' . NAMED . , . 00mm ' ‘l i, 5 ..———-—-- . ~- .t menu-am,» «I ‘ ‘ '.‘ ‘Wlnsl’oaitt'ottitt 3 ‘l "h 5’ e“ d v 110 i & WHEN bWORN mg, a .; _____‘___ .' ~k . Ofl’ic‘eein Remand? ‘ . . Are Decided on ‘ , ‘- by Partyin . ' ' ‘ Power. - ’w WM. ’ 'A , Cm. Jen. 3.—Oah float" '3‘ , lie-octet, an all-mu d! t . .1 Mia-mad, will be the ' j the flow of Remutatim item“! humbly. which coo-6 h Idler-to (lit) today. Hunter: 7 m“ at a rant-m ol Den-crate " -, Hr uill be 'tutmall) name-l 4 . "one: Ml- ll l0 o‘rlll‘h ‘ will u ‘0- itt the rattettn by a‘vute ol b ll. Hie nearest rival n. Cat-per We 0| Dunhlin County. The ar-' h 1 tb cucu- va- later and! unan- L bu. . R. Paintet ol (htmlltott,‘ anl-IOVPIMI, who i. well- . Columbia; was churn Wat- patqut thr Senate at the Dean nitrite and no lot-ally named * Scutt- nmttbd thin homing. tie MN tandem-toad that the Dene-i “II” M majority in we I. I. vote to have contained namedl I ‘. Met tathe' th- by beaten-E M “in. Lloyd. pteaideu all h- . 7 m“ M Sham County was the Dchncnte u float lead-. li'h “use. f0! float leader ol‘ :r—e rr.nt_r.m. ol Ion. uae‘ 0. I "ah" 0! Hickory County val W h the]!!ka an thett ran- ulee'qeaherd tb Hate. 3 "Met the Hence, decided up I h h Del-Hate. aaide [ton Mt. b. It: . l w I! fies, E. W. Allie”, H Can‘t}: ehiel elect. Willia- HI. Ilene City: aeehtattt chic! if)“ Olden. 3t. bate; en- “ ehlh. l. D. My: readth no. I. .W and ll. 1.. Mr» ; bunk-Set. Charles MUS! *fl. ‘ 3 li-. H v )1. -at~ mu C. {W the hfifi. Mans, chief outed” WM 0. Ne... The base net at a“. today but did It cunt-r. The node" pen won I .l M I. Romy. Dan-flat. nit Centy, was nadc tea-wary “ For the lint tine in Ilia- ‘I he '0” ate-hen of the Home ‘ . oath 0‘ office. They On: Mile It. Lucille Tuttwt of Kip-u City, in“. and flu. Hellcat! T. Smith MML MW! tuning the oath aaetl the tem‘ *3" Mhet m m1 uth pot-pa d tweatyfive. Th Witt. olfteen cl the Senate,‘ H at the W cheat. mt “thertheSude .9! at “mi may. Ruben E. L Mam oer-f m Ti- Br-iuhal: door; I", II. C. (handler: official re-.‘ M I'm-h Annette”; cleth. Mine! 1" Valet; chiel «peeling clerk.l t- C Mt: chaplain. the In. Ben‘ r, u ‘ than... i W (Ttn. “0.. Jan. 3.~Wl\tn h "Untold General ,Aeaelhly ol M convened why W Gov- !“ Uh- Lloyd presided met the “.4 Secteury ol State‘fiechet U! Home; a! Wakes. 1- b Dementic cat-cm lut 'Iticl'n H “he! 0' Randolph Counly was w let speaker at the hit hallet. hunt-aim. at w it. Patater {actuati- luau-dthrSneu-ae-deou b 0.04 ballot. The vote on the 6m * Clad: Paint" 9. Seuatot Mbhael “d Kann- (ity 7, Robert Zealot: ol Libetty 8. NY I. U. "I CUT 3 BY TAX COIIIIUIOR bout, Ate auto-p last-ma ' lat Othee Peat .0- ________ . 15 State Tax Co.“ of Mie- ~I has new the fall-ting, “he in the M amia- ble; the l£utmeity. ‘ M Lian [to- m to m it Laboratot' luta 33:“. '2' '7‘” W: at Vat (Ia-hp mom. . . a J Eat Cm I I m. _ '. “ I‘ll" to old In“ ’ In- M rm. ‘ Irv-u lad tu- m t. “in! Esta-le- Sente- In. la "9”. w at you bled lip “ch In. 12.3."? ' 3 t If. to. :3 .. emu. W. and. ‘75’ t. WM la in. h _ . It a ‘. _ ' V l t T M d m: 'lh‘ b‘ *5 *r 1:: M =' ‘ out. ; Ian-at ten-l . nth its.» at: ; Tc M: l‘ak tan“ and The t' tit. mm‘Thh-lay and] it‘ll- taataht. ! “cf for": 'tha a radlaai it ‘Iflea d cam the t: on», rm daring the neat I: II; tam.nuuh.nehuax, loath. ' l . Weatlor auditions: The weather ta; Illdar and dot—y in the Britt. North- ( Irena and extra-e appar M drain-y prevail ln‘tha latter Plain-aid letter ‘ Central Valley. Froethg weather to} general leo- treetern Tenaa acute Ariv Iona. naming tlte upper Rio Grande. Valley. hdtthhinitlacoldbntfia Iera reaperataree are oonfited to the In Win borderf Iain la general ll abate" Teua to'norido. In Miaaourl b the weather all] moderate the next trio 0 flaya. n m " Iron “5.” to .25.“. I ‘ The mm- lor Experinent Faun d Equipment ol .55.“. Eatenaion ol tun- nele. “Tim: Equip-eat oi Cheflietry BM... ‘25.“; l'lxtenaion of Read "all. " Mill): hen Engineer mm; " New Law Building, ttoonoo; New Farnt " Machinery Bldg" “0.1!”; Service Bldg" " tum; N... Chemistry 3 .tzsonoo; ‘1 New Dairy Bldg..