. r _—-_ F - I‘ V» ‘V ' 7 ‘ T‘? ' " ‘ " V V v ‘ UL _ V ‘L _ H E5. f‘_. '4 ‘ ta ‘Vi, 4- F !1‘_‘ I 1 f _w. ‘_t . ',._," .}v '* ' ' l ~ _ ’_ “-2 L ’ i . ° I ‘ . ‘ti , 4 ‘twin ‘ . ‘ I . r ‘E’. ' i 7 is _ ~ ’ v‘; - - . —L !'3.!5 .. '.i..'L'-... 3113 _ ihlqfiaauaauaiiaiua-tonal T 4:22: ‘.1 D ,"'O0DEN CH l"l'l" ""."" """’.-" ""‘I“'ii t ‘GOOD AFTER‘ '“'."'-'!"""§"""""“"!"""y . fat: ‘to via . .5 .......... .;,.. .3. ....:... ic.;.i’ earn. a a rub. IONIC!!!’ cars at io-r-‘l-'I-.l- --I blur the way for uni nil atrial paths. Elllelaneyllltrt‘ and hrinaawanli-uhlle*un$. Sunday Salad at 9:9 with Mr. Se ioranee in e t t ' rut:rrA’r an Awwvr ..,.... ........ .. , . .. t Y i p......-'..... can . .. *3 ° M ' ' ' 7‘’ ‘it & I; '3' "- C""~ '5 .1 h. T’ h’; h more have undertaben'"a."w'orh slriicli Awcun iurilatiaa iauelleldadfl 1'0 _ . ’ ' ‘ ""7;-an-ta-aooainaaiuns-ii... h..:h“°::'_“:'h*’::;.°..‘heatiaeatin.:‘hlavIlut|otl;epreu ..t.i......m..».. b . a '”.”"”.”"“u . A: :5 E . u '5 &'- ‘ Nd.-“."$ hi‘ l'"°t "ll" "" ‘-‘n Ik "at" .. ~.'.‘fl ann:i'u.I:?'0: "..$.|k‘l L.‘..n. ~ :::::;":::::::' r »,"."" no * ‘."""",. "" rm-nu.-t c...»-; i... i.u....i I---«- at -he norms as urban." 1- , , ,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,_, ,,,,,, ,._, ,_ Services on i. on .. n .-.i..i t 079 i t . ~:::1:: ‘— V-mi ' ‘ ’ : ‘ ' * Q! hrtha god fi he," ch’. oalitly organised American Association "°"'i"3 " ll’ “‘°‘h"° lhnt ‘ _‘____, —' 7; .—..a....-—..: ‘ . ‘ . .x..fl...l.L- 5 a.u:_.,_~‘_.~ I. _‘___ ““"" i """ """" in-uiiioiaui-i.aa..i...iii.se.. ....A...‘..... 3 _ _aia lac iueaaalltaiaa. and paaathle D; 'aiadthutbh!l‘uiIa|I'lI'¢lI5I4' tray a acteriud his fuchsia! in connection with‘ d muflpa ‘an hh recent iota of I10 though profidure. "It's an ill uind that hbwa no pod‘ certainly applies an thit cue. at leaat in his opinion. A tlou, in its turn. haa shown its recogni- iiaa at the increasing iaiportance at the ethical prohleui in journalism by tend- outbanurnherolitarneinhena v Sunday _ Iroadway and Eighth ctre-t. The text for the aeriuoa will he lo‘i:i 7. 003‘ A Sunday ahool trill he opened al 10 o'clock Sunday iutiruina. (‘aura-ea in Bible hiatory and catechian will ha of-. ‘nckata to what will be. according t: present iii«liut- tiotia. the season's moat enjoyable dramatic and tmcittl oueeoa. The popularity of - ‘II a we warh In the $1 cl éieal t ‘m’ "n. "'9 "gm" ‘u very conipreehnaive qtleutiorinaire, ii-nai lei-ed to all children woli enroll. _ "|.'t.‘.‘.&t~."".queuionwaa.hrohenintohthteveaarid ' - yr .3}... 