‘SMALL Pilflllllilllilid la TWELFIH YEAR ’ IIIIIN IIIIIII NINES Two Carloads of Anthracite Relcased——-Prospects of More Uncertain. RAIN RETARDS WORK \Vatcr Seepage Makes Full Day's Work Near Colum- bia Impossible. “Prospects” were the only hopes oi‘ those ‘who sought to relieve Colum- bia's coal situation today. Two car- loada of anthracite, about one hundred- tons. released at the Wabash yard: this afternoon will be used by the fuel administration to fill small orders in ;. her home eleven miles east of Colum- ednlght. Genlaymod..l;'doolv.- L -- illirtiiulllulls Pageant Representing Devcl-1 °' opment of. Journalinn Opens Evening. MARY McKEE QUEEN] Dean Williams Porionnl Corunafion bf Reigning -‘. h_Bsat'lty of Journalists. (I. ._g..—¢j fie Journalism scoop. the highest l O l 2 ‘. I38. I18!‘ Bill-'!GAB'l'.\'EB DIE Sh:-Was8iYears0ldaIdtheIether of Ten Children. . Mrs. iiary Bnumgartner. 84 yhars old. died this morning at 8 o'clock at of the journalist Wtudi.-ms‘ aca- mic-_year, was inalIl11!‘ll0!‘0°§bined. and well formulated plans for Iduction-of the quarterly in the hands spreading the mogemem to owe, en- the dliferent chapters at the 319,331,,‘ school‘, ischools and departments of lournal-I At the engineers’ luncheon held at ‘ism in American universities for althe Daniel Boone Taverxtoday. .\iis-. year at a time . souri meerschaums were Following that decision the Nn"lNfl'.deNegill€ present as favo 3. tion of I-‘loyd Casebolt. deleflale Of; The University of Missouri was se- the local chapter. was accepted Over lecied as the permanent national head- thirty others. Iquarters of the Guard of St. Put this The first number Dflbllshfd 111 CO- I afternoon at the business session. Th luuibia will probably appear in Jan-Esecreinry will be elected from uary. Although I112 078311 0? Slflmlijnnior class here each . elta Chi. the Quill 338 5 ‘"59 ¢“''l Following the business session this the I iconvention. a smoker was held for all of Engineering in the Engineering La- bolt's return next week. . iboratoly Building. A p also staged. just Iprior to the smoker. A student in . ‘I F“. gungthe School of liaw was compelled to ‘Nd 3' Ba"; ad " 0:? run the gauntlet for having danced at the Engineer‘: Ball Friday night.’ The sam man “noon at me home of the bride-. D”, for having crossed the cuts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hall of Co- lumbia Mr. Beaven is the son of B. yiifiihocoingnhlssadnnfisnh - I There followed the discovery of print- f_ ' hing and movable type by John Outer», berg. the emancipation of the press. 1 I figin to receive volunteers by Mon- ]. l'-' IAN HEADS ENGINEERS 1 0 By United Prv.-na was paddled last October 1 SEES END IIE Hill 3 SIIIINE IN A WEEK Operator Says Men Are in VVant and Ready to Go I Back to Work. - ? ' -’ 44-’ -’I“——;';.’r.x'::: "‘f':"’ i ’f‘‘‘ ma,’ M1ssoUn1,..§j§iTiU AY EVENING, DECEMBER 6, 1919. "UNIVERSITY HERD ‘I138 PRIZES NUMBER 83 JENKINS IIEIIISES III ICIIEPI IIIS IIEIEISE Seems to Be Still In Custody Cattle Awarded I ‘lien $0 in international lock Show The University of dflssouri herd of show cattle won more than 3200 i prize money at the International Stock Show at Chicago last week. ‘the Mile- souri ‘Hereford steer herd. consisting GARDNER WILL ACT -.-mm..- Holds Conference at Joplin to Plan for Opening of - Missouri Mines. ,_i.___ E: United Press. , CHICAGO. Dec.'6.—Confldence iamoaunllon 111. won fourth place and the coal strike will end before nentf Saturday was expressed today by offi-I cials who are in close touch with theI big operators of the central competi—‘ tive held. I Although he declined to be quoted; on this subject, one operator oifi-' cinlly said: i_ “I am willing to wager the strike." will be over in a week." The same; official id be had been in touch with mine wners of five states of t'g2_' Middle Welt.‘ and that the miners;«I themselves. have suffered more than‘. inhabitantsfnf the cities. I _?..——.,fi To Teach (‘oal lining. I By United trees. I JEFFERSON CITY, Dec. 6.-Gov-N ernor Gardner began today the work of (boning Missouri coal mines. AI hem m°“n 5”-‘id much to cinufi-onfenence of seven mine inspectors.{24i and from the county outside $7.—i _who will plan the work. was held I"-this afternoon at Joplin. I Governor Gardner. with the direc—' tion of the inspectors. plans to teach’ follows the official proclamation of; yesterday. taking all Missouri mines; ‘under state control. ' rnor Gardner made it I ,that every mine is under the control If the state, even if operated by mu-p ‘icipalities or volunteer laborers I it was indicated today that strip, is and Barton County mines will} I I tfiy. State oificials are examining the mines. This work will be completed. Sunday. Two battalions of Missouri‘ Guard troops are on the ground to- (In y. it is indicated that there will be no shortage of labor. Expert con- ‘ uction engineers. whose business he; ceased for the year. are offering flllfiir aervicu. ‘ the 200-ton daily output in pits at Hume today. Wants Conference With Wilson. WASHi.\‘G'l"ON. Dec. G.—l-‘uel Ad- ‘ i and first in carcass coznpeti hire Thirty union min'er-s were nehrtng _ of mini yearling. senior yearling of Mexican Courts, Re- and calf. won fourth place. Ilebenture was second in the croas— ports Show‘ bred classes and first among Here- ford crossbreeds. Dictator wag tifth in the Shonhoru crossbred classes; hia- or iii as senior yearling shorthsrn. Peter Pan drew eight priz- es among Aberdeen-Angus yearling: tion In‘ Hereford CN8iH.I H E VVANTS LIBERTY Fall's Resolution Requests Severance of Diplomatic Relations. 8)‘ RALPH H. TURNER Itulted Press Stair Correspondent) MEXICO CITY. Dec. 5. (Night)- illism 0 Jenkins. American Con- Asent. freed from the Puebla the senior yearling Gaurdian IV. fifth place. . According to Prof. Ray .\iiller of“. the College of Agriculture. the L‘ni-. versity cattle made a creditable show-I Sm" ing considering the strong competi- Jail last night. after payment of his 8500 bond. by a friend. declared to- night he would not accept hisreieaso ti-an they met. because "he was not given absolute . liberty." ws9“L lfwt . .. Columbia Ncars TOP as $40,,‘ in the technical custody of Mexican 741 IS Raised for Chri“ courts. and must appmr for trial “ , ‘ “ I when summoned by the court, “an C0”CgC- Hilario Medina. acting secretary of “"1111 $48,172 pledged to the F'.l'iris—« Jstate. said tonight that the datest e i I “an C°“°5° "Id Bible C°“"g° Cam} wI:ulr