l!31.J;e.t'1.a..§:.4..,......-,:x...’ -..z.-.....‘ O 9 C, -3- ttztzfgt "1; l ‘.!'..!'t!' .=::‘u:>!*' I . 3.. ‘u I 0 we - 1 v g _o H_1'J._-. A ;.:g'_'.:. p *t ‘F..;.,, T t..._.a.......nu..,a.-ta--act-_'waap cum: 4 ¢""":"=__':a.wauatra-aha-use-u-n-an. . ‘ ‘ .lIIIIII- 0;-T7¢Il-'0i|unr.ua.u—-autan-a-a.__‘,:",_'_'_',""""°"" _ z Dujlhfiflfi‘ §uq.’l;.pala.--laalaualun-ctr V...-.uaa,.§.t3.-.a&.Q t """"""" 11%|. ’ p&d.dna$'uIa£adby ' L. ' _ ; nH,M&D“; - ""“‘ umvnsrrntsws ;__ -'=-*-'*-“,, ;=--'-', _,_‘-“_, He Ldt Id “Hr applied for roupewsatiaw and mgaxw.-ul training aad was entered an I t nae r -aamunatnnu and at the -an’ tine completed bu training and yadualed In-to the Nb:-ol of Law. He In te- L.2..mimt and granted placement vana- ing with Q lnotba' In his AQEIPC. ( al I “ileiaaoaeaatzpleot thebenefllot the present law. when a young man who had no read, coat» for r« ng lm education Ia! afforded this prnilrgr If tar his service lot the govrfllnrul. through the operation vol tlr at rolab licking the I S. Veteran-' Bureau I do mt doubt but that nan: -arh races ate happs-air," thn-qlw-at the \etrrav~.s' Bcrrau rrnu: drwplalrd arhnv-ls. ‘Tho nprntnn of thin pvivtlrgv tn tlgr at.-cblcd wtrraoo wu rat-odrd In the Sweet Antonio!!! to the War Kick In ouranre art. to Dar. I6. I92! melons A (rut deal at uanundrr-landing hr art-tn by lb lrtntnaltnn 4:‘ the pl!!- liege. "The ‘watt amendment presided Io! tlr extension at tine lot applying to: s--an training up to One. I6. lfi ad the ' at tune in tetanaatccat period he ended. it cuts til the appli- _ ration lat tréhg only. The law is out / up!!! for the applying tow eeopeaaatioa lot dna.‘>.‘loty natured hrifl the tern-at war. but vocational training as chard Io 0‘ thuar coupes-atoon applicant. ‘(try Dr¢_ I6. I93. Those who applied lot vora- tiold training btlote or even it the lad tamed. will receive training. ‘ ‘The law which eauolikted the Fed- eral I-aatd'lor Vocational Training. ‘at “"5 llllmaute Bureau and l. 5. Pub- lnc Heahh Service. filo the ll. 5. Veter- ar.o' Bureau. will operate no Iowan than "and! I. I1, Qleaa it is noted by anattotbaqaeas. ltiothefiand ' at dine Q: can t I|nc.hu-cx.wIwate-in- ride with thiaplaalarltfihtheart eatgded. will have I‘ & “Every person in service doing 35¢ yean altar his or her discharge from the service." 4 ts(1'aArtox‘cLAss*"s'rArrao’ aspect to llaua CHE. Latter ran at llahraa . ‘ Th(daas in iarahatiou oi the poaltrv depallneat alanedmork Tfunday The aadcqeattapt oltttaeirtmch ot chkbilthe hurt panol Febtiflv. Iautyeutbechiahweielutchcdin the early part of Prhruary. The rlaaa is made up only at short router dfi-wts. The regular student. will i up 3 Sit Iahv ea. ._... ....._ ._........ -- .3. . -5 -.. - .&.- your motori‘ '1 f ave I1.-etuowthhvpa-aedthratate" ‘ ltrt parents. ‘It. and ‘In. John Stncbit. Thete’s no to worry about cold hweathenw ‘uiyéia are powered winter p gaaolile tllatla beinandistributed by t A an" of § . . . C. message that the trouble was ever. he Building Pfilip Feiaald Ileury Ho agaia. \ anal} flnvI.'0CJ‘ lbs Whitaker. thr people take rather as a IIIH at ‘ router and 1! dampened their high hold day spsnto none at all. “lit in Run». “DO “N. E Oman s~..:n ‘ma st... Dorothy Saab r-I Washington, D. if. her traveling con paamu-. were granted an audience with ""‘V- thr Pope can nmdmoa that they would C--Qplv -uh tb' root’-u at appeaaiwg ta long olv-med black dresses. would hurl ("“V- “"7 a“""o ‘mil. ""3 "'4 ihrn he entered the rim! and would hiya lb ring he wave The! actvfd to the coqditaonc but when lr ~aw thfl M mg, he ornt then word that he I)“. the wzto nor -an-v he did not want 94‘ than tn (jar omit he did not wait to ash y.},¢,..u. rvvus.-Moro and he hnrw lD".I In be p_rote-Canto In-4 Ihitakv-7 is a turner atodal at Sarplyns tnlirgo Hr was in arhool syugx.-ax.."""°""" wmrnuc-cctnwusam I'.S.I'iI.etaau.aQ&tnathal.a: Wggmg k.Wdw.&u"Wf‘y,jmB*»~Ivl&M . 5 as AT THE IIOSPITAI5 PAIIQ Ulltfll. Edie: Bane. Otis ("plan Duane “fltlord. lanes C Edwards. and (larlee H. H-‘Hunt were Idliled y:-av llaaae Dale. Goldie Serhwich Van-a Semintfler Irene Drnal. John \lr lllatln ll. Hlfluny were dink; yatetday ‘ 't_It~i7iii' cola Dean Frederick H. Ttadtl of the fol loge of Arts and Science did not go t. I.» v-Hire today as he is ill with a never».