Lmmmj ‘ V »IN"_.-_-i'9i9 ‘ '_,.. .s.Resitieuts..ot ‘County Doilsted: ’ so‘ ltoadt ‘in «. Yea}. . if.’ 2 ‘ I‘,. ’. "A 4 . .., .‘,_ ;,',," .‘~,_;': ysdnseosrding to-a-s_'epost= -filed this aitsrnooir with-thsgoouiiti ems ttistugbnt Brown. county ma- -; . .-_.T 10!‘ already done. asun- teau bridges um bash bofibt and : ‘ .4“),‘_ ~.' J'-’..V’;:'4V‘- ‘. v v)‘ns'['-1.. , . “film for Columbia and Vicinity: (‘loady aad mash caller tonight. told wave. tempora- or lower. Ihlt and (Clio? and Thursday night with about are. - I1: 9-um-w-list nnsettlmi and Tltursdny fhir: - C Ira e mo Fort-cast: Wlthin a radius of fil of Columbia the iowut tempera- tale during the next 5 hours will be Qout 5 went: zero Qort1'_: 15 cast an (‘old 5: . ' A cold wave with lflke Columbia" tonight. according to e prediction of the Weather Bureau this afternoon... The-temperature will go to 12 degrees above zero tonight, continuing colder F“"u‘°" tomorrow and to zero tomorrow night. ‘rue cold wave covers the entire North- "'1" In W081. -. $8,000.000 Distributed to 80,- 000 Employes - of Organization. independent .\'t-we Bureau. I.'l8i'!‘R0l'l‘. Mich.. Dec. 31.—l-lenry Ford and his son. Eds Ford. an- nounced today the distribution or at: $8,000,000 bonus among the 80.000 em- ployee of all branches of the Ford interests and the inauguration of an investment plan whereby every work- er. from the man who wield; a broom to the chief executives. may partici- flle in the profits of the business. Bonuses. which will be paid in cash today. come In addition to the pront- A’. Happy Nate; Vii‘ iuiusti ---~=~ t- . it‘ "#3 . , ‘ _?.4¢;_ suuwniwi ll THUUBLE Pflilfllllill Employes W’ill Strike If Ad-': ministration Refuses Wilgc 4. Increase. WANT ACTION‘ NOW. Expect Agreements Government to Hold_Witil=. Private Owners. L M Ml. JP. CANDIDATES ii reaty"‘Compromise in Sen- Y. ,J o v.. -.75 ‘.2 ‘.4 to You 111/ _’~t if . ' . I itmisin DUEHY i . .___.._ . l Possible Presidential “Q Nominees Must. Take Stand on League. UOWDEN Fl RS'T IS ate.Appca.r§ More Prom- ’ ' .' ising Today. o—j.—_.- By Pulled Press...‘ ’,' "I199 9'1 V WASH’! D. C.. Dec. 814- '_WA&iIN(7N)N. D. C. Dec. 8l.—’l‘he delay on the showdownmb:-. ”CDl'C'fl:0‘I.I'¢iod9t€l'!Dl;'iPd loimfie ggggnlpgs (1 rnl I Jfijtte net on sane it e i>‘eel:>r:Prunion ‘and the Jl':;.lDld d- but annlszfllrc ready to demand nlstratlon seemsrilhely today. ‘ the andidates one in the race for-a conference at between ils'.ll the Republican presidential nomi- lnlgqr gpokel-3 declare tllemseltes lntmedia.ic- r Rifles and the men were abandoned. ill.’ Way employee were anxious to let be ‘known that they were not 9&3-’ nlng I‘iliriItE should their demandstfitflene ncreasesdffrom lfitozooontl an hour be refused. they Valli. they said. is a definite sihtement as grease in the cost of living. , The employea are anxious to make a number of agreements with the gov- ‘may beliere that the private owners would‘ not break the agreements in the has or public opinion. - keeutives of the six railroad hill crafts unions today called at the.’ :- to what hopes are held out for a doe.» d Wood are includ- -ultowdan will be quizzed flrst. He will be asked whether he favors at-lcs.u.osrt.lcipation' in the league Q-is established by the pending . and that he would do about withdrawal it he should be elected r Polndaxter of Washington are i le foes of the league. send; ‘I76 alrndy made their position? .¢|0|,1'- ' 2' ' Developments in the move for at’ eotnprosuee multiplied today.