_¢—-v...“ ~....7v..r~VV_.V .7 .,_ $,w7<;,\s:--V *2‘-“ ‘ T PIG“! ' CHAUTAUQUA AUDIENCE . tlnotronthstnsnsnd the sctsthssdidths trouble arched?!- un svsmto nssousmt oownn. nssotm. roman. mu amass. . ..__. L 10.-00aeosatlwsrd.lnthsC1tvot the of Y |UaivorIlIJ'o¢m3u1 Ittil Ll. Thursday. July 29th. 10%. inssottri. tor pm-pose ‘ ~ Oosneiinss from said cu] ~ &l7.~Ihodidn‘th:nownstilthelsst——4— Punund |fl7"°"'°' ‘ um; -(mm . -n.- r nurr the OflboddnUdvlr~otttthonns£0lredtern:otA. G’ ‘u ki£‘lfil.l.°1i:1;'!:lIl7 noes um guy or st the ollloborlenss P. well. resitned. 7. ‘v . - .’ ". “""' °. ‘ Js.InissorL srctmocgin Louis. ttunootcsnaumo a small boy to the Bishop oi law :t.hs hstrsysl st s tmniiisrity tamed", lpts moo; llsrhet steady. It? or "1 N“. Won Dmmnuc “Chg”. IN" 9 ll’ ‘"4"’ "“ "V" ‘° "‘" "3' 3' "“l‘ M '3' ' mlflxhd sud. mm.-hm no son. 34.3,; 3,0", the oertinestion oi nomination thro his ummnpet esnasr sight nos: nu-t sue the sodium ‘Mt 1! «ma and. gun ga. .10. B t in my on“ 4‘ »_ «n ma» sewn «n me u«»-- or we mm -=4 -== M u «M .'.*..+.- '-*-°~__ mm. 1.1‘. mm . Cmtww Wt —'*°' ' "‘°'”“"“ °‘ "‘"“ W-, '”~<.,w-Cw-«7=~ srscut. an II.l(.‘l'l0!l Witness my and ms. the . .7‘ “Shut up." replied the Nshoo or 91"" "* 9°’ “‘°“ "“° “'“"“’ ”"“Pt'alAtIl€' is Dr. iiiiirfuiiif-igjezftlm A spools: city sred 0! July. 1920 , 4'. hsncsshire. sotto . sad amdnuod tend church on Bum’ nlstt ' Iu.'°n.. O‘-mm. 1' din s:.ooo:t.so 1,.“ o;, the sees as: at July. 1380. or John & l g; _ tiouorthech n WhenthsDvI_eroithsllnest.hrest- -—-"“"-—’* meaooudounwcmnabnumme Cay“... who ,1..." 3." u um. .. paunug qua pun-e audience and Borne light hs.s broken through the 501."! " _ an ‘ us she could. mute than take the whole ur~ cloud of mystery thst has surrounded r0L'\_D__ by up um 00” 8” pm ‘ O! & ' 0 ' —' —' #7 ullonshl! :l>eoh:lnx 61;: lb-ugtki of gram “cm; the reported resignstion 0 Athletic " 3'” she‘ ‘I swphw’ ‘C°"“°_ ‘The servant in the House Clnrles ed s xigxlesoute diversion. man Kama,“ ‘ymbouc D“, 0‘ 2 no on -0“ u Spurlin; has received I letter from Christianity an inn. set- 1 ,- .1. mug, gnuyggga in -me Dr Ilsansrell in which the latter gsugng their audience And the Drug; or - to decay oi the dhsreh.” the dimcnlties sttendsnt upon the presen- scam,‘ of the piece in I tent. pointed the plsy for comedy instead of syn:- Q; bollsxn. At times the- eomedey brold. II when Robert. the scaven- ger told the bishop of Lsnmshlre to WIS Rooms for "Girls There seems to be an ample number of rooms for men but additional accommodations are needed for women. Owner of rooms are requested to tele- Q phone to Miss Pearl Cruinp Telephone 1221 ' —or the bishop of . They were not criti~ E iicstion D1 Christ elicited Isa sLten- ‘ . ? i lllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllll I I Osrner please call at Missourian O!- flcc. (stir) .\'0'l"l(‘E T0 CONTRACTORS observdory Billing. __ . ed proposals for the construc- Bosl tion on an Observatory Building will. I-} be received by the Curators of the] I t ~ cislly with the University but has l 1*: President Hill, who is not in .\iichig-sn 'F£.\'ot.tw_ts E11136 133 nut British lest (‘onnunptlou flu Drop l ped 28 Per (‘est Riser Wu. rd Food l trailer. at s press conference in London. ' e was called to ex 150 All Wool Suits $25 - $30 - $35. (Worth $20.00 more) From one of the foremost m ers of clothing in Chicago in lots from two to ten uits. 7 “’e have them in grays, browns, blues and fancy mixtures. ' 2 You can wear one of these suits all fall. Come ‘ in and look them over. Money Found Selling your Mags- zines and Paper. . Phone 891. will call KLASS con co. ‘ -._. _...j-:.j._. .1 ..—: —. . . ._.*_v._ .___.....__.._._._o—_... -._...._..._.~..._:... The cocfer n - plots: the glut of Australian and Nesr‘ Zeslsnd mutton on the market. .\lr., &icCurdy declared that the docks no longer were “dlstmcetully congest- ed" but lhlt still the government was somewhat out by the failure or the British public to resume its pro-vs mpt meat. I I-henlng lllssonrisn on four porch A Big Time In ‘ Store You been wanting something to do all summer. You are always say- 77 ing “Isn't this town dull." Well another good attraction has been , added. Q HARRS‘ Breakfast Qancc Starting Saturday July 31 From7 A. M. to 10 A. M. / Tickets are now on sale at Harris l_.__.._.__-.- l 37°" '7 "Alt flout Isu. Dallas: or seen Donut; l}ROADWAY omzorv Matinee Daily ‘ Hon. and ’l_‘ues., July 26-27 ' °h"“"“ ' 15¢ plnslctu '-i 17¢ . Qdllltfl - pl“. ac Aux _ cl .. l l every night. 40 cents a month. Call 55. ‘V t He}e°showJoe°s‘/ ,. 1 . ~»4' ~« Q ~ I". ” ./ r\- H v V‘ .l g ! >@\¢ ‘ \‘ “‘ -W; ‘if ’ -A ; “—-—-" 3 F03 81143-16. splendid home (/Vt hold no Clearance Sales. U} sell our good: i at a uniform /aw price ah' the ycanaround.) rt . A - class in all its sppointrnents ' Itmnediste possession. inquire at Bennineu-'s Jewelry Store. ‘ we CLAIIERID down.‘ I . xunoudu .l~I£AVY messes, ' AND we. i-:.nn.a the host, ' H opt 10:‘ *6“ s i . 2} ‘V WHEIII ILAOK hops has. « 0 HBO HA.Vl s.nsn's shots. 0 O I OR NOTHING. O I 0 AND [OR an host. 0 O O T » ir’:»¢ -_ [WV v f’ ‘ ~’ .~ g {.22 J ‘ i 4-‘ital ,.\ \_’~\_>_,»€k-‘«f- ’_ V _ V} J.‘ ’-' I . . V __ .-,". - qr .+ ‘T"‘ Al&§‘2l“ t ., r , ‘s ' i . _ f‘ ‘ ' ‘ 1- ‘. V. I O I \