\m5M£nlar3eotent 4' til ll ell (iyntnaaittnt. .W; Arnt- " try. General Hoopital Fund. 9 mm; .Hotne 1... Name. ttso,ooo. " and In 0.: Patient Laboratory Bldg. ot '1 '75.!!!) tee-re all eliminated by the Tax " [Lotnntieaion in in reconunendationa. I' Rn) ll. Monier. chairman of the Tax ‘ p Conniuion. aaya: “The Conuiaaion he. . Iieved that meat at three reduction in"; wired enlarged lieldt d endeavor and ' felt. that the Legialature. the repreaam"l tatim oi the people ahould'paaa upon ' lltt‘tt' new projects We were compelled ‘I la redare greatly the requests tnade in l order to keep nhhin the anticipated rev- - a rule hut in relation to the aniveraity we ‘1 hate rectth all reqneeta made [or I support and maintenance lor the net”: biennial. lor tee lee-l tint -ia hinhly int-0 n portant." W~ { '. PLANT 19 TO " L II ‘a OPEN THl IRSDAY 3.. _¢_.. {- New [min-nit)! l’uwer House: - we Furnidt nan for 3., Both Campuses. -—-——-— t The neg Univ"!in power plant will”. begin operation Thumlay. The «M pow- , d or plant trill be uml lnr other pm:, and gradually torn down. Heat and 9 «ran: will he supplied to the huildinp‘n on both a... mt w... ca-pttaea. mt".l the plant in large enough to tahe care of i u all intpmetnenta within the next twenty Id yearn. The3operation ia heing held up; not: the Inerltanicd archers. chain.‘ note-a whit-h bed the lie. but they Illl h be in trot-hing order by next Thur-day.’ The water is pumped from the wells on - the pld grounfi and then repuntpd to all- Univaeity building. Shower bthe barei been provided for the uee or trorhtnen. 'l A big ateel tank is to be inualled that will hold 72.“ pounda of coal and the; pater will he led autotnatically by the- ttohera. Although the pt! phat it much I I larger and more tnodern than the old‘ plant the name nutnher of Inert ‘lll be:d required to operate it. One big itnprnve- , I ment ia that the aahea will he turned into ‘ a rat underneath the building by mean- 3‘ oi a ahalt. and carried away. :" BATTERY TO HAVE BANQUET}! Annual New Year'a Event to De I Held January 11. .' The mutual Newflear'a banquet of ‘ .hllcl’y 8, min Field Artillery, will be“ held at the armry at 8 o'rlneh Friday it evening. January l2, wording to liar; tain Campbell.’ In preparation for this ( event the entire [tenor-tel «I Battery BL will be llnttfil new unilornta at the next «tan my, Thunday. 'l The ofllt'rrtt oi the R. 0. T. (7., lth \nterican' Legion, ll! War Mothers and :| the Auxiiary of the Aurieaa lecionf, have hoea invited to attend, I. ha elaborate Man has Insert}c planned. Anton; thou who ill give: tonne are: Go r A. N. Hyde, Adj.“ (Zen. V. A. a. R. E. "ill and. LinutAZol. John F. Wiliana. ‘ —# OAKLAND nocrott Atom” Drug let! on Coaat hWfid—fl' ha. 86 by In!“ Elli, I Dr vat“ has. . San rum. Cal... Jan. 8.—Dr. John '| Scott or. ol Oahbd who under ar-f “ratchyeharaadwithiflegaldaal-. in. in narcotic; h t ‘DI.WOMOHMIW. ‘ llla arm no 5* ahaot throuh‘u 1th aae d narhed hills 1% trap nae . n... by the 3m “4.”. At}. the the lather vat m a diuer to 31 pea-me the hall talent the duo all. 0: Wheat. v ' l Lfl'lll Iota. Arts?“ 1~A ’hr‘ and. tiara-ably had-n. and “t4 taut. VIII b erratad 5! fl “1 a Mt. anal-a tel ltit. I. r. taararaa lar to Ibo?! Paar. ' CITY MANAGER ‘ ‘ l ‘ NO AUTOCR ' AT : * SAYS N * SPO SOB; ‘9‘" ' ‘ i. T. hichi MWdCityt Council, Agan Urge New ’; idea tn Gm BOARD, HAS SUPERVISION Councilman Also Suggeata New. - City BuildingLaodeo- ‘ ‘ v ‘ vieon ior "hrary ” ' Space. . . _.__..'.... 1 “The time h. come phat Columbia.‘ {as a model than. city oi maroon. must hue a model ior- oi govern-ant. and to my mind the city w plan in the heat and in iact the only logical aolution. oi the problem," lid John T. McNullan. ' ate-her oi the City Council, in comment. 'ing iurther today on hie ra-arha made at the meeting of the City Council Mon- day evening. , ’ “The city manager plan he been in-& augurated and aaeceeaiuiiy carried out in many citiea oi the Lhitod Staten. 'tho ietv cities oi Minouri have yet taken it up.’ Excelsior Speinb haa rooetlly din- carded the old city council government. iorihe city manager plan, and \vhile it due not been in operation long enough to iortn any daiinita conclunionn, the proepectc ior eacoeaa are good. (Mum-t hia it ahead oi‘flany other citiea oi the? atate in tarioua haye, and there ia no. reason why it ahduld not it one oi the leadcn in the city manager plan." 2 ; Mr. Mchiullang raid that the ultt'ec-i tion to thin ante- oi government on' the part oi man penena was that itj given one man much atlhority. and that there in turd oi an opportunity ior grait and plipahud methode than under. the city council tyatem oi city govern-l ment. In annoy-dig thia objection he! aaid not tlte higheet m. oi "Home; tha can he iounii ia alwaya appointein city manager. and he in atdhtitnn un-' ’der the aaperviaioa oi the i oi roto-I tltinniuttr'rn, which act: as a curb on bi-‘i action- in managing hu-tineeo lain oi; the city. i Along thin line of better eity ‘ttt't‘l’ll-, ment, Mr. Mt‘hihllan alw‘nitl: “0i altnoet equal importance ia the need" ior an adequate city building, nitlt the. neceaaary "to... At... traneartion oi the! municipal hit-inn, vauhn oioe the alc- hmll 9‘ city recoup. ti grave ior; the hoaa'ng oi tfi city ii ary. There it at preaent no proviaion ior protecting! the city ret'ortia iront are: valuable; ledge“. iiln oi itaporlhttt paper- and! document. are piled on Chitin and in: rotor" at the prev-cot city building. n- poaod to dirt and to danger oi nth-plan»! meat. Every reputable huainee- concerttl take care oi ila recordt. and it i! a ahante that a city government cannot: do the tame.” ’ SAPULPA UNDER 3 ARMED GUARDS: 'Five Policemen Are Amitusited . by Negroeo—Ono Killed ‘ f and Four Hun. a, cum hora. ' l SAPlILPA. Okla" Jan. 3.~Feor oi race “Mid”! canned a tonne aituation in Sa- lpulpa today. ‘_ 1 ' Special arthed guarda. many oi them {World "at veterane, paced the otroetti .to prevent crotnla iortrring. _ ‘ Feeling tan high iollotting the am-. Ehuehing oi live policemen yetuerday h)‘ lattice- negm in which one was lullcil‘ and the othcn wounded. The nhitn re. 'lalialed by month. meat building:- in: illtc blach acction. . MEDICAL STAFI’S RUNANIZE ‘0».th Department of lionpital L Dtaeaaaed at Meeting. ‘ ‘ The uul-plliflll (kph-fill oi the IBoone (iounty Hoapital \vne one oi the .queetion- diacuaaed at a tneeting oi the incone County Medical Society lat-t inighl. At thin meeting the volunteer Tviaiting out. oi the MCI“ m.- u. iota-bai- 1 The out-patienthth hat heen larganiaed ior fly» The object it ‘to provide free medical aervlce ior all ‘vtho are unahle to pay hr it. The daii ‘meeta every Wedoeeday ad Saturday at , 10 o'clock. ‘ . J .The doctor! are anxious to build up thin department. They ray that they looulddo-o'reiitltecitiaefltvould help lbring theec who need hob m the clinic. I Each doctor aarvea iot three month. .tverhingalong hie apacidv line. ‘ Q ' c—un—L—c—“I- 3 Te Conduct Preahg lehael. ' F. I. Facet, dituctagpi the hiieeeuri ;8tate Fruit [amt amioa at 'Moan- Maia (how.ch W the Univer- aity oi lime-l I a echool ior leeuuy eat-ta and fruit-pervert to he 3w 3% May. Mr. Om lea-hing lathe depart-eat ei W dull” th miner term oi in. but canted in W W ‘. tutti to (steep anon t 3.” today 23.. the Ia a. as. c‘. two ant-git eta M- y ' _ f cm can. Yin m (by. 1‘ ; A 'cotl Oil In- viclt I CHM thmuawa-m-ioh. } of Mn. Ella Cochran. bum. I on flout: Nth um. lut m . ghdtlualuupuodmtn.’ Echfluldnliukohdmtlbt‘ i lion-o.‘ ' '\ , .nuv nouns All Inn-Inn in... laud :- tm an. I... ; tud’Now. - I i The war airin at .W‘ hoodgwhiclt my ' under-tin. now at the potofl'ug'wen' fill“ in I’ll. ‘ 1 _ The punt-nu pddhon 00.1205" ‘9‘" not on oi he damp. and of- fixed the. to a ioltbt supplied by It! ‘pootoflke and put the. "1mm, 5.?" now being tutu-d lot $5 each. .mnted at the punitive m an to' ‘tlw- Fulani Ron-no Bunk amt rivet: lot. the face Vilm- will ht- rrttirnnl. 0! In; " bank will lunle than and you the ‘ ;|-onnt to yont crvdit an the bod. TM". 4 [Mailiu will M the bandit u py-U mm for ttmury certiliratn and inn. 