‘ strstion‘ and confsrrt with the heads of the labor -M, ‘ Ifidte. Keptlbiican lender. saw _ -M’ Pomersoe. leader of the Dem-u ‘filllfldlfi that he will not accept the Re- w pnbllcan majority indorsement for vice-president. William Grant wcbster of New You-it is alone in the race for the Republi- t'u!l vice-presidential nomination. General Wood was one of the sev- en whose petition was filed by the Secretary of State today. Not all had filed their acceptances. The follow- lng additional petitions were filed: ‘ lilies Polndexter. independent Re- publican; Hiram Johnson. indepen- dent Republlcan; Frank 0. Lowden, Republican; 1. W. Gerard. Democrat. J. 0. Monroe. independent Democrat; Adianc Whistler. independent ‘Demo- crili There was a report here that a pc- tition naining William G. MeAdoo would be flied- Today is the last tiny for the filing of petitions. (‘0.\'Fll>:l!§ 03' Iizlolllitl. PARK 0. ii. Love submits Plan to (‘unner- cial Cid C. H. Love of Jefferson City. foun- der and director ct the Missouri Pu- triotic and Memorial Association. was in Columbia for a conference with the will cnuslst merely in submitting his plans for consideration of the mem- bers of the club. The Gordon farm. consisting at 102 acres. which was considered last summer as it suitable site for a mem- orlal park. will take an expenditure of about 8120.000 on the part of ‘the Mr. Love. Callawa)’ counties already have begun Work 0!! their war memorial parks. The plan for raising money in this association is to issue certificates or A small lure it is pro ty court of any nounty or the mayor of a city shall certify‘ to the govern- or that it has appropriated or raised a 1 sum of not than 8250 for the ‘ purpose of Icsrrylng out this act. a - like sum not to exceed $1.000 shall 7 ' be alloted to such city or county by ’ the state. Action will be taken by the Com- mercial Club later. Brick Halt Sells Oid Iaehlhery. «with new machines. Jlaeala from School Pud. 11.. county cuurttodavm.sdes88.- -,_. 7IIioanfromtheschoolrundtolr. ~*aasnt-s.oeorsvW-Bins 1 people of this county. ficcordlus 10 "m an be _ (mined at the Presbyterian Church. . want. his daughter in Mississippi. alley and ‘nus negro. who ppesred 1? years old. had followed them from ”° Ninth street and cooler avenue. At bed ley.. ‘lie police have no clue. and will more wlth;bis family lumbia sooa. No llssesrlsa ‘bistros. Tomorrow. New Year's Day, The next paper will be issued Friday. sharing plan which VI.sJnI»l1Klll‘Ited Isvflfll rears ago and which V 'oolauiit‘ea.“ rt'ti‘1be intention or the Ford organization to make the dis- tribution of these bonuses an annual r&U.t1_L. !.Ll.iii¢0~.AnnL._ in 2 Sectlons——Retreat was denied by Hines. Ghopmau Ia! that these conferences about rules and agreetaen nws Bill Hill ll 3 It That scoo(erenc_eoa wages was haudi ll 11 were onl ts. - ' 300 event it’ the earnings of the company permit. l in cash and in the number of men: concerned. and without counting the! moral effect on industry as a vvhole,l this act of economic justice surlpasscsi anything in the history of labor. { Th lowest award paid gbes to a men who are received we mmimmmpntches to be retreulini! southxretattude toward the treaty compromise of ,6 3 day ‘nd who lune beenltoward Odessa. while the other iii fall-veflorls now soil!!! f0|'“’fll‘d. D8)’ ‘ in the employ of the various com- leg three months. It amounts to The highest award goes to the $50. skilled vvorlters who have been wlthi'1-tltiftcd to n warship in the son of “7 '1" "m9”“"‘ rec the couxpam. live years and who are receiving $10.80 a day. The bonus re- . cclved by the latter amounts to $270.; Ifimployeoc who receive a salary will 1 also receive bonuses. Ability and length of service will be the standard on which the awards will be based. 1 I 0B8llll\'l>.‘ .\'ll.‘W-YEAR S£lll’l(‘l!S l (‘hurt-lies Have i»’mp'ans ior Tonight —Dr. Fleming is Dr. Jennie Fleming. a returned mis- sionary from India. will tell how Christmas and New Year are celebrat- ed in India. at the p_ra)'er meet service in the Christian Church to- t fl a- Two overseas -men, Berry Hulen. who was in the Argonne section. and 1‘. ‘T. Simmons, who did Y. 31. C. A. work. will tell how New Year was 0 rved a year ago in France. . At the Broadway Methodist Church the Rev. J. D. Randolph will lend the prayer meeting service. His subject he "Stnnlng the .