANT Wheat. f . . . . . . . . .. 6 0 0 Lester, f . . . . . . . . .. 2 l l W'ANT5D%An experienced bookhfip‘ Bunker, c . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 er. Apply in own handwriting. Address (_‘..p},¢||, c , . , , , .. 0 0 0 box M. Missourian. .~no.n7 r.,,,.,., , , _ . . , . , .. 3 o 2 ‘_ _ Elstncr, g . . . . . . . . . O O O ANT5D—A girl for general house-"H.y‘ . ' . . ' . . I . . _ . W 0 0 1 .work two days a week; no nashing.;‘.nk_e . _ _ _ . _ ' . _ _ H 0 0 1 Pk.‘ l“7.'Nn' “"1”: wis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 U 0 SALESMAN WANTED-—."ith a com’ "' — _ ‘pany offering the greatest opportunities 70”“ - - - - - - '- '9 3 9 Kaams Aggie-s ll?) than experience desired. For interview[Fovsl. f ltl . . . . - -- 1 0 0 Clare, ’Grg¢heaaon, f I 0 0 'Chriatian Collqe Ave. ll ;Gilmaa. f . . . . . . . . . C l‘ 17 ’ " ‘raw T-—~‘ McKee. f .. . . . . . . .. 0 0 1 I EABD AND BOOK \finmold. c . . . . . . . . l 4 ll —éA— ‘. only, g . . . . . . . . . . l 0 0 B0 RD AND BOOHS-llooma forfileber, g . . . . . . . .. 0 0 1 girls Idhefid holh girlaandhoys.iDoolaa,g.. . . . . . 2 0 3 }7l6 tryland. Phone 1096 fled. Hll7; -— "‘ FOB BENT—-One law! double south 3 ‘°“ Ma:-3.’ ‘ 1.2 “uh e.‘ no-P‘ ‘O’ *0" c f .3) lninltles tirne oul W‘, buck‘ ,- fi:eK:nssP:, folllf; for \fissoun, two: war AND rocmi ,*Tlll|¢' of sun. I hour and "n -mu!" Score at end of half, Missouri l6. Agglcs - SCORE41 T017 Celebralthirst Confer- . once .CAP'l‘AlNllROWNINC STARS Auie Five-Man Oflense Slowed . ‘is their tiui'v_Iu°;}sse of the .-i.‘ tnbia Evening Iimsr FOR BENT-‘Nice room for twg boys; to 17. More than 2.0!!) spectators tilléd, ssoeimisa :.ths gymnasium. rtly fur. onstrating his usual form in l|lI(:lClf;!'nIklV(' 5.‘, ‘.51’, me“ Um-J Io’J‘n_ P,,,.,,, ,,.,‘,u;,..,,-‘,5, rhampmn 0’ "H, “mm. M Mr he “"dQ'.(.olantbto Hall next 'edn'sdav night tor the middle-u eight ml. 0; ,5. ,,,,,M_ ‘l ‘ " Nestor weigh: l7S pounds. ‘VSOONERS M lie was up: i _.. ._._.__ counters the As-lPikers‘ Win Hard-Fought (lame: ‘ id and l-‘oval. whom it scrmd_ "”6'12l Coach (Iartis had duailed to carry on‘ lb‘ "l""l' ll" ‘"3"’ ""gthey being defeated by Ames 29 to l8 ”‘d"°‘ 9'“ '‘”°'‘ '5‘ Til" ‘ll’ ‘last Saturday night at Norman. Wrestler tn Headlme Bout , ———— . . ° ,Adventurers Equip Ancient A ‘ ‘ Whaler to Seek Cargo Germans Hid. Y (onsobolased Puss Ann. M. ; San Fsattctson, Jan. lg iliusting has been revived. . When the ancient whaling hark Nar- lwbal squares away through the Golden :Gate next Monday, earonss to the $sIo- 'mon Islands. Page Page and other points of the romantic South Seas there will he initiated a combined search for wealth and adventure rivaling the stir- ring incidents of Treasure Island. Among the crew will he a former mil- itary attache of the llussiarf Cur; two (Lt-rtnan traders who have ffIlf'ffllZl‘tl with the cannibals of the Solomon ls- lands; a former captain of artillery who writs five ovftflflll dflofllltins; a muni- right lC3J.l —- Treasure sltlp captains anti an explorer. maindcr comprises men who frankly Ill mil they are simple soldiers of fortune. The initial objective will be one of the Solomon group of islands. There. .2:-cording to the two ()0-rlltan traders i- liurietl more than 8lS0.fXX) worth of gold. silver and pearls. (listing tlzi-. port the .Varwlial will ll!’ lnatlt-tl with a cargo uf case oil and .v;:ntl). l‘:vr'I') man of tlrr twenty is in hair a financiul interval in any pro- \ ,4 ..'