aw-’-sh!-" ‘it; if} g; l? is . E :3 3 _ .; rgfii rig; l§§§%i§; lit; it esmpsaedwhllsiafie-wY . haufist wllladuutllafter midnight. CHI OMEGA PLEDCES r l T r W from a huge imitation iceberg. T. @9911’: (‘hilt W81 ‘Nd M. W Vlllbm was seated on the left and the moat. ' k .- '-;:_sH- ‘nu... an. ttni-tics.-it will be out. - _ g were ' - '.,,,.,-i‘-‘Ml ,...,t¢.-;. out at alyilt the wt...‘ ‘ “Mn, ‘The uitiquelprogratus were in .5, hum of a front page of a newspaper. .-I ,3”, 4|,-"dc had a story written about 3' ma .1 MM line on which to write sh naineanf the partner for that dance. I cott will give toads . After the program. a gift will he presented to the sororitv from the 'p|edges. Silver bracelets with the sorority‘ Creek letters will be given as favors. The attests will include the The favors Um W30“ ‘I'm P""- ' hers and pledges and their t-haperon, Features on rim be-«n «hum by Mrs. Nellie 3. Rsayan. ,5, ac‘ tau rsintyot. . ____..__.__ gt.” ,,;, 35,. «X . fin pgnflcf,l', C. T. U’. DJVIDED 3;. 9..-... n...t.... ..t Mephens tout... ‘Lyra 4 sscrrtms “m d..‘s'd in . qnngflgkp rnatulno, TIP ltlcll tlftilliilllofl til I k. [gun]? was a dance by hlisa \lary has been Wirhsd into four sections for Still: and Oliver Ilrackett. “ho tlant-etl'l'""' ‘'‘‘-‘l'''"‘)'- The flu" I-'I‘|ioM Will “ n’... g §..p|,,_ \ neet at 2:31 o'clock Monday afternoon. Agonglthe invited guifstt Presi- The Brat section will meet at the home 4.... out ‘$71. twins than 5.. of Mrs. Belle Schpoler. tut North tn... Joby“. Dggp, “filter -_Iilliatns. Prof. wood avenue. and Mrs. D. E. Mayor will ggfl I"rank Martin, Prof, and lead the ch-votional; the second section In. D. D. Patterson. Prof. antl Mrs. E. ‘ill HIGH Will! “F8 -l- ‘l-- Hfflflio H9 ' fl_ (ltiltlers. Prof. and .\lt~. R. S. \l.inn. llitt street; the third will meet with .\lrs. Miss Sara Inrkwood, hliss (‘amtie f_lu'.nn I’. ll. Slt South ‘dlliam street: “J ‘hl’.“. ‘and the fourth will meet with \lr~, J. ll. -. —— ~ Johnson. I” Price avenue. lfR$.il.‘SN1'F§.'' (51133 . - ' ——- 5vr5ar,4I.y.s' (.'Ll 8 MRS. sIDy'£t' C.4Ll‘£R1' Mrs. (‘sentry (lark. NU) Base ayenoe. GIVES I.\'F()R.ll.4l. TEA entertained the members of I'te East Mrs. Sidney (aisert entertained infor- Iroadway Bridge (Juli yeflrrdat Ill" rnally with a tea this afternoon for Mr- nooa at her home. \t the conclusion of Herman Sclilundt who recently’ returned the card game tefrfnltflffllt VHF Ifflfil from Europe. The other; guests were: by the hostess. missdg in Mr-. Boyle 1):. Edith niutn-. Dr. .\I.'\. Dover. .\lr.s. Clark. _» ‘H. E. French, Mrs. A. E. Stearn. lit. The members present were Mrs. A. W. Louise Stanley, Mrs. ll. 0 Severance. Kalpsch-idt, Vlnl. (llatidf ‘1|f'Pl!f- -‘I500 .\lrs. II. E. Krtege. .\Irs. I". ll. \lumftml. lacy Dyaart, Mrs. L. 2. Ilill. .\lrs. J. E. .\lr-i. J. D. Lawson. Mrs. L. llaiglt. and llighee. Mrs. B- ‘I. I-h'¢'I'_. Mrs. Thomas Mrs. A, J. Durant. Hcllarg. .\lrs. J. P. lletaler and .\lrs. II. II. Tandy. ' Additional guests included .\lr°. Al- laaaa Johnson. .\IBrs. Bernard (I. llmt. Mrs. IL)’: Finley. MB Nita Elkins ‘in Olive Scott. hlisa ()ssie.Daile_y and Mrs. N. B. Dunn of.Kirksyille. AUIIA nun PI noxious mss mum yirwznr _.