\'eu' Your Right." No program will be held at the Baptist Church. -but the regular 7:30 led by Prayer meeting so ahseuce of the pastor. the who is visiting due to the Rev. W. W 52080 B§A‘l‘Cll£S_ HER PCISE Ilsa Illdred Clay. Divers“! 3“- CsIt.l.eus$- ta purse containing nearly 820 was snatched from Miss latlldred C1!-Y. I University student. by a hetfo 11 “I9 on Ninth stree bet 14001181 Elm streets about 8:30 obiock Monday night. Miss clay and Miss alariou Smalls! weregolagtotheshowat thei.iIIie- a to be about alleyhe ran toward them. 8115- the purse and dad down the al- Carlsllba 'IIlJ'lOIO‘Qlfl'& Robert cuebott of camoliton has purchasedslttaneqnlaryiaudvllot tals I By l‘nlIt-d Press. It L0.\'I)0.\'. Der ill —(lt-neral Ilene-' lu'm>'.-e sullill Itli-ualain nun-tiolshevtlt’ forces have been split in two sections’ by the nttncltlng Red armies. accord-; ing to diiu’p8lt'll€fi from Zurich toda,v.. One section is rtported in the dis-. lug back to the southeast toward the mouth or the Don Deneltlnei-t hendqunrtcrs will be: Azov. the dispatch added. 3 Advit-cs to the war ofilte confirmed, the prom: dl!l|I8I('ill’li regarding the. “'5‘l9*‘DT('1id $|lt't'cKs of the Bulshevlki oil'ensive. llenekincs rctrcut nmv t-overs 300 miles from the farthest northern: point reached in his sensational dnshi town Moscow. Much equipment; previously furnished by the Allies hasl been taken by 'I'rotzlt_v‘s soldiers, the war office admitted. The Red booty includes many locomotives. cars and other railroad equipment. OLD (‘ALI-.'.\'lMB Wfljl. D0 January. I990, is the .-lame‘ as lay. I919. if for 803' reason you do not get a new 1920 calendar early enough, the old 1919 calendar will tide 0 Wash- burn 0bservator_v at the Pulverglty of Wisconsin. The January calendar for 1920 is the same as the .\i ' cnlendar for l9l9 and the June calendar of th s a con- ple of days beyond the end of F'ebnt- sr_v. This equivalence of the May an June calendars to those of the follow- ing January and February is always true and ii. is one of the curiosities of our calendar. There is no correspond- ing relation for any other months. i'All'l‘l‘ I-‘oil PRESBTTERIAN 'l‘0’l‘8 42 Youngsters Enjoy Christmas Tru- aad P A party for the pupils of the pri- mary department of the Presbyterian Sunday school was given from 2 no .4 o'clock yetuerdsy dternoon In the fiindsy school room of the church. tious. games were played. A Quiet- mas tree was s sllwrlse feature offthe unosnm . . sttuiarrtsue. ‘Miss bells Willis. n.r:.it.rt.oet.itnw.n.sdm andllrs.C.H.!losshadcharged’ loco- 0- lCS. l is I D ’ bcrship or all the American reimb- compromise faction. Later in’ day Pomteue was to report on mderenoe with Lodge at a meet- ‘at the Democratic members of the ‘§U~*.‘!5i-"' . ~ ~- . *..-'. it said that in “takiul chances" he was willing to "go very rt! lost-hp P. Tumult)’. secretary to President Wilson. liflfi 03 Senator Hitchcock. head of the Senate ndminlsirttrion forces in the svrttgglo It IS understand that Tutu- ulty talltcd over the treaty comprom- lt-se with Senator Hitchcock. and prob- abl)‘ outlined President Wilson‘: atti- 'i‘umull_v's visit to Hitchcock's office rlosely followed a conference between liltch(‘o('k and Henry White. member are mission. who ' returned from (Europe. "We are going got together." Senator Pomcrenc said following his mnferent-e with Senator lpdge con- ceruittcz the treaty compromise. Pom- crene declined to divulge what be dis- cussed vriih Dodge on the ground that premature announcements rot-e dangerous. lie stated. how- ever. that he was more confident than ever that concessions would be made by both sides lending to ratllication. Will Try to Force 1'. S. Into Legit-. tlr gutted Press. IDNDON. Dec. 3l.