5. ifie ; ' the uneven to which it it l-owl -one Jolui Wegim. president ol the Luther- mpt-ey' Q .:t.:oieral'h' and feta. “pit: """"" " """ "" """“"" °'°‘ guakerzieivr:-Olf}lJfcl:"il; M m M" °' ' °°‘° "' '’'‘’‘"‘‘°'‘'' “W” on 5"-drm Sock-iv. mine» I -mid ‘ . I »- lorltuhted. All this indicates ' 41 up he" aka: the . aunt taatihoay to the hnaahdawn al ioid oi the robbery. since then the pro- '" 5' """""‘ ""“ whnarllfdodaaeapdt iafiehawufthaafiy biaa amt to the conxnityz y - . V - ',,d M“, I mchi-a out. rm-ib|.v vmwli. new» The Student Council nill tneet at the par- iwai-. in any wel a-on no in ueniu hi the not mints it.ia at as re “”““' '''‘l "l" "" 5"" " 5"‘ """°' h” "m " W 0'' ‘‘'‘'°'' ""'°""""' "'" ' """‘“' ""“‘ -on-er. too: it... ‘mm. .. sands: af- lirra aeentuy later. Oral last we wlllsulta that wept hday that noun. hut llotir ‘wooden’ chechl. and each tine ol If'.‘fl'a’l'fl%I'1I‘Ob‘FII‘IIK”fl'l iheleadaaaweaetlorbnouau. “T Blood and Sand a lit exceeding anticipations. which means that tlicnw who expect to aeethia aecond Harlequin pl‘tl(lU(‘lltlll hint ‘writ nIhrity——.luutee Chrheh ‘k krouflnyin‘ H." “M “' uitiori ol the dfliea of a newspaper to its i..m.,o._ --.,.$,‘ "t .fi&‘ -h n .4". I,‘ I he readers, and the liniitationti which a de- Vigiion up pglauiip at the aenu-ea. '1‘ . Q ' ‘yum. y_ M ' '""."m cent regard lor the opinions ol inanhind Mb." (j_ Efgflnl. Pagan .5... ,3... - it ' i.’ lose _ . run! gun nay to poi-a...-or liven‘ aatil- _ _ 1’ '9. ll" hi“. I" "' .;:"th'r'iiu¢: the loan of the twetly "‘°"" P,"°P"'7 P" "P" '_'''I “"'""_'“ ohm best hit)’ their self! fl 800'! I8 D0381”?- W -=*- -'~ ...“.""‘".......“"‘.Z""”......." ., .2 ;""°‘.... ..... ......."“"' ""'. .. ......' ..... "M"; ‘W "M *' M ::‘.:':'°'::...:'..::: ':::.':'°:::.. '.*:.';‘;'"'::. 1-... .. W. . Po? lllflifl N. Policy. I: t‘, ‘"9 ' 0 [.000 . in, '0 ru hm. mroveflld -‘tn ' I ’ ' V . row will be an lollfiia: 7:30 I. Q Hull 9 ' D I ' - , . . _ uhmw 5‘ - I hd bu“ watched with interest. II it lies much _ ‘ ~ ' atjfin Iotetl enaiaeer. thluha tltfl by 1 an an , - rm” ‘hi '5 “'13 55* Cd theirl_k.o“y_ ‘if :"aeeninl V. ‘M of value to the intellectual and moral '(‘""'|Ol||°|'|: 9'-N} M» 530407 "°l||‘°l- Be rchoea will do&hareverli§vIll'0~5- ' lile of the Nation. Thine engaged in ‘O45 3- "~~ 3'0""!!! WI)" lflil “'"""" "ii '* "°' "°" “" """"' °‘ "“’° couittai. eaasoiis A1‘ it. u. . . "an." . ht '.'_ presenting it deaerye aupport jut-t in pet» 5)’ ‘ll’ "“"0'- Tl""" 5‘ ' 9"” 5" ‘l" portion In their Inotivea are lree lrnm Sllndll ""l'°"l 7"‘ “‘“‘l"'"“- "l‘l“l" l‘ anything other than the desire to tuahe Olfldtlll ll” b°“k "l C''‘“l'~ 11" til the great public lunction ol iuiirnal “'“'l""l‘°"d 9' Sh A"d""‘ “in 5"‘ " 5.". ‘mg .54 ",1 . 