‘I; I 4 .. -- ...‘aa,‘ _g_ ‘' I'C7}%wo¢:. N ‘< 4... :7’ . I. s.’ _: ‘_;_:.Q-g\c—- ‘ I 5 v'.'.-"YE-‘ ' P. I . I. ' ' ‘-“.“.'.Iu:: _. pf-ax"-._. -‘.4. .~ , - ._'.‘ -V 1-:;..__ {‘ ’_f;‘.‘4...-‘u ”'."_.~-’-.‘-'_"' '< - ‘."_"' I ‘..‘-.'l....‘ _ I ‘-§'_ " . A ‘ . =\"“"”’." .“-: ..*a .-"‘ ‘ ‘ . >1 .. '9 0- EV ENIN MISSOURIAN 0 TWELFTH YEAR _' .- COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, WEDNESD_AY EVENING. NOVEMBER 19, l9l9. NUMBER of i3,Ilflll.lllllll llilllll run lllllllillllleillllll Detailed Subscription List :00 .il§’o: 6'-$'°"‘ Given Out Yesterday Evening. DR. SNEED IS 1-‘NIRST Campaigners Register One Thousand Dollar Smile At . Luncheon. A $1.000 contribution interrupted the luncheon of campaigners for the $75,000 Boone County drive for Chris- tian College and the Bible College at the Daniel Boone 'I‘avern today at noon. President L. W. St. Clair-hloss lauxhed as she was called to the tele- phone and predicted. “Here's another 81.000."\ She returned to verify the prediction and a genuine thousand- dollar smile passed around the table. Within lhlfly-all hours Columbia contributed 817,903 County's quota of 875,000. Robert H. Gray. chairman. announud the de- tailed subscription list at 5 o'clock last evening. This total shows an ad- Vfillce 01 $3.000 raised by the canvas- sers yesterdu afternoon. toward Boone 8 Dr. C. I. Bleed first to Contribute. Dr. c. it. Sueed was the am maul in Columbia to contribute to the cam-' paign. 'f'he canvassing teams are stills working in the business districts.l Later in the week they will make a door-to-door canvass. A report aims last night that Otisl Pm-dy. of Mexico. no. had made his’ contribution to the state—wide cant— Dllsn. xlvinz 8500 for Christian Col- 1 080- "Edncstion is Columbia's business.“ said Chairman Gray. “If the co emphasise its chief interest." he said. 817.008 at 6 O'clock Yesterday. 1 The following subscriptions had! been received up to 6 o'clock last. night: Mr. and hire. W. A. Bright .\irs. St. Clair-Moss 1' ....s2o00.o0 I‘ . 2000.00 . Mn and Mrs. D. A. Robnett 2000.00' J. 'r. atiichen . . 1000.00; Mr. and llrs. J. A. Hudson 750.001 Dora and Cloney Laundry . .. 600.00. Daniel Boone Tavern 500.00 J. M. Batterton . 500.00; C. B Miller Shoe Co. 350.00? Boone County Mill 150.00‘ 1-2. it. -~ . 10000; W. 9 Dorsey 100.00; Edgar Hornbeck 100. A. Bllchroeder 10000 T. C. Bonner 100.0 N '1‘ Gentry ..-_ - 100.00 .1. O. Bateman - - _ 100.00 Dr Woodaon Moss ._ - 100-00 W. S. St. Clair .. .. 50.00 Mrs. W. 8. 8. Clair 25.00 Hazel St. Clair Tate ............. .. 15.00 Frances St. Clair Marsh 15.00 Wm Frank St. Clair 15.00 J. C. Jenkins ...... ......... ..... .. 25.00 Parker Furniture Co. ........ _. . 600.00 J. l-r. Peak .............. .. . 250.00 Barth Clothing Co. 200.00 D. Barton Robnett 100.00 Thomas Mclisrg . __. - 100.00 Mrs. Thomas Mcllarg 100.00 Mr and Mrs R. H Gray -. 100.00 ll‘ A. l-lenninger _ _ 60.00 W C. Knight - 60.00 Litmcomb-Garth Shoe Co 50.00 W 1.. Jarvis 50.00 Dr James Gordon 25.00 J. H Laushlin 25.00 Thos W. Pick - - 25.00 A Eisenstein & Co 15.00 H, u , - 10.00 John P‘. Tehsn - . 10.00 J. F. all .............................. .. 10.00 Walter Braaelton. Jr. .. 10.00 Mrs.Wl< ...................... .. 5.00 Mrs. W E. Hsrshe _--...-.. 5.00 Yea Se _-.. 1.00 Berry McAlester _.......---.....-n... 500.00 John . Estes ........... 30000 Mr. and Mrs. S. if. 250. Mr. and Mrs. 8:. C. Cllnkacales 850. Cdlumbia floral . .._........_.. 850 00 W. W. e .. ............-.. 350-00 E. R. Qiilders -~.................... R. W. Wright ............ 100.00 Harris Confectionery a........ .. 100-00 Peck Drug Co. ........_..._a_.... 100.00 Bykes & Broadhead Clo. Co. _. 100. N!‘ -u-—-----o Goets a - .....' 