3 "F. “a I'—
“.n “.9”. . ’
f U
' ‘ hm Tali! nil
‘" . hula-nod-
uh. Jm with: M
‘ ’ pd d’h‘ W
- " Ann.  8. “W m
‘ . .‘lr. .lelut is Jon
'- -' 43W larva-en in
 , ad; nu. Taylor will
- 4 ‘ ‘ yum-h. a Mr.
 w a £15m leaching la
‘3" 4-: . firing the am rem.
U . . - _—-—n— 0 _
%‘7’ by. min-d in, Columbia
W I U of  Blanch .l. Chu~
‘  ll. finger of Kirhvootl.
 “r in St. hmi- Own-bet
l! , mu: . n. s. aqua. m
V“ 5 lb unlvfixm m l9ll. .M'
‘ ~ h, a [Wlium hurting in
' ‘ It. Ilith 'w a mph-on-
.lfil ul drum") ll 50. Louis
: tun. Ral’ll Plum, ullo
 Mb" 7. are u Inw-
. Suing, Kill. Mn. Plum-
19 ha mniqr. via ‘llss
.. 'ad and in a longer uncle!!!
 Caller.  W
i  OW! 0‘ lb? l'nivenity
t °-anl!e? ol the Si... N Ep-
’ ‘4'; 3. Boiling entrained lulu
? . balloon lot .‘llu Lung Maul»
' * mlly munml {rum Europe.
“n we: .‘lu. ll. .\I. Anderson.
‘ '. C. Haul). Mn. (Lo-[go Dom.
'. ll. Willin, “n. l. S. Brnnlum.
’. albiwn. “In. S. l‘. Hirlunl-
I b.  ". fiuldull. \ln. Spalalixu
' A-Jolmwn.
r'. X. '00" ul  Luca“, ulm n.-
' ‘ lnm Ilw [ain't-Eh (.lm-mua

1; , ' 3: [hr l’lu kappa hmur Ill»
3 'I' ,  “oun- h.- a drlégur lmm
“L I‘d’chpu-t In the nanoml comm-n-
‘:  the PM lum- lulcmity which

‘ an m (alumna... "lilo. nmmtm

, an. A
  in m. l bin-"in .m be .~... 5

~ ‘ Il‘l POI) lflllll ‘ l 6 o'clurk

‘ A altrmoon at liq-Id an". The

.. . conniurr "l llvc \. W. (I \..

'  Tl» cultflainmrnl hill

by Miss Mature! “Hahn and

.' ' llculn.

’ A ha-llellrfir «linnv-t gun!- al ll"-

: Alph- Tlma Imus:- Ionigln hlll
 rm Puma. Mum":
' ad Mildrrd Coan from the

_ 3'“ hunt. and \liun llrlen
'9 ~ 'Hol Sari Ind Kllhflinr‘ Bell
 “I Delta Guam: butane.

" ' Clulu Tnlnr and her ham--

1 ‘ «Ila» “um... um mm.
H ' ' bu Ill" lune livery"; “In
Q3; 0 plum Mr. and -ln-. B.'Il.
7. ‘ ll”. "alum «rt-H. rflunml I...
 . I. “Chico who-n- Ur) arr ~ludrnl-
Eh "Iii. Collcgr.

 h. H Mrs. ll. J. krmet rnlrnlmnl
M  lInclImn yrurnlu ll (lac-Ir lmmr
. my nrmn'. Their influ- vu-rr:
 lltl “h. (l.  Nrnman ul l."-

‘ duo. nu». ma \ln. l’nhul \.
.‘ Illll .\lt. nml \lrs. (Lo-urgrlllw-
{9 Th .‘luun-t Elwin; ‘( m-lo- ul

'ulhuhu-r- \nll mrc'l 4| fl n‘rlcu‘

-: ’Illrfiumn a! llw Immo- ul Mrs.

'.L y. 27 Allen Plan. “n. L. l“.
“7"”. It“ paw-side!“ ul lhr unlfl. hill

Ila fleecing. '

  A. Muffin, Vlm hap lm'n
‘ kt «laudllry, (inhain ~\lnnun.
% ‘3» Alpr Thu hull-1'. slun-
' .Muuml ll" ll'l' MI: in 5!.
M 0.. Tue-shy afternoon.