'n.in‘[,y ... ,..,i,i5.. the parish liotu-e at 5:30 p. m. The usual open houtic will he held at the aaine place b trfllhwhildkflhlhfiflhflfifi-I 3 ‘u'.‘ad...d-“hum, ltlIIo‘l)r.'_hoyerlllul the turbo-iy ,,‘b..“”.d.“o_.m..m_ ' ‘nu . pertinent will see it to retain .ol. W. Va‘ ’.‘‘a cut” “Mud, ‘and '~ ~ .%. lb‘ '“ hm. ‘Mt ! E Poraouaa: the University of .\liaaouIl. ,- aday irillhelaaaeuoufi. Daoidfiril-1 lg‘ . ht.‘ i . '9” H d M. '. Eth hallo‘ ‘at u 1-en!!!‘ MI now we‘ ' 3“ C . W ' m V '''’''”“'° '° *5’ ‘-4083 '80 VII. If A. "MP of mm." pmtumm "pm ‘W "t u M W W ‘W at 6 D. II. All students are cordially in-. ,._.___ _, ..._. Colonel Penono has built up a uilitary ‘ __ renting the American Aaaoctnlln ol , i will do our reading on acreen. ulii ; . . . . mt!“ "d ‘“‘''V "dd °°"m"'- ‘ "'9. Teachers til lournaliani, met last week’ N" ' . . . 1 . unit nliltli is among the beet ol Ill hind . . , . . . . , 4 Tim anmnl gem" of (alvuy pariah 11."... ".u-''. iufluumum 3..." _ . V _ _ ' matron of his vigour and thoughtful ; at the Mirthwreatern lniveraity, in ltvana-i M” in H.“ l d‘ 'i“ M.” n ‘so ‘ . . . " "" l""‘"' *“""" I‘ °“"‘l""‘ "‘ "' 54.1,,“ ‘.3. it n’ ck)" W‘ 5' ton, lll., lo tiacuna the needs of a form . . P‘. '. ' uahuch “flu”. “*3 0‘ . dud" iialile nition in the records of the ‘(at N“ liuuian mental activity which in rap- P".by“fl.' " “bah Twflhl "flu." A "mp" M" . 0‘ p‘ considers the [Anne or aaaociation. or ’- - Sunday «school and all special rlau-ea be given by the Snriice Guild, reports of net and power We ll!" Oil! dflfllfll - ' C h | P M ' idly aanirning the true nature and char- , T ' I C H I." ‘"9",’ M. n"|'l"l'"'- _° ""‘ """" ‘ ““" i.|,.i,.,, nu. Q, (.50.; to an in m “.m,m5“ 0‘ 5 m,"h,_“on_ ‘Wm. ‘he met at 9:30 a. mi bfllted sacrament of l:|r' pamii cargo llllhbc and the MN ' ' .cee.led in ;placina the unit here . - - . - »‘ -0 _ Lorri’: Supper till a lltlnlnlrtrtl at It" ve-try e t or t couilna year. “I, V” yawn“ inn.” ” H,‘ mu‘ 0‘ _dhi~.u”d wunflg" 3 alternative to war. To substantiate the ' ::"L:7l:';';.':"l:“h:_:; .257”, .u':r.‘:_ ‘morning service at l0:t5 in : -4-tmun The litany service is held rvrry Fritllt 0: uuhemy bfnhrthult‘ 69",“ “I V.” and b‘ "w W" Drpflmrml Vlduer. Jtlatlfv Clarke Ilya: “Cert. Per-'h_‘“‘m. bu‘ ,'"“h" “V. ‘M! m“ WW l-I) ll!" l'~‘l~tur. The eirniflx -"rii.~.,, from att-rnoort at 4 p. I. gunim" powm,‘ "am. ".4 ,nm;,y_ an _ _ - .. _ _ china. who speaha for us the autlioi:ita- aibly ;. up, im.,",m“ in numb,“ M .‘ in 8 n..lu,.L,..-nnu-i- of the tlm-it.in (kbth. (‘.R‘ The ll ll T l of tlic lniu-ruti II . » l‘fltlt‘I\tir meeting and a cermon In tho- ‘ 5' “ id " 5-.“ ""1" ‘H. ‘ _ '. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ “ _t°i’r word on the auhject, in addresafiig ll". -lion a tendency to limit upon ll ‘ _ .. . _ lltlile Sclinoh 91!). The lollowina pro, I" ' ' ' Pb”; the only tli-tin ttlahnl ttlit iii-tlie fltllff h. i a v |— ‘ pantor. The topic uill lie lu--lnt nan . _ _ 33:53. 35,. .9‘; fl wQ3._ Wimgig ll 4 ' ‘ "3"°l ""530 llllouflhottt the country "i ” all a "N ' mm‘ W"-m‘ if“ " llenmninaitiutii " Praiet inc-i-iiiiic lll .".ltl ‘mm "ll b’ "l." " '5' ”"'"" "fit i ‘ -“M-Ih fore-am. -liirh include" . 19'" W‘ ‘I""'"¥ "‘ P'°"“"""" " '5' W , ‘ , rt-r-t Devotional Service. av. Hatin- "““"‘°“ "““ """"""' °' "" ‘.cii...t.‘... nine stateaolthc .\liddlc int. " "n" °'" "°“"" '" WW’ ‘M W ideal. in" an mainly as it i- in W. "* "‘ "‘'‘'‘‘‘’' New Yorh Anti-Sa Leaaue, can that, - WHAT OTHERS SAY The nine. of ioamiiuf. the peopled dag Untied Sage. 35.; -15,. from the (.'hri'ati'ai Science Monitor. BEIBEIIS imtiiiitxs Tlchatl. 81.00. 'l.'ic._ V Have You a BigHatd? ‘ -' Dean Walter Williams’ Bible Class will consider the (.'al.lSt'.~%. if tiny. and the cures of ti tlisease. not in almantics. which at‘- facts nearly cver_vtitic .~lUlllt‘lllll(‘.*i and some persons all of the time. Come and bring your frit-ml who may need the lllt‘S:-‘i:l$‘!t?. are in -yinpailiy with the inovetnent to } retain Colonel Persona at the l'niu-rniy. _ _ _ . \ halter; Vioha Solo. Mn. Agnes Filler: C’. in‘ ' ' ‘hr l _ t 1 0' ‘W neat war. "':tthfetlI I‘Pli:'hf'lC;tl Iulii|lIIibll:d llflflflftl v B,“‘..y M E R,.Mi;u. M5,, ],.M5, 3,", “"5; 3,3,,‘ . ince (‘I n o iiive .01 y . ~ _, . _ _ , , ' H ‘ ‘ . _ liy that tituathi-r‘e_ ill he no need of en- . mud‘ Cngml Pnwm h“ iM"“'d we N-cret8I') oi the Navy Denhy de.hh' q':"l.'||:“ rfl; ”:.t'jpIe"‘r.ta":t:r|;‘ubliI“l;'Ifdlli': -uzi.la_i »...hml at 9:30. An ul||l~tl.|l Vii‘. Andrew Bat” . . I - clarea that we Qua] lug, . dn . . . program has lieeit pri~p:irul mt-ltitlirig 3”‘ l’'’°'''’’7 " ' °° * M uni.‘ fl-‘huuon bfimuv "0’. ‘mi morale If the R. 0.‘ T. C. to an OPP?!" . . luv’ “*0” “‘"n. '? M.“ m we "I"! dun" Th" music and tliacuiiviicin. hlnrntiig iaur-hip """‘l‘lP lo3‘5- Th’ Wblxl "l R"-‘ M" ha“ '5“ the "flab «flu, i. M M H _ h h I he to none in the world-in prepraiion 9[‘ll|l'(‘l|In|€Il (‘IPI(‘l|)- of the press room, u low Th’ R" Ann“ A. smflh ‘hmh.'"t.' Rn.” i. .75. K.;,',d.,. .. , 1"" ‘' ‘'‘"''“- " "‘ ‘ “" °' ° ' ,5, Mn % ‘- lrather than the intellectual capacity of ' ' .