—(‘ontinuance of the Monroe Doctrine will be used as a lever to force American entrance in the League of Nations. It was learned authoritatively today. The Allies. it was learned. are ready to start an in- lenllive urdllisands to secure the mem- llcs in the league. With the Latin reptfblics of South Ameriu. united with the league. it is believed that ill!‘ United States will be forced to loin. or see the Monroe Doctrine made a "trrap of paper." soon as the South Americans declare themselves members of the league. the seeretsriate of the letflll-' will point out that the league is a higher atrthorlt)‘ than the United States and that no Monroe Doctrine is ceded to protect the small South American nations. Bl'B'l‘0.\' READS IIPIIIGAN C. -- T/le Evening -Mzkrounbn attack of typhoid fever. He hm been having entered the lfnlverslty as a ll aviation. He enlisted after undergo- ‘ re appearance. he furnished the rebels ti " ,0! a o1teIcompromlse on the thew evidence Izainst Jenkina. includ- - i 1”‘ of bliss Bryant’: work shoe factory people. for each month from January 1 to hlarch i. and a 4 per cent collector's commis- sion will be added. HERNDON PAINTER DIES (‘elven-nlty l-ltudeut Succumbs to Ty- holtl Fever. P Herndon Painter. only son of Wil- liam ii. Painter. chairman of the State Prison Board. and a student in the University. died at his home in Jeffer- son City yesterday morning from an siclt a week. e was 18 years old. freshman last in when the armistice was signed a ' ing an operation to pass the examina- tion. He was pledged to Phi Delta Theta. Last [all he played halfback on the frefliman football team The funeral was conducted at the home at 11 o'clock this morning by Hugh Stephens of Jefferson City. Bu- rtttl will be at Cnrrolllnn tomorrow. . CfliSll[iiiililiBiLS?, .\lt:.\'iCan Government Filesi New Charges Against W’. l O. Jenkins. ; *7 United Press l ._-;..j__ P MEXICO (‘l1‘Y. Dee. 31.---Wllllnml re I 0. Jenkins. American consular ngentl at Puebla, whose arrest on chargenl collusion with bandits St in 9 I 23-3 ammunition. it was learned from offl- rlal sources today. Aguirre llerlsngs. an official. said today “Witnesses have stutuined up; charges that Jenkins was not with the be‘! I8 I Prisoner. it ‘is proven. therefore. that his assertions to the contrary were false. Furthermore. witnesses declared that before his dis- Julio Mitchell. prosecutor for the district of Puebla, said thnt he and statement tum ths__fori_ser map- sger of tie Jenkins‘ ranch" that in the past he had delivered arms and am- munition to the rebels for Jenkins. PHilSESll_lil_S_['SWllHK Hamilton - Brown Ofiicial Gives $100 to Charity Or- ganization Society. ti’. E Ross. general superintendent of the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Com D311} '. is in (‘oiulnbia inspecting the '. M learned of so many cases of illness which have been attended to by Miss Willie 1‘. Bryant. visiting nurse. that he wished to express the company's appreciation or her service. among LAST DAY TO PA!’ TAXES (‘olk-cior's Oflieee Were Bully Pbees Toda y. The collector's offices were the busiest places in Columbia today; for. beginning tomorrow. those who have failed to pay their taxes will be penalized. More than 8238.000 of the $888,000 state-and-county tax has been paid. . Proctor. collector. said this aft- ruoon Twenty-two thousand andl nine hundred dollars. a record ount \ for one day, was taken In at that of- flce Monday. Delinquents will be fined 1 per cent Then 3 per cent interest or. C. W. Greene is Ciadasdl. Dr. Charles W , _-... —_p——\.~.