-. _....r _.—.“,._V._ _.-. ¢ _. , .,_ D ,1 1'. THE EYBKIXG IISMDURIAN, COLUIBIA. ITSBOUBI. WEDNESDAY. DEC-RIDER II. 1010. 7 _ —-— Nineteen-Twenty. ‘What its iiiystie book of three hun. dred and sixty-six pages holds for us none can fore- ign, But {£5 3 promising volume. Its cover is a bright, radiant one, its golden edge pages give every promise of peace, joy and prospei'it_\';1iid today as we turn the Cover to its title page we find it transcrihctl with hope. with faith and with every aspect of gjurg. nus opportunity‘. Tliuse tl.ii'k, grim, lilood-blotted vol- umc: of war titties \\e li_;ii'e poi aw;i_\ in the :it€lii(.\-cs oi" the past-treasured only in the recollec- tion of the triumphs which they developed tor til -and hum:inity---impcrishable record Of the K heroism and p;itriotisiii which they re\'e.'1led in r man and women and consecrated to the mem~ "W "l "W "‘i‘”.\'”- ill“ b‘’"’‘ "’ '‘l'‘L'‘¢‘C‘'H1int eeii which we have just closed started us brave- ly along the Road iii J~,',l|lt]llllII\' .iii-.1 yet held Us deeply absorbed in the problems in Recnnstruc- li)n. -\'\\{1}flml1fj)t‘~\'“t‘_"l;t‘I§‘$: this nt_-wer, lirigliter volume ii1'l‘lie l.ibr:ir_\' of Tinie by the Author-o_f All Things. _ i ttxclop is .ilrcad_\' it ritten in the Clittpters oi late. with each day's rising sun melt- . "lg the 5'“ m ““‘"h"" l‘3i-’.<‘- Wt‘ max‘ not read l"1Ufflt.;t‘li\'. nor rihead. \\’e- can but hope and wish to all A Happy and l_’rosper.,u...'g\iL.“. ya”. A Glad New Year Our’ Appreciation Columbia Savings Bank To All \Vho llave Saved, Also Those Desiring to Save \Ve Ex- tend New Year Greetings _ I \\ (Site the BEST Service in handling savings accounts. _ _ . , \Yi1_\‘ not Start the 3\ew Year right.’ Start .1 Permanent Savings \\e are trying to win success. Acwum‘-, \’£'- ar- makin constant effort ' _ _ , t c 8 d f \\ e wish to take this opportuni- to study the nee s o patrons o o - . ’ 1}’ in in many pa- Columbia Savings Bank and to render good service. j _ , _ trons '1 hanks for their patience We wish to express our appre- ciation to our friends for their past patronage. and to assure them of equal or better service in the future. I l A PPY N F.\\' YEA R Gordon's Cafe — - ---v-1-v-1‘-vwuvrj V'-?".v ztiid Courtesy during the rush of business Christmas week. To each and all A llAl’l’Y f\'E\\' YEAR Parsons Sisters Recreation Parlor A kindly wish and greeting take Today for old remembrance sake. Old times are past, new times are strange, But friendship true shall never change. \Vith Best \Yishes for the New Year Recreation Parlor the Home of the Latest Idea in Better Bread Wishes - All Columbia A New Year Brim Full of Happiness Everybody in Everybody’s Store Wishes Everybody a Happy and Prosperous New Year. To Our Good Friends-One and All \Ve Wish You a Happy, Prosperous and Useful New Year It is a great thing to carry a smile with you wherever you go, and why not carry this smile into the New Year? You will if you join our Christmas Savings Club for 1920. And you will carrv a smile into the spring—~and the summer—and the autumn—and the first thing you know it will be Christmas again and you will hardly realize it because the year has passed so happily. Boone County National Bank “ '~‘ .~.ai:i... -:_'l‘&. at... -«;:...~.»-I....~.. .. Baker Shaefer & Scott WISH To thank their customers for their past patronage and announce their same policy of 1919 for ]92()_ Give Us a'Trial “/