C3: "‘~- 7~"'.~' - .-. ¥w'V,"."5\’~P.' ruI'W.'j - ‘ ' '5‘ ' f .-'l ‘ -_ - _ .--.‘;- - .1 i ’ ’-'-. * _ I ! ' A. "O-' ' :v -— ' " . ' -; 7 f . A - , ‘ - : ' ‘ya on-tau. Poldnhlo tuna: » b h ‘ . . . :.:..:._.':'“.,.:'§'h:...“_.:.r1:‘."“_:3"f;.:".“:.“.:'".. .:... _y t ousands of times an interesting message.-_ He has a! the Democratic 920 y %‘;'.""°",...,,,.“".::’-,,........ .."'."""..... meant in smoothing out some of the kinks of your daily -routine. .'o 2 A an avenue ' nu. . _ It I ‘ ..::-:-e.-.;~:.::...~-'r..~.:..~. R. B. PRICE TELLS ABOUT :.*~...*:.::':.‘é.'::..‘:'..':'.x'.':--'~-=*°---—- 1"’-‘«'-‘3-”‘=-4'«'=-'5”"-‘-‘=1’-"'-I-"":-‘is-«-v y EARLY DAYS 1N COUNTY -:;_, ,_;,m_,;t_,_,,__ en.ernoon.tbet_ ‘“""9“°°"‘"““‘3m““"- "1'/weehornin0|dYIrginh inlnlctlidnctedtnrmingoperriine 1111" ciAssii=iEn,Ans » 3l“O°I.le.Werdelq . fl . llobutflevei-lyPrIne.Preeldentotliveiton'etei-m.lwent to uwcmudunmtuu ay ItntyNotionnlBe.nhntechoolin!uette. Ilyi'iretteecher50°1'lI! You looke0od!orehun- E 55 elltendwithgentledignlty. !iede—thelil'cnleenteekottee.ehingmeII)' _ mite oleerticeethntltnnd '“_’_"- "'4'"-”‘°‘ m eeteet.inooieletothenoblecitieen-,"llyabitioneeehoywutob0- ""_”"“‘“*5"'¢!'Ieterduend Olllnolthemnn. oouiee driver tmeentll P|’*°¢«5°"°“|”?°‘-III: “WL‘.\"1'ED—8eo:nb§oo Ielnunieer. "—|lytethet-ioeeedwiihhia runny IolMdl¥to®mel'olllflSll|l0W'3h:3‘,-"‘n""‘d’.I.'::‘°ny’.'u' !:‘.’n.‘fu""-_ Gaga. Rf; to}iieeooriin1l38.eominghywegon e ewirlotdoet. waking echoee 813*“! '30? :1-‘P"3"‘ ;;..__°5""¢‘“ __ lh!DII¢h.the.Blee Ridge llonnteine. the eilent hills withe greet blfl V‘ 33733?! nhecumberlandoependbytheoldend reahonttoeee "*‘—j" not union Itntee euviu pun Int Estate Tnneten. gt §.—o_"‘;I.‘:i'lereedtoPeyettetIienoneotthew mypeeeengere were. lbofikkrdaukbfls 8m‘“_‘°,\-*9‘ I-:10 at town; in the etote. torwend eegerly to the tri—w 3' ‘via awn‘ oommbh _._“”oo_ :.$,,,,.m.u",,.. nnu‘”°“ ‘This was the caravan whidi came euel. bringing the mail and peeeen- n‘”.“_ w_‘_a_’. Tm" ‘nan ‘R ""' 34"‘ ette in 1838. My tether, a partly men high up with the long lines etretaed coma‘ Jwmslhmi “Wu” Iwnlz ” n ‘m''-‘-’-'‘‘'. led the train. fly mother "fly tether ednoeted his three old- !’ "33 3:8’? 313311590 Noll and her (our children followed in a eat children in Columbia. He not c°!°°’;;":f-:5 2”" “;;1“': wk . f H e - v e e e a tail inlet? or ee.ile:1J3...=i.x'21 3:?‘ wrine wagon. six covered wagons the youngest. e girl.__to the Truce! 1 Km‘, ‘M Gama Loo“ _____:} n"°“ ‘""°‘ "ll" 5°‘-"*h°“ 3°04‘-‘mu-V 9' 3°5°°’ “ '3°°""“1‘~ 1 ‘*"“‘ ‘° '4" am”, Viv xg an-(.1 wioomon ' '0" RE"-I-M mm for want "°"' “"’ "’°'°"““"’°‘ "W '*°""- ‘*""""" "1 ”‘°- 139.590 pt it :1 Price enbd and s ::‘l!,dflI§‘l"2°.I'l?;E.U One bioeh tron {Io mil-blooded Io:-honnde.n‘nt_leolne ‘Did you into any school , F‘ u ‘ aephen. ‘M comm:-. ' ' nine chickens completed the turn- prenh?" Ir. Price was asked. u “mo it Em‘-u . - d , ' uiit? voti-it .aioa.i.';'.'o.'