———t-rww - . -.‘. y .e -7,’-V. rv-\ C s - Mrs J. C. Jones entertained with a luncheon at l o'clock today in honor of Miss Alma Cotton whose mauisge .to Raymontl Pusher will take place 1) at the first Baptist Church. Other guests will be members of the bridal par- tr. .\vlr, and Mrs. S. M. Jordan. &)3 \ir- ' glnia avenue. willhaye a nbtber guests for Farmers’ Week. Their son. George Jordan, of St. lottis, who is a graduate of the l nlversity and a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity will arrive in Columbia Honby to spend the week Nelhert of Louis, who is a week-end glen of the sorority’. . _.oIls of t‘aleni'luIas will lortn the cen- trepieces for. tne tahh-s. Other guests be- tomorrow morning I sfIIePlKsnI Pm rmru urn cuss DINNER robonaor . The Phi ‘|'lieta'Kappa. hnnontn stir- in: ity ..t tzttrotisn cottesr. yin entertain with a dinner at I2 o'clock tomorrow in the (ltristiatt (‘nllege dining room for on’ the nrlnhers of the uyrority‘ who are at- ‘tending the lniversity. Tables trill be decorated with the Phi Theta Kappa col- ot-. which are green and white. Dean Ilosel- Lisenhy will act as hostess. Misses Iluth flea. Betty Jane Hugiiesg ,0-msfiy ."teplIN|\ Edna (Sentry. Edith Payne. Ilrrnlcr (Jule- ten. Margaret Fithian, and \l.try Nan- - sifrr. . ...L§.' v Alpha Phi will hold formal iniiiatitm for the ft-Uowfng: Misses I"itlpI|fI‘nt.'l IIlflIIlt'\fl|¢'Ill.. ‘giga- ret he-ville, Kt-lle (iwyttnt-. Nelle Williams, Iitleen Williamson. ll-llter Sev- erance, Louise Oirkbratler antl \trginta Ruark. The Kappa Kappa (Lamina sorority’ will entertain with a dinner at I o'clock to. rnormw. i'n honor of Vliss Alma (Lotion. Other guests will he “in .\Iildretl \llen of Kansas (ity and “in (atherine \ll- port of (Ihicago. Miss lotion in st mo-tn her of the sorority‘. \Irs. .\l. I". Miller, SIN Ilicks ayenue. will entertain with an informal supper tornurruw evening in honor’ of hlrs. l.l|lf‘II- er “iailvtrot. who is a member of the hgricttlae (lub. Other guests will be the rngmlir-rs of the club. '.\Ir... .\Iartha Jnltttsnn, 819 Ilollins a\‘~ enue. entertained at dinner yesterday‘ ev. entng. The gueus were: hlias \Iar~ gtgeri . \It Nance Pryor, A. T. Etlinger, II. I). F0 and I). W. (‘hit tentlen. lnyttations ltaye been sent out by “is- lileanor Taylor and \lists Frances Ilunt who will be at home at 4 o'(‘ltyt'k “eti- ne-«lay afternoon at the home of .\Iiss Tavlt-r. 61% “est Broadway. in honor of \lts- \ln:tt (otlon. \lt-. W S ‘tIIlIm‘. 818 Virginia avt-nue invttt-tl thr alumnae members of the ‘fish:-uri \lpha chapter of Pi Bfll Phi to call at her home at 3 o'clock this afternoon. \lr. and yr... i. r 1 Im are yt-iting their tlaugh er. Tatlyxti o t Bl Kappa Kappa (Lamma house, and their son, Vlarshall of tllh Phi Delta Theta‘', The Kansas (in émbers of the lini- "l yrrsily t-f Mi.-noun alumnae entertained with a tea this aftaruoott at the lm cerstty “omt-n's (jlub there. ' Deg" Egg John-ttoniwon firl prize at the bridge party gvien yesterday’ evening sitks the active members. pledgrs antl city alumnae of the soyuritv will be: Dean Iiva Johnston. llr. Edith‘ \lat1ke, Mrs. Margaret (hamberlaht, \lisaes .