100.00 E.'C. Scott .... ........ 100-00 rt Farmer ......a.............. 100.00 w. 1'. Conley ...._.-..-... 75.00 Payne-Roth Grocery Co. .........- 50-00 T.-Edwin Lancaster ..._............. 80-00 F. I ._........_._........ 85.00 A. B. Boswell ._ U0! ’ ...'.°.'.‘3".='.“'...n. ..l'.‘‘'..'l‘'.}.‘.. .. r‘l."..‘. .‘:3'"- Illlfliy was-mm». lowest ta-ta Pot-‘flu!-i: Fats tonight and Thurs- . tsnmeratsre. ' : Within a radius of nmbla lo t mp--r stnre during the next so hours will be HW dot: ve freezing. 1‘ area ‘today 7 I. III. ....... -- 4 1'.’ noon ........ “C6 8 a. m.. ...... _-..‘l4 1 in ......... --49 9 I. III ........ ...1iT 2 p nu __________ -51 10 a na ........ .-l0 3 p in ________ _-_5'.' 11 a in ......... --4«l J L Powell 6.00 Linker -- 5.00 Miss Nannie I-"ox -. 5.00 hiss Fannie Martin 5.00 Henry Die] ’. . 500 W. B. (‘lass 5.00 James T Stockton ._ _ 5.00 C. W. D vls .. 5.00 Geo. El 'i‘homsen 5.00 C H. F. Werz 5.00 Jno. L Hen 25.00 Jun. 8 Bicknell 3.00 C D. Withers 2.50 Owens Bros. 2_50 Frank Jacobs 2.00 ("has Berry 1.00 A. Wainscott 1.00 Tom Smith 1.0 D. P Jacobs 1.00 .\iorris Weldon 1.00 Elmer Hill 1.00 Miss Haxzle Slate 1.00 Alex Bradforvi . 250.00 S. I-‘ Conley 200 00 Paul I-lulett 20000 Jimmie Moscow .. 200.00 Columbia ins. & Rental Co. 200.00 James .\i. Wood 100.00 Dr. C. .\i. Snead 100.00 .\i. G- Quinn 100.00 B. Gentsch .. .. 100.00 Mr. and hire. S. C. Hunt . 100. A. H.-. Shepard _. 100.00 Shirley Bright ..... . .‘.__ 50.00 E G hicluister ..... ._ 50.00 . and Mrs. Jae. Joseph . . 50.00 tauuua. 1919 .. 65.00 like right _ . 25.00 vi-i. N Bryan _ 26.00 C D. English 25.00 Guy Mvtfluitly 25.00 Dr. J. 8. Cole .- ..... .. 25.00 Tom (‘rum 20.00 J P. Heibel 15.00 Frank Glenn 15.00 P. Glenn 1500 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rogers 15.00 Clinton Lyons . 5.0 J. A. Helbel . . . -. 5.00 Silas Stewart 5.00 Total 9. . $17,903.00 NIHUUPSHUNTRDBBEH Bandit Escapes From VVyom- ing Pr£s0n and Louis “'0 Trains. By llnlted Press. CllEYE.\'l\‘i.-3, Wyo.. Nov. 19.--One of the biggest man hunts in the his- tory of Wyoming is in progress here oday. A troop of United States cavalry. aided by a dozen posses, are hunting for William Carlisle. train robber. who who escaped from Rawlins Prison Saturday held up the Los Angeles Limited on the Un- ion Pacific, and later ransacked a train of the posse. Carlisle defied aimed guards who had been place on the train. It appeared as though he made his way to Medicine Bow, and ransacked a train on the aiding. which had been left on side track by a posse. He took three rides and a large quanti- ty of ammunition from the posse's train. $50 FOR THE BEST CHICKEN Boone County Poultry Show Scheduled for Farmers’ Week. A prize of 350 has been offered as firm award in the Boone County Poul- try Association Show to be held in Columbia during Farmers‘ Week. Jan- uary lil to 23 Wlork has begun on the catalog. and 0 everyone who is itlerested in poultry is nrgedto join the n imme- diately. German Delegates list Codereaee. By United P11. » GOTHENBURG. Sweden. Nov. 1!.- es to the International aucaeea 0 Dell tQ“' "6 with John Mokit as chairman. was Milli ill INCREASE 1 cull-c_u_s_I_aLucxlu Garfield VVarns and Miners at VVage Con- ierence Today. NO. U. S. OPERATION Nu Immediate Interference VVith Transportation is Possible. By ILTPH <‘0l‘t.'li (United Press Sta! Correspondent) WASHING‘l‘O.\'. Nov. l9.—Declarlng the public interests the " issue" in the coal situation. DEMOCRATIC NDNEN PLAN FDR BNNPNIBN Meeting at Courthousc.l_)is- cusses Program of Politi- cal Instruction. MRS. HUNT LEADER \Vard Gath-cflrings in Colum- bia to Be Arrangcd— \Vill \Vork \Vith .