.‘°»'.’i";3-i'°:.°.'.- '52: on, “Thu u ‘ "din: qua?“ ‘ad I ‘E: Venetin. A In-W C Btlchfl’ 11 0!! mun. roe men and win. nu... a-u. My mother brouxht union was ° "° ‘° '“""°'n " ‘ ' """ “‘ Hut and Paqnin su Columbia B-2131! with her. never eeen in htiuoori be» WNW“! ‘‘''‘n"° “‘ N‘ '7‘ game yo. gm.-1-_m,, ,,,",,n M,” "0. tore. She brought the white etrew- "While in the University. I wee ot- ter 1);] '°” “' ""‘ "3" 410° '00 I'll” berry. the yellow ruperry end the fered a piece on the V 8ur- SOTICE T0 COITRTCIVIS -..'&""".%:" “ u‘ °"“7 ‘“" ,'_"l;1'; nutmeg mnekmelon now called an- toy of thin state under the direction 0 ——-————-————————- z upe. My mom" .1“, bmum an at a, G. swallow, prdeuor cg chun-‘ sealed prtpoeele (or the construe a’,;§’,§_'jf¢*",§;§;:;:';_ ";,‘,‘;:°‘g;';;_'§’g_ x large uiceetrnl portraits that are i-try. ecology and Inlnenloey. Um: on -3 tor: fill _ was :3 now hanging in the home of my dean of agriculture in the University. he recelv “by the CI:-etor_em pt 0:2; cwrn nm em: nu-pox daughter. hire. W. ll. Willie of 1814 I then: tour yeere on the annoy ee _Unive:-oil! Kloeou no 1 : ",,u,_‘ ".4 “_Tu M" I .kl;‘.2‘I'1“ll:£\mwo&|lalrn“_:1elee-d“"n“t1!0flI -mg; Brood me . I n and neeietent gevologin. A. it. -mmeu. : .' :;p-"iii-|:a:o;._h :1: 3% __""',';';:-_-'_*-'-*-t-__ M ,_*:'“I>v--n_ “'34” “Wecemethrongh0oluinbteon e “soonetteni 1 '.'.lhodtb op- ' ‘ . :ae»e:%:.g.‘._ x..:f.!:, ¢, _ ‘. bright October morning after having portunity to beanie e banker under - A “'0 '9 33°? ' ' en:-Ui>:ieIclli:\t1ro;9niIo‘iv'e?ui;.mh1*"‘hom”°g'ii5 camped on the Hlnkeon for two or U56 111111 MIDI 0! PITT“! k P750‘ 75°. 3‘ :_ Du‘, R P‘... n“ mat’ 1135..-'°I"g..’°;.,' 304- 0-360:! three days, cleaning up. brushing up history 0! my work u I blnlwr. 111- . . . Inna: name; an... egg _ N‘. and reeling. Geo geoordon told in dating the establishment ot the first ' ' .’ 5 x.'.“."w'.‘.'7“o'§'.-"'51 htodeete. when rxetnrned ‘to Columbia to at: national bank in hileeonri. is known ' "" """‘ ""'“" "°“"’ tend the University. that on out toeomeny Colombians thetitieneed-‘ _ , ‘ , 2 _ yon 3331-_-1-,, .,. flu.“ n, “M,” bright October morning on the Price lees to go into detail: here. '. footie. Lleoeeenioe eeetneeu (restroom temily drove through the town. the -1 guy. una g-gm 51,; pg“ for £ aw)" ‘E P...‘ 1“ wnu’ "lflc all-'7 39iT0¢I were . lb! fir!‘ avg gixty ygn in out hoing in fig: me um-r-A -my eiee co... to - 0‘ '0" Nlxhlnt. the 60:: were barb Oolulnhln. We raised our children ‘ 7 g. 9,3. EXCHANGE Intent people. Athena Bowl. Ad llll. end lhl chickens were crowing. they-Q. fin hag Qndjnd 311 my 1490- Q eon anin-—-i-we eoeuo trooteoeme ta”"°‘ T" "“ °”°""’“ ''“‘'’°‘ '4’ Irnaicht Ind Itlll lint" ’ ‘“""“'”° 3’°°m‘" 1.