 . “MC! Bu»:- ol Atari. IL. ulm
a‘bh.l mrr Chums» gut-l nl \lr~.
 A. Sprncrr. lrll )mnday m n-—
z A   I lacul 0‘ llk‘ lmuar-
 aI-a 4.9mm": "r m- Inim.
‘ bu, .
7 lint-uh Drin. «llapc'run .. u... u.
. _ G“ Della fruit rrtumnl tn-
.  lruu‘rullunia, 310.. u n-
 . ken sis-Mn; '\|i~s Drm 'll 3

l ,, la a.  has"...
i “a . H t a
- p l". N. 1“ ad dawn,
’ hitch. al Q'u. h Ht *1
‘lar I .ntaadad vlfl vb Ira. Idaho
"He's 3...»: In. T. It
lion-aim &.
 ' «a Charla rut-u .r a.
Hip-lino ban}!!! ‘Mr
(«Ya-och. ‘l'hayvil nothing
the lam, thta candor.

 Yata. whovhaa apat tha
lat Daub mt: “r. aad_un. J. C.
Stem ol Chrbtian 'Colha avenue.
:retarned yeoterday to her. 50-: in
 I ‘ t
t ._ _ f‘
._ Mia-u Eleanor. Denny he returned 
Kanaaa (.‘ity altar m' the hattda)’
m whiting in Cola-5h a the!“
ol Mr. and Mn. Malaltall‘Coabna' .

Miaa‘ \iviennc Harfia ol Pauhnaka.s
Okla. arrived today to enter the Univer:
sin. hllu‘llarda' traa ‘a atudent in the‘
Echo-f ol  la- year. :‘

Min liraan [lath-Ia oi Armin;
Mm w ia'Cd-hia Monday. and.
will b. a made... a. an Roaenthah’
School of (bu-ewe. )‘

M.____ ’

\lra. .\. P. Crone, chaperoa at the I
Phi Kappa hottag arrived in (bluubia _
last night altar spending the holidaya at f
her home in  Louis. ‘

its... Bertha Stein, who’vah‘the cw -
of .\lr. and Mn. 0. .\. Clicktna' ow: Ilte‘
(lhriatuiaa holidayn. returned to Ito-r home 1
in Clllcagu yeatenlay. , l

sin. I'. a. that.” .Li'ao'o 5.;th Sixth l
~treet, lelt yesterday lor;Clncago where:
~hn will visit her son. Robert Harsht'. for ‘
~eieral net-hp. - l

The Fortnightly (‘Juh eatetuined 
Tuesday Lluh at altea at Read Hall at '
3 n'rloek thin altemoon. A muaical pro--
gram naa given. ‘, l
, \liu Ruth Keith lelt yeaterday 
lung [or St. lnul'. alter mending the hol-
Ml).- nith the Rev. and .‘lrn. S. S. ‘
Keith. ‘

“ta. \nna Schlundt, “in W'ilheltltine .
(on and \llMJtflR Sainc Vere lunch-p
eon goes-ta at the Dell.‘ Cantata home .
today. ‘ i

The Pi Beta Phi aoriiritv will enter- ‘
tain with a lode dance February 9 at‘
the Daniel Boone Tavern. I

The Kappa Alpha lraternitv will enter- ‘
taiti with a dinner dance-at the rhapter ‘
lunar Fridav, .lanuan l9. '

- -——— 1

The Sing \lpha Epatlmt irate-mth
will entertain nith a lortugl tlapt‘e Fri 1
day event". lama-q  . 1

~ h—-—.— I

Phi Kappa Pai annoittncea the pledging ‘
«I llnantin Selmehey ol Karma City and
llay Hull nl \laryville. ‘ J

“in “an! "oak. who has been apend- '
in: her Chrintinaa vacation in St. Joaefll. '
returned t!‘ terda). :

.‘Iiu Lorene (fin—l; "gamed tf’llcflll) I
lrnm Detroit: where the apent the hali~ I
days with ha parentc. -

Frank Fawdon 1;: dinner aunt at I
the 'hi (Lamina Delta htntae trier-la)

Dinner gum... the-Phi .\lu home la~t
night were. Frank Aldrich and Mr. .I.
Vi. (iay'le. ' '

Sigma (hi annigncerthe pledging of
Paul Dam ul Austin. Tex.