\lu- ' ' ' . Margaret Fithian. KI-_ _ It... suitor, 1...... B. ' yum (;eral- S’/]'ERL[NG ' ethit-k. \largar- et (‘artlw.ell,. Vlargert. Huston, Agnes Tltumser, and Edith llarnmaek. ' , . TH Blitz Perkinsoti Circle of the Broadway .\lr-thotlist (Ihurch met yester- day afternoon with Miss (Jaudta Ilatton. l% ‘ilson avenue. Mrs. L’, W. Furt- . aey assisted .\Iiss Illllttm ‘uy_entertaining the reds. The Rest (i. l. Iloff of Bloom- field. \lof. is visiting lrlb hrotlkr-in-law. ilshn (L. I521 Para road. For the January it Bride. 5 . “‘°€t§~5‘"‘ ‘l , . CC ‘ ‘ on looks tits on Missouri l river. . j i There is sotne colee that tastes like it. l There is some esffes—but ‘F . ¢—_-s§——..'-W‘-}_w-av.-are--.-;:.—vv ye-er ' I — A , A Complete Line of William and Mary Pattern at ‘A. Buchroeder’s _l0l5 Broadway , _ that's not Jack°sf40‘ee - he- " ' cause his is ., i. . l ’ t Some ‘ . _ At 135 South Ninth. aNDown to days free trial 0 ‘ iauthlsrsflflhahle i l‘hnsIO;G_rsas afar calf, writs, ghaus» Paul Rieksr .....s.—o ..b——6-a—o -o 31-5% O**—'''’' 1221 E. Broadway 1 ' ‘rs. John S. Walker. . 'raa Chi fraternity gave a luncheon today Press Club. I’ ' A £3“-----CINDERALLA AND GETS FIRST PRIZE AT SHOW Kansas .(.'ity alumnae sf _, gave a bi-Hg party this,after- ‘ than at the home of .\lrs. Vlffil \I_c- (lafly in Kansas City. ‘ _ - ---- —' 1"‘ l N ld f he «GI ‘Miss Lena Ilillix and Miss Alias llil- _g!ley of :3 lsmfcnn, R’: will spend the wed-end with Mr. and way, ,,,n. W“. 3,“. ‘ nun" bk‘ ‘ “"d "I" ‘°ll‘k'“£ out like a washboartl. Mt. a...t...i.‘é:.'.‘... A of the Kappa '‘‘.‘°'" “"3, W Wird ur - .~~r 0!" bv PP! Gamma house. is Ipenttina the pl’",”' ‘lo'. ‘M ""'°l"°""~ "Bil 10¢" weekend with her parents in .\lesir-. "‘C"”' l”‘l" o, 0"’ «U947 0f Careful ministration and 3"“ l""lll-I worked vwinders with -Vleneer and ,he knocked his old feline .rqu.lfllffl('!'I‘o[ [hf ."py' ‘ad Sr’ 9* CID" altm-st dead last night. when hr ff. '""‘l l"' ll"' "lular nodural gather~ '98" with a medal that he had won at the Waldorf "ntnftl Ila-tel. Vlost rats of his acquatntence t-oultln't get within 3 Pztllv ot the classy Waldorf. The Kansas (iiy members of the .\g- at the University (Job in Kansas (.ltv. Nlrs. Flori-nceT.Klinie_ ‘has grmeetu han- sas (Sty to visit frientls. Mrs. I. O llockatlay will join her there Thursday. Miss Barhra?Inen, a student in tlw University. has gone to Windsor to spend the week-end there visiting relatives. The Rev. "alter llaushalter and Joe Ilnflmatt were dinner guests of th- At-acia fraternity" Thurstlay night. the Atlantic (gr t_|.,y, _\y,,,,, ,0 b, ,h, hes! rat exhibited in the lltlfl-Chjfljpion. ’l"l’ ""“‘ ‘ml '55‘ lave him first prize. A.\'(‘lE.‘lT SLTPERSTITIONS E(‘ALl.Bl) BY ECLIPSE This Morning's Phenomena First Observed in 15,39 ".4 Later is 19th Century. The Alpha (Ihi Omega sorority gay- a, luncheon today at the home of ‘logs Incrs Witt in Kansas (wry. .\lis'-s Dorothy’ Lirnerit-k. Kappa \ |vl'.I Theta house. will spend the n't't‘h-end visiting in Savannah, \lo. sis... Ilomthyd .