‘ . _ m, m. (:5,-ac Th, , hi .,.,5¢ ‘m tinrher _ia scientifically true. and that, . . t_ . .. , '"° ' “*3” °' “ '"l"i 1.. ' ' ' 5, 5, I M” "“‘“l’)' ll" P“ll"' "‘ ‘l‘'’ 'b'''''‘‘’' "I l . . ' pa ’ J _ _ at hooha which are used in tnilituy ad‘. . (. h. ‘t writers iipetair-. in in at t inurn.i~ m ‘M ‘hr mm 1. n_ “Nd”; J, he a violin cola by Mo. Ray Marsh and ll"? '0 ml 3 “film. V5‘. M" l"’“°""l ' “n M'‘'".' ' 0'" ‘my h“ l""" I iat who lmiha on his callin Is a trade ' P”. ‘ . . I -- " ’ ” I ‘'39’. N, in ad b'h' ‘h ‘d . l ‘ ‘ p‘ .' . ‘ . . llurltif Smllll I-I rlllpllltl Jl "attire lliin. In 3.33.59. ‘nd 0. b’ n.’ , . , « " la 3! unit at tloo ea tits in til mmtntinicatmnc tn . . . _ ' - _ WI(l‘t'f u ", . y The ’wd'm. and hum, 0' ‘hr Umwr "M W” M" . V l ‘ ' 034) ‘M pub . _ iittal. St. Liui-. htniurtli ltaxiio at l.lu*a‘rtet.. W ‘M 7:” Th id.‘ ‘ H: I4. nrdell u iilfillfll more stable (CW-| . H ' .. 0‘ (.0. b. "003 '39‘! mtliirea that . . . , 6:30. Mr-. R. I). ,\l. liauer a- leader -""08 0' P - D" _ M. hell ' “H u. ‘n u he "an". an u 5! allall he increaaed-in Pfe ration for - B." ‘u.’ that U". pl"... of ’"u".'“m will iir--sent J imilrairi. Fvenirtl ymr. ll’? "ml"! "339" l‘ "CT." T9 Ell‘ “The ' H d” "'.¢.' E’ . " n’'.”.uu.n h P. N . pmwm‘ 1"’. ‘M ll" ‘cw wank‘.-W" i-lit!’ It Trill N-rm-iii by the lies, ‘\. \ ‘WI’? “at "e (‘aunot Curr." T30 000' . 5" “Chive bib. O‘ that ‘the ll-nlh ' ' '"' '"' ll ll 5" Wfitflllrnl. it it IN" 805'‘! "’ I” ~iiittli. ' Q It‘! will sing the anthem "Coil in \ - - =-—«---ac-»-.-~m--»-~ . *“~*---~~ :.".*""'.“,".'.'..';'.'.'...'."'".'...."*:';;::'i ..~.~.. ...... c TI 1 ‘ ‘ . .. . - 5,‘ "" " " “ '°- . :'_ ‘ I’! D A lonareaatiorial neetina is ca «ir . 1 )0 if ‘cod '&e '0 R" m. “"9.” W. Cu...’ .. .‘ c¢m."'d' '0 may bf ll'lY' 'h°‘l°'3'1". 0' “°""'l’ At the rriorninl ‘critic? 9|’ Dauur will 2:30 o'clock in the church auditorium. ( ll hiflh control. loreaeea _ OM70! I P7090094 ‘"7"’? 0' I Pllfl loyol newspapers. rigidly rtliaed in wflk ,m H". _,ui,j,.‘.,; on“. it...” ..[ ‘»h'mi". Emiflwx 6.”_ yum" (flaw, ‘):.ill (1, m, fiulu/In longer haueynootu hetter understandinp (‘M (. ‘ *‘,u." E‘ "V M‘ ~deal't all the resources oi the repuhlic.""‘:"d'“"iu‘.'dlll" I "'"I'§|' lf"|'l’°f"i Prayer" _ " pain-n 6:1). hr ‘ ad . H. ‘. I. -. ‘ . .. ‘. hum." ‘M, n“ . L f H. . I uh am organ or t one cut o giving [u .h,. ,.,,.,,,n‘ ,; ‘,‘;3[) m,_ Ivy.-.1 Ti". “M,"“.k _Q,,,,,;,., (9, w,dM..d.y “LZEJL ‘.pN.E" war: a €009 :l.i:lfl!o:M ":1: H. . em or an iti0!|a 4 in advertisers the areaioat volume of cir~ m,,,{‘(.' J,’ in-mg.-3 1." the International fl..,,m._.5l| he led by Mr. V. B. Palmer. Allflthepe. ol coune. net-I illpoalilllel 1- I Pip (lrpim "hair S/an-. at ‘I I3 '"""_ "' ""' "" """ "" ‘'‘"'P''"‘ "" «'_u|='i«»n. and in mdm the M»! rm i. \t. C. A. (uminittce. -i-H hr W ....i the sublet‘! i. ~wim v. Can Do 7.. ‘on 3. in we vi’ 0‘ . [in M a universal call to armed defense’-—~in ‘"5" “"U"|*‘ 07 5'“"ml"M '|1W"~ 3"’ npeaki-r. .