'you tlv "milieu," now. (Lmiflrntelc In- on salt- now {M $20.50 worth n5 in 'flw yum. int .82 wonh "(D‘in {in I gun and [m $020 worth 3|,” in five - run. Ii _ _. _ I NEW THFATER ' IS TO BE BUILT x .Miss Gladys Win-at Plans-Play- ' House for Columbia ‘ 7 Children. “in. (llmlyq What i- pl‘nnniu to {build I small lhralo-r an "iv prrmim oi him home. 711 Mum's mm». t... the ,t-ntcrtainncnt‘nl rhildn-n. Slur “pert. -tu pmrnt childtm'n «lama. a field 'iitl'i- ‘t-flo untried in (iulumbli. ‘ Titr building will In- rrrvtnl on the iotmilatmn «if n firm-n humor that Im- [t'ltrt’lv i-tuml irltitul tlir huts-v. lt- iii- mrnt‘iuns Nil! lu' two-nh ’7 9i“) lt‘t‘l.‘ inml it‘ v-rntitu run-vi!) atiptt-limtrly innc- liumln-d. \lim- Who-at in waitin‘ [m watm unite-r tn lu-pn malt. - f Mim- Wln-at wa- unalilr in final any {playi- suitalilr [on In: "union-N. an Htirmlu In- uflrt'm‘ In wtitr drama to loco-t lw-t trqulwtm-nh. \lu' lia- nln-mly. 'tltrn- Mir-art plan unttrn nprriallyt ’llm ilt‘l tlwatcr. 'I‘lu— artuu will I». trim-r" [rum tlu- utmirnt- anal Columa‘ lbian- who on ittlvnh-lni in damn. ‘ Tlu- suual a-pwt ul tiw play “.PIV- .tit‘ttlnrl) int-'ro‘titiu lu \Iiu What.'w“3' '5; ‘ p.150!" ml tir‘i‘nct it) [flaunt-ion.I ‘Slu- intc-ntl- In pm murli nttmtiun to' ,uagr uttings Inil ligltl din-h. ' i "he! lltr "watt-t t- rumpk'tr. tlirrri iprdmmanc-r will lir giwn Pdth Satur. J1). mm in llr tttutnmu and In.» in tlir l alto-moon. ’ ‘t.Aw STUDENTS SUCCESSFUL {Mac at, l-'. Men Aduitted to m' i gut. Bar. , ’All ninr nttulrntn (rum die/hm ni “Aw ui thr l‘niwrlity «if Miwiuti, wlm itook tiw tslllt‘ liar cuminatum in lq-ffrr‘ .mn (lily Dru-tuber l8 In 20, wru- nur-t ‘t‘fltl'ul. Tho-y arr: W. A. Kitclirn, R. S. gtntton. l.. R. Julmmn. Rm Swlnmn. Funk lluyk, Cordon With, E. H. hwy illrrbrn Call. and .lutin 0. Ruth. There we"- l‘l students from \uiou- uniu-nitin anal cdlqn taking part in ‘ the rxlminltion. —--——-~-——-—~— l NEW “ILL TO BE DONE SOON 7Blcntor Will Be Ready in to Day-l ‘ if Weather Allowa. The grain elm-tot whit-l1 in bfiIli 'built fur tin- Bunne (Loam) Milling t'o... twill be- finiulw-d in lortp til)‘ il ertltrr ‘rnmiilinn! arr hwrnblr. Wurln win it began about lour wet-ks ago. A lup- ‘wurhouw will be built, in addition. on ttlw lot Imitlt of the rlovalon acmni- ling tn 4‘. W. Bye-nu, wpcrintrmlrnt. I BANK ROBBFRY 1 SUSPECT s HELD ‘ __ \. Tim Mun Arrested in St. Louis' A in Connection With Kan- sas City Case. ‘ '7' Fatal hon. ‘ ' ST. Lot-ts, Jan. 3.—"illi|m (1 Mn. 'Ctny oi (jhirago and Walt-v Gibbons nit thin rity, who said they won- Iiw-noqk ‘Mlfli, an being held lien- by police in I fmnmtinn with, the Droven’ National Eli-uh toblrty in Kama (lily ran-nth, in § which thc mute" got away with mom ;lnd maan would“! I but dficinl. g Data-tite- {ton Kansas (lity up rn-‘ trotlc be" to tokr the you into custody, McCray was "rated Monday nigh u. 'tilc Joni-pith:- Hospital wltrn lie wu‘ iconme with rli-uuiu. Gibbons wu iimd 3 Mock in». it» lit-spitnl “an Eup'urdly on Ilia way to «visit Many. —-—-o-———d--———¥—-— ' i watch Loo-ted h m cm. . i- Dim Vanish a Mic at thr lbw School in 193. and I "It" "0‘ t5 l’i Ely-Julio futmity, in in», to antiquity cat out by ll. [.4 ‘Illl. sin-i nevi-t: 'wrltp- that he i- ia'uw elm b tin patina at law in City. Ili- dliec in It tOtl,‘ i .. 3 .iitu awn- aid-i5; b and nil-wu- t b Aidi- 1 umunxguusuux 8,. _.....-_____.__--:r_;‘:;: AL MEN TRY ! , s R (’ch ' l . .AGO . l . WAGE SCALE; Ettutnimtia Leaders Deadlock-t ed in Old Parley _. New ‘ Plan Now Ready J ‘ f or Committee. '. MAY CONTINUE SCALE- Operators Miners’ Demands Would R float of Dig- ' Coal 30, Per Cent. ' .7 M H.- ‘ (.tttt anti, Jan. 3.