\lcn. The Woman's Democratic Club of Columbia and Boone County held its first meeting yesterday ‘afternoon at the courthouse. A course of political instruction for the women of the county was discussed. The purpose of the organization is to study the history and principles of the Demo- cratic party and to keep its members posted on political issues and women in politics. All the Democratic women of Boone County will be catalogued within the weeks by wards or town- ship districts. Mrs. S. C. Hunt. coun- ty chairman. will appoint the com- mittees to work in each township next week. Mrs. George Starrett. chairman of the first ward, Mrs. E. C. , chairman of the second; ward. Mrs. W. R. Finley, chairman of the third ward. and Mrs. W. S. “'11- ‘ mu‘ ‘nu, pa>,mg"0r the cost of hams. chairman of the fourth ward. mums um um”: ‘he co“... he “kl are arranging for ward meetings in|..1-he xowmmem esmmtes u ‘beam Columbia. n and women pruml- be mm for ‘bout 3350 3 may nent in politics will address these -fhe figure ha referred to .3 A _ 11199111183» ‘Fellini! 0‘ 0077901 W00‘ gin was not exact. it included profit lems and their relation to the \‘oter.,,‘¢ out of which mum be mm (.9,-- Eree discussion is a iestur: of the any government (‘gasp club organization. Operators and miners will come to While this club is entirely 89DIl‘llll!i:£ agreement this week, warned against the attempt to charge excessive prices for fuel. Doctor Garfield issued the warnlns in an address to operators and miners who are in conference lyre to settle thelr differences and to negotiate a new wage sca After flatly refusing to say whaher the government will permit any in- crease in the prices of coal after the ‘miners are ‘paid their llncreais: in wages. Doctor Garfield produced iii’.- tires of the amounts paid miners and the per cent of costs that go into the wages "Operators average about 40 cents from men's organisation. the, women plan to co-pperate with the‘: he proposal th the government men in the party. lwbuid take over the mines and oper- "The women ‘are behind the men inlate them pending negotiations. understanding and muatibeen dismrded. labor department of- li them before the next’-ilciale announced. is morn-N The operators today expect to place ing. "We think that through such T before the miners the wage proposals intelligent study as we are planning which they have been worltini! this will not be difficult." lslllce Saturday. in the county districts near Colum-l Numemlls telesrams 800 16119"? his the following chairmen are lead-ifrom miners from all parts of the ing in the work of the committee: ‘country are floodlnx the desks of Sec- M,5_ [)_ v_ Vang“-,_.r_ 5;,-,_ Ha,-ry‘.retary Wilson and Attorney-General Keene. Mrs. Mode Glen. Mrs. J. M. Es- ' Palmer. exnlalnlns that mars less and Mrs. Ted Conley. - w?i*“"°L~"~‘$wuulmlmuiluu Classes for Friday and Saturday Horn- ’ I All (in A (' Iled Off. , . Ti‘ H‘ er I9 N ‘I -8111 Pl'()\'ldCS for $10,000 Fine, 20 Years Imprison- Priday and Saturday morning fol- lowing the Missouri-Kansas game were today declared a holiday in they nu-nt 01'' Both lly l‘uIu.-d Press. Fniversity by President A. R0218 Hill. A notice issued today says: "All. l'niv¢-rsity exercises scheduled be-' W53“!-\'GT0Nv -V0". 19-—Dm‘5C tween Friday .\-member 28 at 3 ‘L m_ measures for the suppression of Beds and Saturday. November 29 in noothilll the United Sifiles were submitted we hereby suspended-~ gio the Senate today by the Depart- The statement Issued today has me'ment of Jubtlce in the form of a bill mm 3 prefious m__» )' Senator Nelson. chairman of the 33 E- on E G S o E. a- 0' to 3’ I7’ 2. . Jud mmittee. 1| The bill defines seditious persons Thanksgiving. the day of the same. is l “ "."