\lr. l..nd;e has been uyled ili- “,3, nu, _s‘,.,,;..,.. _x{.,,.. [(".,..,.‘..|.'' in in gag, 3. ‘hi pg 339'] 3 fig.‘ Ito. suppoaally a result of tlr re- "9 30!! WU.” 'lm"""_"" ‘mi’-l b:_"d fiddrzd °t$"h"d‘ at _fi r__y , ‘_ _ V“ _._ t ____, _, , ' 7‘ A . - scent unite in the Rock inwi ii...» in mm. 5, "'-‘ "' ""‘" ' " "'. 7 "' * l‘ "“’bl° h "3 ll} ll! taken as a tnat- :_ than " ' ‘~ ‘ml " P700‘ '0 ll" not today, the papers which rnrctse the ‘ M. or N". 5. 311 11,, ',..,,., an ‘ implied thought that the League ia an al- widest influence. The American news . p p ’' all Jdehocracy would have Ieettl no ha» Ml‘_‘“;ih.l‘“|:"."l‘;9_|:t¢ til fl: ‘ tt-rnative to war. liutioe Clarke cites the 3.9"’ '0' ‘M°h,l':'" flifntmyifd I . I I men urn in con e, e I """°""' ' *"""‘ ‘Y"" '0” ‘W? m in -1., E. ‘:::,"In(‘0:::)rI'|c:'I£'fI.& """"" '’‘''‘'°''' F‘''‘‘''’‘ "'4 -“'"‘*"'- to find helpful diacuaaion "1 min: 5: ? iii", "gag... .',..».. .. md.,_ wk‘ fl".,,._ 5,‘. 4 Polllld and Lithuania, and Poland and tereating to them, and wlinae in lluence - _ —- -----_——— _ Cgnngny “ ' ' J is moot eagerly iuiugltt hy thotte dealrotta ‘aw M '& ffnun A hlll has liven Inll’urlttt‘e-cl in ll!‘ .‘ d‘ .. pto-um‘ P""e"‘ ‘ '.r til atliaricing aiime worth‘. cu," "9 no.‘ Jh‘"n' “mu R" h’ n'hud' Lenl ""u5r H.‘ ‘umu i""" H" null" °{ W!‘ "lflny °‘ ll" ‘"3"’ '""'d the iiavfrs tnliicli liaiie thril Niyculatioa thin: century ago when the int arena} “3Pl“’l ¢l""'h“i ‘ml ll‘ “'9” l“’‘“'*''‘‘ l“"" “l’l'°‘l '0 "4' Pmvided to test itszupon eensationaliarn or gift eiiterpriaea ‘uh emu.‘ ‘he ‘fie 0‘ ago and ""3 . it lhe number ol elllllotet. ttaelitlttefl and puts," gfid. d5,Pm,&| They are tl.e newspapers oditul with dig. clad u a gag] at flag. ‘up. .n }....g_ The city adtuiaiatration ol Mexico in however the League “without puree rmtnjrmi :9';:l?:t'h:)'_ “kt”-y'*” "9" Club 9' L39‘ ' rvti..." “'0'd‘ “lids” o’ ‘.590 bl" “'0”! ll‘ lb’ J And l'iO'hO'PJl51‘l"l til lllia Iflfl nefil Ha" "I, in P~“.n .{ '1“. me‘. n__ i‘ vb”. ‘M ‘hm i‘ 'm'm' in. righteoua «Ii-u-eggnugon m ‘in juuifi-o for their -er\.it~.-_ gtitl call In it young men and.‘ u ' 'h|.“u. of d“_~m 0‘ God. ‘ _ __ y ‘ bmufln .0 . ninth“ '5" “"..'nd“' iiho liay.- been traiiietl in ll... luiularrien _ t——’l‘|..~ snip S.-“.3, ..n mm..." of _s..,-.33“, l.'|l~ ul is-urnalt-ni a- tliervuuld lie train- Tuhl “'7 'l"P'l'9‘ ""W'l .3 5) .3“ Ba», ¢[ Ihgud (hwy,-_ “ham-.,d "5, pen?‘ ‘ed lor Lia, nr tlit-ulaigy, or any til tli » an hour did we think nothing alioiit it. ‘ terday until l0 -i°clorli this morning not ll l‘ '3." l0 llllilie what the league. it'll?’ "4'-""‘d l""l""‘i"'""- ' 5“ 5‘ * '9" .0 "9 ‘. m-n‘'r ‘uh ‘. til nnpert lo. lortner (Loy. lain.