. Phi Delta Theta announen the pledg-
ing ol \lar-hal Hutu nl Marahall. Mo.

Miss June Samehfill be a dinner
sue-t at the Alpha Phi house tonight.
New Tea—fir rtialtaee Herod

A. M. BIOII'lI‘. ol the Marble Lab-
oratorien, Carnptnn. Pa., has areepted a
position in the University as instrurtur
in the hurticullural department. \h.
Brought, who received llll M. A. degree
iron Cornell l niveraity, nill waeh emlu-
tion of cultivative planta. .

C"!  man!

t  _ ‘WCI
. __ -
I“! VOW not. Ill-
!artn’a‘a h Ian-anta— '

The “at E. In Shol reopened
yew with a fall attendance. Na
aiehneaa.ar lll ellaata malted tro- the
laid holiday ‘noatlaa. l

The attend-ea at the Eagaae Field
School launch better now than it tell.
More the Ohm hnlldayn. according
to Ira. Nannie Hen-pan. principal.
Mongol tmndenta who were ahadt’
beloaa the ya became of aichneaa
reported hash to aehool today. .'

The pttpila_ of Benton School have-h
begun to prepare lor the ‘id-year linal‘
euninationa which coral-ta January:
'6. n . 

Hint. Ma-ie .larohaixthogfade l0.le
or at the Benton Sr l, in ill with ton-
ailitia. . '

The student .aeu'vitioa nl tha' 'Freo‘.
Doogln. School started in win, with.
the lira band rehearaal. Severalnetr in-
atrotnenta have been received .and the.
old tantra-ont- polished. Baahetball
praetioe will begin today.

The Fred Domini sum; will reach an
enrollment at ill) thia week. according
to LXI:  principal. Tl! achool
today d an enrollnent of 59L ol which
137 are in the highoehool diviaion and
454 in the ward aehool divinion. The
aehool in built to accommodate 370 pu-_
pilv. One room. whooe original capacit)
wan forty-men. in now accommodating

Coatinnnity chin and sociology will
he introduced Into the chrr'colont ol the"
high school division at the Fred Douglaaa"
school next netneater.

Dangerona Period out; in the

In the district around Colanbia the
nheat in "tinted at iron 75 to I)
per cent normal ylald.

At present it ta In a tender atage due
‘0 the weather experienced no lar thin
ntnler. The wheat in in good condition
ionevrr, and in in no danger onleIa there
a a autlden drop in the teanature lo
tero. Tltln danger would ll ollaet il
here via» a blanket of.anow to protect
he nint’er nheat from the dung, in the

The thaning and treextng no olten el-
nienced in the apring in nhere the real
langer lien. .

Sirenuataae'ea in Coluhia Iaha
Saddle Borneo Valnahle.

There has been a tnat‘hd‘ decline in
he price 0‘ hornet ainee the war and the
ityatioa in Columbia in more aeriona to-
lay than it has ever been, according to
me of. the local (kllt‘f‘ There ae
tlt’fll\ ol hone: in (olutltbia and the ad
oining country but the clad ol animala
a very put". llorm that aold lor 8150
«h in Columbia during war lllllt'l will
mt bring met ’25 now, and iii wany
aaes are being given anav.

lnlesa the horse i.- a good saddle-
iorse he stands no chance to bring the
Inner returns in! hia keeping. said an-
ther dealv-t. last year hotnen paid well.
ll" oince thal tune they have become
tulfdl’fl, lot'al dealen agree.