-Mme oper‘orn and “film le‘n today rnet here in a loaf? fin" 1" “I ha-ia ol agree-taut lor a new'w’ acale in the hitumootta coal, heldn. ~ The Ini' operatori were prepared to tiller the Lien a Compromi~ propoaal nherehv lb Den uld conthe under the tire-eat Inge F1 Ilter the Iflfl“ i 'nettt efiirea April l without a contra .' A deadlock nan reached at prev»: meeting- in In («on to elllblith I bleia I lor reaching nen agreements, I The worker! demand Iinix-hour day and a liVe~dIy week. nltich‘tlie operatora declare would fit" in an increane of 30 P" real in lltr (not Ul tllwhj t'tfll. The new plan til agreement 'In huh; mitted to the ,oint operItc-rominera or; urination at I meeting ol that commit- Ne thi- morning. Alter debate I! was decided to turn these pmpoul- o'er to I committee ol ten to wort out I plan to‘ he nubmitted to the joint conference tlm alternoon. . 3 It. MEN WORK ON DIRECTORY Cannon 0! Citrohd County la Well Under Way. The nicn that cane to your door and‘ ad. hon many perv-om ltw there, luau old they are, ultere they with md 90 on .m- not book agenta; they are cantanaetl for the new city and rttral director). Two til the "It, who atarted Mttntll§. report that they are Iii-taken lor book agentu IIhen they uh lor inlotmation. The canvau proper otartetl today. with a quad ol eight men on the .joh. Two of them are mrmltern ol the l‘niversity ltau'h tell, and the other! Ire on the lootlrall aquad. F. .\.-thre. in charge ol Ute prepara- tion ol the directory, “ya that ii the recoil the pork W with the oatne‘ spa-rd Ia yeflcrday'a, Che job hill bt' «lime in l’t't‘tiftl time. H‘ARDINF STOPS A - y L L T 1 PENSION RAISE Financial Burden of Country Too (In-at. Given its ' Canine of Velo. .7 lane-l Pena. Wumuttn. Jan. 3. President Hard. ing today wtoetl the Burnum Bill pro~ titling lur an increane in pension: t» t ivil and Spanish war veterant- and their ‘llltN‘. The linam-inl burden ol the country it too great to he further increased. the Prrnident held. The President objected to the hill as "an outright bestowal of lundn upon the got-eminent pen-ion roll with a heedlenn- new for the government'- linInciIl prob- lern~ “hill is a diacouragement to eye-r) ellort to reduce expenditurea and there- by relieu: the lederal burden of tau litm." TWO (‘ARS 881230 FOR 24-HOUR-R17LB VIOLATION rout. That Were Pound so u on Streets Are Stored at T4 lor'a Garage. \ The police department this Morning ordered l‘o Itttomobile! rein-d for flood- tug upon the public thoroughllren long- er than twenty-loin hours. A stripped l'onl lound in lront of ill) Turner ave- nue, and a second til the name kind found at Wilson and College awnues are the are held. ‘ Employer- ol the aylot gIrage made the seizures urly in t ay, alter a pm liceman had reported thIt lor aeveral tlas- neither (“I had bf!!! ohaerved to mme. According to the police, it in the custom to hold Inch cll'l ll lhf' Taylor garage tintil their ownera re- deem them hfi paying for wing and Corar. No line in attached. ital: said. I‘ no" can“ are the molt ol nation“- Spa-h 8.1 H Al“. A lire reahltinngo- aparb iron the chimney cuned alight m to tilt rool ol the heme of A, Hedwig, “'6 Ram-man lane. at 8:1!) o'clock I“. nor-ting. The lire M03“ ’ '” called but Eli-er (meet. u “46" l- the l7Ilvernity at. livea with m extingaiahed the ‘lla-ea lielore the fire men arrived. Th'lo. has-comet! 5T insurance. . __________....__. 1'. 1. 'M m M Thane J. VII-r. edit! 0‘15! w and Cum-to. ant-H filial- d. the M 3:: I'd-ll" W. H l. w m ‘ W ‘ Il lb death d h w“ M,‘ a“. Ir. 'aI-r II vaunt- (ht-'1 L“ '- dvb fl. I l_.rwad art... rio- m \t l 'When Author tixwaon. a air. I 1 III lor the John \lnrall Meat (Lo. ; applied I taunt-a tItItcli to its. ra- ' l diator,- which coruIineil alconnl. at ‘ ’ the Daniel Boone Tavern yeuterday. '1 l he '0. met by it flame which tinged i' ' hie eyelaahe- and hair. The injury ' . "dill"; l' Forgetting that only" little while I Here he put aortic alcohol in the I J ndlalor ta prewnt it lrom luv-ring. , i,‘ lr. DIwaon with a matchuwent to I 7 Iae il there wan nullieient water in I ’ it. A flame burnt lortlt. . ’. POULTRY CONTEST one 881‘ 1 Short Course Men. "ill Compete T 1 Tan. February 22. I Enrollment'in tht‘ poultry department ol ti! l'nivmity will nuniher ahotll the lane to lut term, according to Earl W. ‘ fl’lenn. There Ire M .15 Iltltti \ID r’CfllOflll "It lhil It'll. Ir lInl; they "0‘ number I49. I A judging i‘itntr~l will ltt' held 'February 22 ior-the uhmt u-ur-e atu- denta in connection with thr usual stu- fth content. A modal will be awarded .to the Nail!!! who eli‘t‘l‘ ‘in Judging .Inhibition and production poultry I A new i-uuru- I~ tillt‘tv'il Itl [Klttlll\ idiaeaae- to non-t ollegtIte -lttilent:. Thi- 'coIrae hII been tillervd In the tt-gjilar 'Indema belure. ,0FFICE FOR JOHN RHODES l”. U. Alumnua Named Assistant Attorney General of Kantian. “ Jiiltfl “ltittlt’~. .tti ulttmtith ul tltt' Il'niVerwil). ha- ltt'i‘lt “iii-noted tint-tint “attorney geiii-tal of twin.» in (.lurlm . B. (iriflith. 