‘ vecuiciee tin Iueeoni-i»end all aofiifn §o.Q"f.f "31’ B." W ‘1’d0"I ‘D M “C mm M an mg.‘-fl". “Uncle mkv II! ‘W ‘M M- iniin tix-oeeway..‘mCi‘."' "‘ “ls-§'n“i‘5 Id nk to no spuam ‘ um‘ m“ "M14 W 391’-i '9 , Free Enrollment I A - 3°“ "03 0 WJ’r'l .cuI intoth bunker‘ ofli I I03 811.! lwhet became at e other pertieeyot’ C‘ G e . O. ‘t L D V0-I~A‘v """"—'.‘-“-"‘-"'—‘z¢1Iei>l0neergx~oupthenthePrieete’ni- __ ‘ ' " s _fg§___§A_!;’E—fi\;: 3-art?’-?<;°;I_hl::oxIv$_>: . ,,,_ .1.“ mm. mm ‘mam by W. flillieeouri Ave. Phone ioioaea 5500 RGPI-Wm! flu’!!! ;.£.1.,.,,,.,.,,, .,., W, ,m,,,,,,,_ ,é;_,,;‘,_.n_h._d homgm‘ W’ pm“ H . Oifioee: Denver. Dee Iloinel. ' inn-n. c u » _mnQen@mm)u ma, ' C¢"|1||51l- . V011 8Al- ‘ Vlretnie Ave. with tot lthe horeee would Il:nd?bIll°‘l:rIp‘llO or M Colllllbll, MO eoxziz feet; hoe reception nu. with Ire an m - p|.(Q_ flfln‘ room‘ dun.‘ Ipgoul‘ uh”, e 9’ mQmmV‘3 . ‘ V . £23 {‘,‘,‘,',;":: ‘::;..,‘,"'b';°;’:'.‘;,',°,";,‘;‘: ,";‘,’,§f :°p“““”-an 2': ‘K; At mines of the Blackfoot Coal and Mercantile Co. ‘ _ _ P on t oor: rot on ' ' :'$3.°§:ur:x'i}k‘:i".'.§.é'§ g'£{‘."Z.§"¢...".‘..'...“‘ R,’ ,,m to °',“u',;,:::’, Good turn guaranteed and steady work. Apply to “one Found i IIIPO I '!'hI.‘ It perf;-’ig Q-oigfitunng . un £2“: 3 cm!” HCTO “T. Price ‘$33596 hQlfUl)'. - _ o appreciated- Smith a cotton Realty .1 m we on we r m C. A. Gaither, Manager. At ofiice 109 N. Ninth - mplflr. txebehge Notional Benhsglg “R to ‘.11 an‘ tin‘ 0 e rereren , Fir‘! I V i I e V r-on ut.n—A my he-do. dteoeer. uh);-. " 318 In Pwoltve year while Strut’ ' sd-“lg your W‘. and lleeellllteervieotheb 1 chain. and rugs. Phone em. than my father impiord a place at Bruno fin —-— ‘ ~ 5”‘ "'P¢'- enteed. Wwk and gpaleiigz-A :3. io n.,..inm-a type~ "WP N3’ ‘-5159? Imwcod medicine . “ .._ _ I O C Y. 576 A. °‘‘‘‘ ‘‘°”' "" ‘'’’°'’i¢.?# % A Phonenz. Willeell forenddehvnred ‘nth- mn 8Al.l‘.—-llaeil farm oeer good ’ out extra charge. (DWI. Wlll Ihll FDIOCII. (fill Hf? Whlll.‘ K ' ma iui.!t—oao run burner oil range 0 310 IIIIIWAV 5.0 335 elm trre army core. 107 Gentry. Phone 0: Groves. n.s4m I 03., i What Do Advertisements Mean I-‘OR running condition. P11 7 Phone FOR 8ALD—L good 8 peeeenger Charo - let ear. cheep. All new urea and to sondltiol. Phone nu Elect 0- If A_ roll sA1.E—!s'eeriy new oolid brink bnunlow on eonth elde 5 rooms, lull. both. oak Iloieh. two large por-‘beg new genre. ‘cry deeinble. C_ it. Garey. etc - ilxrhenge National Ben! [ll-lg. Plume me c-amt’ STEPHENS COLLEGE Offer Special Summer »Course? VIOLIN i ‘ ~ Doyoureally appreciate what the i..§?."