During the war bnyera bought man)
nigh clas- animals that ~nrre not lot
ale at other times, nith the result that
he entire t‘ttlllllr) was stripped oi the

hull! and» at daft :hanaa. mm,
It pod hall-- and Ida have always
5. M and than a lull daala ma
*d it innit; paid. he ten-did that
~ could buy blooded have lot lea-
.aoo than the' tabla. and loading 0“
oolta would coat his. Hornet. if the
lane: at luau-n went' into the hem.
lhnedil. 'extenaively uh conditan
would i-pnve (he an: a have the
‘condltio. telatiye to hog-raid“. ’

1 III spite ol the fact that the atreets
of Columbia are ere-dad with autono-
hllea, the place that the hotaea take hli‘
not been filled. Then- an- we things
that naelu'nery cannot flonpltbh.
Ullvetalty 0" Beech State Fat


Cultpua Lady Orin-by Alma, I Punk
heed Holatein cow owned by the l nivrr-
alt). mcmly heatne the atatc champiun
{It yrodurer among rout between 2 and
2 1-2 yea" old by product»; 5,664.7
wands ol milk and 56]!) pound- nl lat.

Cum- [ady not only htoke the «(It

(at teeotd by a lane mmin but ~hr
ala- placed aecond in’ milk prodaruon
in the lane clan! Campus had“. It‘-
.conl tun the to euellent leading and
nanny-meat as she liniahed the mnnl
atill producing about tony-two puunda "l
milk per day and her higheat point of
ptodttetion was only hl'ty-tu‘u pounds nl
nil per day.
‘ The test waa Mr by and t-rnltt :-
due to Ham Ball, herdumn, and In ll.
E. Watt-n, a atudent in the (alloy
of Ayicnltute, who led and milknl the
can during the teat.

U. S. Mllta fiet a Record No! Equal-
ed in One Hundred Years.

Put the [int time in a co-ntun a lull
calendar year has penned without llu-
coinage ol a aingle piece ul mmm rm-
rem-y. United State: mint animal. lum-
aanonnced. Thia team that min aul»
leeton will he forced to leave a gap m

.; their collectiona, tor ao penniea. Match:
(«dine-s. Manor halt dottan will be.”
. 'the dat~lm .
[v Th l-t tine there waa a altitilar cot-i
, ditlott waa lor the year l823. The Phila-l
 mint, however, has turned out
. none fl) gold pieeea and a total of 97.-
. 413.473 atandanl ailm dollaru. ‘
f' v. M. c. A. TO PLAN CAMPAIGN‘
'Me-heraup Drive Poatpoaad Laat
* Tern—To Plet 8 Office".
' The lint Y. M. (I. A. cabinet meeting?
»\ ol the new you will he held .1 the Y. Mn
it. A. Building at 7 o'clock towrmw'
night. 3
Among the matters ol huatne‘ to he;
cottaulered are plans [or the \annual
; member-hip campaign which not 
ported Int term breathe the date set for:
t it conflicted bith the Student (uttncil‘
play, "The liner: llttg."
}  matter ln't'ttntt' btlttl’r fit!"
1 rahluet at tomorruu'n meeting will he
‘ the aeln'tiott of tutu or three new met»
here ‘to take the plat-n nl lltoae hhu
. have lelt achonl or tenant-d. I
Hummus um! mummyi
M. K. and 1‘. Agent Saya Public Re-,
‘ apahda to “Thth You.” ‘

From time'to time, in railroad circles.
vthere haa been cunaiderahlc dinette-ton
as to whether it i! advisable for rail~'
road employee to thank patrunn. ~

The M. K. d T. Employ-en? Magazine
prinla a atnn about the experieneeu, in
that "gird, of Carl A. Edmon.’
agent at Netr Franklin, Mo. Mr. Ed
monaton {ind-t that it “thank you" and
other churteaiee are appret-ialed hy the
trawling public In such an extent tltat'
the» mill tell mu almut it. '

Bernhardt) Recovery Blow. t
It United hau.