\. ' ’. .-.-is. . l I '4'-.; ' ; Mike Nestor 0/ (.’It!rogo. light /lr'at‘\u‘flgA! champ..." 0; ,1... 51,441,. gr“. a (’""K( T7030-1 Ht!!! Flftf Pffrrutfl (H bftluaulygg ; in the send main attraction of the er-ening. EET . Stephens College Awards Emblems TIGERS TONIGHT A ‘ L Tltffr rmlilrms tlcpentlent upon Va riuu- tests whit ll a runto-Cant mud pass. ir" ahartlt-tl to the girls of the uummm‘ _AV _-j<..j,..._...._ _, ~ swt.\t.\tt.\'t.' is E.\'('()L'RA(.‘ED With Oklahoma Last '.i'.‘‘‘'‘ '‘ -"""""‘ """"". “" "N "" N. h b 1 P _ ltfnl l"pf¢‘\l‘lll\ .1 [ll]. hiifl‘ b[¢-‘thing '5 t Y 0"ll- from a -ltell, the \l‘(‘\)lltl rt-presents ad T Th! 0klahoma—h:a—k-i-tb-all team arrived dull; ‘mi H" mm. rmhhm H ' S" P l\‘ - . pltfns llurh. The tr-ts are on alrnkea’ om 5 Louis to meet tlI\‘t‘1 and lift‘ sanng. Working for the emlilrm- t~ it matter tlf t'lI0tt‘r' lllll N'|Nttlts slltns Pflll “lust til the girls are intvrr-ted in the teat-. The cmbletns are given at the eml of the year. “Yellow Dog" Initiation Wednesday. The lttner-ity of \li-.-our: htudent Masonic (‘lab will rondact an lnlllllltlfl of candidates into the Am tent Order oi the Yellow Dog. I their meeting. next Wednesday evening. Jan. IT. K. t. Sul- litan. who is styled "1 liief lltgli Cur" ol the local kennel, will preside over the ceremonies. This will also l)r‘tN‘t‘Islnn for a reunion of all Im al anal \i~lllllfl “Yellow Dogs." Kelly Wants Benton for St. Paul. Cy (‘noted Press. Ci-sciusni, Jan. 13 "Rube lientnn is one of the squarest hall players I ever hsndlv-tl. He will play wttli the \t. Paul club If thv lfrtls are kept from -tgntna him," .\likc Kelli, manager Ill the ‘I. The Sooners played the Wash- season. This was the first Valley game for the Pikers and the second for the Sonnets. 1 Captain Cocka is the star of the Soon- er quintet this year and is playing ea- ceptionally good ball. KANSAS oceans tiittsixttit. Jayhawka Take Lead Early and Rsaalt is Never in Doubt. The Kansas basketball team defeated the Crinnell Pioneers last night. 23 in 8. he game was easy for the Kansans. The leyhawks play the Drake Bulldogs at Des .\foines tonight. Roper Mayrdalt as Princeton Coach. t I - -... ..-._..-..___.__.- ..-_- --<-_ . ...__ #A_‘ Ilflllt If the m"“"°°"' '“" " "t-1131"‘ ' ‘am cu bob’ (‘H 121% i uoaaaL tN l 107 s. 6th. Pbooa est ,___~_:_,:;_»=-____: ._ __M_*_- :1; “S1, GM“ mm “WP,” N ; n1acat.t.aNaous pom." Duh-———.‘ aw Lm mm "4 "i',hfi:7uU9;:""' c.°l work at lie a roll. Telephone ‘ 3‘ 3‘ “- - s ‘ """ m""“: ‘—"**=' siaairia ‘*1’-lit?‘ T... c......... not 5;»-«°'.,,"' °".'.'" n . r L M I“ U I‘ . 0- '3 ' “'3“*°°° °°'“' '°°' "'7 DAVIS s wsrsoncoat. co. 3:lDol tealluat Moheflti 31 . It-uuaests. fin. f;‘mssadi gt...‘ a‘ u ‘ ‘ in - '-0°" 75°". U-tkcsttsrs _ sham gags sssatssalnssd 3*°'*5i-“""°°'- -- ?’4."l ‘Lard ..L'aasia"t'-uiasastuliisilsi i ' I£NT—-Two ssosnd flan. i 5 I 0‘ I51. '55 ‘‘*‘'l7 "m ‘ 7"‘ ""' . t-any-.t«-n-e-r.w--not toooanot-was --*""-"_:_“:"__,'i"_______ 3 A PM" ml cast; scscta tooci A ’'._,...''‘''2.'..'‘'‘'‘ ”'n "‘ g 'Satted Comnaalcstlsn Toss» -‘Raw Yoaa..lss I3.--No Saadsyoon» , formea. 5lB3.'“DI$.~i‘l7.’illIllTl6.7:”|Ll.-.. &‘m.'”“—&m5.._ l‘'' "at sabdala. moss-ding to ilah fiflflo l» ll£N‘l‘-—PivemodsIa fm-alsbad rsssttisnsss.v.