\t}}t.... in tam rm ltptyn, will spend the wt-ek-entl~ at her homein St. Louis. lhe cause. of rt-lapse are so well un« tlestootl today that it is difficult to imag- "I" ll:-\~ dcrply they" affected men's tmntls In-f--tr the -lawn of astronoggmgl ~<'H'nrr. ‘turttce has thwartetl supersti- lltlfl. and the interpoaiuun .,( ih, p|.,,,, \rnus by tho‘ moot) for this "“'”""tl incite-tl no more corntnent than any tilltrr tst‘ir'ntilu- phq-n(,gngan._ In the day-' of the early Rtimgqs_ "IL 0‘ Ill flu being due to natural can-a-s “'“ bl|"l'l“‘l|l.V Had punishable by law. when the planet Luna was in eclipse, at-. éfitlirfl to the wages of that time, she was suffering front the art. M “wk”. ma. aifians. That she was merely undergo- mg some phase of obscuration by another luv-a ly body was unthought of. gfhinese cnncepfion of the emo-r ~|flI of It planet was eyen more myolyed thli the old Romans. They‘ imagined r«'lipsc- to be cuasetl by great dragon- trtiatg to do-your the sun antl moon. To rnl Ibnir -acretl plant-ts of this menace they beat tlrutn~ and hrllli-s to lt'[|'tf\ the ntnit~ters into lr-ttin go tho-tr prey. . .- . .,. _ ._lltv° fhmese ltaye lt-ft autltontattye rec "HIMAN PIE SYPPER -»rd- of their ability to detect eclipses The Brotherhood til the Arnefisan Yeoman will giye a pie supper Tuesday night Jan. If) in the Hall over Cillaspio The Sigma Nil‘ frat‘oTrtity will sntertain willt a formal dance at Ilte rhapter ltousr. Frttlay. \|art-lt 2 v The Sayitar staff gaywe dinner at llar- ri~' Thurstlay. They tlt-t'u~z-etl plans for this term. T. Spent-t-r shore wont to Kansas City’ Vffilfflllt afternoon and will return to- marrow. \l|>ltLI (iJ|'fllll.l Rho annottnvo-a the lllflllgitlfl til Prtsf. “tirgan til (in I . .\liss Katltryn-Meyers and \ \ no-n .\ley'r-rs are spending the weekend Ill ‘t. NH‘. .\Il|fi “llbflfnlnf (til III‘ ‘tint’ In Wt-llsville to spend the weekend. Pl Bl.l(I STEN()(ZRAl>’llER Drug Fhttp. Adl To-omen and their I h." nflponed my 0“-ice fricnds are w..lcome‘. Ladies please bring Rh“ (-tn" wdk" pies. ' “"- R""'t“ “'""““'°“v *3“ .‘lot Guitar Bldg. Phone 246 rod . ( h. Ilowena. V - UR1A1_t SATUIIDAY JAhlUARY13g 1923 Ualasd Pens. _ Na‘ Yoax. Jan. l3«~-Snooaer Boy is Mic-narr was declared by‘ the judges at _ Turkey ‘a Q . . -ft . ‘ . Dinner Tomorrow, 65c Also Fried Chicken or Chicken Pie with two vegetables, salad and dessert, 50c. Rabbit, Steak, Pork Chops or Roast Beef Dinner. Try our English Toasted Mullins and Pecan Tart. Soda Fountain Service. Ten Brock Candies. The Quadrangle Orchestra Will play from 4:30 to 6:30 daily. Coftmial Tea a'nd Gift Shop Tribune Building. Phone 2245 112 So. Ninth St. with considerfile accuracy at least a years before our e The first recorded transit of the planet Venus whsse eclipse was scheduled for this morning was seen by Horrocks and which actively stimulated the progress of Transits of the planet Venus haye been very elaborate. ly observed since then, especially in the observational astronomy. years 1874 and I822. tssrncrfon ti;"c'o.iit>t.1=:r3n Earl Page Ilatnrua After Inspecting Seed Sweet Potatoes. Earl .