°’° "‘""°°‘““" °"’°“°" 9"‘ a national holiday, so there will be no "mun" hindering‘ d°1"1”‘- °t" ’°°k‘ classes from Wednesday night untihm‘ ‘O do “flung ‘gunm the 9°" Saturday afternoon. formance of the government or of a ______ government official." ’ Hops}; ADJ0l-R58 TODAY The bill provides that penions con- __ vlcied of “the writing. printing, circu- lfove llade Potmlble by Besolutionllation of any sign. word. speech. or Passed in Senate. faculty of any seditious matter." will fi?'t:.m.¢ pg‘... be punished by a fine of 310,000 or 20 WASHINGTON. Nov. l9.—After a 3"-*1” ““l""°°°m‘~'°‘- 0' b°lh~ continuous session of exactly six Under ‘ °°°“°“ °‘ we hm d°‘lm5 months’ the Home ‘djoumed ‘May. with convicted aliene.'the Department of Justice is given authority to de- port them. and naturalized pemuus will be dennturalised and then do- ported. DISSOL YE SCHOOL Dl§l'Ill(‘T Judas Harris ays Ashlald Consolida- tion. is Rot Legal. Judge David H. Harris. of the Cir- cuit Oourt. in the Aahiand Consolidat- ed School District case. (1 that the consolithtlng of Martin. Ia- ple Grove.'Jones. Giristisn. Ashland andapartoftheoakianddistrictwas 11198111. and has issued an order dis- solving the district. (‘ounty Ooilecta $8345.20 Taxes. A total of 8.34519 in taxes has been collected for October and placed in the county treasury accoring to the record in theofliceotC.W.Davis.ouaIay clerk. The collections made by If. G. when the Senate adopted a resolution that the House could adjourn when- ever it had completed 'its work. l'nlrt-rally to Enter Stock. The international Livestock Expo— sition at Chicago will be held from November 30 to December 6. The L'nl\'ersity will enter ten head of mt- tle. composed Ht-retards. Short- horns, Aberdeen-Angus and Gallo- ways it also will enter twenty head of Poland-Chine bags. The executive committee is issuing complimentary‘ tickets to students of the University who desire to go. The stock Judging t . of seven students from the College of Agriculture, will attend. Dramatic (‘lnb Elects Olleers. ‘Hie Dramatioflub of the Univerdty has elected the following officers: President. Miss Aliens Richardson: ‘V'l¢0-ilresident. Robert Herrick; sec- retary—treasurer. Mia; Emily Hensley. A llefllllflelll D18)‘-reading committee... ral school dimricts. 82387.13. ‘Fire Causes Sikhs hangs. _Ablaseontheroofofthehoms.éf- 8. Quinn. at is college avenue. thislllorning pointed. The club expects to select three one-act plays suitable for pres- eutation in one evening. and prod these on before a University audience before Christmas. Pngrumcsaaty Farm. Aprogrammrthoseattbeoounty Operators h A. Garfield, fuel administrator. today. 8 D9 {are refusing to re-instste the miners. ~8chool will meet at 8 o'clock tomor- laende Dispatch '"""°‘ ...':.n..s.. did lattorneyggeusral am solicitor-general. Great were IRS. JULIA A. PBOCTOB DIES Pnnenl Service Will lie held from the Home Tomorrow. hire. Julia A. Proctor. wife of Si. G. Proctor. county collector, died home, on 1800 Hinkson nue 13,51 ‘She had not been in g lfllllll H[3llUllNlN pl FUN HESENNNNINNS ..‘:.‘2.‘,‘.i‘..‘°..'...“‘f.’.‘.’..”:’.‘:':‘...‘.‘.‘.“.3";Z‘: HlNllN_l_N SENATE D practically‘ all the time. s e was szl Years 01 lB\' Ville til 5:» to 39 Upper N 4- D‘ Q '1 . night. M .P - - ' ., 1057 she was married to 11:. P -' M'"“’" 1”’ Rallficailon ‘ll ro(—, tor in 1575 and since then they had» ill? Tl'i-‘i1[_\'- made (‘olumbla their home. . Besides her husband. .\lr.~‘ Proctor is survived by her mother. Mrs. Sophia R 1-: iii) (‘A1.I.'sJ -FOR Sl€C().\'l) ROLL CALL . .2 Wilson, also live in Columbia hvilsun \Vritcs Letter. Funeral services will be held from? the residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow} afternoon. RI'LLETl.\' l B5’ Unlird Press. '*a£Afl