5.\lr lilimliw h.“ lN‘t'lt nut in! II lltt‘ bitth itl lti- lJlllt‘l Itt-lJu, ‘lhll “alto-Q “Illtdttt- tlt.ttll| ti»:~ ltttlt ‘l‘dayn. lle let l.tlllllflltt.l \t-lv'ftlJ\ to .n twine hin “Pl tlullt". l “ref-Rhode‘ will lt'J\t‘ lnlumhu Lilo-t .to jut“ lier hit-lurid tlt lulu-ha where they will ltt’tt. Tho-tr hutiiv- lt.i~ been ttll V llutchitwm. e . «re—~- C Mill l WI‘FI’ o A A. J I o A \Q . , ' ‘i ‘ V W .CONthlth. lllluh -"l‘itliet-i'tilii~'i~ (llainh l’nlii-e ("liter of lioltttttliia " ’l‘UWII‘lll'l. . ‘5 lilmer ‘oHlisti-r. Ell liogot‘ utri‘i-Ll ’t‘tlllhl‘lt‘ all t ulumhia- I~-M'~ltip, illt‘tl ol ‘ = tithert‘ulinin ht l-lfi n'i liu l. tltiv- Morning. ’- lle etiti-ri-tl llpI-tl llt< u t and ti tttt tho; tit-t 'lolfie int. i : ' \lr. “(\diutfl wtt~ horn and It‘llftl ,in the nortlhrrn part ol Know Lootity. l-ttlil hit man, yt'hrn ii t~ :titiii-li t'ngatti-il in the t-attleihucinn- llt‘ mo- 33 war- ’ tilll. ‘A llt' i~ ~|lf\l\t‘il in lo. into: ltt- mother. I ‘ll“lll!:t'l. llttri' t'lttltll’rn. \ln. llom liiwn ot hump- (.ity. ltlla‘ , \lae \li‘Allifler ul tolumhm and l". S. “cult-tier ol lit-un-r lulu... tun hrotlt- en, t _ ‘. “I'Uhvitv-t .tlltl l‘ t. \l: \llim ,trr. both til lloltttnhtn. .ind thrw- ‘i-teta T “n. \. ll. (in-en ol \tiir-trmtg \lo., \lrI. fit. ti, tun...“ at I,.. \i-g4~. \. \t.. :l‘llu Noah Mt‘Alth-t nl litiUlltlitJ . \lr. \li'Alllstft Ia- .i “4:” llt' hail .lbu-n to New Memo .uul \lnont \u'rnun llor ltttt health. but pro-n hiiru' Jllt't rt“. .iturning to Columbia, '. No mngt‘mcnte lun-‘lwru made- lot {the luni'rll. He probably hill he bum-t % 'lIl‘l‘t'. .i T ‘ " ‘ ' FAILURE MEN 1 . ‘ . * FOR PRMllERS :Gcmiany 05ers Railways as. Guaranty if Loans Ari- _ Accepted. ilv land he“. i Pants, .lan. 3.——-ln both French and 'Bt'itiilh Qturters it nu.- pteilii‘ted tliIt “the conlerence ol premiet- would end in? ';a FtancoBritiah rupture thi- afternoon. it Dy lured Preaa. . r,‘ Barium Jan. .3.- The (ii-rman ltIVPrn-‘ 'lment intenda to oller the MI" rIil‘Iyn: ,ian chiel guarantiec . tl internationIl tloana can be floated. ,1 Hugo Stintiea' newa agency today hinta‘ [that Cert-any may git a loan ol a.’ “much an aluminum) gold maria. ‘ ’ IRS. W. 70. DlXON I8 DEAD! i __...__ _.- - i a Wife _Il Mint Leave- Four, 3 . Children—Funeral Today. 1 ' Mu. W. 0. Dixon, tot Sigth WilJ iltaiua greet, 49 yean old, died at her Hie-e today alter'a ahort illneae of new: lionia. if auniN by her hit-hand.' nth! Rev. W. O. Dim. who in In evange- flliet, by lour children: Fred Ind ,{Elia‘etlu who are atudenu in ill! Uni-l ', verity. and .Drirottw and Levi, ot the! |,Uliw'l'nity High School: two M .; Mn. 1'. I. 'alhrt ol Columbia, and “re. e IJeni-e Whit-ht ol Blue Springa. Mo” and. ’il W. W'M'nl (I-IIgee," ’Ohh. ' . . ; I; rum! unit-i witl'he condor-ted In . ‘tha In). D. Iaadobh and the In“ lw.l.Dargaaat "o'clock Friday mar-m (h. b I“ w 1 l‘ “w— . ,‘ Ian. to“ b Chin... J ,l_N.thaa lane. a grid-ate .dthrt {tub-i it haul-ii. Ht iti- imp a duh. he will they- 9- ‘i. Chicaal t- 0! m "It i1 «mm surrorrr mourn! Drlretar Can-natty lanai-lat Will" m h ..,o I v The Boone County inteflla in the main. drive for the “WM mial. building are being atllaalat'ul by the ellotu ol the Col-db Chapter «I ‘v'arf i‘hflh'". The latter part ol laat year“ the War Mother'- rai-«l It” [or the memorial lutll and this au- waa added to 'the 81m that waa appropriated by the state to the county for the ease par-l poor. The file appropriation called [or the building ol the ate-orial at thee-oun- ty seat. Them ia to he tin nuclela‘ tor the lund that will he worked for in. the apring drive which will hegip the tint day ol May and last until Decor- llttttt Day. Further plane will he made at the reg.