\l. Page of the Extension Depart- ment of the School of Agriculture of the l'niversity of Missouri retumed Thurs-l day after an absence of four weeks dur- ing which time he inspected sweet puta- loes which will he used for seed produc- Ilofl. Mr. Page said that duttion of seed t‘ttll'IP from the vicinly of 5!. Springfield and Joplin. - On this trip Mr. Page also made at a list of growers who will have seed for sale will be pub- lished in the near ftunre. The largest pru- will in all probability‘ Jtirph, rangements for tlsmasstssdsu wask furl watermelon and nfififis fit b‘ all pans of the State Rt principally in Soutliweu Missouri. — PAGE THREE IAZQEADE8 Do You Want to Buy or Build a Home? Let me explain the plan of "The I'nion ( which enables you to prepare tn atlyance to borrow money at 4 per tent tnti-re-st. Home Builders of Washington. I). \o t~omIni.sston. A. O. Boyd, Co. Agent. hlte. Phone fill W Would You Go On Your Date With a dirty and shapeless hat? We will clean and block it to make it look like new. Save the pric-> of a new hat by bringing it to us at once. Vanity Fair Shoe Shining Parlor 8 So. 9th St. Baking is a big job, and one that uires the very best of ever_vthingi at’s why we are suggesting-— even URGING!——that you use H. P. Flour. Bread. pastries and everything good that one desires to bake can be made better by the use of bet- ter ma ; make sure of auc- ceaa by g H-P. a flour suited for the purpose, and of superior 'quality. 130 om; COUNTY MILLING Cr ELEVATOR CO. .xm:-... W'hy Young Men Should Consider Insurance Selling SevenRessonsfoel.lfelnauranceCareer LIFE INSURANCE is "founded on the highest ideals. It is capable of yielding a good income and the satisfaction of accomplishment. It offers opporturtlties tor 2-cal leadership. It brings insurance salesmen in close associa- tion with big business and big business men. It requires education in business methods, law and finance. 7 It is a field for workers, not shirlrers. -/4 It is an alluring and practical calling for men of dynamic energy. --i‘ Lie: trtsuiutrics Count as lost OI. KAQA%0OIY7I . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. ’v!.t It 3 « / _“‘l. ' ,;l .,, 7 ',‘;I Wl-3, l’; I, I / . I ~ ‘I \ / .2 li- =l.~‘~“l l . ‘."~\§" l vi’ 4/‘ I l __ _.n D D. t :- .".‘.'.‘fit'—_*~m-s nun Of‘- . .. I _ t . V \‘\t- .-.-;\\ ‘l.l.’,ll."l fill l / "W F , .- ‘ r ,/ I. 1 ' A 5 y real battle your dates of 70 odd cont-sea. Surf-bathing, fishing, motoring, huntinl. ‘t Pullman passengers only. one night en route. From St. Louis every htesday. Tltoisday. Saturday. 4:06 p. In. Bhningham 5:55 a. m.; Jltksouville, 9:10 p. in. Through sleeping cars to Jaekmnville. nwnnectitu en more with through sleeping ears to Petershurg and Miami. Observation. club and dining cars. The famous all ueel. on-tine daily train to Florida - ..eaves St. Louis lflzfl p‘ In. Arrives Jorhsanyille 7:45 | a. in. Through drawing-room and open-section sleep- ing cars to Jacksonville. connecting G route with oli- urrvansn sleeping can duingcar and coaches to lucksonyille and through sleeping tens to Savannah. Tampa and Miami. ~—