Pun, Jan 3. Fftrlttlo at Sarah llt'tth
ltudt )ev-tt'rtlav rum-«ed «thuzet twt‘l
the alownm oi the “thyme tragetlteum-‘n" d
remvery. Physician" once more announced
Mme. Bernhardt) Condition as “atatton-


' l
Imo um: 11) 
FOR SALE—Gm- EC, furnace‘
heat. two hatha. aeven Iota, one paved:
atreet. three blocks trot. Broadway. ((1
bill trade [or out." place. Phone 272.
‘vathen Realty (.u. WHO,
FOR SALE—Groom bungalow. large
lot. wutlt aitle. Price $5.11!). ‘eathen
lit-alt) (.0. Phone {72. \\ lltt‘
FOR RENT—Garage, 83.0) per month;
Phone W. KlU‘Itl
LOST- Lotte! part oi gold “dill luu'h
tam pen. Phone INC.‘ Mary “J.”
land. 109 ‘
.o-l ‘7 _ ‘
I.. ‘. \WITH 1" l’lTWlll'th. mu ‘
lartory, rebuilt Inat‘lullt'9. )tt-t- tettt.tl- .tl
atudenta' late ra-lt nt tetmu. (.ttll N ll.
Soootcn It Tau-tn lime}. In”
[051' littltl- tau. httl glau- lutluw
tall 1292 mark. lU‘l
ll you haw: Lil‘ttltmt‘ll‘lttfl, tn \II‘
sourian want ads.


.. .;Nu-Way Jazz" *

v . .‘ Hounds


: turday Night

......  .........

*ti'Lm..‘m ..~.. I'

' Final Clearance of All
. Fall and Winter "
. Ready-to-Wear
' N 0w On
Coats, Suits and Dresses-«Your Choice
. . l ‘
At 1-2 Pnce K
This sale includes our entire stock of Fall and
' Winter Garments. Two Special Lots.
LotNo. I—UptoS39.75Dresses ................$l$.95
,‘Lot No, Z—Up to $19.95 Dresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,,'. .S 6.75
.\ ~ . All Sweaters One-Third Off Price!
.  Ca.

Ross-Kinloch Hat Shop

v '3. ~53 \
I \/ l
/ V .
Sale of Winter Hats
Formerly Priced $10.00 to $24.50.
. Nay; $5.00

Eat Your Lunch
Teadnd Dinner
" “ With Us.
Best food in town at
most prices.
Attractive surround-
Igs, excellent service.
Colonial Tea &
Gift Shop.
Tribune Building

hone 2245 H2 8. 9th

Thursday, Friday aiz‘d Saturda
do ,>  f 5752‘”"9’67‘"? 1/ I?) "t s
.17) 3?   ” . ' h l  r  f’"
‘i' -’ .i:L.~'-‘“ "W." s ‘I.
z N g  Greatasa piaq 4 ~, :
w  I Grea‘l'erasapud'ure t,
(4}? Carl Laemmlepresenrr [’3‘
It: d. >‘T‘gpezncaus SCleen :   .v .x 
PV9'\}°1’;‘.}; pgggiczaonaffuc gttp .‘.. ' :;  v 

‘ '  A 
I ’ 4; UNIVERSAL 787v; ,‘ VWs
N.  mowcnon 933;,“
,‘l ' .V- “V A A Q
f '  kg ": ‘ ’  ( v
. ~/ . . *t “9%” r
i” /  \m '
' . 4‘: P} 0“; i
‘ . , ,‘x‘ I  .. {i
‘ \ 5 r ‘ “$4 / I-w- a?”
‘ ‘ 1~ 2/ ‘42:. " u: w:- ‘
- I a» «on: "I 9r '1!!! ,
f  W .~ I H  
. \\ ’ g'c " “L3 
., _. i! I, ‘ MC I. . Q
L\  . \x‘ $qu
A “ M,  .5.  ‘ 
. ,5”

Goldman-Bamfonr C0.
\ ‘ 910.123“ Broadway
S ll ' g E t
()I'fers great inducements on the wanted
merchandise. both for making and the
Read) .‘Iade garments. .
Very Special Offerings in
Former prices being forgotten as the
winter coats must go and you can have an
o \cellent (‘oat at a small cost. A look “ill
tom ince you.
See the values offered at
filo) use have the pleasure of showing you?
l’l‘ett)’ new merchandise for undergar-
nu .1: ~ are being shown and are specially
priced for the January Selling.