‘ V. Ste. i.lth the aid and auppon. "M ..‘_'i" ll tlii~ pu-iiti--ii til the better tipe HPWQ. ‘Q . "M C y m- . “was who amt Ila]...-.4.’-. paper of today, and the ideal neuapaper S tudent’s Co-Operative Book Store Returns Profits In Cash 10 per cent dividends paid last year. ---~—-— m_'h"'M" J ll" U'i"d -8"" "Willi ‘ til’ the future, here not in clearly indi- k Alva ll}; .\laa:id wan rel-entlv l‘.|:D|:!I»Od and still can. do to alleviate the preur-ut"t‘llHl, we would not no one alter the , ‘ , l.‘ l " V?’ '_l 3 P003333 in ...[,,§,.'. ad he I d ‘ :other «if the areal educational inatitu- 'h&§ h:I:|U'°:|l: '3‘; ‘PT: '3 :t|:ho::r at King City‘, Mo. ‘raid 0‘ _Mn '2: npnwm t . R. y “fled tiona til the laited fitlfg establishing '5" I3 '3' I3 U" '7 "PW" 9"’ 0 “ml V K‘ V” ' hool of ‘o melt in. ducal r rer- . 5' '. W xi. “,0. ‘uni... allohn II the lnternational Hay and x , ’ u ‘ 0 ‘ ‘ . ll it to he hoped that Justice Clarke oaniae at once the need for these institu- ‘. I ‘.1 i | be..." we “W” 0'3"‘ 9'9" 59“ 3' U‘'¢|l°- and la. ...,¢§..,. .5" “tad in hm,‘ ' lions and the opportunities open to their have taken the Seal enhrace. n— jrkwn D.’ V‘. cclebtua ‘or ‘he in‘ ‘bout 0' nfllbniaion 0‘ the . graduate». It in gratifying to note that lirat tine by the Dena‘.-crata of Spring. mat of the Lane ol Nations or ac:t:- thiititrltlzmlvl . . ’ ” i "'t Here s to all the students in . MI by an e!-home I»-mun e . . . exists sole! to furnish them ‘I'll IICTIU 0‘ e 0‘. flu‘ (“Y ‘om. thy IIIMIIIIQ. to [be poop]; ‘ad fir" ll'tr ellttra til llte p[l)lT.’\lIl'l.V The‘old w at A ‘m W 530 l|U¥'||“‘l 50 '59 L18‘ day evening. It was voted to make it a "'P"“""'“"‘ 5" COIIIIHI and in the ’omiuh‘m Md M flhuim l W 0 H. ' y’ _ . ,, moat illustrioiia practitionerl. the Bry» ‘l. '&t ht ‘I’ “W, “n” uh." __ L t‘}m'° lb." anta. the Danae. the Betiuetta. and the al needy hothera with dependent chil- _a.,.um.,-flu or “I. won.‘ ,“b_ It II to he hoped and para uni gm, C-reeleya were guilty of olfenlea against ‘ dim Dd alao pl I033 akut to he- liahqu cl aiuanulatturina and aaaeiu- ‘ to whoan the fateful ilocuinent is ream‘ ‘Nd nu’ "M m '0'. "l'“""' ‘ma . ‘ hlina unit oi tha Ford Motor Couipany ...5m..,|g H _, __ _ inorala that would today linti no place F‘, .,,-b__ . .. p Q — 3:, it ‘_ hm“ *1 5 pa‘ not .6 . _ “I F"? P"'l“'“ ‘"0’ I" ll? even in the so-called yellow ioorrials. : ll la fijlhtrrul rfi of every‘chl'|d mui.‘ .0 "mm ‘mm . ‘dude '0'," rnisinteryretation and rnireprecentation _ After all, ethical aeniunin any prolee to fi cal Lana Qfl‘fia| nu-guy‘, .11.; 3. Outfit flfi. mg 5. P." 0‘ |i‘.,'d',. Lhich 3|.‘ 5.95,.” ‘mi ".'.'b" "ml min i< a matter til evolution and aloia ‘an '5.