- ulat monthly nee-ting oi the I'at “nth-5 ers- m-at Monday alternmm at the (our. Mental Huh mun. BIBLE COLLEGE BNROLLS l8. lnereaae til 100 Due to (Ia-poig- by Sebal I“ Y. W. C. A. ‘The enrollment for the winter term in the Bible [allege ol Mlmti reached Ill) laaa night. The in approximuely HI) mute otudentl than ner before. Thia in dur to a attenuouo campaign put forth- mat the clue ol the [all ternt to ad- wtttse the nt'hool, and to It‘QIIRll" the rntvenity ntudentn hid: the {art that lntvetaity credit in given for twelve t‘ttuffit“ tilleretl in the Bible “allege. Supplementary to fly ellfltle of the u llmtl l0 advrtine itnell, lltf L. Itrt'u‘ltlt‘tl. at one of it! Inn-tin”. the up purtmtitim nllt‘lt‘tl, and dmribtled a booklet |t~ttttg all ('0qu given in the Wide College. ; REPAIRS l-‘OR R. 8. L83 SCHOOL Settling Ground (‘attttea Foundation to Sink and Walla Crack Temporary plot» are being construct. ed In support the not'theaat corner all ’lhr Rubrl'l Ii. Ire School building. The‘ ‘wtthng of the ground at that place and» the t'nnu'quettt withing oi the loundlmn‘ «.tnwd the north and eat! hallu tu tm'k. in neutral placed. The building ii in nu imnrdiatr dam- grr, tlteu' .-tep- living taken an pre- mutmtuty Inc-.tntm- It t- planned, lmw- not. In haw the budding repaired tit-\t tulluu'l. Willllllllw WILSON QlTlMlSTH' .SIytl Majority of Voters Will Re- : Iieve in Rio l'rlneiplea. . It l’aited 'Ien. ' htwt'ltx. N. 1.. Lin. 3. r Woodrow Wilmtt luelieu-s hi- nuptmrlr’tn will "all hau- the grattliratiott tn the neat lit" :tttro- at areing the prineiplea we ltetieve' m .tdopted b) an oVerwhelnittg matur' ll) of the \utm ol thi- country," he deviated in a letter niade publir yes- tml.» to John l.. Armitaae, aetrelln at the Woodrow Wilson League here. I LIQUOR CASES I r ‘ CROWD DOCKET Stunting Spent Trying Negro. Woman Charged With Dry Law Violation. The entire tnnrning today in Cirruit f‘nurt was given to hearing teal-ony in 'the trial of Mary Britt. negro, charged with relling and tranaponlng intoxit‘at-i ing liquora. i She was arrested laat Septeuber. Tin- warrant [or the arrest wat- haaed on the teetimny of Andrew t“(2h.p") Har- : ri-, negro. that she had aolrl li- a gallon of "red" liquor lot “0. Harris in now serving a nit-month aentenc'e in the. county tail for the poaaeaa'ain ol thia. liquor. ‘ ’ The verdict given late this alternonn .arqutt-rd Mary Britt ol the charge-0‘ ltruugln again“ her” “ A large per cent ol the rare: being ttmt helore the Circu'n Court at thia time are in: selling liquor. Lier case: were on the ddeket ol the’ It'irruit (Lourt docket yealerday and Non- .la). Opal Martin eharegd with traneo' porting liquor and operating a car while .tntnairated pleaded not guilty. William .‘tarh pleaded not guilty of operating a mot while intoxicated. Earl! will he tried later. Torn Hall pleade guilty to a charge ol operating a ear while in- ‘toaicaterl and was lined "w and eoota. Pearl Nunnelly pleaded guilty ol poo Iomit. intoxicating liquor. Re waa bed [MN and paid 850. A May «I emut‘ton ilot ninety days waa given on the hal- ,anee. lli- hood was fixed at CHI) aad f‘ll given in open eourt by N. 3. Bill. I The raw ol Willia- Seatoa waa'reaet, [or January 5. V 1 Morris l’urd) was- charged with aa- 9aattlt and with'poueaaing. map-fling and arlllng "qua. He entered a plea at not guilty to all of the charger-A i Jolt- L Willia- pleaddl not guilty to ta eh'ge of earning mneealed weapona. la." llead. eharged with. writing a drautlttlent cheek. pleaded flilty and ‘waa fined .5. He waa given a «stay til 'eaeeation lor aiaty days. . Vincil foo-e, who pleaded guilty Ion- 'darmc-bi-rblwoedcb-tlufin. ilnnuthalaakalllallnillnwaato- day noted a parole a! two fiat. on m d. A ' la lheeapeagainat Ed Masha-get to tha Aadrah Com! Oren: .W I ' '.;‘l'..t-waaglraaaiodg'-ratl¢‘. gnu-autumn,“ , ’HARVEY lNTO CONFERENCES ' TG 0V s INWASHIN T 1 Ambaagador to England Meets With Presith and See. ; retary of State Today. SITUATION IS SERIOUS French and English Ultaltit‘ tn Agree — Harding Leann ' Farts Return Further : Artitm. ' '7 Wood h... Waattturon. lan. 3.