§....'.“.f:.'.'t"".II"‘.’°“l...°“=‘:'."a7& 71$ F°‘ P“'fi°“1”' ‘dd‘°“ Mark from igh eehr-oi end ward oebool. 0 e C-Cg(.)§InLaT;'rfl§'|‘ ;.m_.—imA.... advertisements mean to you? They . Mr. Arthur C- Ziegler """’ Phone 1012 Black Heed of the Dept. §?,;..ca, ,.,,,,m,,,cc,,,.,,,,, I are not there to flaunt this man’s and J.".S.":'.'.“»:;..‘.‘«":=.:‘,:...T:.::'.“»-gs that man’s selfish plans for profit. a in Me ‘rowwgehln. enhiect to the INSURANCE UlllflllllmflflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIfllllllllm lfllllllllllllll 3th? Democratic primary. Aegnet _ " ‘'’°‘ 4 ‘ ‘ .- , , 5' ‘ nu nreunroe Ill’! UWIIWI W, _;-3;-~ °-';:*'-,,;_r;';-:',,~,,,, The advertisement of today is the honest mer- ’ roinuoo manna mm neunuol :.~.:.':i.':i~:' .-..'-W-*' 2'-:..:°.".: :: , , ~ . . u an - am an mm -- r-r --v- M -M '- ;:,-,,-;»,—,,;ym D-«mac vw-rv-A=~ chant s or manufacturer s best method of multiplying """"" ROBERT H. GRAY. Agent Phene II It Inbfle ldlenl 1 I13 "learned from long experience of his own and that of - . W . '°:.?r':':..“:"*.:.':.‘:;. ..... . . 5 gzdghz -m;;.;¢»«;»;_,;.r_;_»_;h_-g_:~D.;g A others that what he has to say must prove interesting J ' ! H of honor Ponntv ethic-1'3 In the If ' '-‘-‘R’?-'=-".' °"”““' """"“' “ " and satisfactory to you, else it were better unsaid. He’ E A LEARN To DANCE § n.‘§:.'?.:§.§m?:3'.:.§§{‘§ has learned that his advertising will not ' pay him un- P’i"“‘° L°"°h‘ B’ Apminmwt only ‘_ . CHlLDREN’S. cuimi-:6 £‘«Il~;-‘°'u;r;3'o("ooi»'c'i:isc"pumnu Le _ ' M ‘ less it tells you about the good things you really want Tuesday. Thureday and Friday. 3 p. In. We on euhe to out I! K ‘ ’ . . %l;°h:r'ehe ¢'onflMe't:’e’ .; . ’ . i ' . nut. teen. . ~ g , - Pee cent!-eeexn. M ‘ V j _ _ . . ‘\ ,.,‘',‘;°,,-';_ -.-';_~;:,-,-;,,:°,.:,-,'--x,,,?_'_- ., ' That is why you will find it profitable to read the advertisement: 5 , (‘oetreeemen d the ‘Keith htdflet. D!» p t . ' . O "‘ :.;':',,'f;:;,:.''','_' ,:'..f''* ""'°*"“° . _ regularly. Perhaps you do. But read them with an ‘appreciation ‘....$ .332; w._.7 ‘ ~of~‘juet.what the development ofhonest, truthful advertising has It (bi I’ eothoflt-A Pore. e":eodIaete tee the.ol'Iee of eeeeo enhierthe - toun'LuIe'tunnrenwenn , uyeeet-eveniieeeredmeyeerheme ‘acne love. lee an up uphe- — ,?'_,,'_';",;',_'_',"',; ;"__';_,,"';:,‘_';, .1 _ ii’ how much save you in time, steps. trouble and Roman e eeodilwb he :‘",1,.:'”-,,*:a:,g':,*,~_~,,,,.,‘*"°,.:.:',t:‘,:'g",'l mon_e_yL_in buying things you must liege to live a healthy; happy, oqufifible modern liIe.j i K 1 Fee Pauli? _ t‘ ' we eneetheehlteeeeeuallw . . ' - ‘ ellee et free» ' ‘ - V ‘ , ‘ ‘ "‘l"'&»':33".‘¢“a".'... . -an .«/ A . ‘ 3" III-,-enuiau git-on-eiueettteneoeeeeteoeiuoetee - hteeeimtfl.