|l- "-#"'*‘¢""""""~""""“"' ' ' sna.|lsskwastsf’- I-ssssmt all-aims-s--AsdH7Vi5¢'°'|"” if ut.astssasst.sssssf- ="'|"v'l""‘*"""""'*""vu':'. T A . _ an oancsornntouv saasscst-s-.-dtbc-be 3 "73--llslt-tssmtsrmmnol} a,1@,st_tbsAassta’ " W ~ M’. h 3 p i _ ‘ d s .' . 7 __ 't:&p.n.‘DssiIIII|l¢|° .."> I _, ItN‘l'—-‘Garage. 031! per ‘a: ,’||l'Ul|l‘|‘| I P: cu.’ I C. ’ (C i Mg . ‘I . .1 P ll": 9 D Paul Clllll. \Jl(l. Dy Fnued Press. — - — - Naw Yoast. Jan. l3.—Bill Roper will To Play in New Stadium in Fall. retire as resident football coach at 5. ¢; 5..., _ Princeton. He will be suct‘eede(f"h.[ Axx/irtit.t~'. lln. 13- l'r~||"l"" "Vi "Red" Gennert, freshman coach. arcord- .\.".\)' football tram~ will I'll" I" ll" '""‘ § GOLDEN HOARD ,, What More Could . Be Asked? A box seat on the 50-yard line at the great K. 1.’. game, a seat in the reviewing stand at the parade (um- brella furnished) and a ticket to the 1922 Barnwarming. All of this and more you will enjoy in the greatest Homecoming motion picture “The Mirror of Old Mizzou” Hall Theater---Wednesday But that is not all! Paddlings, pictures of all games playedin Columbia this year, close-ups of the team and old M men, freshman stunts, scenes about the campus, and about town. AND--a dance from “Blood and Sand,” music by the University Band, and other special attractions. - 3 shows: 3:00, 7:30 and 9:00; 50 cents. Come early if you want a seat! PACE Sl’.\'F‘l _..........l 'its from the voysp. Each has pat ap will stop at island nfler i-ls.-id. bsrt-- what he had as his share of the expenses for copra and other thing. aim-Q. .. ’; ;._ of outfitting and equipping. Each will the cargo space for the return you,- participzte in the proSto~if there are n Capt. (Iltarles Arty. former command- er of a big trans-Pacific freighter will be on ll! bridge. The crew expects to engage in game hunting expeditions in Borneo and other YES-- islands. They have a contract with a L _ local animal dealer for a live Borneo I ———j—————- l Tiger and several specimens of tropical V U pythons. There is to be no particular % I itinerary for the outbound trip. She E I i 1-: ' - -‘ All “Blood and Sand” 0 R I ‘P N A L msrkc lf‘Ill to the Shack where those tantalising F wgfllcs drllfilll lllf’ tummy > 3,. y.-cll as the eye. 5 I Fat l)\' the Fireplace at J ack’s Shack - 20.3 Suutli .\intlt. 4L...._L_ Shoes Called for and De llvercd JV} 800 Broadway l'hol|¢ 63 to be shown at the ing to a report. llaltimore Stadium on October 27. All-Star Wrestling Match COLUMBIA HALL Wednesday Night, Jan. 17 Mike Nestor Light Heavyweight Champion of Michigan Vs. Chris J ordon World's Middle Weight Champion. Fred Peterson Light Heavyweight Champion of Wilconlin Vs. , George Tragos cum”; Light Ilgavywsight Champion of World. , two. falls outcaf“ Gattsraloxdmlsaion $1.00: Reserved .50: 3540 ' } Ladies with escorts admitted A In \ Established 1915 i - Reading Typewriter Exchange - Expert repairing, overhauling. 1‘!--building. Typewriters bought, sold and exchanged. E , Telephone 1750 J 804 Hillcrest i 6 [Saves Your'l'tes I l1:AUSB it hasatrlmneatnessthat noothercollarcanglveanenwhoz care about their appasrancs wear the van rtaustzrqt T any, i . lis 1"»'z'Ji°ii"wl's°u'."ii.'"'°'t...."' "i'i.°".."i:-'."'.y. VAN EUSEN the Wadi‘: .S‘niam».¢z""°'" COLLAR .