-—Ao important ‘ contra-ore Mt .‘Mit‘l‘n move In “‘1!th the critiral Eumpt an emnnniir situatmrt 1 id being held here tit-lav Min-II t'ul. George Harvey. outtaandot to Great Bri. ‘r lain, and high .oll'teiale. Another attemptnl Europe to mire it. own pmhletm reent- to be near lailure hevauae of the taidelv divergent siewa til 'the French and Britt-h at the prerniere' centerence tn PIHI. llaner. IIIIMHl ‘ lront hi- puat in London berauae of Ana-rica't deeieint‘. to intervene in Eu- rope, gave Preaident Harding and Sorre- tary ol‘h‘tate llughee n hut-hand report i on the gran: et'nnomir «rt-iv. hung the old Itttlti. - I ‘ / ,TL PSI)“ CLUB : ’w , B.-\\h .iRBUCKlE Theater Managers itt lloltttnliia ‘ Are Requested Nut to 1 Show “Fatty! " hlemhera ml the Tut-«Ln t’ltth. flit Illel ye-tenhs JllrttttM-tl in lhv and r- ' iurn Hi the h \l i \. into-a to requent the manager- at lulutttlna lltralr'a not ‘ lu \ltuh the "Falls" Arlinhle Itit'lu'" in l'ulumlna, lt nah aim tlm llll‘tl tlul tlm t luli would plan mme mrt ut' entertainment to lie lieitl mnwttmr m i'd-littian‘. lur Foun- ' tler'- "at. Site. i'. \l. Noemi. lteri+1ll oi the ' (Zlult, gave a resieo nl the truth. "lie- ginnv-trui'ttun ul Religion." it Dr. (L A. , Ellomul. Tin- neat nieeting {till he held | January ltt. '. V. '.;8Rll’3 SENTENCBD , runs l-‘(ut wunr -Itan. wan-nemattauianu - eetvea Ninety-day Sgt-‘8“- ' , hate on Bootleg . | a . Receiving. two-year ttettldtin- lair try. ing to are hit» lrtettd [mat a ttltttfl‘d‘l' aeatenee lot lutotlv'gging wan tlte Tuti oi “Everett Siiipe. . ‘ Shipe wat- ant-amt alter the trial :ul Torn “(Owen nhu wan nteneed to nirtty daya in jail laat timber ior tttranaporting liquor. During the trial an affidavit waa introdueed signed by Shipe tn prove that Mcitwan had attempted to cell liquor to Shipe. Shipc ruined that { he-had not aigrwnl the atlidatit but bad lInererelgttedaltlanltalteetolpaporat I police headquarter: when he was taken . ; there Sour-her to and that the allidavit 'had been written on the paper later -‘ supe- m waa u. all probability - coattnitted intentionally with the idea - of protecting mam... unmet I heroic eueh intention ‘ntay teetn. it was r uaeleea lor Shipe and the penitentiary ' Jeni-nee lobed hie conviction. .‘ I. M caeoa are very Zlint” Hid Oi. tribe .0 often ronoid- l and and the penalty in wily much rtlighur. It will he obeervcdlhu the aeri- hi the perjury cone to. touch : heavier than that given in the original I liquor eeee which the perinry caae grew out 0‘. ' P' H. B. 110.. ior thifleflt years (I'flCla - court reporter ior lloooe County. au'd -'thia wae the lint eaae oi thin hind thdt ,- he he witnaaaed since being in oiliee. : :9 runs. ‘Wl‘l'tl caution: ' George Tea at -Ioeheport R- ' viable Inert. ' (m Welhern. arctiun tort-lean at ' Ruhr-port. haa heed in the employ of ' the Mia-ouri. Kanaaa. and Texaa ra‘- I mad tor 29 yeara, act-netting to an arti- ' ole printed in the M. K. I T. employea° ' taagaaine. “elhern haa been section torentan 8 , llot'heport alner Hill. and during that "time haa inadv- an rmviahle "word h ~not having a derailnent mulling in. ‘ lailure to do hie duty. Sutton No. 3. L at Rorhepnrt. contain. thirty” rave. in all bile- at tree The track ia flanked the Mia-ourle ' aouth. and high overhanging biotin an the north. whieh !!!th ninth-tn“ due to waahoata and allele; , "eh lite handled all trade Id nationalitiee in tn. ninth. a'rid sad-that Icahn lahor ie the coat dillieelt p handle. _ I. [7. I'D. to lie Show- lere Bean. :Th lou-renl Mia-mi lilu. teat-0 hi the recent Mina aetivitiee Id '. giving a review of. the in leak. out eon, .will he ahowa to the l'dvriehy at.- detaa Iona. according to II. but Cooper laiiutt‘pt thr [Zn-ad- M' nine. The “y he been. .d b q during.” a at.“ m b-‘t fr“. 15 Ill. " . a