i E i 9 ‘.‘.':'r‘ ''_.'-—y---.—- .'.:nz.._;I«—--.—--o ..a--A-.. in‘! Q "ski this “6u't1issA‘s unions lesson at Veterans el so-do Wm Post Advertise Thir r. it you see a student era n 98?- ti-coiored cold but in the center with red. white and blue bars to either side—you may know he hit .grooeries. The suoosia of a store re« moved trout the business center of ‘town was an open question at the time. Mr. 'Boutveli himself was a traveling salesman and did not take part in the store management. Aher one year and a half he came to Ooiurn; bin to give all his intention to the . /_ . ‘I'll IVENIFG IIBSOURIAN, COLE HBIA, MISSOURI. WEDSESDAY. DECEIBE3 £1, llll.” q9w~&?T-Pu -v had the distinction of coins on‘-mat store. Within three years the build» These emblems, which are authorised; wu emu-‘ea. 'rod.,- it t; the Wll’ Deemment. W’-"'9 419' largest suburban store in Columbia. The -neighboring district has been raham Post of the Veterans of Flat“ built up considerably since .\ir. Bout- eign Wars recently. They will 7381‘ well open. his store. The high. the emblems in order to advertise the school has been built. Hickman are-l post to other students eligible to join. one and the Sexton road paved, and David P. M. a student in the an s bull Columbia. School of Law. related a personal recollection of the goodfeiiowship of Robert Graham. the famous store stock today is the automobile RN-llfiflllt Tflllfifclis. ‘has been postponed from tomorrow President A. Boss Hill Book Tonktt. ° President A.‘ Boss Hill is expected to neturn to Coltimbia tonight. I). 3. Carpenter to w. H. (‘:nr— 1 . . ._ _. Dem" Tum ml in H 1 & N [to January 8. when It mil meet at 0!‘ It 18 mds Add (~en".a_ ilhe home of Mrs E. l-Edwards. its . . . 31,500? J. T. Wade to L. A. Sandker & wife ‘V3’: S“"& pt SW NW 2-49-13 sub to 82.700 Ella W. Smith to Will E. Smith P! its ii. 7 blk 1 Shields E i Add Columbia . 1 Folumbia investment (‘o to Providence Realty t‘o Pt lb; 13. 14. 15 \\'o0tis0n's Add i'ii~ . iumhia 1 l 1' 6.0001 TONIGHT and Ti‘-IURSDAY: mar. t»;u't'zTt;r_;’¢.Tit:.?}£:J'a1tt'i.u;A st‘ ‘rue meeting of the .\lurgAt'el El-T Wang t'1'rrlr- of the King's Duuglttersfi ‘n u. ri lfootball player killed in action. “I parts department- Groceries. dryt_ 9, shoes and fresh meats are sold. l am glad to haie the opportunity ol‘good jolnicg a post associated with theover the boomers. The grocery (1 name of ‘i’eaoos' Graham. because I linen‘ him from living in the some besides .\ir_ house here in school,“ he staid. "lillItl.*‘.ln¢‘.*'~r?. A d system of two was the custom of ‘Peaches’ to stopitruclts and wagons is used ; the fellows wearing freshman caps inl “O! course the real purpose of the. their first lonesome days at the Uni-{suburban store is to serve the subur-I rersity and cheer them up. I hope to‘bnn community." said Mr. BOIIIV-‘ell,’ see the same kind of fellowship ln.“yet our trade- goes south of Broad-. this post." Mr. James served as cap- ' way and out into the cotmtry-" ' min in the Eighty-ninth Division. Ten men were initiated recently at; I C‘. . a. meeting in the attire of Dr. . Mg Sneed in the Guitar Building. They Hall a Cent a Word a Day .-_.——-' Its a great combination!! FOUND (;[ gnune} in Also 6 CHESTER OUTING SCENIC A sum {unit uf evil- "hil1s’ found If! uur store. Sante- may be had on sttti.-zftu-tnry proof of ttwttetmiilp, A. F. Neatc Strawn-Ncatc D. G. Co. _.j__.r~._._ _.__ Friday and Saturday ' " '--—-r "Men, Women and Money” Men fight for both. Most women love both. Money is the root of Ford Weekly ] —._.——-—.~— I TOM MOORE in "HEARTSEASE" . -‘ The Christian College cm.” meet at the home of hire. D. A.- Thursday IIATINEE DAILY llllillllllll illliill TODAY “A BIJRGLAR tor a NIGHT” . TOMORROW : 14.. S. Parker. J. S. Cartwright. D. P Jones. Robert Henderson. 0. t‘ T , (‘hsrles Skouhy, liupevu-ll' Pox. V. it. l