- » N UMBER 103 WILL EXPEL TURKEY FHUM EUHUPE, HEPDHT Decision tt—J_-(Susi Empire Reached at London. Le .\iatin Says. CHANGE ITS CAPITAL Dispatch Gives New I.tic;t- tion as Brush or Konieh. Asia Minor. by United rm¢.——i ‘“ PARIS. Dec. 31.--Le Msllh said lo- the newspaper said, will be trans- ferred to Brush or Konieh in Asia Minor. Although lhelsupremc council has officially fixed January 6 as the date for the signing of the protocol. with the consequent exchange of ratifica- tlons whldt will mike the treaty ef- fective. American cincles predicted to- day that it would not be possible to accomplish the necessary worit before January 10 lnrltidhtgz the the various lies remain ‘.0 be made, it was out. ' WILL Wil.l-l0.\' BIN AIEAIN Presidnt his to Announce "its intentions rloou. 8: United Pies: WAS!-il.‘X}‘i‘t).\' D t‘, Dec-_ 31 - Wilson. within the next week. is expected to make ltttowo his intentions regarding runnittg~ for a third term as “any nrrangcmc s. nnttl preparations for pie D0 Day banquet here the evening of Jan- uary it Although party oflicials hold the "private opinion" that Wilson will not be a third term candidate. none was disposed to make u prediciton. The possibility that he may enter the con- test is strong enough to hold back other Democratic presidential timber. The honor of uttering the Demo- cratic war cry for the 1920 cilmpaixn appears to devolve upon William J. Bryan. His speech at the banquet its awaited with eagerness. It the P1j_ssl__ ,el_ stsahtmssll rr6ni"t‘h‘i.v' down the reins of the party leadership. Bryan‘: suppouers are looking to him to plrlt t em up. .\icAd3o, whose presidential aspira- tion Brynn opposes. will not be at the banquet on act-ottnt of it previous en- kuzenteut. Attorney-General Palmer's backers have obtained 800 seats for the ban- quet mo asrstrrsurssz messes - (‘ircult (‘It-rt’: olliee lakes Expenses Plntt e in tears. This year. the first in several. Boone County has made money on the cir- cult clerk’s office. The oi!lce's re- ceipts were $300.84 more than its ex- penditures. Pollard. clmult clerlt. today turned the money over to the treasurer. 82,866.09. while the expenditures ere 82364.26. two previous years the county has lost money on . lard said. largely because the dmnty was paid more than now. Up to Jul)’. 1915 the clerk was on a fee basis an was allowed 82.000 sal- ary and 81.760 for deputy salary. The Liteceipts of the office {or 1910 were the basis upon which it is now op ated in l!i6._ (Mr. Polls!-1 today turned over to the cililty 8 80 for jury and sienn- graph fees six months. which will help re-lmburse the coun- ty's expense in hiring juries. The drst -six months of 1919 the Jury sod. stenorflilhic f to 3200.70. ' Today marked the end of Mr. Pol- lard's first year in oll'lce. _ 8Hol'l‘AGl-2 0!’ aooas sow Y.l.f‘.A. Ilsa Trouble Pissix Enough Ilse-s for students. ' Then is such a shortage of rooms Pruitleat of llueeota Aurel“ 50" notogicu Association. Doctor crease‘ “'~ “"1 “TWO! Blankenship. eating- l'OIl|llI- _ is secretary of the association. He in '7 um ‘Tam: ‘“‘C°‘mu “,3 union 1. Barton has resigned as will read I never on “Bodied Work um m'°°,,:'.,,m mu m 7_,,.c_,_ president of the University of llinne- in the Air Service.” “.0 eats a the presidency of the buts“ If muhnmpuu‘ "'8' ‘ ‘gap that persons waning st labor vmwnny 0' mcmnm illarrlage [tunes were issued this ‘should list the P°'."3°" ‘mi W’ Arly0lit-erafiaieileatclast. secretary. U. K. Ollisenou. secretary. and Fred in Lleut. Harold L. Jordan of 8priug- “m J... ville. !a..29resI'I old. 5"“ W"‘*‘ and ha. I: since. 2:. or nuuntaueuaetutbosuaautvot- ‘"5 “ ""3 ""°"" °" ' 9'"; hsleyaudlllss almawnal-«uatser convention. N-600"!!! °W*"'“"*"-- -oumoluuogtauler hadgooetoclark‘t;Ipuidthewlu- '.. -A $‘m_" .Wd’.'t'm . ‘ - 1....-.-.*—¢.--—