“ "gab 3” .. plan at expansion in the Miflla Wear. ,5, ‘h...d'. ” ,5, 5, ‘.3. ‘H armrih. It would never acne as a sub -—--2 ject lor distuaaion in otlrh a conlerence 15' 90.50 F0335” ‘ ‘@530. I ween St. Joseph _ and '59 |l'¢l|ll|l'l' lo Vania the League— as that at Evanuon it’ it were not already \leI~DltI&ytetk3bra. """“'Y"ml"-"’h'¢l'f5‘hIlnaIIaadchotnaatmoediaaly_ ' ~ ‘ t al eroaaroada, elliaa the tllaaaaee in ‘ your investments. lowest possible prices. Make it a habit to trade witll Profit sharing s 'pa‘are giv~ your own store, whichwas or- _ en with each pu A ape. At gamzed by rofessors and stu- the car's end of business all dents in 1 , and is now the pro its are divided among titt.i~ largest student shore in the dents who have traded here. West. It is owned b the stu- Your money is worth more at dents and run by stu exits, and the Cooperative Stone. 9 T"“‘m’d-ii‘ an-".&rcly.Aaaar~ee-neuthaahoea t- T‘ A lair uh-pub Qua . al chi la in, 5, ‘L ht. on V. NI!!!’ William llale Tlitinpaoo at I "‘ ' '- iuannligeaaaiuuiaiuaiii kl-eh-l-l--huvlnihet-d-b .WhltWo|lHlY0ur A;;“l..iu-mh.e.ui':u.,i.::i:i°:.. '1 than -i i--L cant... at-ii-. oeiuall "5" "" """"- " """' '5'“ . _ Text Books ’ Postoffiee Set-viiowe Stationary‘ 7 ‘ aid:-i duo. than it iii:-ii an ii,’ an ""' ""'°"l h'hf3i Du‘ Think“ Athletic Goods Mail order: filled Souvenir: ,4‘ hrld euiraly-to iii.-in an-tni-not “by C F ltrihlllli to own wine each week.” Jewelry promptly. Drawing Supplies "'“"°'il'&""‘ cfldalthefiaa-iflhenthacalaac If youhulon‘ . A lam-uiia-I-hi. ..?.'.""....,‘ .'.....“"' """..*.,..~5'..,_"""',,1s’:."..t"""""..i in... "L "£.t'i':"i"i'.." ii‘: 1 -wv--=v -it --«=' i- - -in--T." 7 W °f my-I ‘ooh . ufi ' ,._.,.' ‘ 3"-'3'"-"-"'.-'5-"H-elii--c-Q Chin-c.etne....iii.-rui.i.. InaIlior_ " f °ty . ' - "1: A..." .“'ltntapaaitiaoH(llahna. lninauiuius-min» ii”... A i Un.lVerSl CG Ve Stofe I; -‘ 1' TNSt.IoéEiAneiniaau|I'hnlh¢.'.'H'°'-'”'l'.“""""A We ' make 9 ' v -3 auanaa-auuauua-.a-ni,__'_nH_."*.‘*‘_“....i. y t “'3 cm ‘‘l'heatudutaatwaatai-e'' . herqpailhyaflrqpaafojy. ...*a...5.;-.g_.,,g,.*,. l"l'iaaiy-lleeihauaaadpvdeau-iaanpaaa . ‘ “ 2 -—-II-III—III- , q;.fi“,g.*&..‘.“',CaualudIJq¢euIeeta,NeuYaek, "he ,0“ j“'t ti |j|wrA?.¢!*::5p1fTp1§Uo&- bouahttliem. it ;%a'l“Q1jd_‘&&I‘7~'. " F" “'-"""*[ ' ; --t--t-t---‘--t» —-.:'.17‘i.1..“.‘.‘:‘..'.:'a...*.‘...“".i':l'.'a2““.....‘*‘ ‘ ' '- 4 *‘b‘.«“.""V""""“"""",", ,gg....p.,. taeaaaitit-at-in-ta-tie-r'r..a' Vllfifiishui at-p-u--at-in-.3 "'-. ___._.':__i..i.i..... 1 . Pm“ . - ISGNIIIIH. . A haa-intuition-utii-_,,_; """ k""u"'**- °-I--~ , ~|; - . r ‘ l t ‘ a ; ,' ~? ill it .,~-.. N .< .'-.¢._‘r e " - . rt '1 +1.94