- Qild. there an l9l') l9l/- IIWI hi! bCI .tud- ng lsnguagen at S--rbonue Iaiver-l an I-~r the put tm. years. She arrived ,n hdumbna -rvr'a! duo am» and will tnkerap hr: -ori n the «allege tfllo dsatelv. .\IAl.\'LY ABOUT PEOPLE I In N.‘A. H4-Cee. another sister. will Irate taight for her hone in Sha-sock. la. Dr. (‘ \. Dudln of Pittnbura, Kb, ratllr ludas tn nut lus statrt In-law. “ta, Lena HJI. Mr. James H lwnro of hole (nutty wb attended the Highway Engineers An-' nul bmvrntson has trturlrd to JeIet- I’!!! Lib T Vlr-. lama Larliole teturird to % hair in Auuanr. ‘In. It-day II!!! I nut with Jtrt brother. ‘I. E. Turner and IIDIIV 0‘ rlvllllfllitl. ° .\Itaa Katlznn Sinclair. who to amend- llg fiephrna lbllego-_ went to J4.-‘cool LNV I111]! In Ip11'N'I I5 'OPhf0lI VII.‘ Dancing Academy Popular Dances Stage dancing, Ballroom dancing Course of 6 2-hour leaaoua 85.00 . Private lessons by Appointment. Special classes for chil- dren and adults. Phone 2303 Black. T. -_ Emphasizing a Service . - for the Benefit of the Public 0" nwrh would you take lot your r\r-.’ .\o money on cant; would induce you to even part with one «at then. And yet you nay be really only using one. at you tan be using one at the npenar at the other~taun¢ st nmdlr-ul\_ than abusing and weakening one at the taoat preciouh gilt: ol bod —\'v-ut Eye:-fight? I Don't awlet headarhes and the lnl."\ dt-tree-N and diaandorts that accompany rye-.-train. Don't neglect thr warnings at Nature. Co at once to a rerogllard Oplonrtrtol and haw y-out nee examined. The science at Optometry is aa adtanred method in which the vision is Scanned atientiftally. the deterta durouted and classified an that Eyeglasses may be accurately fitted to overcome them. And always M lo! the Elblcll 0‘ I-.‘tten(y and Scientific .‘et'vIte—— the Ejblem thfl Guarantees and precede the public agatnst the nacomp-tents and the taken who aell glaaaeo without any knowledge of the eyes‘ need. Q‘ H’ V& would Elke llffdlandiv nl suut tmstuttunr. This emblem guarantees aauatattnon. Only Competent ()ptotnetn-t~ can display or 1 II. Iifirtrttry" in (Lnlutubia; Dr. Virgil Blacknote PRONUNCIATIONS Op-tom’-e-try Op-tom’-e~trist Op—to-met’-ric Dr. R A. Walters Department of Publicity, Missouri Optometric Association, Inc. . /3 The following Optometrists arr authntur-I tn u-r the “Emblem nf pl _4 . L atflfth. Don’t Waste Money On a New Radiator 'l‘yreeCore of Pare Lake Copper 1 . ‘ t l ,§'1AY ‘ - ’“ 1: 20 to 35 Per Cent ' Our New Menus Tell‘ a Welcome Story These reduc- tions are effective now! You will be amazed and astounded. e Prompt and efficient service with quality food---that is Tavern distinction. Our New ' Prices Are Rec e i 1! i n g Most Favorable Comment Special Bargain Sunday (Sunday Only) Onsunday, January 14, wewillfieaatflfarther redIctiouof33l~3pereentoathel¢wrdIead toeveryoneinColuuIbia. fltlsiaforthiadayaaddate only 133 1.3 Per Cent Further Reduction] Could we ofler aigreater inducement than the above? ltisthegreatestalashiufaodprieeathathaa ever been otlered. and we want you to take advantage of this sensational otter. Below we are showing some examples of our com- parativc prices; these same reductions will be made on everything that is served on thagday. ._ Coffee Shop New?!-lee Saa.0uly~ Regahr Cat Price SPECIAL PLATE LUNCH: Consisting of meat, 2 vege- tables and coffee . . . . . . . . . . . .40: 27c SPECIAL PLATE DINNER: Consisting of soup, hot meat, two vegetables. dessert and coffee.55c 37c Ready Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l0c 07c Entrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flc We Roasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45e 30¢ Sandwiches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15c 10c Pies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I0c 07: Pics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05c 04c Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05c 04c Tea, all blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l0c 07¢ Dining Room Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c' soc Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50¢‘ Table d’Hote Dinner . . . . . . . . . .81.!» 65: 1 Music By Tavern Orchestra ." 8 PRICES CUT